# HG changeset patch
# User alpar
# Date 1161546357 0
# Node ID 741995f3dbc4edfa01406d0c4ff64ffd954ca7f8
# Parent  0a9393adc7473b04074a057c93cd995f867ac7a2
maps.h is still very fuzzy.

diff -r 0a9393adc747 -r 741995f3dbc4 lemon/bin_heap.h
--- a/lemon/bin_heap.h	Fri Oct 20 12:06:49 2006 +0000
+++ b/lemon/bin_heap.h	Sun Oct 22 19:45:57 2006 +0000
@@ -54,7 +54,6 @@
     typedef Item                             ItemType;
-    // FIXME: stl-ben nem ezt hivjak value_type -nak, hanem a kovetkezot...
     typedef Prio                             PrioType;
     typedef std::pair<ItemType,PrioType>     PairType;
     typedef ItemIntMap                       ItemIntMapType;
diff -r 0a9393adc747 -r 741995f3dbc4 lemon/maps.h
--- a/lemon/maps.h	Fri Oct 20 12:06:49 2006 +0000
+++ b/lemon/maps.h	Sun Oct 22 19:45:57 2006 +0000
@@ -1018,8 +1018,8 @@
   ///Logical 'not' of a map with writing possibility
   ///This bool \ref concept::ReadWriteMap "read-write map" returns the 
-  ///logical negation of value returned by the given map. It is setted
-  ///then the negation of the value be setted to the original map.
+  ///logical negation of value returned by the given map. When it is set,
+  ///the opposite value is set to the original map.
   ///Its \c Key and will be inherited from \c M,
   ///its Value is <tt>bool</tt>.
   template <typename M> 
@@ -1064,8 +1064,8 @@
   /// \brief Writable bool map for store each true assigned elements.
-  /// Writable bool map for store each true assigned elements. It will
-  /// copies all the true setted keys to the given iterator.
+  /// Writable bool map to store each true assigned elements. It will
+  /// copies all the keys set to true to the given iterator.
   /// \note The container of the iterator should contain space 
   /// for each element.
@@ -1100,12 +1100,12 @@
     StoreBoolMap(Iterator it, const Functor& functor = Functor()) 
       : _begin(it), _end(it), _functor(functor) {}
-    /// Gives back the given first setted iterator.
+    /// Gives back the given iterator set for the first time.
     Iterator begin() const {
       return _begin;
-    /// Gives back the iterator after the last setted.
+    /// Gives back the iterator after the last set operation.
     Iterator end() const {
       return _end;
@@ -1126,7 +1126,7 @@
   /// a back insertable container.
   /// Writable bool map for store each true assigned elements in a back 
-  /// insertable container. It will push back all the true setted keys into
+  /// insertable container. It will push back all the keys set to true into
   /// the container. It can be used to retrieve the items into a standard
   /// container. The next example shows how can you store the undirected
   /// edges in a vector with prim algorithm.
@@ -1165,7 +1165,7 @@
   /// a front insertable container.
   /// Writable bool map for store each true assigned elements in a front 
-  /// insertable container. It will push front all the true setted keys into
+  /// insertable container. It will push front all the keys set to \c true into
   /// the container. For example see the BackInserterBoolMap.
   template <typename Container,
             typename Functor =
@@ -1196,7 +1196,7 @@
   /// an insertable container.
   /// Writable bool map for store each true assigned elements in an 
-  /// insertable container. It will insert all the true setted keys into
+  /// insertable container. It will insert all the keys set to \c true into
   /// the container. If you want to store the cut edges of the strongly
   /// connected components in a set you can use the next code:
@@ -1236,10 +1236,10 @@
     Functor functor;
-  /// \brief Fill the true setted elements with a given value.
+  /// \brief Fill the true set elements with a given value.
-  /// Writable bool map for fill the true setted elements with a given value.
-  /// The value can be setted 
+  /// Writable bool map to fill the elements set to \c true with a given value.
+  /// The value can set 
   /// the container.
   /// The next code finds the connected components of the undirected graph
@@ -1362,7 +1362,7 @@
     SettingOrderBoolMap(Map& _map) 
       : map(_map), counter(0) {}
-    /// Number of setted keys.
+    /// Number of set operations.
     int num() const {
       return counter;