# HG changeset patch
# User marci
# Date 1085127345 0
# Node ID c3ad7c661a49bd51f74ede828ab0b26e27afa068
# Parent  4dfa1f79bf3e1e1297b160f06442bbfd213b751a

diff -r 4dfa1f79bf3e -r c3ad7c661a49 src/hugo/graph_wrapper.h
--- a/src/hugo/graph_wrapper.h	Thu May 20 17:21:55 2004 +0000
+++ b/src/hugo/graph_wrapper.h	Fri May 21 08:15:45 2004 +0000
@@ -1012,346 +1012,340 @@
-//   ///\brief A wrapper for composing bidirected graph from a directed one. 
-//   /// experimental, for fezso's sake.
-//   ///
-//   /// A wrapper for composing bidirected graph from a directed one. 
-//   /// experimental, for fezso's sake.
-//   /// A bidirected graph is composed over the directed one without physical 
-//   /// storage. As the oppositely directed edges are logically different ones 
-//   /// the maps are able to attach different values for them.
-//   template<typename Graph>
-//   class BidirGraphWrapper : public GraphWrapper<Graph> {
-//   public:
-//     typedef GraphWrapper<Graph> Parent; 
-//   protected:
-//     //const CapacityMap* capacity;
-//     //FlowMap* flow;
+  template<typename Graph>
+  class OldBidirGraphWrapper : public GraphWrapper<Graph> {
+  public:
+    typedef GraphWrapper<Graph> Parent; 
+  protected:
+    //const CapacityMap* capacity;
+    //FlowMap* flow;
-//     BidirGraphWrapper() : GraphWrapper<Graph>()/*, 
-// 						 capacity(0), flow(0)*/ { }
-// //     void setCapacityMap(const CapacityMap& _capacity) {
-// //       capacity=&_capacity;
-// //     }
-// //     void setFlowMap(FlowMap& _flow) {
-// //       flow=&_flow;
-// //     }
-//   public:
-//     BidirGraphWrapper(Graph& _graph/*, const CapacityMap& _capacity, 
-// 				     FlowMap& _flow*/) : 
-//       GraphWrapper<Graph>(_graph)/*, capacity(&_capacity), flow(&_flow)*/ { }
-//     class Edge; 
-//     class OutEdgeIt; 
-//     friend class Edge; 
-//     friend class OutEdgeIt; 
-//     //template<typename T> class NodeMap;    
-//     template<typename T> class EdgeMap;
-//     typedef typename GraphWrapper<Graph>::Node Node;
-//     typedef typename GraphWrapper<Graph>::NodeIt NodeIt;
-//     class Edge : public Graph::Edge {
-//       friend class BidirGraphWrapper<Graph>;
-//       ///\bug ez nem is kell
-//       //template<typename T> friend class NodeMap;
-//       template<typename T> friend class EdgeMap;
-//     protected:
-//       bool backward; //true, iff backward
-// //      typename Graph::Edge e;
-//     public:
-//       Edge() { }
-//       ///\bug =false kell-e? zsoltnak kell az addEdge miatt
-//       Edge(const typename Graph::Edge& _e, bool _backward=false) : 
-// 	Graph::Edge(_e), backward(_backward) { }
-//       Edge(const Invalid& i) : Graph::Edge(i), backward(true) { }
-// //the unique invalid iterator
-//       friend bool operator==(const Edge& u, const Edge& v) { 
-// 	return (v.backward==u.backward && 
-// 		static_cast<typename Graph::Edge>(u)==
-// 		static_cast<typename Graph::Edge>(v));
-//       } 
-//       friend bool operator!=(const Edge& u, const Edge& v) { 
-// 	return (v.backward!=u.backward || 
-// 		static_cast<typename Graph::Edge>(u)!=
-// 		static_cast<typename Graph::Edge>(v));
-//       } 
-//     };
-//     class OutEdgeIt {
-//       friend class BidirGraphWrapper<Graph>;
-//     protected:
-//       typename Graph::OutEdgeIt out;
-//       typename Graph::InEdgeIt in;
-//       bool backward;
-//     public:
-//       OutEdgeIt() { }
-//       //FIXME
-// //      OutEdgeIt(const Edge& e) : Edge(e) { }
-//       OutEdgeIt(const Invalid& i) : out(i), in(i), backward(true) { }
-// //the unique invalid iterator
-//       OutEdgeIt(const BidirGraphWrapper<Graph>& _G, Node v) { 
-// 	backward=false;
-// 	_G.graph->first(out, v);
-// 	while(_G.graph->valid(out) && !_G.enabled(*this)) { _G.graph->next(out); }
-// 	if (!_G.graph->valid(out)) {
-// 	  backward=true;
-// 	  _G.graph->first(in, v);
-// 	  while(_G.graph->valid(in) && !_G.enabled(*this)) { _G.graph->next(in); }
-// 	}
-//       }
-//       operator Edge() const { 
-// //	Edge e;
-// //	e.forward=this->forward;
-// //	if (this->forward) e=out; else e=in;
-// //	return e;
-// 	if (this->backward) 
-// 	  return Edge(in, this->backward); 
-// 	else 
-// 	  return Edge(out, this->backward);
-//       }
-//     };
-//     class InEdgeIt {
-//       friend class BidirGraphWrapper<Graph>;
-//     protected:
-//       typename Graph::OutEdgeIt out;
-//       typename Graph::InEdgeIt in;
-//       bool backward;
-//     public:
-//       InEdgeIt() { }
-//       //FIXME
-// //      OutEdgeIt(const Edge& e) : Edge(e) { }
-//       InEdgeIt(const Invalid& i) : out(i), in(i), backward(true) { }
-// //the unique invalid iterator
-//       InEdgeIt(const BidirGraphWrapper<Graph>& _G, Node v) { 
-// 	backward=false;
-// 	_G.graph->first(in, v);
-// 	while(_G.graph->valid(in) && !_G.enabled(*this)) { _G.graph->next(in); }
-// 	if (!_G.graph->valid(in)) {
-// 	  backward=true;
-// 	  _G.graph->first(out, v);
-// 	  while(_G.graph->valid(out) && !_G.enabled(*this)) { _G.graph->next(out); }
-// 	}
-//       }
-//       operator Edge() const { 
-// //	Edge e;
-// //	e.forward=this->forward;
-// //	if (this->forward) e=out; else e=in;
-// //	return e;
-// 	if (this->backward) 
-// 	  return Edge(out, this->backward); 
-// 	else 
-// 	  return Edge(in, this->backward);
-//       }
-//     };
-//     class EdgeIt {
-//       friend class BidirGraphWrapper<Graph>;
-//     protected:
-//       typename Graph::EdgeIt e;
-//       bool backward;
-//     public:
-//       EdgeIt() { }
-//       EdgeIt(const Invalid& i) : e(i), backward(true) { }
-//       EdgeIt(const BidirGraphWrapper<Graph>& _G) { 
-// 	backward=false;
-// 	_G.graph->first(e);
-// 	while (_G.graph->valid(e) && !_G.enabled(*this)) _G.graph->next(e);
-// 	if (!_G.graph->valid(e)) {
-// 	  backward=true;
-// 	  _G.graph->first(e);
-// 	  while (_G.graph->valid(e) && !_G.enabled(*this)) _G.graph->next(e);
-// 	}
-//       }
-//       operator Edge() const { 
-// 	return Edge(e, this->backward);
-//       }
-//     };
-//     using GraphWrapper<Graph>::first;
-// //     NodeIt& first(NodeIt& i) const { 
-// //       i=NodeIt(*this); return i;
-// //     }
-//     OutEdgeIt& first(OutEdgeIt& i, const Node& p) const { 
-//       i=OutEdgeIt(*this, p); return i;
+    OldBidirGraphWrapper() : GraphWrapper<Graph>()/*, 
+						 capacity(0), flow(0)*/ { }
+//     void setCapacityMap(const CapacityMap& _capacity) {
+//       capacity=&_capacity;
 //     }
-// //    FIXME not tested
-//     InEdgeIt& first(InEdgeIt& i, const Node& p) const { 
-//       i=InEdgeIt(*this, p); return i;
-//     }
-//     EdgeIt& first(EdgeIt& i) const { 
-//       i=EdgeIt(*this); return i;
-//     }
-//     using GraphWrapper<Graph>::next;
-// //    NodeIt& next(NodeIt& n) const { GraphWrapper<Graph>::next(n); return n; }
-//     OutEdgeIt& next(OutEdgeIt& e) const { 
-//       if (!e.backward) {
-// 	Node v=this->graph->aNode(e.out);
-// 	this->graph->next(e.out);
-// 	while(this->graph->valid(e.out) && !enabled(e)) { 
-// 	  this->graph->next(e.out); }
-// 	if (!this->graph->valid(e.out)) {
-// 	  e.backward=true;
-// 	  this->graph->first(e.in, v); 
-// 	  while(this->graph->valid(e.in) && !enabled(e)) { 
-// 	    this->graph->next(e.in); }
-// 	}
-//       } else {
-// 	this->graph->next(e.in);
-// 	while(this->graph->valid(e.in) && !enabled(e)) { 
-// 	  this->graph->next(e.in); } 
-//       }
-//       return e;
-//     }
-// //     FIXME Not tested
-//     InEdgeIt& next(InEdgeIt& e) const { 
-//       if (!e.backward) {
-// 	Node v=this->graph->aNode(e.in);
-// 	this->graph->next(e.in);
-// 	while(this->graph->valid(e.in) && !enabled(e)) { 
-// 	  this->graph->next(e.in); }
-// 	if (!this->graph->valid(e.in)) {
-// 	  e.backward=true;
-// 	  this->graph->first(e.out, v); 
-// 	  while(this->graph->valid(e.out) && !enabled(e)) { 
-// 	    this->graph->next(e.out); }
-// 	}
-//       } else {
-// 	this->graph->next(e.out);
-// 	while(this->graph->valid(e.out) && !enabled(e)) { 
-// 	  this->graph->next(e.out); } 
-//       }
-//       return e;
-//     }
-//     EdgeIt& next(EdgeIt& e) const {
-//       if (!e.backward) {
-// 	this->graph->next(e.e);
-// 	while(this->graph->valid(e.e) && !enabled(e)) { 
-// 	  this->graph->next(e.e); }
-// 	if (!this->graph->valid(e.e)) {
-// 	  e.backward=true;
-// 	  this->graph->first(e.e); 
-// 	  while(this->graph->valid(e.e) && !enabled(e)) { 
-// 	    this->graph->next(e.e); }
-// 	}
-//       } else {
-// 	this->graph->next(e.e);
-// 	while(this->graph->valid(e.e) && !enabled(e)) { 
-// 	  this->graph->next(e.e); } 
-//       }
-//       return e;
+//     void setFlowMap(FlowMap& _flow) {
+//       flow=&_flow;
 //     }
-//     Node tail(Edge e) const { 
-//       return ((!e.backward) ? this->graph->tail(e) : this->graph->head(e)); }
-//     Node head(Edge e) const { 
-//       return ((!e.backward) ? this->graph->head(e) : this->graph->tail(e)); }
+  public:
-//     Node aNode(OutEdgeIt e) const { 
-//       return ((!e.backward) ? this->graph->aNode(e.out) : 
-// 	      this->graph->aNode(e.in)); }
-//     Node bNode(OutEdgeIt e) const { 
-//       return ((!e.backward) ? this->graph->bNode(e.out) : 
-// 	      this->graph->bNode(e.in)); }
+    OldBidirGraphWrapper(Graph& _graph/*, const CapacityMap& _capacity, 
+				     FlowMap& _flow*/) : 
+      GraphWrapper<Graph>(_graph)/*, capacity(&_capacity), flow(&_flow)*/ { }
-//     Node aNode(InEdgeIt e) const { 
-//       return ((!e.backward) ? this->graph->aNode(e.in) : 
-// 	      this->graph->aNode(e.out)); }
-//     Node bNode(InEdgeIt e) const { 
-//       return ((!e.backward) ? this->graph->bNode(e.in) : 
-// 	      this->graph->bNode(e.out)); }
+    class Edge; 
+    class OutEdgeIt; 
+    friend class Edge; 
+    friend class OutEdgeIt; 
-//     /// Gives back the opposite edge.
-//     Edge opposite(const Edge& e) const { 
-//       Edge f=e;
-//       f.backward=!f.backward;
-//       return f;
+    //template<typename T> class NodeMap;    
+    template<typename T> class EdgeMap;
+    typedef typename GraphWrapper<Graph>::Node Node;
+    typedef typename GraphWrapper<Graph>::NodeIt NodeIt;
+    class Edge : public Graph::Edge {
+      friend class OldBidirGraphWrapper<Graph>;
+      ///\bug ez nem is kell
+      //template<typename T> friend class NodeMap;
+      template<typename T> friend class EdgeMap;
+    protected:
+      bool backward; //true, iff backward
+//      typename Graph::Edge e;
+    public:
+      Edge() { }
+      ///\bug =false kell-e? zsoltnak kell az addEdge miatt
+      Edge(const typename Graph::Edge& _e, bool _backward=false) : 
+	Graph::Edge(_e), backward(_backward) { }
+      Edge(const Invalid& i) : Graph::Edge(i), backward(true) { }
+//the unique invalid iterator
+      friend bool operator==(const Edge& u, const Edge& v) { 
+	return (v.backward==u.backward && 
+		static_cast<typename Graph::Edge>(u)==
+		static_cast<typename Graph::Edge>(v));
+      } 
+      friend bool operator!=(const Edge& u, const Edge& v) { 
+	return (v.backward!=u.backward || 
+		static_cast<typename Graph::Edge>(u)!=
+		static_cast<typename Graph::Edge>(v));
+      } 
+    };
+    class OutEdgeIt {
+      friend class OldBidirGraphWrapper<Graph>;
+    protected:
+      typename Graph::OutEdgeIt out;
+      typename Graph::InEdgeIt in;
+      bool backward;
+    public:
+      OutEdgeIt() { }
+      //FIXME
+//      OutEdgeIt(const Edge& e) : Edge(e) { }
+      OutEdgeIt(const Invalid& i) : out(i), in(i), backward(true) { }
+//the unique invalid iterator
+      OutEdgeIt(const OldBidirGraphWrapper<Graph>& _G, Node v) { 
+	backward=false;
+	_G.graph->first(out, v);
+	while(_G.graph->valid(out) && !_G.enabled(*this)) { _G.graph->next(out); }
+	if (!_G.graph->valid(out)) {
+	  backward=true;
+	  _G.graph->first(in, v);
+	  while(_G.graph->valid(in) && !_G.enabled(*this)) { _G.graph->next(in); }
+	}
+      }
+      operator Edge() const { 
+//	Edge e;
+//	e.forward=this->forward;
+//	if (this->forward) e=out; else e=in;
+//	return e;
+	if (this->backward) 
+	  return Edge(in, this->backward); 
+	else 
+	  return Edge(out, this->backward);
+      }
+    };
+    class InEdgeIt {
+      friend class OldBidirGraphWrapper<Graph>;
+    protected:
+      typename Graph::OutEdgeIt out;
+      typename Graph::InEdgeIt in;
+      bool backward;
+    public:
+      InEdgeIt() { }
+      //FIXME
+//      OutEdgeIt(const Edge& e) : Edge(e) { }
+      InEdgeIt(const Invalid& i) : out(i), in(i), backward(true) { }
+//the unique invalid iterator
+      InEdgeIt(const OldBidirGraphWrapper<Graph>& _G, Node v) { 
+	backward=false;
+	_G.graph->first(in, v);
+	while(_G.graph->valid(in) && !_G.enabled(*this)) { _G.graph->next(in); }
+	if (!_G.graph->valid(in)) {
+	  backward=true;
+	  _G.graph->first(out, v);
+	  while(_G.graph->valid(out) && !_G.enabled(*this)) { _G.graph->next(out); }
+	}
+      }
+      operator Edge() const { 
+//	Edge e;
+//	e.forward=this->forward;
+//	if (this->forward) e=out; else e=in;
+//	return e;
+	if (this->backward) 
+	  return Edge(out, this->backward); 
+	else 
+	  return Edge(in, this->backward);
+      }
+    };
+    class EdgeIt {
+      friend class OldBidirGraphWrapper<Graph>;
+    protected:
+      typename Graph::EdgeIt e;
+      bool backward;
+    public:
+      EdgeIt() { }
+      EdgeIt(const Invalid& i) : e(i), backward(true) { }
+      EdgeIt(const OldBidirGraphWrapper<Graph>& _G) { 
+	backward=false;
+	_G.graph->first(e);
+	while (_G.graph->valid(e) && !_G.enabled(*this)) _G.graph->next(e);
+	if (!_G.graph->valid(e)) {
+	  backward=true;
+	  _G.graph->first(e);
+	  while (_G.graph->valid(e) && !_G.enabled(*this)) _G.graph->next(e);
+	}
+      }
+      operator Edge() const { 
+	return Edge(e, this->backward);
+      }
+    };
+    using GraphWrapper<Graph>::first;
+//     NodeIt& first(NodeIt& i) const { 
+//       i=NodeIt(*this); return i;
+//     }
+    OutEdgeIt& first(OutEdgeIt& i, const Node& p) const { 
+      i=OutEdgeIt(*this, p); return i;
+    }
+//    FIXME not tested
+    InEdgeIt& first(InEdgeIt& i, const Node& p) const { 
+      i=InEdgeIt(*this, p); return i;
+    }
+    EdgeIt& first(EdgeIt& i) const { 
+      i=EdgeIt(*this); return i;
+    }
+    using GraphWrapper<Graph>::next;
+//    NodeIt& next(NodeIt& n) const { GraphWrapper<Graph>::next(n); return n; }
+    OutEdgeIt& next(OutEdgeIt& e) const { 
+      if (!e.backward) {
+	Node v=this->graph->aNode(e.out);
+	this->graph->next(e.out);
+	while(this->graph->valid(e.out) && !enabled(e)) { 
+	  this->graph->next(e.out); }
+	if (!this->graph->valid(e.out)) {
+	  e.backward=true;
+	  this->graph->first(e.in, v); 
+	  while(this->graph->valid(e.in) && !enabled(e)) { 
+	    this->graph->next(e.in); }
+	}
+      } else {
+	this->graph->next(e.in);
+	while(this->graph->valid(e.in) && !enabled(e)) { 
+	  this->graph->next(e.in); } 
+      }
+      return e;
+    }
+//     FIXME Not tested
+    InEdgeIt& next(InEdgeIt& e) const { 
+      if (!e.backward) {
+	Node v=this->graph->aNode(e.in);
+	this->graph->next(e.in);
+	while(this->graph->valid(e.in) && !enabled(e)) { 
+	  this->graph->next(e.in); }
+	if (!this->graph->valid(e.in)) {
+	  e.backward=true;
+	  this->graph->first(e.out, v); 
+	  while(this->graph->valid(e.out) && !enabled(e)) { 
+	    this->graph->next(e.out); }
+	}
+      } else {
+	this->graph->next(e.out);
+	while(this->graph->valid(e.out) && !enabled(e)) { 
+	  this->graph->next(e.out); } 
+      }
+      return e;
+    }
+    EdgeIt& next(EdgeIt& e) const {
+      if (!e.backward) {
+	this->graph->next(e.e);
+	while(this->graph->valid(e.e) && !enabled(e)) { 
+	  this->graph->next(e.e); }
+	if (!this->graph->valid(e.e)) {
+	  e.backward=true;
+	  this->graph->first(e.e); 
+	  while(this->graph->valid(e.e) && !enabled(e)) { 
+	    this->graph->next(e.e); }
+	}
+      } else {
+	this->graph->next(e.e);
+	while(this->graph->valid(e.e) && !enabled(e)) { 
+	  this->graph->next(e.e); } 
+      }
+      return e;
+    }
+    Node tail(Edge e) const { 
+      return ((!e.backward) ? this->graph->tail(e) : this->graph->head(e)); }
+    Node head(Edge e) const { 
+      return ((!e.backward) ? this->graph->head(e) : this->graph->tail(e)); }
+    Node aNode(OutEdgeIt e) const { 
+      return ((!e.backward) ? this->graph->aNode(e.out) : 
+	      this->graph->aNode(e.in)); }
+    Node bNode(OutEdgeIt e) const { 
+      return ((!e.backward) ? this->graph->bNode(e.out) : 
+	      this->graph->bNode(e.in)); }
+    Node aNode(InEdgeIt e) const { 
+      return ((!e.backward) ? this->graph->aNode(e.in) : 
+	      this->graph->aNode(e.out)); }
+    Node bNode(InEdgeIt e) const { 
+      return ((!e.backward) ? this->graph->bNode(e.in) : 
+	      this->graph->bNode(e.out)); }
+    /// Gives back the opposite edge.
+    Edge opposite(const Edge& e) const { 
+      Edge f=e;
+      f.backward=!f.backward;
+      return f;
+    }
+//    int nodeNum() const { return graph->nodeNum(); }
+    //FIXME
+    void edgeNum() const { }
+    //int edgeNum() const { return graph->edgeNum(); }
+//    int id(Node v) const { return graph->id(v); }
+    bool valid(Node n) const { return GraphWrapper<Graph>::valid(n); }
+    bool valid(Edge e) const { 
+      return this->graph->valid(e);
+	//return e.forward ? graph->valid(e.out) : graph->valid(e.in); 
+    }
+    bool forward(const Edge& e) const { return !e.backward; }
+    bool backward(const Edge& e) const { return e.backward; }
+//     void augment(const Edge& e, Number a) const {
+//       if (!e.backward)  
+// // 	flow->set(e.out, flow->get(e.out)+a);
+// 	flow->set(e, (*flow)[e]+a);
+//       else  
+// // 	flow->set(e.in, flow->get(e.in)-a);
+// 	flow->set(e, (*flow)[e]-a);
 //     }
-// //    int nodeNum() const { return graph->nodeNum(); }
-//     //FIXME
-//     void edgeNum() const { }
-//     //int edgeNum() const { return graph->edgeNum(); }
+    bool enabled(const Edge& e) const { 
+      if (!e.backward) 
+//	return (capacity->get(e.out)-flow->get(e.out)); 
+	//return ((*capacity)[e]-(*flow)[e]);
+	return true;
+      else 
+//	return (flow->get(e.in)); 
+	//return ((*flow)[e]); 
+	return true;
+    }
-// //    int id(Node v) const { return graph->id(v); }
-//     bool valid(Node n) const { return GraphWrapper<Graph>::valid(n); }
-//     bool valid(Edge e) const { 
-//       return this->graph->valid(e);
-// 	//return e.forward ? graph->valid(e.out) : graph->valid(e.in); 
+//     Number enabled(typename Graph::OutEdgeIt out) const { 
+// //      return (capacity->get(out)-flow->get(out)); 
+//       return ((*capacity)[out]-(*flow)[out]); 
+//     }
+//     Number enabled(typename Graph::InEdgeIt in) const { 
+// //      return (flow->get(in)); 
+//       return ((*flow)[in]); 
 //     }
-//     bool forward(const Edge& e) const { return !e.backward; }
-//     bool backward(const Edge& e) const { return e.backward; }
+    template <typename T>
+    class EdgeMap {
+      typename Graph::template EdgeMap<T> forward_map, backward_map; 
+    public:
+      typedef T ValueType;
+      typedef Edge KeyType;
+      EdgeMap(const OldBidirGraphWrapper<Graph>& _G) : forward_map(*(_G.graph)), backward_map(*(_G.graph)) { }
+      EdgeMap(const OldBidirGraphWrapper<Graph>& _G, T a) : forward_map(*(_G.graph), a), backward_map(*(_G.graph), a) { }
+      void set(Edge e, T a) { 
+	if (!e.backward) 
+	  forward_map.set(e/*.out*/, a); 
+	else 
+	  backward_map.set(e/*.in*/, a); 
+      }
+      T operator[](Edge e) const { 
+	if (!e.backward) 
+	  return forward_map[e/*.out*/]; 
+	else 
+	  return backward_map[e/*.in*/]; 
+      }
+      void update() { 
+	forward_map.update(); 
+	backward_map.update();
+      }
+//       T get(Edge e) const { 
+// 	if (e.out_or_in) 
+// 	  return forward_map.get(e.out); 
+// 	else 
+// 	  return backward_map.get(e.in); 
+//       }
+    };
+  };
-// //     void augment(const Edge& e, Number a) const {
-// //       if (!e.backward)  
-// // // 	flow->set(e.out, flow->get(e.out)+a);
-// // 	flow->set(e, (*flow)[e]+a);
-// //       else  
-// // // 	flow->set(e.in, flow->get(e.in)-a);
-// // 	flow->set(e, (*flow)[e]-a);
-// //     }
-//     bool enabled(const Edge& e) const { 
-//       if (!e.backward) 
-// //	return (capacity->get(e.out)-flow->get(e.out)); 
-// 	//return ((*capacity)[e]-(*flow)[e]);
-// 	return true;
-//       else 
-// //	return (flow->get(e.in)); 
-// 	//return ((*flow)[e]); 
-// 	return true;
-//     }
-// //     Number enabled(typename Graph::OutEdgeIt out) const { 
-// // //      return (capacity->get(out)-flow->get(out)); 
-// //       return ((*capacity)[out]-(*flow)[out]); 
-// //     }
-// //     Number enabled(typename Graph::InEdgeIt in) const { 
-// // //      return (flow->get(in)); 
-// //       return ((*flow)[in]); 
-// //     }
-//     template <typename T>
-//     class EdgeMap {
-//       typename Graph::template EdgeMap<T> forward_map, backward_map; 
-//     public:
-//       typedef T ValueType;
-//       typedef Edge KeyType;
-//       EdgeMap(const BidirGraphWrapper<Graph>& _G) : forward_map(*(_G.graph)), backward_map(*(_G.graph)) { }
-//       EdgeMap(const BidirGraphWrapper<Graph>& _G, T a) : forward_map(*(_G.graph), a), backward_map(*(_G.graph), a) { }
-//       void set(Edge e, T a) { 
-// 	if (!e.backward) 
-// 	  forward_map.set(e/*.out*/, a); 
-// 	else 
-// 	  backward_map.set(e/*.in*/, a); 
-//       }
-//       T operator[](Edge e) const { 
-// 	if (!e.backward) 
-// 	  return forward_map[e/*.out*/]; 
-// 	else 
-// 	  return backward_map[e/*.in*/]; 
-//       }
-//       void update() { 
-// 	forward_map.update(); 
-// 	backward_map.update();
-//       }
-// //       T get(Edge e) const { 
-// // 	if (e.out_or_in) 
-// // 	  return forward_map.get(e.out); 
-// // 	else 
-// // 	  return backward_map.get(e.in); 
-// //       }
-//     };
-//   };
   /// \brief A bidirected graph template.
@@ -1376,7 +1370,6 @@
-  /// An experiment for ResGraphWrapper.
   template<typename Graph, typename Number,
 	   typename CapacityMap, typename FlowMap>
   class ForwardFilter {
@@ -1392,7 +1385,6 @@
-  /// An experiment for ResGraphWrapper.
   template<typename Graph, typename Number,
 	   typename CapacityMap, typename FlowMap>
   class BackwardFilter {
@@ -1408,11 +1400,13 @@
+  /// A wrapper for composing the residual graph for directed flow and circulation problems.
-  /// An experiment for ResGraphWrapper.
+  /// A wrapper for composing the residual graph for directed flow and circulation problems.
   template<typename Graph, typename Number, 
 	   typename CapacityMap, typename FlowMap>
-  class ExpResGraphWrapper : 
+  class ResGraphWrapper : 
     public SubBidirGraphWrapper< 
     ForwardFilter<Graph, Number, CapacityMap, FlowMap>,  
@@ -1428,7 +1422,7 @@
     ForwardFilter<Graph, Number, CapacityMap, FlowMap> forward_filter;
     BackwardFilter<Graph, Number, CapacityMap, FlowMap> backward_filter;
-    ExpResGraphWrapper(Graph& _graph, const CapacityMap& _capacity, 
+    ResGraphWrapper(Graph& _graph, const CapacityMap& _capacity, 
 		       FlowMap& _flow) : 
       Parent(), capacity(&_capacity), flow(&_flow), 
       forward_filter(_graph, _capacity, _flow), 
@@ -1464,77 +1458,16 @@
-//   /// An experiment for ResGraphWrapper.
-//   template<typename Graph, typename Number, 
-// 	   typename CapacityMap, typename FlowMap>
-//   class ExpResGraphWrapper : 
-//     public SubGraphWrapper< BidirGraphWrapper<Graph>, 
-// 			    ConstMap<typename BidirGraphWrapper<Graph>::Node, 
-// 				     bool>, 
-// 			    EdgeFilter< BidirGraphWrapper<Graph>, 
-// 					CapacityMap, FlowMap> > {
-//   public:
-//     typedef SubGraphWrapper< BidirGraphWrapper<Graph>, 
-// 			     ConstMap<typename BidirGraphWrapper<Graph>::Node, 
-// 				      bool>, 
-// 			     EdgeFilter< BidirGraphWrapper<Graph>, 
-// 					 CapacityMap, FlowMap> > Parent; 
-//   protected:
-//     const CapacityMap* capacity;
-//     FlowMap* flow;
-//     BidirGraphWrapper<Graph> bidir_graph;
-//     ConstMap<typename BidirGraphWrapper<Graph>::Node, bool> node_filter;
-//     EdgeFilter< BidirGraphWrapper<Graph>, CapacityMap, FlowMap> edge_filter;
-//   public:
-//     ExpResGraphWrapper(Graph& _graph, const CapacityMap& _capacity, 
-// 		       FlowMap& _flow) : 
-//       Parent(), capacity(&_capacity), flow(&_flow), 
-//       bidir_graph(_graph), 
-//       node_filter(true),
-//       edge_filter(bidir_graph, *capacity, *flow) { 
-//       Parent::setGraph(bidir_graph);
-//       Parent::setNodeFilterMap(node_filter);
-//       Parent::setEdgeFilterMap(edge_filter);
-//     }
-//     //    bool forward(const Parent::Edge& e) const { return Parent::forward(e); }
-//     //bool backward(const Edge& e) const { return e.backward; }
-//     void augment(const typename Parent::Edge& e, Number a) const {
-//       if (Parent::forward(e))  
-// // 	flow->set(e.out, flow->get(e.out)+a);
-// 	flow->set(e, (*flow)[e]+a);
-//       else  
-// // 	flow->set(e.in, flow->get(e.in)-a);
-// 	flow->set(e, (*flow)[e]-a);
-//     }
-//     Number resCap(const typename Parent::Edge& e) const { 
-//       if (Parent::forward(e)) 
-// //	return (capacity->get(e.out)-flow->get(e.out)); 
-// 	return ((*capacity)[e]-(*flow)[e]); 
-//       else 
-// //	return (flow->get(e.in)); 
-// 	return ((*flow)[e]); 
-//     }
-//   };
-  /// A wrapper for composing the residual graph for directed flow and circulation problems.
-  /// A wrapper for composing the residual graph for directed flow and circulation problems.
   template<typename Graph, typename Number, 
 	   typename CapacityMap, typename FlowMap>
-  class ResGraphWrapper : public GraphWrapper<Graph> {
+  class OldResGraphWrapper : public GraphWrapper<Graph> {
     typedef GraphWrapper<Graph> Parent; 
     const CapacityMap* capacity;
     FlowMap* flow;
-    ResGraphWrapper() : GraphWrapper<Graph>(0), 
+    OldResGraphWrapper() : GraphWrapper<Graph>(0), 
 			capacity(0), flow(0) { }
     void setCapacityMap(const CapacityMap& _capacity) {
@@ -1545,7 +1478,7 @@
-    ResGraphWrapper(Graph& _graph, const CapacityMap& _capacity, 
+    OldResGraphWrapper(Graph& _graph, const CapacityMap& _capacity, 
 		    FlowMap& _flow) : 
       GraphWrapper<Graph>(_graph), capacity(&_capacity), flow(&_flow) { }
@@ -1557,7 +1490,7 @@
     typedef typename GraphWrapper<Graph>::Node Node;
     typedef typename GraphWrapper<Graph>::NodeIt NodeIt;
     class Edge : public Graph::Edge {
-      friend class ResGraphWrapper<Graph, Number, CapacityMap, FlowMap>;
+      friend class OldResGraphWrapper<Graph, Number, CapacityMap, FlowMap>;
       bool backward; //true, iff backward
 //      typename Graph::Edge e;
@@ -1580,7 +1513,7 @@
     class OutEdgeIt {
-      friend class ResGraphWrapper<Graph, Number, CapacityMap, FlowMap>;
+      friend class OldResGraphWrapper<Graph, Number, CapacityMap, FlowMap>;
       typename Graph::OutEdgeIt out;
       typename Graph::InEdgeIt in;
@@ -1591,7 +1524,7 @@
 //      OutEdgeIt(const Edge& e) : Edge(e) { }
       OutEdgeIt(const Invalid& i) : out(i), in(i), backward(true) { }
 //the unique invalid iterator
-      OutEdgeIt(const ResGraphWrapper<Graph, Number, CapacityMap, FlowMap>& _G, Node v) { 
+      OutEdgeIt(const OldResGraphWrapper<Graph, Number, CapacityMap, FlowMap>& _G, Node v) { 
 	_G.graph->first(out, v);
 	while( _G.graph->valid(out) && !(_G.resCap(*this)>0) ) { _G.graph->next(out); }
@@ -1614,7 +1547,7 @@
     class InEdgeIt {
-      friend class ResGraphWrapper<Graph, Number, CapacityMap, FlowMap>;
+      friend class OldResGraphWrapper<Graph, Number, CapacityMap, FlowMap>;
       typename Graph::OutEdgeIt out;
       typename Graph::InEdgeIt in;
@@ -1625,7 +1558,7 @@
 //      OutEdgeIt(const Edge& e) : Edge(e) { }
       InEdgeIt(const Invalid& i) : out(i), in(i), backward(true) { }
 //the unique invalid iterator
-      InEdgeIt(const ResGraphWrapper<Graph, Number, CapacityMap, FlowMap>& _G, Node v) { 
+      InEdgeIt(const OldResGraphWrapper<Graph, Number, CapacityMap, FlowMap>& _G, Node v) { 
 	_G.graph->first(in, v);
 	while( _G.graph->valid(in) && !(_G.resCap(*this)>0) ) { _G.graph->next(in); }
@@ -1648,14 +1581,14 @@
     class EdgeIt {
-      friend class ResGraphWrapper<Graph, Number, CapacityMap, FlowMap>;
+      friend class OldResGraphWrapper<Graph, Number, CapacityMap, FlowMap>;
       typename Graph::EdgeIt e;
       bool backward;
       EdgeIt() { }
       EdgeIt(const Invalid& i) : e(i), backward(true) { }
-      EdgeIt(const ResGraphWrapper<Graph, Number, CapacityMap, FlowMap>& _G) { 
+      EdgeIt(const OldResGraphWrapper<Graph, Number, CapacityMap, FlowMap>& _G) { 
 	while (_G.graph->valid(e) && !(_G.resCap(*this)>0)) _G.graph->next(e);
@@ -1815,8 +1748,8 @@
       typedef T ValueType;
       typedef Edge KeyType;
-      EdgeMap(const ResGraphWrapper<Graph, Number, CapacityMap, FlowMap>& _G) : forward_map(*(_G.graph)), backward_map(*(_G.graph)) { }
-      EdgeMap(const ResGraphWrapper<Graph, Number, CapacityMap, FlowMap>& _G, T a) : forward_map(*(_G.graph), a), backward_map(*(_G.graph), a) { }
+      EdgeMap(const OldResGraphWrapper<Graph, Number, CapacityMap, FlowMap>& _G) : forward_map(*(_G.graph)), backward_map(*(_G.graph)) { }
+      EdgeMap(const OldResGraphWrapper<Graph, Number, CapacityMap, FlowMap>& _G, T a) : forward_map(*(_G.graph), a), backward_map(*(_G.graph), a) { }
       void set(Edge e, T a) { 
 	if (!e.backward) 
 	  forward_map.set(e/*.out*/, a); 
diff -r 4dfa1f79bf3e -r c3ad7c661a49 src/work/jacint/max_flow.h
--- a/src/work/jacint/max_flow.h	Thu May 20 17:21:55 2004 +0000
+++ b/src/work/jacint/max_flow.h	Fri May 21 08:15:45 2004 +0000
@@ -63,8 +63,8 @@
     const CapMap* capacity;
     FlowMap* flow;
     int n;      //the number of nodes of G
-    //    typedef ResGraphWrapper<const Graph, Num, CapMap, FlowMap> ResGW;   
-    typedef ExpResGraphWrapper<const Graph, Num, CapMap, FlowMap> ResGW;
+    typedef ResGraphWrapper<const Graph, Num, CapMap, FlowMap> ResGW;   
+    //typedef ExpResGraphWrapper<const Graph, Num, CapMap, FlowMap> ResGW;
     typedef typename ResGW::OutEdgeIt ResGWOutEdgeIt;
     typedef typename ResGW::Edge ResGWEdge;
     //typedef typename ResGW::template NodeMap<bool> ReachedMap;