Mon, 01 Mar 2004 17:34:37 +0000 (2004-03-01)
changeset 143c1ec00df3b3a
parent 142 01d47457aff3
child 144 a1323efc5753
     1.1 --- a/src/work/jacint/dimacs_jgraph.hh	Mon Mar 01 17:24:34 2004 +0000
     1.2 +++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
     1.3 @@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
     1.4 -#ifndef DIMACS_HH
     1.5 -#define DIMACS_HH
     1.6 -
     1.7 -#include <iostream>
     1.8 -#include <string>
     1.9 -#include <vector>
    1.10 -
    1.11 -namespace hugo {
    1.12 -
    1.13 -  template<typename Graph, typename CapacityMap>
    1.14 -  void readDimacsMaxFlow(std::istream& is, Graph &G, typename Graph::TrivNodeIt &s, typename Graph::TrivNodeIt &t, CapacityMap& capacity) {
    1.15 -    G.clear();
    1.16 -    int cap;
    1.17 -    char d;
    1.18 -    std::string problem;
    1.19 -    char c;
    1.20 -    int i, j;
    1.21 -    std::string str;
    1.22 -    int n, m; 
    1.23 -    std::vector<typename Graph::TrivNodeIt> nodes;
    1.24 -    while (is>>c) {
    1.25 -      switch (c) {
    1.26 -      case 'c': //comment
    1.27 -	getline(is, str);
    1.28 -	break;
    1.29 -      case 't': //type
    1.30 -	getline(is, str);
    1.31 -	break;
    1.32 -      case 'p': //problem definition
    1.33 -	is >> problem >> n >> m;
    1.34 -	getline(is, str);
    1.35 -	nodes.resize(n+1);
    1.36 -	for (int k=1; k<=n; ++k) nodes[k]=G.addNode();
    1.37 -	break;
    1.38 -      case 'n': //node definition
    1.39 -	if (problem=="sp") { //shortest path problem
    1.40 -	  is >> i;
    1.41 -	  getline(is, str);
    1.42 -	  s=nodes[i];
    1.43 -	}
    1.44 -	if (problem=="max") { //max flow problem
    1.45 -	  is >> i >> d;
    1.46 -	  getline(is, str);
    1.47 -	  if (d=='s') s=nodes[i];
    1.48 -	  if (d=='t') t=nodes[i];
    1.49 -	}
    1.50 -	break;
    1.51 -      case 'a':
    1.52 -	is >> i >> j >> cap;
    1.53 -	getline(is, str);
    1.54 -	typename Graph::TrivEdgeIt e=G.addEdge(nodes[i], nodes[j]);
    1.55 -	capacity.update();
    1.56 -	capacity.set(e, cap);
    1.57 -	break;
    1.58 -      }
    1.59 -    }
    1.60 -  }
    1.61 -  
    1.62 -} //namespace marci
    1.63 -
    1.64 -#endif //DIMACS_HH
     2.1 --- a/src/work/jacint/	Mon Mar 01 17:24:34 2004 +0000
     2.2 +++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
     2.3 @@ -1,244 +0,0 @@
     2.4 -#include <iostream>
     2.5 -#include <vector>
     2.6 -#include <string>
     2.7 -
     2.8 -#include <list_graph.hh>
     2.9 -#include <preflow_push_hl.h>
    2.10 -#include <preflow_push_max_flow.h>
    2.11 -#include <reverse_bfs.h>
    2.12 -//#include <dijkstra.h>
    2.13 -
    2.14 -using namespace hugo;
    2.15 -
    2.16 -
    2.17 -int main (int, char*[])
    2.18 -{
    2.19 -  typedef ListGraph::NodeIt NodeIt;
    2.20 -  typedef ListGraph::EdgeIt EdgeIt;
    2.21 -  typedef ListGraph::EachNodeIt EachNodeIt;
    2.22 -  typedef ListGraph::EachEdgeIt EachEdgeIt;
    2.23 -  typedef ListGraph::OutEdgeIt OutEdgeIt;
    2.24 -  typedef ListGraph::InEdgeIt InEdgeIt;
    2.25 -  
    2.26 -  ListGraph flow_test;
    2.27 - 
    2.28 -    //Ahuja könyv példája, maxflowvalue=13
    2.29 -  NodeIt s=flow_test.addNode();
    2.30 -  NodeIt v1=flow_test.addNode();
    2.31 -  NodeIt v2=flow_test.addNode();
    2.32 -  NodeIt v3=flow_test.addNode();
    2.33 -  NodeIt v4=flow_test.addNode();
    2.34 -  NodeIt v5=flow_test.addNode();
    2.35 -  NodeIt t=flow_test.addNode();
    2.36 -  
    2.37 -  ListGraph::NodeMap<std::string> Node_name(flow_test);
    2.38 -  Node_name.set(s, "s");
    2.39 -  Node_name.set(v1, "v1");
    2.40 -  Node_name.set(v2, "v2");
    2.41 -  Node_name.set(v3, "v3");
    2.42 -  Node_name.set(v4, "v4");
    2.43 -  Node_name.set(v5, "v5");
    2.44 -  Node_name.set(t, "t");
    2.45 -
    2.46 -  EdgeIt s_v1=flow_test.addEdge(s, v1);
    2.47 -  EdgeIt s_v2=flow_test.addEdge(s, v2);
    2.48 -  EdgeIt s_v3=flow_test.addEdge(s, v3);
    2.49 -  EdgeIt v2_v4=flow_test.addEdge(v2, v4);
    2.50 -  EdgeIt v2_v5=flow_test.addEdge(v2, v5);
    2.51 -  EdgeIt v3_v5=flow_test.addEdge(v3, v5);
    2.52 -  EdgeIt v4_t=flow_test.addEdge(v4, t);
    2.53 -  EdgeIt v5_t=flow_test.addEdge(v5, t);
    2.54 -  EdgeIt v2_s=flow_test.addEdge(v2, s);
    2.55 -  
    2.56 -   ListGraph::EdgeMap<int> cap(flow_test);  
    2.57 -  cap.set(s_v1, 0);
    2.58 -  cap.set(s_v2, 10);
    2.59 -  cap.set(s_v3, 10);
    2.60 -  cap.set(v2_v4, 5);
    2.61 -  cap.set(v2_v5, 8);
    2.62 -  cap.set(v3_v5, 5);
    2.63 -  cap.set(v4_t, 8);
    2.64 -  cap.set(v5_t, 8);
    2.65 -  cap.set(v2_s, 0);
    2.66 -
    2.67 -
    2.68 -  
    2.69 -  //Marci példája, maxflowvalue=23
    2.70 -  /*  NodeIt s=flow_test.addNode();
    2.71 -  NodeIt v1=flow_test.addNode();
    2.72 -  NodeIt v2=flow_test.addNode();
    2.73 -  NodeIt v3=flow_test.addNode();
    2.74 -  NodeIt v4=flow_test.addNode();
    2.75 -  NodeIt t=flow_test.addNode();
    2.76 -  NodeIt w=flow_test.addNode();
    2.77 -
    2.78 -  
    2.79 -  NodeMap<ListGraph, std::string> Node_name(flow_test);
    2.80 -  Node_name.set(s, "s");
    2.81 -  Node_name.set(v1, "v1");
    2.82 -  Node_name.set(v2, "v2");
    2.83 -  Node_name.set(v3, "v3");
    2.84 -  Node_name.set(v4, "v4");
    2.85 -  Node_name.set(t, "t");
    2.86 -  Node_name.set(w, "w");
    2.87 -
    2.88 -  EdgeIt s_v1=flow_test.addEdge(s, v1);
    2.89 -  EdgeIt s_v2=flow_test.addEdge(s, v2);
    2.90 -  EdgeIt v1_v2=flow_test.addEdge(v1, v2);
    2.91 -  EdgeIt v2_v1=flow_test.addEdge(v2, v1);
    2.92 -  EdgeIt v1_v3=flow_test.addEdge(v1, v3);
    2.93 -  EdgeIt v3_v2=flow_test.addEdge(v3, v2);
    2.94 -  EdgeIt v2_v4=flow_test.addEdge(v2, v4);
    2.95 -  EdgeIt v4_v3=flow_test.addEdge(v4, v3);
    2.96 -  EdgeIt v3_t=flow_test.addEdge(v3, t);
    2.97 -  EdgeIt v4_t=flow_test.addEdge(v4, t);
    2.98 -  EdgeIt v3_v3=flow_test.addEdge(v3, v3);
    2.99 -  EdgeIt s_w=flow_test.addEdge(s, w);
   2.100 -  //  EdgeIt v2_s=flow_test.addEdge(v2, s);
   2.101 -  
   2.102 -
   2.103 -
   2.104 -  EdgeMap<ListGraph, int> cap(flow_test);  //serves as length in dijkstra
   2.105 -  cap.set(s_v1, 16);
   2.106 -  cap.set(s_v2, 13);
   2.107 -  cap.set(v1_v2, 10);
   2.108 -  cap.set(v2_v1, 4);
   2.109 -  cap.set(v1_v3, 12);
   2.110 -  cap.set(v3_v2, 9);
   2.111 -  cap.set(v2_v4, 14);
   2.112 -  cap.set(v4_v3, 7);
   2.113 -  cap.set(v3_t, 20);
   2.114 -  cap.set(v4_t, 4);
   2.115 -  cap.set(v3_v3, 4);
   2.116 -  cap.set(s_w, 4);
   2.117 -  //  cap.set(v2_s, 0);
   2.118 -
   2.119 -*/
   2.120 -
   2.121 -  //pelda 3, maxflowvalue=4
   2.122 -  /*      NodeIt s=flow_test.addNode();
   2.123 -  NodeIt v1=flow_test.addNode();
   2.124 -  NodeIt v2=flow_test.addNode();
   2.125 -  NodeIt t=flow_test.addNode();
   2.126 -  NodeIt w=flow_test.addNode();
   2.127 -  
   2.128 -  NodeMap<ListGraph, std::string> Node_name(flow_test);
   2.129 -  Node_name.set(s, "s");
   2.130 -  Node_name.set(v1, "v1");
   2.131 -  Node_name.set(v2, "v2");
   2.132 -  Node_name.set(t, "t");
   2.133 -  Node_name.set(w, "w");
   2.134 -
   2.135 -  EdgeIt s_v1=flow_test.addEdge(s, v1);
   2.136 -  EdgeIt v1_v2=flow_test.addEdge(v1, v2);
   2.137 -  EdgeIt v2_t=flow_test.addEdge(v2, t);
   2.138 -  EdgeIt v1_v1=flow_test.addEdge(v1, v1);
   2.139 -  EdgeIt s_w=flow_test.addEdge(s, w);
   2.140 -
   2.141 -
   2.142 -  EdgeMap<ListGraph, int> cap(flow_test); 
   2.143 -    
   2.144 -  cap.set(s_v1, 16);
   2.145 -  cap.set(v1_v2, 10);
   2.146 -  cap.set(v2_t, 4);
   2.147 -  cap.set(v1_v1, 3);
   2.148 -  cap.set(s_w, 5);
   2.149 -  */
   2.150 -  
   2.151 -
   2.152 -
   2.153 -  /*
   2.154 -  std::cout << "Testing reverse_bfs..." << std::endl;
   2.155 -  
   2.156 -  reverse_bfs<ListGraph> bfs_test(flow_test, t);
   2.157 -
   2.158 -;
   2.159 -
   2.160 -  for (EachNodeIt w=flow_test.first_Node(); w.valid(); ++w) {
   2.161 -    std::cout <<"The distance of " << w << " is " << bfs_test.dist(w) <<std::endl;
   2.162 -    }
   2.163 -
   2.164 -  */
   2.165 -
   2.166 -
   2.167 -
   2.168 -  std::cout << "Testing preflow_push_hl..." << std::endl;
   2.169 -  
   2.170 -  preflow_push_hl<ListGraph, int> preflow_push_test(flow_test, s, t, cap);
   2.171 -
   2.172 -;
   2.173 -
   2.174 -  std::cout << "Maximum flow value is: " << preflow_push_test.maxflow() << "."<<std::endl;
   2.175 -
   2.176 -  std::cout<< "The flow on Edge s-v1 is "<< preflow_push_test.flowonEdge(s_v1) << "."<<std::endl;
   2.177 -
   2.178 -   ListGraph::EdgeMap<int> flow=preflow_push_test.allflow();  
   2.179 -  for (EachEdgeIt e=flow_test.template first<EachEdgeIt>(); e.valid(); ++e) {
   2.180 -    std::cout <<"Flow on Edge " << flow_test.tail(e) <<"-" << flow_test.head(e)<< " is " <<flow.get(e) <<std::endl;
   2.181 -    }
   2.182 -
   2.183 -  std::cout << "A minimum cut: " <<std::endl;  
   2.184 -   ListGraph::NodeMap<bool> mincut=preflow_push_test.mincut();
   2.185 -
   2.186 -  for (EachNodeIt v=flow_test.template first<EachNodeIt>(); v.valid(); ++v) {
   2.187 -      if (mincut.get(v)) std::cout <<Node_name.get(v)<< " ";
   2.188 -    }
   2.189 -  
   2.190 -  std::cout<<"\n\n"<<std::endl;
   2.191 -
   2.192 -
   2.193 -
   2.194 -
   2.195 -  std::cout << "Testing preflow_push_max_flow..." << std::endl;
   2.196 - 
   2.197 -  preflow_push_max_flow<ListGraph, int> max_flow_test(flow_test, s, t, cap);
   2.198 -
   2.199 -;
   2.200 -
   2.201 -  std::cout << "Maximum flow value is: " << max_flow_test.maxflow() << "."<< std::endl;
   2.202 -
   2.203 -  std::cout << "A minimum cut: " <<std::endl;  
   2.204 -   ListGraph::NodeMap<bool> mincut2=max_flow_test.mincut();
   2.205 -
   2.206 -  for (EachNodeIt v=flow_test.template first<EachNodeIt>(); v.valid(); ++v) {
   2.207 -    if (mincut2.get(v)) std::cout <<Node_name.get(v)<< " ";
   2.208 -  }
   2.209 -  
   2.210 -  std::cout << std::endl <<std::endl;
   2.211 -
   2.212 -
   2.213 -  /*
   2.214 -    std::cout << "Testing dijkstra..." << std::endl;
   2.215 -  
   2.216 -    NodeIt root=v2;
   2.217 -
   2.218 -    dijkstra<ListGraph, int> dijkstra_test(flow_test, root, cap);
   2.219 -
   2.220 -;
   2.221 -
   2.222 -    for (EachNodeIt w=flow_test.first_Node(); w.valid(); ++w) {
   2.223 -      if (dijkstra_test.reach(w)) {
   2.224 -      std::cout <<"The distance of " << w << " is " << dijkstra_test.dist(w);
   2.225 -      if (dijkstra_test.pred(w).valid()) {
   2.226 -      std::cout <<", a shortest path from the root ends with Edge " << dijkstra_test.pred(w) <<std::endl; 
   2.227 -      } else {
   2.228 -       std::cout <<", this is the root."<<std::endl; }
   2.229 -      
   2.230 -      } else {
   2.231 -	cout << w << " is not reachable from " << root <<std::endl;
   2.232 -      }
   2.233 -    }
   2.234 -
   2.235 -  */
   2.236 -
   2.237 -  return 0;
   2.238 -}
   2.239 -
   2.240 -
   2.241 -
   2.242 -
   2.243 -
   2.244 -
   2.245 -
   2.246 -
   2.247 -
     3.1 --- a/src/work/jacint/preflow_aug.h	Mon Mar 01 17:24:34 2004 +0000
     3.2 +++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
     3.3 @@ -1,588 +0,0 @@
     3.4 -// -*- C++ -*-
     3.5 -
     3.6 -//hogy kell azt megcsinalni hogy a konstruktorban a FlowMap-nek legyen default erteke (a 0 map)
     3.7 -
     3.8 -/*
     3.9 -preflow_aug.h
    3.10 -by jacint. 
    3.11 -
    3.12 -The same as preflow.h, the only difference is that here 
    3.13 -we start from a given flow. 
    3.14 -
    3.15 -
    3.16 -The constructor runs the algorithm: 
    3.17 -
    3.18 -template <typename Graph, typename T, 
    3.19 -    typename Graph_EdgeMap_T_1=typename Graph::EdgeMap<T>,
    3.20 -    typename Graph_EdgeMap_T_2=typename Graph::EdgeMap<T> > 
    3.21 -PreflowAug(Graph G, G_NodeIt s, G_NodeIt t, G_EdgeMap_T_1 capacity, 
    3.22 -   G_EdgeMap_T_2 flow, bool flow_type)
    3.23 -
    3.24 -'capacity' must be non-negative, if flow_type=0 then 
    3.25 -'flow' must be a flow, otherwise it must be a preflow.
    3.26 -
    3.27 -
    3.28 -Members:
    3.29 -
    3.30 -T maxFlow() : returns the value of a maximum flow
    3.31 -
    3.32 -T flow(G_EdgeIt e) : for a fixed maximum flow x it returns x(e) 
    3.33 -
    3.34 -G_EdgeMap_T_2 flow() : returns the fixed maximum flow x
    3.35 -
    3.36 -void minMinCut(G_NodeMap_bool& M) :
    3.37 -     sets M to the characteristic vector of the 
    3.38 -     minimum min cut. M must be initialized to false.
    3.39 -
    3.40 -void maxMinCut(G_NodeMap_bool& M) : 
    3.41 -     sets M to the characteristic vector of the 
    3.42 -     maximum min cut. M must be initialized to false.
    3.43 -
    3.44 -void minCut(G_NodeMap_bool& M) :
    3.45 -     sets M to the characteristic vector of a  
    3.46 -     min cut. M must be initialized to false.
    3.47 -*/
    3.48 -
    3.49 -#ifndef PREFLOW_H
    3.50 -#define PREFLOW_H
    3.51 -
    3.52 -#define H0 20
    3.53 -#define H1 1
    3.54 -
    3.55 -#include <vector>
    3.56 -#include <queue>
    3.57 -
    3.58 -#include <iostream> //for error handling
    3.59 -
    3.60 -#include <time_measure.h>
    3.61 -
    3.62 -namespace hugo {
    3.63 -
    3.64 -  template <typename Graph, typename T, 
    3.65 -    typename CapMap=typename Graph::EdgeMap<T>,
    3.66 -    typename FlowMap=typename Graph::EdgeMap<T> >
    3.67 -  class PreflowAug {
    3.68 -    
    3.69 -    typedef typename Graph::NodeIt NodeIt;
    3.70 -    typedef typename Graph::EdgeIt EdgeIt;
    3.71 -    typedef typename Graph::EachNodeIt EachNodeIt;
    3.72 -    typedef typename Graph::EachEdgeIt EachEdgeIt;
    3.73 -    typedef typename Graph::OutEdgeIt OutEdgeIt;
    3.74 -    typedef typename Graph::InEdgeIt InEdgeIt;
    3.75 -
    3.76 -    Graph& G;
    3.77 -    NodeIt s;
    3.78 -    NodeIt t;
    3.79 -    CapMap& capacity;  
    3.80 -    FlowMap& _flow;
    3.81 -    bool flow_type;
    3.82 -    T value;
    3.83 -
    3.84 -  public:
    3.85 -    double time;
    3.86 -    PreflowAug(Graph& _G, NodeIt _s, NodeIt _t, 
    3.87 -	       CapMap& _capacity, FlowMap& __flow, bool _flow_type ) :
    3.88 -      G(_G), s(_s), t(_t), capacity(_capacity), _flow(__flow), 
    3.89 -      flow_type(_flow_type)
    3.90 -    {
    3.91 -
    3.92 -
    3.93 -      bool phase=0;        //phase 0 is the 1st phase, phase 1 is the 2nd
    3.94 -      int n=G.nodeNum(); 
    3.95 -      int heur0=(int)(H0*n);  //time while running 'bound decrease' 
    3.96 -      int heur1=(int)(H1*n);  //time while running 'highest label'
    3.97 -      int heur=heur1;         //starting time interval (#of relabels)
    3.98 -      bool what_heur=1;       
    3.99 -      /*
   3.100 -	what_heur is 0 in case 'bound decrease' 
   3.101 -	and 1 in case 'highest label'
   3.102 -      */
   3.103 -      bool end=false;     
   3.104 -      /*
   3.105 -	Needed for 'bound decrease', 'true'
   3.106 -	means no active nodes are above bound b.
   3.107 -      */
   3.108 -      int relabel=0;
   3.109 -      int k=n-2;  //bound on the highest level under n containing a node
   3.110 -      int b=k;    //bound on the highest level under n of an active node
   3.111 -      
   3.112 -      typename Graph::NodeMap<int> level(G,n);      
   3.113 -      typename Graph::NodeMap<T> excess(G); 
   3.114 -
   3.115 -      std::vector<NodeIt> active(n);
   3.116 -      typename Graph::NodeMap<NodeIt> next(G);
   3.117 -      //Stack of the active nodes in level i < n.
   3.118 -      //We use it in both phases.
   3.119 -
   3.120 -      typename Graph::NodeMap<NodeIt> left(G);
   3.121 -      typename Graph::NodeMap<NodeIt> right(G);
   3.122 -      std::vector<NodeIt> level_list(n);
   3.123 -      /*
   3.124 -	List of the nodes in level i<n.
   3.125 -      */
   3.126 -
   3.127 -      /*Reverse_bfs from t, to find the starting level.*/
   3.128 -      level.set(t,0);
   3.129 -      std::queue<NodeIt> bfs_queue;
   3.130 -      bfs_queue.push(t);
   3.131 -
   3.132 -
   3.133 -      while (!bfs_queue.empty()) {
   3.134 -	
   3.135 -	NodeIt v=bfs_queue.front();	
   3.136 -	bfs_queue.pop();
   3.137 -	int l=level.get(v)+1;
   3.138 -	      
   3.139 -	for(InEdgeIt e=G.template first<InEdgeIt>(v); e.valid(); ++e) {
   3.140 -	  if ( capacity.get(e) == _flow.get(e) ) continue;
   3.141 -	  NodeIt w=G.tail(e);
   3.142 -	  if ( level.get(w) == n && w != s ) {
   3.143 -	    bfs_queue.push(w);
   3.144 -	    NodeIt first=level_list[l];
   3.145 -	    if ( first.valid() ) left.set(first,w);
   3.146 -	    right.set(w,first);
   3.147 -	    level_list[l]=w;
   3.148 -	    level.set(w, l);
   3.149 -	  }
   3.150 -	}
   3.151 -	    
   3.152 -	for(OutEdgeIt e=G.template first<OutEdgeIt>(v); e.valid(); ++e) {
   3.153 -	  if ( 0 == _flow.get(e) ) continue;
   3.154 -	  NodeIt w=G.head(e);
   3.155 -	  if ( level.get(w) == n && w != s ) {
   3.156 -	    bfs_queue.push(w);
   3.157 -	    NodeIt first=level_list[l];
   3.158 -	    if ( first != 0 ) left.set(first,w);
   3.159 -	    right.set(w,first);
   3.160 -	    level_list[l]=w;
   3.161 -	    level.set(w, l);
   3.162 -	  }
   3.163 -	}
   3.164 -      }
   3.165 -
   3.166 -      level.set(s,n);
   3.167 -
   3.168 -
   3.169 -
   3.170 -      /*The starting excess.*/
   3.171 -      if ( flow_type ) {
   3.172 -	for(EachEdgeIt e=G.template first<EachEdgeIt>(); e.valid(); ++e) {
   3.173 -	  if ( _flow.get(e) > 0 ) {
   3.174 -	    T flo=_flow.get(e);
   3.175 -	    NodeIt u=G.tail(e);
   3.176 -	    NodeIt v=G.head(e);
   3.177 -	    excess.set(u, excess.get(u)-flo);
   3.178 -	    excess.set(v, excess.get(v)+flo);
   3.179 -	  }
   3.180 -	}
   3.181 -
   3.182 -	for(EachNodeIt v=G.template first<EachNodeIt>(); v.valid(); ++v) {
   3.183 -	  if ( excess.get(v) < 0 ) {
   3.184 -	    std::cerr<<"It is not a pre_flow."<<std::endl;
   3.185 -	    exit(1);
   3.186 -	  } else {
   3.187 -	    next.set(v,active[level.get(v)]);
   3.188 -	    active[level.get(v)]=v;}
   3.189 -	}
   3.190 -      }
   3.191 -
   3.192 -
   3.193 -      /* Starting flow. It is everywhere 0 at the moment. */     
   3.194 -      for(OutEdgeIt e=G.template first<OutEdgeIt>(s); e.valid(); ++e) 
   3.195 -	{
   3.196 -	  T c=capacity.get(e)-_flow.get(e);
   3.197 -	  if ( c == 0 ) continue;
   3.198 -	  NodeIt w=G.head(e);
   3.199 -	  if ( level.get(w) < n ) {	  
   3.200 -	    if ( excess.get(w) == 0 && w!=t ) {
   3.201 -	      next.set(w,active[level.get(w)]);
   3.202 -	      active[level.get(w)]=w;
   3.203 -	    }
   3.204 -	    _flow.set(e, capacity.get(e)); 
   3.205 -	    excess.set(w, excess.get(w)+c);
   3.206 -	  }
   3.207 -	}
   3.208 -
   3.209 -      /* 
   3.210 -	 End of preprocessing 
   3.211 -      */
   3.212 -
   3.213 -
   3.214 -
   3.215 -      /*
   3.216 -	Push/relabel on the highest level active nodes.
   3.217 -      */	
   3.218 -      while ( true ) {
   3.219 -	
   3.220 -	if ( b == 0 ) {
   3.221 -	  if ( phase ) break;
   3.222 -	  
   3.223 -	  if ( !what_heur && !end && k > 0 ) {
   3.224 -	    b=k;
   3.225 -	    end=true;
   3.226 -	  } else {
   3.227 -	    phase=1;
   3.228 -	    time=currTime();
   3.229 -	    level.set(s,0);
   3.230 -	    std::queue<NodeIt> bfs_queue;
   3.231 -	    bfs_queue.push(s);
   3.232 -	    
   3.233 -	    while (!bfs_queue.empty()) {
   3.234 -	      
   3.235 -	      NodeIt v=bfs_queue.front();	
   3.236 -	      bfs_queue.pop();
   3.237 -	      int l=level.get(v)+1;
   3.238 -	      
   3.239 -	      for(InEdgeIt e=G.template first<InEdgeIt>(v); e.valid(); ++e) {
   3.240 -		if ( capacity.get(e) == _flow.get(e) ) continue;
   3.241 -		NodeIt u=G.tail(e);
   3.242 -		if ( level.get(u) >= n ) { 
   3.243 -		  bfs_queue.push(u);
   3.244 -		  level.set(u, l);
   3.245 -		  if ( excess.get(u) > 0 ) {
   3.246 -		    next.set(u,active[l]);
   3.247 -		    active[l]=u;
   3.248 -		  }
   3.249 -		}
   3.250 -	      }
   3.251 -	    
   3.252 -	      for(OutEdgeIt e=G.template first<OutEdgeIt>(v); e.valid(); ++e) {
   3.253 -		if ( 0 == _flow.get(e) ) continue;
   3.254 -		NodeIt u=G.head(e);
   3.255 -		if ( level.get(u) >= n ) { 
   3.256 -		  bfs_queue.push(u);
   3.257 -		  level.set(u, l);
   3.258 -		  if ( excess.get(u) > 0 ) {
   3.259 -		    next.set(u,active[l]);
   3.260 -		    active[l]=u;
   3.261 -		  }
   3.262 -		}
   3.263 -	      }
   3.264 -	    }
   3.265 -	    b=n-2;
   3.266 -	    }
   3.267 -	    
   3.268 -	}
   3.269 -	  
   3.270 -	  
   3.271 -	if ( active[b] == 0 ) --b; 
   3.272 -	else {
   3.273 -	  end=false;  
   3.274 -
   3.275 -	  NodeIt w=active[b];
   3.276 -	  active[b]=next.get(w);
   3.277 -	  int lev=level.get(w);
   3.278 -	  T exc=excess.get(w);
   3.279 -	  int newlevel=n;       //bound on the next level of w
   3.280 -	  
   3.281 -	  for(OutEdgeIt e=G.template first<OutEdgeIt>(w); e.valid(); ++e) {
   3.282 -	    
   3.283 -	    if ( _flow.get(e) == capacity.get(e) ) continue; 
   3.284 -	    NodeIt v=G.head(e);            
   3.285 -	    //e=wv	    
   3.286 -	    
   3.287 -	    if( lev > level.get(v) ) {      
   3.288 -	      /*Push is allowed now*/
   3.289 -	      
   3.290 -	      if ( excess.get(v)==0 && v!=t && v!=s ) {
   3.291 -		int lev_v=level.get(v);
   3.292 -		next.set(v,active[lev_v]);
   3.293 -		active[lev_v]=v;
   3.294 -	      }
   3.295 -	      
   3.296 -	      T cap=capacity.get(e);
   3.297 -	      T flo=_flow.get(e);
   3.298 -	      T remcap=cap-flo;
   3.299 -	      
   3.300 -	      if ( remcap >= exc ) {       
   3.301 -		/*A nonsaturating push.*/
   3.302 -		
   3.303 -		_flow.set(e, flo+exc);
   3.304 -		excess.set(v, excess.get(v)+exc);
   3.305 -		exc=0;
   3.306 -		break; 
   3.307 -		
   3.308 -	      } else { 
   3.309 -		/*A saturating push.*/
   3.310 -		
   3.311 -		_flow.set(e, cap);
   3.312 -		excess.set(v, excess.get(v)+remcap);
   3.313 -		exc-=remcap;
   3.314 -	      }
   3.315 -	    } else if ( newlevel > level.get(v) ){
   3.316 -	      newlevel = level.get(v);
   3.317 -	    }	    
   3.318 -	    
   3.319 -	  } //for out edges wv 
   3.320 -	
   3.321 -	
   3.322 -	if ( exc > 0 ) {	
   3.323 -	  for( InEdgeIt e=G.template first<InEdgeIt>(w); e.valid(); ++e) {
   3.324 -	    
   3.325 -	    if( _flow.get(e) == 0 ) continue; 
   3.326 -	    NodeIt v=G.tail(e);  
   3.327 -	    //e=vw
   3.328 -	    
   3.329 -	    if( lev > level.get(v) ) {  
   3.330 -	      /*Push is allowed now*/
   3.331 -	      
   3.332 -	      if ( excess.get(v)==0 && v!=t && v!=s ) {
   3.333 -		int lev_v=level.get(v);
   3.334 -		next.set(v,active[lev_v]);
   3.335 -		active[lev_v]=v;
   3.336 -	      }
   3.337 -	      
   3.338 -	      T flo=_flow.get(e);
   3.339 -	      
   3.340 -	      if ( flo >= exc ) { 
   3.341 -		/*A nonsaturating push.*/
   3.342 -		
   3.343 -		_flow.set(e, flo-exc);
   3.344 -		excess.set(v, excess.get(v)+exc);
   3.345 -		exc=0;
   3.346 -		break; 
   3.347 -	      } else {                                               
   3.348 -		/*A saturating push.*/
   3.349 -		
   3.350 -		excess.set(v, excess.get(v)+flo);
   3.351 -		exc-=flo;
   3.352 -		_flow.set(e,0);
   3.353 -	      }  
   3.354 -	    } else if ( newlevel > level.get(v) ) {
   3.355 -	      newlevel = level.get(v);
   3.356 -	    }	    
   3.357 -	  } //for in edges vw
   3.358 -	  
   3.359 -	} // if w still has excess after the out edge for cycle
   3.360 -	
   3.361 -	excess.set(w, exc);
   3.362 -	 
   3.363 -	/*
   3.364 -	  Relabel
   3.365 -	*/
   3.366 -	
   3.367 -
   3.368 -	if ( exc > 0 ) {
   3.369 -	  //now 'lev' is the old level of w
   3.370 -	
   3.371 -	  if ( phase ) {
   3.372 -	    level.set(w,++newlevel);
   3.373 -	    next.set(w,active[newlevel]);
   3.374 -	    active[newlevel]=w;
   3.375 -	    b=newlevel;
   3.376 -	  } else {
   3.377 -	    //unlacing starts
   3.378 -	    NodeIt right_n=right.get(w);
   3.379 -	    NodeIt left_n=left.get(w);
   3.380 -
   3.381 -	    if ( right_n != 0 ) {
   3.382 -	      if ( left_n != 0 ) {
   3.383 -		right.set(left_n, right_n);
   3.384 -		left.set(right_n, left_n);
   3.385 -	      } else {
   3.386 -		level_list[lev]=right_n;   
   3.387 -		left.set(right_n, 0);
   3.388 -	      } 
   3.389 -	    } else {
   3.390 -	      if ( left_n != 0 ) {
   3.391 -		right.set(left_n, 0);
   3.392 -	      } else { 
   3.393 -		level_list[lev]=0;   
   3.394 -
   3.395 -	      } 
   3.396 -	    } 
   3.397 -	    //unlacing ends
   3.398 -		
   3.399 -	    //gapping starts
   3.400 -	    if ( level_list[lev]==0 ) {
   3.401 -	      
   3.402 -	      for (int i=lev; i!=k ; ) {
   3.403 -		NodeIt v=level_list[++i];
   3.404 -		while ( v != 0 ) {
   3.405 -		  level.set(v,n);
   3.406 -		  v=right.get(v);
   3.407 -		}
   3.408 -		level_list[i]=0;
   3.409 -		if ( !what_heur ) active[i]=0;
   3.410 -	      }	     
   3.411 -
   3.412 -	      level.set(w,n);
   3.413 -	      b=lev-1;
   3.414 -	      k=b;
   3.415 -	      //gapping ends
   3.416 -	    } else {
   3.417 -	      
   3.418 -	      if ( newlevel == n ) level.set(w,n); 
   3.419 -	      else {
   3.420 -		level.set(w,++newlevel);
   3.421 -		next.set(w,active[newlevel]);
   3.422 -		active[newlevel]=w;
   3.423 -		if ( what_heur ) b=newlevel;
   3.424 -		if ( k < newlevel ) ++k;
   3.425 -		NodeIt first=level_list[newlevel];
   3.426 -		if ( first != 0 ) left.set(first,w);
   3.427 -		right.set(w,first);
   3.428 -		left.set(w,0);
   3.429 -		level_list[newlevel]=w;
   3.430 -	      }
   3.431 -	    }
   3.432 -
   3.433 -
   3.434 -	    ++relabel; 
   3.435 -	    if ( relabel >= heur ) {
   3.436 -	      relabel=0;
   3.437 -	      if ( what_heur ) {
   3.438 -		what_heur=0;
   3.439 -		heur=heur0;
   3.440 -		end=false;
   3.441 -	      } else {
   3.442 -		what_heur=1;
   3.443 -		heur=heur1;
   3.444 -		b=k; 
   3.445 -	      }
   3.446 -	    }
   3.447 -	  } //phase 0
   3.448 -	  
   3.449 -	  
   3.450 -	} // if ( exc > 0 )
   3.451 -	  
   3.452 -	
   3.453 -	}  // if stack[b] is nonempty
   3.454 -	
   3.455 -      } // while(true)
   3.456 -
   3.457 -
   3.458 -      value = excess.get(t);
   3.459 -      /*Max flow value.*/
   3.460 -     
   3.461 -    } //void run()
   3.462 -
   3.463 -
   3.464 -
   3.465 -
   3.466 -
   3.467 -    /*
   3.468 -      Returns the maximum value of a flow.
   3.469 -     */
   3.470 -
   3.471 -    T maxFlow() {
   3.472 -      return value;
   3.473 -    }
   3.474 -
   3.475 -
   3.476 -
   3.477 -    /*
   3.478 -      For the maximum flow x found by the algorithm, 
   3.479 -      it returns the flow value on edge e, i.e. x(e). 
   3.480 -    */
   3.481 -   
   3.482 -    T flow(EdgeIt e) {
   3.483 -      return _flow.get(e);
   3.484 -    }
   3.485 -
   3.486 -
   3.487 -
   3.488 -    FlowMap flow() {
   3.489 -      return _flow;
   3.490 -      }
   3.491 -
   3.492 -
   3.493 -    
   3.494 -    void flow(FlowMap& __flow ) {
   3.495 -      for(EachNodeIt v=G.template first<EachNodeIt>(); v.valid(); ++v)
   3.496 -	__flow.set(v,_flow.get(v));
   3.497 -	}
   3.498 -
   3.499 -
   3.500 -
   3.501 -    /*
   3.502 -      Returns the minimum min cut, by a bfs from s in the residual graph.
   3.503 -    */
   3.504 -   
   3.505 -    template<typename _CutMap>
   3.506 -    void minMinCut(_CutMap& M) {
   3.507 -    
   3.508 -      std::queue<NodeIt> queue;
   3.509 -      
   3.510 -      M.set(s,true);      
   3.511 -      queue.push(s);
   3.512 -
   3.513 -      while (!queue.empty()) {
   3.514 -        NodeIt w=queue.front();
   3.515 -	queue.pop();
   3.516 -
   3.517 -	for(OutEdgeIt e=G.template first<OutEdgeIt>(w) ; e.valid(); ++e) {
   3.518 -	  NodeIt v=G.head(e);
   3.519 -	  if (!M.get(v) && _flow.get(e) < capacity.get(e) ) {
   3.520 -	    queue.push(v);
   3.521 -	    M.set(v, true);
   3.522 -	  }
   3.523 -	} 
   3.524 -
   3.525 -	for(InEdgeIt e=G.template first<InEdgeIt>(w) ; e.valid(); ++e) {
   3.526 -	  NodeIt v=G.tail(e);
   3.527 -	  if (!M.get(v) && _flow.get(e) > 0 ) {
   3.528 -	    queue.push(v);
   3.529 -	    M.set(v, true);
   3.530 -	  }
   3.531 -	} 
   3.532 -      }
   3.533 -    }
   3.534 -
   3.535 -
   3.536 -  
   3.537 -    /*
   3.538 -      Returns the maximum min cut, by a reverse bfs 
   3.539 -      from t in the residual graph.
   3.540 -    */
   3.541 -    
   3.542 -    template<typename _CutMap>
   3.543 -    void maxMinCut(_CutMap& M) {
   3.544 -    
   3.545 -      std::queue<NodeIt> queue;
   3.546 -      
   3.547 -      M.set(t,true);        
   3.548 -      queue.push(t);
   3.549 -
   3.550 -      while (!queue.empty()) {
   3.551 -        NodeIt w=queue.front();
   3.552 -	queue.pop();
   3.553 -
   3.554 -	for(InEdgeIt e=G.template first<InEdgeIt>(w) ; e.valid(); ++e) {
   3.555 -	  NodeIt v=G.tail(e);
   3.556 -	  if (!M.get(v) && _flow.get(e) < capacity.get(e) ) {
   3.557 -	    queue.push(v);
   3.558 -	    M.set(v, true);
   3.559 -	  }
   3.560 -	}
   3.561 -
   3.562 -	for(OutEdgeIt e=G.template first<OutEdgeIt>(w) ; e.valid(); ++e) {
   3.563 -	  NodeIt v=G.head(e);
   3.564 -	  if (!M.get(v) && _flow.get(e) > 0 ) {
   3.565 -	    queue.push(v);
   3.566 -	    M.set(v, true);
   3.567 -	  }
   3.568 -	}
   3.569 -      }
   3.570 -
   3.571 -      for(EachNodeIt v=G.template first<EachNodeIt>() ; v.valid(); ++v) {
   3.572 -	M.set(v, !M.get(v));
   3.573 -      }
   3.574 -
   3.575 -    }
   3.576 -
   3.577 -
   3.578 -
   3.579 -    template<typename CutMap>
   3.580 -    void minCut(CutMap& M) {
   3.581 -      minMinCut(M);
   3.582 -    }
   3.583 -
   3.584 -
   3.585 -  };
   3.586 -}//namespace marci
   3.587 -#endif 
   3.588 -
   3.589 -
   3.590 -
   3.591 -
     4.1 --- a/src/work/jacint/	Mon Mar 01 17:24:34 2004 +0000
     4.2 +++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
     4.3 @@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
     4.4 -#include <iostream>
     4.5 -#include <fstream>
     4.6 -
     4.7 -#include <list_graph.hh>
     4.8 -#include <dimacs.hh>
     4.9 -#include <preflow_hl0.h>
    4.10 -#include <time_measure.h>
    4.11 -
    4.12 -using namespace hugo;
    4.13 -
    4.14 -// Use a DIMACS max flow file as stdin.
    4.15 -// read_dimacs_demo < dimacs_max_flow_file
    4.16 -int main(int, char **) {
    4.17 -  typedef ListGraph::NodeIt NodeIt;
    4.18 -  typedef ListGraph::EachEdgeIt EachEdgeIt;
    4.19 -
    4.20 -  ListGraph G;
    4.21 -  NodeIt s, t;
    4.22 -  ListGraph::EdgeMap<int> cap(G);
    4.23 -  readDimacsMaxFlow(std::cin, G, s, t, cap);
    4.24 -
    4.25 -  std::cout << "preflow_hl0 demo ..." << std::endl;
    4.26 -  
    4.27 -  double mintime=1000000;
    4.28 -
    4.29 -  for ( int i=1; i!=11; ++i ) {
    4.30 -    double pre_time=currTime();
    4.31 -    preflow_hl0<ListGraph, int> max_flow_test(G, s, t, cap);
    4.32 -    double post_time=currTime();
    4.33 -    if ( mintime > post_time-pre_time ) mintime = post_time-pre_time;
    4.34 -  }
    4.35 -
    4.36 -  double pre_time=currTime();
    4.37 -  preflow_hl0<ListGraph, int> max_flow_test(G, s, t, cap);
    4.38 -  double post_time=currTime();
    4.39 -      
    4.40 -  ListGraph::NodeMap<bool> cut(G);
    4.41 -  max_flow_test.minCut(cut); 
    4.42 -  int min_cut_value=0;
    4.43 -  for(EachEdgeIt e=G.first<EachEdgeIt>(); e.valid(); ++e) {
    4.44 -    if (cut.get(G.tail(e)) && !cut.get(G.head(e))) min_cut_value+=cap.get(e);
    4.45 -  }
    4.46 -
    4.47 -  ListGraph::NodeMap<bool> cut1(G);
    4.48 -  max_flow_test.minMinCut(cut1); 
    4.49 -  int min_min_cut_value=0;
    4.50 -  for(EachEdgeIt e=G.first<EachEdgeIt>(); e.valid(); ++e) {
    4.51 -    if (cut.get(G.tail(e)) && !cut.get(G.head(e))) 
    4.52 -      min_min_cut_value+=cap.get(e);
    4.53 -  }
    4.54 -
    4.55 -  ListGraph::NodeMap<bool> cut2(G);
    4.56 -  max_flow_test.maxMinCut(cut2); 
    4.57 -  int max_min_cut_value=0;
    4.58 -  for(EachEdgeIt e=G.first<EachEdgeIt>(); e.valid(); ++e) {
    4.59 -    if (cut2.get(G.tail(e)) && !cut2.get(G.head(e))) 
    4.60 -      max_min_cut_value+=cap.get(e);
    4.61 -  }
    4.62 -  
    4.63 -  std::cout << "min time of 10 runs: " << mintime << " sec"<< std::endl; 
    4.64 -  std::cout << "phase 0: " << max_flow_test.time-pre_time 
    4.65 -	    << " sec"<< std::endl; 
    4.66 -  std::cout << "phase 1: " << post_time-max_flow_test.time 
    4.67 -	    << " sec"<< std::endl; 
    4.68 -  std::cout << "flow value: "<< max_flow_test.maxFlow() << std::endl;
    4.69 -  std::cout << "min cut value: "<< min_cut_value << std::endl;
    4.70 -  std::cout << "min min cut value: "<< min_min_cut_value << std::endl;
    4.71 -  std::cout << "max min cut value: "<< max_min_cut_value << std::endl;
    4.72 -
    4.73 -  return 0;
    4.74 -}
     5.1 --- a/src/work/jacint/preflow_hl0.h	Mon Mar 01 17:24:34 2004 +0000
     5.2 +++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
     5.3 @@ -1,508 +0,0 @@
     5.4 -// -*- C++ -*-
     5.5 -/*
     5.6 -preflow_hl0.h
     5.7 -by jacint. 
     5.8 -Heuristics: 
     5.9 - 2 phase
    5.10 - gap
    5.11 - list 'level_list' on the nodes on level i implemented by hand
    5.12 - stack 'active' on the active nodes on level i implemented by hand
    5.13 - bound decrease
    5.14 - 
    5.15 -The bound decrease heuristic behaves unexpectedly well.
    5.16 -
    5.17 -The constructor runs the algorithm.
    5.18 -
    5.19 -Members:
    5.20 -
    5.21 -T maxFlow() : returns the value of a maximum flow
    5.22 -
    5.23 -T flowOnEdge(EdgeIt e) : for a fixed maximum flow x it returns x(e) 
    5.24 -
    5.25 -FlowMap Flow() : returns the fixed maximum flow x
    5.26 -
    5.27 -void minMinCut(CutMap& M) : sets M to the characteristic vector of the 
    5.28 -     minimum min cut. M should be a map of bools initialized to false.
    5.29 -
    5.30 -void maxMinCut(CutMap& M) : sets M to the characteristic vector of the 
    5.31 -     maximum min cut. M should be a map of bools initialized to false.
    5.32 -
    5.33 -
    5.34 -void minCut(CutMap& M) : sets M to the characteristic vector of 
    5.35 -     a min cut. M should be a map of bools initialized to false.
    5.36 -
    5.37 -*/
    5.38 -
    5.39 -#ifndef PREFLOW_HL0_H
    5.40 -#define PREFLOW_HL0_H
    5.41 -
    5.42 -#include <vector>
    5.43 -#include <queue>
    5.44 -
    5.45 -#include <time_measure.h> //for test
    5.46 -
    5.47 -namespace hugo {
    5.48 -
    5.49 -  template <typename Graph, typename T, 
    5.50 -    typename FlowMap=typename Graph::EdgeMap<T>,
    5.51 -    typename CapMap=typename Graph::EdgeMap<T> >
    5.52 -  class preflow_hl0 {
    5.53 -    
    5.54 -    typedef typename Graph::NodeIt NodeIt;
    5.55 -    typedef typename Graph::EdgeIt EdgeIt;
    5.56 -    typedef typename Graph::EachNodeIt EachNodeIt;
    5.57 -    typedef typename Graph::OutEdgeIt OutEdgeIt;
    5.58 -    typedef typename Graph::InEdgeIt InEdgeIt;
    5.59 -    
    5.60 -    Graph& G;
    5.61 -    NodeIt s;
    5.62 -    NodeIt t;
    5.63 -    FlowMap flow;
    5.64 -    CapMap& capacity;
    5.65 -    T value;
    5.66 -
    5.67 -  public:
    5.68 -    double time;    
    5.69 -    
    5.70 -    preflow_hl0(Graph& _G, NodeIt _s, NodeIt _t, CapMap& _capacity ) :
    5.71 -      G(_G), s(_s), t(_t), flow(_G, 0), capacity(_capacity) {
    5.72 -
    5.73 -      bool phase=0;        //phase 0 is the 1st phase, phase 1 is the 2nd
    5.74 -      int n=G.nodeNum(); 
    5.75 -      bool end=false;     
    5.76 -      /*
    5.77 -	'true' means no active nodes are above bound b.
    5.78 -      */
    5.79 -      int k=n-2;  //bound on the highest level under n containing a node
    5.80 -      int b=k;    //bound on the highest level under n of an active node
    5.81 -      /*
    5.82 -	b is a bound on the highest level of the stack. 
    5.83 -	k is a bound on the highest nonempty level i < n.
    5.84 -      */
    5.85 -
    5.86 -      typename Graph::NodeMap<int> level(G,n);      
    5.87 -      typename Graph::NodeMap<T> excess(G); 
    5.88 -
    5.89 -      std::vector<NodeIt> active(n);
    5.90 -      typename Graph::NodeMap<NodeIt> next(G);
    5.91 -      //Stack of the active nodes in level i < n.
    5.92 -      //We use it in both phases.
    5.93 -
    5.94 -      typename Graph::NodeMap<NodeIt> left(G);
    5.95 -      typename Graph::NodeMap<NodeIt> right(G);
    5.96 -      std::vector<NodeIt> level_list(n);
    5.97 -      /*
    5.98 -	List of the nodes in level i<n.
    5.99 -      */
   5.100 -
   5.101 -      /*Reverse_bfs from t, to find the starting level.*/
   5.102 -      level.set(t,0);
   5.103 -      std::queue<NodeIt> bfs_queue;
   5.104 -      bfs_queue.push(t);
   5.105 -
   5.106 -      while (!bfs_queue.empty()) {
   5.107 -
   5.108 -	NodeIt v=bfs_queue.front();	
   5.109 -	bfs_queue.pop();
   5.110 -	int l=level.get(v)+1;
   5.111 -
   5.112 -	for(InEdgeIt e=G.template first<InEdgeIt>(v); e.valid(); ++e) {
   5.113 -	  NodeIt w=G.tail(e);
   5.114 -	  if ( level.get(w) == n && w != s ) {
   5.115 -	    bfs_queue.push(w);
   5.116 -	    NodeIt first=level_list[l];
   5.117 -	    if ( first != 0 ) left.set(first,w);
   5.118 -	    right.set(w,first);
   5.119 -	    level_list[l]=w;
   5.120 -	    level.set(w, l);
   5.121 -	  }
   5.122 -	}
   5.123 -      }
   5.124 -      
   5.125 -      level.set(s,n);
   5.126 -      
   5.127 -
   5.128 -      /* Starting flow. It is everywhere 0 at the moment. */     
   5.129 -      for(OutEdgeIt e=G.template first<OutEdgeIt>(s); e.valid(); ++e) 
   5.130 -	{
   5.131 -	  T c=capacity.get(e);
   5.132 -	  if ( c == 0 ) continue;
   5.133 -	  NodeIt w=G.head(e);
   5.134 -	  if ( level.get(w) < n ) {	  
   5.135 -	    if ( excess.get(w) == 0 && w!=t ) {
   5.136 -	      next.set(w,active[level.get(w)]);
   5.137 -	      active[level.get(w)]=w;
   5.138 -	    }
   5.139 -	    flow.set(e, c); 
   5.140 -	    excess.set(w, excess.get(w)+c);
   5.141 -	  }
   5.142 -	}
   5.143 -
   5.144 -      /* 
   5.145 -	 End of preprocessing 
   5.146 -      */
   5.147 -
   5.148 -
   5.149 -
   5.150 -      /*
   5.151 -	Push/relabel on the highest level active nodes.
   5.152 -      */	
   5.153 -      while ( true ) {
   5.154 -	
   5.155 -	if ( b == 0 ) {
   5.156 -	  if ( phase ) break;
   5.157 -	  
   5.158 -	  if ( !end && k > 0 ) {
   5.159 -	    b=k;
   5.160 -	    end=true;
   5.161 -	  } else {
   5.162 -	    phase=1;
   5.163 -	    time=currTime();
   5.164 -	    level.set(s,0);
   5.165 -	    std::queue<NodeIt> bfs_queue;
   5.166 -	    bfs_queue.push(s);
   5.167 -	    
   5.168 -	    while (!bfs_queue.empty()) {
   5.169 -	      
   5.170 -	      NodeIt v=bfs_queue.front();	
   5.171 -	      bfs_queue.pop();
   5.172 -	      int l=level.get(v)+1;
   5.173 -	      
   5.174 -	      for(InEdgeIt e=G.template first<InEdgeIt>(v); e.valid(); ++e) {
   5.175 -		if ( capacity.get(e) == flow.get(e) ) continue;
   5.176 -		NodeIt u=G.tail(e);
   5.177 -		if ( level.get(u) >= n ) { 
   5.178 -		  bfs_queue.push(u);
   5.179 -		  level.set(u, l);
   5.180 -		  if ( excess.get(u) > 0 ) {
   5.181 -		    next.set(u,active[l]);
   5.182 -		    active[l]=u;
   5.183 -		  }
   5.184 -		}
   5.185 -	      }
   5.186 -	    
   5.187 -	      for(OutEdgeIt e=G.template first<OutEdgeIt>(v); e.valid(); ++e) {
   5.188 -		if ( 0 == flow.get(e) ) continue;
   5.189 -		NodeIt u=G.head(e);
   5.190 -		if ( level.get(u) >= n ) { 
   5.191 -		  bfs_queue.push(u);
   5.192 -		  level.set(u, l);
   5.193 -		  if ( excess.get(u) > 0 ) {
   5.194 -		    next.set(u,active[l]);
   5.195 -		    active[l]=u;
   5.196 -		  }
   5.197 -		}
   5.198 -	      }
   5.199 -	    }
   5.200 -	    b=n-2;
   5.201 -	    }
   5.202 -	    
   5.203 -	}
   5.204 -	  
   5.205 -	  
   5.206 -	if ( active[b] == 0 ) --b; 
   5.207 -	else {
   5.208 -	  end=false;  
   5.209 -
   5.210 -	  NodeIt w=active[b];
   5.211 -	  active[b]=next.get(w);
   5.212 -	  int lev=level.get(w);
   5.213 -	  T exc=excess.get(w);
   5.214 -	  int newlevel=n;       //bound on the next level of w
   5.215 -	  
   5.216 -	  for(OutEdgeIt e=G.template first<OutEdgeIt>(w); e.valid(); ++e) {
   5.217 -	    
   5.218 -	    if ( flow.get(e) == capacity.get(e) ) continue; 
   5.219 -	    NodeIt v=G.head(e);            
   5.220 -	    //e=wv	    
   5.221 -	    
   5.222 -	    if( lev > level.get(v) ) {      
   5.223 -	      /*Push is allowed now*/
   5.224 -	      
   5.225 -	      if ( excess.get(v)==0 && v!=t && v!=s ) {
   5.226 -		int lev_v=level.get(v);
   5.227 -		next.set(v,active[lev_v]);
   5.228 -		active[lev_v]=v;
   5.229 -	      }
   5.230 -	      
   5.231 -	      T cap=capacity.get(e);
   5.232 -	      T flo=flow.get(e);
   5.233 -	      T remcap=cap-flo;
   5.234 -	      
   5.235 -	      if ( remcap >= exc ) {       
   5.236 -		/*A nonsaturating push.*/
   5.237 -		
   5.238 -		flow.set(e, flo+exc);
   5.239 -		excess.set(v, excess.get(v)+exc);
   5.240 -		exc=0;
   5.241 -		break; 
   5.242 -		
   5.243 -	      } else { 
   5.244 -		/*A saturating push.*/
   5.245 -		
   5.246 -		flow.set(e, cap);
   5.247 -		excess.set(v, excess.get(v)+remcap);
   5.248 -		exc-=remcap;
   5.249 -	      }
   5.250 -	    } else if ( newlevel > level.get(v) ){
   5.251 -	      newlevel = level.get(v);
   5.252 -	    }	    
   5.253 -	    
   5.254 -	  } //for out edges wv 
   5.255 -	
   5.256 -	
   5.257 -	if ( exc > 0 ) {	
   5.258 -	  for( InEdgeIt e=G.template first<InEdgeIt>(w); e.valid(); ++e) {
   5.259 -	    
   5.260 -	    if( flow.get(e) == 0 ) continue; 
   5.261 -	    NodeIt v=G.tail(e);  
   5.262 -	    //e=vw
   5.263 -	    
   5.264 -	    if( lev > level.get(v) ) {  
   5.265 -	      /*Push is allowed now*/
   5.266 -	      
   5.267 -	      if ( excess.get(v)==0 && v!=t && v!=s ) {
   5.268 -		int lev_v=level.get(v);
   5.269 -		next.set(v,active[lev_v]);
   5.270 -		active[lev_v]=v;
   5.271 -	      }
   5.272 -	      
   5.273 -	      T flo=flow.get(e);
   5.274 -	      
   5.275 -	      if ( flo >= exc ) { 
   5.276 -		/*A nonsaturating push.*/
   5.277 -		
   5.278 -		flow.set(e, flo-exc);
   5.279 -		excess.set(v, excess.get(v)+exc);
   5.280 -		exc=0;
   5.281 -		break; 
   5.282 -	      } else {                                               
   5.283 -		/*A saturating push.*/
   5.284 -		
   5.285 -		excess.set(v, excess.get(v)+flo);
   5.286 -		exc-=flo;
   5.287 -		flow.set(e,0);
   5.288 -	      }  
   5.289 -	    } else if ( newlevel > level.get(v) ) {
   5.290 -	      newlevel = level.get(v);
   5.291 -	    }	    
   5.292 -	  } //for in edges vw
   5.293 -	  
   5.294 -	} // if w still has excess after the out edge for cycle
   5.295 -	
   5.296 -	excess.set(w, exc);
   5.297 -	 
   5.298 -	/*
   5.299 -	  Relabel
   5.300 -	*/
   5.301 -	
   5.302 -
   5.303 -	if ( exc > 0 ) {
   5.304 -	  //now 'lev' is the old level of w
   5.305 -	
   5.306 -	  if ( phase ) {
   5.307 -	    level.set(w,++newlevel);
   5.308 -	    next.set(w,active[newlevel]);
   5.309 -	    active[newlevel]=w;
   5.310 -	    b=newlevel;
   5.311 -	  } else {
   5.312 -	    //unlacing starts
   5.313 -	    NodeIt right_n=right.get(w);
   5.314 -	    NodeIt left_n=left.get(w);
   5.315 -
   5.316 -	    if ( right_n != 0 ) {
   5.317 -	      if ( left_n != 0 ) {
   5.318 -		right.set(left_n, right_n);
   5.319 -		left.set(right_n, left_n);
   5.320 -	      } else {
   5.321 -		level_list[lev]=right_n;   
   5.322 -		left.set(right_n, 0);
   5.323 -	      } 
   5.324 -	    } else {
   5.325 -	      if ( left_n != 0 ) {
   5.326 -		right.set(left_n, 0);
   5.327 -	      } else { 
   5.328 -		level_list[lev]=0;   
   5.329 -
   5.330 -	      } 
   5.331 -	    } 
   5.332 -	    //unlacing ends
   5.333 -		
   5.334 -	    //gapping starts
   5.335 -	    if ( level_list[lev]==0 ) {
   5.336 -	      
   5.337 -	      for (int i=lev; i!=k ; ) {
   5.338 -		NodeIt v=level_list[++i];
   5.339 -		while ( v != 0 ) {
   5.340 -		  level.set(v,n);
   5.341 -		  v=right.get(v);
   5.342 -		}
   5.343 -		level_list[i]=0;
   5.344 -		active[i]=0;
   5.345 -	      }	     
   5.346 -
   5.347 -	      level.set(w,n);
   5.348 -	      b=lev-1;
   5.349 -	      k=b;
   5.350 -	      //gapping ends
   5.351 -	    } else {
   5.352 -	      
   5.353 -	      if ( newlevel == n ) level.set(w,n); 
   5.354 -	      else {
   5.355 -		level.set(w,++newlevel);
   5.356 -		next.set(w,active[newlevel]);
   5.357 -		active[newlevel]=w;
   5.358 -		if ( k < newlevel ) ++k;
   5.359 -		NodeIt first=level_list[newlevel];
   5.360 -		if ( first != 0 ) left.set(first,w);
   5.361 -		right.set(w,first);
   5.362 -		left.set(w,0);
   5.363 -		level_list[newlevel]=w;
   5.364 -	      }
   5.365 -	    }
   5.366 -
   5.367 -
   5.368 -	  } //phase 0
   5.369 -	  
   5.370 -	  
   5.371 -	} // if ( exc > 0 )
   5.372 -	  
   5.373 -	
   5.374 -	}  // if stack[b] is nonempty
   5.375 -	
   5.376 -      } // while(true)
   5.377 -
   5.378 -
   5.379 -      value = excess.get(t);
   5.380 -      /*Max flow value.*/
   5.381 -     
   5.382 -    } //void run()
   5.383 -
   5.384 -
   5.385 -
   5.386 -
   5.387 -
   5.388 -    /*
   5.389 -      Returns the maximum value of a flow.
   5.390 -     */
   5.391 -
   5.392 -    T maxFlow() {
   5.393 -      return value;
   5.394 -    }
   5.395 -
   5.396 -
   5.397 -
   5.398 -    /*
   5.399 -      For the maximum flow x found by the algorithm, 
   5.400 -      it returns the flow value on edge e, i.e. x(e). 
   5.401 -    */
   5.402 -   
   5.403 -    T flowOnEdge(EdgeIt e) {
   5.404 -      return flow.get(e);
   5.405 -    }
   5.406 -
   5.407 -
   5.408 -
   5.409 -    FlowMap Flow() {
   5.410 -      return flow;
   5.411 -      }
   5.412 -
   5.413 -
   5.414 -    
   5.415 -    void Flow(FlowMap& _flow ) {
   5.416 -      for(EachNodeIt v=G.template first<EachNodeIt>() ; v.valid(); ++v)
   5.417 -	_flow.set(v,flow.get(v));
   5.418 -	}
   5.419 -
   5.420 -
   5.421 -
   5.422 -    /*
   5.423 -      Returns the minimum min cut, by a bfs from s in the residual graph.
   5.424 -    */
   5.425 -   
   5.426 -    template<typename _CutMap>
   5.427 -    void minMinCut(_CutMap& M) {
   5.428 -    
   5.429 -      std::queue<NodeIt> queue;
   5.430 -      
   5.431 -      M.set(s,true);      
   5.432 -      queue.push(s);
   5.433 -
   5.434 -      while (!queue.empty()) {
   5.435 -        NodeIt w=queue.front();
   5.436 -	queue.pop();
   5.437 -
   5.438 -	for(OutEdgeIt e=G.template first<OutEdgeIt>(w) ; e.valid(); ++e) {
   5.439 -	  NodeIt v=G.head(e);
   5.440 -	  if (!M.get(v) && flow.get(e) < capacity.get(e) ) {
   5.441 -	    queue.push(v);
   5.442 -	    M.set(v, true);
   5.443 -	  }
   5.444 -	} 
   5.445 -
   5.446 -	for(InEdgeIt e=G.template first<InEdgeIt>(w) ; e.valid(); ++e) {
   5.447 -	  NodeIt v=G.tail(e);
   5.448 -	  if (!M.get(v) && flow.get(e) > 0 ) {
   5.449 -	    queue.push(v);
   5.450 -	    M.set(v, true);
   5.451 -	  }
   5.452 -	} 
   5.453 -      }
   5.454 -    }
   5.455 -
   5.456 -
   5.457 -  
   5.458 -    /*
   5.459 -      Returns the maximum min cut, by a reverse bfs 
   5.460 -      from t in the residual graph.
   5.461 -    */
   5.462 -    
   5.463 -    template<typename _CutMap>
   5.464 -    void maxMinCut(_CutMap& M) {
   5.465 -    
   5.466 -      std::queue<NodeIt> queue;
   5.467 -      
   5.468 -      M.set(t,true);        
   5.469 -      queue.push(t);
   5.470 -
   5.471 -      while (!queue.empty()) {
   5.472 -        NodeIt w=queue.front();
   5.473 -	queue.pop();
   5.474 -
   5.475 -	for(InEdgeIt e=G.template first<InEdgeIt>(w) ; e.valid(); ++e) {
   5.476 -	  NodeIt v=G.tail(e);
   5.477 -	  if (!M.get(v) && flow.get(e) < capacity.get(e) ) {
   5.478 -	    queue.push(v);
   5.479 -	    M.set(v, true);
   5.480 -	  }
   5.481 -	}
   5.482 -
   5.483 -	for(OutEdgeIt e=G.template first<OutEdgeIt>(w) ; e.valid(); ++e) {
   5.484 -	  NodeIt v=G.head(e);
   5.485 -	  if (!M.get(v) && flow.get(e) > 0 ) {
   5.486 -	    queue.push(v);
   5.487 -	    M.set(v, true);
   5.488 -	  }
   5.489 -	}
   5.490 -      }
   5.491 -
   5.492 -      for(EachNodeIt v=G.template first<EachNodeIt>() ; v.valid(); ++v) {
   5.493 -	M.set(v, !M.get(v));
   5.494 -      }
   5.495 -
   5.496 -    }
   5.497 -
   5.498 -
   5.499 -
   5.500 -    template<typename _CutMap>
   5.501 -    void minCut(_CutMap& M) {
   5.502 -      minMinCut(M);
   5.503 -    }
   5.504 -
   5.505 -  };
   5.506 -}//namespace marci
   5.507 -#endif 
   5.508 -
   5.509 -
   5.510 -
   5.511 -
     6.1 --- a/src/work/jacint/	Mon Mar 01 17:24:34 2004 +0000
     6.2 +++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
     6.3 @@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
     6.4 -#include <iostream>
     6.5 -#include <fstream>
     6.6 -
     6.7 -#include <list_graph.hh>
     6.8 -#include <dimacs.hh>
     6.9 -#include <preflow_hl1.h>
    6.10 -#include <time_measure.h>
    6.11 -
    6.12 -using namespace hugo;
    6.13 -
    6.14 -// Use a DIMACS max flow file as stdin.
    6.15 -// read_dimacs_demo < dimacs_max_flow_file
    6.16 -int main(int, char **) {
    6.17 -  typedef ListGraph::NodeIt NodeIt;
    6.18 -  typedef ListGraph::EachEdgeIt EachEdgeIt;
    6.19 -
    6.20 -  ListGraph G;
    6.21 -  NodeIt s, t;
    6.22 -  ListGraph::EdgeMap<int> cap(G);
    6.23 -  readDimacsMaxFlow(std::cin, G, s, t, cap);
    6.24 -
    6.25 -  std::cout << "preflow_hl1 demo ..." << std::endl;
    6.26 -  
    6.27 -  double mintime=1000000;
    6.28 -
    6.29 -  for ( int i=1; i!=11; ++i ) {
    6.30 -    double pre_time=currTime();
    6.31 -    preflow_hl1<ListGraph, int> max_flow_test(G, s, t, cap);
    6.32 -    double post_time=currTime();
    6.33 -    if ( mintime > post_time-pre_time ) mintime = post_time-pre_time;
    6.34 -  }
    6.35 -
    6.36 -  double pre_time=currTime();
    6.37 -  preflow_hl1<ListGraph, int> max_flow_test(G, s, t, cap);
    6.38 -  double post_time=currTime();
    6.39 -     
    6.40 -  ListGraph::NodeMap<bool> cut(G);
    6.41 -  max_flow_test.minCut(cut); 
    6.42 -  int min_cut_value=0;
    6.43 -  for(EachEdgeIt e=G.first<EachEdgeIt>(); e.valid(); ++e) {
    6.44 -    if (cut.get(G.tail(e)) && !cut.get(G.head(e))) min_cut_value+=cap.get(e);
    6.45 -  }
    6.46 -
    6.47 -  ListGraph::NodeMap<bool> cut1(G);
    6.48 -  max_flow_test.minMinCut(cut1); 
    6.49 -  int min_min_cut_value=0;
    6.50 -  for(EachEdgeIt e=G.first<EachEdgeIt>(); e.valid(); ++e) {
    6.51 -    if (cut.get(G.tail(e)) && !cut.get(G.head(e))) 
    6.52 -      min_min_cut_value+=cap.get(e);
    6.53 -  }
    6.54 -
    6.55 -  ListGraph::NodeMap<bool> cut2(G);
    6.56 -  max_flow_test.maxMinCut(cut2); 
    6.57 -  int max_min_cut_value=0;
    6.58 -  for(EachEdgeIt e=G.first<EachEdgeIt>(); e.valid(); ++e) {
    6.59 -    if (cut2.get(G.tail(e)) && !cut2.get(G.head(e))) 
    6.60 -      max_min_cut_value+=cap.get(e);
    6.61 -  }
    6.62 -  
    6.63 -  std::cout << "min time of 10 runs: " << mintime << " sec"<< std::endl; 
    6.64 -  std::cout << "phase 0: " << max_flow_test.time-pre_time 
    6.65 -	    << " sec"<< std::endl; 
    6.66 -  std::cout << "phase 1: " << post_time-max_flow_test.time 
    6.67 -	    << " sec"<< std::endl; 
    6.68 -  std::cout << "flow value: "<< max_flow_test.maxFlow() << std::endl;
    6.69 -  std::cout << "min cut value: "<< min_cut_value << std::endl;
    6.70 -  std::cout << "min min cut value: "<< min_min_cut_value << std::endl;
    6.71 -  std::cout << "max min cut value: "<< max_min_cut_value << 
    6.72 -    std::endl<< std::endl;
    6.73 -
    6.74 -  
    6.75 -  return 0;
    6.76 -}
     7.1 --- a/src/work/jacint/	Mon Mar 01 17:24:34 2004 +0000
     7.2 +++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
     7.3 @@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
     7.4 -#include <iostream>
     7.5 -#include <fstream>
     7.6 -
     7.7 -#include <list_graph.hh>
     7.8 -#include <dimacs.hh>
     7.9 -#include <preflow_hl2.h>
    7.10 -#include <time_measure.h>
    7.11 -
    7.12 -using namespace hugo;
    7.13 -
    7.14 -// Use a DIMACS max flow file as stdin.
    7.15 -// read_dimacs_demo < dimacs_max_flow_file
    7.16 -int main(int, char **) {
    7.17 -  typedef ListGraph::NodeIt NodeIt;
    7.18 -  typedef ListGraph::EachEdgeIt EachEdgeIt;
    7.19 -
    7.20 -  ListGraph G;
    7.21 -  NodeIt s, t;
    7.22 -  ListGraph::EdgeMap<int> cap(G);
    7.23 -  readDimacsMaxFlow(std::cin, G, s, t, cap);
    7.24 -
    7.25 -  std::cout << "preflow_hl2 demo ..." << std::endl;
    7.26 -  
    7.27 -  double mintime=1000000;
    7.28 -
    7.29 -  for ( int i=1; i!=11; ++i ) {
    7.30 -    double pre_time=currTime();
    7.31 -    preflow_hl2<ListGraph, int> max_flow_test(G, s, t, cap);
    7.32 -    double post_time=currTime();
    7.33 -    if ( mintime > post_time-pre_time ) mintime = post_time-pre_time;
    7.34 -  }
    7.35 -
    7.36 -  preflow_hl2<ListGraph, int> max_flow_test(G, s, t, cap);
    7.37 -    
    7.38 -  ListGraph::NodeMap<bool> cut(G);
    7.39 -  max_flow_test.minCut(cut); 
    7.40 -  int min_cut_value=0;
    7.41 -  for(EachEdgeIt e=G.first<EachEdgeIt>(); e.valid(); ++e) {
    7.42 -    if (cut.get(G.tail(e)) && !cut.get(G.head(e))) min_cut_value+=cap.get(e);
    7.43 -  }
    7.44 -
    7.45 -  ListGraph::NodeMap<bool> cut1(G);
    7.46 -  max_flow_test.minMinCut(cut1); 
    7.47 -  int min_min_cut_value=0;
    7.48 -  for(EachEdgeIt e=G.first<EachEdgeIt>(); e.valid(); ++e) {
    7.49 -    if (cut.get(G.tail(e)) && !cut.get(G.head(e))) 
    7.50 -      min_min_cut_value+=cap.get(e);
    7.51 -  }
    7.52 -
    7.53 -  ListGraph::NodeMap<bool> cut2(G);
    7.54 -  max_flow_test.maxMinCut(cut2); 
    7.55 -  int max_min_cut_value=0;
    7.56 -  for(EachEdgeIt e=G.first<EachEdgeIt>(); e.valid(); ++e) {
    7.57 -    if (cut2.get(G.tail(e)) && !cut2.get(G.head(e))) 
    7.58 -      max_min_cut_value+=cap.get(e);
    7.59 -  }
    7.60 -  
    7.61 -  std::cout << "min time of 10 runs: " << mintime << " sec"<< std::endl; 
    7.62 -  std::cout << "flow value: "<< max_flow_test.maxFlow() << std::endl;
    7.63 -  std::cout << "min cut value: "<< min_cut_value << std::endl;
    7.64 -  std::cout << "min min cut value: "<< min_min_cut_value << std::endl;
    7.65 -  std::cout << "max min cut value: "<< max_min_cut_value << std::endl;
    7.66 -
    7.67 -  return 0;
    7.68 -}
     8.1 --- a/src/work/jacint/preflow_hl2.h	Mon Mar 01 17:24:34 2004 +0000
     8.2 +++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
     8.3 @@ -1,394 +0,0 @@
     8.4 -// -*- C++ -*-
     8.5 -/*
     8.6 -preflow_hl2.h
     8.7 -by jacint. 
     8.8 -Runs the highest label variant of the preflow push algorithm with 
     8.9 -running time O(n^2\sqrt(m)). 
    8.10 -
    8.11 -Heuristics:
    8.12 -
    8.13 -  gap: we iterate through the nodes for finding the nodes above 
    8.14 -       the gap and under level n. So it is quite slow.
    8.15 -  numb: we maintain the number of nodes in level i.
    8.16 -  highest label
    8.17 -  
    8.18 -'A' is a parameter for the gap, we only upgrade the nodes to level n,
    8.19 -  if the gap is under A*n.
    8.20 -
    8.21 -The constructor runs the algorithm.
    8.22 -
    8.23 -Members:
    8.24 -
    8.25 -T maxFlow() : returns the value of a maximum flow
    8.26 -
    8.27 -T flowOnEdge(EdgeIt e) : for a fixed maximum flow x it returns x(e) 
    8.28 -
    8.29 -FlowMap Flow() : returns the fixed maximum flow x
    8.30 -
    8.31 -void minCut(CutMap& M) : sets M to the characteristic vector of a 
    8.32 -     minimum cut. M should be a map of bools initialized to false.
    8.33 -
    8.34 -void minMinCut(CutMap& M) : sets M to the characteristic vector of the 
    8.35 -     minimum min cut. M should be a map of bools initialized to false.
    8.36 -
    8.37 -void maxMinCut(CutMap& M) : sets M to the characteristic vector of the 
    8.38 -     maximum min cut. M should be a map of bools initialized to false.
    8.39 -
    8.40 -*/
    8.41 -
    8.42 -#ifndef PREFLOW_HL2_H
    8.43 -#define PREFLOW_HL2_H
    8.44 -
    8.45 -#define A .9
    8.46 -
    8.47 -#include <vector>
    8.48 -#include <stack>
    8.49 -#include <queue>
    8.50 -
    8.51 -namespace hugo {
    8.52 -
    8.53 -  template <typename Graph, typename T, 
    8.54 -    typename FlowMap=typename Graph::EdgeMap<T>, 
    8.55 -    typename CapMap=typename Graph::EdgeMap<T> >
    8.56 -  class preflow_hl2 {
    8.57 -    
    8.58 -    typedef typename Graph::NodeIt NodeIt;
    8.59 -    typedef typename Graph::EdgeIt EdgeIt;
    8.60 -    typedef typename Graph::EachNodeIt EachNodeIt;
    8.61 -    typedef typename Graph::OutEdgeIt OutEdgeIt;
    8.62 -    typedef typename Graph::InEdgeIt InEdgeIt;
    8.63 -    
    8.64 -    Graph& G;
    8.65 -    NodeIt s;
    8.66 -    NodeIt t;
    8.67 -    FlowMap flow;
    8.68 -    CapMap& capacity;  
    8.69 -    T value;
    8.70 -    
    8.71 -  public:
    8.72 -
    8.73 -    preflow_hl2(Graph& _G, NodeIt _s, NodeIt _t, CapMap& _capacity) :
    8.74 -      G(_G), s(_s), t(_t), flow(_G), capacity(_capacity) { 
    8.75 -
    8.76 -      int n=G.nodeNum(); 
    8.77 -      int b=n-2; 
    8.78 -      /*
    8.79 -	b is a bound on the highest level of an active node. 
    8.80 -      */
    8.81 -
    8.82 -      typename Graph::NodeMap<int> level(G,n);      
    8.83 -      typename Graph::NodeMap<T> excess(G); 
    8.84 -
    8.85 -      std::vector<int> numb(n);    
    8.86 -      /*
    8.87 -	The number of nodes on level i < n. It is
    8.88 -	initialized to n+1, because of the reverse_bfs-part.
    8.89 -      */
    8.90 -
    8.91 -      std::vector<std::stack<NodeIt> > stack(2*n-1);    
    8.92 -      //Stack of the active nodes in level i.
    8.93 -
    8.94 -
    8.95 -      /*Reverse_bfs from t, to find the starting level.*/
    8.96 -      level.set(t,0);
    8.97 -      std::queue<NodeIt> bfs_queue;
    8.98 -      bfs_queue.push(t);
    8.99 -
   8.100 -      while (!bfs_queue.empty()) {
   8.101 -
   8.102 -	NodeIt v=bfs_queue.front();	
   8.103 -	bfs_queue.pop();
   8.104 -	int l=level.get(v)+1;
   8.105 -
   8.106 -	for(InEdgeIt e=G.template first<InEdgeIt>(v); e.valid(); ++e) {
   8.107 -	  NodeIt w=G.tail(e);
   8.108 -	  if ( level.get(w) == n ) {
   8.109 -	    bfs_queue.push(w);
   8.110 -	    ++numb[l];
   8.111 -	    level.set(w, l);
   8.112 -	  }
   8.113 -	}
   8.114 -      }
   8.115 -	
   8.116 -      level.set(s,n);
   8.117 -
   8.118 -
   8.119 -
   8.120 -      /* Starting flow. It is everywhere 0 at the moment. */     
   8.121 -      for(OutEdgeIt e=G.template first<OutEdgeIt>(s); e.valid(); ++e) 
   8.122 -	{
   8.123 -	  T c=capacity.get(e);
   8.124 -	  if ( c == 0 ) continue;
   8.125 -	  NodeIt w=G.head(e);
   8.126 -	  if ( w!=s ) {	  
   8.127 -	    if ( excess.get(w) == 0 && w!=t ) stack[level.get(w)].push(w); 
   8.128 -	    flow.set(e, c); 
   8.129 -	    excess.set(w, excess.get(w)+c);
   8.130 -	  }
   8.131 -	}
   8.132 -      
   8.133 -      /* 
   8.134 -	 End of preprocessing 
   8.135 -      */
   8.136 -
   8.137 -
   8.138 -      /*
   8.139 -	Push/relabel on the highest level active nodes.
   8.140 -      */
   8.141 -      /*While there exists an active node.*/
   8.142 -      while (b) { 
   8.143 -	if ( stack[b].empty() ) { 
   8.144 -	  --b;
   8.145 -	  continue;
   8.146 -	} 
   8.147 -	
   8.148 -	NodeIt w=stack[b].top();   
   8.149 -	stack[b].pop();           
   8.150 -	int lev=level.get(w);
   8.151 -	T exc=excess.get(w);
   8.152 -	int newlevel=2*n;      //In newlevel we bound the next level of w.
   8.153 -	
   8.154 -	  for(OutEdgeIt e=G.template first<OutEdgeIt>(w); e.valid(); ++e) {
   8.155 -	    
   8.156 -	    if ( flow.get(e) == capacity.get(e) ) continue; 
   8.157 -	    NodeIt v=G.head(e);            
   8.158 -	    //e=wv	    
   8.159 -	    
   8.160 -	    if( lev > level.get(v) ) {      
   8.161 -	      /*Push is allowed now*/
   8.162 -	      
   8.163 -	      if ( excess.get(v)==0 && v != s && v !=t ) 
   8.164 -		stack[level.get(v)].push(v); 
   8.165 -	      /*v becomes active.*/
   8.166 -	      
   8.167 -	      T cap=capacity.get(e);
   8.168 -	      T flo=flow.get(e);
   8.169 -	      T remcap=cap-flo;
   8.170 -	      
   8.171 -	      if ( remcap >= exc ) {       
   8.172 -		/*A nonsaturating push.*/
   8.173 -		
   8.174 -		flow.set(e, flo+exc);
   8.175 -		excess.set(v, excess.get(v)+exc);
   8.176 -		exc=0;
   8.177 -		break; 
   8.178 -		
   8.179 -	      } else { 
   8.180 -		/*A saturating push.*/
   8.181 -		
   8.182 -		flow.set(e, cap );
   8.183 -		excess.set(v, excess.get(v)+remcap);
   8.184 -		exc-=remcap;
   8.185 -	      }
   8.186 -	    } else if ( newlevel > level.get(v) ) newlevel = level.get(v);
   8.187 -	    
   8.188 -	  } //for out edges wv 
   8.189 -	
   8.190 -	
   8.191 -	if ( exc > 0 ) {	
   8.192 -	  for( InEdgeIt e=G.template first<InEdgeIt>(w); e.valid(); ++e) {
   8.193 -	    
   8.194 -	    if( flow.get(e) == 0 ) continue; 
   8.195 -	    NodeIt v=G.tail(e);  
   8.196 -	    //e=vw
   8.197 -	    
   8.198 -	    if( lev > level.get(v) ) {  
   8.199 -	      /*Push is allowed now*/
   8.200 -	      
   8.201 -	      if ( excess.get(v)==0 && v != s && v !=t) 
   8.202 -		stack[level.get(v)].push(v); 
   8.203 -	      /*v becomes active.*/
   8.204 -	      
   8.205 -	      T flo=flow.get(e);
   8.206 -	      
   8.207 -	      if ( flo >= exc ) { 
   8.208 -		/*A nonsaturating push.*/
   8.209 -		
   8.210 -		flow.set(e, flo-exc);
   8.211 -		excess.set(v, excess.get(v)+exc);
   8.212 -		exc=0;
   8.213 -		break; 
   8.214 -	      } else {                                               
   8.215 -		/*A saturating push.*/
   8.216 -		
   8.217 -		excess.set(v, excess.get(v)+flo);
   8.218 -		exc-=flo;
   8.219 -		flow.set(e,0);
   8.220 -	      }  
   8.221 -	    } else if ( newlevel > level.get(v) ) newlevel = level.get(v);
   8.222 -	    
   8.223 -	  } //for in edges vw
   8.224 -	  
   8.225 -	} // if w still has excess after the out edge for cycle
   8.226 -	
   8.227 -	excess.set(w, exc);
   8.228 -	
   8.229 -
   8.230 -	
   8.231 -
   8.232 -	/*
   8.233 -	  Relabel
   8.234 -	*/
   8.235 -	
   8.236 -	if ( exc > 0 ) {
   8.237 -	  //now 'lev' is the old level of w
   8.238 -	  level.set(w,++newlevel);
   8.239 -	  
   8.240 -	  if ( lev < n ) {
   8.241 -	    --numb[lev];
   8.242 -	    
   8.243 -	    if ( !numb[lev] && lev < A*n ) {  //If the level of w gets empty. 
   8.244 -	      
   8.245 -	      for (EachNodeIt v=G.template first<EachNodeIt>(); v.valid() ; ++v) {
   8.246 -		if (level.get(v) > lev && level.get(v) < n ) level.set(v,n);  
   8.247 -	      }
   8.248 -	      for (int i=lev+1 ; i!=n ; ++i) numb[i]=0; 
   8.249 -	      if ( newlevel < n ) newlevel=n; 
   8.250 -	    } else { 
   8.251 -	      if ( newlevel < n ) ++numb[newlevel]; 
   8.252 -	    }
   8.253 -	  } 
   8.254 -	  
   8.255 -	  stack[newlevel].push(w);
   8.256 -	  b=newlevel;
   8.257 -	  
   8.258 -	}
   8.259 -	
   8.260 -      } // while(b)
   8.261 -      
   8.262 -      
   8.263 -      value = excess.get(t);
   8.264 -      /*Max flow value.*/
   8.265 -
   8.266 -
   8.267 -    } //void run()
   8.268 -
   8.269 -
   8.270 -
   8.271 -
   8.272 -
   8.273 -    /*
   8.274 -      Returns the maximum value of a flow.
   8.275 -     */
   8.276 -
   8.277 -    T maxFlow() {
   8.278 -      return value;
   8.279 -    }
   8.280 -
   8.281 -
   8.282 -
   8.283 -    /*
   8.284 -      For the maximum flow x found by the algorithm, 
   8.285 -      it returns the flow value on edge e, i.e. x(e). 
   8.286 -    */
   8.287 -
   8.288 -    T flowOnEdge(const EdgeIt e) {
   8.289 -      return flow.get(e);
   8.290 -    }
   8.291 -
   8.292 -
   8.293 -
   8.294 -    /*
   8.295 -      Returns the maximum flow x found by the algorithm.
   8.296 -    */
   8.297 -
   8.298 -    FlowMap Flow() {
   8.299 -      return flow;
   8.300 -    }
   8.301 -
   8.302 -
   8.303 -
   8.304 -
   8.305 -    /*
   8.306 -      Returns the minimum min cut, by a bfs from s in the residual graph.
   8.307 -    */
   8.308 -    
   8.309 -    template<typename CutMap>
   8.310 -    void minCut(CutMap& M) {
   8.311 -    
   8.312 -      std::queue<NodeIt> queue;
   8.313 -      
   8.314 -      M.set(s,true);      
   8.315 -      queue.push(s);
   8.316 -
   8.317 -      while (!queue.empty()) {
   8.318 -        NodeIt w=queue.front();
   8.319 -	queue.pop();
   8.320 -	
   8.321 -	for(OutEdgeIt e=G.template first<OutEdgeIt>(w) ; e.valid(); ++e) {
   8.322 -	  NodeIt v=G.head(e);
   8.323 -	  if (!M.get(v) && flow.get(e) < capacity.get(e) ) {
   8.324 -	    queue.push(v);
   8.325 -	    M.set(v, true);
   8.326 -	  }
   8.327 -	} 
   8.328 -
   8.329 -	for(InEdgeIt e=G.template first<InEdgeIt>(w) ; e.valid(); ++e) {
   8.330 -	  NodeIt v=G.tail(e);
   8.331 -	  if (!M.get(v) && flow.get(e) > 0 ) {
   8.332 -	    queue.push(v);
   8.333 -	    M.set(v, true);
   8.334 -	  }
   8.335 -	}
   8.336 -
   8.337 -      }
   8.338 -    }
   8.339 -
   8.340 -
   8.341 -
   8.342 -    /*
   8.343 -      Returns the maximum min cut, by a reverse bfs 
   8.344 -      from t in the residual graph.
   8.345 -    */
   8.346 -    
   8.347 -    template<typename CutMap>
   8.348 -    void maxMinCut(CutMap& M) {
   8.349 -    
   8.350 -      std::queue<NodeIt> queue;
   8.351 -      
   8.352 -      M.set(t,true);        
   8.353 -      queue.push(t);
   8.354 -
   8.355 -      while (!queue.empty()) {
   8.356 -        NodeIt w=queue.front();
   8.357 -	queue.pop();
   8.358 -
   8.359 -	for(InEdgeIt e=G.template first<InEdgeIt>(w) ; e.valid(); ++e) {
   8.360 -	  NodeIt v=G.tail(e);
   8.361 -	  if (!M.get(v) && flow.get(e) < capacity.get(e) ) {
   8.362 -	    queue.push(v);
   8.363 -	    M.set(v, true);
   8.364 -	  }
   8.365 -	}
   8.366 -
   8.367 -	for(OutEdgeIt e=G.template first<OutEdgeIt>(w) ; e.valid(); ++e) {
   8.368 -	  NodeIt v=G.head(e);
   8.369 -	  if (!M.get(v) && flow.get(e) > 0 ) {
   8.370 -	    queue.push(v);
   8.371 -	    M.set(v, true);
   8.372 -	  }
   8.373 -	}
   8.374 -      }
   8.375 -
   8.376 -      for(EachNodeIt v=G.template first<EachNodeIt>() ; v.valid(); ++v) {
   8.377 -	M.set(v, !M.get(v));
   8.378 -      }
   8.379 -
   8.380 -    }
   8.381 -
   8.382 -
   8.383 -
   8.384 -    template<typename CutMap>
   8.385 -    void minMinCut(CutMap& M) {
   8.386 -      minCut(M);
   8.387 -    }
   8.388 -
   8.389 -
   8.390 -
   8.391 -  };
   8.392 -}//namespace marci
   8.393 -#endif 
   8.394 -
   8.395 -
   8.396 -
   8.397 -
     9.1 --- a/src/work/jacint/	Mon Mar 01 17:24:34 2004 +0000
     9.2 +++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
     9.3 @@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
     9.4 -#include <iostream>
     9.5 -#include <fstream>
     9.6 -
     9.7 -#include <list_graph.hh>
     9.8 -#include <dimacs.hh>
     9.9 -#include <preflow_hl3.h>
    9.10 -#include <time_measure.h>
    9.11 -
    9.12 -using namespace hugo;
    9.13 -
    9.14 -// Use a DIMACS max flow file as stdin.
    9.15 -// read_dimacs_demo < dimacs_max_flow_file
    9.16 -int main(int, char **) {
    9.17 -  typedef ListGraph::NodeIt NodeIt;
    9.18 -  typedef ListGraph::EachEdgeIt EachEdgeIt;
    9.19 -
    9.20 -  ListGraph G;
    9.21 -  NodeIt s, t;
    9.22 -  ListGraph::EdgeMap<int> cap(G);
    9.23 -  readDimacsMaxFlow(std::cin, G, s, t, cap);
    9.24 -
    9.25 -  std::cout << "preflow_hl3 demo ..." << std::endl;
    9.26 -  
    9.27 -  double mintime=1000000;
    9.28 -
    9.29 -  for ( int i=1; i!=11; ++i ) {
    9.30 -    double pre_time=currTime();
    9.31 -    preflow_hl3<ListGraph, int> max_flow_test(G, s, t, cap);
    9.32 -    double post_time=currTime();
    9.33 -    if ( mintime > post_time-pre_time ) mintime = post_time-pre_time;
    9.34 -  }
    9.35 -
    9.36 -  double pre_time=currTime();
    9.37 -  preflow_hl3<ListGraph, int> max_flow_test(G, s, t, cap);
    9.38 -  double post_time=currTime();
    9.39 -     
    9.40 -  ListGraph::NodeMap<bool> cut(G);
    9.41 -  max_flow_test.minCut(cut); 
    9.42 -  int min_cut_value=0;
    9.43 -  for(EachEdgeIt e=G.first<EachEdgeIt>(); e.valid(); ++e) {
    9.44 -    if (cut.get(G.tail(e)) && !cut.get(G.head(e))) min_cut_value+=cap.get(e);
    9.45 -  }
    9.46 -
    9.47 -  ListGraph::NodeMap<bool> cut1(G);
    9.48 -  max_flow_test.minMinCut(cut1); 
    9.49 -  int min_min_cut_value=0;
    9.50 -  for(EachEdgeIt e=G.first<EachEdgeIt>(); e.valid(); ++e) {
    9.51 -    if (cut.get(G.tail(e)) && !cut.get(G.head(e))) 
    9.52 -      min_min_cut_value+=cap.get(e);
    9.53 -  }
    9.54 -
    9.55 -  ListGraph::NodeMap<bool> cut2(G);
    9.56 -  max_flow_test.maxMinCut(cut2); 
    9.57 -  int max_min_cut_value=0;
    9.58 -  for(EachEdgeIt e=G.first<EachEdgeIt>(); e.valid(); ++e) {
    9.59 -    if (cut2.get(G.tail(e)) && !cut2.get(G.head(e))) 
    9.60 -      max_min_cut_value+=cap.get(e);
    9.61 -  }
    9.62 -  
    9.63 -  std::cout << "min time of 10 runs: " << mintime << " sec"<< std::endl;   
    9.64 -  std::cout << "phase 0: " << max_flow_test.time-pre_time 
    9.65 -	    << " sec"<< std::endl; 
    9.66 -  std::cout << "phase 1: " << post_time-max_flow_test.time 
    9.67 -	    << " sec"<< std::endl; 
    9.68 -  std::cout << "flow value: "<< max_flow_test.maxFlow() << std::endl;
    9.69 -  std::cout << "min cut value: "<< min_cut_value << std::endl;
    9.70 -  std::cout << "min min cut value: "<< min_min_cut_value << std::endl;
    9.71 -  std::cout << "max min cut value: "<< max_min_cut_value << 
    9.72 -    std::endl<< std::endl;
    9.73 -
    9.74 -  return 0;
    9.75 -}
    10.1 --- a/src/work/jacint/preflow_hl3.h	Mon Mar 01 17:24:34 2004 +0000
    10.2 +++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
    10.3 @@ -1,469 +0,0 @@
    10.4 -// -*- C++ -*-
    10.5 -/*
    10.6 -preflow_hl3.h
    10.7 -by jacint. 
    10.8 -
    10.9 -Heuristics: 
   10.10 -
   10.11 - suck gap : if there is a gap, then we put all 
   10.12 -   nodes reachable from the relabelled node to level n
   10.13 - 2 phase
   10.14 - highest label
   10.15 -
   10.16 -The constructor runs the algorithm.
   10.17 -
   10.18 -Members:
   10.19 -
   10.20 -T maxFlow() : returns the value of a maximum flow
   10.21 -
   10.22 -T flowOnEdge(EdgeIt e) : for a fixed maximum flow x it returns x(e) 
   10.23 -
   10.24 -FlowMap Flow() : returns the fixed maximum flow x
   10.25 -
   10.26 -void minCut(CutMap& M) : sets M to the characteristic vector of a 
   10.27 -     minimum cut. M should be a map of bools initialized to false.
   10.28 -
   10.29 -void minMinCut(CutMap& M) : sets M to the characteristic vector of the 
   10.30 -     minimum min cut. M should be a map of bools initialized to false.
   10.31 -
   10.32 -void maxMinCut(CutMap& M) : sets M to the characteristic vector of the 
   10.33 -     maximum min cut. M should be a map of bools initialized to false.
   10.34 -
   10.35 -*/
   10.36 -
   10.37 -#ifndef PREFLOW_HL3_H
   10.38 -#define PREFLOW_HL3_H
   10.39 -
   10.40 -#include <vector>
   10.41 -#include <stack>
   10.42 -#include <queue>
   10.43 -
   10.44 -#include <time_measure.h> //for test
   10.45 -
   10.46 -namespace hugo {
   10.47 -
   10.48 -  template <typename Graph, typename T, 
   10.49 -    typename FlowMap=typename Graph::EdgeMap<T>, 
   10.50 -    typename CapMap=typename Graph::EdgeMap<T> >
   10.51 -  class preflow_hl3 {
   10.52 -    
   10.53 -    typedef typename Graph::NodeIt NodeIt;
   10.54 -    typedef typename Graph::EdgeIt EdgeIt;
   10.55 -    typedef typename Graph::EachNodeIt EachNodeIt;
   10.56 -    typedef typename Graph::OutEdgeIt OutEdgeIt;
   10.57 -    typedef typename Graph::InEdgeIt InEdgeIt;
   10.58 -    
   10.59 -    Graph& G;
   10.60 -    NodeIt s;
   10.61 -    NodeIt t;
   10.62 -    FlowMap flow;
   10.63 -    CapMap& capacity;  
   10.64 -    T value;
   10.65 -    
   10.66 -  public:
   10.67 -
   10.68 -    double time; //for test
   10.69 -
   10.70 -    preflow_hl3(Graph& _G, NodeIt _s, NodeIt _t, CapMap& _capacity) :
   10.71 -      G(_G), s(_s), t(_t), flow(_G, 0), capacity(_capacity) {
   10.72 -      
   10.73 -      bool phase=0;
   10.74 -      int n=G.nodeNum(); 
   10.75 -      int b=n-2; 
   10.76 -      /*
   10.77 -	b is a bound on the highest level of the stack. 
   10.78 -	In the beginning it is at most n-2.
   10.79 -      */
   10.80 -
   10.81 -      typename Graph::NodeMap<int> level(G,n);      
   10.82 -      typename Graph::NodeMap<T> excess(G); 
   10.83 -      
   10.84 -      std::vector<int> numb(n);    
   10.85 -      /*
   10.86 -	The number of nodes on level i < n. It is
   10.87 -	initialized to n+1, because of the reverse_bfs-part.
   10.88 -	Needed only in phase 0.
   10.89 -      */
   10.90 -
   10.91 -      std::vector<std::stack<NodeIt> > stack(n);    
   10.92 -      //Stack of the active nodes in level i < n.
   10.93 -      //We use it in both phases.
   10.94 -
   10.95 -
   10.96 -      /*Reverse_bfs from t, to find the starting level.*/
   10.97 -      level.set(t,0);
   10.98 -      std::queue<NodeIt> bfs_queue;
   10.99 -      bfs_queue.push(t);
  10.100 -
  10.101 -      while (!bfs_queue.empty()) {
  10.102 -
  10.103 -	NodeIt v=bfs_queue.front();	
  10.104 -	bfs_queue.pop();
  10.105 -	int l=level.get(v)+1;
  10.106 -
  10.107 -	for(InEdgeIt e=G.template first<InEdgeIt>(v); e.valid(); ++e) {
  10.108 -	  NodeIt w=G.tail(e);
  10.109 -	  if ( level.get(w) == n ) {
  10.110 -	    bfs_queue.push(w);
  10.111 -	    ++numb[l];
  10.112 -	    level.set(w, l);
  10.113 -	  }
  10.114 -	}
  10.115 -      }
  10.116 -      
  10.117 -      level.set(s,n);
  10.118 -
  10.119 -
  10.120 -
  10.121 -      /* Starting flow. It is everywhere 0 at the moment. */     
  10.122 -      for(OutEdgeIt e=G.template first<OutEdgeIt>(s); e.valid(); ++e) 
  10.123 -	{
  10.124 -	  T c=capacity.get(e);
  10.125 -	  if ( c == 0 ) continue;
  10.126 -	  NodeIt w=G.head(e);
  10.127 -	  if ( level.get(w) < n ) {	  
  10.128 -	    if ( excess.get(w) == 0 && w!=t ) stack[level.get(w)].push(w); 
  10.129 -	    flow.set(e, c); 
  10.130 -	    excess.set(w, excess.get(w)+c);
  10.131 -	  }
  10.132 -	}
  10.133 -
  10.134 -      /* 
  10.135 -	 End of preprocessing 
  10.136 -      */
  10.137 -
  10.138 -
  10.139 -
  10.140 -      /*
  10.141 -	Push/relabel on the highest level active nodes.
  10.142 -      */	
  10.143 -      /*While there exists an active node.*/
  10.144 -      while ( true ) {
  10.145 -
  10.146 -	if ( b == 0 ) {
  10.147 -	  if ( phase ) break; 
  10.148 -	  phase=1;
  10.149 -	  time=currTime();
  10.150 -	  
  10.151 -	  level.set(s,0);
  10.152 -
  10.153 -	  std::queue<NodeIt> bfs_queue;
  10.154 -	  bfs_queue.push(s);
  10.155 -	  
  10.156 -	  while (!bfs_queue.empty()) {
  10.157 -	    
  10.158 -	    NodeIt v=bfs_queue.front();	
  10.159 -	    bfs_queue.pop();
  10.160 -	    int l=level.get(v)+1;
  10.161 -
  10.162 -	    for(InEdgeIt e=G.template first<InEdgeIt>(v); e.valid(); ++e) {
  10.163 -	      if ( capacity.get(e) == flow.get(e) ) continue;
  10.164 -	      NodeIt u=G.tail(e);
  10.165 -	      if ( level.get(u) == n ) { 
  10.166 -		bfs_queue.push(u);
  10.167 -		level.set(u, l);
  10.168 -		if ( excess.get(u) > 0 ) stack[l].push(u);
  10.169 -	      }
  10.170 -	    }
  10.171 -
  10.172 -	    for(OutEdgeIt e=G.template first<OutEdgeIt>(v); e.valid(); ++e) {
  10.173 -	      if ( 0 == flow.get(e) ) continue;
  10.174 -	      NodeIt u=G.head(e);
  10.175 -	      if ( level.get(u) == n ) { 
  10.176 -		bfs_queue.push(u);
  10.177 -		level.set(u, l);
  10.178 -		if ( excess.get(u) > 0 ) stack[l].push(u);
  10.179 -	      }
  10.180 -	    }
  10.181 -	  }
  10.182 -
  10.183 -	  b=n-2;
  10.184 -	}
  10.185 -
  10.186 -	if ( stack[b].empty() ) --b;
  10.187 -	else {
  10.188 -	  
  10.189 -	  NodeIt w=stack[b].top(); 
  10.190 -	  stack[b].pop();           
  10.191 -	  int lev=level.get(w);
  10.192 -	  T exc=excess.get(w);
  10.193 -	  int newlevel=n;          //bound on the next level of w.
  10.194 -	  
  10.195 -	  for(OutEdgeIt e=G.template first<OutEdgeIt>(w); e.valid(); ++e) {
  10.196 -	    
  10.197 -	    if ( flow.get(e) == capacity.get(e) ) continue; 
  10.198 -	    NodeIt v=G.head(e);            
  10.199 -	    //e=wv	    
  10.200 -	    
  10.201 -	    if( lev > level.get(v) ) {      
  10.202 -	      /*Push is allowed now*/
  10.203 -	      
  10.204 -	      if ( excess.get(v)==0 && v !=t && v!=s ) 
  10.205 -		stack[level.get(v)].push(v); 
  10.206 -	      /*v becomes active.*/
  10.207 -	      
  10.208 -	      T cap=capacity.get(e);
  10.209 -	      T flo=flow.get(e);
  10.210 -	      T remcap=cap-flo;
  10.211 -	      
  10.212 -	      if ( remcap >= exc ) {       
  10.213 -		/*A nonsaturating push.*/
  10.214 -		
  10.215 -		flow.set(e, flo+exc);
  10.216 -		excess.set(v, excess.get(v)+exc);
  10.217 -		exc=0;
  10.218 -		break; 
  10.219 -		
  10.220 -	      } else { 
  10.221 -		/*A saturating push.*/
  10.222 -		
  10.223 -		flow.set(e, cap );
  10.224 -		excess.set(v, excess.get(v)+remcap);
  10.225 -		exc-=remcap;
  10.226 -	      }
  10.227 -	    } else if ( newlevel > level.get(v) ) newlevel = level.get(v);
  10.228 -	    
  10.229 -	  } //for out edges wv 
  10.230 -	
  10.231 -	
  10.232 -	if ( exc > 0 ) {	
  10.233 -	  for( InEdgeIt e=G.template first<InEdgeIt>(w); e.valid(); ++e) {
  10.234 -	    
  10.235 -	    if( flow.get(e) == 0 ) continue; 
  10.236 -	    NodeIt v=G.tail(e);  
  10.237 -	    //e=vw
  10.238 -	    
  10.239 -	    if( lev > level.get(v) ) {  
  10.240 -	      /*Push is allowed now*/
  10.241 -	      
  10.242 -	      if ( excess.get(v)==0 && v !=t && v!=s ) 
  10.243 -		stack[level.get(v)].push(v); 
  10.244 -	      /*v becomes active.*/
  10.245 -	      
  10.246 -	      T flo=flow.get(e);
  10.247 -	      
  10.248 -	      if ( flo >= exc ) { 
  10.249 -		/*A nonsaturating push.*/
  10.250 -		
  10.251 -		flow.set(e, flo-exc);
  10.252 -		excess.set(v, excess.get(v)+exc);
  10.253 -		exc=0;
  10.254 -		break; 
  10.255 -	      } else {                                               
  10.256 -		/*A saturating push.*/
  10.257 -		
  10.258 -		excess.set(v, excess.get(v)+flo);
  10.259 -		exc-=flo;
  10.260 -		flow.set(e,0);
  10.261 -	      }  
  10.262 -	    } else if ( newlevel > level.get(v) ) newlevel = level.get(v);
  10.263 -	    
  10.264 -	  } //for in edges vw
  10.265 -	  
  10.266 -	} // if w still has excess after the out edge for cycle
  10.267 -	
  10.268 -	excess.set(w, exc);
  10.269 -	  
  10.270 -
  10.271 -	/*
  10.272 -	  Relabel
  10.273 -	*/
  10.274 -	
  10.275 -	if ( exc > 0 ) {
  10.276 -	  //now 'lev' is the old level of w
  10.277 -	
  10.278 -	  if ( phase ) {
  10.279 -	    level.set(w,++newlevel);
  10.280 -	    stack[newlevel].push(w);
  10.281 -	    b=newlevel;
  10.282 -	  } else {
  10.283 -
  10.284 -	    if ( newlevel >= n-2 || --numb[lev] == 0 ) {
  10.285 -	      
  10.286 -	      level.set(w,n);
  10.287 -	      
  10.288 -	      if ( newlevel < n ) {
  10.289 -		
  10.290 -		std::queue<NodeIt> bfs_queue;
  10.291 -		bfs_queue.push(w);
  10.292 -
  10.293 -		while (!bfs_queue.empty()) {
  10.294 -
  10.295 -		  NodeIt v=bfs_queue.front();	
  10.296 -		  bfs_queue.pop();
  10.297 -
  10.298 -		  for(OutEdgeIt e=G.template first<OutEdgeIt>(v); e.valid(); ++e) {
  10.299 -		    if ( capacity.get(e) == flow.get(e) ) continue;
  10.300 -		    NodeIt u=G.head(e);
  10.301 -		    if ( level.get(u) < n ) { 
  10.302 -		      bfs_queue.push(u);
  10.303 -		      --numb[level.get(u)];
  10.304 -		      level.set(u, n);
  10.305 -		    }
  10.306 -		  }
  10.307 -
  10.308 -		  for(InEdgeIt e=G.template first<InEdgeIt>(v); e.valid(); ++e) {
  10.309 -		    if ( 0 == flow.get(e) ) continue;
  10.310 -		    NodeIt u=G.tail(e);
  10.311 -		    if ( level.get(u) < n ) { 
  10.312 -		      bfs_queue.push(u);
  10.313 -		      --numb[level.get(u)];
  10.314 -		      level.set(u, n);
  10.315 -		    }
  10.316 -		  }
  10.317 -		}
  10.318 -	      }
  10.319 -	      b=n-1;
  10.320 -
  10.321 -	    } else {
  10.322 -	      level.set(w,++newlevel);
  10.323 -	      stack[newlevel].push(w);
  10.324 -	      ++numb[newlevel];
  10.325 -	      b=newlevel;
  10.326 -	    }
  10.327 -	  }
  10.328 -	}
  10.329 -
  10.330 - 
  10.331 -	
  10.332 -	} // if stack[b] is nonempty
  10.333 -	
  10.334 -      } // while(true)
  10.335 -
  10.336 -
  10.337 -      value = excess.get(t);
  10.338 -      /*Max flow value.*/
  10.339 -
  10.340 -
  10.341 -    } //void run()
  10.342 -
  10.343 -
  10.344 -
  10.345 -
  10.346 -
  10.347 -    /*
  10.348 -      Returns the maximum value of a flow.
  10.349 -     */
  10.350 -
  10.351 -    T maxFlow() {
  10.352 -      return value;
  10.353 -    }
  10.354 -
  10.355 -
  10.356 -
  10.357 -    /*
  10.358 -      For the maximum flow x found by the algorithm, 
  10.359 -      it returns the flow value on edge e, i.e. x(e). 
  10.360 -    */
  10.361 -
  10.362 -    T flowOnEdge(EdgeIt e) {
  10.363 -      return flow.get(e);
  10.364 -    }
  10.365 -
  10.366 -
  10.367 -
  10.368 -    /*
  10.369 -      Returns the maximum flow x found by the algorithm.
  10.370 -    */
  10.371 -
  10.372 -    FlowMap Flow() {
  10.373 -      return flow;
  10.374 -    }
  10.375 -
  10.376 -
  10.377 -
  10.378 -
  10.379 -    /*
  10.380 -      Returns the minimum min cut, by a bfs from s in the residual graph.
  10.381 -    */
  10.382 -    
  10.383 -    template<typename CutMap>
  10.384 -    void minCut(CutMap& M) {
  10.385 -    
  10.386 -      std::queue<NodeIt> queue;
  10.387 -      
  10.388 -      M.set(s,true);      
  10.389 -      queue.push(s);
  10.390 -
  10.391 -      while (!queue.empty()) {
  10.392 -        NodeIt w=queue.front();
  10.393 -	queue.pop();
  10.394 -
  10.395 -	for(OutEdgeIt e=G.template first<OutEdgeIt>(w) ; e.valid(); ++e) {
  10.396 -	  NodeIt v=G.head(e);
  10.397 -	  if (!M.get(v) && flow.get(e) < capacity.get(e) ) {
  10.398 -	    queue.push(v);
  10.399 -	    M.set(v, true);
  10.400 -	  }
  10.401 -	} 
  10.402 -
  10.403 -	for(InEdgeIt e=G.template first<InEdgeIt>(w) ; e.valid(); ++e) {
  10.404 -	  NodeIt v=G.tail(e);
  10.405 -	  if (!M.get(v) && flow.get(e) > 0 ) {
  10.406 -	    queue.push(v);
  10.407 -	    M.set(v, true);
  10.408 -	  }
  10.409 -	} 
  10.410 -
  10.411 -      }
  10.412 -
  10.413 -    }
  10.414 -
  10.415 -
  10.416 -
  10.417 -    /*
  10.418 -      Returns the maximum min cut, by a reverse bfs 
  10.419 -      from t in the residual graph.
  10.420 -    */
  10.421 -    
  10.422 -    template<typename CutMap>
  10.423 -    void maxMinCut(CutMap& M) {
  10.424 -    
  10.425 -      std::queue<NodeIt> queue;
  10.426 -      
  10.427 -      M.set(t,true);        
  10.428 -      queue.push(t);
  10.429 -
  10.430 -      while (!queue.empty()) {
  10.431 -        NodeIt w=queue.front();
  10.432 -	queue.pop();
  10.433 -
  10.434 -	for(InEdgeIt e=G.template first<InEdgeIt>(w) ; e.valid(); ++e) {
  10.435 -	  NodeIt v=G.tail(e);
  10.436 -	  if (!M.get(v) && flow.get(e) < capacity.get(e) ) {
  10.437 -	    queue.push(v);
  10.438 -	    M.set(v, true);
  10.439 -	  }
  10.440 -	}
  10.441 -
  10.442 -	for(OutEdgeIt e=G.template first<OutEdgeIt>(w) ; e.valid(); ++e) {
  10.443 -	  NodeIt v=G.head(e);
  10.444 -	  if (!M.get(v) && flow.get(e) > 0 ) {
  10.445 -	    queue.push(v);
  10.446 -	    M.set(v, true);
  10.447 -	  }
  10.448 -	}
  10.449 -      }
  10.450 -
  10.451 -      for(EachNodeIt v=G.template first<EachNodeIt>() ; v.valid(); ++v) {
  10.452 -	M.set(v, !M.get(v));
  10.453 -      }
  10.454 -
  10.455 -    }
  10.456 -
  10.457 -
  10.458 -
  10.459 -    template<typename CutMap>
  10.460 -    void minMinCut(CutMap& M) {
  10.461 -      minCut(M);
  10.462 -    }
  10.463 -
  10.464 -
  10.465 -
  10.466 -  };
  10.467 -}//namespace
  10.468 -#endif 
  10.469 -
  10.470 -
  10.471 -
  10.472 -
    11.1 --- a/src/work/jacint/	Mon Mar 01 17:24:34 2004 +0000
    11.2 +++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
    11.3 @@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
    11.4 -#include <iostream>
    11.5 -#include <fstream>
    11.6 -
    11.7 -#include <list_graph.hh>
    11.8 -#include <dimacs.hh>
    11.9 -#include <preflow_hl4.h>
   11.10 -#include <time_measure.h>
   11.11 -
   11.12 -using namespace hugo;
   11.13 -
   11.14 -//Note, that preflow_hl4.h has a member NodeMap<bool> cut, 
   11.15 -//the construction of which slowing the running time by 1-10%.
   11.16 -
   11.17 -// Use a DIMACS max flow file as stdin.
   11.18 -// read_dimacs_demo < dimacs_max_flow_file
   11.19 -int main(int, char **) {
   11.20 -  typedef ListGraph::NodeIt NodeIt;
   11.21 -  typedef ListGraph::EachEdgeIt EachEdgeIt;
   11.22 -
   11.23 -  ListGraph G;
   11.24 -  NodeIt s, t;
   11.25 -  ListGraph::EdgeMap<int> cap(G);
   11.26 -  readDimacsMaxFlow(std::cin, G, s, t, cap);
   11.27 -
   11.28 -  std::cout << "preflow_hl4 demo ..." << std::endl;
   11.29 -  
   11.30 -  double mintime=1000000;
   11.31 -
   11.32 -  for ( int i=1; i!=11; ++i ) {
   11.33 -    double pre_time=currTime();
   11.34 -    preflow_hl4<ListGraph, int> max_flow_test(G, s, t, cap);
   11.35 -    double post_time=currTime();
   11.36 -    if ( mintime > post_time-pre_time ) mintime = post_time-pre_time;
   11.37 -  }
   11.38 -
   11.39 -  double pre_time=currTime();
   11.40 -  preflow_hl4<ListGraph, int> max_flow_test(G, s, t, cap);
   11.41 -  double post_time=currTime();
   11.42 -     
   11.43 -  ListGraph::NodeMap<bool> cut(G);
   11.44 -  max_flow_test.minCut(cut); 
   11.45 -  int min_cut_value=0;
   11.46 -  for(EachEdgeIt e=G.first<EachEdgeIt>(); e.valid(); ++e) {
   11.47 -    if (cut.get(G.tail(e)) && !cut.get(G.head(e))) min_cut_value+=cap.get(e);
   11.48 -  }
   11.49 -
   11.50 -  ListGraph::NodeMap<bool> cut1(G);
   11.51 -  max_flow_test.minMinCut(cut1); 
   11.52 -  int min_min_cut_value=0;
   11.53 -  for(EachEdgeIt e=G.first<EachEdgeIt>(); e.valid(); ++e) {
   11.54 -    if (cut.get(G.tail(e)) && !cut.get(G.head(e))) 
   11.55 -      min_min_cut_value+=cap.get(e);
   11.56 -  }
   11.57 -
   11.58 -  ListGraph::NodeMap<bool> cut2(G);
   11.59 -  max_flow_test.maxMinCut(cut2); 
   11.60 -  int max_min_cut_value=0;
   11.61 -  for(EachEdgeIt e=G.first<EachEdgeIt>(); e.valid(); ++e) {
   11.62 -    if (cut2.get(G.tail(e)) && !cut2.get(G.head(e))) 
   11.63 -      max_min_cut_value+=cap.get(e);
   11.64 -  }
   11.65 -  
   11.66 -  std::cout << "min time of 10 runs: " << mintime << " sec"<< std::endl; 
   11.67 -  std::cout << "phase 0: " << max_flow_test.time-pre_time 
   11.68 -	    << " sec"<< std::endl; 
   11.69 -  std::cout << "phase 1: " << post_time-max_flow_test.time 
   11.70 -	    << " sec"<< std::endl; 
   11.71 -  std::cout << "flow value: "<< max_flow_test.maxFlow() << std::endl;
   11.72 -  std::cout << "min cut value: "<< min_cut_value << std::endl;
   11.73 -  std::cout << "min min cut value: "<< min_min_cut_value << std::endl;
   11.74 -  std::cout << "max min cut value: "<< max_min_cut_value << 
   11.75 -    std::endl<< std::endl;
   11.76 -
   11.77 -  
   11.78 -  return 0;
   11.79 -}
    12.1 --- a/src/work/jacint/preflow_hl4.h	Mon Mar 01 17:24:34 2004 +0000
    12.2 +++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
    12.3 @@ -1,602 +0,0 @@
    12.4 -// -*- C++ -*-
    12.5 -/*
    12.6 -preflow_h5.h
    12.7 -by jacint. 
    12.8 -Heuristics: 
    12.9 - 2 phase
   12.10 - gap
   12.11 - list 'level_list' on the nodes on level i implemented by hand
   12.12 - highest label
   12.13 - relevel: in phase 0, after BFS*n relabels, it runs a reverse 
   12.14 -   bfs from t in the res graph to relevel the nodes reachable from t.
   12.15 -   BFS is initialized to 20
   12.16 -
   12.17 -Due to the last heuristic, this algorithm is quite fast on very 
   12.18 -sparse graphs, but relatively bad on even the dense graphs.
   12.19 -
   12.20 -'NodeMap<bool> cut' is a member, in this way we can count it fast, after
   12.21 -the algorithm was run.
   12.22 -
   12.23 -The constructor runs the algorithm.
   12.24 -
   12.25 -Members:
   12.26 -
   12.27 -T maxFlow() : returns the value of a maximum flow
   12.28 -
   12.29 -T flowOnEdge(EdgeIt e) : for a fixed maximum flow x it returns x(e) 
   12.30 -
   12.31 -FlowMap Flow() : returns the fixed maximum flow x
   12.32 -
   12.33 -void Flow(FlowMap& _flow ) : returns the fixed maximum flow x
   12.34 -
   12.35 -void minMinCut(CutMap& M) : sets M to the characteristic vector of the 
   12.36 -     minimum min cut. M should be a map of bools initialized to false.
   12.37 -
   12.38 -void maxMinCut(CutMap& M) : sets M to the characteristic vector of the 
   12.39 -     maximum min cut. M should be a map of bools initialized to false.
   12.40 -
   12.41 -void minCut(CutMap& M) : fast function, sets M to the characteristic 
   12.42 -     vector of a minimum cut. 
   12.43 -
   12.44 -Different member from the other preflow_hl-s (here we have a member 
   12.45 -'NodeMap<bool> cut').
   12.46 -
   12.47 -CutMap minCut() : fast function, giving the characteristic 
   12.48 -     vector of a minimum cut.
   12.49 -
   12.50 -
   12.51 -*/
   12.52 -
   12.53 -#ifndef PREFLOW_HL4_H
   12.54 -#define PREFLOW_HL4_H
   12.55 -
   12.56 -#define BFS 20
   12.57 -
   12.58 -#include <vector>
   12.59 -#include <queue>
   12.60 -
   12.61 -#include <time_measure.h>  //for test
   12.62 -
   12.63 -namespace hugo {
   12.64 -
   12.65 -  template <typename Graph, typename T, 
   12.66 -    typename FlowMap=typename Graph::EdgeMap<T>, 
   12.67 -    typename CutMap=typename Graph::NodeMap<bool>,
   12.68 -    typename CapMap=typename Graph::EdgeMap<T> >
   12.69 -  class preflow_hl4 {
   12.70 -    
   12.71 -    typedef typename Graph::NodeIt NodeIt;
   12.72 -    typedef typename Graph::EdgeIt EdgeIt;
   12.73 -    typedef typename Graph::EachNodeIt EachNodeIt;
   12.74 -    typedef typename Graph::OutEdgeIt OutEdgeIt;
   12.75 -    typedef typename Graph::InEdgeIt InEdgeIt;
   12.76 -    
   12.77 -    Graph& G;
   12.78 -    NodeIt s;
   12.79 -    NodeIt t;
   12.80 -    FlowMap flow;
   12.81 -    CapMap& capacity;  
   12.82 -    CutMap cut;
   12.83 -    T value;
   12.84 -    
   12.85 -  public:
   12.86 -
   12.87 -    double time;
   12.88 -
   12.89 -    preflow_hl4(Graph& _G, NodeIt _s, NodeIt _t, CapMap& _capacity) :
   12.90 -      G(_G), s(_s), t(_t), flow(_G, 0), capacity(_capacity), 
   12.91 -      cut(G, false) {
   12.92 -
   12.93 -      bool phase=0;   //phase 0 is the 1st phase, phase 1 is the 2nd
   12.94 -      int n=G.nodeNum(); 
   12.95 -      int relabel=0;
   12.96 -      int heur=(int)BFS*n;
   12.97 -      int k=n-2;
   12.98 -      int b=k;
   12.99 -      /*
  12.100 -	b is a bound on the highest level of the stack. 
  12.101 -	k is a bound on the highest nonempty level i < n.
  12.102 -      */
  12.103 -
  12.104 -      typename Graph::NodeMap<int> level(G,n);      
  12.105 -      typename Graph::NodeMap<T> excess(G); 
  12.106 -      
  12.107 -      std::vector<NodeIt> active(n);
  12.108 -      typename Graph::NodeMap<NodeIt> next(G);
  12.109 -      //Stack of the active nodes in level i < n.
  12.110 -      //We use it in both phases.
  12.111 -
  12.112 -      typename Graph::NodeMap<NodeIt> left(G);
  12.113 -      typename Graph::NodeMap<NodeIt> right(G);
  12.114 -      std::vector<NodeIt> level_list(n);
  12.115 -      /*
  12.116 -	Needed for the list of the nodes in level i.
  12.117 -      */
  12.118 -
  12.119 -      /*Reverse_bfs from t, to find the starting level.*/
  12.120 -      level.set(t,0);
  12.121 -      std::queue<NodeIt> bfs_queue;
  12.122 -      bfs_queue.push(t);
  12.123 -
  12.124 -      while (!bfs_queue.empty()) {
  12.125 -
  12.126 -	NodeIt v=bfs_queue.front();	
  12.127 -	bfs_queue.pop();
  12.128 -	int l=level.get(v)+1;
  12.129 -
  12.130 -	for(InEdgeIt e=G.template first<InEdgeIt>(v); e.valid(); ++e) {
  12.131 -	  NodeIt w=G.tail(e);
  12.132 -	  if ( level.get(w) == n && w !=s ) {
  12.133 -	    bfs_queue.push(w);
  12.134 -	    NodeIt first=level_list[l];
  12.135 -	    if ( first != 0 ) left.set(first,w);
  12.136 -	    right.set(w,first);
  12.137 -	    level_list[l]=w;
  12.138 -	    level.set(w, l);
  12.139 -	  }
  12.140 -	}
  12.141 -      }
  12.142 -      
  12.143 -      level.set(s,n);
  12.144 -
  12.145 -
  12.146 -      /* Starting flow. It is everywhere 0 at the moment. */     
  12.147 -      for(OutEdgeIt e=G.template first<OutEdgeIt>(s); e.valid(); ++e) 
  12.148 -	{
  12.149 -	  T c=capacity.get(e);
  12.150 -	  if ( c == 0 ) continue;
  12.151 -	  NodeIt w=G.head(e);
  12.152 -	  if ( level.get(w) < n ) {	  
  12.153 -	    if ( excess.get(w) == 0 && w!=t ) {
  12.154 -	      next.set(w,active[level.get(w)]);
  12.155 -	      active[level.get(w)]=w;
  12.156 -	    }
  12.157 -	    flow.set(e, c); 
  12.158 -	    excess.set(w, excess.get(w)+c);
  12.159 -	  }
  12.160 -	}
  12.161 -      /* 
  12.162 -	 End of preprocessing 
  12.163 -      */
  12.164 -
  12.165 -
  12.166 -      /*
  12.167 -	Push/relabel on the highest level active nodes.
  12.168 -      */	
  12.169 -      while ( true ) {
  12.170 -
  12.171 -	if ( b == 0 ) {
  12.172 -	  if ( phase ) break;
  12.173 -	  
  12.174 -	  /*
  12.175 -	    In the end of phase 0 we apply a bfs from s in
  12.176 -	    the residual graph.
  12.177 -	  */
  12.178 -	  phase=1;
  12.179 -	  
  12.180 -	  //Now have a min cut.
  12.181 -	  for( EachNodeIt v=G.template first<EachNodeIt>(); 
  12.182 -	       v.valid(); ++v) 
  12.183 -	    if (level.get(v) >= n ) cut.set(v,true);
  12.184 -	  
  12.185 -	  time=currTime();
  12.186 -	  level.set(s,0);
  12.187 -	  std::queue<NodeIt> bfs_queue;
  12.188 -	  bfs_queue.push(s);
  12.189 -	  
  12.190 -	  while (!bfs_queue.empty()) {
  12.191 -	    
  12.192 -	    NodeIt v=bfs_queue.front();	
  12.193 -	    bfs_queue.pop();
  12.194 -	    int l=level.get(v)+1;
  12.195 -
  12.196 -	    for(InEdgeIt e=G.template first<InEdgeIt>(v); e.valid(); ++e) {
  12.197 -	      if ( capacity.get(e) == flow.get(e) ) continue;
  12.198 -	      NodeIt u=G.tail(e);
  12.199 -	      if ( level.get(u) >= n ) { 
  12.200 -		bfs_queue.push(u);
  12.201 -		level.set(u, l);
  12.202 -		if ( excess.get(u) > 0 ) {
  12.203 -		    next.set(u,active[l]);
  12.204 -		    active[l]=u;
  12.205 -		}
  12.206 -	      }
  12.207 -	    }
  12.208 -
  12.209 -	    for(OutEdgeIt e=G.template first<OutEdgeIt>(v); e.valid(); ++e) {
  12.210 -	      if ( 0 == flow.get(e) ) continue;
  12.211 -	      NodeIt u=G.head(e);
  12.212 -	      if ( level.get(u) >= n ) { 
  12.213 -		bfs_queue.push(u);
  12.214 -		level.set(u, l);
  12.215 -		if ( excess.get(u) > 0 ) {
  12.216 -		    next.set(u,active[l]);
  12.217 -		    active[l]=u;
  12.218 -		}
  12.219 -	      }
  12.220 -	    }
  12.221 -	  }
  12.222 -	  b=n-2;
  12.223 -	}
  12.224 -
  12.225 -
  12.226 -	if ( active[b] == 0 ) --b;
  12.227 -	else {
  12.228 -	  
  12.229 -	  NodeIt w=active[b];
  12.230 -	  active[b]=next.get(w);
  12.231 -	  int lev=level.get(w);
  12.232 -	  T exc=excess.get(w);
  12.233 -	  int newlevel=n;          //bound on the next level of w.
  12.234 -	  
  12.235 -	  for(OutEdgeIt e=G.template first<OutEdgeIt>(w); e.valid(); ++e) {
  12.236 -	    
  12.237 -	    if ( flow.get(e) == capacity.get(e) ) continue; 
  12.238 -	    NodeIt v=G.head(e);            
  12.239 -	    //e=wv	    
  12.240 -	    
  12.241 -	    if( lev > level.get(v) ) {      
  12.242 -	      /*Push is allowed now*/
  12.243 -	      
  12.244 -	      if ( excess.get(v)==0 && v!=t && v!=s )  {
  12.245 -		int lev_v=level.get(v);
  12.246 -		next.set(v,active[lev_v]);
  12.247 -		active[lev_v]=v;
  12.248 -	      }
  12.249 -	      
  12.250 -	      T cap=capacity.get(e);
  12.251 -	      T flo=flow.get(e);
  12.252 -	      T remcap=cap-flo;
  12.253 -	      
  12.254 -	      if ( remcap >= exc ) {       
  12.255 -		/*A nonsaturating push.*/
  12.256 -		
  12.257 -		flow.set(e, flo+exc);
  12.258 -		excess.set(v, excess.get(v)+exc);
  12.259 -		exc=0;
  12.260 -		break; 
  12.261 -		
  12.262 -	      } else { 
  12.263 -		/*A saturating push.*/
  12.264 -		
  12.265 -		flow.set(e, cap);
  12.266 -		excess.set(v, excess.get(v)+remcap);
  12.267 -		exc-=remcap;
  12.268 -	      }
  12.269 -	    } else if ( newlevel > level.get(v) ){
  12.270 -	      newlevel = level.get(v);
  12.271 -	    }	    
  12.272 -	    
  12.273 -	  } //for out edges wv 
  12.274 -	
  12.275 -	
  12.276 -	if ( exc > 0 ) {	
  12.277 -	  for( InEdgeIt e=G.template first<InEdgeIt>(w); e.valid(); ++e) {
  12.278 -	    
  12.279 -	    if( flow.get(e) == 0 ) continue; 
  12.280 -	    NodeIt v=G.tail(e);  
  12.281 -	    //e=vw
  12.282 -	    
  12.283 -	    if( lev > level.get(v) ) {  
  12.284 -	      /*Push is allowed now*/
  12.285 -	      
  12.286 -	      if ( excess.get(v)==0 && v!=t && v!=s ) {
  12.287 -		int lev_v=level.get(v);
  12.288 -		next.set(v,active[lev_v]);
  12.289 -		active[lev_v]=v;
  12.290 -	      }
  12.291 -	      
  12.292 -	      T flo=flow.get(e);
  12.293 -	      
  12.294 -	      if ( flo >= exc ) { 
  12.295 -		/*A nonsaturating push.*/
  12.296 -		
  12.297 -		flow.set(e, flo-exc);
  12.298 -		excess.set(v, excess.get(v)+exc);
  12.299 -		exc=0;
  12.300 -		break; 
  12.301 -	      } else {                                               
  12.302 -		/*A saturating push.*/
  12.303 -		
  12.304 -		excess.set(v, excess.get(v)+flo);
  12.305 -		exc-=flo;
  12.306 -		flow.set(e,0);
  12.307 -	      }  
  12.308 -	    } else if ( newlevel > level.get(v) ) {
  12.309 -	      newlevel = level.get(v);
  12.310 -	    }	    
  12.311 -	  } //for in edges vw
  12.312 -	  
  12.313 -	} // if w still has excess after the out edge for cycle
  12.314 -	
  12.315 -	excess.set(w, exc);
  12.316 -	 
  12.317 -	/*
  12.318 -	  Relabel
  12.319 -	*/
  12.320 -	
  12.321 -	if ( exc > 0 ) {
  12.322 -	  //now 'lev' is the old level of w
  12.323 -	
  12.324 -	  if ( phase ) {
  12.325 -	    level.set(w,++newlevel);
  12.326 -	    next.set(w,active[newlevel]);
  12.327 -	    active[newlevel]=w;
  12.328 -	    b=newlevel;
  12.329 -	  } else {
  12.330 -	    //unlacing
  12.331 -	    NodeIt right_n=right.get(w);
  12.332 -	    NodeIt left_n=left.get(w);
  12.333 -
  12.334 -	    if ( right_n != 0 ) {
  12.335 -	      if ( left_n != 0 ) {
  12.336 -		right.set(left_n, right_n);
  12.337 -		left.set(right_n, left_n);
  12.338 -	      } else {
  12.339 -		level_list[lev]=right_n;
  12.340 -		left.set(right_n, 0);
  12.341 -	      } 
  12.342 -	    } else {
  12.343 -	      if ( left_n != 0 ) {
  12.344 -		right.set(left_n, 0);
  12.345 -	      } else { 
  12.346 -		level_list[lev]=0;
  12.347 -	      } 
  12.348 -	    }
  12.349 -	    //unlacing ends
  12.350 -		
  12.351 -
  12.352 -	    if ( level_list[lev]==0 ) {
  12.353 -
  12.354 -	      for (int i=lev; i!=k ; ) {
  12.355 -		NodeIt v=level_list[++i];
  12.356 -		while ( v != 0 ) {
  12.357 -		  level.set(v,n);
  12.358 -		  v=right.get(v);
  12.359 -		}
  12.360 -		level_list[i]=0;
  12.361 -	      }	     
  12.362 -
  12.363 -	      level.set(w,n);
  12.364 -
  12.365 -	      b=--lev;
  12.366 -	      k=b;
  12.367 -
  12.368 -	    } else {
  12.369 -
  12.370 -	      if ( newlevel == n ) {
  12.371 -		level.set(w,n);
  12.372 -	      } else {
  12.373 -		
  12.374 -		level.set(w,++newlevel);
  12.375 -		next.set(w,active[newlevel]);
  12.376 -		active[newlevel]=w;
  12.377 -		b=newlevel;
  12.378 -		if ( k < newlevel ) ++k;
  12.379 -		NodeIt first=level_list[newlevel];
  12.380 -		if ( first != 0 ) left.set(first,w);
  12.381 -		right.set(w,first);
  12.382 -		left.set(w,0);
  12.383 -		level_list[newlevel]=w;
  12.384 -	      }
  12.385 -	    }
  12.386 -
  12.387 -	    ++relabel;
  12.388 -	    if ( relabel >= heur ) {
  12.389 -	      relabel=0;
  12.390 -	      b=n-2;
  12.391 -	      k=b;
  12.392 -		
  12.393 -	      for ( int i=1; i!=n; ++i ) { 
  12.394 -		active[i]=0;
  12.395 -		level_list[i]=0;
  12.396 -	      }
  12.397 -
  12.398 -	      //bfs from t in the res graph to relevel the nodes
  12.399 -	      for( EachNodeIt v=G.template first<EachNodeIt>(); 
  12.400 -		   v.valid(); ++v) level.set(v,n);
  12.401 -
  12.402 -	      level.set(t,0);
  12.403 -	      std::queue<NodeIt> bfs_queue;
  12.404 -	      bfs_queue.push(t);
  12.405 -	      
  12.406 -	      while (!bfs_queue.empty()) {
  12.407 -		
  12.408 -		NodeIt v=bfs_queue.front();	
  12.409 -		bfs_queue.pop();
  12.410 -		int l=level.get(v)+1;
  12.411 -		
  12.412 -		for(InEdgeIt e=G.template first<InEdgeIt>(v); 
  12.413 -		    e.valid(); ++e) {
  12.414 -		  if ( capacity.get(e) == flow.get(e) ) continue;
  12.415 -		  NodeIt u=G.tail(e);
  12.416 -		  if ( level.get(u) == n ) { 
  12.417 -		    bfs_queue.push(u);
  12.418 -		    level.set(u, l);
  12.419 -		    if ( excess.get(u) > 0 ) {
  12.420 -		      next.set(u,active[l]);
  12.421 -		      active[l]=u;
  12.422 -		    }
  12.423 -		    NodeIt first=level_list[l];
  12.424 -		    if ( first != 0 ) left.set(first,w);
  12.425 -		    right.set(w,first);
  12.426 -		    left.set(w,0);
  12.427 -		    level_list[l]=w;
  12.428 -		  }
  12.429 -		}
  12.430 -		
  12.431 -		
  12.432 -		for(OutEdgeIt e=G.template first<OutEdgeIt>(v); 
  12.433 -		    e.valid(); ++e) {
  12.434 -		  if ( 0 == flow.get(e) ) continue;
  12.435 -		  NodeIt u=G.head(e);
  12.436 -		  if ( level.get(u) == n ) { 
  12.437 -		    bfs_queue.push(u);
  12.438 -		    level.set(u, l);
  12.439 -		    if ( excess.get(u) > 0 ) {
  12.440 -		      next.set(u,active[l]);
  12.441 -		      active[l]=u;
  12.442 -		    }
  12.443 -		    NodeIt first=level_list[l];
  12.444 -		    if ( first != 0 ) left.set(first,w);
  12.445 -		    right.set(w,first);
  12.446 -		    left.set(w,0);
  12.447 -		    level_list[l]=w;
  12.448 -		  }
  12.449 -		}
  12.450 -	      }
  12.451 -	      
  12.452 -	      level.set(s,n);
  12.453 -	    }
  12.454 -	  
  12.455 -	  } //phase 0
  12.456 -	} // if ( exc > 0 )
  12.457 -	
  12.458 -	
  12.459 -	} // if stack[b] is nonempty
  12.460 -	
  12.461 -      } // while(true)
  12.462 -
  12.463 -
  12.464 -      value = excess.get(t);
  12.465 -      /*Max flow value.*/
  12.466 -
  12.467 -
  12.468 -    } //void run()
  12.469 -
  12.470 -
  12.471 -
  12.472 -
  12.473 -
  12.474 -    /*
  12.475 -      Returns the maximum value of a flow.
  12.476 -     */
  12.477 -
  12.478 -    T maxFlow() {
  12.479 -      return value;
  12.480 -    }
  12.481 -
  12.482 -
  12.483 -
  12.484 -    /*
  12.485 -      For the maximum flow x found by the algorithm, it returns the flow value on Edge e, i.e. x(e). 
  12.486 -    */
  12.487 -
  12.488 -    T flowOnEdge(EdgeIt e) {
  12.489 -      return flow.get(e);
  12.490 -    }
  12.491 -
  12.492 -
  12.493 -
  12.494 -    FlowMap Flow() {
  12.495 -      return flow;
  12.496 -    }
  12.497 -
  12.498 -
  12.499 -    
  12.500 -    void Flow(FlowMap& _flow ) {
  12.501 -      for(EachNodeIt v=G.template first<EachNodeIt>() ; v.valid(); ++v)
  12.502 -	_flow.set(v,flow.get(v));
  12.503 -    }
  12.504 -
  12.505 -
  12.506 -
  12.507 -    /*
  12.508 -      Returns the minimum min cut, by a bfs from s in the residual graph.
  12.509 -    */
  12.510 -    
  12.511 -    template<typename _CutMap>
  12.512 -    void minMinCut(_CutMap& M) {
  12.513 -    
  12.514 -      std::queue<NodeIt> queue;
  12.515 -      
  12.516 -      M.set(s,true);      
  12.517 -      queue.push(s);
  12.518 -
  12.519 -      while (!queue.empty()) {
  12.520 -        NodeIt w=queue.front();
  12.521 -	queue.pop();
  12.522 -
  12.523 -	for(OutEdgeIt e=G.template first<OutEdgeIt>(w) ; e.valid(); ++e) {
  12.524 -	  NodeIt v=G.head(e);
  12.525 -	  if (!M.get(v) && flow.get(e) < capacity.get(e) ) {
  12.526 -	    queue.push(v);
  12.527 -	    M.set(v, true);
  12.528 -	  }
  12.529 -	} 
  12.530 -
  12.531 -	for(InEdgeIt e=G.template first<InEdgeIt>(w) ; e.valid(); ++e) {
  12.532 -	  NodeIt v=G.tail(e);
  12.533 -	  if (!M.get(v) && flow.get(e) > 0 ) {
  12.534 -	    queue.push(v);
  12.535 -	    M.set(v, true);
  12.536 -	  }
  12.537 -	} 
  12.538 -
  12.539 -      }
  12.540 -
  12.541 -    }
  12.542 -
  12.543 -
  12.544 -
  12.545 -    /*
  12.546 -      Returns the maximum min cut, by a reverse bfs 
  12.547 -      from t in the residual graph.
  12.548 -    */
  12.549 -    
  12.550 -    template<typename _CutMap>
  12.551 -    void maxMinCut(_CutMap& M) {
  12.552 -    
  12.553 -      std::queue<NodeIt> queue;
  12.554 -      
  12.555 -      M.set(t,true);        
  12.556 -      queue.push(t);
  12.557 -
  12.558 -      while (!queue.empty()) {
  12.559 -        NodeIt w=queue.front();
  12.560 -	queue.pop();
  12.561 -
  12.562 -	for(InEdgeIt e=G.template first<InEdgeIt>(w) ; e.valid(); ++e) {
  12.563 -	  NodeIt v=G.tail(e);
  12.564 -	  if (!M.get(v) && flow.get(e) < capacity.get(e) ) {
  12.565 -	    queue.push(v);
  12.566 -	    M.set(v, true);
  12.567 -	  }
  12.568 -	}
  12.569 -
  12.570 -	for(OutEdgeIt e=G.template first<OutEdgeIt>(w) ; e.valid(); ++e) {
  12.571 -	  NodeIt v=G.head(e);
  12.572 -	  if (!M.get(v) && flow.get(e) > 0 ) {
  12.573 -	    queue.push(v);
  12.574 -	    M.set(v, true);
  12.575 -	  }
  12.576 -	}
  12.577 -      }
  12.578 -
  12.579 -      for(EachNodeIt v=G.template first<EachNodeIt>() ; v.valid(); ++v) {
  12.580 -	M.set(v, !M.get(v));
  12.581 -      }
  12.582 -
  12.583 -    }
  12.584 -
  12.585 -
  12.586 -    template<typename _CutMap>
  12.587 -    void minCut(_CutMap& M) {
  12.588 -      for( EachNodeIt v=G.template first<EachNodeIt>(); 
  12.589 -	   v.valid(); ++v) 
  12.590 -	M.set(v, cut.get(v));
  12.591 -    }
  12.592 -
  12.593 -   
  12.594 -    CutMap minCut() {
  12.595 -      return cut;
  12.596 -    }
  12.597 -
  12.598 -
  12.599 -  };
  12.600 -}//namespace marci
  12.601 -#endif 
  12.602 -
  12.603 -
  12.604 -
  12.605 -
    13.1 --- a/src/work/jacint/	Mon Mar 01 17:24:34 2004 +0000
    13.2 +++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
    13.3 @@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
    13.4 -#include <iostream>
    13.5 -#include <fstream>
    13.6 -
    13.7 -#include <j_graph.h>
    13.8 -#include <dimacs_jgraph.hh>
    13.9 -#include <preflow_jgraph.h>
   13.10 -#include <time_measure.h>
   13.11 -
   13.12 -using namespace hugo;
   13.13 -
   13.14 -// Use a DIMACS max flow file as stdin.
   13.15 -// read_dimacs_demo < dimacs_max_flow_file
   13.16 -int main(int, char **) {
   13.17 -  typedef JGraph::TrivNodeIt TrivNodeIt;
   13.18 -  typedef JGraph::EdgeIt EdgeIt;
   13.19 -
   13.20 -  JGraph G;
   13.21 -  TrivNodeIt s, t;
   13.22 -  JGraph::EdgeMap<int> cap(G);
   13.23 -  readDimacsMaxFlow(std::cin, G, s, t, cap);
   13.24 -
   13.25 -  std::cout << "preflow demo jacint ..." << std::endl;
   13.26 -  
   13.27 -  double mintime=1000000;
   13.28 -
   13.29 -  for ( int i=1; i!=11; ++i ) {
   13.30 -    double pre_time=currTime();
   13.31 -    preflow<JGraph, int> max_flow_test(G, s, t, cap);
   13.32 -    double post_time=currTime();
   13.33 -    if ( mintime > post_time-pre_time ) mintime = post_time-pre_time;
   13.34 -  }
   13.35 -
   13.36 -  double pre_time=currTime();
   13.37 -    preflow<JGraph, int> max_flow_test(G, s, t, cap);
   13.38 -  double post_time=currTime();
   13.39 -    
   13.40 -  JGraph::NodeMap<bool> cut(G);
   13.41 -  max_flow_test.minCut(cut); 
   13.42 -  int min_cut_value=0;
   13.43 -  for(EdgeIt e=G.firstEdge(); e; {
   13.44 -    if (cut.get(G.tail(e)) && !cut.get(G.head(e))) min_cut_value+=cap.get(e);
   13.45 -  }
   13.46 -
   13.47 -  JGraph::NodeMap<bool> cut1(G);
   13.48 -  max_flow_test.minMinCut(cut1); 
   13.49 -  int min_min_cut_value=0;
   13.50 -  for(EdgeIt e=G.firstEdge(); e; {
   13.51 -    if (cut.get(G.tail(e)) && !cut.get(G.head(e))) 
   13.52 -      min_min_cut_value+=cap.get(e);
   13.53 -  }
   13.54 -
   13.55 -  JGraph::NodeMap<bool> cut2(G);
   13.56 -  max_flow_test.maxMinCut(cut2); 
   13.57 -  int max_min_cut_value=0;
   13.58 -  for(EdgeIt e=G.firstEdge(); e; {
   13.59 -    if (cut2.get(G.tail(e)) && !cut2.get(G.head(e))) 
   13.60 -      max_min_cut_value+=cap.get(e);
   13.61 -  }
   13.62 -  
   13.63 -  std::cout << "min time of 10 runs: " << mintime << " sec"<< std::endl; 
   13.64 -  std::cout << "phase 0: " << max_flow_test.time-pre_time 
   13.65 -	    << " sec"<< std::endl; 
   13.66 -  std::cout << "phase 1: " << post_time-max_flow_test.time 
   13.67 -	    << " sec"<< std::endl; 
   13.68 -  std::cout << "flow value: "<< max_flow_test.maxFlow() << std::endl;
   13.69 -  std::cout << "min cut value: "<< min_cut_value << std::endl;
   13.70 -  std::cout << "min min cut value: "<< min_min_cut_value << std::endl;
   13.71 -  std::cout << "max min cut value: "<< max_min_cut_value << 
   13.72 -    std::endl<< std::endl;
   13.73 -  
   13.74 -  return 0;
   13.75 -}
    14.1 --- a/src/work/jacint/preflow_jgraph.h	Mon Mar 01 17:24:34 2004 +0000
    14.2 +++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
    14.3 @@ -1,536 +0,0 @@
    14.4 -// -*- C++ -*-
    14.5 -/*
    14.6 -preflow.h with 'j_graph interface'
    14.7 -by jacint. 
    14.8 -Heuristics: 
    14.9 - 2 phase
   14.10 - gap
   14.11 - list 'level_list' on the nodes on level i implemented by hand
   14.12 - stack 'active' on the active nodes on level i implemented by hand
   14.13 - runs heuristic 'highest label' for H1*n relabels
   14.14 - runs heuristic 'bound decrease' for H0*n relabels, starts with 'highest label'
   14.15 - 
   14.16 -Parameters H0 and H1 are initialized to 20 and 10.
   14.17 -
   14.18 -The best preflow I could ever write.
   14.19 -
   14.20 -The constructor runs the algorithm.
   14.21 -
   14.22 -Members:
   14.23 -
   14.24 -T maxFlow() : returns the value of a maximum flow
   14.25 -
   14.26 -T flowOnEdge(EdgeIt e) : for a fixed maximum flow x it returns x(e) 
   14.27 -
   14.28 -FlowMap Flow() : returns the fixed maximum flow x
   14.29 -
   14.30 -void minMinCut(CutMap& M) : sets M to the characteristic vector of the 
   14.31 -     minimum min cut. M should be a map of bools initialized to false.
   14.32 -
   14.33 -void maxMinCut(CutMap& M) : sets M to the characteristic vector of the 
   14.34 -     maximum min cut. M should be a map of bools initialized to false.
   14.35 -
   14.36 -void minCut(CutMap& M) : sets M to the characteristic vector of 
   14.37 -     a min cut. M should be a map of bools initialized to false.
   14.38 -
   14.39 -*/
   14.40 -
   14.41 -#ifndef PREFLOW_H
   14.42 -#define PREFLOW_H
   14.43 -
   14.44 -#define H0 20
   14.45 -#define H1 1
   14.46 -
   14.47 -#include <vector>
   14.48 -#include <queue>
   14.49 -
   14.50 -#include<iostream>
   14.51 -
   14.52 -#include <time_measure.h>
   14.53 -
   14.54 -namespace hugo {
   14.55 -
   14.56 -  template <typename Graph, typename T, 
   14.57 -    typename FlowMap=typename Graph::EdgeMap<T>,
   14.58 -    typename CapMap=typename Graph::EdgeMap<T> >
   14.59 -  class preflow {
   14.60 -    
   14.61 -    typedef typename Graph::TrivNodeIt NodeIt;
   14.62 -    typedef typename Graph::TrivEdgeIt EdgeIt;
   14.63 -    typedef typename Graph::NodeIt EachNodeIt;
   14.64 -    typedef typename Graph::OutEdgeIt OutEdgeIt;
   14.65 -    typedef typename Graph::InEdgeIt InEdgeIt;
   14.66 -    
   14.67 -    Graph& G;
   14.68 -    NodeIt s;
   14.69 -    NodeIt t;
   14.70 -    FlowMap flow;
   14.71 -    CapMap& capacity;  
   14.72 -    T value;
   14.73 -
   14.74 -  public:
   14.75 -    double time;
   14.76 -    preflow(Graph& _G, NodeIt _s, NodeIt _t, CapMap& _capacity ) :
   14.77 -      G(_G), s(_s), t(_t), flow(_G, 0), capacity(_capacity)
   14.78 -    {
   14.79 -
   14.80 -      bool phase=0;        //phase 0 is the 1st phase, phase 1 is the 2nd
   14.81 -      int n=G.numNodes(); 
   14.82 -      int heur0=(int)(H0*n);  //time while running 'bound decrease' 
   14.83 -      int heur1=(int)(H1*n);  //time while running 'highest label'
   14.84 -      int heur=heur1;         //starting time interval (#of relabels)
   14.85 -      bool what_heur=1;       
   14.86 -      /*
   14.87 -	what_heur is 0 in case 'bound decrease' 
   14.88 -	and 1 in case 'highest label'
   14.89 -      */
   14.90 -      bool end=false;     
   14.91 -      /*
   14.92 -	Needed for 'bound decrease', 'true'
   14.93 -	means no active nodes are above bound b.
   14.94 -      */
   14.95 -      int relabel=0;
   14.96 -      int k=n-2;  //bound on the highest level under n containing a node
   14.97 -      int b=k;    //bound on the highest level under n of an active node
   14.98 -      
   14.99 -      typename Graph::NodeMap<int> level(G,n);      
  14.100 -      typename Graph::NodeMap<T> excess(G); 
  14.101 -
  14.102 -      std::vector<NodeIt> active(n);
  14.103 -      typename Graph::NodeMap<NodeIt> next(G);
  14.104 -      //Stack of the active nodes in level i < n.
  14.105 -      //We use it in both phases.
  14.106 -
  14.107 -      typename Graph::NodeMap<NodeIt> left(G);
  14.108 -      typename Graph::NodeMap<NodeIt> right(G);
  14.109 -      std::vector<NodeIt> level_list(n);
  14.110 -      /*
  14.111 -	List of the nodes in level i<n.
  14.112 -      */
  14.113 -
  14.114 -      /*Reverse_bfs from t, to find the starting level.*/
  14.115 -      level.set(t,0);
  14.116 -      std::queue<NodeIt> bfs_queue;
  14.117 -      bfs_queue.push(t);
  14.118 -
  14.119 -      while (!bfs_queue.empty()) {
  14.120 -
  14.121 -	NodeIt v=bfs_queue.front();	
  14.122 -	bfs_queue.pop();
  14.123 -	int l=level.get(v)+1;
  14.124 -
  14.125 -	for(InEdgeIt e=G.firstIn(v); e; {
  14.126 -	  NodeIt w=G.tail(e);
  14.127 -	  if ( level.get(w) == n && w != s ) {
  14.128 -	    bfs_queue.push(w);
  14.129 -	    NodeIt first=level_list[l];
  14.130 -	    if ( first ) left.set(first,w);
  14.131 -	    right.set(w,first);
  14.132 -	    level_list[l]=w;
  14.133 -	    level.set(w, l);
  14.134 -	  }
  14.135 -	}
  14.136 -      }
  14.137 -      
  14.138 -      level.set(s,n);
  14.139 -      
  14.140 -
  14.141 -      /* Starting flow. It is everywhere 0 at the moment. */     
  14.142 -      for(OutEdgeIt e=G.firstOut(s); e; 
  14.143 -	{
  14.144 -	  T c=capacity.get(e);
  14.145 -	  if ( c == 0 ) continue;
  14.146 -	  NodeIt w=G.head(e);
  14.147 -	  if ( level.get(w) < n ) {	  
  14.148 -	    if ( excess.get(w) == 0 && w!=t ) {
  14.149 -	      next.set(w,active[level.get(w)]);
  14.150 -	      active[level.get(w)]=w;
  14.151 -	    }
  14.152 -	    flow.set(e, c); 
  14.153 -	    excess.set(w, excess.get(w)+c);
  14.154 -	  }
  14.155 -	}
  14.156 -
  14.157 -      /* 
  14.158 -	 End of preprocessing 
  14.159 -      */
  14.160 -
  14.161 -
  14.162 -
  14.163 -      /*
  14.164 -	Push/relabel on the highest level active nodes.
  14.165 -      */	
  14.166 -      while ( true ) {
  14.167 -	
  14.168 -	if ( b == 0 ) {
  14.169 -	  if ( phase ) break;
  14.170 -	  
  14.171 -	  if ( !what_heur && !end && k > 0 ) {
  14.172 -	    b=k;
  14.173 -	    end=true;
  14.174 -	  } else {
  14.175 -	    phase=1;
  14.176 -	    time=currTime();
  14.177 -	    level.set(s,0);
  14.178 -	    std::queue<NodeIt> bfs_queue;
  14.179 -	    bfs_queue.push(s);
  14.180 -	    
  14.181 -	    while (!bfs_queue.empty()) {
  14.182 -	      
  14.183 -	      NodeIt v=bfs_queue.front();	
  14.184 -	      bfs_queue.pop();
  14.185 -	      int l=level.get(v)+1;
  14.186 -	      
  14.187 -	      for(InEdgeIt e=G.firstIn(v); e; {
  14.188 -		if ( capacity.get(e) == flow.get(e) ) continue;
  14.189 -		NodeIt u=G.tail(e);
  14.190 -		if ( level.get(u) >= n ) { 
  14.191 -		  bfs_queue.push(u);
  14.192 -		  level.set(u, l);
  14.193 -		  if ( excess.get(u) > 0 ) {
  14.194 -		    next.set(u,active[l]);
  14.195 -		    active[l]=u;
  14.196 -		  }
  14.197 -		}
  14.198 -	      }
  14.199 -	    
  14.200 -	      for(OutEdgeIt e=G.firstOut(v); e; {
  14.201 -		if ( 0 == flow.get(e) ) continue;
  14.202 -		NodeIt u=G.head(e);
  14.203 -		if ( level.get(u) >= n ) { 
  14.204 -		  bfs_queue.push(u);
  14.205 -		  level.set(u, l);
  14.206 -		  if ( excess.get(u) > 0 ) {
  14.207 -		    next.set(u,active[l]);
  14.208 -		    active[l]=u;
  14.209 -		  }
  14.210 -		}
  14.211 -	      }
  14.212 -	    }
  14.213 -	    b=n-2;
  14.214 -	    }
  14.215 -	    
  14.216 -	}
  14.217 -	  
  14.218 -	  
  14.219 -	if ( !active[b]  ) --b; 
  14.220 -	else {
  14.221 -	  end=false;  
  14.222 -
  14.223 -	  NodeIt w=active[b];
  14.224 -	  active[b]=next.get(w);
  14.225 -	  int lev=level.get(w);
  14.226 -	  T exc=excess.get(w);
  14.227 -	  int newlevel=n;       //bound on the next level of w
  14.228 -	  
  14.229 -	  for(OutEdgeIt e=G.firstOut(w); e; {
  14.230 -	    
  14.231 -	    if ( flow.get(e) == capacity.get(e) ) continue; 
  14.232 -	    NodeIt v=G.head(e);            
  14.233 -	    //e=wv	    
  14.234 -	    
  14.235 -	    if( lev > level.get(v) ) {      
  14.236 -	      /*Push is allowed now*/
  14.237 -	      
  14.238 -	      if ( excess.get(v)==0 && v!=t && v!=s ) {
  14.239 -		int lev_v=level.get(v);
  14.240 -		next.set(v,active[lev_v]);
  14.241 -		active[lev_v]=v;
  14.242 -	      }
  14.243 -	      
  14.244 -	      T cap=capacity.get(e);
  14.245 -	      T flo=flow.get(e);
  14.246 -	      T remcap=cap-flo;
  14.247 -	      
  14.248 -	      if ( remcap >= exc ) {       
  14.249 -		/*A nonsaturating push.*/
  14.250 -		
  14.251 -		flow.set(e, flo+exc);
  14.252 -		excess.set(v, excess.get(v)+exc);
  14.253 -		exc=0;
  14.254 -		break; 
  14.255 -		
  14.256 -	      } else { 
  14.257 -		/*A saturating push.*/
  14.258 -		
  14.259 -		flow.set(e, cap);
  14.260 -		excess.set(v, excess.get(v)+remcap);
  14.261 -		exc-=remcap;
  14.262 -	      }
  14.263 -	    } else if ( newlevel > level.get(v) ){
  14.264 -	      newlevel = level.get(v);
  14.265 -	    }	    
  14.266 -	    
  14.267 -	  } //for out edges wv 
  14.268 -	
  14.269 -	
  14.270 -	if ( exc > 0 ) {	
  14.271 -	  for( InEdgeIt e=G.firstIn(w); e; {
  14.272 -	    
  14.273 -	    if( flow.get(e) == 0 ) continue; 
  14.274 -	    NodeIt v=G.tail(e);  
  14.275 -	    //e=vw
  14.276 -	    
  14.277 -	    if( lev > level.get(v) ) {  
  14.278 -	      /*Push is allowed now*/
  14.279 -	      
  14.280 -	      if ( excess.get(v)==0 && v!=t && v!=s ) {
  14.281 -		int lev_v=level.get(v);
  14.282 -		next.set(v,active[lev_v]);
  14.283 -		active[lev_v]=v;
  14.284 -	      }
  14.285 -	      
  14.286 -	      T flo=flow.get(e);
  14.287 -	      
  14.288 -	      if ( flo >= exc ) { 
  14.289 -		/*A nonsaturating push.*/
  14.290 -		
  14.291 -		flow.set(e, flo-exc);
  14.292 -		excess.set(v, excess.get(v)+exc);
  14.293 -		exc=0;
  14.294 -		break; 
  14.295 -	      } else {                                               
  14.296 -/*A saturating push.*/
  14.297 -		
  14.298 -		excess.set(v, excess.get(v)+flo);
  14.299 -		exc-=flo;
  14.300 -		flow.set(e,0);
  14.301 -	      }  
  14.302 -	    } else if ( newlevel > level.get(v) ) {
  14.303 -	      newlevel = level.get(v);
  14.304 -	    }	    
  14.305 -	  } //for in edges vw
  14.306 -	  
  14.307 -	} // if w still has excess after the out edge for cycle
  14.308 -	
  14.309 -	excess.set(w, exc);
  14.310 -	 
  14.311 -	/*
  14.312 -	  Relabel
  14.313 -	*/
  14.314 -	
  14.315 -
  14.316 -	if ( exc > 0 ) {
  14.317 -	  //now 'lev' is the old level of w
  14.318 -	
  14.319 -	  if ( phase ) {
  14.320 -	    level.set(w,++newlevel);
  14.321 -	    next.set(w,active[newlevel]);
  14.322 -	    active[newlevel]=w;
  14.323 -	    b=newlevel;
  14.324 -	  } else {
  14.325 -	    //unlacing starts
  14.326 -	    NodeIt right_n=right.get(w);
  14.327 -	    NodeIt left_n=left.get(w);
  14.328 -
  14.329 -	    if ( right_n ) {
  14.330 -	      if ( left_n ) {
  14.331 -		right.set(left_n, right_n);
  14.332 -		left.set(right_n, left_n);
  14.333 -	      } else {
  14.334 -		level_list[lev]=right_n;   
  14.335 -		left.set(right_n, NodeIt());
  14.336 -	      } 
  14.337 -	    } else {
  14.338 -	      if ( left_n ) {
  14.339 -		right.set(left_n, NodeIt());
  14.340 -	      } else { 
  14.341 -		level_list[lev]=NodeIt();   
  14.342 -
  14.343 -	      } 
  14.344 -	    } 
  14.345 -	    //unlacing ends
  14.346 -		
  14.347 -	    //gapping starts
  14.348 -	    if ( !level_list[lev] ) {
  14.349 -	      
  14.350 -	      for (int i=lev; i!=k ; ) {
  14.351 -		NodeIt v=level_list[++i];
  14.352 -		while ( v ) {
  14.353 -		  level.set(v,n);
  14.354 -		  v=right.get(v);
  14.355 -		}
  14.356 -		level_list[i]=NodeIt(); 
  14.357 -		if ( !what_heur ) active[i]=NodeIt();
  14.358 -	      }	     
  14.359 -
  14.360 -	      level.set(w,n);
  14.361 -	      b=lev-1;
  14.362 -	      k=b;
  14.363 -	      //gapping ends
  14.364 -	    } else {
  14.365 -	      
  14.366 -	      if ( newlevel == n ) level.set(w,n); 
  14.367 -	      else {
  14.368 -		level.set(w,++newlevel);
  14.369 -		next.set(w,active[newlevel]);
  14.370 -		active[newlevel]=w;
  14.371 -		if ( what_heur ) b=newlevel;
  14.372 -		if ( k < newlevel ) ++k;
  14.373 -		NodeIt first=level_list[newlevel];
  14.374 -		if ( first ) left.set(first,w);
  14.375 -		right.set(w,first);
  14.376 -		left.set(w,NodeIt());
  14.377 -		level_list[newlevel]=w;
  14.378 -	      }
  14.379 -	    }
  14.380 -
  14.381 -
  14.382 -	    ++relabel; 
  14.383 -	    if ( relabel >= heur ) {
  14.384 -	      relabel=0;
  14.385 -	      if ( what_heur ) {
  14.386 -		what_heur=0;
  14.387 -		heur=heur0;
  14.388 -		end=false;
  14.389 -	      } else {
  14.390 -		what_heur=1;
  14.391 -		heur=heur1;
  14.392 -		b=k; 
  14.393 -	      }
  14.394 -	    }
  14.395 -	  } //phase 0
  14.396 -	  
  14.397 -	  
  14.398 -	} // if ( exc > 0 )
  14.399 -	  
  14.400 -	
  14.401 -	}  // if stack[b] is nonempty
  14.402 -	
  14.403 -      } // while(true)
  14.404 -
  14.405 -
  14.406 -      value = excess.get(t);
  14.407 -      /*Max flow value.*/
  14.408 -     
  14.409 -    } //void run()
  14.410 -
  14.411 -
  14.412 -
  14.413 -
  14.414 -
  14.415 -    /*
  14.416 -      Returns the maximum value of a flow.
  14.417 -     */
  14.418 -
  14.419 -    T maxFlow() {
  14.420 -      return value;
  14.421 -    }
  14.422 -
  14.423 -
  14.424 -
  14.425 -    /*
  14.426 -      For the maximum flow x found by the algorithm, 
  14.427 -      it returns the flow value on edge e, i.e. x(e). 
  14.428 -    */
  14.429 -   
  14.430 -    T flowOnEdge(EdgeIt e) {
  14.431 -      return flow.get(e);
  14.432 -    }
  14.433 -
  14.434 -
  14.435 -
  14.436 -    FlowMap Flow() {
  14.437 -      return flow;
  14.438 -      }
  14.439 -
  14.440 -
  14.441 -    
  14.442 -    void Flow(FlowMap& _flow ) {
  14.443 -      for(EachNodeIt v=G.firstNode() ; v;
  14.444 -	_flow.set(v,flow.get(v));
  14.445 -      }
  14.446 -    
  14.447 -
  14.448 -
  14.449 -    /*
  14.450 -      Returns the minimum min cut, by a bfs from s in the residual graph.
  14.451 -    */
  14.452 -   
  14.453 -    template<typename _CutMap>
  14.454 -    void minMinCut(_CutMap& M) {
  14.455 -    
  14.456 -      std::queue<NodeIt> queue;
  14.457 -      
  14.458 -      M.set(s,true);      
  14.459 -      queue.push(s);
  14.460 -
  14.461 -      while (!queue.empty()) {
  14.462 -        NodeIt w=queue.front();
  14.463 -	queue.pop();
  14.464 -
  14.465 -	for(OutEdgeIt e=G.firstOut(w) ; e; {
  14.466 -	  NodeIt v=G.head(e);
  14.467 -	  if (!M.get(v) && flow.get(e) < capacity.get(e) ) {
  14.468 -	    queue.push(v);
  14.469 -	    M.set(v, true);
  14.470 -	  }
  14.471 -	} 
  14.472 -
  14.473 -	for(InEdgeIt e=G.firstIn(w) ; e; {
  14.474 -	  NodeIt v=G.tail(e);
  14.475 -	  if (!M.get(v) && flow.get(e) > 0 ) {
  14.476 -	    queue.push(v);
  14.477 -	    M.set(v, true);
  14.478 -	  }
  14.479 -	} 
  14.480 -      }
  14.481 -    }
  14.482 -
  14.483 -
  14.484 -  
  14.485 -    /*
  14.486 -      Returns the maximum min cut, by a reverse bfs 
  14.487 -      from t in the residual graph.
  14.488 -    */
  14.489 -    
  14.490 -    template<typename _CutMap>
  14.491 -    void maxMinCut(_CutMap& M) {
  14.492 -    
  14.493 -      std::queue<NodeIt> queue;
  14.494 -      
  14.495 -      M.set(t,true);        
  14.496 -      queue.push(t);
  14.497 -
  14.498 -      while (!queue.empty()) {
  14.499 -        NodeIt w=queue.front();
  14.500 -	queue.pop();
  14.501 -
  14.502 -	for(InEdgeIt e=G.firstIn(w) ; e; {
  14.503 -	  NodeIt v=G.tail(e);
  14.504 -	  if (!M.get(v) && flow.get(e) < capacity.get(e) ) {
  14.505 -	    queue.push(v);
  14.506 -	    M.set(v, true);
  14.507 -	  }
  14.508 -	}
  14.509 -
  14.510 -	for(OutEdgeIt e=G.firstOut(w) ; e; {
  14.511 -	  NodeIt v=G.head(e);
  14.512 -	  if (!M.get(v) && flow.get(e) > 0 ) {
  14.513 -	    queue.push(v);
  14.514 -	    M.set(v, true);
  14.515 -	  }
  14.516 -	}
  14.517 -      }
  14.518 -
  14.519 -      for(EachNodeIt v=G.firstNode() ; v; {
  14.520 -	M.set(v, !M.get(v));
  14.521 -      }
  14.522 -
  14.523 -    }
  14.524 -
  14.525 -
  14.526 -
  14.527 -    template<typename CutMap>
  14.528 -    void minCut(CutMap& M) {
  14.529 -      minMinCut(M);
  14.530 -    }
  14.531 -
  14.532 -
  14.533 -  };
  14.534 -}//namespace marci
  14.535 -#endif 
  14.536 -
  14.537 -
  14.538 -
  14.539 -
    15.1 --- a/src/work/jacint/	Mon Mar 01 17:24:34 2004 +0000
    15.2 +++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
    15.3 @@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
    15.4 -#include <iostream>
    15.5 -#include <fstream>
    15.6 -
    15.7 -#include <list_graph.hh>
    15.8 -#include <dimacs.hh>
    15.9 -#include <preflow_max_flow.h>
   15.10 -#include <time_measure.h>
   15.11 -
   15.12 -using namespace hugo;
   15.13 -
   15.14 -// Use a DIMACS max flow file as stdin.
   15.15 -// read_dimacs_demo < dimacs_max_flow_file
   15.16 -int main(int, char **) {
   15.17 -  typedef ListGraph::NodeIt NodeIt;
   15.18 -  typedef ListGraph::EachEdgeIt EachEdgeIt;
   15.19 -typedef ListGraph::EachNodeIt EachNodeIt;
   15.20 -
   15.21 -  ListGraph G;
   15.22 -  NodeIt s, t;
   15.23 -  ListGraph::EdgeMap<int> cap(G);
   15.24 -  readDimacsMaxFlow(std::cin, G, s, t, cap);
   15.25 -
   15.26 -  std::cout << "preflow_max_flow demo ..." << std::endl;
   15.27 -  
   15.28 -  double pre_time=currTime();
   15.29 -  preflow_max_flow<ListGraph, int> max_flow_test(G, s, t, cap);
   15.30 -  ListGraph::NodeMap<bool> cut=max_flow_test.minCut();
   15.31 -  double post_time=currTime();
   15.32 -  
   15.33 -  int cut_value=0;
   15.34 -  for(EachEdgeIt e=G.first<EachEdgeIt>(); e.valid(); ++e) {
   15.35 -    if (cut.get(G.tail(e)) && !cut.get(G.head(e))) cut_value+=cap.get(e);
   15.36 -  }
   15.37 -  
   15.38 -  std::cout << "elapsed time: " << post_time-pre_time << " sec"<< std::endl; 
   15.39 -  std::cout << "flow value: "<< max_flow_test.maxFlow() << std::endl;
   15.40 -  std::cout << "cut value: "<< cut_value << std::endl;
   15.41 -
   15.42 -  return 0;
   15.43 -}
    16.1 --- a/src/work/jacint/preflow_max_flow.h	Mon Mar 01 17:24:34 2004 +0000
    16.2 +++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
    16.3 @@ -1,358 +0,0 @@
    16.4 -// -*- C++ -*-
    16.5 -/*
    16.6 -preflow_max_flow.h
    16.7 -by jacint. 
    16.8 -Runs the first phase of preflow.h
    16.9 -
   16.10 -The constructor runs the algorithm.
   16.11 -
   16.12 -Members:
   16.13 -
   16.14 -T maxFlow() : returns the value of a maximum flow
   16.15 -
   16.16 -CutMap minCut() : returns the characteristic vector of a min cut. 
   16.17 -*/
   16.18 -
   16.19 -#ifndef PREFLOW_MAX_FLOW_H
   16.20 -#define PREFLOW_MAX_FLOW_H
   16.21 -
   16.22 -#define H0 20
   16.23 -#define H1 1
   16.24 -
   16.25 -#include <vector>
   16.26 -#include <queue>
   16.27 -
   16.28 -namespace hugo {
   16.29 -
   16.30 -  template <typename Graph, typename T, 
   16.31 -    typename FlowMap=typename Graph::EdgeMap<T>,
   16.32 -    typename CapMap=typename Graph::EdgeMap<T>, 
   16.33 -    typename CutMap=typename Graph::NodeMap<bool> >
   16.34 -  class preflow_max_flow {
   16.35 -    
   16.36 -    typedef typename Graph::NodeIt NodeIt;
   16.37 -    typedef typename Graph::EdgeIt EdgeIt;
   16.38 -    typedef typename Graph::EachNodeIt EachNodeIt;
   16.39 -    typedef typename Graph::OutEdgeIt OutEdgeIt;
   16.40 -    typedef typename Graph::InEdgeIt InEdgeIt;
   16.41 -    
   16.42 -    Graph& G;
   16.43 -    NodeIt s;
   16.44 -    NodeIt t;
   16.45 -    FlowMap flow;
   16.46 -    CapMap& capacity;  
   16.47 -    CutMap cut;
   16.48 -    T value;
   16.49 -
   16.50 -  public:
   16.51 -    
   16.52 -    preflow_max_flow(Graph& _G, NodeIt _s, NodeIt _t, CapMap& _capacity ) :
   16.53 -      G(_G), s(_s), t(_t), flow(_G, 0), capacity(_capacity), cut(_G, false)
   16.54 -    {
   16.55 -
   16.56 -      int n=G.nodeNum(); 
   16.57 -      int heur0=(int)(H0*n);  //time while running 'bound decrease' 
   16.58 -      int heur1=(int)(H1*n);  //time while running 'highest label'
   16.59 -      int heur=heur1;         //starting time interval (#of relabels)
   16.60 -      bool what_heur=1;       
   16.61 -      /*
   16.62 -	what_heur is 0 in case 'bound decrease' 
   16.63 -	and 1 in case 'highest label'
   16.64 -      */
   16.65 -      bool end=false;     
   16.66 -      /*
   16.67 -	Needed for 'bound decrease', 'true'
   16.68 -	means no active nodes are above bound b.
   16.69 -      */
   16.70 -      int relabel=0;
   16.71 -      int k=n-2;  //bound on the highest level under n containing a node
   16.72 -      int b=k;    //bound on the highest level under n of an active node
   16.73 -      
   16.74 -      typename Graph::NodeMap<int> level(G,n);      
   16.75 -      typename Graph::NodeMap<T> excess(G); 
   16.76 -
   16.77 -      std::vector<NodeIt> active(n);
   16.78 -      typename Graph::NodeMap<NodeIt> next(G);
   16.79 -      //Stack of the active nodes in level i < n.
   16.80 -      //We use it in both phases.
   16.81 -
   16.82 -      typename Graph::NodeMap<NodeIt> left(G);
   16.83 -      typename Graph::NodeMap<NodeIt> right(G);
   16.84 -      std::vector<NodeIt> level_list(n);
   16.85 -      /*
   16.86 -	List of the nodes in level i<n.
   16.87 -      */
   16.88 -
   16.89 -      /*Reverse_bfs from t, to find the starting level.*/
   16.90 -      level.set(t,0);
   16.91 -      std::queue<NodeIt> bfs_queue;
   16.92 -      bfs_queue.push(t);
   16.93 -
   16.94 -      while (!bfs_queue.empty()) {
   16.95 -
   16.96 -	NodeIt v=bfs_queue.front();	
   16.97 -	bfs_queue.pop();
   16.98 -	int l=level.get(v)+1;
   16.99 -
  16.100 -	for(InEdgeIt e=G.template first<InEdgeIt>(v); e.valid(); ++e) {
  16.101 -	  NodeIt w=G.tail(e);
  16.102 -	  if ( level.get(w) == n && w != s ) {
  16.103 -	    bfs_queue.push(w);
  16.104 -	    NodeIt first=level_list[l];
  16.105 -	    if ( first != 0 ) left.set(first,w);
  16.106 -	    right.set(w,first);
  16.107 -	    level_list[l]=w;
  16.108 -	    level.set(w, l);
  16.109 -	  }
  16.110 -	}
  16.111 -      }
  16.112 -      
  16.113 -      level.set(s,n);
  16.114 -      
  16.115 -
  16.116 -      /* Starting flow. It is everywhere 0 at the moment. */     
  16.117 -      for(OutEdgeIt e=G.template first<OutEdgeIt>(s); e.valid(); ++e) 
  16.118 -	{
  16.119 -	  T c=capacity.get(e);
  16.120 -	  if ( c == 0 ) continue;
  16.121 -	  NodeIt w=G.head(e);
  16.122 -	  if ( level.get(w) < n ) {	  
  16.123 -	    if ( excess.get(w) == 0 && w!=t ) {
  16.124 -	      next.set(w,active[level.get(w)]);
  16.125 -	      active[level.get(w)]=w;
  16.126 -	    }
  16.127 -	    flow.set(e, c); 
  16.128 -	    excess.set(w, excess.get(w)+c);
  16.129 -	  }
  16.130 -	}
  16.131 -
  16.132 -      /* 
  16.133 -	 End of preprocessing 
  16.134 -      */
  16.135 -
  16.136 -
  16.137 -
  16.138 -      /*
  16.139 -	Push/relabel on the highest level active nodes.
  16.140 -      */	
  16.141 -      while ( true ) {
  16.142 -	
  16.143 -	if ( b == 0 ) {
  16.144 -	  if ( !what_heur && !end && k > 0 ) {
  16.145 -	    b=k;
  16.146 -	    end=true;
  16.147 -	  } else break;
  16.148 -	}
  16.149 -	  
  16.150 -	  
  16.151 -	if ( active[b] == 0 ) --b; 
  16.152 -	else {
  16.153 -	  end=false;  
  16.154 -
  16.155 -	  NodeIt w=active[b];
  16.156 -	  active[b]=next.get(w);
  16.157 -	  int lev=level.get(w);
  16.158 -	  T exc=excess.get(w);
  16.159 -	  int newlevel=n;       //bound on the next level of w
  16.160 -	  
  16.161 -	  for(OutEdgeIt e=G.template first<OutEdgeIt>(w); e.valid(); ++e) {
  16.162 -	    
  16.163 -	    if ( flow.get(e) == capacity.get(e) ) continue; 
  16.164 -	    NodeIt v=G.head(e);            
  16.165 -	    //e=wv	    
  16.166 -	    
  16.167 -	    if( lev > level.get(v) ) {      
  16.168 -	      /*Push is allowed now*/
  16.169 -	      
  16.170 -	      if ( excess.get(v)==0 && v!=t && v!=s ) {
  16.171 -		int lev_v=level.get(v);
  16.172 -		next.set(v,active[lev_v]);
  16.173 -		active[lev_v]=v;
  16.174 -	      }
  16.175 -	      
  16.176 -	      T cap=capacity.get(e);
  16.177 -	      T flo=flow.get(e);
  16.178 -	      T remcap=cap-flo;
  16.179 -	      
  16.180 -	      if ( remcap >= exc ) {       
  16.181 -		/*A nonsaturating push.*/
  16.182 -		
  16.183 -		flow.set(e, flo+exc);
  16.184 -		excess.set(v, excess.get(v)+exc);
  16.185 -		exc=0;
  16.186 -		break; 
  16.187 -		
  16.188 -	      } else { 
  16.189 -		/*A saturating push.*/
  16.190 -		
  16.191 -		flow.set(e, cap);
  16.192 -		excess.set(v, excess.get(v)+remcap);
  16.193 -		exc-=remcap;
  16.194 -	      }
  16.195 -	    } else if ( newlevel > level.get(v) ){
  16.196 -	      newlevel = level.get(v);
  16.197 -	    }	    
  16.198 -	    
  16.199 -	  } //for out edges wv 
  16.200 -	
  16.201 -	
  16.202 -	if ( exc > 0 ) {	
  16.203 -	  for( InEdgeIt e=G.template first<InEdgeIt>(w); e.valid(); ++e) {
  16.204 -	    
  16.205 -	    if( flow.get(e) == 0 ) continue; 
  16.206 -	    NodeIt v=G.tail(e);  
  16.207 -	    //e=vw
  16.208 -	    
  16.209 -	    if( lev > level.get(v) ) {  
  16.210 -	      /*Push is allowed now*/
  16.211 -	      
  16.212 -	      if ( excess.get(v)==0 && v!=t && v!=s ) {
  16.213 -		int lev_v=level.get(v);
  16.214 -		next.set(v,active[lev_v]);
  16.215 -		active[lev_v]=v;
  16.216 -	      }
  16.217 -	      
  16.218 -	      T flo=flow.get(e);
  16.219 -	      
  16.220 -	      if ( flo >= exc ) { 
  16.221 -		/*A nonsaturating push.*/
  16.222 -		
  16.223 -		flow.set(e, flo-exc);
  16.224 -		excess.set(v, excess.get(v)+exc);
  16.225 -		exc=0;
  16.226 -		break; 
  16.227 -	      } else {                                               
  16.228 -		/*A saturating push.*/
  16.229 -		
  16.230 -		excess.set(v, excess.get(v)+flo);
  16.231 -		exc-=flo;
  16.232 -		flow.set(e,0);
  16.233 -	      }  
  16.234 -	    } else if ( newlevel > level.get(v) ) {
  16.235 -	      newlevel = level.get(v);
  16.236 -	    }	    
  16.237 -	  } //for in edges vw
  16.238 -	  
  16.239 -	} // if w still has excess after the out edge for cycle
  16.240 -	
  16.241 -	excess.set(w, exc);
  16.242 -	 
  16.243 -	/*
  16.244 -	  Relabel
  16.245 -	*/
  16.246 -	
  16.247 -
  16.248 -	if ( exc > 0 ) {
  16.249 -	  //now 'lev' is the old level of w
  16.250 -	
  16.251 -	  //unlacing starts
  16.252 -	  NodeIt right_n=right.get(w);
  16.253 -	  NodeIt left_n=left.get(w);
  16.254 -	  
  16.255 -	  if ( right_n != 0 ) {
  16.256 -	    if ( left_n != 0 ) {
  16.257 -	      right.set(left_n, right_n);
  16.258 -	      left.set(right_n, left_n);
  16.259 -	    } else {
  16.260 -	      level_list[lev]=right_n;   
  16.261 -	      left.set(right_n, 0);
  16.262 -	    } 
  16.263 -	  } else {
  16.264 -	    if ( left_n != 0 ) {
  16.265 -	      right.set(left_n, 0);
  16.266 -	    } else { 
  16.267 -	      level_list[lev]=0;   
  16.268 -	      
  16.269 -	    } 
  16.270 -	  } 
  16.271 -	  //unlacing ends
  16.272 -	  
  16.273 -	  //gapping starts
  16.274 -	  if ( level_list[lev]==0 ) {
  16.275 -	    
  16.276 -	    for (int i=lev; i!=k ; ) {
  16.277 -	      NodeIt v=level_list[++i];
  16.278 -	      while ( v != 0 ) {
  16.279 -		level.set(v,n);
  16.280 -		v=right.get(v);
  16.281 -	      }
  16.282 -	      level_list[i]=0;
  16.283 -	      if ( !what_heur ) active[i]=0;
  16.284 -	    }	     
  16.285 -	    
  16.286 -	    level.set(w,n);
  16.287 -	    b=lev-1;
  16.288 -	    k=b;
  16.289 -	    //gapping ends
  16.290 -	  } else {
  16.291 -	    
  16.292 -	    if ( newlevel == n ) level.set(w,n); 
  16.293 -	    else {
  16.294 -	      level.set(w,++newlevel);
  16.295 -	      next.set(w,active[newlevel]);
  16.296 -	      active[newlevel]=w;
  16.297 -	      if ( what_heur ) b=newlevel;
  16.298 -	      if ( k < newlevel ) ++k;
  16.299 -	      NodeIt first=level_list[newlevel];
  16.300 -	      if ( first != 0 ) left.set(first,w);
  16.301 -	      right.set(w,first);
  16.302 -	      left.set(w,0);
  16.303 -	      level_list[newlevel]=w;
  16.304 -	    }
  16.305 -	  }
  16.306 -	  
  16.307 -	  
  16.308 -	  ++relabel; 
  16.309 -	  if ( relabel >= heur ) {
  16.310 -	    relabel=0;
  16.311 -	    if ( what_heur ) {
  16.312 -	      what_heur=0;
  16.313 -	      heur=heur0;
  16.314 -	      end=false;
  16.315 -	    } else {
  16.316 -	      what_heur=1;
  16.317 -	      heur=heur1;
  16.318 -	      b=k; 
  16.319 -	    }
  16.320 -	  }
  16.321 -	  
  16.322 -  
  16.323 -	} // if ( exc > 0 )
  16.324 -	
  16.325 -	
  16.326 -	}  // if stack[b] is nonempty
  16.327 -	
  16.328 -      } // while(true)
  16.329 -
  16.330 -
  16.331 -      
  16.332 -      for( EachNodeIt v=G.template first<EachNodeIt>(); 
  16.333 -	   v.valid(); ++v) 
  16.334 -	if (level.get(v) >= n ) cut.set(v,true);
  16.335 -      
  16.336 -      value = excess.get(t);
  16.337 -      /*Max flow value.*/
  16.338 -     
  16.339 -    } //void run()
  16.340 -
  16.341 -
  16.342 -
  16.343 -
  16.344 -    T maxFlow() {
  16.345 -      return value;
  16.346 -    }
  16.347 -
  16.348 -
  16.349 -
  16.350 -    CutMap minCut() {
  16.351 -      return cut;
  16.352 -    }
  16.353 -
  16.354 -
  16.355 -  };
  16.356 -}//namespace 
  16.357 -#endif 
  16.358 -
  16.359 -
  16.360 -
  16.361 -
    17.1 --- a/src/work/jacint/	Mon Mar 01 17:24:34 2004 +0000
    17.2 +++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
    17.3 @@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
    17.4 -#include <iostream>
    17.5 -#include <fstream>
    17.6 -
    17.7 -#include <list_graph.hh>
    17.8 -#include <dimacs.hh>
    17.9 -#include <preflow_param.h>
   17.10 -#include <time_measure.h>
   17.11 -
   17.12 -using namespace hugo;
   17.13 -
   17.14 -// Use a DIMACS max flow file as stdin.
   17.15 -// read_dimacs_demo < dimacs_max_flow_file
   17.16 -int main(int, char **) {
   17.17 -  typedef ListGraph::NodeIt NodeIt;
   17.18 -  typedef ListGraph::EachEdgeIt EachEdgeIt;
   17.19 -
   17.20 -  ListGraph G;
   17.21 -  NodeIt s, t;
   17.22 -  ListGraph::EdgeMap<int> cap(G);
   17.23 -  readDimacsMaxFlow(std::cin, G, s, t, cap);
   17.24 -
   17.25 -  std::cout << "preflow parameters test ..." << std::endl;
   17.26 -
   17.27 -  double min=1000000;  
   17.28 -
   17.29 -  int _j=0;
   17.30 -  int _k=0;
   17.31 -
   17.32 -  for (int j=1; j!=40; ++j ){
   17.33 -    for (int k=1; k!=j; ++k ){
   17.34 -      
   17.35 -      double mintime=1000000;
   17.36 -
   17.37 -      for ( int i=1; i!=4; ++i ) {
   17.38 -	double pre_time=currTime();
   17.39 -	preflow_param<ListGraph, int> max_flow_test(G, s, t, cap, j, k);
   17.40 -	double post_time=currTime();
   17.41 -	if ( mintime > post_time-pre_time ) mintime = post_time-pre_time;
   17.42 -      }
   17.43 -      if (min > mintime ) {min=mintime; _j=j; _k=k;}
   17.44 -    }
   17.45 -  }
   17.46 -
   17.47 -  std::cout<<"Min. at ("<<_j<<","<<_k<<") in time "<<min<<std::endl;
   17.48 -  
   17.49 -  return 0;
   17.50 -}
    18.1 --- a/src/work/jacint/preflow_param.h	Mon Mar 01 17:24:34 2004 +0000
    18.2 +++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
    18.3 @@ -1,541 +0,0 @@
    18.4 -// -*- C++ -*-
    18.5 -/*
    18.6 -preflow_param.h
    18.7 -by jacint. 
    18.8 -
    18.9 -For testing the parameters H0, H1 of preflow.h
   18.10 -
   18.11 -The constructor runs the algorithm.
   18.12 -
   18.13 -Members:
   18.14 -
   18.15 -T maxFlow() : returns the value of a maximum flow
   18.16 -
   18.17 -T flowOnEdge(EdgeIt e) : for a fixed maximum flow x it returns x(e) 
   18.18 -
   18.19 -FlowMap Flow() : returns the fixed maximum flow x
   18.20 -
   18.21 -void minMinCut(CutMap& M) : sets M to the characteristic vector of the 
   18.22 -     minimum min cut. M should be a map of bools initialized to false.
   18.23 -
   18.24 -void maxMinCut(CutMap& M) : sets M to the characteristic vector of the 
   18.25 -     maximum min cut. M should be a map of bools initialized to false.
   18.26 -
   18.27 -void minCut(CutMap& M) : fast function, sets M to the characteristic 
   18.28 -     vector of a minimum cut. 
   18.29 -
   18.30 -Different member from the other preflow_hl-s (here we have a member 
   18.31 -'NodeMap<bool> cut').
   18.32 -
   18.33 -CutMap minCut() : fast function, giving the characteristic 
   18.34 -     vector of a minimum cut.
   18.35 -
   18.36 -
   18.37 -*/
   18.38 -
   18.39 -#ifndef PREFLOW_PARAM_H
   18.40 -#define PREFLOW_PARAM_H
   18.41 -
   18.42 -#include <vector>
   18.43 -#include <queue>
   18.44 -
   18.45 -#include <time_measure.h> //for test
   18.46 -
   18.47 -namespace hugo {
   18.48 -
   18.49 -  template <typename Graph, typename T, 
   18.50 -    typename FlowMap=typename Graph::EdgeMap<T>, 
   18.51 -    typename CapMap=typename Graph::EdgeMap<T> >
   18.52 -  class preflow_param {
   18.53 -    
   18.54 -    typedef typename Graph::NodeIt NodeIt;
   18.55 -    typedef typename Graph::EdgeIt EdgeIt;
   18.56 -    typedef typename Graph::EachNodeIt EachNodeIt;
   18.57 -    typedef typename Graph::OutEdgeIt OutEdgeIt;
   18.58 -    typedef typename Graph::InEdgeIt InEdgeIt;
   18.59 -    
   18.60 -    Graph& G;
   18.61 -    NodeIt s;
   18.62 -    NodeIt t;
   18.63 -    FlowMap flow;
   18.64 -    CapMap& capacity;  
   18.65 -    T value;
   18.66 -    int H0;
   18.67 -    int H1;
   18.68 -
   18.69 -  public:
   18.70 -    double time;    
   18.71 -    
   18.72 -    preflow_param(Graph& _G, NodeIt _s, NodeIt _t, CapMap& _capacity, 
   18.73 -		int _H0, int _H1) :
   18.74 -      G(_G), s(_s), t(_t), flow(_G, 0), capacity(_capacity), H0(_H0), H1(_H1) {
   18.75 -
   18.76 -      bool phase=0;       //phase 0 is the 1st phase, phase 1 is the 2nd
   18.77 -      int n=G.nodeNum(); 
   18.78 -      int heur0=(int)(H0*n);   //time while running 'bound decrease' 
   18.79 -      int heur1=(int)(H1*n);   //time while running 'highest label'
   18.80 -      int heur=heur1;          //starting time interval (#of relabels)
   18.81 -      bool what_heur=1;
   18.82 -      /*
   18.83 -	what_heur is 0 in case 'bound decrease' 
   18.84 -	and 1 in case 'highest label'
   18.85 -      */
   18.86 -      bool end=false;   //for the 0 case
   18.87 -      /*
   18.88 -	Needed for 'bound decrease', 'true'
   18.89 -	means no active nodes are above bound b.
   18.90 -      */
   18.91 -      int relabel=0;
   18.92 -      int k=n-2;
   18.93 -      int b=k;
   18.94 -      /*
   18.95 -	b is a bound on the highest level of the stack. 
   18.96 -	k is a bound on the highest nonempty level i < n.
   18.97 -      */
   18.98 -
   18.99 -      typename Graph::NodeMap<int> level(G,n);      
  18.100 -      typename Graph::NodeMap<T> excess(G); 
  18.101 -      
  18.102 -      std::vector<NodeIt> active(n);
  18.103 -      typename Graph::NodeMap<NodeIt> next(G);
  18.104 -      //Stack of the active nodes in level i < n.
  18.105 -      //We use it in both phases.
  18.106 -
  18.107 -      typename Graph::NodeMap<NodeIt> left(G);
  18.108 -      typename Graph::NodeMap<NodeIt> right(G);
  18.109 -      std::vector<NodeIt> level_list(n);
  18.110 -      /*
  18.111 -	Needed for the list of the nodes in level i.
  18.112 -      */
  18.113 -
  18.114 -      /*Reverse_bfs from t, to find the starting level.*/
  18.115 -      level.set(t,0);
  18.116 -      std::queue<NodeIt> bfs_queue;
  18.117 -      bfs_queue.push(t);
  18.118 -
  18.119 -      while (!bfs_queue.empty()) {
  18.120 -
  18.121 -	NodeIt v=bfs_queue.front();	
  18.122 -	bfs_queue.pop();
  18.123 -	int l=level.get(v)+1;
  18.124 -
  18.125 -	for(InEdgeIt e=G.template first<InEdgeIt>(v); e.valid(); ++e) {
  18.126 -	  NodeIt w=G.tail(e);
  18.127 -	  if ( level.get(w) == n && w != s ) {
  18.128 -	    bfs_queue.push(w);
  18.129 -	    NodeIt first=level_list[l];
  18.130 -	    if ( first != 0 ) left.set(first,w);
  18.131 -	    right.set(w,first);
  18.132 -	    level_list[l]=w;
  18.133 -	    level.set(w, l);
  18.134 -	  }
  18.135 -	}
  18.136 -      }
  18.137 -      
  18.138 -      level.set(s,n);
  18.139 -      
  18.140 -
  18.141 -      /* Starting flow. It is everywhere 0 at the moment. */     
  18.142 -      for(OutEdgeIt e=G.template first<OutEdgeIt>(s); e.valid(); ++e) 
  18.143 -	{
  18.144 -	  T c=capacity.get(e);
  18.145 -	  if ( c == 0 ) continue;
  18.146 -	  NodeIt w=G.head(e);
  18.147 -	  if ( level.get(w) < n ) {	  
  18.148 -	    if ( excess.get(w) == 0 && w!=t ) {
  18.149 -	      next.set(w,active[level.get(w)]);
  18.150 -	      active[level.get(w)]=w;
  18.151 -	    }
  18.152 -	    flow.set(e, c); 
  18.153 -	    excess.set(w, excess.get(w)+c);
  18.154 -	  }
  18.155 -	}
  18.156 -
  18.157 -      /* 
  18.158 -	 End of preprocessing 
  18.159 -      */
  18.160 -
  18.161 -
  18.162 -
  18.163 -      /*
  18.164 -	Push/relabel on the highest level active nodes.
  18.165 -      */	
  18.166 -      while ( true ) {
  18.167 -	
  18.168 -	if ( b == 0 ) {
  18.169 -	  if ( phase ) break;
  18.170 -	  
  18.171 -	  if ( !what_heur && !end && k > 0 ) {
  18.172 -	    b=k;
  18.173 -	    end=true;
  18.174 -	  } else {
  18.175 -	    time=currTime();
  18.176 -	    phase=1;
  18.177 -	    level.set(s,0);
  18.178 -	    
  18.179 -	    std::queue<NodeIt> bfs_queue;
  18.180 -	    bfs_queue.push(s);
  18.181 -	    
  18.182 -	    while (!bfs_queue.empty()) {
  18.183 -	      
  18.184 -	      NodeIt v=bfs_queue.front();	
  18.185 -	      bfs_queue.pop();
  18.186 -	      int l=level.get(v)+1;
  18.187 -	      
  18.188 -	      for(InEdgeIt e=G.template first<InEdgeIt>(v); e.valid(); ++e) {
  18.189 -		if ( capacity.get(e) == flow.get(e) ) continue;
  18.190 -		NodeIt u=G.tail(e);
  18.191 -		if ( level.get(u) >= n ) { 
  18.192 -		  bfs_queue.push(u);
  18.193 -		  level.set(u, l);
  18.194 -		  if ( excess.get(u) > 0 ) {
  18.195 -		    next.set(u,active[l]);
  18.196 -		    active[l]=u;
  18.197 -		  }
  18.198 -		}
  18.199 -	      }
  18.200 -	    
  18.201 -	      
  18.202 -	      for(OutEdgeIt e=G.template first<OutEdgeIt>(v); e.valid(); ++e) {
  18.203 -		if ( 0 == flow.get(e) ) continue;
  18.204 -		NodeIt u=G.head(e);
  18.205 -		if ( level.get(u) >= n ) { 
  18.206 -		  bfs_queue.push(u);
  18.207 -		  level.set(u, l);
  18.208 -		  if ( excess.get(u) > 0 ) {
  18.209 -		    next.set(u,active[l]);
  18.210 -		    active[l]=u;
  18.211 -		  }
  18.212 -		}
  18.213 -	      }
  18.214 -	    }
  18.215 -	    b=n-2;
  18.216 -	    }
  18.217 -	    
  18.218 -	}
  18.219 -	  
  18.220 -	  
  18.221 -	if ( active[b] == 0 ) --b; 
  18.222 -	else {
  18.223 -	  end=false;                      //needed only for phase 0, case hl2
  18.224 -
  18.225 -	  NodeIt w=active[b];        //w is a highest label active node.
  18.226 -	  active[b]=next.get(w);
  18.227 -	  int lev=level.get(w);
  18.228 -	  T exc=excess.get(w);
  18.229 -	  int newlevel=n;          //In newlevel we bound the next level of w.
  18.230 -	  
  18.231 -	  for(OutEdgeIt e=G.template first<OutEdgeIt>(w); e.valid(); ++e) {
  18.232 -	    
  18.233 -	    if ( flow.get(e) == capacity.get(e) ) continue; 
  18.234 -	    NodeIt v=G.head(e);            
  18.235 -	    //e=wv	    
  18.236 -	    
  18.237 -	    if( lev > level.get(v) ) {      
  18.238 -	      /*Push is allowed now*/
  18.239 -	      
  18.240 -	      if ( excess.get(v)==0 && v!=t && v!=s ) {
  18.241 -		int lev_v=level.get(v);
  18.242 -		next.set(v,active[lev_v]);
  18.243 -		active[lev_v]=v;
  18.244 -	      }
  18.245 -	      /*v becomes active.*/
  18.246 -	      
  18.247 -	      T cap=capacity.get(e);
  18.248 -	      T flo=flow.get(e);
  18.249 -	      T remcap=cap-flo;
  18.250 -	      
  18.251 -	      if ( remcap >= exc ) {       
  18.252 -		/*A nonsaturating push.*/
  18.253 -		
  18.254 -		flow.set(e, flo+exc);
  18.255 -		excess.set(v, excess.get(v)+exc);
  18.256 -		exc=0;
  18.257 -		break; 
  18.258 -		
  18.259 -	      } else { 
  18.260 -		/*A saturating push.*/
  18.261 -		
  18.262 -		flow.set(e, cap);
  18.263 -		excess.set(v, excess.get(v)+remcap);
  18.264 -		exc-=remcap;
  18.265 -	      }
  18.266 -	    } else if ( newlevel > level.get(v) ){
  18.267 -	      newlevel = level.get(v);
  18.268 -	    }	    
  18.269 -	    
  18.270 -	  } //for out edges wv 
  18.271 -	
  18.272 -	
  18.273 -	if ( exc > 0 ) {	
  18.274 -	  for( InEdgeIt e=G.template first<InEdgeIt>(w); e.valid(); ++e) {
  18.275 -	    
  18.276 -	    if( flow.get(e) == 0 ) continue; 
  18.277 -	    NodeIt v=G.tail(e);  
  18.278 -	    //e=vw
  18.279 -	    
  18.280 -	    if( lev > level.get(v) ) {  
  18.281 -	      /*Push is allowed now*/
  18.282 -	      
  18.283 -	      if ( excess.get(v)==0 && v!=t && v!=s ) {
  18.284 -		int lev_v=level.get(v);
  18.285 -		next.set(v,active[lev_v]);
  18.286 -		active[lev_v]=v;
  18.287 -		/*v becomes active.*/
  18.288 -	      }
  18.289 -	      
  18.290 -	      T flo=flow.get(e);
  18.291 -	      
  18.292 -	      if ( flo >= exc ) { 
  18.293 -		/*A nonsaturating push.*/
  18.294 -		
  18.295 -		flow.set(e, flo-exc);
  18.296 -		excess.set(v, excess.get(v)+exc);
  18.297 -		exc=0;
  18.298 -		break; 
  18.299 -	      } else {                                               
  18.300 -		/*A saturating push.*/
  18.301 -		
  18.302 -		excess.set(v, excess.get(v)+flo);
  18.303 -		exc-=flo;
  18.304 -		flow.set(e,0);
  18.305 -	      }  
  18.306 -	    } else if ( newlevel > level.get(v) ) {
  18.307 -	      newlevel = level.get(v);
  18.308 -	    }	    
  18.309 -	  } //for in edges vw
  18.310 -	  
  18.311 -	} // if w still has excess after the out edge for cycle
  18.312 -	
  18.313 -	excess.set(w, exc);
  18.314 -	 
  18.315 -	/*
  18.316 -	  Relabel
  18.317 -	*/
  18.318 -	
  18.319 -
  18.320 -	if ( exc > 0 ) {
  18.321 -	  //now 'lev' is the old level of w
  18.322 -	
  18.323 -	  if ( phase ) {
  18.324 -	    level.set(w,++newlevel);
  18.325 -	    next.set(w,active[newlevel]);
  18.326 -	    active[newlevel]=w;
  18.327 -	    b=newlevel;
  18.328 -	  } else {
  18.329 -	    //unlacing
  18.330 -	    NodeIt right_n=right.get(w);
  18.331 -	    NodeIt left_n=left.get(w);
  18.332 -
  18.333 -	    if ( right_n != 0 ) {
  18.334 -	      if ( left_n != 0 ) {
  18.335 -		right.set(left_n, right_n);
  18.336 -		left.set(right_n, left_n);
  18.337 -	      } else {
  18.338 -		level_list[lev]=right_n;   
  18.339 -		left.set(right_n, 0);
  18.340 -	      } 
  18.341 -	    } else {
  18.342 -	      if ( left_n != 0 ) {
  18.343 -		right.set(left_n, 0);
  18.344 -	      } else { 
  18.345 -		level_list[lev]=0;   
  18.346 -
  18.347 -	      } 
  18.348 -	    }
  18.349 -		
  18.350 -	    if ( level_list[lev]==0 ) {
  18.351 -	      
  18.352 -	      for (int i=lev; i!=k ; ) {
  18.353 -		NodeIt v=level_list[++i];
  18.354 -		while ( v != 0 ) {
  18.355 -		  level.set(v,n);
  18.356 -		  v=right.get(v);
  18.357 -		}
  18.358 -		level_list[i]=0;
  18.359 -		if ( !what_heur ) active[i]=0;
  18.360 -	      }	     
  18.361 -
  18.362 -	      level.set(w,n);
  18.363 -	      b=lev-1;
  18.364 -	      k=b;
  18.365 -
  18.366 -	    } else {
  18.367 -	      
  18.368 -	      if ( newlevel == n ) level.set(w,n); 
  18.369 -	      else {
  18.370 -		level.set(w,++newlevel);
  18.371 -		next.set(w,active[newlevel]);
  18.372 -		active[newlevel]=w;
  18.373 -		if ( what_heur ) b=newlevel;
  18.374 -		if ( k < newlevel ) ++k;
  18.375 -		NodeIt first=level_list[newlevel];
  18.376 -		if ( first != 0 ) left.set(first,w);
  18.377 -		right.set(w,first);
  18.378 -		left.set(w,0);
  18.379 -		level_list[newlevel]=w;
  18.380 -	      }
  18.381 -	    }
  18.382 -
  18.383 -
  18.384 -	    ++relabel; 
  18.385 -	    if ( relabel >= heur ) {
  18.386 -	      relabel=0;
  18.387 -	      if ( what_heur ) {
  18.388 -		what_heur=0;
  18.389 -		heur=heur0;
  18.390 -		end=false;
  18.391 -	      } else {
  18.392 -		what_heur=1;
  18.393 -		heur=heur1;
  18.394 -		b=k; 
  18.395 -	      }
  18.396 -	    }
  18.397 -	  } //phase 0
  18.398 -
  18.399 -	    
  18.400 -	} // if ( exc > 0 )
  18.401 -	  
  18.402 -	
  18.403 -	}  // if stack[b] is nonempty
  18.404 -	
  18.405 -      } // while(true)
  18.406 -
  18.407 -
  18.408 -      value = excess.get(t);
  18.409 -      /*Max flow value.*/
  18.410 -
  18.411 -    } //void run()
  18.412 -
  18.413 -
  18.414 -
  18.415 -
  18.416 -
  18.417 -    /*
  18.418 -      Returns the maximum value of a flow.
  18.419 -     */
  18.420 -
  18.421 -    T maxFlow() {
  18.422 -      return value;
  18.423 -    }
  18.424 -
  18.425 -
  18.426 -
  18.427 -    /*
  18.428 -      For the maximum flow x found by the algorithm, 
  18.429 -      it returns the flow value on edge e, i.e. x(e). 
  18.430 -    */
  18.431 -
  18.432 -    T flowOnEdge(EdgeIt e) {
  18.433 -      return flow.get(e);
  18.434 -    }
  18.435 -
  18.436 -
  18.437 -
  18.438 -    FlowMap Flow() {
  18.439 -      return flow;
  18.440 -    }
  18.441 -
  18.442 -
  18.443 -    
  18.444 -    void Flow(FlowMap& _flow ) {
  18.445 -      for(EachNodeIt v=G.template first<EachNodeIt>() ; v.valid(); ++v)
  18.446 -	_flow.set(v,flow.get(v));
  18.447 -    }
  18.448 -
  18.449 -
  18.450 -
  18.451 -    /*
  18.452 -      Returns the minimum min cut, by a bfs from s in the residual graph.
  18.453 -    */
  18.454 -    
  18.455 -    template<typename CutMap>
  18.456 -    void minCut(CutMap& M) {
  18.457 -    
  18.458 -      std::queue<NodeIt> queue;
  18.459 -      
  18.460 -      M.set(s,true);      
  18.461 -      queue.push(s);
  18.462 -
  18.463 -      while (!queue.empty()) {
  18.464 -        NodeIt w=queue.front();
  18.465 -	queue.pop();
  18.466 -
  18.467 -	for(OutEdgeIt e=G.template first<OutEdgeIt>(w) ; e.valid(); ++e) {
  18.468 -	  NodeIt v=G.head(e);
  18.469 -	  if (!M.get(v) && flow.get(e) < capacity.get(e) ) {
  18.470 -	    queue.push(v);
  18.471 -	    M.set(v, true);
  18.472 -	  }
  18.473 -	} 
  18.474 -
  18.475 -	for(InEdgeIt e=G.template first<InEdgeIt>(w) ; e.valid(); ++e) {
  18.476 -	  NodeIt v=G.tail(e);
  18.477 -	  if (!M.get(v) && flow.get(e) > 0 ) {
  18.478 -	    queue.push(v);
  18.479 -	    M.set(v, true);
  18.480 -	  }
  18.481 -	} 
  18.482 -
  18.483 -      }
  18.484 -
  18.485 -    }
  18.486 -
  18.487 -
  18.488 -
  18.489 -    /*
  18.490 -      Returns the maximum min cut, by a reverse bfs 
  18.491 -      from t in the residual graph.
  18.492 -    */
  18.493 -    
  18.494 -    template<typename CutMap>
  18.495 -    void maxMinCut(CutMap& M) {
  18.496 -    
  18.497 -      std::queue<NodeIt> queue;
  18.498 -      
  18.499 -      M.set(t,true);        
  18.500 -      queue.push(t);
  18.501 -
  18.502 -      while (!queue.empty()) {
  18.503 -        NodeIt w=queue.front();
  18.504 -	queue.pop();
  18.505 -
  18.506 -	for(InEdgeIt e=G.template first<InEdgeIt>(w) ; e.valid(); ++e) {
  18.507 -	  NodeIt v=G.tail(e);
  18.508 -	  if (!M.get(v) && flow.get(e) < capacity.get(e) ) {
  18.509 -	    queue.push(v);
  18.510 -	    M.set(v, true);
  18.511 -	  }
  18.512 -	}
  18.513 -
  18.514 -	for(OutEdgeIt e=G.template first<OutEdgeIt>(w) ; e.valid(); ++e) {
  18.515 -	  NodeIt v=G.head(e);
  18.516 -	  if (!M.get(v) && flow.get(e) > 0 ) {
  18.517 -	    queue.push(v);
  18.518 -	    M.set(v, true);
  18.519 -	  }
  18.520 -	}
  18.521 -      }
  18.522 -
  18.523 -      for(EachNodeIt v=G.template first<EachNodeIt>() ; v.valid(); ++v) {
  18.524 -	M.set(v, !M.get(v));
  18.525 -      }
  18.526 -
  18.527 -    }
  18.528 -
  18.529 -
  18.530 -
  18.531 -    template<typename CutMap>
  18.532 -    void minMinCut(CutMap& M) {
  18.533 -      minCut(M);
  18.534 -    }
  18.535 -
  18.536 -
  18.537 -
  18.538 -  };
  18.539 -}//namespace
  18.540 -#endif 
  18.541 -
  18.542 -
  18.543 -
  18.544 -
    19.1 --- a/src/work/jacint/reverse_bfs.h	Mon Mar 01 17:24:34 2004 +0000
    19.2 +++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
    19.3 @@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
    19.4 -/*
    19.5 -reverse_bfs
    19.6 -by jacint
    19.7 -Performs a bfs on the out Edges. It does not count predecessors, 
    19.8 -only the distances, but one can easily modify it to know the pred as well.
    19.9 -
   19.10 -Constructor: 
   19.11 -
   19.12 -reverse_bfs(Graph& G, NodeIt t)
   19.13 -
   19.14 -
   19.15 -
   19.16 -Member functions:
   19.17 -
   19.18 -void run(): runs a reverse bfs from t
   19.19 -
   19.20 -  The following function should be used after run() was already run.
   19.21 -
   19.22 -int dist(NodeIt v) : returns the distance from v to t. It is the number of nodes if t is not reachable from v.
   19.23 -
   19.24 -*/
   19.25 -#ifndef REVERSE_BFS_H
   19.26 -#define REVERSE_BFS_H
   19.27 -
   19.28 -#include <queue>
   19.29 -#include <list_graph.hh>
   19.30 -
   19.31 -
   19.32 -namespace  marci {
   19.33 -
   19.34 -  template <typename Graph>
   19.35 -  class reverse_bfs {
   19.36 -    typedef typename Graph::NodeIt NodeIt;
   19.37 -    typedef typename Graph::EachNodeIt EachNodeIt;
   19.38 -    typedef typename Graph::InEdgeIt InEdgeIt;
   19.39 -
   19.40 -
   19.41 -    Graph& G;
   19.42 -    NodeIt t;
   19.43 -    typename Graph::NodeMap<int> distance;
   19.44 -    
   19.45 -
   19.46 -  public :
   19.47 -
   19.48 -    /*
   19.49 -      The distance of the Nodes is n, except t for which it is 0.
   19.50 -    */
   19.51 -    reverse_bfs(Graph& _G, NodeIt _t) : G(_G), t(_t), distance(G, G.nodeNum()) {
   19.52 -      distance.set(t,0);
   19.53 -    }
   19.54 -    
   19.55 -    void run() {
   19.56 -
   19.57 -      typename Graph::NodeMap<bool> reached(G, false); 
   19.58 -      reached.set(t, true);
   19.59 -
   19.60 -      std::queue<NodeIt> bfs_queue;
   19.61 -      bfs_queue.push(t);
   19.62 -
   19.63 -      while (!bfs_queue.empty()) {
   19.64 -
   19.65 -        NodeIt v=bfs_queue.front();	
   19.66 -	bfs_queue.pop();
   19.67 -
   19.68 -	for(InEdgeIt e=G.template first<InEdgeIt>(v); e.valid(); ++e) {
   19.69 -	  NodeIt w=G.tail(e);
   19.70 -	  if (!reached.get(w)) {
   19.71 -	    bfs_queue.push(w);
   19.72 -	    distance.set(w, distance.get(v)+1);
   19.73 -	    reached.set(w, true);
   19.74 -	  }
   19.75 -	}
   19.76 -      }
   19.77 -    }
   19.78 -
   19.79 -
   19.80 -
   19.81 -    int dist(NodeIt v) {
   19.82 -      return distance.get(v);
   19.83 -    }
   19.84 -
   19.85 -
   19.86 -  };
   19.87 -
   19.88 -} // namespace hugo
   19.89 -
   19.90 -#endif //REVERSE_BFS_HH
   19.91 -
   19.92 -
    20.1 --- a/src/work/jacint/reverse_bfs.hh	Mon Mar 01 17:24:34 2004 +0000
    20.2 +++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
    20.3 @@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
    20.4 -/*
    20.5 -reverse_bfs
    20.6 -by jacint
    20.7 -Performs a bfs on the out Edges. It does not count predecessors, 
    20.8 -only the distances, but one can easily modify it to know the pred as well.
    20.9 -
   20.10 -Constructor: 
   20.11 -
   20.12 -reverse_bfs(graph_type& G, NodeIt t)
   20.13 -
   20.14 -
   20.15 -
   20.16 -Member functions:
   20.17 -
   20.18 -void run(): runs a reverse bfs from t
   20.19 -
   20.20 -  The following function should be used after run() was already run.
   20.21 -
   20.22 -int dist(NodeIt v) : returns the distance from v to t. It is the number of Nodes if t is not reachable from v.
   20.23 -
   20.24 -*/
   20.25 -#ifndef REVERSE_BFS_HH
   20.26 -#define REVERSE_BFS_HH
   20.27 -
   20.28 -#include <queue>
   20.29 -
   20.30 -#include <marci_graph_traits.hh>
   20.31 -#include <marciMap.hh>
   20.32 -
   20.33 -
   20.34 -
   20.35 -namespace  marci {
   20.36 -
   20.37 -  template <typename graph_type>
   20.38 -  class reverse_bfs {
   20.39 -    typedef typename graph_traits<graph_type>::NodeIt NodeIt;
   20.40 -    //typedef typename graph_traits<graph_type>::EdgeIt EdgeIt;
   20.41 -    typedef typename graph_traits<graph_type>::EachNodeIt EachNodeIt;
   20.42 -    typedef typename graph_traits<graph_type>::InEdgeIt InEdgeIt;
   20.43 -
   20.44 -
   20.45 -    graph_type& G;
   20.46 -    NodeIt t;
   20.47 -//    NodeMap<graph_type, EdgeIt> pred;
   20.48 -    NodeMap<graph_type, int> distance;
   20.49 -    
   20.50 -
   20.51 -  public :
   20.52 -
   20.53 -    /*
   20.54 -      The distance of the Nodes is n, except t for which it is 0.
   20.55 -    */
   20.56 -    reverse_bfs(graph_type& _G, NodeIt _t) : G(_G), t(_t), distance(G, number_of(G.first_Node())) {
   20.57 -      distance.put(t,0);
   20.58 -    }
   20.59 -    
   20.60 -    void run() {
   20.61 -
   20.62 -      NodeMap<graph_type, bool> reached(G, false); 
   20.63 -      reached.put(t, true);
   20.64 -
   20.65 -      std::queue<NodeIt> bfs_queue;
   20.66 -      bfs_queue.push(t);
   20.67 -
   20.68 -      while (!bfs_queue.empty()) {
   20.69 -
   20.70 -        NodeIt v=bfs_queue.front();	
   20.71 -	bfs_queue.pop();
   20.72 -
   20.73 -	for(InEdgeIt e=G.template first<InEdgeIt>(v); e.valid(); ++e) {
   20.74 -	  NodeIt w=G.tail(e);
   20.75 -	  if (!reached.get(w)) {
   20.76 -	    bfs_queue.push(w);
   20.77 -	    distance.put(w, distance.get(v)+1);
   20.78 -	    reached.put(w, true);
   20.79 -	  }
   20.80 -	}
   20.81 -      }
   20.82 -    }
   20.83 -
   20.84 -
   20.85 -
   20.86 -    int dist(NodeIt v) {
   20.87 -      return distance.get(v);
   20.88 -    }
   20.89 -
   20.90 -
   20.91 -  };
   20.92 -
   20.93 -} // namespace hugo
   20.94 -
   20.95 -#endif //REVERSE_BFS_HH
   20.96 -
   20.97 -