Changes in doc.
Tue, 14 Sep 2004 10:29:47 +0000 (2004-09-14)
changeset 851209c9d53e195
parent 850 54d3c1599d08
child 852 d50d89b86870
Changes in doc.
     1.1 --- a/src/hugo/minlengthpaths.h	Tue Sep 14 10:23:26 2004 +0000
     1.2 +++ b/src/hugo/minlengthpaths.h	Tue Sep 14 10:29:47 2004 +0000
     1.3 @@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
     1.5      ///Runs the algorithm.
     1.6      ///Returns k if there are at least k edge-disjoint paths from s to t.
     1.7 -   ///Otherwise it returns the number of found edge-disjoint paths from s to t.
     1.8 +    ///Otherwise it returns the number of found edge-disjoint paths from s to t.
     1.9      int run(Node s, Node t, int k) {
    1.11        int i =,t,k);
    1.12 @@ -111,34 +111,51 @@
    1.13      }
    1.16 +    ///Total length of the paths
    1.17 +    
    1.18      ///This function gives back the total length of the found paths.
    1.19 -    ///Assumes that \c run() has been run and nothing changed since then.
    1.20 +    ///\pre \ref run() must
    1.21 +    ///be called before using this function.
    1.22      Length totalLength(){
    1.23        return mincost_flow.totalLength();
    1.24      }
    1.26 -    ///Returns a const reference to the EdgeMap \c flow. \pre \ref run() must
    1.27 +    ///Return the found flow.
    1.28 +
    1.29 +    ///This function returns a const reference to the EdgeMap \c flow.
    1.30 +    ///\pre \ref run() must
    1.31      ///be called before using this function.
    1.32      const EdgeIntMap &getFlow() const { return mincost_flow.flow;}
    1.34 -  ///Returns a const reference to the NodeMap \c potential (the dual solution).
    1.35 +    /// Return the optimal dual solution
    1.36 +    
    1.37 +    ///This function returns a const reference to the NodeMap
    1.38 +    ///\c potential (the dual solution).
    1.39      /// \pre \ref run() must be called before using this function.
    1.40      const EdgeIntMap &getPotential() const { return mincost_flow.potential;}
    1.42 +    ///Checks whether the complementary slackness holds.
    1.43 +
    1.44      ///This function checks, whether the given solution is optimal
    1.45      ///Running after a \c run() should return with true
    1.46 -    ///In this "state of the art" this only checks optimality, doesn't bother with feasibility
    1.47 +    ///Currently this function only checks optimality,
    1.48 +    ///doesn't bother with feasibility
    1.49      ///
    1.50      ///\todo Is this OK here?
    1.51      bool checkComplementarySlackness(){
    1.52        return mincost_flow.checkComplementarySlackness();
    1.53      }
    1.55 +    ///Read the found paths.
    1.56 +    
    1.57      ///This function gives back the \c j-th path in argument p.
    1.58      ///Assumes that \c run() has been run and nothing changed since then.
    1.59 -    /// \warning It is assumed that \c p is constructed to be a path of graph \c G. If \c j is not less than the result of previous \c run, then the result here will be an empty path (\c j can be 0 as well).
    1.60 -    template<typename DirPath>
    1.61 -    void getPath(DirPath& p, size_t j){
    1.62 +    /// \warning It is assumed that \c p is constructed to
    1.63 +    ///be a path of graph \c G.
    1.64 +    ///If \c j is not less than the result of previous \c run,
    1.65 +    ///then the result here will be an empty path (\c j can be 0 as well).
    1.66 +    template<typename Path>
    1.67 +    void getPath(Path& p, size_t j){
    1.69        p.clear();
    1.70        if (j>paths.size()-1){
     2.1 --- a/src/hugo/preflow.h	Tue Sep 14 10:23:26 2004 +0000
     2.2 +++ b/src/hugo/preflow.h	Tue Sep 14 10:29:47 2004 +0000
     2.3 @@ -16,22 +16,22 @@
     2.4    /// \addtogroup flowalgs
     2.5    /// @{                                                   
     2.7 -  ///Preflow algorithms class.
     2.8 +  ///%Preflow algorithms class.
    2.10    ///This class provides an implementation of the \e preflow \e
    2.11    ///algorithm producing a flow of maximum value in a directed
    2.12    ///graph. The preflow algorithms are the fastest max flow algorithms
    2.13 -  ///up-to-date. The \e source node, the \e target node, the \e
    2.14 +  ///up to now. The \e source node, the \e target node, the \e
    2.15    ///capacity of the edges and the \e starting \e flow value of the
    2.16    ///edges should be passed to the algorithm through the
    2.17    ///constructor. It is possible to change these quantities using the
    2.18    ///functions \ref setSource, \ref setTarget, \ref setCap and \ref
    2.19    ///setFlow.
    2.20    ///
    2.21 -  ///After running \c phase1 or \c preflow, the actual flow
    2.22 +  ///After running \ref phase1() or \ref preflow(), the actual flow
    2.23    ///value can be obtained by calling \ref flowValue(). The minimum
    2.24 -  ///value cut can be written into a \c node map of \c bools by
    2.25 -  ///calling \ref minCut. (\ref minMinCut and \ref maxMinCut writes
    2.26 +  ///value cut can be written into a <tt>bool</tt> node map by
    2.27 +  ///calling \ref minCut(). (\ref minMinCut() and \ref maxMinCut() writes
    2.28    ///the inclusionwise minimum and maximum of the minimum value cuts,
    2.29    ///resp.)
    2.30    ///
    2.31 @@ -129,7 +129,8 @@
    2.33      ///Runs the preflow algorithm.  
    2.35 -    ///Runs the preflow algorithm. 
    2.36 +    ///Runs the preflow algorithm.
    2.37 +    ///
    2.38      void run() {
    2.39        phase1(flow_prop);
    2.40        phase2();
    2.41 @@ -157,7 +158,7 @@
    2.42      ///minimum value cut can already be computed, though a maximum flow
    2.43      ///is not yet obtained. So after calling this method \ref flowValue
    2.44      ///and \ref minCut gives proper results.
    2.45 -    ///\warning: \ref minMinCut and \ref maxMinCut do not
    2.46 +    ///\warning \ref minMinCut and \ref maxMinCut do not
    2.47      ///give minimum value cuts unless calling \ref phase2.
    2.48      ///\pre The starting flow must be
    2.49      /// - a constant zero flow if \c fp is \c ZERO_FLOW,
    2.50 @@ -178,7 +179,7 @@
    2.51      ///minimum value cut can already be computed, though a maximum flow
    2.52      ///is not yet obtained. So after calling this method \ref flowValue
    2.53      ///and \ref actMinCut gives proper results.
    2.54 -    ///\warning: \ref minCut, \ref minMinCut and \ref maxMinCut do not
    2.55 +    ///\warning \ref minCut, \ref minMinCut and \ref maxMinCut do not
    2.56      ///give minimum value cuts unless calling \ref phase2.
    2.57      void phase1()
    2.58      {