Some small improvments
Fri, 08 Sep 2006 08:55:07 +0000 (2006-09-08)
changeset 22120ad3835449f8
parent 2211 c790d04e192a
child 2213 2c094dfa176d
Some small improvments

size() and subscription operators
compatibility with higher dimensions
     1.1 --- a/lemon/dim2.h	Thu Sep 07 14:16:47 2006 +0000
     1.2 +++ b/lemon/dim2.h	Fri Sep 08 08:55:07 2006 +0000
     1.3 @@ -73,6 +73,14 @@
     1.4        ///Construct an instance from coordinates
     1.5        Point(T a, T b) : x(a), y(b) { }
     1.7 +      ///Size of vector
     1.8 +      int size() const { return 2; }
     1.9 +
    1.10 +      ///Subscripting operator
    1.11 +      T& operator[](int idx) { return idx == 0 ? x : y; }
    1.12 +
    1.13 +      ///Const subscripting operator
    1.14 +      const T& operator[](int idx) const { return idx == 0 ? x : y; }
    1.16        ///Conversion constructor
    1.17        template<class TT> Point(const Point<TT> &p) : x(p.x), y(p.y) {}
    1.18 @@ -163,7 +171,7 @@
    1.19    ///Return an Point
    1.20    ///\relates Point
    1.21    template <typename T>
    1.22 -  inline Point<T> make_Point(const T& x, const T& y) {
    1.23 +  inline Point<T> makePoint(const T& x, const T& y) {
    1.24      return Point<T>(x, y);
    1.25    }
     2.1 --- a/test/	Thu Sep 07 14:16:47 2006 +0000
     2.2 +++ b/test/	Fri Sep 08 08:55:07 2006 +0000
     2.3 @@ -29,54 +29,58 @@
     2.5    typedef dim2::Point<int> Point;
     2.7 -	Point seged;
     2.8 -	Point a(1,2);
     2.9 -	Point b(3,4);
    2.10 +  Point seged;
    2.11 +  check(seged.size()==2, "Wrong vector addition");
    2.13 -	seged = a+b;
    2.14 -	check(seged.x==4 && seged.y==6, "Wrong vector addition");
    2.15 +  Point a(1,2);
    2.16 +  Point b(3,4);
    2.18 -	seged = a-b;
    2.19 -	check(seged.x==-2 && seged.y==-2, "a-b");
    2.20 +  check(a[0]==1 && a[1]==2, "Wrong vector addition");
    2.22 -	check(a.normSquare()==5,"Wrong norm calculation");
    2.23 -	check(a*b==11, "a*b");
    2.24 +  seged = a+b;
    2.25 +  check(seged.x==4 && seged.y==6, "Wrong vector addition");
    2.27 -	int l=2;
    2.28 -	seged = a*l;
    2.29 -	check(seged.x==2 && seged.y==4, "a*l");
    2.30 +  seged = a-b;
    2.31 +  check(seged.x==-2 && seged.y==-2, "a-b");
    2.33 -	seged = b/l;
    2.34 -	check(seged.x==1 && seged.y==2, "b/l");
    2.35 +  check(a.normSquare()==5,"Wrong norm calculation");
    2.36 +  check(a*b==11, "a*b");
    2.38 -	typedef dim2::BoundingBox<int> BB;
    2.39 -	BB doboz1;
    2.40 -	check(doboz1.empty(), "It should be empty.");
    2.41 +  int l=2;
    2.42 +  seged = a*l;
    2.43 +  check(seged.x==2 && seged.y==4, "a*l");
    2.44 +
    2.45 +  seged = b/l;
    2.46 +  check(seged.x==1 && seged.y==2, "b/l");
    2.47 +
    2.48 +  typedef dim2::BoundingBox<int> BB;
    2.49 +  BB doboz1;
    2.50 +  check(doboz1.empty(), "It should be empty.");
    2.52 -	doboz1.add(a);
    2.53 -	check(!doboz1.empty(), "It should not be empty.");
    2.54 -	doboz1.add(b);
    2.55 +  doboz1.add(a);
    2.56 +  check(!doboz1.empty(), "It should not be empty.");
    2.57 +  doboz1.add(b);
    2.59 -	check(doboz1.bottomLeft().x==1 && 
    2.60 -	      doboz1.bottomLeft().y==2 &&
    2.61 -	      doboz1.topRight().x==3 && 
    2.62 -	      doboz1.topRight().y==4,  
    2.63 -	      "added points to box");
    2.64 +  check(doboz1.bottomLeft().x==1 && 
    2.65 +        doboz1.bottomLeft().y==2 &&
    2.66 +        doboz1.topRight().x==3 && 
    2.67 +        doboz1.topRight().y==4,  
    2.68 +        "added points to box");
    2.70 -	seged.x=2;seged.y=3;
    2.71 -	check(doboz1.inside(seged),"It should be inside.");
    2.72 +  seged.x=2;seged.y=3;
    2.73 +  check(doboz1.inside(seged),"It should be inside.");
    2.75 -	seged.x=1;seged.y=3;
    2.76 -	check(doboz1.inside(seged),"It should be inside.");
    2.77 +  seged.x=1;seged.y=3;
    2.78 +  check(doboz1.inside(seged),"It should be inside.");
    2.80 -	seged.x=0;seged.y=3;
    2.81 -	check(!doboz1.inside(seged),"It should not be inside.");
    2.82 +  seged.x=0;seged.y=3;
    2.83 +  check(!doboz1.inside(seged),"It should not be inside.");
    2.85 -	BB doboz2(seged);
    2.86 -	check(!doboz2.empty(),
    2.87 -	      "It should not be empty. Constructed from 1 point.");
    2.88 +  BB doboz2(seged);
    2.89 +  check(!doboz2.empty(),
    2.90 +        "It should not be empty. Constructed from 1 point.");
    2.92 -	doboz2.add(doboz1);
    2.93 -	check(doboz2.inside(seged),
    2.94 -	      "It should be inside. Incremented a box with another one.");
    2.95 +  doboz2.add(doboz1);
    2.96 +  check(doboz2.inside(seged),
    2.97 +        "It should be inside. Incremented a box with another one.");
    2.98  }