marci@368: // -*- c++ -*-
marci@368: #include <iostream>
marci@368: #include <fstream>
marci@368: #include <vector>
marci@642: #include <sage_graph.h>
marci@389: //#include <smart_graph.h>
marci@368: //#include <dimacs.h>
marci@555: #include <hugo/time_measure.h>
marci@762: #include <for_each_macros.h>
marci@602: #include <bfs_dfs.h>
marci@557: #include <hugo/graph_wrapper.h>
marci@496: #include <bipartite_graph_wrapper.h>
marci@555: #include <hugo/maps.h>
marci@762: #include <hugo/max_flow.h>
marci@762: #include <augmenting_flow.h>
marci@368: using namespace hugo;
marci@368: int main() {
marci@642:   typedef UndirSageGraph Graph; 
marci@368:   typedef Graph::Node Node;
marci@368:   typedef Graph::NodeIt NodeIt;
marci@368:   typedef Graph::Edge Edge;
marci@368:   typedef Graph::EdgeIt EdgeIt;
marci@368:   typedef Graph::OutEdgeIt OutEdgeIt;
marci@368:   Graph g;
marci@409: //   std::vector<Graph::Node> s_nodes;
marci@409: //   std::vector<Graph::Node> t_nodes;
marci@409: //   for (int i=0; i<3; ++i) s_nodes.push_back(g.addNode());
marci@409: //   for (int i=0; i<3; ++i) t_nodes.push_back(g.addNode());
marci@409: //   g.addEdge(s_nodes[0], t_nodes[2]);
marci@409: //   g.addEdge(t_nodes[1], s_nodes[2]);
marci@409: //   g.addEdge(s_nodes[0], t_nodes[1]);
marci@409: //   Graph::NodeMap<int> ref_map(g, -1);
marci@409: //   IterableBoolMap< Graph::NodeMap<int> > bipartite_map(ref_map);
marci@409: //   for (int i=0; i<3; ++i) bipartite_map.insert(s_nodes[i], false);
marci@409: //   for (int i=0; i<3; ++i) bipartite_map.insert(t_nodes[i], true);
marci@409:   std::vector<Graph::Node> nodes;
marci@409:   for (int i=0; i<3; ++i) nodes.push_back(g.addNode());
marci@409:   for (int i=3; i<6; ++i) nodes.push_back(g.addNode());
marci@409:   g.addEdge(nodes[0], nodes[3+2]);
marci@409:   g.addEdge(nodes[3+1], nodes[2]);
marci@409:   g.addEdge(nodes[0], nodes[3+1]);
marci@368:   Graph::NodeMap<int> ref_map(g, -1);
marci@368:   IterableBoolMap< Graph::NodeMap<int> > bipartite_map(ref_map);
marci@409:   for (int i=0; i<3; ++i) bipartite_map.insert(nodes[i], false);
marci@409:   for (int i=3; i<6; ++i) bipartite_map.insert(nodes[i], true);
marci@409:   Graph::Node u;
marci@409:   std::cout << "These nodes will be in S:\n";
marci@409:   //FIXME azert kellene ++, es invalid vizsgalat u-bol, hogy ezt le lehessen 
marci@409:   //irni 1etlen FOR_EACH-csel.
marci@409:   for (bipartite_map.first(u, false); g.valid(u); 
marci@409:     std::cout << u << " ";
marci@409:   std::cout << "\n";
marci@409:   std::cout << "These nodes will be in T:\n";
marci@409:   for (bipartite_map.first(u, true); g.valid(u); 
marci@409:     std::cout << u << " ";
marci@409:   std::cout << "\n";
marci@368:   typedef BipartiteGraphWrapper<Graph> BGW;
marci@368:   BGW bgw(g, bipartite_map);
marci@409:   std::cout << "Nodes by NodeIt:\n";
marci@409:   FOR_EACH_LOC(BGW::NodeIt, n, bgw) {
marci@409:     std::cout << n << " ";
marci@409:   }
marci@409:   std::cout << "\n";
marci@409:   std::cout << "Nodes in S by ClassNodeIt:\n";
marci@409:   FOR_EACH_INC_LOC(BGW::ClassNodeIt, n, bgw, bgw.S_CLASS) {
marci@409:     std::cout << n << " ";
marci@409:   }
marci@409:   std::cout << "\n";
marci@409:   std::cout << "Nodes in T by ClassNodeIt:\n";
marci@409:   FOR_EACH_INC_LOC(BGW::ClassNodeIt, n, bgw, bgw.T_CLASS) {
marci@409:     std::cout << n << " ";
marci@409:   }
marci@409:   std::cout << "\n";
marci@409:   std::cout << "Edges of the bipartite graph:\n";
marci@368:   FOR_EACH_LOC(BGW::EdgeIt, e, bgw) {
marci@368:     std::cout << bgw.tail(e) << "->" << bgw.head(e) << std::endl;
marci@368:   }
marci@379:   BGW::NodeMap<int> dbyj(bgw);
marci@379:   BGW::EdgeMap<int> dbyxcj(bgw);
marci@768:   typedef stBipartiteGraphWrapper<BGW> stGW;
marci@379:   stGW stgw(bgw);
marci@379:   ConstMap<stGW::Edge, int> const1map(1);
marci@379:   stGW::NodeMap<int> ize(stgw);
marci@379:   stGW::EdgeMap<int> flow(stgw);
marci@379:   BfsIterator< BGW, BGW::NodeMap<bool> > bfs(bgw);
marci@379:   Graph::NodeIt si;
marci@379:   Graph::Node s; 
marci@379:   s=g.first(si);
marci@379:   bfs.pushAndSetReached(BGW::Node(s));
marci@409:   while (!bfs.finished()) { ++bfs; }
marci@409:   FOR_EACH_LOC(stGW::NodeIt, n, stgw) { 
marci@409:     std::cout << "out-edges of " << n << ":\n"; 
marci@409:     FOR_EACH_INC_LOC(stGW::OutEdgeIt, e, stgw, n) { 
marci@409:       std::cout << " " << e << "\n";
marci@409:       std::cout << " aNode: " << stgw.aNode(e) << "\n";
marci@409:       std::cout << " bNode: " << stgw.bNode(e) << "\n";      
marci@409:     }
marci@409:     std::cout << "in-edges of " << n << ":\n"; 
marci@409:     FOR_EACH_INC_LOC(stGW::InEdgeIt, e, stgw, n) { 
marci@409:       std::cout << " " << e << "\n";
marci@409:       std::cout << " aNode: " << stgw.aNode(e) << "\n";
marci@409:       std::cout << " bNode: " << stgw.bNode(e) << "\n";     
marci@409:     }
marci@409:   }
marci@409:   std::cout << "Edges of the stGraphWrapper:\n"; 
marci@409:   FOR_EACH_LOC(stGW::EdgeIt, n, stgw) { 
marci@409:     std::cout << " " << n << "\n";
marci@409:   }
marci@409:   stGW::NodeMap<bool> b(stgw);
marci@409:   FOR_EACH_LOC(stGW::NodeIt, n, stgw) { 
marci@409:     std::cout << n << ": " << b[n] <<"\n";
marci@409:   }
marci@409:   std::cout << "Bfs from s: \n";
marci@409:   BfsIterator< stGW, stGW::NodeMap<bool> > bfs_stgw(stgw);
marci@409:   bfs_stgw.pushAndSetReached(stgw.S_NODE);
marci@409:   while (!bfs_stgw.finished()) { 
marci@409:     std::cout << " " << stGW::OutEdgeIt(bfs_stgw) << "\n";
marci@409:     ++bfs_stgw; 
marci@409:   }
marci@762:   AugmentingFlow<stGW, int, ConstMap<stGW::Edge, int>, stGW::EdgeMap<int> > 
marci@379:     max_flow_test(stgw, stgw.S_NODE, stgw.T_NODE, const1map, flow);
marci@409:   while (max_flow_test.augmentOnShortestPath()) { }
marci@393:   std::cout << max_flow_test.flowValue() << std::endl;
marci@368:   return 0;
marci@368: }