Communication with algorithm window is developed.
Wed, 04 Jan 2006 18:05:55 +0000 (2006-01-04)
changeset 18765ad84ad1b68f
parent 1875 98698b69a902
child 1877 bed340c4f960
Communication with algorithm window is developed.
     1.1 --- a/gui/	Wed Jan 04 13:31:59 2006 +0000
     1.2 +++ b/gui/	Wed Jan 04 18:05:55 2006 +0000
     1.3 @@ -7,6 +7,10 @@
     1.5  glemon_SOURCES = \
     1.6  	all_include.h \
     1.7 + \
     1.8 +	algobox.h \
     1.9 + \
    1.10 +	algowin.h \
    1.11 \
    1.12 \
    1.13  	graph_displayer_canvas.h \
    1.14 @@ -15,6 +19,8 @@
    1.15 \
    1.16 \
    1.17 \
    1.18 + \
    1.19 +	kruskalbox.h \
    1.20 \
    1.21  	main_win.h \
    1.22 \
     2.1 --- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
     2.2 +++ b/gui/	Wed Jan 04 18:05:55 2006 +0000
     2.3 @@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
     2.4 +#include <algobox.h>
     2.5 +
     2.6 +enum {N_DEMO1, N_DEMO2, NODE_INPUT_NUM}; // input IDs for nodes;
     2.7 +enum {E_DEMO1, EDGE_INPUT_NUM}; // input IDs for edges;
     2.8 +
     2.9 +AlgoBox::AlgoBox(std::vector<std::string> tabnames, std::vector<std::string> nodemapnames, std::vector<std::string> edgemapnames)
    2.10 +{
    2.11 +  init(tabnames, nodemapnames, edgemapnames);
    2.12 +}
    2.13 +
    2.14 +void AlgoBox::init(std::vector<std::string> tabnames, std::vector<std::string> nodemapnames, std::vector<std::string> edgemapnames)
    2.15 +{
    2.16 +  set_spacing(5);
    2.17 +
    2.18 +  update_tablist(tabnames);
    2.19 +
    2.20 +  //if active tab is changed, the map names in cbt/s have to be updated
    2.21 +  tabcbt.signal_changed().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &AlgoBox::emit_tab_change));
    2.22 +
    2.23 +  pack_start(tabcbt);
    2.24 +
    2.25 +  build_box();
    2.26 +
    2.27 +  update_maplist(nodemapnames, edgemapnames);
    2.28 +
    2.29 +  show_all_children();
    2.30 +};
    2.31 +
    2.32 +void AlgoBox::update_cbt(std::vector< std::string > stringlist, Gtk::ComboBoxText & cbt)
    2.33 +{
    2.34 +  std::string actname=cbt.get_active_text();
    2.35 +  int prev_act=-1;
    2.36 +
    2.37 +  cbt.clear();
    2.38 +  int actptr=0;
    2.39 +
    2.40 +  std::vector< std::string >::iterator emsi=stringlist.begin();
    2.41 +  for(;emsi!=stringlist.end();emsi++)
    2.42 +    {
    2.43 +      if(actname==*emsi)
    2.44 +	{
    2.45 +	  prev_act=actptr;
    2.46 +	}
    2.47 +
    2.48 +      cbt.append_text(*emsi);
    2.49 +      actptr++;
    2.50 +    }
    2.51 +
    2.52 +  if(prev_act!=-1)
    2.53 +    {
    2.54 +      cbt.set_active(prev_act);
    2.55 +    }
    2.56 +  else if(actptr>0) //so there is item in the list
    2.57 +    {
    2.58 +      cbt.set_active(0);
    2.59 +    }
    2.60 +}
    2.61 +
    2.62 +void AlgoBox::update_tablist( std::vector< std::string > tl )
    2.63 +{
    2.64 +  update_cbt(tl, tabcbt);
    2.65 +  emit_tab_change();
    2.66 +}
    2.67 +
    2.68 +void AlgoBox::update_maplist( std::vector< std::string > nml, std::vector< std::string > eml )
    2.69 +{
    2.70 +  for(int i=0;i<(int)nodemapcbts.size();i++)
    2.71 +    {
    2.72 +      update_cbt(nml, *(nodemapcbts[i]));
    2.73 +    }
    2.74 +  for(int i=0;i<(int)edgemapcbts.size();i++)
    2.75 +    {
    2.76 +      update_cbt(eml, *(edgemapcbts[i]));
    2.77 +    }
    2.78 +}
    2.79 +
    2.80 +void AlgoBox::run()
    2.81 +{
    2.82 +  std::cout << "Start algorithm." << std::endl;
    2.83 +}
    2.84 +
    2.85 +void AlgoBox::build_box()
    2.86 +{
    2.87 +  pack_start(*(new Gtk::HSeparator()));
    2.88 +
    2.89 +  label=new Gtk::Label("Specific part for each algorithm.");
    2.90 +      
    2.91 +  pack_start(*label);
    2.92 +  pack_start(*(new Gtk::HSeparator()));
    2.93 +
    2.94 +  label=new Gtk::Label("Maps in chosen tab:");
    2.95 +      
    2.96 +  pack_start(*label);
    2.97 +
    2.98 +  nodemapcbts.resize(NODE_INPUT_NUM);
    2.99 +  for(int i=0;i<(int)nodemapcbts.size();i++)
   2.100 +    {
   2.101 +      Gtk::HBox * hbox=new Gtk::HBox();
   2.102 +
   2.103 +      std::ostringstream o;
   2.104 +      o << "NodeInput " << i+1 << ":";
   2.105 +      label=new Gtk::Label(o.str());
   2.106 +
   2.107 +      nodemapcbts[i]=new Gtk::ComboBoxText();
   2.108 +
   2.109 +      hbox->pack_start(*label);
   2.110 +      hbox->pack_start(*(nodemapcbts[i]));
   2.111 +      pack_start(*hbox);
   2.112 +    }
   2.113 +
   2.114 +  pack_start(*(new Gtk::HSeparator()));
   2.115 +
   2.116 +  edgemapcbts.resize(EDGE_INPUT_NUM);
   2.117 +  for(int i=0;i<(int)edgemapcbts.size();i++)
   2.118 +    {
   2.119 +      Gtk::HBox * hbox=new Gtk::HBox();
   2.120 +
   2.121 +      std::ostringstream o;
   2.122 +      o << "EdgeInput " << i+1 << ":";
   2.123 +      label=new Gtk::Label(o.str());
   2.124 +
   2.125 +      edgemapcbts[i]=new Gtk::ComboBoxText();
   2.126 +
   2.127 +      hbox->pack_start(*label);
   2.128 +      hbox->pack_start(*(edgemapcbts[i]));
   2.129 +      pack_start(*hbox);
   2.130 +    }
   2.131 +
   2.132 +  pack_start(*(new Gtk::HSeparator()));
   2.133 +}
   2.134 +
   2.135 +sigc::signal<void, std::string> AlgoBox::signal_maplist_needed()
   2.136 +{
   2.137 +  return signal_maplist_need;
   2.138 +}
   2.139 +
   2.140 +void AlgoBox::emit_tab_change()
   2.141 +{
   2.142 +  signal_maplist_need.emit(tabcbt.get_active_text());
   2.143 +}
     3.1 --- a/gui/algobox.h	Wed Jan 04 13:31:59 2006 +0000
     3.2 +++ b/gui/algobox.h	Wed Jan 04 18:05:55 2006 +0000
     3.3 @@ -11,52 +11,31 @@
     3.5  class AlgoBox : public Gtk::VBox
     3.6  {
     3.7 +  sigc::signal<void, std::string> signal_maplist_need;  
     3.9 +  Gtk::ComboBoxText tabcbt;
    3.10 +
    3.11 +protected:
    3.12    Gtk::Label * label;
    3.13 -  Gtk::ComboBoxText cbt;
    3.14 +  std::vector<Gtk::ComboBoxText *> nodemapcbts;
    3.15 +  std::vector<Gtk::ComboBoxText *> edgemapcbts;
    3.17 - public:
    3.18 -  AlgoBox(std::vector<std::string> tabnames)
    3.19 -    {
    3.20 -      update_tablist(tabnames);
    3.21 +public:
    3.22 +  AlgoBox(){};
    3.23 +  AlgoBox(std::vector<std::string>, std::vector<std::string>, std::vector<std::string>);
    3.25 -      label=new Gtk::Label("Haliho");
    3.26 -      
    3.27 -      pack_start(*label);
    3.28 -      pack_start(cbt);
    3.29 +  virtual void init(std::vector<std::string>, std::vector<std::string>, std::vector<std::string>);
    3.31 -      show_all_children();
    3.32 -    };
    3.33 +  sigc::signal<void, std::string> signal_maplist_needed();  
    3.34 +  void emit_tab_change();
    3.36 -  void update_tablist( std::vector< std::string > tl )
    3.37 -    {
    3.38 -      std::string actname=cbt.get_active_text();
    3.39 -      int prev_act=-1;
    3.40 +  void update_tablist( std::vector< std::string > tl );
    3.41 +  void update_maplist( std::vector< std::string >, std::vector< std::string >);
    3.43 -      cbt.clear();
    3.44 -      int actptr=0;
    3.45 -
    3.46 -      std::vector< std::string >::iterator emsi=tl.begin();
    3.47 -      for(;emsi!=tl.end();emsi++)
    3.48 -	{
    3.49 -	  if(actname==*emsi)
    3.50 -	    {
    3.51 -	      prev_act=actptr;
    3.52 -	    }
    3.53 -
    3.54 -	  cbt.append_text(*emsi);
    3.55 -	  actptr++;
    3.56 -	}
    3.57 -
    3.58 -      if(prev_act!=-1)
    3.59 -	{
    3.60 -	  cbt.set_active(prev_act);
    3.61 -	}
    3.62 -      else if(actptr>0) //so there is item in the list
    3.63 -	{
    3.64 -	  cbt.set_active(0);
    3.65 -	}
    3.66 -    }
    3.67 -
    3.68 +  void update_cbt( std::vector< std::string > tl, Gtk::ComboBoxText &);
    3.69 +  
    3.70 +  virtual void run();
    3.71 +  
    3.72 +  virtual void build_box();
    3.73  };
    3.74  #endif //ALGOBOX_H
     4.1 --- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
     4.2 +++ b/gui/	Wed Jan 04 18:05:55 2006 +0000
     4.3 @@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
     4.4 +#include <algowin.h>
     4.5 +#include <kruskalbox.h>
     4.6 +
     4.7 +sigc::signal<void, AlgoWin *> AlgoWin::signal_closing()
     4.8 +{
     4.9 +  return signal_closed;
    4.10 +}
    4.11 +
    4.12 +sigc::signal<void, AlgoWin *, std::string> AlgoWin::signal_maplist_needed()
    4.13 +{
    4.14 +  return signal_maplist_need;
    4.15 +}
    4.16 +
    4.17 +bool AlgoWin::closeIfEscapeIsPressed(GdkEventKey* e)
    4.18 +{
    4.19 +  if(e->keyval==GDK_Escape)
    4.20 +  {
    4.21 +    on_hide();
    4.22 +  }
    4.23 +  return true;
    4.24 +}
    4.25 +
    4.26 +AlgoWin::AlgoWin(int algoid, std::vector<std::string> tabnames, std::vector<std::string> nodemapnames,std::vector<std::string> edgemapnames)
    4.27 +{
    4.28 +  signal_key_press_event().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &AlgoWin::closeIfEscapeIsPressed));
    4.29 +
    4.30 +  Gtk::VBox * vbox=new Gtk::VBox();
    4.31 +  vbox->set_spacing(5);
    4.32 +
    4.33 +  Gtk::Label * label=new Gtk::Label("Select graph:");
    4.34 +
    4.35 +  switch(algoid)
    4.36 +    {
    4.37 +    case 0:
    4.38 +      ab=new AlgoBox(tabnames, nodemapnames, edgemapnames);
    4.39 +      set_title("Algo Win Demo");
    4.40 +      break;
    4.41 +    case 1:
    4.42 +      ab=new KruskalBox(tabnames, nodemapnames, edgemapnames);
    4.43 +      set_title("Kruskal Algorithm");
    4.44 +      break;
    4.45 +    default:
    4.46 +      break;
    4.47 +    }
    4.48 +  ab->signal_maplist_needed().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &AlgoWin::emit_tab_change));
    4.49 +
    4.50 +  runbutton=new Gtk::Button("Run");
    4.51 +  runbutton->signal_released().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*ab,&AlgoBox::run));
    4.52 +  runbutton->signal_activate().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*ab,&AlgoBox::run));
    4.53 +
    4.54 +  closebutton=new Gtk::Button("Close");
    4.55 +  closebutton->signal_released().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this,&AlgoWin::on_hide));
    4.56 +  closebutton->signal_activate().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this,&AlgoWin::on_hide));
    4.57 +      
    4.58 +  Gtk::HBox * hbox=new Gtk::HBox();
    4.59 +
    4.60 +  hbox->pack_start(*runbutton);
    4.61 +  hbox->pack_start(*closebutton);
    4.62 +
    4.63 +  vbox->pack_start(*label);
    4.64 +  vbox->pack_start(*ab);
    4.65 +  vbox->pack_start(*hbox);
    4.66 +      
    4.67 +  add(*vbox);
    4.68 +
    4.69 +  show_all_children();
    4.70 +};
    4.71 +
    4.72 +void AlgoWin::update_tablist(std::vector<std::string> tabnames)
    4.73 +{
    4.74 +  ab->update_tablist(tabnames);
    4.75 +}
    4.76 +
    4.77 +void AlgoWin::update_maplist(std::vector<std::string> nodemapnames, std::vector<std::string> edgemapnames)
    4.78 +{
    4.79 +  ab->update_maplist(nodemapnames, edgemapnames);
    4.80 +}
    4.81 +
    4.82 +void AlgoWin::on_hide()
    4.83 +{
    4.84 +  signal_closed.emit(this);
    4.85 +  Gtk::Window::on_hide();
    4.86 +}
    4.87 +
    4.88 +void AlgoWin::emit_tab_change(std::string newtab)
    4.89 +{
    4.90 +  signal_maplist_need.emit(this, newtab);
    4.91 +}
     5.1 --- a/gui/algowin.h	Wed Jan 04 13:31:59 2006 +0000
     5.2 +++ b/gui/algowin.h	Wed Jan 04 18:05:55 2006 +0000
     5.3 @@ -10,44 +10,32 @@
     5.4  #include <libgnomecanvasmm.h>
     5.5  #include <libgnomecanvasmm/polygon.h>
     5.7 -enum {GENERAL, ALGO_NUM}; // algorithm IDs;
     5.8 +enum {GENERAL, KRUSKAL, ALGO_NUM}; // algorithm IDs;
    5.10 -class AlgoWin : public Gtk::Dialog
    5.11 +class AlgoWin : public Gtk::Window
    5.12  {
    5.13  private:
    5.14    AlgoBox * ab;
    5.15 +  Gtk::Button * runbutton;
    5.16 +  Gtk::Button * closebutton;
    5.18  protected:
    5.19    sigc::signal<void, AlgoWin *> signal_closed;  
    5.20 +  sigc::signal<void, AlgoWin *, std::string> signal_maplist_need;  
    5.22  public:
    5.23 -  sigc::signal<void, AlgoWin *> signal_closing()
    5.24 -  {
    5.25 -    return signal_closed;
    5.26 -  }
    5.27 +  bool closeIfEscapeIsPressed(GdkEventKey* e);
    5.29 -  AlgoWin(int algoid, std::vector<std::string> tabnames)
    5.30 -    {
    5.31 -      Gtk::VBox * vbox=get_vbox();
    5.32 -      
    5.33 -      ab=new AlgoBox(tabnames);
    5.34 -      
    5.35 -      vbox->pack_start(*ab);
    5.36 -      
    5.37 -      add_button(Gtk::Stock::OK, Gtk::RESPONSE_OK);
    5.38 -      
    5.39 -      show_all_children();
    5.40 -    };
    5.41 +  sigc::signal<void, AlgoWin *> signal_closing();
    5.42 +  sigc::signal<void, AlgoWin *, std::string> signal_maplist_needed();
    5.44 -  void update_tablist(std::vector<std::string> tabnames)
    5.45 -  {
    5.46 -    ab->update_tablist(tabnames);
    5.47 -  }
    5.48 +  void emit_tab_change(std::string);
    5.50 -  void on_hide()
    5.51 -  {
    5.52 -    signal_closed.emit(this);
    5.53 -    Gtk::Dialog::on_hide();
    5.54 -  }
    5.55 +  AlgoWin(int, std::vector<std::string>, std::vector<std::string>, std::vector<std::string>);
    5.56 +
    5.57 +  void update_tablist(std::vector<std::string> tabnames);
    5.58 +  void update_maplist(std::vector<std::string>, std::vector<std::string>);
    5.59 +
    5.60 +  void on_hide();
    5.61  };
    5.62  #endif //ALGOWIN_H
     6.1 --- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
     6.2 +++ b/gui/	Wed Jan 04 18:05:55 2006 +0000
     6.3 @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
     6.4 +#include <kruskalbox.h>
     6.5 +
     6.6 +KruskalBox::KruskalBox(std::vector<std::string> t, std::vector<std::string> nm, std::vector<std::string> em):AlgoBox()
     6.7 +{
     6.8 +  init(t, nm, em);
     6.9 +}
    6.10 +    
    6.11 +void KruskalBox::run()
    6.12 +{
    6.13 +  std::cout << "Kruskal inditasa, de meg nincsen keszen." << std::endl;
    6.14 +}
    6.15 +    
    6.16 +void KruskalBox::build_box()
    6.17 +{
    6.18 +  edgemapcbts.resize(1);
    6.19 +  Gtk::HBox * hbox=new Gtk::HBox();
    6.20 +
    6.21 +  std::ostringstream o;
    6.22 +  o << "Edgecosts: ";
    6.23 +  label=new Gtk::Label(o.str());
    6.24 +
    6.25 +  edgemapcbts[0]=new Gtk::ComboBoxText();
    6.26 +
    6.27 +  hbox->pack_start(*label);
    6.28 +  hbox->pack_start(*(edgemapcbts[0]));
    6.29 +  pack_start(*hbox);
    6.30 +}
     7.1 --- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
     7.2 +++ b/gui/kruskalbox.h	Wed Jan 04 18:05:55 2006 +0000
     7.3 @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
     7.4 +// -*- C++ -*- //
     7.5 +
     7.6 +#ifndef KRUSKALBOX_H
     7.7 +#define KRUSKALBOX_H
     7.8 +
     7.9 +class KruskalBox;
    7.10 +
    7.11 +#include <all_include.h>
    7.12 +#include <algobox.h>
    7.13 +#include <lemon/kruskal.h>
    7.14 +#include <libgnomecanvasmm.h>
    7.15 +#include <libgnomecanvasmm/polygon.h>
    7.16 +
    7.17 +class KruskalBox : public AlgoBox
    7.18 +{
    7.19 +public:
    7.20 +  KruskalBox(std::vector<std::string> t, std::vector<std::string> nm, std::vector<std::string> em);
    7.21 +    
    7.22 +  void run();
    7.23 +    
    7.24 +  void build_box();
    7.25 +};
    7.26 +#endif //KRUSKALBOX_H
     8.1 --- a/gui/	Wed Jan 04 13:31:59 2006 +0000
     8.2 +++ b/gui/	Wed Jan 04 18:05:55 2006 +0000
     8.3 @@ -104,6 +104,8 @@
     8.4    ag->add( Gtk::Action::create("AlgoMenu", "_Algorithms") );
     8.5    ag->add( Gtk::Action::create("AlgoGeneral", "_General"),
     8.6  	   sigc::bind( sigc::mem_fun ( *this, &MainWin::createAlgoWin ), 0) );
     8.7 +  ag->add( Gtk::Action::create("AlgoKruskal", "_Kruskal"),
     8.8 +	   sigc::bind( sigc::mem_fun ( *this, &MainWin::createAlgoWin ), 1) );
    8.10    Gtk::RadioAction::Group tool_group;
    8.11    ag->add( Gtk::RadioAction::create(tool_group, "MoveItem", Gtk::StockID("gd-move"), "Move"),
    8.12 @@ -153,6 +155,7 @@
    8.13        "    </menu>"
    8.14        "    <menu action='AlgoMenu'>"
    8.15        "      <menuitem action='AlgoGeneral'/>"
    8.16 +      "      <menuitem action='AlgoKruskal'/>"
    8.17        "    </menu>"
    8.18        "  </menubar>"
    8.19        "  <toolbar name='ToolBar'>"
    8.20 @@ -224,7 +227,7 @@
    8.21      }
    8.22    set_title(tabnames[active_tab] + " - " + prog_name);
    8.23    notebook.set_tab_label_text((Widget&)*(tabs[active_tab]), tabnames[active_tab]);
    8.24 -  updateAlgoWins();
    8.25 +  updateAlgoWinTabs();
    8.26  }
    8.28  void MainWin::readFile(const std::string & filename)
    8.29 @@ -246,7 +249,7 @@
    8.30    notebook.append_page((Gtk::Widget&)(*(tabs[active_tab])));
    8.31    notebook.set_current_page(size);
    8.32    set_tabtitle("unsaved file");
    8.33 -  updateAlgoWins();
    8.34 +  updateAlgoWinTabs();
    8.35  }
    8.37  void MainWin::closeTab()
    8.38 @@ -306,7 +309,7 @@
    8.39  	  active_tab=-1;
    8.40  	}
    8.42 -      updateAlgoWins();
    8.43 +      updateAlgoWinTabs();
    8.44      }
    8.45  }
    8.47 @@ -404,18 +407,28 @@
    8.49  void MainWin::createAlgoWin(int algoid)
    8.50  {
    8.51 -  AlgoWin * aw=new AlgoWin(algoid, tabnames);
    8.52 +  AlgoWin * aw=new AlgoWin(algoid, tabnames, tabs[0]->mapstorage.getNodeMapList(),tabs[0]->mapstorage.getEdgeMapList());
    8.53    aw->signal_closing().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &MainWin::deRegisterAlgoWin));
    8.54 +  aw->signal_maplist_needed().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &MainWin::updateAlgoWinMaps));
    8.55    aws.insert(aw);
    8.56    aw->show();
    8.57  }
    8.59 +void MainWin::updateAlgoWinMaps(AlgoWin * awp, std::string tabname)
    8.60 +{
    8.61 +  int i=0;
    8.62 +  for(;(i<(int)tabnames.size())&&(tabnames[i]!=tabname);i++)
    8.63 +    {
    8.64 +    }
    8.65 +  awp->update_maplist(tabs[i]->mapstorage.getNodeMapList(),tabs[i]->mapstorage.getEdgeMapList());
    8.66 +}
    8.67 +
    8.68  void MainWin::deRegisterAlgoWin(AlgoWin * awp)
    8.69  {
    8.70    aws.erase(awp);
    8.71  }
    8.73 -void MainWin::updateAlgoWins()
    8.74 +void MainWin::updateAlgoWinTabs()
    8.75  {
    8.76    std::set< AlgoWin* >::iterator awsi=aws.begin();
    8.77    for(;awsi!=aws.end();awsi++)
     9.1 --- a/gui/main_win.h	Wed Jan 04 13:31:59 2006 +0000
     9.2 +++ b/gui/main_win.h	Wed Jan 04 18:05:55 2006 +0000
     9.3 @@ -73,7 +73,8 @@
     9.5    virtual void createAlgoWin(int);
     9.6    virtual void deRegisterAlgoWin(AlgoWin *);
     9.7 -  virtual void updateAlgoWins();
     9.8 +  virtual void updateAlgoWinTabs();
     9.9 +  virtual void updateAlgoWinMaps(AlgoWin *, std::string);
    9.11    virtual void changeEditorialTool(int);