The distcheck and doc targets should work now too. lemon-1.0
Tue, 04 Jul 2006 11:58:39 +0000 (2006-07-04)
changeset 264968eaa3e9029d
parent 2648 bdb873367c4c
child 2650 f5c244f1d2e1
The distcheck and doc targets should work now too.
     1.1 --- a/	Tue Jul 04 10:21:38 2006 +0000
     1.2 +++ b/	Tue Jul 04 11:58:39 2006 +0000
     1.3 @@ -4,11 +4,11 @@
     1.4  LDADD = $(top_builddir)/lemon/
     1.6  EXTRA_DIST = \
     1.7 -	LICENSE \
     1.8 -	lemon.spec \
     1.9 -	autopackage/ \
    1.10  	m4/lx_check_cplex.m4 \
    1.11  	m4/lx_check_glpk.m4
    1.12 +##	LICENSE \
    1.13 +##	lemon.spec \
    1.14 +##	autopackage/
    1.16  pkgconfigdir = $(libdir)/pkgconfig
    1.17  lemondir = $(pkgincludedir)
     2.1 --- a/benchmark/	Tue Jul 04 10:21:38 2006 +0000
     2.2 +++ b/benchmark/	Tue Jul 04 11:58:39 2006 +0000
     2.3 @@ -1,23 +1,24 @@
     2.4 -#noinst_HEADERS += benchmark/bench_tools.h
     2.5 +noinst_HEADERS +=
     2.6 +##	benchmark/bench_tools.h
     2.8  if WANT_BENCHMARK
    2.10 -#noinst_PROGRAMS += \
    2.11 -#	benchmark/graph-bench \
    2.12 -#	benchmark/hcube \
    2.13 -#	benchmark/swap_bipartite_bench \
    2.14 -#	benchmark/bfs-bench \
    2.15 -#	benchmark/radix_sort-bench \
    2.16 -#	benchmark/swap_bipartite_bench
    2.17 +noinst_PROGRAMS +=
    2.18 +##	benchmark/graph-bench \
    2.19 +##	benchmark/hcube \
    2.20 +##	benchmark/swap_bipartite_bench \
    2.21 +##	benchmark/bfs-bench \
    2.22 +##	benchmark/radix_sort-bench \
    2.23 +##	benchmark/swap_bipartite_bench
    2.25  endif WANT_BENCHMARK
    2.27 -#benchmark_graph_bench_SOURCES = benchmark/
    2.28 +##benchmark_graph_bench_SOURCES = benchmark/
    2.30 -#benchmark_hcube_SOURCES = benchmark/
    2.31 +##benchmark_hcube_SOURCES = benchmark/
    2.33 -#benchmark_bfs_bench_SOURCES = benchmark/
    2.34 +##benchmark_bfs_bench_SOURCES = benchmark/
    2.36 -#benchmark_radix_sort_bench_SOURCES = benchmark/
    2.37 +##benchmark_radix_sort_bench_SOURCES = benchmark/
    2.39 -#benchmark_swap_bipartite_bench_SOURCES = benchmark/
    2.40 +##benchmark_swap_bipartite_bench_SOURCES = benchmark/
     3.1 --- a/demo/	Tue Jul 04 10:21:38 2006 +0000
     3.2 +++ b/demo/	Tue Jul 04 11:58:39 2006 +0000
     3.3 @@ -1,74 +1,75 @@
     3.4 -#EXTRA_DIST += demo/sub_graph_adaptor_demo.dim
     3.5 +EXTRA_DIST +=
     3.6 +##	demo/sub_graph_adaptor_demo.dim
     3.8  if WANT_DEMO
    3.10 -#noinst_PROGRAMS += \
    3.11 -#	demo/dim_to_dot \
    3.12 -#	demo/dijkstra_demo \
    3.13 -#	demo/reader_writer_demo \
    3.14 -#	demo/dim_to_lgf \
    3.15 -#	demo/eps_demo \
    3.16 -#	demo/graph_to_eps_demo \
    3.17 -#	demo/graph_orientation \
    3.18 -#	demo/min_route \
    3.19 -#	demo/hello_lemon \
    3.20 -#	demo/sub_graph_adaptor_demo \
    3.21 -#	demo/descriptor_map_demo \
    3.22 -#	demo/coloring \
    3.23 -#	demo/grid_ugraph_demo \
    3.24 -#	demo/topology_demo \
    3.25 -#	demo/simann_maxcut_demo \
    3.26 -#	demo/disjoint_paths_demo \
    3.27 -#	demo/strongly_connected_orientation
    3.28 +noinst_PROGRAMS +=
    3.29 +##	demo/dim_to_dot \
    3.30 +##	demo/dijkstra_demo \
    3.31 +##	demo/reader_writer_demo \
    3.32 +##	demo/dim_to_lgf \
    3.33 +##	demo/eps_demo \
    3.34 +##	demo/graph_to_eps_demo \
    3.35 +##	demo/graph_orientation \
    3.36 +##	demo/min_route \
    3.37 +##	demo/hello_lemon \
    3.38 +##	demo/sub_graph_adaptor_demo \
    3.39 +##	demo/descriptor_map_demo \
    3.40 +##	demo/coloring \
    3.41 +##	demo/grid_ugraph_demo \
    3.42 +##	demo/topology_demo \
    3.43 +##	demo/simann_maxcut_demo \
    3.44 +##	demo/disjoint_paths_demo \
    3.45 +##	demo/strongly_connected_orientation
    3.47  if HAVE_GLPK
    3.48 -#noinst_PROGRAMS += demo/lp_demo demo/lp_maxflow_demo
    3.49 +##noinst_PROGRAMS += demo/lp_demo demo/lp_maxflow_demo
    3.50  else !HAVE_GLPK
    3.51  if HAVE_CPLEX
    3.52 -#noinst_PROGRAMS += demo/lp_demo demo/lp_maxflow_demo
    3.53 +##noinst_PROGRAMS += demo/lp_demo demo/lp_maxflow_demo
    3.54  endif HAVE_CPLEX
    3.55  endif !HAVE_GLPK
    3.57  endif WANT_DEMO
    3.59 -#demo_dim_to_dot_SOURCES = demo/
    3.60 +##demo_dim_to_dot_SOURCES = demo/
    3.62 -#demo_dijkstra_demo_SOURCES = demo/
    3.63 +##demo_dijkstra_demo_SOURCES = demo/
    3.65 -#demo_eps_demo_SOURCES = demo/
    3.66 +##demo_eps_demo_SOURCES = demo/
    3.68 -#demo_reader_writer_demo_SOURCES = demo/
    3.69 +##demo_reader_writer_demo_SOURCES = demo/
    3.71 -#demo_dim_to_lgf_SOURCES = demo/
    3.72 +##demo_dim_to_lgf_SOURCES = demo/
    3.74 -#demo_coloring_SOURCES = demo/
    3.75 +##demo_coloring_SOURCES = demo/
    3.77 -#demo_graph_to_eps_demo_SOURCES = demo/
    3.78 +##demo_graph_to_eps_demo_SOURCES = demo/
    3.80 -#demo_grid_ugraph_demo_SOURCES = demo/
    3.81 +##demo_grid_ugraph_demo_SOURCES = demo/
    3.83 -#demo_graph_orientation_SOURCES = demo/
    3.84 +##demo_graph_orientation_SOURCES = demo/
    3.86 -#demo_min_route_SOURCES = demo/
    3.87 +##demo_min_route_SOURCES = demo/
    3.89 -#demo_hello_lemon_SOURCES = demo/
    3.90 +##demo_hello_lemon_SOURCES = demo/
    3.92 -#demo_sub_graph_adaptor_demo_SOURCES = \
    3.93 -#	demo/ \
    3.94 -#	demo/tight_edge_filter_map.h
    3.95 +##demo_sub_graph_adaptor_demo_SOURCES = \
    3.96 +##	demo/ \
    3.97 +##	demo/tight_edge_filter_map.h
    3.99 -#demo_lp_demo_SOURCES = demo/
   3.100 -#demo_lp_demo_CXXFLAGS = $(GLPK_CFLAGS) $(CPLEX_CFLAGS)
   3.101 +##demo_lp_demo_SOURCES = demo/
   3.102 +##demo_lp_demo_CXXFLAGS = $(GLPK_CFLAGS) $(CPLEX_CFLAGS)
   3.104 -#demo_lp_maxflow_demo_SOURCES = demo/
   3.105 -#demo_lp_maxflow_demo_CXXFLAGS = $(GLPK_CFLAGS) $(CPLEX_CFLAGS)
   3.106 +##demo_lp_maxflow_demo_SOURCES = demo/
   3.107 +##demo_lp_maxflow_demo_CXXFLAGS = $(GLPK_CFLAGS) $(CPLEX_CFLAGS)
   3.109 -#demo_descriptor_map_demo_SOURCES = demo/
   3.110 +##demo_descriptor_map_demo_SOURCES = demo/
   3.112 -#demo_topology_demo_SOURCES = demo/
   3.113 +##demo_topology_demo_SOURCES = demo/
   3.115 -#demo_simann_maxcut_demo_SOURCES = demo/
   3.116 +##demo_simann_maxcut_demo_SOURCES = demo/
   3.118 -#demo_disjoint_paths_demo_SOURCES = demo/
   3.119 +##demo_disjoint_paths_demo_SOURCES = demo/
   3.121 -#demo_strongly_connected_orientation_SOURCES = demo/
   3.122 +##demo_strongly_connected_orientation_SOURCES = demo/
     4.1 --- a/doc/	Tue Jul 04 10:21:38 2006 +0000
     4.2 +++ b/doc/	Tue Jul 04 11:58:39 2006 +0000
     4.3 @@ -455,7 +455,7 @@
     4.4                           @abs_top_srcdir@/lemon/bits \
     4.5                           @abs_top_srcdir@/lemon/concept \
     4.6                           @abs_top_srcdir@/demo \
     4.7 -                         @abs_top_srcdir@/test/test_tools.h
     4.8 +#                         @abs_top_srcdir@/test/test_tools.h
    4.10  # If the value of the INPUT tag contains directories, you can use the 
    4.11  # FILE_PATTERNS tag to specify one or more wildcard pattern (like *.cpp 
     5.1 --- a/doc/	Tue Jul 04 10:21:38 2006 +0000
     5.2 +++ b/doc/	Tue Jul 04 11:58:39 2006 +0000
     5.3 @@ -1,25 +1,25 @@
     5.4  htmldir = $(datadir)/doc/$(PACKAGE)/html
     5.6  EXTRA_DIST += \
     5.7 -	doc/html \
     5.8 -	doc/icons/geom/ftv2doc.png \
     5.9 -	doc/icons/geom/ftv2folderclosed.png \
    5.10 -	doc/icons/geom/ftv2folderopen.png \
    5.11 -	doc/coding_style.dox \
    5.12 -	doc/developers_interface.dox \
    5.13 -	doc/dirs.dox \
    5.14 -	doc/getstart.dox \
    5.15 -	doc/graph-adaptors.dox \
    5.16 -	doc/graph_io.dox \
    5.17 -	doc/graphs.dox \
    5.18 -	doc/groups.dox \
    5.19 -	doc/license.dox \
    5.20 -	doc/mainpage.dox \
    5.21 -	doc/maps.dox \
    5.22 -	doc/named-param.dox \
    5.23 -	doc/namespaces.dox \
    5.24 -	doc/quicktour.dox \
    5.25 -	doc/ugraphs.dox
    5.26 +	doc/html
    5.27 +##	doc/icons/geom/ftv2doc.png \
    5.28 +##	doc/icons/geom/ftv2folderclosed.png \
    5.29 +##	doc/icons/geom/ftv2folderopen.png \
    5.30 +##	doc/coding_style.dox \
    5.31 +##	doc/developers_interface.dox \
    5.32 +##	doc/dirs.dox \
    5.33 +##	doc/getstart.dox \
    5.34 +##	doc/graph-adaptors.dox \
    5.35 +##	doc/graph_io.dox \
    5.36 +##	doc/graphs.dox \
    5.37 +##	doc/groups.dox \
    5.38 +##	doc/license.dox \
    5.39 +##	doc/mainpage.dox \
    5.40 +##	doc/maps.dox \
    5.41 +##	doc/named-param.dox \
    5.42 +##	doc/namespaces.dox \
    5.43 +##	doc/quicktour.dox \
    5.44 +##	doc/ugraphs.dox
    5.46  doc:
    5.47  	if test ${doxygen_found} = yes; then \
     6.1 Binary file doc/icons/geom/ftv2doc.png has changed
     7.1 Binary file doc/icons/geom/ftv2folderclosed.png has changed
     8.1 Binary file doc/icons/geom/ftv2folderopen.png has changed
     9.1 Binary file doc/icons/geom/osszes.xcf has changed
    10.1 --- a/lemon/	Tue Jul 04 10:21:38 2006 +0000
    10.2 +++ b/lemon/	Tue Jul 04 11:58:39 2006 +0000
    10.3 @@ -1,118 +1,118 @@
    10.4  pkgconfig_DATA += lemon/lemon.pc
    10.6 -#lib_LTLIBRARIES += lemon/
    10.7 +lib_LTLIBRARIES += lemon/
    10.9 -#lemon_libemon_la_SOURCES = \
   10.10 -#	lemon/ \
   10.11 -#	lemon/ \
   10.12 -#	lemon/ \
   10.13 -#	lemon/ \
   10.14 -#	lemon/bits/ \
   10.15 -#	lemon/bits/
   10.16 +lemon_libemon_la_SOURCES =
   10.17 +##	lemon/ \
   10.18 +##	lemon/ \
   10.19 +##	lemon/ \
   10.20 +##	lemon/ \
   10.21 +##	lemon/bits/ \
   10.22 +##	lemon/bits/
   10.24 -#lemon_libemon_la_CXXFLAGS = $(GLPK_CFLAGS) $(CPLEX_CFLAGS)
   10.25 -#lemon_libemon_la_LDFLAGS = $(GLPK_LIBS) $(CPLEX_LIBS)
   10.26 +lemon_libemon_la_CXXFLAGS = $(GLPK_CFLAGS) $(CPLEX_CFLAGS)
   10.27 +lemon_libemon_la_LDFLAGS = $(GLPK_LIBS) $(CPLEX_LIBS)
   10.29  if HAVE_GLPK
   10.30 -#lemon_libemon_la_SOURCES += lemon/
   10.31 +##lemon_libemon_la_SOURCES += lemon/
   10.32  endif
   10.34  if HAVE_CPLEX
   10.35 -#lemon_libemon_la_SOURCES += lemon/
   10.36 +##lemon_libemon_la_SOURCES += lemon/
   10.37  endif
   10.39 -#lemon_HEADERS += \
   10.40 -#	lemon/bellman_ford.h \
   10.41 -#	lemon/bezier.h \
   10.42 -#	lemon/bfs.h \
   10.43 -#	lemon/bin_heap.h \
   10.44 -#	lemon/bipartite_matching.h \
   10.45 -#	lemon/bpugraph_adaptor.h \
   10.46 -#	lemon/bucket_heap.h \
   10.47 -#	lemon/color.h \
   10.48 -#	lemon/config.h \
   10.49 -#	lemon/counter.h \
   10.50 -#	lemon/dag_shortest_path.h \
   10.51 -#	lemon/dfs.h \
   10.52 -#	lemon/dijkstra.h \
   10.53 -#	lemon/dimacs.h \
   10.54 -#	lemon/edge_set.h \
   10.55 -#	lemon/edmonds_karp.h \
   10.56 -#	lemon/eps.h \
   10.57 -#	lemon/error.h \
   10.58 -#	lemon/fib_heap.h \
   10.59 -#	lemon/floyd_warshall.h \
   10.60 -#	lemon/fredman_tarjan.h \
   10.61 -#	lemon/full_graph.h \
   10.62 -#	lemon/graph_adaptor.h \
   10.63 -#	lemon/graph_reader.h \
   10.64 -#	lemon/graph_to_eps.h \
   10.65 -#	lemon/graph_utils.h \
   10.66 -#	lemon/graph_writer.h \
   10.67 -#	lemon/grid_ugraph.h \
   10.68 -#	lemon/hypercube_graph.h \
   10.69 -#	lemon/iterable_maps.h \
   10.70 -#	lemon/johnson.h \
   10.71 -#	lemon/kruskal.h \
   10.72 -#	lemon/lemon_reader.h \
   10.73 -#	lemon/lemon_writer.h \
   10.74 -#	lemon/list_graph.h \
   10.75 -#	lemon/lp.h \
   10.76 -#	lemon/lp_base.h \
   10.77 -#	lemon/lp_cplex.h \
   10.78 -#	lemon/lp_glpk.h \
   10.79 -#	lemon/lp_skeleton.h \
   10.80 -#	lemon/map_iterator.h \
   10.81 -#	lemon/maps.h \
   10.82 -#	lemon/matrix_maps.h \
   10.83 -#	lemon/max_matching.h \
   10.84 -#	lemon/min_cost_arborescence.h \
   10.85 -#	lemon/min_cost_flow.h \
   10.86 -#	lemon/min_cut.h \
   10.87 -#	lemon/path.h \
   10.88 -#	lemon/polynomial.h \
   10.89 -#	lemon/preflow.h \
   10.90 -#	lemon/prim.h \
   10.91 -#	lemon/radix_heap.h \
   10.92 -#	lemon/radix_sort.h \
   10.93 -#	lemon/refptr.h \
   10.94 -#	lemon/simann.h \
   10.95 -#	lemon/smart_graph.h \
   10.96 -#	lemon/sub_graph.h \
   10.97 -#	lemon/suurballe.h \
   10.98 -#	lemon/tabu_search.h \
   10.99 -#	lemon/time_measure.h \
  10.100 -#	lemon/tolerance.h \
  10.101 -#	lemon/topology.h \
  10.102 -#	lemon/ugraph_adaptor.h \
  10.103 -#	lemon/unionfind.h \
  10.104 -#	lemon/xy.h
  10.105 +lemon_HEADERS +=
  10.106 +##	lemon/bellman_ford.h \
  10.107 +##	lemon/bezier.h \
  10.108 +##	lemon/bfs.h \
  10.109 +##	lemon/bin_heap.h \
  10.110 +##	lemon/bipartite_matching.h \
  10.111 +##	lemon/bpugraph_adaptor.h \
  10.112 +##	lemon/bucket_heap.h \
  10.113 +##	lemon/color.h \
  10.114 +##	lemon/config.h \
  10.115 +##	lemon/counter.h \
  10.116 +##	lemon/dag_shortest_path.h \
  10.117 +##	lemon/dfs.h \
  10.118 +##	lemon/dijkstra.h \
  10.119 +##	lemon/dimacs.h \
  10.120 +##	lemon/edge_set.h \
  10.121 +##	lemon/edmonds_karp.h \
  10.122 +##	lemon/eps.h \
  10.123 +##	lemon/error.h \
  10.124 +##	lemon/fib_heap.h \
  10.125 +##	lemon/floyd_warshall.h \
  10.126 +##	lemon/fredman_tarjan.h \
  10.127 +##	lemon/full_graph.h \
  10.128 +##	lemon/graph_adaptor.h \
  10.129 +##	lemon/graph_reader.h \
  10.130 +##	lemon/graph_to_eps.h \
  10.131 +##	lemon/graph_utils.h \
  10.132 +##	lemon/graph_writer.h \
  10.133 +##	lemon/grid_ugraph.h \
  10.134 +##	lemon/hypercube_graph.h \
  10.135 +##	lemon/iterable_maps.h \
  10.136 +##	lemon/johnson.h \
  10.137 +##	lemon/kruskal.h \
  10.138 +##	lemon/lemon_reader.h \
  10.139 +##	lemon/lemon_writer.h \
  10.140 +##	lemon/list_graph.h \
  10.141 +##	lemon/lp.h \
  10.142 +##	lemon/lp_base.h \
  10.143 +##	lemon/lp_cplex.h \
  10.144 +##	lemon/lp_glpk.h \
  10.145 +##	lemon/lp_skeleton.h \
  10.146 +##	lemon/map_iterator.h \
  10.147 +##	lemon/maps.h \
  10.148 +##	lemon/matrix_maps.h \
  10.149 +##	lemon/max_matching.h \
  10.150 +##	lemon/min_cost_arborescence.h \
  10.151 +##	lemon/min_cost_flow.h \
  10.152 +##	lemon/min_cut.h \
  10.153 +##	lemon/path.h \
  10.154 +##	lemon/polynomial.h \
  10.155 +##	lemon/preflow.h \
  10.156 +##	lemon/prim.h \
  10.157 +##	lemon/radix_heap.h \
  10.158 +##	lemon/radix_sort.h \
  10.159 +##	lemon/refptr.h \
  10.160 +##	lemon/simann.h \
  10.161 +##	lemon/smart_graph.h \
  10.162 +##	lemon/sub_graph.h \
  10.163 +##	lemon/suurballe.h \
  10.164 +##	lemon/tabu_search.h \
  10.165 +##	lemon/time_measure.h \
  10.166 +##	lemon/tolerance.h \
  10.167 +##	lemon/topology.h \
  10.168 +##	lemon/ugraph_adaptor.h \
  10.169 +##	lemon/unionfind.h \
  10.170 +##	lemon/xy.h
  10.172 -#bits_HEADERS += \
  10.173 -#	lemon/bits/alteration_notifier.h \
  10.174 -#	lemon/bits/array_map.h \
  10.175 -#	lemon/bits/base_extender.h \
  10.176 -#	lemon/bits/default_map.h \
  10.177 -#	lemon/bits/edge_set_extender.h \
  10.178 -#	lemon/bits/graph_adaptor_extender.h \
  10.179 -#	lemon/bits/graph_extender.h \
  10.180 -#	lemon/bits/invalid.h \
  10.181 -#	lemon/bits/item_reader.h \
  10.182 -#	lemon/bits/item_writer.h \
  10.183 -#	lemon/bits/map_extender.h \
  10.184 -#	lemon/bits/mingw32_rand.h \
  10.185 -#	lemon/bits/mingw32_time.h \
  10.186 -#	lemon/bits/traits.h \
  10.187 -#	lemon/bits/utility.h \
  10.188 -#	lemon/bits/vector_map.h
  10.189 +bits_HEADERS +=
  10.190 +##	lemon/bits/alteration_notifier.h \
  10.191 +##	lemon/bits/array_map.h \
  10.192 +##	lemon/bits/base_extender.h \
  10.193 +##	lemon/bits/default_map.h \
  10.194 +##	lemon/bits/edge_set_extender.h \
  10.195 +##	lemon/bits/graph_adaptor_extender.h \
  10.196 +##	lemon/bits/graph_extender.h \
  10.197 +##	lemon/bits/invalid.h \
  10.198 +##	lemon/bits/item_reader.h \
  10.199 +##	lemon/bits/item_writer.h \
  10.200 +##	lemon/bits/map_extender.h \
  10.201 +##	lemon/bits/mingw32_rand.h \
  10.202 +##	lemon/bits/mingw32_time.h \
  10.203 +##	lemon/bits/traits.h \
  10.204 +##	lemon/bits/utility.h \
  10.205 +##	lemon/bits/vector_map.h
  10.207 -#concept_HEADERS += \
  10.208 -#	lemon/concept_check.h \
  10.209 -#	lemon/concept/bpugraph.h \
  10.210 -#	lemon/concept/graph.h \
  10.211 -#	lemon/concept/graph_component.h \
  10.212 -#	lemon/concept/heap.h \
  10.213 -#	lemon/concept/maps.h \
  10.214 -#	lemon/concept/matrix_maps.h \
  10.215 -#	lemon/concept/path.h \
  10.216 -#	lemon/concept/ugraph.h
  10.217 +concept_HEADERS +=
  10.218 +##	lemon/concept_check.h \
  10.219 +##	lemon/concept/bpugraph.h \
  10.220 +##	lemon/concept/graph.h \
  10.221 +##	lemon/concept/graph_component.h \
  10.222 +##	lemon/concept/heap.h \
  10.223 +##	lemon/concept/maps.h \
  10.224 +##	lemon/concept/matrix_maps.h \
  10.225 +##	lemon/concept/path.h \
  10.226 +##	lemon/concept/ugraph.h
    11.1 --- a/test/	Tue Jul 04 10:21:38 2006 +0000
    11.2 +++ b/test/	Tue Jul 04 11:58:39 2006 +0000
    11.3 @@ -1,87 +1,87 @@
    11.4 -#EXTRA_DIST += \
    11.5 -#	test/preflow_graph.dim \
    11.6 -#	test/dijkstra_test.lgf
    11.7 +##EXTRA_DIST +=
    11.8 +##	test/preflow_graph.dim \
    11.9 +##	test/dijkstra_test.lgf
   11.11 -#noinst_HEADERS += \
   11.12 -#	test/test_tools.h \
   11.13 -#	test/graph_test.h \
   11.14 -#	test/map_test.h \
   11.15 -#	test/graph_utils_test.h \
   11.16 -#	test/heap_test.h
   11.17 +noinst_HEADERS +=
   11.18 +##	test/test_tools.h \
   11.19 +##	test/graph_test.h \
   11.20 +##	test/map_test.h \
   11.21 +##	test/graph_utils_test.h \
   11.22 +##	test/heap_test.h
   11.24 -#check_PROGRAMS += \
   11.25 -#	test/all_pairs_shortest_path_test \
   11.26 -#	test/arborescence_test \
   11.27 -#	test/bfs_test \
   11.28 -#	test/bipartite_matching_test \
   11.29 -#	test/counter_test \
   11.30 -#	test/dfs_test \
   11.31 -#	test/dijkstra_test \
   11.32 -#	test/edge_set_test \
   11.33 -#	test/graph_adaptor_test \
   11.34 -#	test/graph_test \
   11.35 -#	test/graph_utils_test \
   11.36 -#	test/heap_test \
   11.37 -#	test/kruskal_test \
   11.38 -#	test/maps_test \
   11.39 -#	test/matrix_maps_test \
   11.40 -#	test/max_matching_test \
   11.41 -#	test/min_cost_flow_test \
   11.42 -#	test/path_test \
   11.43 -#	test/polynomial_test \
   11.44 -#	test/preflow_test \
   11.45 -#	test/radix_sort_test \
   11.46 -#	test/refptr_test \
   11.47 -#	test/simann_test \
   11.48 -#	test/suurballe_test \
   11.49 -#	test/test_tools_fail \
   11.50 -#	test/test_tools_pass \
   11.51 -#	test/time_measure_test \
   11.52 -#	test/ugraph_test \
   11.53 -#	test/unionfind_test \
   11.54 -#	test/xy_test
   11.55 +check_PROGRAMS +=
   11.56 +##	test/all_pairs_shortest_path_test \
   11.57 +##	test/arborescence_test \
   11.58 +##	test/bfs_test \
   11.59 +##	test/bipartite_matching_test \
   11.60 +##	test/counter_test \
   11.61 +##	test/dfs_test \
   11.62 +##	test/dijkstra_test \
   11.63 +##	test/edge_set_test \
   11.64 +##	test/graph_adaptor_test \
   11.65 +##	test/graph_test \
   11.66 +##	test/graph_utils_test \
   11.67 +##	test/heap_test \
   11.68 +##	test/kruskal_test \
   11.69 +##	test/maps_test \
   11.70 +##	test/matrix_maps_test \
   11.71 +##	test/max_matching_test \
   11.72 +##	test/min_cost_flow_test \
   11.73 +##	test/path_test \
   11.74 +##	test/polynomial_test \
   11.75 +##	test/preflow_test \
   11.76 +##	test/radix_sort_test \
   11.77 +##	test/refptr_test \
   11.78 +##	test/simann_test \
   11.79 +##	test/suurballe_test \
   11.80 +##	test/test_tools_fail \
   11.81 +##	test/test_tools_pass \
   11.82 +##	test/time_measure_test \
   11.83 +##	test/ugraph_test \
   11.84 +##	test/unionfind_test \
   11.85 +##	test/xy_test
   11.87  if HAVE_GLPK
   11.88 -#check_PROGRAMS += test/lp_test
   11.89 +##check_PROGRAMS += test/lp_test
   11.90  else !HAVE_GLPK
   11.91  if HAVE_CPLEX
   11.92 -#check_PROGRAMS += test/lp_test
   11.93 +##check_PROGRAMS += test/lp_test
   11.94  endif HAVE_CPLEX
   11.95  endif !HAVE_GLPK
   11.97  TESTS += $(check_PROGRAMS)
   11.98  XFAIL_TESTS += test/test_tools_fail$(EXEEXT)
  11.100 -#test_all_pairs_shortest_path_test_SOURCES = test/
  11.101 -#test_arborescence_test_SOURCES = test/
  11.102 -#test_bfs_test_SOURCES = test/
  11.103 -#test_bipartite_matching_test_SOURCES = test/
  11.104 -#test_counter_test_SOURCES = test/
  11.105 -#test_dfs_test_SOURCES = test/
  11.106 -#test_dijkstra_test_SOURCES = test/
  11.107 -#test_edge_set_test_SOURCES = test/
  11.108 -#test_graph_adaptor_test_SOURCES = test/
  11.109 -#test_graph_test_SOURCES = test/
  11.110 -#test_graph_utils_test_SOURCES = test/
  11.111 -#test_heap_test_SOURCES = test/
  11.112 -#test_kruskal_test_SOURCES = test/
  11.113 -#test_maps_test_SOURCES = test/
  11.114 -#test_matrix_maps_test_SOURCES = test/
  11.115 -#test_max_matching_test_SOURCES = test/
  11.116 -#test_min_cost_flow_test_SOURCES = test/
  11.117 -#test_path_test_SOURCES = test/
  11.118 -#test_polynomial_test_SOURCES = test/
  11.119 -#test_preflow_test_SOURCES = test/
  11.120 -#test_radix_sort_test_SOURCES = test/
  11.121 -#test_refptr_test_SOURCES = test/
  11.122 -#test_simann_test_SOURCES = test/
  11.123 -#test_suurballe_test_SOURCES = test/
  11.124 -#test_test_tools_fail_SOURCES = test/
  11.125 -#test_test_tools_pass_SOURCES = test/
  11.126 -#test_time_measure_test_SOURCES = test/
  11.127 -#test_ugraph_test_SOURCES = test/
  11.128 -#test_unionfind_test_SOURCES = test/
  11.129 -#test_xy_test_SOURCES = test/
  11.130 +##test_all_pairs_shortest_path_test_SOURCES = test/
  11.131 +##test_arborescence_test_SOURCES = test/
  11.132 +##test_bfs_test_SOURCES = test/
  11.133 +##test_bipartite_matching_test_SOURCES = test/
  11.134 +##test_counter_test_SOURCES = test/
  11.135 +##test_dfs_test_SOURCES = test/
  11.136 +##test_dijkstra_test_SOURCES = test/
  11.137 +##test_edge_set_test_SOURCES = test/
  11.138 +##test_graph_adaptor_test_SOURCES = test/
  11.139 +##test_graph_test_SOURCES = test/
  11.140 +##test_graph_utils_test_SOURCES = test/
  11.141 +##test_heap_test_SOURCES = test/
  11.142 +##test_kruskal_test_SOURCES = test/
  11.143 +##test_maps_test_SOURCES = test/
  11.144 +##test_matrix_maps_test_SOURCES = test/
  11.145 +##test_max_matching_test_SOURCES = test/
  11.146 +##test_min_cost_flow_test_SOURCES = test/
  11.147 +##test_path_test_SOURCES = test/
  11.148 +##test_polynomial_test_SOURCES = test/
  11.149 +##test_preflow_test_SOURCES = test/
  11.150 +##test_radix_sort_test_SOURCES = test/
  11.151 +##test_refptr_test_SOURCES = test/
  11.152 +##test_simann_test_SOURCES = test/
  11.153 +##test_suurballe_test_SOURCES = test/
  11.154 +##test_test_tools_fail_SOURCES = test/
  11.155 +##test_test_tools_pass_SOURCES = test/
  11.156 +##test_time_measure_test_SOURCES = test/
  11.157 +##test_ugraph_test_SOURCES = test/
  11.158 +##test_unionfind_test_SOURCES = test/
  11.159 +##test_xy_test_SOURCES = test/
  11.161 -#test_lp_test_SOURCES = test/
  11.162 -#test_lp_test_CXXFLAGS = $(GLPK_CFLAGS) $(CPLEX_CFLAGS)
  11.163 +##test_lp_test_SOURCES = test/
  11.164 +##test_lp_test_CXXFLAGS = $(GLPK_CFLAGS) $(CPLEX_CFLAGS)