beckerjc@150: // -*- c++ -*- // beckerjc@150: #ifndef HUGO_KRUSKAL_H beckerjc@150: #define HUGO_KRUSKAL_H beckerjc@150: beckerjc@150: #include <algorithm> alpar@737: #include <hugo/unionfind.h> beckerjc@150: alpar@758: /** alpar@758: @defgroup spantree Minimum Cost Spanning Tree Algorithms alpar@758: \brief This group containes the algorithms for finding a minimum cost spanning alpar@758: tree in a graph alpar@758: @ingroup galgs alpar@758: */ alpar@758: alpar@758: ///\ingroup spantree alpar@682: ///\file alpar@682: ///\brief Kruskal's algorithm to compute a minimum cost tree alpar@682: beckerjc@150: namespace hugo { beckerjc@150: alpar@758: /// \addtogroup spantree alpar@758: /// @{ alpar@758: alpar@737: /// Kruskal's algorithm to find a minimum cost tree of a graph. alpar@737: alpar@737: /// This function runs Kruskal's algorithm to find a minimum cost tree. alpar@737: /// \param G The graph the algorithm runs on. alpar@737: /// \param in This object is used to describe the edge costs. It must alpar@737: /// be an STL 'forward container' alpar@737: /// with value_type <tt> std::pair<Graph::Edge,X> </tt>, alpar@737: /// where X is the type of the costs. It must contain every edge in alpar@737: /// cost-ascending order. alpar@737: /// \retval out This must be a writeable EdgeMap. After running the algorithm alpar@737: /// this will contain the found minimum cost spanning tree: the value of an alpar@737: /// edge will be set to \c true if it belongs to the tree, otherwise it will alpar@737: /// be set to \c false. The value of each edge will be set exactly once.\n alpar@737: /// For the sake of simplicity, there is a helper class KruskalPairVec, alpar@737: /// which converts a alpar@737: /// simple EdgeMap to an input of this form. Alternatively, you can use alpar@737: /// the function \ref kruskalEdgeMap to compute the minimum cost tree if alpar@737: /// the edge costs are given by an EdgeMap. alpar@737: /// \return The cost of the found tree. beckerjc@150: beckerjc@349: template <typename Graph, typename InputEdgeOrder, typename OutBoolMap> alpar@737: typename InputEdgeOrder::value_type::second_type alpar@737: kruskal(Graph const& G, InputEdgeOrder const& in, alpar@737: OutBoolMap& out) beckerjc@349: { alpar@737: typedef typename InputEdgeOrder::value_type::second_type EdgeCost; alpar@737: typedef typename Graph::template NodeMap<int> NodeIntMap; beckerjc@349: typedef typename Graph::Node Node; beckerjc@246: alpar@737: NodeIntMap comp(G, -1); alpar@737: UnionFind<Node,NodeIntMap> uf(comp); beckerjc@349: beckerjc@349: EdgeCost tot_cost = 0; alpar@737: for (typename InputEdgeOrder::const_iterator p = in.begin(); alpar@737: p!=in.end(); ++p ) { alpar@737: if ( uf.join(G.head((*p).first), alpar@737: G.tail((*p).first)) ) { alpar@737: out.set((*p).first, true); alpar@737: tot_cost += (*p).second; beckerjc@349: } beckerjc@349: else { alpar@737: out.set((*p).first, false); beckerjc@349: } beckerjc@349: } beckerjc@349: return tot_cost; beckerjc@349: } beckerjc@246: beckerjc@352: /* A work-around for running Kruskal with const-reference bool maps... */ beckerjc@352: beckerjc@352: template<typename Map> beckerjc@352: class NonConstMapWr { beckerjc@352: const Map &m; beckerjc@352: public: beckerjc@352: typedef typename Map::ValueType ValueType; beckerjc@352: beckerjc@352: NonConstMapWr(const Map &_m) : m(_m) {} beckerjc@352: beckerjc@352: template<typename KeyType> beckerjc@352: void set(KeyType const& k, ValueType const &v) const { m.set(k,v); } beckerjc@352: }; beckerjc@352: beckerjc@352: template <typename Graph, typename InputEdgeOrder, typename OutBoolMap> beckerjc@352: inline beckerjc@352: typename InputEdgeOrder::ValueType alpar@737: kruskal(Graph const& G, InputEdgeOrder const& edges, beckerjc@352: OutBoolMap const& out_map) beckerjc@352: { beckerjc@352: NonConstMapWr<OutBoolMap> map_wr(out_map); alpar@737: return kruskal(G, edges, map_wr); beckerjc@352: } beckerjc@246: beckerjc@349: beckerjc@349: /* ** ** Output-objektumok: egyszeruen extra bool mapek ** ** */ beckerjc@349: beckerjc@349: /// A writable bool-map that makes a sequence of "true" keys beckerjc@246: alpar@737: /// A writable bool-map that creates a sequence out of keys that receives beckerjc@349: /// the value "true". beckerjc@349: /// \warning Not a regular property map, as it doesn't know its KeyType beckerjc@246: beckerjc@349: template<typename Iterator> beckerjc@349: class SequenceOutput { beckerjc@352: mutable Iterator it; beckerjc@150: beckerjc@218: public: beckerjc@349: typedef bool ValueType; beckerjc@150: beckerjc@349: SequenceOutput(Iterator const &_it) : it(_it) {} beckerjc@150: beckerjc@349: template<typename KeyType> beckerjc@352: void set(KeyType const& k, bool v) const { if(v) {*it=k; ++it;} } beckerjc@218: }; beckerjc@150: beckerjc@349: template<typename Iterator> beckerjc@349: inline beckerjc@349: SequenceOutput<Iterator> beckerjc@349: makeSequenceOutput(Iterator it) { beckerjc@349: return SequenceOutput<Iterator>(it); beckerjc@349: } beckerjc@246: beckerjc@246: /* ** ** InputSource -ok ** ** */ beckerjc@246: alpar@737: /// Kruskal input source. beckerjc@246: alpar@737: /// Kruskal input source. alpar@737: /// alpar@737: template<typename Graph, typename Map> alpar@755: class KruskalMapInput alpar@737: : public std::vector< std::pair<typename Graph::Edge, alpar@737: typename Map::ValueType> > { alpar@737: beckerjc@246: public: alpar@737: typedef std::vector< std::pair<typename Graph::Edge, alpar@737: typename Map::ValueType> > Parent; alpar@737: typedef typename Parent::value_type value_type; alpar@737: // typedef Key KeyType; alpar@737: // typedef Val ValueType; alpar@737: // typedef std::pair<Key,Val> PairType; alpar@737: // typedef typename Parent::iterator iterator; alpar@737: // typedef typename Parent::const_iterator const_iterator; beckerjc@246: beckerjc@246: private: beckerjc@246: class comparePair { beckerjc@246: public: alpar@737: bool operator()(const value_type& a, alpar@737: const value_type& b) { beckerjc@246: return a.second < b.second; beckerjc@246: } beckerjc@246: }; beckerjc@246: beckerjc@246: public: beckerjc@246: beckerjc@246: // FIXME: kell ez? alpar@755: // KruskalMapInput(Parent const& p) : Parent(p) {} beckerjc@246: beckerjc@246: void sort() { alpar@737: std::sort(this->begin(), this->end(), comparePair()); beckerjc@246: } beckerjc@246: beckerjc@246: // FIXME: nem nagyon illik ez ide... alpar@755: KruskalMapInput(Graph const& G, Map const& m) { beckerjc@246: typedef typename Graph::EdgeIt EdgeIt; alpar@737: alpar@737: this->clear(); alpar@737: for(EdgeIt e(G);G.valid(e); { alpar@737: // for (EdgeIt e=G.template first<EdgeIt>(); G.valid(e); { beckerjc@246: push_back(make_pair(e, m[e])); beckerjc@246: } beckerjc@246: sort(); beckerjc@246: } beckerjc@246: alpar@737: // Key const& first(const_iterator i) const { return i->first; } alpar@737: // Key& first(iterator i) { return i->first; } beckerjc@246: alpar@737: // Val const& second(const_iterator i) const { return i->second; } alpar@737: // Val& second(iterator i) { return i->second; } beckerjc@246: }; beckerjc@246: beckerjc@349: alpar@755: // template<typename Graph, typename Map> alpar@755: // class KruskalMapVec { alpar@737: // public: alpar@737: alpar@755: // typedef std::pair<typename Map::KeyType, Map::ValueType> value_type; alpar@755: alpar@755: // typedef std::vector<KeyType> Container; alpar@755: // Container container; alpar@755: // std::vector<typename Map::KeyType> container alpar@755: // const Map &m; alpar@755: alpar@755: alpar@755: // class iterator alpar@755: // { alpar@755: // Container::iterator i; alpar@755: // public: alpar@755: // iterator &operator ++() {++i;return *this;} alpar@755: // valuetype operator *() {return value_type(container(i),m[container(i)]);} alpar@755: // bool operator==(iterator b) {return i==b.i;} alpar@755: // iterator() {} alpar@755: // iterator(Container::iterator _i) i(_i) {} alpar@755: // }; alpar@755: // class const_iterator alpar@755: // { alpar@755: // Container::const_iterator i; alpar@755: // public: alpar@755: // iterator &operator ++() {++i;return *this;} alpar@755: // valuetype operator *() {return value_type(container(i),m[container(i)]);} alpar@755: // bool operator==(iterator b) {return i==b.i;} alpar@755: // const_iterator() {} alpar@755: // const_iterator(Container::iterator _i) i(_i) {} alpar@755: // }; beckerjc@349: alpar@755: // iterator begin() { return iterator(container.begin());} alpar@755: // const_iterator begin() const { return iterator(container.begin());} alpar@755: // iterator end() { return iterator(container.end());} alpar@755: // const_iterator end() const { return iterator(container.end());} alpar@755: alpar@737: // private: alpar@755: alpar@737: // class compareKeys { alpar@737: // const Map &m; alpar@737: // public: alpar@737: // compareKeys(Map const &_m) : m(_m) {} alpar@737: // bool operator()(KeyType const& a, KeyType const& b) { alpar@737: // return m[a] < m[b]; alpar@737: // } alpar@737: // }; beckerjc@349: alpar@737: // public: beckerjc@349: alpar@737: // KruskalMapVec(Map const& _m) : m(_m) {} beckerjc@349: alpar@737: // void sort() { alpar@737: // std::sort(begin(), end(), compareKeys(m)); alpar@737: // } beckerjc@349: alpar@737: // // FIXME: nem nagyon illik ez ide... alpar@737: // template<typename Graph> alpar@737: // KruskalMapVec(Graph const& G, Map const& _m) : m(_m) { alpar@737: // typedef typename Graph::EdgeIt EdgeIt; beckerjc@349: alpar@737: // clear(); alpar@737: // for(EdgeIt e(G);G.valid(e); { alpar@737: // // for (EdgeIt e=G.template first<EdgeIt>(); G.valid(e); alpar@737: // push_back(e); alpar@737: // } alpar@737: // sort(); alpar@737: // } beckerjc@349: alpar@737: // KeyType const& first(const_iterator i) const { return *i; } alpar@737: // KeyType& first(iterator i) { return *i; } beckerjc@349: alpar@737: // ValueType const& second(const_iterator i) const { return m[*i]; } alpar@737: // ValueType& second(iterator i) { return m[*i]; } alpar@737: // }; beckerjc@349: alpar@755: beckerjc@246: /* ** ** Wrapper fuggvenyek ** ** */ beckerjc@246: beckerjc@349: beckerjc@349: /// \brief Wrapper to Kruskal(). beckerjc@349: /// Input is from an EdgeMap, output is a plain boolmap. alpar@737: alpar@737: ///\todo some more words would be nice here. alpar@737: /// beckerjc@246: template <typename Graph, typename EdgeCostMap, typename RetEdgeBoolMap> beckerjc@352: inline beckerjc@246: typename EdgeCostMap::ValueType alpar@737: kruskalEdgeMap(Graph const& G, alpar@737: EdgeCostMap const& edge_costs, alpar@737: RetEdgeBoolMap &ret_bool_map) { alpar@737: alpar@755: typedef KruskalMapInput<Graph,EdgeCostMap> InputVec; alpar@737: beckerjc@349: InputVec iv(G, edge_costs); alpar@737: return kruskal(G, iv, ret_bool_map); beckerjc@246: } beckerjc@246: beckerjc@349: beckerjc@349: /// \brief Wrapper to Kruskal(). beckerjc@349: /// Input is from an EdgeMap, output is to a sequence. alpar@737: alpar@737: ///\todo it does not follow the naming convention. alpar@737: /// beckerjc@246: template <typename Graph, typename EdgeCostMap, typename RetIterator> beckerjc@352: inline beckerjc@246: typename EdgeCostMap::ValueType alpar@737: kruskalEdgeMap_IteratorOut(const Graph& G, alpar@737: const EdgeCostMap& edge_costs, alpar@737: RetIterator ret_iterator) alpar@737: { alpar@737: typedef typename EdgeCostMap::ValueType ValueType; alpar@737: beckerjc@349: typedef SequenceOutput<RetIterator> OutMap; beckerjc@349: OutMap out(ret_iterator); beckerjc@246: alpar@755: typedef KruskalMapInput<Graph, EdgeCostMap> InputVec; alpar@737: beckerjc@349: InputVec iv(G, edge_costs); beckerjc@246: alpar@737: return kruskal(G, iv, out); beckerjc@246: } beckerjc@246: alpar@758: /// @} beckerjc@150: beckerjc@150: } //namespace hugo beckerjc@150: beckerjc@150: #endif //HUGO_KRUSKAL_H