Renaming to be convient to the naming of the adaptors
Thu, 23 Feb 2006 08:55:54 +0000 (2006-02-23)
changeset 1980a954b780e3ab
parent 1979 c2992fd74dad
child 1981 81c8efe92706
Renaming to be convient to the naming of the adaptors
Concept checking of the ugraph adaptors
     1.1 --- a/lemon/concept/ugraph.h	Wed Feb 22 18:26:56 2006 +0000
     1.2 +++ b/lemon/concept/ugraph.h	Thu Feb 23 08:55:54 2006 +0000
     1.3 @@ -864,6 +864,10 @@
     1.4        void nextIn(Edge&) const {}
     1.7 +      void firstInc(UEdge &, bool &, const Node &) const {}
     1.8 +
     1.9 +      void nextInc(UEdge &, bool &) const {}
    1.10 +
    1.11        /// \brief Base node of the iterator
    1.12        ///
    1.13        /// Returns the base node (the source in this case) of the iterator
     2.1 --- a/lemon/graph_adaptor.h	Wed Feb 22 18:26:56 2006 +0000
     2.2 +++ b/lemon/graph_adaptor.h	Thu Feb 23 08:55:54 2006 +0000
     2.3 @@ -698,13 +698,13 @@
     2.4    };
     2.6    template <typename _Graph>
     2.7 -  class UndirectGraphAdaptorBase : 
     2.8 +  class UndirGraphAdaptorBase : 
     2.9      public UGraphBaseExtender<GraphAdaptorBase<_Graph> > {
    2.10    public:
    2.11      typedef _Graph Graph;
    2.12      typedef UGraphBaseExtender<GraphAdaptorBase<_Graph> > Parent;
    2.13    protected:
    2.14 -    UndirectGraphAdaptorBase() : Parent() { }
    2.15 +    UndirGraphAdaptorBase() : Parent() { }
    2.16    public:
    2.17      typedef typename Parent::UEdge UEdge;
    2.18      typedef typename Parent::Edge Edge;
    2.19 @@ -712,17 +712,17 @@
    2.20      template <typename T>
    2.21      class EdgeMap {
    2.22      protected:
    2.23 -      const UndirectGraphAdaptorBase<_Graph>* g;
    2.24 +      const UndirGraphAdaptorBase<_Graph>* g;
    2.25        template <typename TT> friend class EdgeMap;
    2.26        typename _Graph::template EdgeMap<T> forward_map, backward_map; 
    2.27      public:
    2.28        typedef T Value;
    2.29        typedef Edge Key;
    2.31 -      EdgeMap(const UndirectGraphAdaptorBase<_Graph>& _g) : g(&_g), 
    2.32 +      EdgeMap(const UndirGraphAdaptorBase<_Graph>& _g) : g(&_g), 
    2.33  	forward_map(*(g->graph)), backward_map(*(g->graph)) { }
    2.35 -      EdgeMap(const UndirectGraphAdaptorBase<_Graph>& _g, T a) : g(&_g), 
    2.36 +      EdgeMap(const UndirGraphAdaptorBase<_Graph>& _g, T a) : g(&_g), 
    2.37  	forward_map(*(g->graph), a), backward_map(*(g->graph), a) { }
    2.39        void set(Edge e, T a) { 
    2.40 @@ -748,10 +748,10 @@
    2.41        typedef T Value;
    2.42        typedef UEdge Key;
    2.44 -      UEdgeMap(const UndirectGraphAdaptorBase<_Graph>& g) : 
    2.45 +      UEdgeMap(const UndirGraphAdaptorBase<_Graph>& g) : 
    2.46  	map(*(g.graph)) { }
    2.48 -      UEdgeMap(const UndirectGraphAdaptorBase<_Graph>& g, T a) : 
    2.49 +      UEdgeMap(const UndirGraphAdaptorBase<_Graph>& g, T a) : 
    2.50  	map(*(g.graph), a) { }
    2.52        void set(UEdge e, T a) { 
    2.53 @@ -773,17 +773,17 @@
    2.54    /// 
    2.55    /// \author Marton Makai
    2.56    template<typename _Graph>
    2.57 -  class UndirectGraphAdaptor : 
    2.58 +  class UndirGraphAdaptor : 
    2.59      public UGraphAdaptorExtender<
    2.60 -    UndirectGraphAdaptorBase<_Graph> > {
    2.61 +    UndirGraphAdaptorBase<_Graph> > {
    2.62    public:
    2.63      typedef _Graph Graph;
    2.64      typedef UGraphAdaptorExtender<
    2.65 -      UndirectGraphAdaptorBase<_Graph> > Parent;
    2.66 +      UndirGraphAdaptorBase<_Graph> > Parent;
    2.67    protected:
    2.68 -    UndirectGraphAdaptor() { }
    2.69 +    UndirGraphAdaptor() { }
    2.70    public:
    2.71 -    UndirectGraphAdaptor(_Graph& _graph) { 
    2.72 +    UndirGraphAdaptor(_Graph& _graph) { 
    2.73        setGraph(_graph);
    2.74      }
    2.75    };
     3.1 --- a/lemon/ugraph_adaptor.h	Wed Feb 22 18:26:56 2006 +0000
     3.2 +++ b/lemon/ugraph_adaptor.h	Thu Feb 23 08:55:54 2006 +0000
     3.3 @@ -511,9 +511,6 @@
     3.4    /// \brief A graph adaptor for hiding nodes and edges from an undirected 
     3.5    /// graph.
     3.6    /// 
     3.7 -  /// \warning Graph adaptors are in even more experimental state than the
     3.8 -  /// other parts of the lib. Use them at you own risk.
     3.9 -  /// 
    3.10    /// SubUGraphAdaptor shows the undirected graph with filtered node-set and 
    3.11    /// edge-set. If the \c checked parameter is true then it filters the edgeset
    3.12    /// to do not get invalid edges without source or target.
    3.13 @@ -528,11 +525,6 @@
    3.14    /// Note that \c n is of type \c SubGA::NodeIt, but it can be converted to
    3.15    /// \c Graph::Node that is why \c can be applied.
    3.16    /// 
    3.17 -  /// For examples see also the documentation of NodeSubUGraphAdaptor and 
    3.18 -  /// EdgeSubUGraphAdaptor.
    3.19 -  /// 
    3.20 -  /// \author Marton Makai
    3.21 -
    3.22    template<typename _UGraph, typename NodeFilterMap, 
    3.23  	   typename UEdgeFilterMap, bool checked = true>
    3.24    class SubUGraphAdaptor : 
    3.25 @@ -553,13 +545,42 @@
    3.26      }
    3.27    };
    3.29 +  template<typename UGraph, typename NodeFilterMap, typename EdgeFilterMap>
    3.30 +  SubUGraphAdaptor<const UGraph, NodeFilterMap, EdgeFilterMap>
    3.31 +  subUGraphAdaptor(const UGraph& graph, 
    3.32 +                   NodeFilterMap& nfm, EdgeFilterMap& efm) {
    3.33 +    return SubUGraphAdaptor<const UGraph, NodeFilterMap, EdgeFilterMap>
    3.34 +      (graph, nfm, efm);
    3.35 +  }
    3.36 +
    3.37 +  template<typename UGraph, typename NodeFilterMap, typename EdgeFilterMap>
    3.38 +  SubUGraphAdaptor<const UGraph, const NodeFilterMap, EdgeFilterMap>
    3.39 +  subUGraphAdaptor(const UGraph& graph, 
    3.40 +                   NodeFilterMap& nfm, EdgeFilterMap& efm) {
    3.41 +    return SubUGraphAdaptor<const UGraph, const NodeFilterMap, EdgeFilterMap>
    3.42 +      (graph, nfm, efm);
    3.43 +  }
    3.44 +
    3.45 +  template<typename UGraph, typename NodeFilterMap, typename EdgeFilterMap>
    3.46 +  SubUGraphAdaptor<const UGraph, NodeFilterMap, const EdgeFilterMap>
    3.47 +  subUGraphAdaptor(const UGraph& graph, 
    3.48 +                   NodeFilterMap& nfm, EdgeFilterMap& efm) {
    3.49 +    return SubUGraphAdaptor<const UGraph, NodeFilterMap, const EdgeFilterMap>
    3.50 +      (graph, nfm, efm);
    3.51 +  }
    3.52 +
    3.53 +  template<typename UGraph, typename NodeFilterMap, typename EdgeFilterMap>
    3.54 +  SubUGraphAdaptor<const UGraph, const NodeFilterMap, const EdgeFilterMap>
    3.55 +  subUGraphAdaptor(const UGraph& graph, 
    3.56 +                   NodeFilterMap& nfm, EdgeFilterMap& efm) {
    3.57 +    return SubUGraphAdaptor<const UGraph, const NodeFilterMap, 
    3.58 +      const EdgeFilterMap>(graph, nfm, efm);
    3.59 +  }
    3.60 +
    3.61    /// \ingroup graph_adaptors
    3.62    ///
    3.63 -  /// \brief An adaptor for hiding nodes from an undorected graph.
    3.64 +  /// \brief An adaptor for hiding nodes from an undirected graph.
    3.65    ///
    3.66 -  /// \warning Graph adaptors are in even more experimental state
    3.67 -  /// than the other
    3.68 -  /// parts of the lib. Use them at you own risk.
    3.69    ///
    3.70    /// An adaptor for hiding nodes from an undirected graph.
    3.71    /// This adaptor specializes SubUGraphAdaptor in the way that only
    3.72 @@ -567,7 +588,6 @@
    3.73    /// can be filtered. In usual case the checked parameter is true, we get the
    3.74    /// induced subgraph. But if the checked parameter is false then we can only
    3.75    /// filter only isolated nodes.
    3.76 -  /// \author Marton Makai
    3.77    template<typename _UGraph, typename NodeFilterMap, bool checked = true>
    3.78    class NodeSubUGraphAdaptor : 
    3.79      public SubUGraphAdaptor<_UGraph, NodeFilterMap, 
    3.80 @@ -609,8 +629,6 @@
    3.81    /// This adaptor specializes SubUGraphAdaptor in the way that
    3.82    /// only the edge-set 
    3.83    /// can be filtered.
    3.84 -  ///
    3.85 -  ///\author Marton Makai
    3.86    template<typename _UGraph, typename UEdgeFilterMap>
    3.87    class EdgeSubUGraphAdaptor : 
    3.88      public SubUGraphAdaptor<_UGraph, ConstMap<typename _UGraph::Node,bool>, 
    3.89 @@ -643,7 +661,7 @@
    3.90    }
    3.92    template <typename _UGraph, typename _DirectionMap>
    3.93 -  class DirectUGraphAdaptorBase {
    3.94 +  class DirUGraphAdaptorBase {
    3.95    public:
    3.97      typedef _UGraph Graph;
    3.98 @@ -736,19 +754,19 @@
    3.99      class NodeMap : public _UGraph::template NodeMap<_Value> {
   3.100      public:
   3.101        typedef typename _UGraph::template NodeMap<_Value> Parent;
   3.102 -      explicit NodeMap(const DirectUGraphAdaptorBase& ga) 
   3.103 +      explicit NodeMap(const DirUGraphAdaptorBase& ga) 
   3.104  	: Parent(*ga.graph) { }
   3.105 -      NodeMap(const DirectUGraphAdaptorBase& ga, const _Value& value)
   3.106 +      NodeMap(const DirUGraphAdaptorBase& ga, const _Value& value)
   3.107  	: Parent(*ga.graph, value) { }
   3.108      };
   3.110      template <typename _Value>
   3.111      class EdgeMap : public _UGraph::template UEdgeMap<_Value> {
   3.112      public:
   3.113 -      typedef typename _UGraph::template EdgeMap<_Value> Parent;
   3.114 -      explicit EdgeMap(const DirectUGraphAdaptorBase& ga) 
   3.115 +      typedef typename _UGraph::template UEdgeMap<_Value> Parent;
   3.116 +      explicit EdgeMap(const DirUGraphAdaptorBase& ga) 
   3.117  	: Parent(*ga.graph) { }
   3.118 -      EdgeMap(const DirectUGraphAdaptorBase& ga, const _Value& value)
   3.119 +      EdgeMap(const DirUGraphAdaptorBase& ga, const _Value& value)
   3.120  	: Parent(*ga.graph, value) { }
   3.121      };
   3.123 @@ -769,33 +787,43 @@
   3.124    };
   3.127 -  template<typename _Graph, typename DirectionMap> 
   3.128 -  class DirectUGraphAdaptor : 
   3.129 +  /// \ingroup graph_adaptors
   3.130 +  /// \brief A directed graph is made from a undirected graph by an adaptor
   3.131 +  ///
   3.132 +  /// This adaptor gives a direction for each uedge in the undirected graph.
   3.133 +  /// The direction of the edges stored in the DirectionMap. This map is
   3.134 +  /// a bool map on the undirected edges. If the uedge is mapped to true
   3.135 +  /// then the direction of the directed edge will be the same as the
   3.136 +  /// default direction of the uedge. The edges can be easily reverted
   3.137 +  /// by the reverseEdge member in the adaptor.  
   3.138 +  template<typename _Graph, 
   3.139 +           typename DirectionMap = typename _Graph::template UEdgeMap<bool> > 
   3.140 +  class DirUGraphAdaptor : 
   3.141      public GraphAdaptorExtender<
   3.142 -    DirectUGraphAdaptorBase<_Graph, DirectionMap> > {
   3.143 +    DirUGraphAdaptorBase<_Graph, DirectionMap> > {
   3.144    public:
   3.145      typedef _Graph Graph;
   3.146      typedef GraphAdaptorExtender<
   3.147 -      DirectUGraphAdaptorBase<_Graph, DirectionMap> > Parent;
   3.148 +      DirUGraphAdaptorBase<_Graph, DirectionMap> > Parent;
   3.149    protected:
   3.150 -    DirectUGraphAdaptor() { }
   3.151 +    DirUGraphAdaptor() { }
   3.152    public:
   3.153 -    DirectUGraphAdaptor(_Graph& _graph, DirectionMap& _direction_map) { 
   3.154 +    DirUGraphAdaptor(_Graph& _graph, DirectionMap& _direction_map) { 
   3.155        setGraph(_graph);
   3.156        setDirectionMap(_direction_map);
   3.157      }
   3.158    };
   3.160    template<typename UGraph, typename DirectionMap>
   3.161 -  DirectUGraphAdaptor<const UGraph, DirectionMap>
   3.162 -  directUGraphAdaptor(const UGraph& graph, DirectionMap& dm) {
   3.163 -    return DirectUGraphAdaptor<const UGraph, DirectionMap>(graph, dm);
   3.164 +  DirUGraphAdaptor<const UGraph, DirectionMap>
   3.165 +  dirUGraphAdaptor(const UGraph& graph, DirectionMap& dm) {
   3.166 +    return DirUGraphAdaptor<const UGraph, DirectionMap>(graph, dm);
   3.167    }
   3.169    template<typename UGraph, typename DirectionMap>
   3.170 -  DirectUGraphAdaptor<const UGraph, const DirectionMap>
   3.171 -  directUGraphAdaptor(const UGraph& graph, const DirectionMap& dm) {
   3.172 -    return DirectUGraphAdaptor<const UGraph, const DirectionMap>(graph, dm);
   3.173 +  DirUGraphAdaptor<const UGraph, const DirectionMap>
   3.174 +  dirUGraphAdaptor(const UGraph& graph, const DirectionMap& dm) {
   3.175 +    return DirUGraphAdaptor<const UGraph, const DirectionMap>(graph, dm);
   3.176    }
   3.178  }
     4.1 --- a/test/	Wed Feb 22 18:26:56 2006 +0000
     4.2 +++ b/test/	Thu Feb 23 08:55:54 2006 +0000
     4.3 @@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
     4.4  #include<lemon/list_graph.h>
     4.5  #include<lemon/full_graph.h>
     4.6  #include<lemon/graph_adaptor.h>
     4.7 +#include<lemon/ugraph_adaptor.h>
     4.9  #include"test/test_tools.h"
    4.10  #include"test/graph_test.h"
    4.11 @@ -66,8 +67,17 @@
    4.12      checkConcept<StaticGraph, ErasingFirstGraphAdaptor<Graph, 
    4.13        Graph::NodeMap<Graph::Edge> > >(); 
    4.15 -    /// \bug why does not compile with StaticGraph
    4.16 -    checkConcept<UGraph, UndirectGraphAdaptor<ListGraph> >();
    4.17 +    checkConcept<UGraph, UndirGraphAdaptor<Graph> >();
    4.18 +
    4.19 +    checkConcept<UGraph, SubUGraphAdaptor<UGraph, 
    4.20 +      UGraph::NodeMap<bool> , UGraph::UEdgeMap<bool> > >();
    4.21 +    checkConcept<UGraph, NodeSubUGraphAdaptor<UGraph, 
    4.22 +      UGraph::NodeMap<bool> > >();
    4.23 +    checkConcept<UGraph, EdgeSubUGraphAdaptor<UGraph, 
    4.24 +      UGraph::UEdgeMap<bool> > >();
    4.25 +
    4.26 +    checkConcept<StaticGraph, DirUGraphAdaptor<UGraph, 
    4.27 +      UGraph::UEdgeMap<bool> > >();
    4.28    }
    4.29    std::cout << __FILE__ ": All tests passed.\n";