SimpleMap and SimpleWriteMap
Tue, 17 Oct 2006 11:01:16 +0000 (2006-10-17)
changeset 22481ac928089d68
parent 2247 269a0dcee70b
child 2249 dd8e95c663f0
SimpleMap and SimpleWriteMap
- Trivial adaptors, but they are useful in some case

Some combined maps will be reference map if the first
template parameter map is reference map or not. If I want
to give a refernce map as first map but there is a non
reference map parameter then I should wrap my first map
to a regular read-write map.
     1.1 --- a/lemon/maps.h	Tue Oct 17 10:50:57 2006 +0000
     1.2 +++ b/lemon/maps.h	Tue Oct 17 11:01:16 2006 +0000
     1.3 @@ -287,6 +287,47 @@
     1.4      return ConvertMap<M, T>(m);
     1.5    }
     1.7 +  ///Simple wrapping of the map
     1.8 +
     1.9 +  ///This \ref concept::ReadMap "read only map" returns the simple
    1.10 +  ///wrapping of the given map. Sometimes the reference maps cannot be
    1.11 +  ///combined with simple read maps. This map adaptor wraps the given
    1.12 +  ///map to simple read map.
    1.13 +  template<typename M> 
    1.14 +  class SimpleMap : public MapBase<typename M::Key, typename M::Value> {
    1.15 +    const M& m;
    1.16 +
    1.17 +  public:
    1.18 +    typedef MapBase<typename M::Key, typename M::Value> Parent;
    1.19 +    typedef typename Parent::Key Key;
    1.20 +    typedef typename Parent::Value Value;
    1.21 +
    1.22 +    ///Constructor
    1.23 +    SimpleMap(const M &_m) : m(_m) {};
    1.24 +    Value operator[](Key k) const {return m[k];}
    1.25 +  };
    1.26 +
    1.27 +  ///Simple writeable wrapping of the map
    1.28 +
    1.29 +  ///This \ref concept::ReadMap "read only map" returns the simple
    1.30 +  ///wrapping of the given map. Sometimes the reference maps cannot be
    1.31 +  ///combined with simple read-write maps. This map adaptor wraps the
    1.32 +  ///given map to simple read-write map.
    1.33 +  template<typename M> 
    1.34 +  class SimpleWriteMap : public MapBase<typename M::Key, typename M::Value> {
    1.35 +    M& m;
    1.36 +
    1.37 +  public:
    1.38 +    typedef MapBase<typename M::Key, typename M::Value> Parent;
    1.39 +    typedef typename Parent::Key Key;
    1.40 +    typedef typename Parent::Value Value;
    1.41 +
    1.42 +    ///Constructor
    1.43 +    SimpleWriteMap(M &_m) : m(_m) {};
    1.44 +    Value operator[](Key k) const {return m[k];}
    1.45 +    void set(Key k, const Value& c) { m.set(k, c); }
    1.46 +  };
    1.47 +
    1.48    ///Sum of two maps
    1.50    ///This \ref concept::ReadMap "read only map" returns the sum of the two