Kruskal algorithm can be run from GUI from now on.
Thu, 05 Jan 2006 16:54:34 +0000 (2006-01-05)
changeset 187901d41844ef46
parent 1878 409a31271efd
child 1880 0d6da6e6a775
Kruskal algorithm can be run from GUI from now on.
     1.1 --- a/gui/	Thu Jan 05 12:30:09 2006 +0000
     1.2 +++ b/gui/	Thu Jan 05 16:54:34 2006 +0000
     1.3 @@ -59,9 +59,9 @@
     1.4    emit_tab_change();
     1.5  }
     1.7 -void AlgoBox::update_maplist( void * ms)
     1.8 +void AlgoBox::update_maplist(MapStorage * ms)
     1.9  {
    1.10 -  mapstorage=(MapStorage *)ms;
    1.11 +  mapstorage=ms;
    1.12    std::vector<std::string> nml;
    1.13    std::vector<std::string> eml;
    1.14    if(mapstorage!=NULL)
    1.15 @@ -69,7 +69,7 @@
    1.16        mapstorage->signal_node_map_ch().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &AlgoBox::nodemaplist_changed));
    1.17        mapstorage->signal_edge_map_ch().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &AlgoBox::edgemaplist_changed));
    1.18        nml=mapstorage->getNodeMapList();
    1.19 -      eml=mapstorage->getNodeMapList();
    1.20 +      eml=mapstorage->getEdgeMapList();
    1.21      }
    1.22    for(int i=0;i<(int)nodemapcbts.size();i++)
    1.23      {
     2.1 --- a/gui/algobox.h	Thu Jan 05 12:30:09 2006 +0000
     2.2 +++ b/gui/algobox.h	Thu Jan 05 16:54:34 2006 +0000
     2.3 @@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
     2.4    void emit_tab_change();
     2.6    void update_tablist( std::vector< std::string > tl );
     2.7 -  void update_maplist( void * );
     2.8 +  void update_maplist( MapStorage * );
    2.10    void nodemaplist_changed(std::string);
    2.11    void edgemaplist_changed(std::string);
     3.1 --- a/gui/	Thu Jan 05 12:30:09 2006 +0000
     3.2 +++ b/gui/	Thu Jan 05 16:54:34 2006 +0000
     3.3 @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@
     3.4    ab->update_tablist(tabnames);
     3.5  }
     3.7 -void AlgoWin::update_maplist(void * mapstorage)
     3.8 +void AlgoWin::update_maplist(MapStorage * mapstorage)
     3.9  {
    3.10    ab->update_maplist(mapstorage);
    3.11  }
     4.1 --- a/gui/algowin.h	Thu Jan 05 12:30:09 2006 +0000
     4.2 +++ b/gui/algowin.h	Thu Jan 05 16:54:34 2006 +0000
     4.3 @@ -6,10 +6,13 @@
     4.4  class AlgoWin;
     4.6  #include <all_include.h>
     4.7 +//#include <mapstorage.h>
     4.8  #include <algobox.h>
     4.9  #include <libgnomecanvasmm.h>
    4.10  #include <libgnomecanvasmm/polygon.h>
    4.12 +class MapStorage;
    4.13 +
    4.14  enum {GENERAL, KRUSKAL, ALGO_NUM}; // algorithm IDs;
    4.16  class AlgoWin : public Gtk::Window
    4.17 @@ -34,7 +37,7 @@
    4.18    AlgoWin(int, std::vector<std::string>);
    4.20    void update_tablist(std::vector<std::string> tabnames);
    4.21 -  void update_maplist( void *);
    4.22 +  void update_maplist(MapStorage *);
    4.24    void on_hide();
    4.25  };
     5.1 --- a/gui/	Thu Jan 05 12:30:09 2006 +0000
     5.2 +++ b/gui/	Thu Jan 05 16:54:34 2006 +0000
     5.3 @@ -850,49 +850,4 @@
     5.4  	  std::cerr << "ERROR!!!! Invalid edge found!" << std::endl;
     5.5  	}
     5.6      }
     5.7 -
     5.8  }
     5.9 -
    5.10 -int GraphDisplayerCanvas::addNewEdgeMap(double default_value, std::string mapname)
    5.11 -{
    5.12 -  //create the new map
    5.13 -  Graph::EdgeMap<double> * emptr=new Graph::EdgeMap<double> ((mytab.mapstorage).graph, default_value);
    5.14 -
    5.15 -  //if addition was not successful addEdgeMap returns one.
    5.16 -  //cause can be that there is already a map named like the new one
    5.17 -  if((mytab.mapstorage).addEdgeMap(mapname,emptr, default_value))
    5.18 -    {
    5.19 -      return 1;
    5.20 -    }
    5.21 -
    5.22 -
    5.23 -  //add it to the list of the displayable maps
    5.24 -  mytab.registerNewEdgeMap(mapname);
    5.25 -
    5.26 -  //display it
    5.27 -  changeEdgeText(mapname);
    5.28 -
    5.29 -  return 0;
    5.30 -}
    5.31 -
    5.32 -int GraphDisplayerCanvas::addNewNodeMap(double default_value, std::string mapname)
    5.33 -{
    5.34 -  //create the new map
    5.35 -  Graph::NodeMap<double> * emptr=new Graph::NodeMap<double> ((mytab.mapstorage).graph,default_value);
    5.36 -
    5.37 -  //if addition was not successful addNodeMap returns one.
    5.38 -  //cause can be that there is already a map named like the new one
    5.39 -  if((mytab.mapstorage).addNodeMap(mapname,emptr, default_value))
    5.40 -    {
    5.41 -      return 1;
    5.42 -    }
    5.43 -
    5.44 -  //add it to the list of the displayable maps
    5.45 -  mytab.registerNewNodeMap(mapname);
    5.46 -
    5.47 -  //display it
    5.48 -  changeNodeText(mapname);
    5.49 -
    5.50 -  return 0;
    5.51 -}
    5.52 -
     6.1 --- a/gui/	Thu Jan 05 12:30:09 2006 +0000
     6.2 +++ b/gui/	Thu Jan 05 16:54:34 2006 +0000
     6.3 @@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
     6.4  #include <kruskalbox.h>
     6.6 +enum {INPUT, OUTPUT, MAP_NUM};
     6.7 +
     6.8  KruskalBox::KruskalBox(std::vector<std::string> t):AlgoBox()
     6.9  {
    6.10    init(t);
    6.11 @@ -7,22 +9,56 @@
    6.13  void KruskalBox::run()
    6.14  {
    6.15 -  
    6.16 -  std::cout << "Kruskal inditasa, de meg nincsen keszen." << std::endl;
    6.17 +  Graph g=mapstorage->graph;
    6.18 +  Graph::EdgeMap<double> * inputmap=((mapstorage->edgemap_storage)[(edgemapcbts[INPUT])->get_active_text()]);
    6.19 +  Graph::EdgeMap<bool> outputmap(g);
    6.20 +  double res=kruskal(g, *inputmap, outputmap);
    6.21 +
    6.22 +  for (EdgeIt i(g); i!=INVALID; ++i)
    6.23 +  {
    6.24 +    if(outputmap[i])
    6.25 +      {
    6.26 +	(*((mapstorage->edgemap_storage)[(edgemapcbts[OUTPUT])->get_active_text()]))[i]=1;
    6.27 +      }
    6.28 +    else
    6.29 +      {
    6.30 +	(*((mapstorage->edgemap_storage)[(edgemapcbts[OUTPUT])->get_active_text()]))[i]=0;
    6.31 +      }
    6.32 +  }
    6.33 +
    6.34 +  std::ostringstream o;
    6.35 +  o << "Result: " << res;
    6.36 +  resultlabel.set_text(o.str());
    6.37 +
    6.38 +  mapstorage->changeActiveMap(true, E_COLOR, (edgemapcbts[OUTPUT])->get_active_text());
    6.39 +  mapstorage->changeActiveMap(true, E_TEXT, (edgemapcbts[INPUT])->get_active_text());
    6.40  }
    6.42  void KruskalBox::build_box()
    6.43  {
    6.44 -  edgemapcbts.resize(1);
    6.45 -  Gtk::HBox * hbox=new Gtk::HBox();
    6.46 +  edgemapcbts.resize(MAP_NUM);
    6.47 +  Gtk::HBox * hbox;
    6.49 -  std::ostringstream o;
    6.50 -  o << "Edgecosts: ";
    6.51 -  label=new Gtk::Label(o.str());
    6.52 +  hbox=new Gtk::HBox();
    6.53 +
    6.54 +  label=new Gtk::Label("Edgecosts: ");
    6.56    edgemapcbts[0]=new Gtk::ComboBoxText();
    6.58    hbox->pack_start(*label);
    6.59 -  hbox->pack_start(*(edgemapcbts[0]));
    6.60 +  hbox->pack_start(*(edgemapcbts[INPUT]));
    6.61    pack_start(*hbox);
    6.62 +
    6.63 +  hbox=new Gtk::HBox();
    6.64 +
    6.65 +  label=new Gtk::Label("Edges of tree here: ");
    6.66 +
    6.67 +  edgemapcbts[1]=new Gtk::ComboBoxText();
    6.68 +
    6.69 +  hbox->pack_start(*label);
    6.70 +  hbox->pack_start(*(edgemapcbts[OUTPUT]));
    6.71 +  pack_start(*hbox);
    6.72 +
    6.73 +  resultlabel.set_text("Result: algorithm is not run yet.");
    6.74 +  pack_start(resultlabel);
    6.75  }
     7.1 --- a/gui/kruskalbox.h	Thu Jan 05 12:30:09 2006 +0000
     7.2 +++ b/gui/kruskalbox.h	Thu Jan 05 16:54:34 2006 +0000
     7.3 @@ -13,6 +13,8 @@
     7.5  class KruskalBox : public AlgoBox
     7.6  {
     7.7 +  Gtk::Label resultlabel;
     7.8 +
     7.9  public:
    7.10    KruskalBox(std::vector<std::string> t);
     8.1 --- a/gui/	Thu Jan 05 12:30:09 2006 +0000
     8.2 +++ b/gui/	Thu Jan 05 16:54:34 2006 +0000
     8.3 @@ -120,6 +120,7 @@
     8.4  				  def_val_ch[j]=ch2var[ polishform[i] ][j];
     8.5  				}
     8.6  			      polishstack.push(atof(def_val_ch));
     8.7 +			      delete def_val_ch;
     8.8  			    }
     8.9  			  operation=false;
    8.10  			  break;
    8.11 @@ -164,6 +165,8 @@
    8.13  	      //display it
    8.14  	      //gdc.changeEdgeText(mapname);
    8.15 +
    8.16 +	      //delete emptr;
    8.17  	    }
    8.18  	  else //!edge.get_active()
    8.19  	    {
    8.20 @@ -204,6 +207,7 @@
    8.21  				  def_val_ch[j]=ch2var[ polishform[i] ][j];
    8.22  				}
    8.23  			      polishstack.push(atof(def_val_ch));
    8.24 +			      delete def_val_ch;
    8.25  			    }
    8.26  			  operation=false;
    8.27  			  break;
    8.28 @@ -248,6 +252,8 @@
    8.30  	      //display it
    8.31  	      //gdc.changeNodeText(mapname);
    8.32 +
    8.33 +	      //delete emptr;
    8.34  	    }
    8.35  	  if(!abortion)
    8.36  	    {