Almost full documentation added, NO_FLOW incorporated, Phase0(1) changed to Phase1(2)
Thu, 13 May 2004 10:30:20 +0000 (2004-05-13)
changeset 63126819ef1611f
parent 630 9ea585de06ea
child 632 3f3e184252d2
Almost full documentation added, NO_FLOW incorporated, Phase0(1) changed to Phase1(2)
     1.1 --- a/src/work/jacint/max_flow.h	Thu May 13 10:29:19 2004 +0000
     1.2 +++ b/src/work/jacint/max_flow.h	Thu May 13 10:30:20 2004 +0000
     1.3 @@ -1,38 +1,4 @@
     1.4  // -*- C++ -*-
     1.5 -
     1.6 -/*
     1.7 -  Heuristics:
     1.8 -  2 phase
     1.9 -  gap
    1.10 -  list 'level_list' on the nodes on level i implemented by hand
    1.11 -  stack 'active' on the active nodes on level i
    1.12 -  runs heuristic 'highest label' for H1*n relabels
    1.13 -  runs heuristic 'bound decrease' for H0*n relabels, starts with 'highest label'
    1.14 -
    1.15 -  Parameters H0 and H1 are initialized to 20 and 1.
    1.16 -
    1.17 -  Constructors:
    1.18 -
    1.19 -  Preflow(Graph, Node, Node, CapMap, FlowMap, bool) : bool must be false if
    1.20 -  FlowMap is not constant zero, and should be true if it is
    1.21 -
    1.22 -  Members:
    1.23 -
    1.24 -  void run()
    1.25 -
    1.26 -  Num flowValue() : returns the value of a maximum flow
    1.27 -
    1.28 -  void minMinCut(CutMap& M) : sets M to the characteristic vector of the
    1.29 -  minimum min cut. M should be a map of bools initialized to false. ??Is it OK?
    1.30 -
    1.31 -  void maxMinCut(CutMap& M) : sets M to the characteristic vector of the
    1.32 -  maximum min cut. M should be a map of bools initialized to false.
    1.33 -
    1.34 -  void minCut(CutMap& M) : sets M to the characteristic vector of
    1.35 -  a min cut. M should be a map of bools initialized to false.
    1.36 -
    1.37 -*/
    1.38 -
    1.39  #ifndef HUGO_MAX_FLOW_H
    1.40  #define HUGO_MAX_FLOW_H
    1.42 @@ -47,15 +13,35 @@
    1.43  #include <for_each_macros.h>
    1.45  /// \file
    1.46 -/// \brief Maximum flows.
    1.47 +/// \brief Maximum flow algorithms.
    1.48  /// \ingroup galgs
    1.50  namespace hugo {
    1.52 +  /// \addtogroup galgs
    1.53 +  /// @{                                                                                                                                        
    1.54 +  ///Maximum flow algorithms class.
    1.56 -  //  ///\author Marton Makai, Jacint Szabo
    1.57 -  /// A class for computing max flows and related quantities.
    1.58 -  /// \ingroup galgs
    1.59 +  ///This class provides various algorithms for finding a flow of
    1.60 +  ///maximum value in a directed graph. The \e source node, the \e
    1.61 +  ///target node, the \e capacity of the edges and the \e starting \e
    1.62 +  ///flow value of the edges can be passed to the algorithm through the
    1.63 +  ///constructor. It is possible to change these quantities using the
    1.64 +  ///functions \ref resetSource, \ref resetTarget, \ref resetCap and
    1.65 +  ///\ref resetFlow. Before any subsequent runs of any algorithm of
    1.66 +  ///the class \ref resetFlow should be called, otherwise it will
    1.67 +  ///start from a maximum flow.                                                                                                                 
    1.68 +  ///After running an algorithm of the class, the maximum value of a
    1.69 +  ///value can be obtained by calling \ref flowValue(). The minimum
    1.70 +  ///value cut can be written into a \c node map of \c bools by
    1.71 +  ///calling \ref minCut. (\ref minMinCut and \ref maxMinCut writes
    1.72 +  ///the inclusionwise minimum and maximum of the minimum value
    1.73 +  ///cuts, resp.)                                                                                                                               
    1.74 +  ///\param Graph The undirected graph type the algorithm runs on.
    1.75 +  ///\param Num The number type of the capacities and the flow values.
    1.76 +  ///\param CapMap The type of the capacity map.
    1.77 +  ///\param FlowMap The type of the flow map.                                                                                                           
    1.78 +  ///\author Marton Makai, Jacint Szabo 
    1.79    template <typename Graph, typename Num,
    1.80  	    typename CapMap=typename Graph::template EdgeMap<Num>,
    1.81              typename FlowMap=typename Graph::template EdgeMap<Num> >
    1.82 @@ -63,6 +49,7 @@
    1.83    protected:
    1.84      typedef typename Graph::Node Node;
    1.85      typedef typename Graph::NodeIt NodeIt;
    1.86 +    typedef typename Graph::EdgeIt EdgeIt;
    1.87      typedef typename Graph::OutEdgeIt OutEdgeIt;
    1.88      typedef typename Graph::InEdgeIt InEdgeIt;
    1.90 @@ -81,13 +68,18 @@
    1.91      typedef typename ResGW::Edge ResGWEdge;
    1.92      //typedef typename ResGW::template NodeMap<bool> ReachedMap;
    1.93      typedef typename Graph::template NodeMap<int> ReachedMap;
    1.94 +
    1.95 +
    1.96 +    //level works as a bool map in augmenting path algorithms and is
    1.97 +    //used by bfs for storing reached information.  In preflow, it
    1.98 +    //shows the levels of nodes.     
    1.99      ReachedMap level;
   1.100 -    //level works as a bool map in augmenting path algorithms
   1.101 -    //and is used by bfs for storing reached information.
   1.102 -    //In preflow, it shows levels of nodes.
   1.103 -    //typename Graph::template NodeMap<int> level;
   1.104 +
   1.105 +    //excess is needed only in preflow
   1.106      typename Graph::template NodeMap<Num> excess;
   1.107 -    //   protected:
   1.108 +
   1.109 +    //fixme    
   1.110 +//   protected:
   1.111      //     MaxFlow() { }
   1.112      //     void set(const Graph& _G, Node _s, Node _t, const CapMap& _capacity,
   1.113      // 	     FlowMap& _flow)
   1.114 @@ -108,12 +100,17 @@
   1.116    public:
   1.118 -    ///\todo Document this.
   1.119 -    ///\todo Maybe, it should be PRE_FLOW instead.
   1.120 -    ///- \c NO_FLOW means nothing,
   1.121 -    ///- \c ZERO_FLOW means something,
   1.122 -    ///- \c GEN_FLOW means something else,
   1.123 -    ///- \c PRE_FLOW is something different.
   1.124 +    ///Indicates the property of the starting flow.
   1.125 +
   1.126 +    ///Indicates the property of the starting flow. The meanings are as follows:
   1.127 +    ///- \c ZERO_FLOW: constant zero flow
   1.128 +    ///- \c GEN_FLOW: any flow, i.e. the sum of the in-flows equals to
   1.129 +    ///the sum of the out-flows in every node except the \e source and
   1.130 +    ///the \e target.
   1.131 +    ///- \c PRE_FLOW: any preflow, i.e. the sum of the in-flows is at 
   1.132 +    ///least the sum of the out-flows in every node except the \e source.
   1.133 +    ///- \c NO_FLOW: indicates an unspecified edge map. \ref flow will be 
   1.134 +    ///set to the constant zero flow in the beginning of the algorithm in this case.
   1.135      enum flowEnum{
   1.136        ZERO_FLOW,
   1.137        GEN_FLOW,
   1.138 @@ -126,30 +123,66 @@
   1.139        g(&_G), s(_s), t(_t), capacity(&_capacity),
   1.140        flow(&_flow), n(_G.nodeNum()), level(_G), excess(_G,0) {}
   1.142 -    /// A max flow algorithm is run.
   1.143 -    /// \pre The flow have to satisfy the requirements
   1.144 -    /// stated in fe.
   1.145 +    ///Runs a maximum flow algorithm.
   1.146 +
   1.147 +    ///Runs a preflow algorithm, which is the fastest maximum flow
   1.148 +    ///algorithm up-to-date. The default for \c fe is ZERO_FLOW.
   1.149 +    ///\pre The starting flow must be
   1.150 +    /// - a constant zero flow if \c fe is \c ZERO_FLOW,
   1.151 +    /// - an arbitary flow if \c fe is \c GEN_FLOW,
   1.152 +    /// - an arbitary preflow if \c fe is \c PRE_FLOW,
   1.153 +    /// - any map if \c fe is NO_FLOW.
   1.154      void run(flowEnum fe=ZERO_FLOW) {
   1.155        preflow(fe);
   1.156      }
   1.158 -    /// A preflow algorithm is run.
   1.159 -    /// \pre The initial edge-map have to be a
   1.160 -    /// zero flow if \c fe is \c ZERO_FLOW,
   1.161 -    /// a flow if \c fe is \c GEN_FLOW,
   1.162 -    /// a pre-flow if fe is \c PRE_FLOW and
   1.163 -    /// anything if fe is NO_FLOW.
   1.164 +                                                                                             
   1.165 +    ///Runs a preflow algorithm.  
   1.166 +
   1.167 +    ///Runs a preflow algorithm. The preflow algorithms provide the
   1.168 +    ///fastest way to compute a maximum flow in a directed graph.
   1.169 +    ///\pre The starting flow must be
   1.170 +    /// - a constant zero flow if \c fe is \c ZERO_FLOW,
   1.171 +    /// - an arbitary flow if \c fe is \c GEN_FLOW,
   1.172 +    /// - an arbitary preflow if \c fe is \c PRE_FLOW,
   1.173 +    /// - any map if \c fe is NO_FLOW.
   1.174      void preflow(flowEnum fe) {
   1.175 -      preflowPhase0(fe);
   1.176 -      preflowPhase1();
   1.177 +      preflowPhase1(fe);
   1.178 +      preflowPhase2();
   1.179      }
   1.180 +    // Heuristics:
   1.181 +    //   2 phase
   1.182 +    //   gap
   1.183 +    //   list 'level_list' on the nodes on level i implemented by hand
   1.184 +    //   stack 'active' on the active nodes on level i                                                                                    
   1.185 +    //   runs heuristic 'highest label' for H1*n relabels
   1.186 +    //   runs heuristic 'bound decrease' for H0*n relabels, starts with 'highest label'
   1.187 +    //   Parameters H0 and H1 are initialized to 20 and 1.
   1.189 -    /// Run the first phase of preflow, starting from a 0 flow, from a flow,
   1.190 -    /// or from a preflow, of from undefined value according to \c fe.
   1.191 -    void preflowPhase0(flowEnum fe);
   1.192 +    ///Runs the first phase of the preflow algorithm.
   1.194 -    /// Second phase of preflow.
   1.195 -    void preflowPhase1();
   1.196 +    ///The preflow algorithm consists of two phases, this method runs the
   1.197 +    ///first phase. After the first phase the maximum flow value and a
   1.198 +    ///minimum value cut can already be computed, though a maximum flow
   1.199 +    ///is net yet obtained. So after calling this method \ref flowValue
   1.200 +    ///and \ref actMinCut gives proper results.
   1.201 +    ///\warning: \ref minCut, \ref minMinCut and \ref maxMinCut do not
   1.202 +    ///give minimum value cuts unless calling \ref preflowPhase2.
   1.203 +    ///\pre The starting flow must be
   1.204 +    /// - a constant zero flow if \c fe is \c ZERO_FLOW,
   1.205 +    /// - an arbitary flow if \c fe is \c GEN_FLOW,
   1.206 +    /// - an arbitary preflow if \c fe is \c PRE_FLOW,
   1.207 +    /// - any map if \c fe is NO_FLOW.
   1.208 +    void preflowPhase1( flowEnum fe );
   1.209 +
   1.210 +    ///Runs the second phase of the preflow algorithm.
   1.211 +
   1.212 +    ///The preflow algorithm consists of two phases, this method runs
   1.213 +    ///the second phase. After calling \ref preflowPhase1 and then
   1.214 +    ///\ref preflowPhase2 the methods \ref flowValue, \ref minCut,
   1.215 +    ///\ref minMinCut and \ref maxMinCut give proper results.
   1.216 +    ///\pre \ref preflowPhase1 must be called before.
   1.217 +    void preflowPhase2();
   1.219      /// Starting from a flow, this method searches for an augmenting path
   1.220      /// according to the Edmonds-Karp algorithm
   1.221 @@ -169,17 +202,27 @@
   1.222      /// The return value shows if the augmentation was succesful.
   1.223      bool augmentOnBlockingFlow2();
   1.225 -    /// Returns the actual flow value.
   1.226 -    /// More precisely, it returns the negative excess of s, thus
   1.227 -    /// this works also for preflows.
   1.228 +    /// Returns the maximum value of a flow.
   1.229 +
   1.230 +    /// Returns the maximum value of a flow, by counting the 
   1.231 +    /// over-flow of the target node \ref t.
   1.232 +    /// It can be called already after running \ref preflowPhase1.
   1.233      Num flowValue() {
   1.234        Num a=0;
   1.235        FOR_EACH_INC_LOC(InEdgeIt, e, *g, t) a+=(*flow)[e];
   1.236        FOR_EACH_INC_LOC(OutEdgeIt, e, *g, t) a-=(*flow)[e];
   1.237        return a;
   1.238 +      //marci figyu: excess[t] epp ezt adja preflow 1. fazisa utan   
   1.239      }
   1.241 -    /// Should be used between preflowPhase0 and preflowPhase1.
   1.242 +    ///Returns a minimum value cut after calling \ref preflowPhase1.
   1.243 +
   1.244 +    ///After the first phase of the preflow algorithm the maximum flow
   1.245 +    ///value and a minimum value cut can already be computed. This
   1.246 +    ///method can be called after running \ref preflowPhase1 for
   1.247 +    ///obtaining a minimum value cut.
   1.248 +    /// \warning Gives proper result only right after calling \ref
   1.249 +    /// preflowPhase1.
   1.250      /// \todo We have to make some status variable which shows the
   1.251      /// actual state
   1.252      /// of the class. This enables us to determine which methods are valid
   1.253 @@ -196,9 +239,13 @@
   1.254        }
   1.255      }
   1.257 -    /// The unique inclusionwise minimum cut is computed by
   1.258 -    /// processing a bfs from s in the residual graph.
   1.259 -    /// \pre flow have to be a max flow otherwise it will the whole node-set.
   1.260 +    ///Returns the inclusionwise minimum of the minimum value cuts.
   1.261 +
   1.262 +    ///Sets \c M to the characteristic vector of the minimum value cut
   1.263 +    ///which is inclusionwise minimum. It is computed by processing
   1.264 +    ///a bfs from the source node \c s in the residual graph.
   1.265 +    ///\pre M should be a node map of bools initialized to false.
   1.266 +    ///\pre \c flow must be a maximum flow.
   1.267      template<typename _CutMap>
   1.268      void minMinCut(_CutMap& M) {
   1.270 @@ -231,10 +278,13 @@
   1.271        }
   1.272      }
   1.274 +    ///Returns the inclusionwise maximum of the minimum value cuts.
   1.276 -    /// The unique inclusionwise maximum cut is computed by
   1.277 -    /// processing a reverse bfs from t in the residual graph.
   1.278 -    /// \pre flow have to be a max flow otherwise it will be empty.
   1.279 +    ///Sets \c M to the characteristic vector of the minimum value cut
   1.280 +    ///which is inclusionwise maximum. It is computed by processing a
   1.281 +    ///backward bfs from the target node \c t in the residual graph.
   1.282 +    ///\pre M should be a node map of bools initialized to false.
   1.283 +    ///\pre \c flow must be a maximum flow. 
   1.284      template<typename _CutMap>
   1.285      void maxMinCut(_CutMap& M) {
   1.287 @@ -272,20 +322,36 @@
   1.288        }
   1.289      }
   1.291 +    ///Returns a minimum value cut.
   1.293 -    /// A minimum cut is computed.
   1.294 +    ///Sets \c M to the characteristic vector of a minimum value cut.
   1.295 +    ///\pre M should be a node map of bools initialized to false.
   1.296 +    ///\pre \c flow must be a maximum flow.    
   1.297      template<typename CutMap>
   1.298      void minCut(CutMap& M) { minMinCut(M); }
   1.300 -    ///
   1.301 +    ///Resets the source node to \c _s.
   1.302 +
   1.303 +    ///Resets the source node to \c _s.
   1.304 +    /// 
   1.305      void resetSource(Node _s) { s=_s; }
   1.306 +
   1.307 +    ///Resets the target node to \c _t.
   1.308 +
   1.309 +    ///Resets the target node to \c _t.
   1.310      ///
   1.311      void resetTarget(Node _t) { t=_t; }
   1.313 -    /// capacity-map is changed.
   1.314 +    /// Resets the edge map of the capacities to _cap.
   1.315 +
   1.316 +    /// Resets the edge map of the capacities to _cap.
   1.317 +    /// 
   1.318      void resetCap(const CapMap& _cap) { capacity=&_cap; }
   1.320 -    /// flow-map is changed.
   1.321 +    /// Resets the edge map of the flows to _flow.
   1.322 +
   1.323 +    /// Resets the edge map of the flows to _flow.
   1.324 +    /// 
   1.325      void resetFlow(FlowMap& _flow) { flow=&_flow; }
   1.328 @@ -374,6 +440,7 @@
   1.329        std::queue<Node> bfs_queue;
   1.331        switch (fe) {
   1.332 +      case NO_FLOW:   //flow is already set to const zero in this case
   1.333        case ZERO_FLOW:
   1.334  	{
   1.335  	  //Reverse_bfs from t, to find the starting level.
   1.336 @@ -586,7 +653,7 @@
   1.339    template <typename Graph, typename Num, typename CapMap, typename FlowMap>
   1.340 -  void MaxFlow<Graph, Num, CapMap, FlowMap>::preflowPhase0( flowEnum fe )
   1.341 +  void MaxFlow<Graph, Num, CapMap, FlowMap>::preflowPhase1( flowEnum fe )
   1.342    {
   1.344      int heur0=(int)(H0*n);  //time while running 'bound decrease'
   1.345 @@ -615,10 +682,14 @@
   1.346      for(g->first(v); g->valid(v); g->next(v)) level.set(v,n);
   1.347      //setting each node to level n
   1.349 -    switch (fe) {
   1.350 +    if ( fe == NO_FLOW ) {
   1.351 +      EdgeIt e;
   1.352 +      for(g->first(e); g->valid(e); g->next(e)) flow->set(e,0);
   1.353 +    }
   1.354 +
   1.355 +    switch (fe) { //computing the excess
   1.356      case PRE_FLOW:
   1.357        {
   1.358 -	//computing the excess
   1.359  	NodeIt v;
   1.360  	for(g->first(v); g->valid(v); g->next(v)) {
   1.361  	  Num exc=0;
   1.362 @@ -638,19 +709,24 @@
   1.363        }
   1.364      case GEN_FLOW:
   1.365        {
   1.366 -	//computing the excess of t
   1.367 +	NodeIt v;
   1.368 +	for(g->first(v); g->valid(v); g->next(v)) excess.set(v,0);
   1.369 +
   1.370  	Num exc=0;
   1.371 -
   1.372  	InEdgeIt e;
   1.373  	for(g->first(e,t); g->valid(e); g->next(e)) exc+=(*flow)[e];
   1.374  	OutEdgeIt f;
   1.375  	for(g->first(f,t); g->valid(f); g->next(f)) exc-=(*flow)[f];
   1.376 -
   1.377  	excess.set(t,exc);
   1.378 -
   1.379  	break;
   1.380        }
   1.381 -    default:;
   1.382 +    case ZERO_FLOW:
   1.383 +    case NO_FLOW:
   1.384 +      {
   1.385 +	NodeIt v;
   1.386 +        for(g->first(v); g->valid(v); g->next(v)) excess.set(v,0);
   1.387 +	break;
   1.388 +      }
   1.389      }
   1.391      preflowPreproc(fe, active, level_list, left, right);
   1.392 @@ -695,7 +771,7 @@
   1.395    template <typename Graph, typename Num, typename CapMap, typename FlowMap>
   1.396 -  void MaxFlow<Graph, Num, CapMap, FlowMap>::preflowPhase1()
   1.397 +  void MaxFlow<Graph, Num, CapMap, FlowMap>::preflowPhase2()
   1.398    {
   1.400      int k=n-2;  //bound on the highest level under n containing a node