corrections in docs
Fri, 01 Apr 2005 08:16:35 +0000 (2005-04-01)
changeset 1285bf1840562c67
parent 1284 b941d044f87b
child 1286 692948b894e8
corrections in docs
     1.1 --- a/src/lemon/preflow.h	Thu Mar 31 14:04:13 2005 +0000
     1.2 +++ b/src/lemon/preflow.h	Fri Apr 01 08:16:35 2005 +0000
     1.3 @@ -42,8 +42,8 @@
     1.4    ///capacity of the edges and the \e starting \e flow value of the
     1.5    ///edges should be passed to the algorithm through the
     1.6    ///constructor. It is possible to change these quantities using the
     1.7 -  ///functions \ref source, \ref target, \ref setCap and \ref
     1.8 -  ///setFlow.
     1.9 +  ///functions \ref source, \ref target, \ref capacityMap and \ref
    1.10 +  ///flowMap.
    1.11    ///
    1.12    ///After running \ref lemon::Preflow::phase1() "phase1()"
    1.13    ///or \ref lemon::Preflow::run() "run()", the maximal flow
    1.14 @@ -134,14 +134,14 @@
    1.15      ///The constructor of the class.
    1.17      ///The constructor of the class. 
    1.18 -    ///\param _G The directed graph the algorithm runs on. 
    1.19 +    ///\param _gr The directed graph the algorithm runs on. 
    1.20      ///\param _s The source node.
    1.21      ///\param _t The target node.
    1.22      ///\param _cap The capacity of the edges. 
    1.23      ///\param _f The flow of the edges. 
    1.24      ///Except the graph, all of these parameters can be reset by
    1.25 -    ///calling \ref source, \ref target, \ref setCap and \ref
    1.26 -    ///setFlow, resp.
    1.27 +    ///calling \ref source, \ref target, \ref capacityMap and \ref
    1.28 +    ///flowMap, resp.
    1.29        Preflow(const Graph& _gr, Node _s, Node _t, 
    1.30  	      const CapacityMap& _cap, FlowMap& _f) :
    1.31  	_g(&_gr), _source(_s), _target(_t), _capacity(&_cap),
    1.32 @@ -178,7 +178,7 @@
    1.34      ///The preflow algorithm consists of two phases, this method runs
    1.35      ///the first phase. After the first phase the maximum flow value
    1.36 -    ///and a minimum value cut can already be computed, though a
    1.37 +    ///and a minimum value cut can already be computed, although a
    1.38      ///maximum flow is not yet obtained. So after calling this method
    1.39      ///\ref flowValue returns the value of a maximum flow and \ref
    1.40      ///minCut returns a minimum cut.     
    1.41 @@ -200,7 +200,7 @@
    1.43      ///The preflow algorithm consists of two phases, this method runs
    1.44      ///the first phase. After the first phase the maximum flow value
    1.45 -    ///and a minimum value cut can already be computed, though a
    1.46 +    ///and a minimum value cut can already be computed, although a
    1.47      ///maximum flow is not yet obtained. So after calling this method
    1.48      ///\ref flowValue returns the value of a maximum flow and \ref
    1.49      ///minCut returns a minimum cut.
    1.50 @@ -514,9 +514,9 @@
    1.51        _capacity=&_cap; 
    1.52        status=AFTER_NOTHING; 
    1.53      }
    1.54 -    /// Returns a reference to to capacity map.
    1.55 +    /// Returns a reference to capacity map.
    1.57 -    /// Returns a reference to to capacity map.
    1.58 +    /// Returns a reference to capacity map.
    1.59      /// 
    1.60      const CapacityMap &capacityMap() const { 
    1.61        return *_capacity;
    1.62 @@ -532,9 +532,9 @@
    1.63        status=AFTER_NOTHING; 
    1.64      }
    1.66 -    /// Returns a reference to to flow map.
    1.67 +    /// Returns a reference to flow map.
    1.69 -    /// Returns a reference to to flow map.
    1.70 +    /// Returns a reference to flow map.
    1.71      /// 
    1.72      const FlowMap &flowMap() const { 
    1.73        return *_flow;