Bug whit Parent typedef in SplitGraphAdaptor::CombinedEdgeMap
Mon, 05 Mar 2007 17:10:58 +0000 (2007-03-05)
changeset 23924bbeaf115cdb
parent 2391 14a343be7a5a
child 2393 5e5ca8ac5a8f
Bug whit Parent typedef in SplitGraphAdaptor::CombinedEdgeMap
Fixing graph to eps parameters for demo
     1.1 --- a/demo/disjoint_paths_demo.cc	Sat Mar 03 16:30:37 2007 +0000
     1.2 +++ b/demo/disjoint_paths_demo.cc	Mon Mar 05 17:10:58 2007 +0000
     1.3 @@ -45,8 +45,8 @@
     1.4  }
     1.6  int main() {
     1.7 -  cout << "This program calculates the number " <<
     1.8 -    "of disjoint paths in a graph" << endl;
     1.9 +  cout << "This program calculates the number " 
    1.10 +    "disjoint paths in a graph" << endl;
    1.11    cout << "The graph is read from the disjoint_paths_demo.lgf file" << endl;
    1.12    typedef SmartGraph Graph;
    1.14 @@ -70,9 +70,10 @@
    1.15    cout << "Number of edge disjoint paths: " << preflow.flowValue() << endl;
    1.17    graphToEps(graph, "edge_disjoint_paths.eps").
    1.18 -    title("edge disjoint path").copyright("(C) 2003-2007 LEMON Project").drawArrows().
    1.19 +    title("edge disjoint paths").scaleToA4().
    1.20 +    copyright("(C) 2003-2007 LEMON Project").drawArrows().
    1.21      edgeColors(composeMap(functorMap(color), flow)).
    1.22 -    coords(coords).autoNodeScale().run();
    1.23 +    coords(coords).run();
    1.26    cout << "The paths are written into edge_disjoint_paths.eps" << endl;
    1.27 @@ -96,12 +97,13 @@
    1.30    graphToEps(sgraph, "node_disjoint_paths.eps").
    1.31 -    title("node disjoint path").copyright("(C) 2003-2007 LEMON Project").drawArrows().
    1.32 +    title("node disjoint paths").scaleToA4().
    1.33 +    copyright("(C) 2003-2007 LEMON Project").drawArrows().
    1.34      edgeColors(composeMap(functorMap(color), sflow)).
    1.35      coords(SGraph::combinedNodeMap(coords,
    1.36  				   shiftMap(coords,
    1.37  					    dim2::Point<double>(5, 0)))).
    1.38 -    autoNodeScale().run();
    1.39 +    run();
    1.41    cout << "The paths are written into node_disjoint_paths.eps" << endl;
     2.1 --- a/lemon/graph_adaptor.h	Sat Mar 03 16:30:37 2007 +0000
     2.2 +++ b/lemon/graph_adaptor.h	Mon Mar 05 17:10:58 2007 +0000
     2.3 @@ -2605,14 +2605,12 @@
     2.4      /// This class adapt an original graph EdgeMap and NodeMap to
     2.5      /// get an edge map on the adapted graph.
     2.6      template <typename GraphEdgeMap, typename GraphNodeMap>
     2.7 -    class CombinedEdgeMap 
     2.8 -      : public MapBase<Edge, typename GraphEdgeMap::Value> {
     2.9 +    class CombinedEdgeMap {
    2.10      public:
    2.11 -      typedef MapBase<Edge, typename GraphEdgeMap::Value> Parent;
    2.12 -
    2.13 -      typedef typename Parent::Key Key;
    2.14 -      typedef typename Parent::Value Value;
    2.15 -
    2.16 +      
    2.17 +      typedef Edge Key;
    2.18 +      typedef typename GraphEdgeMap::Value Value;
    2.19 +      
    2.20        /// \brief Constructor
    2.21        ///
    2.22        /// Constructor.