Some modifications on shortest path algoritms:
Wed, 26 Oct 2005 10:50:47 +0000 (2005-10-26)
changeset 17417a98fe2ed989
parent 1740 4cade8579363
child 1742 2637b9420d0a
Some modifications on shortest path algoritms:
- heap traits
- checked execution
     1.1 --- a/lemon/belmann_ford.h	Mon Oct 24 17:03:02 2005 +0000
     1.2 +++ b/lemon/belmann_ford.h	Wed Oct 26 10:50:47 2005 +0000
     1.3 @@ -412,7 +412,7 @@
     1.4      void start() {
     1.5        int num = countNodes(*graph) - 1;
     1.6        for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i) {
     1.7 -	bool ready = true;
     1.8 +	bool done = true;
     1.9  	for (EdgeIt it(*graph); it != INVALID; ++it) {
    1.10  	  Node source = graph->source(it);
    1.11  	  Node target = graph->target(it);
    1.12 @@ -421,14 +421,14 @@
    1.13  	  if (OperationTraits::less(relaxed, (*_dist)[target])) {
    1.14  	    _pred->set(target, it);
    1.15  	    _dist->set(target, relaxed);
    1.16 -	    ready = false; 
    1.17 +	    done = false; 
    1.18  	  }
    1.19  	}
    1.20 -	if (ready) return;
    1.21 +	if (done) return;
    1.22        }
    1.23      }
    1.25 -    /// \brief Executes the algorithm and check the negative circles.
    1.26 +    /// \brief Executes the algorithm and checks the negative circles.
    1.27      ///
    1.28      /// \pre init() must be called and at least one node should be added
    1.29      /// with addSource() before using this function. If there is
    1.30 @@ -442,7 +442,7 @@
    1.31      bool checkedStart() {
    1.32        int num = countNodes(*graph);
    1.33        for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i) {
    1.34 -	bool ready = true;
    1.35 +	bool done = true;
    1.36  	for (EdgeIt it(*graph); it != INVALID; ++it) {
    1.37  	  Node source = graph->source(it);
    1.38  	  Node target = graph->target(it);
    1.39 @@ -451,10 +451,10 @@
    1.40  	  if (OperationTraits::less(relaxed, (*_dist)[target])) {
    1.41  	    _pred->set(target, it);
    1.42  	    _dist->set(target, relaxed);
    1.43 -	    ready = false; 
    1.44 +	    done = false; 
    1.45  	  }
    1.46  	}
    1.47 -	if (ready) return true;
    1.48 +	if (done) return true;
    1.49        }
    1.50        return false;
    1.51      }
     2.1 --- a/lemon/dijkstra.h	Mon Oct 24 17:03:02 2005 +0000
     2.2 +++ b/lemon/dijkstra.h	Wed Oct 26 10:50:47 2005 +0000
     2.3 @@ -61,7 +61,6 @@
     2.4      ///This function instantiates a \ref HeapCrossRef. 
     2.5      /// \param G is the graph, to which we would like to define the 
     2.6      /// HeapCrossRef.
     2.7 -    /// \todo The graph alone may be insufficient for the initialization
     2.8      static HeapCrossRef *createHeapCrossRef(const GR &G) 
     2.9      {
    2.10        return new HeapCrossRef(G);
    2.11 @@ -74,8 +73,7 @@
    2.12      ///\sa BinHeap
    2.13      ///\sa Dijkstra
    2.14      typedef BinHeap<typename Graph::Node, typename LM::Value,
    2.15 -		    typename GR::template NodeMap<int>,
    2.16 -		    std::less<Value> > Heap;
    2.17 +		    HeapCrossRef, std::less<Value> > Heap;
    2.19      static Heap *createHeap(HeapCrossRef& R) 
    2.20      {
    2.21 @@ -360,12 +358,12 @@
    2.22      struct DefHeapTraits : public Traits {
    2.23        typedef CR HeapCrossRef;
    2.24        typedef H Heap;
    2.25 -      static HeapCrossRef *createHeapCrossRef(const Graph &G) {
    2.26 -	return new HeapCrossRef(G);
    2.27 +      static HeapCrossRef *createHeapCrossRef(const Graph &) {
    2.28 +	throw UninitializedParameter();
    2.29        }
    2.30 -      static Heap *createHeap(HeapCrossRef &R) 
    2.31 +      static Heap *createHeap(HeapCrossRef &) 
    2.32        {
    2.33 -	return new Heap(R);
    2.34 +	throw UninitializedParameter();
    2.35        }
    2.36      };
    2.37      ///\ref named-templ-param "Named parameter" for setting heap and cross 
    2.38 @@ -379,6 +377,32 @@
    2.39        : public Dijkstra< Graph,	LengthMap, DefHeapTraits<H, CR> > { 
    2.40        typedef Dijkstra< Graph,	LengthMap, DefHeapTraits<H, CR> > Create;
    2.41      };
    2.42 +
    2.43 +    template <class H, class CR>
    2.44 +    struct DefStandardHeapTraits : public Traits {
    2.45 +      typedef CR HeapCrossRef;
    2.46 +      typedef H Heap;
    2.47 +      static HeapCrossRef *createHeapCrossRef(const Graph &G) {
    2.48 +	return new HeapCrossRef(G);
    2.49 +      }
    2.50 +      static Heap *createHeap(HeapCrossRef &R) 
    2.51 +      {
    2.52 +	return new Heap(R);
    2.53 +      }
    2.54 +    };
    2.55 +    ///\ref named-templ-param "Named parameter" for setting heap and cross 
    2.56 +    ///reference type with automatic allocation
    2.57 +
    2.58 +    ///\ref named-templ-param "Named parameter" for setting heap and cross 
    2.59 +    ///reference type. It can allocate the heap and the cross reference 
    2.60 +    ///object if the cross reference's constructor waits for the graph as 
    2.61 +    ///parameter and the heap's constructor waits for the cross reference.
    2.62 +    template <class H, class CR = typename Graph::template NodeMap<int> >
    2.63 +    struct DefStandardHeap
    2.64 +      : public Dijkstra< Graph,	LengthMap, DefStandardHeapTraits<H, CR> > { 
    2.65 +      typedef Dijkstra< Graph,	LengthMap, DefStandardHeapTraits<H, CR> > 
    2.66 +      Create;
    2.67 +    };
    2.69      ///@}
    2.71 @@ -456,6 +480,28 @@
    2.72        return *this;
    2.73      }
    2.75 +    ///Sets the heap and the cross reference used by algorithm.
    2.76 +
    2.77 +    ///Sets the heap and the cross reference used by algorithm.
    2.78 +    ///If you don't use this function before calling \ref run(),
    2.79 +    ///it will allocate one. The destuctor deallocates this
    2.80 +    ///automatically allocated map, of course.
    2.81 +    ///\return <tt> (*this) </tt>
    2.82 +    Dijkstra &heap(Heap& heap, HeapCrossRef &crossRef)
    2.83 +    {
    2.84 +      if(local_heap_cross_ref) {
    2.85 +	delete _heap_cross_ref;
    2.86 +	local_heap_cross_ref=false;
    2.87 +      }
    2.88 +      _heap_cross_ref = &crossRef;
    2.89 +      if(local_heap) {
    2.90 +	delete _heap;
    2.91 +	local_heap=false;
    2.92 +      }
    2.93 +      _heap = &heap;
    2.94 +      return *this;
    2.95 +    }
    2.96 +
    2.97    private:
    2.98      void finalizeNodeData(Node v,Value dst)
    2.99      {
     3.1 --- a/lemon/floyd_warshall.h	Mon Oct 24 17:03:02 2005 +0000
     3.2 +++ b/lemon/floyd_warshall.h	Wed Oct 26 10:50:47 2005 +0000
     3.3 @@ -392,9 +392,9 @@
     3.4        for (NodeIt it(*graph); it != INVALID; ++it) {
     3.5  	for (NodeIt jt(*graph); jt != INVALID; ++jt) {
     3.6  	  _pred->set(it, jt, INVALID);
     3.7 -	  _dist->set(it, jt, it == jt ? 
     3.8 -		     OperationTraits::zero() : OperationTraits::infinity());
     3.9 +	  _dist->set(it, jt, OperationTraits::infinity());
    3.10  	}
    3.11 +	_dist->set(it, it, OperationTraits::zero());
    3.12        }
    3.13        for (EdgeIt it(*graph); it != INVALID; ++it) {
    3.14  	Node source = graph->source(it);
    3.15 @@ -427,6 +427,24 @@
    3.16  	}
    3.17        }
    3.18      }
    3.19 +
    3.20 +    /// \brief Executes the algorithm and checks the negative circles.
    3.21 +    ///
    3.22 +    /// This method runs the %FloydWarshall algorithm in order to compute 
    3.23 +    /// the shortest path to each node pairs. If there is a negative circle 
    3.24 +    /// in the graph it gives back false. 
    3.25 +    /// The algorithm computes 
    3.26 +    /// - The shortest path tree for each node.
    3.27 +    /// - The distance between each node pairs.
    3.28 +    bool checkedStart() {
    3.29 +      start();
    3.30 +      for (NodeIt it(*graph); it != INVALID; ++it) {
    3.31 +	if (OperationTraits::less((*dist)(it, it), OperationTraits::zero())) {
    3.32 +	  return false;
    3.33 +	}
    3.34 +      }
    3.35 +      return true;
    3.36 +    }
    3.38      /// \brief Runs %FloydWarshall algorithm.
    3.39      ///    
     4.1 --- a/lemon/johnson.h	Mon Oct 24 17:03:02 2005 +0000
     4.2 +++ b/lemon/johnson.h	Wed Oct 26 10:50:47 2005 +0000
     4.3 @@ -106,6 +106,38 @@
     4.4      /// and the used operation.
     4.5      /// \see JohnsonDefaultOperationTraits
     4.6      typedef JohnsonDefaultOperationTraits<Value> OperationTraits;
     4.7 +
     4.8 +    /// The cross reference type used by heap.
     4.9 +
    4.10 +    /// The cross reference type used by heap.
    4.11 +    /// Usually it is \c Graph::NodeMap<int>.
    4.12 +    typedef typename Graph::template NodeMap<int> HeapCrossRef;
    4.13 +
    4.14 +    ///Instantiates a HeapCrossRef.
    4.15 +
    4.16 +    ///This function instantiates a \ref HeapCrossRef. 
    4.17 +    /// \param graph is the graph, to which we would like to define the 
    4.18 +    /// HeapCrossRef.
    4.19 +    static HeapCrossRef *createHeapCrossRef(const Graph& graph) {
    4.20 +      return new HeapCrossRef(graph);
    4.21 +    }
    4.22 +    
    4.23 +    ///The heap type used by Dijkstra algorithm.
    4.24 +
    4.25 +    ///The heap type used by Dijkstra algorithm.
    4.26 +    ///
    4.27 +    ///\sa BinHeap
    4.28 +    ///\sa Dijkstra
    4.29 +    typedef BinHeap<typename Graph::Node, typename LengthMap::Value,
    4.30 +		    HeapCrossRef, std::less<Value> > Heap;
    4.31 +
    4.32 +    ///Instantiates a Heap.
    4.33 +
    4.34 +    ///This function instantiates a \ref Heap. 
    4.35 +    /// \param crossRef The cross reference for the heap.
    4.36 +    static Heap *createHeap(HeapCrossRef& crossRef) {
    4.37 +      return new Heap(crossRef);
    4.38 +    }
    4.40      /// \brief The type of the matrix map that stores the last edges of the 
    4.41      /// shortest paths.
    4.42 @@ -121,7 +153,7 @@
    4.43      /// This function instantiates a \ref PredMap. 
    4.44      /// \param G is the graph, to which we would like to define the PredMap.
    4.45      /// \todo The graph alone may be insufficient for the initialization
    4.46 -    static PredMap *createPredMap(const _Graph& graph) {
    4.47 +    static PredMap *createPredMap(const Graph& graph) {
    4.48        return new PredMap(graph);
    4.49      }
    4.51 @@ -158,7 +190,9 @@
    4.52    /// should be used from each node.
    4.53    ///
    4.54    /// The complexity of this algorithm is $O(n^2 * log(n) + n * log(n) * e)$ or
    4.55 -  /// with fibonacci heap O(n^2 * log(n) + n * e).
    4.56 +  /// with fibonacci heap O(n^2 * log(n) + n * e). Usually the fibonacci heap
    4.57 +  /// implementation is slower than either binary heap implementation or the 
    4.58 +  /// Floyd-Warshall algorithm. 
    4.59    ///
    4.60    /// The type of the length is determined by the
    4.61    /// \ref concept::ReadMap::Value "Value" of the length map.
    4.62 @@ -225,6 +259,10 @@
    4.63      typedef typename _Traits::DistMap DistMap;
    4.64      /// \brief The operation traits.
    4.65      typedef typename _Traits::OperationTraits OperationTraits;
    4.66 +    ///The cross reference type used for the current heap.
    4.67 +    typedef typename _Traits::HeapCrossRef HeapCrossRef;
    4.68 +    ///The heap type used by the dijkstra algorithm.
    4.69 +    typedef typename _Traits::Heap Heap;
    4.70    private:
    4.71      /// Pointer to the underlying graph.
    4.72      const Graph *graph;
    4.73 @@ -238,6 +276,14 @@
    4.74      DistMap *_dist;
    4.75      ///Indicates if \ref _dist is locally allocated (\c true) or not.
    4.76      bool local_dist;
    4.77 +    ///Pointer to the heap cross references.
    4.78 +    HeapCrossRef *_heap_cross_ref;
    4.79 +    ///Indicates if \ref _heap_cross_ref is locally allocated (\c true) or not.
    4.80 +    bool local_heap_cross_ref;
    4.81 +    ///Pointer to the heap.
    4.82 +    Heap *_heap;
    4.83 +    ///Indicates if \ref _heap is locally allocated (\c true) or not.
    4.84 +    bool local_heap;
    4.86      /// Creates the maps if necessary.
    4.87      void create_maps() {
    4.88 @@ -249,9 +295,19 @@
    4.89  	local_dist = true;
    4.90  	_dist = Traits::createDistMap(*graph);
    4.91        }
    4.92 +      if (!_heap_cross_ref) {
    4.93 +	local_heap_cross_ref = true;
    4.94 +	_heap_cross_ref = Traits::createHeapCrossRef(*graph);
    4.95 +      }
    4.96 +      if (!_heap) {
    4.97 +	local_heap = true;
    4.98 +	_heap = Traits::createHeap(*_heap_cross_ref);
    4.99 +      }
   4.100      }
   4.101 -    
   4.102 +
   4.103    public :
   4.104 +
   4.105 +    typedef Johnson Create;
   4.107      /// \name Named template parameters
   4.109 @@ -308,6 +364,56 @@
   4.110        : public Johnson< Graph, LengthMap, DefOperationTraitsTraits<T> > {
   4.111        typedef Johnson< Graph, LengthMap, DefOperationTraitsTraits<T> > Create;
   4.112      };
   4.113 +
   4.114 +    template <class H, class CR>
   4.115 +    struct DefHeapTraits : public Traits {
   4.116 +      typedef CR HeapCrossRef;
   4.117 +      typedef H Heap;
   4.118 +      static HeapCrossRef *createHeapCrossRef(const Graph &) {
   4.119 +	throw UninitializedParameter();
   4.120 +      }
   4.121 +      static Heap *createHeap(HeapCrossRef &) 
   4.122 +      {
   4.123 +	throw UninitializedParameter();
   4.124 +      }
   4.125 +    };
   4.126 +    ///\ref named-templ-param "Named parameter" for setting heap and cross 
   4.127 +    ///reference type
   4.128 +
   4.129 +    ///\ref named-templ-param "Named parameter" for setting heap and cross 
   4.130 +    ///reference type
   4.131 +    ///
   4.132 +    template <class H, class CR = typename Graph::template NodeMap<int> >
   4.133 +    struct DefHeap
   4.134 +      : public Johnson< Graph, LengthMap, DefHeapTraits<H, CR> > { 
   4.135 +      typedef Johnson< Graph, LengthMap, DefHeapTraits<H, CR> > Create;
   4.136 +    };
   4.137 +
   4.138 +    template <class H, class CR>
   4.139 +    struct DefStandardHeapTraits : public Traits {
   4.140 +      typedef CR HeapCrossRef;
   4.141 +      typedef H Heap;
   4.142 +      static HeapCrossRef *createHeapCrossRef(const Graph &G) {
   4.143 +	return new HeapCrossRef(G);
   4.144 +      }
   4.145 +      static Heap *createHeap(HeapCrossRef &R) 
   4.146 +      {
   4.147 +	return new Heap(R);
   4.148 +      }
   4.149 +    };
   4.150 +    ///\ref named-templ-param "Named parameter" for setting heap and cross 
   4.151 +    ///reference type with automatic allocation
   4.152 +
   4.153 +    ///\ref named-templ-param "Named parameter" for setting heap and cross 
   4.154 +    ///reference type. It can allocate the heap and the cross reference 
   4.155 +    ///object if the cross reference's constructor waits for the graph as 
   4.156 +    ///parameter and the heap's constructor waits for the cross reference.
   4.157 +    template <class H, class CR = typename Graph::template NodeMap<int> >
   4.158 +    struct DefStandardHeap
   4.159 +      : public Johnson< Graph, LengthMap, DefStandardHeapTraits<H, CR> > { 
   4.160 +      typedef Johnson< Graph, LengthMap, DefStandardHeapTraits<H, CR> > 
   4.161 +      Create;
   4.162 +    };
   4.164      ///@}
   4.166 @@ -316,6 +422,8 @@
   4.167      Johnson() {}
   4.169    public:      
   4.170 +
   4.171 +    typedef Johnson Create;
   4.173      /// \brief Constructor.
   4.174      ///
   4.175 @@ -324,12 +432,16 @@
   4.176      Johnson(const Graph& _graph, const LengthMap& _length) :
   4.177        graph(&_graph), length(&_length),
   4.178        _pred(0), local_pred(false),
   4.179 -      _dist(0), local_dist(false) {}
   4.180 +      _dist(0), local_dist(false),
   4.181 +      _heap_cross_ref(0), local_heap_cross_ref(false),
   4.182 +      _heap(0), local_heap(false) {}
   4.184      ///Destructor.
   4.185      ~Johnson() {
   4.186 -      if(local_pred) delete _pred;
   4.187 -      if(local_dist) delete _dist;
   4.188 +      if (local_pred) delete _pred;
   4.189 +      if (local_dist) delete _dist;
   4.190 +      if (local_heap_cross_ref) delete _heap_cross_ref;
   4.191 +      if (local_heap) delete _heap;
   4.192      }
   4.194      /// \brief Sets the length map.
   4.195 @@ -373,6 +485,43 @@
   4.196        return *this;
   4.197      }
   4.199 +  protected:
   4.200 +    
   4.201 +    typedef typename BelmannFord<Graph, LengthMap>::
   4.202 +    template DefOperationTraits<OperationTraits>::
   4.203 +    template DefPredMap<NullMap<Node, Edge> >::
   4.204 +    Create BelmannFordType;
   4.205 +
   4.206 +    void shiftedRun(const BelmannFordType& belmannford) {
   4.207 +      
   4.208 +      typedef PotentialDifferenceMap<Graph, 
   4.209 +      typename BelmannFordType::DistMap> PotDiffMap;
   4.210 +      PotDiffMap potdiff(*graph, belmannford.distMap());
   4.211 +      typedef SubMap<LengthMap, PotDiffMap> ShiftLengthMap;
   4.212 +      ShiftLengthMap shiftlen(*length, potdiff);
   4.213 +
   4.214 +      typename Dijkstra<Graph, ShiftLengthMap>::
   4.215 +      template DefHeap<Heap, HeapCrossRef>::Create dijkstra(*graph, shiftlen);
   4.216 +
   4.217 +      dijkstra.heap(*_heap, *_heap_cross_ref);
   4.218 +      
   4.219 +      for (NodeIt it(*graph); it != INVALID; ++it) {
   4.220 +;
   4.221 +	for (NodeIt jt(*graph); jt != INVALID; ++jt) {
   4.222 +	  if (dijkstra.reached(jt)) {
   4.223 +	    _dist->set(it, jt, dijkstra.dist(jt) + 
   4.224 +		       belmannford.dist(jt) - belmannford.dist(it));
   4.225 +	    _pred->set(it, jt, dijkstra.pred(jt));
   4.226 +	  } else {
   4.227 +	    _dist->set(it, jt, OperationTraits::infinity());
   4.228 +	    _pred->set(it, jt, INVALID);
   4.229 +	  }
   4.230 +	}
   4.231 +      }
   4.232 +    }
   4.233 +
   4.234 +  public:    
   4.235 +
   4.236      ///\name Execution control
   4.237      /// The simplest way to execute the algorithm is to use
   4.238      /// one of the member functions called \c run(...).
   4.239 @@ -389,7 +538,7 @@
   4.240      void init() {
   4.241        create_maps();
   4.242      }
   4.243 -    
   4.244 +
   4.245      /// \brief Executes the algorithm.
   4.246      ///
   4.247      /// This method runs the %Johnson algorithm in order to compute 
   4.248 @@ -398,10 +547,6 @@
   4.249      /// - The shortest path tree for each node.
   4.250      /// - The distance between each node pairs.
   4.251      void start() {
   4.252 -      typedef typename BelmannFord<Graph, LengthMap>::
   4.253 -      template DefOperationTraits<OperationTraits>::
   4.254 -      template DefPredMap<NullMap<Node, Edge> >::
   4.255 -      Create BelmannFordType;
   4.257        BelmannFordType belmannford(*graph, *length);
   4.259 @@ -412,26 +557,32 @@
   4.260        belmannford.init(OperationTraits::zero());
   4.261        belmannford.start();
   4.263 -      for (NodeIt it(*graph); it != INVALID; ++it) {
   4.264 -	typedef PotentialDifferenceMap<Graph, 
   4.265 -	  typename BelmannFordType::DistMap> PotDiffMap;
   4.266 -	PotDiffMap potdiff(*graph, belmannford.distMap());
   4.267 -	typedef SubMap<LengthMap, PotDiffMap> ShiftLengthMap;
   4.268 -	ShiftLengthMap shiftlen(*length, potdiff);
   4.269 -	Dijkstra<Graph, ShiftLengthMap> dijkstra(*graph, shiftlen); 
   4.270 -;
   4.271 -	for (NodeIt jt(*graph); jt != INVALID; ++jt) {
   4.272 -	  if (dijkstra.reached(jt)) {
   4.273 -	    _dist->set(it, jt, dijkstra.dist(jt) + 
   4.274 -		       belmannford.dist(jt) - belmannford.dist(it));
   4.275 -	    _pred->set(it, jt, dijkstra.pred(jt));
   4.276 -	  } else {
   4.277 -	    _dist->set(it, jt, OperationTraits::infinity());
   4.278 -	    _pred->set(it, jt, INVALID);
   4.279 -	  }
   4.280 -	}
   4.281 -      }
   4.282 +      shiftedRun(belmannford);
   4.283      }
   4.284 +
   4.285 +    /// \brief Executes the algorithm and checks the negatvie circles.
   4.286 +    ///
   4.287 +    /// This method runs the %Johnson algorithm in order to compute 
   4.288 +    /// the shortest path to each node pairs. If the graph contains
   4.289 +    /// negative circle it gives back false. The algorithm 
   4.290 +    /// computes 
   4.291 +    /// - The shortest path tree for each node.
   4.292 +    /// - The distance between each node pairs.
   4.293 +    bool checkedStart() {
   4.294 +
   4.295 +      BelmannFordType belmannford(*graph, *length);
   4.296 +
   4.297 +      NullMap<Node, Edge> predMap;
   4.298 +
   4.299 +      belmannford.predMap(predMap);
   4.300 +      
   4.301 +      belmannford.init(OperationTraits::zero());
   4.302 +      if (!belmannford.checkedStart()) return false;
   4.303 +
   4.304 +      shiftedRun(belmannford);
   4.305 +      return true;
   4.306 +    }
   4.307 +
   4.309      /// \brief Runs %Johnson algorithm.
   4.310      ///