findUndirEdge, ConUndirEdgeIt
Wed, 05 Oct 2005 13:17:42 +0000 (2005-10-05)
changeset 1704467d7927a901
parent 1703 eb90e3d6bddc
child 1705 3f63d9db307b
findUndirEdge, ConUndirEdgeIt
some modification in the undir graph extenders
     1.1 --- a/lemon/bits/iterable_graph_extender.h	Wed Oct 05 13:15:47 2005 +0000
     1.2 +++ b/lemon/bits/iterable_graph_extender.h	Wed Oct 05 13:17:42 2005 +0000
     1.3 @@ -216,30 +216,25 @@
     1.5      class IncEdgeIt : public Parent::UndirEdge { 
     1.6        const Graph* graph;
     1.7 -      bool forward;
     1.8 +      bool direction;
     1.9        friend class IterableUndirGraphExtender;
    1.10 -      template <typename G>
    1.11 -      friend class UndirGraphExtender;
    1.12      public:
    1.14        IncEdgeIt() { }
    1.16 -      IncEdgeIt(Invalid i) : UndirEdge(i), forward(false) { }
    1.17 +      IncEdgeIt(Invalid i) : UndirEdge(i), direction(false) { }
    1.19 -      IncEdgeIt(const Graph& _graph, const Node &n)
    1.20 -	: graph(&_graph)
    1.21 -      {
    1.22 -	_graph._dirFirstOut(*this, n);
    1.23 +      IncEdgeIt(const Graph& _graph, const Node &n) : graph(&_graph) {
    1.24 +	_graph.firstInc(*this, direction, n);
    1.25        }
    1.27        IncEdgeIt(const Graph& _graph, const UndirEdge &ue, const Node &n)
    1.28 -	: graph(&_graph), UndirEdge(ue)
    1.29 -      {
    1.30 -	forward = (_graph.source(ue) == n);
    1.31 +	: graph(&_graph), UndirEdge(ue) {
    1.32 +	direction = (_graph.source(ue) == n);
    1.33        }
    1.35        IncEdgeIt& operator++() {
    1.36 -	graph->_dirNextOut(*this);
    1.37 +	graph->nextInc(*this, direction);
    1.38  	return *this; 
    1.39        }
    1.40      };
    1.41 @@ -251,13 +246,13 @@
    1.42      ///
    1.43      /// Returns the base node of the iterator
    1.44      Node baseNode(const IncEdgeIt &e) const {
    1.45 -      return _dirSource(e);
    1.46 +      return e.direction ? source(e) : target(e);
    1.47      }
    1.48      /// Running node of the iterator
    1.49      ///
    1.50      /// Returns the running node of the iterator
    1.51      Node runningNode(const IncEdgeIt &e) const {
    1.52 -      return _dirTarget(e);
    1.53 +      return e.direction ? target(e) : source(e);
    1.54      }
    1.56      /// \brief The opposite node on the given undirected edge.
     2.1 --- a/lemon/bits/undir_graph_extender.h	Wed Oct 05 13:15:47 2005 +0000
     2.2 +++ b/lemon/bits/undir_graph_extender.h	Wed Oct 05 13:17:42 2005 +0000
     2.3 @@ -71,18 +71,6 @@
     2.4        return Edge(e,!e.forward);
     2.5      }
     2.7 -  protected:
     2.8 -
     2.9 -    template <typename E>
    2.10 -    Node _dirSource(const E &e) const {
    2.11 -      return e.forward ? Parent::source(e) : Parent::target(e);
    2.12 -    }
    2.13 -
    2.14 -    template <typename E>
    2.15 -    Node _dirTarget(const E &e) const {
    2.16 -      return e.forward ? Parent::target(e) : Parent::source(e);
    2.17 -    }
    2.18 -
    2.19    public:
    2.20      /// \todo Shouldn't the "source" of an undirected edge be called "aNode"
    2.21      /// or something???
    2.22 @@ -90,7 +78,7 @@
    2.24      /// Source of the given Edge.
    2.25      Node source(const Edge &e) const {
    2.26 -      return _dirSource(e);
    2.27 +      return e.forward ? Parent::source(e) : Parent::target(e);
    2.28      }
    2.30      /// \todo Shouldn't the "target" of an undirected edge be called "bNode"
    2.31 @@ -99,7 +87,7 @@
    2.33      /// Target of the given Edge.
    2.34      Node target(const Edge &e) const {
    2.35 -      return _dirTarget(e);
    2.36 +      return e.forward ? Parent::target(e) : Parent::source(e);
    2.37      }
    2.39      Node oppositeNode(const Node &n, const UndirEdge &e) const {
    2.40 @@ -154,11 +142,9 @@
    2.41        }
    2.42      }
    2.44 -    
    2.45 -  protected:
    2.46 +  public:
    2.48 -    template <typename E>
    2.49 -    void _dirFirstOut(E &e, const Node &n) const {
    2.50 +    void firstOut(Edge &e, const Node &n) const {
    2.51        Parent::firstIn(e,n);
    2.52        if( UndirEdge(e) != INVALID ) {
    2.53  	e.forward = false;
    2.54 @@ -168,20 +154,7 @@
    2.55  	e.forward = true;
    2.56        }
    2.57      }
    2.58 -    template <typename E>
    2.59 -    void _dirFirstIn(E &e, const Node &n) const {
    2.60 -      Parent::firstOut(e,n);
    2.61 -      if( UndirEdge(e) != INVALID ) {
    2.62 -	e.forward = false;
    2.63 -      }
    2.64 -      else {
    2.65 -	Parent::firstIn(e,n);
    2.66 -	e.forward = true;
    2.67 -      }
    2.68 -    }
    2.69 -
    2.70 -    template <typename E>
    2.71 -    void _dirNextOut(E &e) const {
    2.72 +    void nextOut(Edge &e) const {
    2.73        if( ! e.forward ) {
    2.74  	Node n = Parent::target(e);
    2.75  	Parent::nextIn(e);
    2.76 @@ -194,8 +167,18 @@
    2.77  	Parent::nextOut(e);
    2.78        }
    2.79      }
    2.80 -    template <typename E>
    2.81 -    void _dirNextIn(E &e) const {
    2.82 +
    2.83 +    void firstIn(Edge &e, const Node &n) const {
    2.84 +      Parent::firstOut(e,n);
    2.85 +      if( UndirEdge(e) != INVALID ) {
    2.86 +	e.forward = false;
    2.87 +      }
    2.88 +      else {
    2.89 +	Parent::firstIn(e,n);
    2.90 +	e.forward = true;
    2.91 +      }
    2.92 +    }
    2.93 +    void nextIn(Edge &e) const {
    2.94        if( ! e.forward ) {
    2.95  	Node n = Parent::source(e);
    2.96  	Parent::nextOut(e);
    2.97 @@ -209,20 +192,38 @@
    2.98        }
    2.99      }
   2.101 -  public:
   2.102 -
   2.103 -    void firstOut(Edge &e, const Node &n) const {
   2.104 -      _dirFirstOut(e, n);
   2.105 +    void firstInc(UndirEdge &e, const Node &n) const {
   2.106 +      Parent::firstOut(e, n);
   2.107 +      if (e != INVALID) return;
   2.108 +      Parent::firstIn(e, n);
   2.109      }
   2.110 -    void firstIn(Edge &e, const Node &n) const {
   2.111 -      _dirFirstIn(e, n);
   2.112 +    void nextInc(UndirEdge &e, const Node &n) const {
   2.113 +      if (Parent::source(e) == n) {
   2.114 +	Parent::nextOut(e);
   2.115 +	if (e != INVALID) return;
   2.116 +	Parent::firstIn(e, n);
   2.117 +      } else {
   2.118 +	Parent::nextIn(e);
   2.119 +      }
   2.120      }
   2.122 -    void nextOut(Edge &e) const {
   2.123 -      _dirNextOut(e);
   2.124 +    void firstInc(UndirEdge &e, bool &d, const Node &n) const {
   2.125 +      d = true;
   2.126 +      Parent::firstOut(e, n);
   2.127 +      if (e != INVALID) return;
   2.128 +      d = false;
   2.129 +      Parent::firstIn(e, n);
   2.130      }
   2.131 -    void nextIn(Edge &e) const {
   2.132 -      _dirNextIn(e);
   2.133 +    void nextInc(UndirEdge &e, bool &d) const {
   2.134 +      if (d) {
   2.135 +	Node s = Parent::source(e);
   2.136 +	Parent::nextOut(e);
   2.137 +	if (e != INVALID) return;
   2.138 +	d = false;
   2.139 +	Parent::firstIn(e, s);
   2.140 +      } else {
   2.141 +	Parent::nextIn(e);
   2.142 +      }
   2.143      }
   2.145      // Miscellaneous stuff:
   2.146 @@ -262,10 +263,47 @@
   2.147      int edgeNum() const {
   2.148        return 2 * Parent::edgeNum();
   2.149      }
   2.150 +
   2.151      int undirEdgeNum() const {
   2.152        return Parent::edgeNum();
   2.153      }
   2.155 +    Edge findEdge(Node source, Node target, Edge prev) const {
   2.156 +      if (prev == INVALID) {
   2.157 +	UndirEdge edge = Parent::findEdge(source, target);
   2.158 +	if (edge != INVALID) return direct(edge, true);
   2.159 +	edge = Parent::findEdge(target, source);
   2.160 +	if (edge != INVALID) return direct(edge, false);
   2.161 +      } else if (direction(prev)) {
   2.162 +	UndirEdge edge = Parent::findEdge(source, target, prev);
   2.163 +	if (edge != INVALID) return direct(edge, true);
   2.164 +	edge = Parent::findEdge(target, source);
   2.165 +	if (edge != INVALID) return direct(edge, false);	
   2.166 +      } else {
   2.167 +	UndirEdge edge = Parent::findEdge(target, source, prev);
   2.168 +	if (edge != INVALID) return direct(edge, false);	      
   2.169 +      }
   2.170 +      return INVALID;
   2.171 +    }
   2.172 +
   2.173 +    UndirEdge findUndirEdge(Node source, Node target, UndirEdge prev) const {
   2.174 +      if (prev == INVALID) {
   2.175 +	UndirEdge edge = Parent::findEdge(source, target);
   2.176 +	if (edge != INVALID) return edge;
   2.177 +	edge = Parent::findEdge(target, source);
   2.178 +	if (edge != INVALID) return edge;
   2.179 +      } else if (Parent::source(prev) == source) {
   2.180 +	UndirEdge edge = Parent::findEdge(source, target, prev);
   2.181 +	if (edge != INVALID) return edge;
   2.182 +	edge = Parent::findEdge(target, source);
   2.183 +	if (edge != INVALID) return edge;	
   2.184 +      } else {
   2.185 +	UndirEdge edge = Parent::findEdge(target, source, prev);
   2.186 +	if (edge != INVALID) return edge;	      
   2.187 +      }
   2.188 +      return INVALID;
   2.189 +    }
   2.190 +
   2.191    };
   2.193  }
     3.1 --- a/lemon/graph_utils.h	Wed Oct 05 13:15:47 2005 +0000
     3.2 +++ b/lemon/graph_utils.h	Wed Oct 05 13:17:42 2005 +0000
     3.3 @@ -160,9 +160,9 @@
     3.4      return countNodeDegree<Graph, typename Graph::InEdgeIt>(_g, _n);
     3.5    }
     3.7 -  /// \brief Function to count the number of the in-edges to node \c n.
     3.8 +  /// \brief Function to count the number of the inc-edges to node \c n.
     3.9    ///
    3.10 -  /// This function counts the number of the in-edges to node \c n
    3.11 +  /// This function counts the number of the inc-edges to node \c n
    3.12    /// in the graph.  
    3.13    template <typename Graph>
    3.14    inline int countIncEdges(const Graph& _g,  const typename Graph::Node& _n) {
    3.15 @@ -214,7 +214,6 @@
    3.16    /// \endcode
    3.17    // /// \todo We may want to use the "GraphBase" 
    3.18    // /// interface here...
    3.19 -  // /// It would not work with the undirected graphs.
    3.20    template <typename Graph>
    3.21    inline typename Graph::Edge findEdge(const Graph &g,
    3.22  				       typename Graph::Node u, 
    3.23 @@ -271,6 +270,110 @@
    3.24      const Graph& graph;
    3.25    };
    3.27 +  template <typename Graph>
    3.28 +  inline
    3.29 +  typename enable_if<
    3.30 +    typename Graph::FindEdgeTag, 
    3.31 +    typename Graph::UndirEdge>::type 
    3.32 +  _findUndirEdge(const Graph &g,
    3.33 +	    typename Graph::Node u, typename Graph::Node v,
    3.34 +	    typename Graph::UndirEdge prev = INVALID) {
    3.35 +    return g.findUndirEdge(u, v, prev);
    3.36 +  }
    3.37 +
    3.38 +  template <typename Graph>
    3.39 +  inline typename Graph::UndirEdge 
    3.40 +  _findUndirEdge(Wrap<Graph> w,
    3.41 +	    typename Graph::Node u, 
    3.42 +	    typename Graph::Node v,
    3.43 +	    typename Graph::UndirEdge prev = INVALID) {
    3.44 +    const Graph& g = w.value;
    3.45 +    if (prev == INVALID) {
    3.46 +      typename Graph::OutEdgeIt e(g, u);
    3.47 +      while (e != INVALID && != v) ++e;
    3.48 +      return e;
    3.49 +    } else {
    3.50 +      typename Graph::OutEdgeIt e(g,, u)); ++e;
    3.51 +      while (e != INVALID && != v) ++e;
    3.52 +      return e;
    3.53 +    }
    3.54 +  }
    3.55 +
    3.56 +  /// \brief Finds an undir edge between two nodes of a graph.
    3.57 +  ///
    3.58 +  /// Finds an undir edge from node \c u to node \c v in graph \c g.
    3.59 +  ///
    3.60 +  /// If \c prev is \ref INVALID (this is the default value), then
    3.61 +  /// it finds the first edge from \c u to \c v. Otherwise it looks for
    3.62 +  /// the next edge from \c u to \c v after \c prev.
    3.63 +  /// \return The found edge or \ref INVALID if there is no such an edge.
    3.64 +  ///
    3.65 +  /// Thus you can iterate through each edge from \c u to \c v as it follows.
    3.66 +  /// \code
    3.67 +  /// for(UndirEdge e = findUndirEdge(g,u,v); e != INVALID; 
    3.68 +  ///     e = findUndirEdge(g,u,v,e)) {
    3.69 +  ///   ...
    3.70 +  /// }
    3.71 +  /// \endcode
    3.72 +  // /// \todo We may want to use the "GraphBase" 
    3.73 +  // /// interface here...
    3.74 +  template <typename Graph>
    3.75 +  inline typename Graph::UndirEdge 
    3.76 +  findUndirEdge(const Graph &g,
    3.77 +		typename Graph::Node u, 
    3.78 +		typename Graph::Node v,
    3.79 +		typename Graph::UndirEdge prev = INVALID) {
    3.80 +    return _findUndirEdge<Graph>(g, u, v, prev);
    3.81 +  }
    3.82 +
    3.83 +  /// \brief Iterator for iterating on undir edges connected the same nodes.
    3.84 +  ///
    3.85 +  /// Iterator for iterating on undir edges connected the same nodes. It is 
    3.86 +  /// higher level interface for the findUndirEdge() function. You can
    3.87 +  /// use it the following way:
    3.88 +  /// \code
    3.89 +  /// for (ConUndirEdgeIt<Graph> it(g, src, trg); it != INVALID; ++it) {
    3.90 +  ///   ...
    3.91 +  /// }
    3.92 +  /// \endcode
    3.93 +  ///
    3.94 +  /// \author Balazs Dezso 
    3.95 +  template <typename _Graph>
    3.96 +  class ConUndirEdgeIt : public _Graph::UndirEdge {
    3.97 +  public:
    3.98 +
    3.99 +    typedef _Graph Graph;
   3.100 +    typedef typename Graph::UndirEdge Parent;
   3.101 +
   3.102 +    typedef typename Graph::UndirEdge UndirEdge;
   3.103 +    typedef typename Graph::Node Node;
   3.104 +
   3.105 +    /// \brief Constructor.
   3.106 +    ///
   3.107 +    /// Construct a new ConUndirEdgeIt iterating on the edges which
   3.108 +    /// connects the \c u and \c v node.
   3.109 +    ConUndirEdgeIt(const Graph& g, Node u, Node v) : graph(g) {
   3.110 +      Parent::operator=(findUndirEdge(graph, u, v));
   3.111 +    }
   3.112 +
   3.113 +    /// \brief Constructor.
   3.114 +    ///
   3.115 +    /// Construct a new ConUndirEdgeIt which continues the iterating from 
   3.116 +    /// the \c e edge.
   3.117 +    ConUndirEdgeIt(const Graph& g, UndirEdge e) : Parent(e), graph(g) {}
   3.118 +    
   3.119 +    /// \brief Increment operator.
   3.120 +    ///
   3.121 +    /// It increments the iterator and gives back the next edge.
   3.122 +    ConUndirEdgeIt& operator++() {
   3.123 +      Parent::operator=(findUndirEdge(graph, graph.source(*this), 
   3.124 +*this), *this));
   3.125 +      return *this;
   3.126 +    }
   3.127 +  private:
   3.128 +    const Graph& graph;
   3.129 +  };
   3.130 +
   3.131    /// \brief Copy a map.
   3.132    ///
   3.133    /// This function copies the \c source map to the \c target map. It uses the
   3.134 @@ -552,8 +655,6 @@
   3.135      typedef _Item Item;
   3.136      typedef _Item Key;
   3.138 -    typedef True NeedCopy;
   3.139 -
   3.140      /// \brief Constructor.
   3.141      ///
   3.142      /// Constructor for creating id map.
   3.143 @@ -577,8 +678,6 @@
   3.144      class InverseMap {
   3.145      public:
   3.147 -      typedef True NeedCopy;
   3.148 -
   3.149        /// \brief Constructor.
   3.150        ///
   3.151        /// Constructor for creating an id-to-item map.
   3.152 @@ -906,8 +1005,6 @@
   3.153    class SourceMap {
   3.154    public:
   3.156 -    typedef True NeedCopy;
   3.157 -
   3.158      typedef typename Graph::Node Value;
   3.159      typedef typename Graph::Edge Key;
   3.161 @@ -947,8 +1044,6 @@
   3.162    class TargetMap {
   3.163    public:
   3.165 -    typedef True NeedCopy;
   3.166 -
   3.167      typedef typename Graph::Node Value;
   3.168      typedef typename Graph::Edge Key;
   3.170 @@ -988,8 +1083,6 @@
   3.171    class ForwardMap {
   3.172    public:
   3.174 -    typedef True NeedCopy;
   3.175 -
   3.176      typedef typename Graph::Edge Value;
   3.177      typedef typename Graph::UndirEdge Key;
   3.179 @@ -1028,7 +1121,6 @@
   3.180    template <typename Graph>
   3.181    class BackwardMap {
   3.182    public:
   3.183 -    typedef True NeedCopy;
   3.185      typedef typename Graph::Edge Value;
   3.186      typedef typename Graph::UndirEdge Key;
   3.187 @@ -1296,11 +1388,10 @@
   3.188    protected:
   3.190      static int index(int i, int j) {
   3.191 -      int m = i > j ? i : j;
   3.192        if (i < j) {
   3.193 -	return m * m + i;
   3.194 +	return j * j + i;
   3.195        } else {
   3.196 -	return m * m + m + j;
   3.197 +	return i * i + i + j;
   3.198        }
   3.199      }