# HG changeset patch
# User alpar
# Date 1094458968 0
# Node ID 59b8cb2cb2f8f8922c6781624383779345ad86b8
# Parent  6874a72dbdc5ae16116d4bf5620a692585602fc2
Changes in doc.

diff -r 6874a72dbdc5 -r 59b8cb2cb2f8 src/hugo/maps.h
--- a/src/hugo/maps.h	Mon Sep 06 08:21:42 2004 +0000
+++ b/src/hugo/maps.h	Mon Sep 06 08:22:48 2004 +0000
@@ -14,45 +14,54 @@
   /// Base class of maps.
+  /// Base class of maps.
+  /// It provides the necessary <tt>typedef</tt>s required by the map concept.
   template<typename K, typename T>
   class MapBase
-    ///
+    /// .
     typedef K KeyType;
-    ///
+    /// .
     typedef T ValueType;
-  /// Null map. (aka DoNothingMap)
+  /// Null map. (a.k.a. DoNothingMap)
   /// If you have to provide a map only for its type definitions,
-  /// or if you have to provide a writable map, but will not use the
-  /// data written to it...
+  /// or if you have to provide a writable map, but
+  /// data written to it will sent to <tt>/dev/null</tt>...
   template<typename K, typename T>
   class NullMap : public MapBase<K,T>
+    /// Gives back a default constructed element.
     T operator[](const K&) const { return T(); }
+    /// Absorbs the value.
     void set(const K&, const T&) {}
-    ///\bug when update is removed from map concepts by being dynamic
-    ///stuffs, this line have to be removed.
-    void update() { }
   /// Constant map.
-  /// This is a readable map which assignes a specified value to each key.
-  /// In other aspects it is equivalent to the \ref NullMap
+  /// This is a readable map which assigns a specified value to each key.
+  /// In other aspects it is equivalent to the \ref NullMap.
+  /// \todo set could be used to set the value.
   template<typename K, typename T>
   class ConstMap : public MapBase<K,T>
     T v;
+    /// Default constructor
+    /// The value of the map will be uninitialized. 
+    /// (More exactly it will be default constructed.)
     ConstMap() {}
+    /// .
+    /// \param _v The initial value of the map.
     ConstMap(const T &_v) : v(_v) {}
     T operator[](const K&) const { return v; }
@@ -123,7 +132,7 @@
     /// Changes the default value of the map.
     /// \return Returns the previous default value.
-    /// \warning The value of some keys (which has alredy been queried, but
+    /// \warning The value of some keys (which has already been queried, but
     /// the value has been unchanged from the default) may change!
     T setDefault(const T &_v) { T old=v; v=_v; return old; }