bugfixes in doc
Tue, 29 Mar 2005 07:35:09 +0000 (2005-03-29)
changeset 1270806451fd084b
parent 1269 4c63ff4e16fa
child 1271 40e5d0d44a65
bugfixes in doc
     1.1 --- a/src/lemon/bfs.h	Mon Mar 28 23:34:26 2005 +0000
     1.2 +++ b/src/lemon/bfs.h	Tue Mar 29 07:35:09 2005 +0000
     1.3 @@ -135,7 +135,7 @@
     1.4    ///See \ref BfsDefaultTraits for the documentation of
     1.5    ///a Bfs traits class.
     1.6    ///
     1.7 -  ///\author Jacint Szabo and Alpar Juttner
     1.8 +  ///\author Alpar Juttner
     1.9    ///\todo A compare object would be nice.
    1.11  #ifdef DOXYGEN
    1.12 @@ -348,7 +348,7 @@
    1.13      ///
    1.14      ///\ref named-templ-param "Named parameter"
    1.15      ///for setting the ProcessedMap type to be Graph::NodeMap<bool>.
    1.16 -    ///If you don't set it explicitely, it will be automatically allocated.
    1.17 +    ///If you don't set it explicitly, it will be automatically allocated.
    1.18      template <class T>
    1.19      class DefProcessedMapToBeDefaultMap :
    1.20        public Bfs< Graph,
    1.21 @@ -385,7 +385,7 @@
    1.23      ///Sets the map storing the predecessor edges.
    1.24      ///If you don't use this function before calling \ref run(),
    1.25 -    ///it will allocate one. The destuctor deallocates this
    1.26 +    ///it will allocate one. The destructor deallocates this
    1.27      ///automatically allocated map, of course.
    1.28      ///\return <tt> (*this) </tt>
    1.29      Bfs &predMap(PredMap &m) 
    1.30 @@ -402,7 +402,7 @@
    1.32      ///Sets the map indicating the reached nodes.
    1.33      ///If you don't use this function before calling \ref run(),
    1.34 -    ///it will allocate one. The destuctor deallocates this
    1.35 +    ///it will allocate one. The destructor deallocates this
    1.36      ///automatically allocated map, of course.
    1.37      ///\return <tt> (*this) </tt>
    1.38      Bfs &reachedMap(ReachedMap &m) 
    1.39 @@ -419,7 +419,7 @@
    1.41      ///Sets the map indicating the processed nodes.
    1.42      ///If you don't use this function before calling \ref run(),
    1.43 -    ///it will allocate one. The destuctor deallocates this
    1.44 +    ///it will allocate one. The destructor deallocates this
    1.45      ///automatically allocated map, of course.
    1.46      ///\return <tt> (*this) </tt>
    1.47      Bfs &processedMap(ProcessedMap &m) 
    1.48 @@ -436,7 +436,7 @@
    1.50  //     ///Sets the map storing the predecessor nodes.
    1.51  //     ///If you don't use this function before calling \ref run(),
    1.52 -//     ///it will allocate one. The destuctor deallocates this
    1.53 +//     ///it will allocate one. The destructor deallocates this
    1.54  //     ///automatically allocated map, of course.
    1.55  //     ///\return <tt> (*this) </tt>
    1.56  //     Bfs &predNodeMap(PredNodeMap &m) 
    1.57 @@ -453,7 +453,7 @@
    1.59      ///Sets the map storing the distances calculated by the algorithm.
    1.60      ///If you don't use this function before calling \ref run(),
    1.61 -    ///it will allocate one. The destuctor deallocates this
    1.62 +    ///it will allocate one. The destructor deallocates this
    1.63      ///automatically allocated map, of course.
    1.64      ///\return <tt> (*this) </tt>
    1.65      Bfs &distMap(DistMap &m) 
    1.66 @@ -658,7 +658,7 @@
    1.67      ///Returns the distance of a node from the root(s).
    1.68      ///\pre \ref run() must be called before using this function.
    1.69      ///\warning If node \c v in unreachable from the root(s) the return value
    1.70 -    ///of this funcion is undefined.
    1.71 +    ///of this function is undefined.
    1.72      int dist(Node v) const { return (*_dist)[v]; }
    1.74      ///Returns the 'previous edge' of the shortest path tree.
    1.75 @@ -715,7 +715,7 @@
    1.76      ///Checks if a node is reachable from the root.
    1.78      ///Returns \c true if \c v is reachable from the root.
    1.79 -    ///\warning The source nodes are inditated as unreached.
    1.80 +    ///\warning The source nodes are indicated as unreached.
    1.81      ///\pre Either \ref run() or \ref start()
    1.82      ///must be called before using this function.
    1.83      ///
     2.1 --- a/src/lemon/bin_heap.h	Mon Mar 28 23:34:26 2005 +0000
     2.2 +++ b/src/lemon/bin_heap.h	Tue Mar 29 07:35:09 2005 +0000
     2.3 @@ -20,7 +20,6 @@
     2.4  ///\ingroup auxdat
     2.5  ///\file
     2.6  ///\brief Binary Heap implementation.
     2.7 -///\todo It should be documented.
     2.9  #include <vector>
    2.10  #include <utility>
    2.11 @@ -31,9 +30,20 @@
    2.12    /// \addtogroup auxdat
    2.13    /// @{
    2.15 -   /// A Binary Heap implementation.
    2.16 +  /// A Binary Heap implementation.
    2.18 -  ///\todo Please document...
    2.19 +  ///This class implements the \e binary \e heap data structure. A \e heap
    2.20 +  ///is a data structure for storing items with specified values called \e
    2.21 +  ///priorities in such a way that finding the item with minimum priority is
    2.22 +  ///efficient. \c Compare specifies the ordering of the priorities. In a heap
    2.23 +  ///one can change the priority of an item, add or erase an item, etc.
    2.24 +  ///
    2.25 +  ///\param Item Type of the items to be stored.  
    2.26 +  ///\param Prio Type of the priority of the items.
    2.27 +  ///\param ItemIntMap A read and writable Item int map, used internally
    2.28 +  ///to handle the cross references.
    2.29 +  ///\param Compare A class for the ordering of the priorities. The
    2.30 +  ///default is \c std::less<Prio>.
    2.31    ///
    2.32    ///\sa FibHeap
    2.33    ///\sa Dijkstra
    2.34 @@ -72,16 +82,37 @@
    2.35      ItemIntMap &iim;
    2.37    public:
    2.38 -    ///\e
    2.39 +    ///The constructor
    2.40 +
    2.41 +    /**
    2.42 +       \c _iim should be given to the constructor, since it is used
    2.43 +       internally to handle the cross references.
    2.44 +    */
    2.45      explicit BinHeap(ItemIntMap &_iim) : iim(_iim) {}
    2.46 -    ///\e
    2.47 +    
    2.48 +    ///The constructor
    2.49 +
    2.50 +    /**
    2.51 +       \c _iim should be given to the constructor, since it is used
    2.52 +       internally to handle the cross references. \c _comp is an
    2.53 +       object for ordering of the priorities.
    2.54 +    */
    2.55      BinHeap(ItemIntMap &_iim, const Compare &_comp) 
    2.56        : iim(_iim), comp(_comp) {}
    2.59 -    ///\e
    2.60 +    ///The number of items stored in the heap.
    2.61 +
    2.62 +    /**
    2.63 +       Returns the number of items stored in the heap.
    2.64 +    */
    2.65      int size() const { return data.size(); }
    2.66 -    ///\e
    2.67 +    
    2.68 +    ///Checks if the heap stores no items.
    2.69 +    
    2.70 +    /**
    2.71 +       Returns \c true if and only if the heap stores no items.
    2.72 +    */
    2.73      bool empty() const { return data.empty(); }
    2.75    private:
    2.76 @@ -111,41 +142,86 @@
    2.77      }
    2.79    public:
    2.80 -    ///\e
    2.81 +    ///Adds \c p.first to the heap with priority \c p.second.
    2.82 +    
    2.83 +    /**
    2.84 +       Adds \c p.first to the heap with priority \c p.second.
    2.85 +       \c p.first must not be stored in the heap. 
    2.86 +    */
    2.87      void push(const PairType &p) {
    2.88        int n = data.size();
    2.89        data.resize(n+1);
    2.90        bubble_up(n, p);
    2.91      }
    2.92 -    ///\e
    2.93 +
    2.94 +    ///Adds \c i to the heap with priority \c p. 
    2.95 +    
    2.96 +    /**
    2.97 +       Adds \c i to the heap with priority \c p. 
    2.98 +       \pre \c i must not be stored in the heap. 
    2.99 +    */
   2.100      void push(const Item &i, const Prio &p) { push(PairType(i,p)); }
   2.102 -    ///\e
   2.103 +    ///Returns the item with minimum priority relative to \c Compare.
   2.104 +    
   2.105 +    /**
   2.106 +       This method returns the item with minimum priority relative to \c
   2.107 +       Compare.  
   2.108 +       \pre The heap must be nonempty.  
   2.109 +    */
   2.110      Item top() const {
   2.111        return data[0].first;
   2.112      }
   2.113 -    /// Returns the prio of the top element of the heap.
   2.114 +
   2.115 +    ///Returns the minimum priority relative to \c Compare.
   2.116 +
   2.117 +    /**
   2.118 +       It returns the minimum priority relative to \c Compare.
   2.119 +       \pre The heap must be nonempty.
   2.120 +    */
   2.121      Prio prio() const {
   2.122        return data[0].second;
   2.123      }
   2.125 -    ///\e
   2.126 +    ///Deletes the item with minimum priority relative to \c Compare.
   2.127 +
   2.128 +    /**
   2.129 +    This method deletes the item with minimum priority relative to \c
   2.130 +    Compare from the heap.  
   2.131 +    \pre The heap must be non-empty.  
   2.132 +    */
   2.133      void pop() {
   2.134        rmidx(0);
   2.135      }
   2.137 -    ///\e
   2.138 +    ///Deletes \c i from the heap.
   2.139 +
   2.140 +    /**
   2.141 +       This method deletes item \c i from the heap, if \c i was
   2.142 +       already stored in the heap. 
   2.143 +    */
   2.144      void erase(const Item &i) {
   2.145        rmidx(iim[i]);
   2.146      }
   2.148 -    ///\e
   2.149 +    
   2.150 +    ///Returns the priority of \c i.
   2.151 +
   2.152 +    /**
   2.153 +       This function returns the priority of item \c i.  
   2.154 +       \pre \c i must be in the heap.
   2.155 +    */
   2.156      Prio operator[](const Item &i) const {
   2.157        int idx = iim[i];
   2.158        return data[idx].second;
   2.159      }
   2.161 -    ///\e
   2.162 +    ///\c i gets to the heap with priority \c p independently if \c i was already there.
   2.163 +
   2.164 +    /**
   2.165 +       This method calls \ref push(\c i, \c p) if \c i is not stored
   2.166 +       in the heap and sets the priority of \c i to \c p otherwise.
   2.167 +    */
   2.168      void set(const Item &i, const Prio &p) {
   2.169        int idx = iim[i];
   2.170        if( idx < 0 ) {
   2.171 @@ -159,18 +235,38 @@
   2.172        }
   2.173      }
   2.175 -    ///\e
   2.176 +    ///Decreases the priority of \c i to \c p.
   2.177 +
   2.178 +    /**
   2.179 +       This method decreases the priority of item \c i to \c p.
   2.180 +       \pre \c i must be stored in the heap with priority at least \c
   2.181 +       p relative to \c Compare.
   2.182 +    */
   2.183      void decrease(const Item &i, const Prio &p) {
   2.184        int idx = iim[i];
   2.185        bubble_up(idx, PairType(i,p));
   2.186      }
   2.187 -    ///\e
   2.188 +    
   2.189 +    ///Increases the priority of \c i to \c p.
   2.190 +
   2.191 +    /**
   2.192 +       This method sets the priority of item \c i to \c p. 
   2.193 +       \pre \c i must be stored in the heap with priority at most \c
   2.194 +       p relative to \c Compare.
   2.195 +    */
   2.196      void increase(const Item &i, const Prio &p) {
   2.197        int idx = iim[i];
   2.198        bubble_down(idx, PairType(i,p), data.size());
   2.199      }
   2.201 -    ///\e
   2.202 +    ///Returns if \c item is in, has already been in, or has never been in the heap.
   2.203 +
   2.204 +    /**
   2.205 +       This method returns PRE_HEAP if \c item has never been in the
   2.206 +       heap, IN_HEAP if it is in the heap at the moment, and POST_HEAP
   2.207 +       otherwise. In the latter case it is possible that \c item will
   2.208 +       get back to the heap again.
   2.209 +    */
   2.210      state_enum state(const Item &i) const {
   2.211        int s = iim[i];
   2.212        if( s>=0 )
     3.1 --- a/src/lemon/concept/path.h	Mon Mar 28 23:34:26 2005 +0000
     3.2 +++ b/src/lemon/concept/path.h	Tue Mar 29 07:35:09 2005 +0000
     3.3 @@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
     3.4      //! A skeleton structure for representing directed paths in a graph.
     3.5      //! \param GR The graph type in which the path is.
     3.6      //!
     3.7 -    //! In a sense, the path can be treated as a graph, for is has \c NodeIt
     3.8 +    //! In a sense, the path can be treated as a graph, for it has \c NodeIt
     3.9      //! and \c EdgeIt with the same usage. These types converts to the \c Node
    3.10      //! and \c Edge of the original graph.
    3.11      template<typename GR>
    3.12 @@ -172,9 +172,9 @@
    3.13         * arbitrary order then you should commit these changes to the graph.
    3.14         *
    3.15         * While the builder is active (after the first modifying
    3.16 -       * operation and until the call of \ref commit())
    3.17 -       * the underlining Path is in a
    3.18 -       * "transitional" state (operations on it have undefined result).
    3.19 +       * operation and until the call of \ref commit()) the
    3.20 +       * underlining Path is in a "transitional" state (operations on
    3.21 +       * it have undefined result).
    3.22         */
    3.23        class Builder {
    3.24        public:
    3.25 @@ -190,7 +190,7 @@
    3.27  	/// Sets the starting node of the path. Edge added to the path
    3.28  	/// afterwards have to be incident to this node.
    3.29 -	/// You \em must start building an empry path with this functions.
    3.30 +	/// You \em must start building an empty path with these functions.
    3.31  	/// (And you \em must \em not use it later).
    3.32  	/// \sa pushFront()
    3.33  	/// \sa pushBack()
    3.34 @@ -215,13 +215,13 @@
    3.36  	///Reserve (front) storage for the builder in advance.
    3.38 -	///If you know an reasonable upper bound of the number of the edges
    3.39 +	///If you know a reasonable upper bound on the number of the edges
    3.40  	///to add to the front of the path,
    3.41  	///using this function you may speed up the building.
    3.42  	void reserveFront(size_t r) {}
    3.43  	///Reserve (back) storage for the builder in advance.
    3.45 -	///If you know an reasonable upper bound of the number of the edges
    3.46 +	///If you know a reasonable upper bound on the number of the edges
    3.47  	///to add to the back of the path,
    3.48  	///using this function you may speed up the building.
    3.49  	void reserveBack(size_t r) {}
     4.1 --- a/src/lemon/fib_heap.h	Mon Mar 28 23:34:26 2005 +0000
     4.2 +++ b/src/lemon/fib_heap.h	Tue Mar 29 07:35:09 2005 +0000
     4.3 @@ -88,10 +88,24 @@
     4.4        POST_HEAP = -2
     4.5      };
     4.7 +    ///The constructor
     4.8 +
     4.9 +    /**
    4.10 +       \c _iimap should be given to the constructor, since it is
    4.11 +       used internally to handle the cross references.
    4.12 +    */
    4.13      explicit FibHeap(ItemIntMap &_iimap) 
    4.14        : minimum(0), iimap(_iimap), num_items() {} 
    4.15 + 
    4.16 +    ///The constructor
    4.17 +
    4.18 +    /**
    4.19 +       \c _iimap should be given to the constructor, since it is used
    4.20 +       internally to handle the cross references. \c _comp is an
    4.21 +       object for ordering of the priorities. 
    4.22 +    */
    4.23      FibHeap(ItemIntMap &_iimap, const Compare &_comp) : minimum(0), 
    4.24 -      iimap(_iimap), comp(_comp), num_items() {}
    4.25 +		  iimap(_iimap), comp(_comp), num_items() {}
    4.27      ///The number of items stored in the heap.
     5.1 --- a/src/lemon/min_cost_flow.h	Mon Mar 28 23:34:26 2005 +0000
     5.2 +++ b/src/lemon/min_cost_flow.h	Tue Mar 29 07:35:09 2005 +0000
     5.3 @@ -36,20 +36,18 @@
     5.4    ///(for small values of \c k) having minimal total cost between 2 nodes 
     5.5    /// 
     5.6    ///
     5.7 -  /// The class \ref lemon::MinCostFlow "MinCostFlow" implements
     5.8 -  /// an algorithm for finding a flow of value \c k 
     5.9 -  /// having minimal total cost 
    5.10 -  /// from a given source node to a given target node in an
    5.11 -  /// edge-weighted directed graph. To this end, 
    5.12 -  /// the edge-capacities and edge-weitghs have to be nonnegative. 
    5.13 -  /// The edge-capacities should be integers, but the edge-weights can be 
    5.14 -  /// integers, reals or of other comparable numeric type.
    5.15 -  /// This algorithm is intended to use only for small values of \c k, 
    5.16 -  /// since it is only polynomial in k, 
    5.17 -  /// not in the length of k (which is log k). 
    5.18 -  /// In order to find the minimum cost flow of value \c k it 
    5.19 -  /// finds the minimum cost flow of value \c i for every 
    5.20 -  /// \c i between 0 and \c k. 
    5.21 +  /// The class \ref lemon::MinCostFlow "MinCostFlow" implements an
    5.22 +  /// algorithm for finding a flow of value \c k having minimal total
    5.23 +  /// cost from a given source node to a given target node in an
    5.24 +  /// edge-weighted directed graph. To this end, the edge-capacities
    5.25 +  /// and edge-weights have to be nonnegative.  The edge-capacities
    5.26 +  /// should be integers, but the edge-weights can be integers, reals
    5.27 +  /// or of other comparable numeric type.  This algorithm is intended
    5.28 +  /// to be used only for small values of \c k, since it is only
    5.29 +  /// polynomial in k, not in the length of k (which is log k):  in
    5.30 +  /// order to find the minimum cost flow of value \c k it finds the
    5.31 +  /// minimum cost flow of value \c i for every \c i between 0 and \c
    5.32 +  /// k.
    5.33    ///
    5.34    ///\param Graph The directed graph type the algorithm runs on.
    5.35    ///\param LengthMap The type of the length map.
    5.36 @@ -149,7 +147,7 @@
    5.37  	for(typename ResGW::NodeIt n(res_graph); n!=INVALID; ++n)
    5.38  	  potential.set(n, potential[n]+dijkstra.distMap()[n]);
    5.40 -	//Augmenting on the sortest path
    5.41 +	//Augmenting on the shortest path
    5.42  	Node n=t;
    5.43  	ResGraphEdge e;
    5.44  	while (n!=s){
    5.45 @@ -226,7 +224,7 @@
    5.46      /*! \brief Checking the complementary slackness optimality criteria.
    5.48      This function checks, whether the given flow and potential 
    5.49 -    satisfiy the complementary slackness cnditions (i.e. these are optimal).
    5.50 +    satisfy the complementary slackness conditions (i.e. these are optimal).
    5.51      This function only checks optimality, doesn't bother with feasibility.
    5.52      For testing purpose.
    5.53      */
     6.1 --- a/src/lemon/utility.h	Mon Mar 28 23:34:26 2005 +0000
     6.2 +++ b/src/lemon/utility.h	Tue Mar 29 07:35:09 2005 +0000
     6.3 @@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
     6.4  namespace lemon
     6.5  {
     6.7 -  /// Basic type for defining "tags". A "YES" condidion for enable_if.
     6.8 +  /// Basic type for defining "tags". A "YES" condition for enable_if.
    6.10    /// \todo This should go to a separate "basic_types.h" (or something)
    6.11    /// file.
    6.12 @@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
    6.13      static const bool value = true;
    6.14    };
    6.16 -  /// Basic type for defining "tags". A "NO" condidion for enable_if.
    6.17 +  /// Basic type for defining "tags". A "NO" condition for enable_if.
    6.18    struct False {
    6.19      static const bool value = false;
    6.20    };