Renaming Suurballe to minlengthpaths
Mon, 05 Apr 2004 14:56:41 +0000 (2004-04-05)
changeset 30060b578e3d507
parent 299 54e8905344ba
child 301 7eb324ed5da3
Renaming Suurballe to minlengthpaths
     1.1 --- a/src/work/athos/suurballe.h	Mon Apr 05 14:56:32 2004 +0000
     1.2 +++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
     1.3 @@ -1,142 +0,0 @@
     1.4 -// -*- c++ -*-
     1.5 -#ifndef HUGO_SUURBALLE_H
     1.6 -#define HUGO_SUURBALLE_H
     1.7 -
     1.8 -///\file
     1.9 -///\brief Suurballe algorithm.
    1.10 -
    1.11 -#include <iostream>
    1.12 -#include <dijkstra.h>
    1.13 -#include <graph_wrapper.h>
    1.14 -namespace hugo {
    1.15 -
    1.16 -
    1.17 -///\brief Implementation of Suurballe's algorithm
    1.18 -///
    1.19 -/// The class \ref hugo::Suurballe "Suurballe" implements
    1.20 -/// Suurballe's algorithm which seeks for k edge-disjoint paths
    1.21 -/// from a given source node to a given target node in an
    1.22 -/// edge-weighted directed graph having minimal total cost.
    1.23 -/// 
    1.24 -/// 
    1.25 -
    1.26 -  template <typename Graph, typename T, 
    1.27 -    typename LengthMap=typename Graph::EdgeMap<T> >
    1.28 -  class Suurballe {
    1.29 -
    1.30 -
    1.31 -    //Writing maps 
    1.32 -    class ConstMap {
    1.33 -    public :
    1.34 -      typedef int ValueType;
    1.35 -      typedef typename Graph::Edge KeyType;
    1.36 -
    1.37 -      int operator[](typename Graph::Edge e) const { 
    1.38 -	return 1;
    1.39 -      } 
    1.40 -    };
    1.41 -    /*
    1.42 -    //    template <typename Graph, typename T>
    1.43 -    class ModLengthMap {   
    1.44 -      typedef typename Graph::EdgeMap<T> EdgeMap;
    1.45 -      typedef typename Graph::NodeMap<T> NodeMap;
    1.46 -
    1.47 -      const EdgeMap &ol;   
    1.48 -      const NodeMap &pot;     
    1.49 -    public :
    1.50 -      typedef typename EdgeMap::KeyType KeyType;
    1.51 -      typedef typename EdgeMap::ValueType ValueType;
    1.52 -
    1.53 -      double operator[](typename Graph::EdgeIt e) const {     
    1.54 -	return 10;//ol.get(e)-pot.get(v)-pot.get(u);   
    1.55 -      }     
    1.56 -
    1.57 -      ModLengthMap(const EdgeMap &o,
    1.58 -		   const NodeMap &p) : 
    1.59 -	ol(o), pot(p){}; 
    1.60 -    };
    1.61 -    */
    1.62 -
    1.63 -
    1.64 -    typedef typename Graph::Node Node;
    1.65 -    typedef typename Graph::NodeIt NodeIt;
    1.66 -    typedef typename Graph::Edge Edge;
    1.67 -    typedef typename Graph::OutEdgeIt OutEdgeIt;
    1.68 -    typedef TrivGraphWrapper<const Graph> TrivGraphType;
    1.69 -    typedef ResGraphWrapper<TrivGraphType,int,typename Graph::EdgeMap<int>,
    1.70 -      ConstMap> ResGraphType;
    1.71 -
    1.72 -    const Graph& G;
    1.73 -    const LengthMap& length;
    1.74 -
    1.75 -
    1.76 -    //auxiliary variables
    1.77 -    
    1.78 -    typename Graph::EdgeMap<int> reversed; 
    1.79 -    typename Graph::NodeMap<T> dijkstra_dist; 
    1.80 -    
    1.81 -  public :
    1.82 -    
    1.83 -
    1.84 -    Suurballe(Graph& _G, LengthMap& _length) : G(_G), 
    1.85 -      length(_length), reversed(_G), dijkstra_dist(_G){ }
    1.86 -
    1.87 -    ///Runs Suurballe's algorithm
    1.88 -    
    1.89 -    ///Runs Suurballe's algorithm
    1.90 -    ///Returns true iff there are k edge-disjoint paths from s to t
    1.91 -    bool run(Node s, Node t, int k) {
    1.92 -
    1.93 -      LengthMap mod_length_c = length;
    1.94 -      ConstMap const1map;
    1.95 -      //ResGraphWrapper< Graph,T,typename Graph::EdgeMap<int>, ConstMap> 
    1.96 -      TrivGraphType ize(G);
    1.97 -      ResGraphType res_graph(ize, reversed, const1map);
    1.98 -      //ModLengthMap modified_length(length, dijkstra_dist);
    1.99 -      //Dijkstra<ResGraphType, ModLengthMap> dijkstra(res_graph, modified_length);
   1.100 -      //ResGraphWrapper< Graph,T,typename Graph::EdgeMap<int>, ConstMap>
   1.101 -      Dijkstra<ResGraphType, LengthMap> dijkstra(res_graph, mod_length_c);
   1.102 -      
   1.103 -      for (int i=0; i<k; ++i){
   1.104 -;
   1.105 -	if (!dijkstra.reached(t)){
   1.106 -	  //There is no k path from s to t
   1.107 -	  return false;
   1.108 -	};
   1.109 -	{
   1.110 -	  //We have to copy the potential
   1.111 -	  typename ResGraphType::EdgeIt e;
   1.112 -	  for ( res_graph.first(e) ; res_graph.valid(e) ; ) {
   1.113 -	    //dijkstra_dist[e] = dijkstra.distMap()[e];
   1.114 -	    mod_length_c[Edge(e)] = mod_length_c[Edge(e)] - 
   1.115 -	      dijkstra.distMap()[res_graph.head(e)] +  
   1.116 -	      dijkstra.distMap()[res_graph.tail(e)];
   1.117 -	  }
   1.118 -	}
   1.119 -	
   1.120 -	//Reversing the sortest path
   1.121 -	Node n=t;
   1.122 -	Edge e;
   1.123 -	while (n!=s){
   1.124 -	  e = dijkstra.pred(n);
   1.125 -	  n = dijkstra.predNode(n);
   1.126 -	  reversed[e] = 1-reversed[e];
   1.127 -	}
   1.128 -
   1.129 -	  
   1.130 -      }
   1.131 -      return true;
   1.132 -    }
   1.133 -           
   1.134 -      
   1.135 -
   1.136 -
   1.137 -
   1.138 -  };//class Suurballe
   1.139 -
   1.140 -
   1.141 -
   1.142 -
   1.143 -} //namespace hugo
   1.144 -
   1.145 -#endif //HUGO_SUURBALLE_H