# HG changeset patch
# User marci
# Date 1079014507 0
# Node ID 27fbd1559fb7edbd60e1fc006afa8a6eb7fa5c63
# Parent  7949a29a334e0fd8267d68da67090f5ea37b26fa
graph wrapper improvements, blocking flow on fly

diff -r 7949a29a334e -r 27fbd1559fb7 src/work/bfs_iterator.hh
--- a/src/work/bfs_iterator.hh	Thu Mar 11 12:55:50 2004 +0000
+++ b/src/work/bfs_iterator.hh	Thu Mar 11 14:15:07 2004 +0000
@@ -562,10 +562,15 @@
       own_reached_map(true) { }
     ~BfsIterator4() { if (own_reached_map) delete &reached; }
     void pushAndSetReached(NodeIt s) { 
+      //std::cout << "mimi" << &reached << std::endl;
       reached.set(s, true);
+      //std::cout << "mumus" << std::endl;
       if (bfs_queue.empty()) {
+	//std::cout << "bibi1" << std::endl;
+	//std::cout << "zizi" << std::endl;
 	G.getFirst(actual_edge, s);
+	//std::cout << "kiki" << std::endl;
 	if (G.valid(actual_edge)/*.valid()*/) { 
 	  NodeIt w=G.bNode(actual_edge);
 	  if (!reached.get(w)) {
@@ -577,6 +582,7 @@
       } else {
+	//std::cout << "bibi2" << std::endl;
diff -r 7949a29a334e -r 27fbd1559fb7 src/work/edmonds_karp.hh
--- a/src/work/edmonds_karp.hh	Thu Mar 11 12:55:50 2004 +0000
+++ b/src/work/edmonds_karp.hh	Thu Mar 11 14:15:07 2004 +0000
@@ -279,7 +279,7 @@
       bool _augment=false;
       typedef typename AugGraph::NodeMap<bool> ReachedMap;
-      BfsIterator5< AugGraph, AugOutEdgeIt, ReachedMap > res_bfs(res_graph);
+      BfsIterator5< AugGraph, /*AugOutEdgeIt,*/ ReachedMap > res_bfs(res_graph);
       typename AugGraph::NodeMap<AugEdgeIt> pred(res_graph); 
@@ -296,9 +296,9 @@
 	  NodeIt w=res_graph.head(e);
 	  pred.set(w, e);
 	  if (res_graph.valid(pred.get(v))) {
-	    free.set(w, std::min(free.get(v), e.free()));
+	    free.set(w, std::min(free.get(v), res_graph.free(e)));
 	  } else {
-	    free.set(w, e.free()); 
+	    free.set(w, res_graph.free(e)); 
 	  if (res_graph.head(e)==t) { _augment=true; break; }
@@ -311,7 +311,8 @@
 	Number augment_value=free.get(t);
 	while (res_graph.valid(pred.get(n))) { 
 	  AugEdgeIt e=pred.get(n);
-	  e.augment(augment_value); 
+	  res_graph.augment(e, augment_value); 
+	  //e.augment(augment_value); 
@@ -358,7 +359,7 @@
 	  original_edge.set(f, e);
-	  residual_capacity.set(f, e.free());
+	  residual_capacity.set(f, res_graph.free(e));
@@ -376,44 +377,30 @@
 	while (!dfs.finished()) {
 	  if (F.valid(typename MutableGraph::OutEdgeIt(dfs))) {
-	    //std::cout << "OutEdgeIt: " << dfs; 
-	    //std::cout << " aNode: " << F.aNode(dfs); 
-	    //std::cout << " bNode: " << F.bNode(dfs) << " ";
+	    if (dfs.isBNodeNewlyReached()) {
+// 	      std::cout << "OutEdgeIt: " << dfs; 
+// 	      std::cout << " aNode: " << F.aNode(dfs); 
+// 	      std::cout << " bNode: " << F.bNode(dfs) << " ";
-	    typename MutableGraph::NodeIt v=F.aNode(dfs);
-	    typename MutableGraph::NodeIt w=F.bNode(dfs);
-	    pred.set(w, dfs);
-	    if (F.valid(pred.get(v))) {
-	      free.set(w, std::min(free.get(v), residual_capacity.get(dfs)));
+	      typename MutableGraph::NodeIt v=F.aNode(dfs);
+	      typename MutableGraph::NodeIt w=F.bNode(dfs);
+	      pred.set(w, dfs);
+	      if (F.valid(pred.get(v))) {
+		free.set(w, std::min(free.get(v), residual_capacity.get(dfs)));
+	      } else {
+		free.set(w, residual_capacity.get(dfs)); 
+	      }
+	      if (w==tF) { 
+		//std::cout << "AUGMENTATION"<<std::endl;
+		__augment=true; 
+		_augment=true;
+		break; 
+	      }
 	    } else {
-	      free.set(w, residual_capacity.get(dfs)/*original_edge.get(dfs).free()*/); 
-	    }
-	    if (w==tF) { 
-	      //std::cout << "AUGMENTATION"<<std::endl;
-	      __augment=true; 
-	      _augment=true;
-	      break; 
-	    }
-	  } else { 
-	    //std::cout << "OutEdgeIt: " << "invalid"; 
-	    //std::cout << " aNode: " << dfs.aNode(); 
-	    //std::cout << " bNode: " << "invalid" << " ";
-	  }
-	  if (dfs.isBNodeNewlyReached()) { 
-	    //std::cout << "bNodeIsNewlyReached ";
-	  } else { 
-	    //std::cout << "bNodeIsNotNewlyReached ";
-	    if (typename MutableGraph::OutEdgeIt(dfs).valid()) {
-	      //std::cout << "DELETE ";
 	      F.erase(typename MutableGraph::OutEdgeIt(dfs));
-	  //if (dfs.isANodeExamined()) { 
-	    //std::cout << "aNodeIsExamined ";
-	    //} else { 
-	    //std::cout << "aNodeIsNotExamined ";
-	    //} 
-	  //std::cout<<std::endl;
 	if (__augment) {
@@ -421,7 +408,8 @@
 	  Number augment_value=free.get(tF);
 	  while (F.valid(pred.get(n))) { 
 	    typename MutableGraph::EdgeIt e=pred.get(n);
-	    original_edge.get(e).augment(augment_value); 
+	    res_graph.augment(original_edge.get(e), augment_value); 
+	    //original_edge.get(e).augment(augment_value); 
 	    if (residual_capacity.get(e)==augment_value) 
@@ -429,6 +417,127 @@
 	      residual_capacity.set(e, residual_capacity.get(e)-augment_value);
+      }
+      return _augment;
+    }
+    bool augmentOnBlockingFlow2() {
+      bool _augment=false;
+      //typedef ErasingResGraphWrapper<Graph, Number, FlowMap, CapacityMap> EAugGraph;
+      typedef FilterGraphWrapper< ErasingResGraphWrapper<Graph, Number, FlowMap, CapacityMap> > EAugGraph;
+      typedef typename EAugGraph::OutEdgeIt EAugOutEdgeIt;
+      typedef typename EAugGraph::EdgeIt EAugEdgeIt;
+      EAugGraph res_graph(*G, *flow, *capacity);
+      //std::cout << "meg jo1" << std::endl;
+      //typedef typename EAugGraph::NodeMap<bool> ReachedMap;
+      BfsIterator4< 
+	ErasingResGraphWrapper<Graph, Number, FlowMap, CapacityMap>, 
+	ErasingResGraphWrapper<Graph, Number, FlowMap, CapacityMap>::OutEdgeIt, 
+	ErasingResGraphWrapper<Graph, Number, FlowMap, CapacityMap>::NodeMap<bool> > bfs(res_graph);
+      //std::cout << "meg jo2" << std::endl;
+      bfs.pushAndSetReached(s);
+      //std::cout << "meg jo2.5" << std::endl;
+      //typename EAugGraph::NodeMap<int> dist(res_graph); //filled up with 0's
+      typename ErasingResGraphWrapper<Graph, Number, FlowMap, CapacityMap>::
+	NodeMap<int>& dist=res_graph.dist;
+      //std::cout << "meg jo2.6" << std::endl;
+      while ( !bfs.finished() ) {
+	ErasingResGraphWrapper<Graph, Number, FlowMap, CapacityMap>::OutEdgeIt e=bfs;
+//	EAugOutEdgeIt e=/*AugOutEdgeIt*/(bfs);
+ 	//if (res_graph.valid(e)) {
+ 	//    std::cout<<"a:"<<res_graph.tail(e)<<"b:"<<res_graph.head(e)<<std::endl;
+ 	//}
+	if (res_graph.valid(e) && bfs.isBNodeNewlyReached()) {
+	  dist.set(res_graph.head(e), dist.get(res_graph.tail(e))+1);
+	}
+	++bfs;	
+      } //computing distances from s in the residual graph
+      //std::cout << "meg jo3" << std::endl;
+//       typedef typename EAugGraph::EachNodeIt EAugEachNodeIt;
+//       for(EAugEachNodeIt n=res_graph.template first<EAugEachNodeIt>(); res_graph.valid(n); res_graph.next(n)) {
+// 	std::cout << "dist: " << dist.get(n) << std::endl;
+//       }
+      bool __augment=true;
+      while (__augment) {
+//	std::cout << "new iteration"<< std::endl;
+	__augment=false;
+	//computing blocking flow with dfs
+	typedef typename EAugGraph::NodeMap<bool> BlockingReachedMap;
+	DfsIterator4< EAugGraph, EAugOutEdgeIt, BlockingReachedMap > 
+	  dfs(res_graph);
+	typename EAugGraph::NodeMap<EAugEdgeIt> pred(res_graph); //invalid iterators
+	typename EAugGraph::NodeMap<Number> free(res_graph);
+	dfs.pushAndSetReached(s);
+	while (!dfs.finished()) {
+	  ++dfs;
+	  if (res_graph.valid(EAugOutEdgeIt(dfs))) { 
+	    if (dfs.isBNodeNewlyReached()) {
+// 	      std::cout << "OutEdgeIt: " << dfs; 
+// 	      std::cout << " aNode: " << res_graph.aNode(dfs); 
+// 	      std::cout << " res cap: " << EAugOutEdgeIt(dfs).free(); 
+// 	      std::cout << " bNode: " << res_graph.bNode(dfs) << " ";
+	      typename EAugGraph::NodeIt v=res_graph.aNode(dfs);
+	      typename EAugGraph::NodeIt w=res_graph.bNode(dfs);
+	      pred.set(w, EAugOutEdgeIt(dfs));
+	      //std::cout << EAugOutEdgeIt(dfs).free() << std::endl;
+	      if (res_graph.valid(pred.get(v))) {
+		free.set(w, std::min(free.get(v), res_graph.free(/*EAugOutEdgeIt*/(dfs))));
+	      } else {
+		free.set(w, res_graph.free(/*EAugOutEdgeIt*/(dfs))); 
+	      }
+	      if (w==t) { 
+//		std::cout << "t is reached, AUGMENTATION"<<std::endl;
+		__augment=true; 
+		_augment=true;
+		break; 
+	      }
+	    } else {
+//	      std::cout << "<<DELETE ";
+//	      std::cout << " aNode: " << res_graph.aNode(dfs); 
+//	      std::cout << " res cap: " << EAugOutEdgeIt(dfs).free(); 
+//	      std::cout << " bNode: " << res_graph.bNode(dfs) << " ";
+//	      std::cout << "DELETE>> ";
+	      res_graph.erase(dfs);
+	    }
+	  } 
+	}
+	if (__augment) {
+	  typename EAugGraph::NodeIt n=t;
+	  Number augment_value=free.get(t);
+//	  std::cout << "av:" << augment_value << std::endl;
+	  while (res_graph.valid(pred.get(n))) { 
+	    EAugEdgeIt e=pred.get(n);
+	    res_graph.augment(e, augment_value);
+	    //e.augment(augment_value); 
+	    n=res_graph.tail(e);
+	    if (res_graph.free(e)==0)
+	      res_graph.erase(e);
+	  }
+	}
diff -r 7949a29a334e -r 27fbd1559fb7 src/work/marci/edmonds_karp_demo.cc
--- a/src/work/marci/edmonds_karp_demo.cc	Thu Mar 11 12:55:50 2004 +0000
+++ b/src/work/marci/edmonds_karp_demo.cc	Thu Mar 11 14:15:07 2004 +0000
@@ -87,7 +87,42 @@
   MaxFlow<ListGraph, int, ListGraph::EdgeMap<int>, ListGraph::EdgeMap<int> > max_flow_test(G, s, t, flow, cap);
   int i=0;
-  while (max_flow_test.augmentOnBlockingFlow<ListGraph>()) { ++i; }
+  while (max_flow_test.augmentOnBlockingFlow<ListGraph>()) { 
+//     for(EachEdgeIt e=G.template first<EachEdgeIt>(); e.valid(); ++e) { 
+//       std::cout<<"("<<G.tail(e)<< "-"<<flow.get(e)<<"->"<<G.head(e)<<") ";
+//     }
+//     std::cout<<std::endl;
+    ++i; 
+  }
+  //double post_time=currTime();
+  //std::cout << "maximum flow: "<< std::endl;
+  //for(EachEdgeIt e=G.first<EachEdgeIt>(); e.valid(); ++e) { 
+  //  std::cout<<"("<<G.tail(e)<< "-"<<flow.get(e)<<"->"<<G.head(e)<<") ";
+  //}
+  //std::cout<<std::endl;
+  std::cout << "elapsed time: " << ts << std::endl;
+  std::cout << "number of augmentation phases: " << i << std::endl; 
+  std::cout << "flow value: "<< max_flow_test.flowValue() << std::endl;
+  }
+  {
+  std::cout << "edmonds karp demo (blocking flow augmentation)..." << std::endl;
+  ListGraph::EdgeMap<int> flow(G); //0 flow
+  Timer ts;
+  ts.reset();
+  //double pre_time=currTime();
+  MaxFlow<ListGraph, int, ListGraph::EdgeMap<int>, ListGraph::EdgeMap<int> > max_flow_test(G, s, t, flow, cap);
+  //max_flow_test.augmentWithBlockingFlow<ListGraph>();
+  int i=0;
+  while (max_flow_test.augmentOnBlockingFlow2()) { 
+//     for(EachEdgeIt e=G.template first<EachEdgeIt>(); e.valid(); ++e) { 
+//       std::cout<<"("<<G.tail(e)<< "-"<<flow.get(e)<<"->"<<G.head(e)<<") ";
+//     }
+//     std::cout<<std::endl;
+    ++i; 
+  }
   //double post_time=currTime();
   //std::cout << "maximum flow: "<< std::endl;
@@ -110,7 +145,13 @@
   MaxFlow<ListGraph, int, ListGraph::EdgeMap<int>, ListGraph::EdgeMap<int> > max_flow_test(G, s, t, flow, cap);
   int i=0;
-  while (max_flow_test.augmentOnShortestPath()) { ++i; }
+  while (max_flow_test.augmentOnShortestPath()) { 
+//     for(EachEdgeIt e=G.template first<EachEdgeIt>(); e.valid(); ++e) { 
+//       std::cout<<"("<<G.tail(e)<< "-"<<flow.get(e)<<"->"<<G.head(e)<<") ";
+//     }
+//     std::cout<<std::endl;
+    ++i; 
+  }
   //double post_time=currTime();
   //std::cout << "maximum flow: "<< std::endl;
diff -r 7949a29a334e -r 27fbd1559fb7 src/work/marci/graph_wrapper.h
--- a/src/work/marci/graph_wrapper.h	Thu Mar 11 12:55:50 2004 +0000
+++ b/src/work/marci/graph_wrapper.h	Thu Mar 11 14:15:07 2004 +0000
@@ -19,6 +19,12 @@
     typedef typename Graph::InEdgeIt InEdgeIt;
     //typedef typename Graph::SymEdgeIt SymEdgeIt;
     typedef typename Graph::EachEdgeIt EachEdgeIt;
+    //TrivGraphWrapper() : graph(0) { }
+    TrivGraphWrapper(Graph& _graph) : graph(&_graph) { }
+    void setGraph(Graph& _graph) { graph = &_graph; }
+    Graph& getGraph() const { return (*graph); }
     template<typename I> I& getFirst(I& i) const { return graph->getFirst(i); }
     template<typename I, typename P> I& getFirst(I& i, const P& p) const { 
@@ -66,6 +72,7 @@
       NodeMap(const TrivGraphWrapper<Graph>& _G, T a) : 
 	Graph::NodeMap<T>(_G.getGraph(), a) { }
     template<typename T> class EdgeMap : public Graph::EdgeMap<T> { 
       EdgeMap(const TrivGraphWrapper<Graph>& _G) : 
@@ -73,12 +80,6 @@
       EdgeMap(const TrivGraphWrapper<Graph>& _G, T a) : 
 	Graph::EdgeMap<T>(_G.getGraph(), a) { }
-    void setGraph(Graph& _graph) { graph = &_graph; }
-    Graph& getGraph() const { return (*graph); }
-    //TrivGraphWrapper() : graph(0) { }
-    TrivGraphWrapper(Graph& _graph) : graph(&_graph) { }
   template<typename Graph>
@@ -97,6 +98,12 @@
     typedef typename Graph::InEdgeIt OutEdgeIt;
     //typedef typename Graph::SymEdgeIt SymEdgeIt;
     typedef typename Graph::EachEdgeIt EachEdgeIt;
+    //RevGraphWrapper() : graph(0) { }
+    RevGraphWrapper(Graph& _graph) : graph(&_graph) { }
+    void setGraph(Graph& _graph) { graph = &_graph; }
+    Graph& getGraph() const { return (*graph); }
     template<typename I> I& getFirst(I& i) const { return graph->getFirst(i); }
     template<typename I, typename P> I& getFirst(I& i, const P& p) const { 
@@ -144,6 +151,7 @@
       NodeMap(const RevGraphWrapper<Graph>& _G, T a) : 
 	Graph::NodeMap<T>(_G.getGraph(), a) { }
     template<typename T> class EdgeMap : public Graph::EdgeMap<T> { 
       EdgeMap(const RevGraphWrapper<Graph>& _G) : 
@@ -151,12 +159,6 @@
       EdgeMap(const RevGraphWrapper<Graph>& _G, T a) : 
 	Graph::EdgeMap<T>(_G.getGraph(), a) { }
-    void setGraph(Graph& _graph) { graph = &_graph; }
-    Graph& getGraph() const { return (*graph); }
-    //RevGraphWrapper() : graph(0) { }
-    RevGraphWrapper(Graph& _graph) : graph(&_graph) { }
@@ -182,6 +184,12 @@
     typedef typename Graph::InEdgeIt GraphInEdgeIt;
+    //UndirGraphWrapper() : graph(0) { }
+    UndirGraphWrapper(Graph& _graph) : graph(&_graph) { }
+    void setGraph(Graph& _graph) { graph = &_graph; }
+    Graph& getGraph() const { return (*graph); }
     class EdgeIt {
       friend class UndirGraphWrapper<Graph>;
       bool out_or_in; //true iff out
@@ -196,9 +204,6 @@
     class OutEdgeIt : public EdgeIt {
       friend class UndirGraphWrapper<Graph>;
-      //bool out_or_in; //true iff out
-      //GraphOutEdgeIt out;
-      //GraphInEdgeIt in;
       OutEdgeIt() : EdgeIt() { }
       OutEdgeIt(const UndirGraphWrapper& _G, const NodeIt& n) : EdgeIt() { 
@@ -287,6 +292,7 @@
       NodeMap(const UndirGraphWrapper<Graph>& _G, T a) : 
 	Graph::NodeMap<T>(_G.getGraph(), a) { }
     template<typename T> class EdgeMap : public Graph::EdgeMap<T> { 
       EdgeMap(const UndirGraphWrapper<Graph>& _G) : 
@@ -294,12 +300,6 @@
       EdgeMap(const UndirGraphWrapper<Graph>& _G, T a) : 
 	Graph::EdgeMap<T>(_G.getGraph(), a) { }
-    void setGraph(Graph& _graph) { graph = &_graph; }
-    Graph& getGraph() const { return (*graph); }
-    //TrivGraphWrapper() : graph(0) { }
-    UndirGraphWrapper(Graph& _graph) : graph(&_graph) { }
@@ -386,13 +386,16 @@
     FlowMap* flow;
     const CapacityMap* capacity;
     ResGraphWrapper(const Graph& _G, FlowMap& _flow, 
 	     const CapacityMap& _capacity) : 
       G(&_G), flow(&_flow), capacity(&_capacity) { }
 //     ResGraphWrapper(const ResGraphWrapper& res_graph_wrapper) : 
 //       G(res_graph_wrapper.G), flow(res_graph_wrapper.flow), capacity(res_graph_wrapper.capacity) { }
-    void setGraph(Graph& _graph) { graph = &_graph; }
-    Graph& getGraph() const { return (*graph); }
+    void setGraph(const Graph& _graph) { graph = &_graph; }
+    const Graph& getGraph() const { return (*G); }
     class EdgeIt; 
     class OutEdgeIt; 
     friend class EdgeIt; 
@@ -401,94 +404,49 @@
     class EdgeIt {
       friend class ResGraphWrapper<Graph, Number, FlowMap, CapacityMap>;
-      //const ResGraph3<Graph, Number, FlowMap, CapacityMap>* resG;
-      const Graph* G;
-      FlowMap* flow;
-      const CapacityMap* capacity;
-      //OldSymEdgeIt sym;
+      bool out_or_in; //true, iff out
       OldOutEdgeIt out;
       OldInEdgeIt in;
-      bool out_or_in; //true, iff out
       EdgeIt() : out_or_in(true) { } 
-      EdgeIt(const Graph& _G, FlowMap& _flow, const CapacityMap& _capacity) : 
-	G(&_G), flow(&_flow), capacity(&_capacity), out_or_in(true) { }
-      //EdgeIt(const EdgeIt& e) : G(e.G), flow(e.flow), capacity(e.capacity), out(e.out), in(e.in), out_or_in(e.out_or_in) { }
-      Number free() const { 
-	if (out_or_in) { 
-	  return (/*resG->*/capacity->get(out)-/*resG->*/flow->get(out)); 
-	} else { 
-	  return (/*resG->*/flow->get(in)); 
-	}
-      }
-      bool valid() const { 
-	return out_or_in && out.valid() || in.valid(); }
-      void augment(Number a) const {
-	if (out_or_in) { 
-	  /*resG->*/flow->set(out, /*resG->*/flow->get(out)+a);
-	} else { 
-	  /*resG->*/flow->set(in, /*resG->*/flow->get(in)-a);
-	}
-      }
-      void print() { 
-	if (out_or_in) {
-	  std::cout << "out "; 
-	  if (out.valid()) 
-	    std::cout << G->id(G->tail(out)) << "--"<< G->id(out) <<"->"<< G->id(G->head(out)); 
-	  else 
-	    std::cout << "invalid"; 
-	}
-	else {
-	  std::cout << "in "; 
-	  if (in.valid()) 
-	    std::cout << G->id(G->head(in)) << "<-"<< G->id(in) <<"--"<< G->id(G->tail(in)); 
-	  else 
-	    std::cout << "invalid"; 
-	}
-	std::cout << std::endl;
-      }
+//       bool valid() const { 
+// 	return out_or_in && out.valid() || in.valid(); }
-    Number free(OldOutEdgeIt out) const { 
-      return (/*resG->*/capacity->get(out)-/*resG->*/flow->get(out)); 
-    }
-    Number free(OldInEdgeIt in) const { 
-      return (/*resG->*/flow->get(in)); 
-    }
     class OutEdgeIt : public EdgeIt {
       friend class ResGraphWrapper<Graph, Number, FlowMap, CapacityMap>;
       OutEdgeIt() { }
+      //FIXME
+      OutEdgeIt(const EdgeIt& e) : EdgeIt(e) { }
-      OutEdgeIt(const Graph& _G, NodeIt v, FlowMap& _flow, const CapacityMap& _capacity) : EdgeIt(_G, _flow, _capacity) { 
-	//out=/*resG->*/G->template first<OldOutEdgeIt>(v);
-	G->getFirst(out, v);
-	while( out.valid() && !(EdgeIt::free()>0) ) { ++out; }
+      OutEdgeIt(const ResGraphWrapper<Graph, Number, FlowMap, CapacityMap>& resG, NodeIt v) : EdgeIt() { 
+	resG.G->getFirst(out, v);
+	while( out.valid() && !(resG.free(out)>0) ) { ++out; }
 	if (!out.valid()) {
-	  //in=/*resG->*/G->template first<OldInEdgeIt>(v);
-	  G->getFirst(in, v);
-	  while( in.valid() && !(EdgeIt::free()>0) ) { ++in; }
+	  resG.G->getFirst(in, v);
+	  while( in.valid() && !(resG.free(in)>0) ) { ++in; }
-    public:
-      OutEdgeIt& operator++() { 
-	if (out_or_in) {
-	  NodeIt v=/*resG->*/G->aNode(out);
-	  ++out;
-	  while( out.valid() && !(EdgeIt::free()>0) ) { ++out; }
-	  if (!out.valid()) {
-	    out_or_in=0;
-	    G->getFirst(in, v); //=/*resG->*/G->template first<OldInEdgeIt>(v);
-	    while( in.valid() && !(EdgeIt::free()>0) ) { ++in; }
-	  }
-	} else {
-	  ++in;
-	  while( in.valid() && !(EdgeIt::free()>0) ) { ++in; } 
-	}
-	return *this; 
-      }
+//     public:
+//       OutEdgeIt& operator++() { 
+// 	if (out_or_in) {
+// 	  NodeIt v=/*resG->*/G->aNode(out);
+// 	  ++out;
+// 	  while( out.valid() && !(EdgeIt::free()>0) ) { ++out; }
+// 	  if (!out.valid()) {
+// 	    out_or_in=0;
+// 	    G->getFirst(in, v); 
+// 	    while( in.valid() && !(EdgeIt::free()>0) ) { ++in; }
+// 	  }
+// 	} else {
+// 	  ++in;
+// 	  while( in.valid() && !(EdgeIt::free()>0) ) { ++in; } 
+// 	}
+// 	return *this; 
+//       }
     class EachEdgeIt : public EdgeIt {
@@ -497,67 +455,66 @@
       EachEdgeIt() { }
       //EachEdgeIt(const EachEdgeIt& e) : EdgeIt(e), v(e.v) { }
-      EachEdgeIt(const Graph& _G, FlowMap& _flow, const CapacityMap& _capacity) : EdgeIt(_G, _flow, _capacity) { 
-	out_or_in=true;
-	G->getFirst(v);
-	if (v.valid()) G->getFirst(out, v); else out=OldOutEdgeIt();
-	while (out.valid() && !(EdgeIt::free()>0) ) { ++out; }
+      EachEdgeIt(const ResGraphWrapper<Graph, Number, FlowMap, CapacityMap>& resG) : EdgeIt() { 
+	resG.G->getFirst(v);
+	if (v.valid()) resG.G->getFirst(out, v); else out=OldOutEdgeIt();
+	while (out.valid() && !(resG.free(out)>0) ) { ++out; }
 	while (v.valid() && !out.valid()) { 
-	  if (v.valid()) G->getFirst(out, v); 
-	  while (out.valid() && !(EdgeIt::free()>0) ) { ++out; }
+	  if (v.valid()) resG.G->getFirst(out, v); 
+	  while (out.valid() && !(resG.free(out)>0) ) { ++out; }
 	if (!out.valid()) {
-	  G->getFirst(v);
-	  if (v.valid()) G->getFirst(in, v); else in=OldInEdgeIt();
-	  while (in.valid() && !(EdgeIt::free()>0) ) { ++in; }
+	  resG.G->getFirst(v);
+	  if (v.valid()) resG.G->getFirst(in, v); else in=OldInEdgeIt();
+	  while (in.valid() && !(resG.free(in)>0) ) { ++in; }
 	  while (v.valid() && !in.valid()) { 
-	    if (v.valid()) G->getFirst(in, v); 
-	    while (in.valid() && !(EdgeIt::free()>0) ) { ++in; }
+	    if (v.valid()) resG.G->getFirst(in, v); 
+	    while (in.valid() && !(resG.free(in)>0) ) { ++in; }
-      EachEdgeIt& operator++() { 
-	if (out_or_in) {
-	  ++out;
-	  while (out.valid() && !(EdgeIt::free()>0) ) { ++out; }
-	  while (v.valid() && !out.valid()) { 
-	    ++v; 
-	    if (v.valid()) G->getFirst(out, v); 
-	    while (out.valid() && !(EdgeIt::free()>0) ) { ++out; }
-	  }
-	  if (!out.valid()) {
-	    out_or_in=0;
-	    G->getFirst(v);
-	    if (v.valid()) G->getFirst(in, v); else in=OldInEdgeIt();
-	    while (in.valid() && !(EdgeIt::free()>0) ) { ++in; }
-	    while (v.valid() && !in.valid()) { 
-	      ++v; 
-	      if (v.valid()) G->getFirst(in, v); 
-	      while (in.valid() && !(EdgeIt::free()>0) ) { ++in; }
-	    }  
-	  }
-	} else {
-	  ++in;
-	  while (in.valid() && !(EdgeIt::free()>0) ) { ++in; }
-	  while (v.valid() && !in.valid()) { 
-	    ++v; 
-	    if (v.valid()) G->getFirst(in, v); 
-	    while (in.valid() && !(EdgeIt::free()>0) ) { ++in; }
-	  }
-	}
-	return *this;
-      }
+//       EachEdgeIt& operator++() { 
+// 	if (out_or_in) {
+// 	  ++out;
+// 	  while (out.valid() && !(EdgeIt::free()>0) ) { ++out; }
+// 	  while (v.valid() && !out.valid()) { 
+// 	    ++v; 
+// 	    if (v.valid()) G->getFirst(out, v); 
+// 	    while (out.valid() && !(EdgeIt::free()>0) ) { ++out; }
+// 	  }
+// 	  if (!out.valid()) {
+// 	    out_or_in=0;
+// 	    G->getFirst(v);
+// 	    if (v.valid()) G->getFirst(in, v); else in=OldInEdgeIt();
+// 	    while (in.valid() && !(EdgeIt::free()>0) ) { ++in; }
+// 	    while (v.valid() && !in.valid()) { 
+// 	      ++v; 
+// 	      if (v.valid()) G->getFirst(in, v); 
+// 	      while (in.valid() && !(EdgeIt::free()>0) ) { ++in; }
+// 	    }  
+// 	  }
+// 	} else {
+// 	  ++in;
+// 	  while (in.valid() && !(EdgeIt::free()>0) ) { ++in; }
+// 	  while (v.valid() && !in.valid()) { 
+// 	    ++v; 
+// 	    if (v.valid()) G->getFirst(in, v); 
+// 	    while (in.valid() && !(EdgeIt::free()>0) ) { ++in; }
+// 	  }
+// 	}
+// 	return *this;
+//       }
-    void getFirst(EachNodeIt& v) const { G->getFirst(v); }
-    void getFirst(OutEdgeIt& e, NodeIt v) const { 
-      e=OutEdgeIt(*G, v, *flow, *capacity); 
+    EachNodeIt& getFirst(EachNodeIt& v) const { G->getFirst(v); }
+    OutEdgeIt& getFirst(OutEdgeIt& e, NodeIt v) const { 
+      e=OutEdgeIt(*this, v); 
-    void getFirst(EachEdgeIt& e) const { 
-      e=EachEdgeIt(*G, *flow, *capacity); 
+    EachEdgeIt& getFirst(EachEdgeIt& e) const { 
+      e=EachEdgeIt(*this); 
     EachNodeIt& next(EachNodeIt& n) const { return G->next(n); }
@@ -566,15 +523,15 @@
       if (e.out_or_in) {
 	NodeIt v=G->aNode(e.out);
-	while( G->valid(e.out) && !(e.free()>0) ) { ++(e.out); }
+	while( G->valid(e.out) && !(free(e.out)>0) ) { ++(e.out); }
 	if (!G->valid(e.out)) {
-	  G->getFirst(e.in, v); //=/*resG->*/G->template first<OldInEdgeIt>(v);
-	  while( G->valid(e.in) && !(e.free()>0) ) { ++(e.in); }
+	  G->getFirst(e.in, v); 
+	  while( G->valid(e.in) && !(free(e.in)>0) ) { ++(e.in); }
       } else {
-	while( G->valid(e.in) && !(e.free()>0) ) { ++(e.in); } 
+	while( G->valid(e.in) && !(free(e.in)>0) ) { ++(e.in); } 
       return e;
@@ -582,30 +539,30 @@
     EachEdgeIt& next(EachEdgeIt& e) const { 
       if (e.out_or_in) {
-	while (G->valid(e.out) && !(e.free()>0) ) { ++(e.out); }
+	while (G->valid(e.out) && !(free(e.out)>0) ) { ++(e.out); }
 	  while (G->valid(e.v) && !G->valid(e.out)) { 
 	    if (G->valid(e.v)) G->getFirst(e.out, e.v); 
-	    while (G->valid(e.out) && !(e.free()>0) ) { ++(e.out); }
+	    while (G->valid(e.out) && !(free(e.out)>0) ) { ++(e.out); }
 	  if (!G->valid(e.out)) {
 	    if (G->valid(e.v)) G->getFirst(e.in, e.v); else e.in=OldInEdgeIt();
-	    while (G->valid(e.in) && !(e.free()>0) ) { ++(e.in); }
+	    while (G->valid(e.in) && !(free(e.in)>0) ) { ++(e.in); }
 	    while (G->valid(e.v) && !G->valid(e.in)) { 
 	      if (G->valid(e.v)) G->getFirst(e.in, e.v); 
-	      while (G->valid(e.in) && !(e.free()>0) ) { ++(e.in); }
+	      while (G->valid(e.in) && !(free(e.in)>0) ) { ++(e.in); }
 	} else {
-	  while (G->valid(e.in) && !(e.free()>0) ) { ++(e.in); }
+	  while (G->valid(e.in) && !(free(e.in)>0) ) { ++(e.in); }
 	  while (G->valid(e.v) && !G->valid(e.in)) { 
 	    if (G->valid(e.v)) G->getFirst(e.in, e.v); 
-	    while (G->valid(e.in) && !(e.free()>0) ) { ++(e.in); }
+	    while (G->valid(e.in) && !(free(e.in)>0) ) { ++(e.in); }
 	return e;
@@ -642,6 +599,28 @@
     bool valid(EdgeIt e) const { 
       return e.out_or_in ? G->valid(e.out) : G->valid(e.in); }
+    void augment(const EdgeIt& e, Number a) const {
+      if (e.out_or_in)  
+	flow->set(e.out, flow->get(e.out)+a);
+      else  
+	flow->set(e.in, flow->get(e.in)-a);
+    }
+    Number free(const EdgeIt& e) const { 
+      if (e.out_or_in) 
+	return (capacity->get(e.out)-flow->get(e.out)); 
+      else 
+	return (flow->get(e.in)); 
+    }
+    Number free(OldOutEdgeIt out) const { 
+      return (capacity->get(out)-flow->get(out)); 
+    }
+    Number free(OldInEdgeIt in) const { 
+      return (flow->get(in)); 
+    }
     template<typename T> class NodeMap : public Graph::NodeMap<T> { 
       NodeMap(const ResGraphWrapper<Graph, Number, FlowMap, CapacityMap>& _G) 
@@ -679,6 +658,243 @@
 	  return backward_map.get(e.in); 
+  };
+  template<typename Graph, typename Number, typename FlowMap, typename CapacityMap>
+  class ErasingResGraphWrapper : public ResGraphWrapper<Graph, Number, FlowMap, CapacityMap> {
+  protected:
+    ResGraphWrapper<Graph, Number, FlowMap, CapacityMap>::NodeMap<typename ResGraphWrapper<Graph, Number, FlowMap, CapacityMap>::OutEdgeIt> first_out_edges;
+    //ResGraphWrapper<Graph, Number, FlowMap, CapacityMap>::NodeMap<int> dist;
+  public:
+    ErasingResGraphWrapper(const Graph& _G, FlowMap& _flow, 
+			   const CapacityMap& _capacity) : 
+      ResGraphWrapper<Graph, Number, FlowMap, CapacityMap>(_G, _flow, _capacity), 
+      first_out_edges(*this) /*, dist(*this)*/ { 
+      for(EachNodeIt n=this->template first<EachNodeIt>(); this->valid(n); this->next(n)) {
+	OutEdgeIt e;
+	ResGraphWrapper<Graph, Number, FlowMap, CapacityMap>::getFirst(e, n);
+	first_out_edges.set(n, e);
+      }
+    }
+    //void setGraph(Graph& _graph) { graph = &_graph; }
+    //Graph& getGraph() const { return (*graph); }
+    //TrivGraphWrapper() : graph(0) { }
+    //ErasingResGraphWrapper(Graph& _graph) : graph(&_graph) { }
+    //typedef Graph BaseGraph;
+    //typedef typename Graph::NodeIt NodeIt;
+    //typedef typename Graph::EachNodeIt EachNodeIt;
+    //typedef typename Graph::EdgeIt EdgeIt;
+    //typedef typename Graph::OutEdgeIt OutEdgeIt;
+    //typedef typename Graph::InEdgeIt InEdgeIt;
+    //typedef typename Graph::SymEdgeIt SymEdgeIt;
+    //typedef typename Graph::EachEdgeIt EachEdgeIt;
+    typedef typename ResGraphWrapper<Graph, Number, FlowMap, CapacityMap>::NodeIt NodeIt;
+    typedef typename ResGraphWrapper<Graph, Number, FlowMap, CapacityMap>::EachNodeIt EachNodeIt;
+    typedef typename ResGraphWrapper<Graph, Number, FlowMap, CapacityMap>::EdgeIt EdgeIt;
+    typedef typename ResGraphWrapper<Graph, Number, FlowMap, CapacityMap>::OutEdgeIt OutEdgeIt;
+    //typedef typename ResGraphWrapper<Graph, Number, FlowMap, CapacityMap>::InEdgeIt InEdgeIt;
+    //typedef typename Graph::SymEdgeIt SymEdgeIt;
+    //typedef typename ResGraphWrapper<Graph, Number, FlowMap, CapacityMap>::EachEdgeIt EachEdgeIt;
+    EachNodeIt& getFirst(EachNodeIt& n) const { 
+      return ResGraphWrapper<Graph, Number, FlowMap, CapacityMap>::getFirst(n);
+    }
+    OutEdgeIt& getFirst(OutEdgeIt& e, const NodeIt& n) const { 
+      e=first_out_edges.get(n);
+      return e;
+    }
+    //ROSSZ template<typename I> I& getFirst(I& i) const { return getFirst(i); }
+    //ROSSZ template<typename I, typename P> I& getFirst(I& i, const P& p) const { 
+    //  return getFirst(i, p); }
+    //template<typename I> I getNext(const I& i) const { 
+    //  return graph->getNext(i); }
+    //template<typename I> I& next(I &i) const { return graph->next(i); }    
+    template< typename It > It first() const { 
+      It e; getFirst(e); return e; }
+    template< typename It > It first(const NodeIt& v) const { 
+      It e; getFirst(e, v); return e; }
+    //NodeIt head(const EdgeIt& e) const { return graph->head(e); }
+    //NodeIt tail(const EdgeIt& e) const { return graph->tail(e); }
+    //template<typename I> bool valid(const I& i) const 
+    //  { return graph->valid(i); }
+    //int nodeNum() const { return graph->nodeNum(); }
+    //int edgeNum() const { return graph->edgeNum(); }
+    //template<typename I> NodeIt aNode(const I& e) const { 
+    //  return graph->aNode(e); }
+    //template<typename I> NodeIt bNode(const I& e) const { 
+    //  return graph->bNode(e); }
+    //NodeIt addNode() const { return graph->addNode(); }
+    //EdgeIt addEdge(const NodeIt& tail, const NodeIt& head) const { 
+    //  return graph->addEdge(tail, head); }
+    //void erase(const OutEdgeIt& e) {
+    //  first_out_edge(this->tail(e))=e;
+    //}
+    void erase(const EdgeIt& e) {
+      OutEdgeIt f(e);
+      next(f);
+      first_out_edges.set(this->tail(e), f);
+    }
+    //template<typename I> void erase(const I& i) const { graph->erase(i); }
+    //void clear() const { graph->clear(); }
+    template<typename T> class NodeMap : public ResGraphWrapper<Graph, Number, FlowMap, CapacityMap>::NodeMap<T> { 
+    public:
+      NodeMap(const ErasingResGraphWrapper<Graph, Number, FlowMap, CapacityMap>& _G) : 
+	ResGraphWrapper<Graph, Number, FlowMap, CapacityMap>::NodeMap<T>(_G /*_G.getGraph()*/) { }
+      NodeMap(const ErasingResGraphWrapper<Graph, Number, FlowMap, CapacityMap>& _G, T a) : 
+	ResGraphWrapper<Graph, Number, FlowMap, CapacityMap>::NodeMap<T>(_G /*_G.getGraph()*/, a) { }
+    };
+    template<typename T> class EdgeMap : public ResGraphWrapper<Graph, Number, FlowMap, CapacityMap>::EdgeMap<T> { 
+    public:
+      EdgeMap(const ErasingResGraphWrapper<Graph, Number, FlowMap, CapacityMap>& _G) : 
+	ResGraphWrapper<Graph, Number, FlowMap, CapacityMap>::EdgeMap<T>(_G /*_G.getGraph()*/) { }
+      EdgeMap(const ErasingResGraphWrapper<Graph, Number, FlowMap, CapacityMap>& _G, T a) : 
+	ResGraphWrapper<Graph, Number, FlowMap, CapacityMap>::EdgeMap<T>(_G /*_G.getGraph()*/, a) { }
+    };
+  };
+  template<typename GraphWrapper> 
+  class FilterGraphWrapper {
+  };
+  template<typename Graph, typename Number, typename FlowMap, typename CapacityMap>
+  class FilterGraphWrapper<ErasingResGraphWrapper<Graph, Number, FlowMap, CapacityMap> > : public ErasingResGraphWrapper<Graph, Number, FlowMap, CapacityMap> {
+    //Graph* graph;
+  public:
+    //typedef Graph BaseGraph;
+    typedef typename ErasingResGraphWrapper<Graph, Number, FlowMap, CapacityMap>::NodeIt NodeIt;
+    typedef typename ErasingResGraphWrapper<Graph, Number, FlowMap, CapacityMap>::EachNodeIt EachNodeIt;
+    typedef typename ErasingResGraphWrapper<Graph, Number, FlowMap, CapacityMap>::EdgeIt EdgeIt;
+    typedef typename ErasingResGraphWrapper<Graph, Number, FlowMap, CapacityMap>::OutEdgeIt OutEdgeIt;
+    //typedef typename ErasingResGraphWrapper<Graph, Number, FlowMap, CapacityMap>::InEdgeIt InEdgeIt;
+    //typedef typename Graph::SymEdgeIt SymEdgeIt;
+    typedef typename ErasingResGraphWrapper<Graph, Number, FlowMap, CapacityMap>::EachEdgeIt EachEdgeIt;
+    //FilterGraphWrapper<Graph, Number, FlowMap, CapacityMap>::NodeMap<typename ResGraphWrapper<Graph, Number, FlowMap, CapacityMap>::OutEdgeIt> first_out_edges;
+  public:
+    FilterGraphWrapper(const Graph& _G, FlowMap& _flow, 
+			   const CapacityMap& _capacity) : 
+      ErasingResGraphWrapper<Graph, Number, FlowMap, CapacityMap>(_G, _flow, _capacity), dist(*this) { 
+    }
+    OutEdgeIt& getFirst(OutEdgeIt& e, const NodeIt& n) const {
+      ErasingResGraphWrapper<Graph, Number, FlowMap, CapacityMap>::getFirst(e, n);
+      while (valid(e) && (dist.get(tail(e))+1!=dist.get(head(e)))) 
+	ErasingResGraphWrapper<Graph, Number, FlowMap, CapacityMap>::next(e);
+      return e;
+    }
+    EachNodeIt& next(EachNodeIt& e) const {
+      return ErasingResGraphWrapper<Graph, Number, FlowMap, CapacityMap>::next(e);
+    }
+    OutEdgeIt& next(OutEdgeIt& e) const {
+      ErasingResGraphWrapper<Graph, Number, FlowMap, CapacityMap>::next(e);
+      while (valid(e) && (dist.get(tail(e))+1!=dist.get(head(e)))) 
+	ErasingResGraphWrapper<Graph, Number, FlowMap, CapacityMap>::next(e);
+      return e;
+    }
+    EachNodeIt& getFirst(EachNodeIt& n) const {
+      return ErasingResGraphWrapper<Graph, Number, FlowMap, CapacityMap>::getFirst(n);
+    }
+    void erase(const EdgeIt& e) {
+      OutEdgeIt f(e);
+      ErasingResGraphWrapper<Graph, Number, FlowMap, CapacityMap>::next(f);
+      while (valid(f) && (dist.get(tail(f))+1!=dist.get(head(f)))) 
+	ErasingResGraphWrapper<Graph, Number, FlowMap, CapacityMap>::next(f);
+      first_out_edges.set(this->tail(e), f);
+    }
+    //TrivGraphWrapper() : graph(0) { }
+    //TrivGraphWrapper(Graph& _graph) : graph(&_graph) { }
+    //void setGraph(Graph& _graph) { graph = &_graph; }
+    //Graph& getGraph() const { return (*graph); }
+    //template<typename I> I& getFirst(I& i) const { return graph->getFirst(i); }
+    //template<typename I, typename P> I& getFirst(I& i, const P& p) const { 
+    //  return graph->getFirst(i, p); }
+    //template<typename I> I getNext(const I& i) const { 
+    //  return graph->getNext(i); }
+    //template<typename I> I& next(I &i) const { return graph->next(i); }    
+    template< typename It > It first() const { 
+      It e; getFirst(e); return e; }
+    template< typename It > It first(const NodeIt& v) const { 
+      It e; getFirst(e, v); return e; }
+    //NodeIt head(const EdgeIt& e) const { return graph->head(e); }
+    //NodeIt tail(const EdgeIt& e) const { return graph->tail(e); }
+    //template<typename I> bool valid(const I& i) const 
+    //  { return graph->valid(i); }
+    //template<typename I> void setInvalid(const I &i);
+    //{ return graph->setInvalid(i); }
+    //int nodeNum() const { return graph->nodeNum(); }
+    //int edgeNum() const { return graph->edgeNum(); }
+    //template<typename I> NodeIt aNode(const I& e) const { 
+    //  return graph->aNode(e); }
+    //template<typename I> NodeIt bNode(const I& e) const { 
+    //  return graph->bNode(e); }
+    //NodeIt addNode() const { return graph->addNode(); }
+    //EdgeIt addEdge(const NodeIt& tail, const NodeIt& head) const { 
+    //  return graph->addEdge(tail, head); }
+    //template<typename I> void erase(const I& i) const { graph->erase(i); }
+    //void clear() const { graph->clear(); }
+    template<typename T> class NodeMap : public ErasingResGraphWrapper<Graph, Number, FlowMap, CapacityMap>::NodeMap<T> { 
+    public:
+      NodeMap(const FilterGraphWrapper<ErasingResGraphWrapper<Graph, Number, FlowMap, CapacityMap> >& _G) : 
+	ErasingResGraphWrapper<Graph, Number, FlowMap, CapacityMap>::NodeMap<T>(_G /*_G.getGraph()*/) { }
+      NodeMap(const FilterGraphWrapper<ErasingResGraphWrapper<Graph, Number, FlowMap, CapacityMap> >& _G, T a) : 
+	ErasingResGraphWrapper<Graph, Number, FlowMap, CapacityMap>::NodeMap<T>(_G /*_G.getGraph()*/, a) { }
+    };
+    template<typename T> class EdgeMap : public ErasingResGraphWrapper<Graph, Number, FlowMap, CapacityMap>::EdgeMap<T> { 
+    public:
+      EdgeMap(const FilterGraphWrapper<ErasingResGraphWrapper<Graph, Number, FlowMap, CapacityMap> >& _G) : 
+	ErasingResGraphWrapper<Graph, Number, FlowMap, CapacityMap>::EdgeMap<T>(_G /*_G.getGraph()*/) { }
+      EdgeMap(const FilterGraphWrapper<ErasingResGraphWrapper<Graph, Number, FlowMap, CapacityMap> >& _G, T a) : 
+	ErasingResGraphWrapper<Graph, Number, FlowMap, CapacityMap>::EdgeMap<T>(_G /*_G.getGraph()*/, a) { }
+    };
+  public:
+    ErasingResGraphWrapper<Graph, Number, FlowMap, CapacityMap>::NodeMap<int> dist;
diff -r 7949a29a334e -r 27fbd1559fb7 src/work/marci/makefile
--- a/src/work/marci/makefile	Thu Mar 11 12:55:50 2004 +0000
+++ b/src/work/marci/makefile	Thu Mar 11 14:15:07 2004 +0000
@@ -16,8 +16,8 @@
 sinclude .depend
-	$(CXX3) $(CXXFLAGS) -O3 -I. -I.. -o edmonds_karp_demo edmonds_karp_demo.cc
-	$(CXX3) $(CXXFLAGS) -g -pg -O3 -I. -I.. -o edmonds_karp_demo_prof edmonds_karp_demo.cc
+	$(CXX3) $(CXXFLAGS) -g -O3 -I. -I.. -o edmonds_karp_demo edmonds_karp_demo.cc
+	$(CXX3) $(CXXFLAGS) -g -pg -O3 -I. -I.. -o edmonds_karp_demo_prof edmonds_karp_demo_prof.cc
 	$(CXX3) $(CXXFLAGS) -O3 -I. -I.. -I../alpar -o edmonds_karp_demo_alpar edmonds_karp_demo_alpar.cc
diff -r 7949a29a334e -r 27fbd1559fb7 src/work/marci_graph_demo.cc
--- a/src/work/marci_graph_demo.cc	Thu Mar 11 12:55:50 2004 +0000
+++ b/src/work/marci_graph_demo.cc	Thu Mar 11 14:15:07 2004 +0000
@@ -236,13 +236,15 @@
       std::cout<<"("<<flowG.tail(e)<< "-"<<flow.get(e)<<"->"<<flowG.head(e)<<") ";
-    max_flow_test.run();
+    //max_flow_test.run();
-    std::cout << "maximum flow: "<< std::endl;
-    for(EachEdgeIt e=flowG.template first<EachEdgeIt>(); e.valid(); ++e) { 
-      std::cout<<"("<<flowG.tail(e)<< "-"<<flow.get(e)<<"->"<<flowG.head(e)<<") ";
+    //std::cout << "maximum flow: "<< std::endl;
+    while (max_flow_test.augmentOnShortestPath()) {
+      for(EachEdgeIt e=flowG.template first<EachEdgeIt>(); e.valid(); ++e) { 
+	std::cout<<"("<<flowG.tail(e)<< "-"<<flow.get(e)<<"->"<<flowG.head(e)<<") ";
+      }
+      std::cout<<std::endl;
-    std::cout<<std::endl;
     std::cout << "flow value: "<< max_flow_test.flowValue() << std::endl;