Now, the actual drawing is made by run() instead of the destructor.
Thu, 20 Jan 2005 14:16:40 +0000 (2005-01-20)
changeset 1091c756973cd53c
parent 1090 9e9195331ea6
child 1092 36284b2500c3
Now, the actual drawing is made by run() instead of the destructor.
     1.1 --- a/src/demo/	Thu Jan 20 10:24:38 2005 +0000
     1.2 +++ b/src/demo/	Thu Jan 20 14:16:40 2005 +0000
     1.3 @@ -95,16 +95,19 @@
     1.4      nodeColors(composeMap(colorSet,colors)).
     1.5      edgeColors(composeMap(colorSet,ecolors)).
     1.6      edgeWidthScale(.4).edgeWidths(widths).
     1.7 -    nodeTexts(id).nodeTextSize(3);
     1.8 +    nodeTexts(id).nodeTextSize(3).
     1.9 +    run();
    1.11 -  graphToEps(g,"graph_to_eps_demo_out_arr.eps").scale(10).coords(coords).
    1.12 +  graphToEps(g,"graph_to_eps_demo_out_arr.eps").scale(10).
    1.13 +    nodeColors(composeMap(colorSet,colors)).
    1.14 +    coords(coords).
    1.15      nodeScale(2).nodeSizes(sizes).
    1.16      nodeShapes(shapes).
    1.17 -    nodeColors(composeMap(colorSet,colors)).
    1.18      edgeColors(composeMap(colorSet,ecolors)).
    1.19      edgeWidthScale(.4).edgeWidths(widths).
    1.20      nodeTexts(id).nodeTextSize(3).
    1.21 -    drawArrows().arrowWidth(1).arrowLength(1);
    1.22 +    drawArrows().arrowWidth(1).arrowLength(1).
    1.23 +    run();
    1.25    e=g.addEdge(n1,n4); ecolors[e]=2; widths[e]=1;
    1.26    e=g.addEdge(n4,n1); ecolors[e]=1; widths[e]=2;
    1.27 @@ -117,17 +120,20 @@
    1.28    e=g.addEdge(n1,n2); ecolors[e]=6; widths[e]=1;
    1.29    e=g.addEdge(n1,n2); ecolors[e]=7; widths[e]=1;
    1.31 -  graphToEps(g,"graph_to_eps_demo_out_par.eps").scale(10).coords(coords).
    1.32 +  graphToEps(g,"graph_to_eps_demo_out_par.eps").scale(10).
    1.33 +    nodeShapes(shapes).
    1.34 +    coords(coords).
    1.35      nodeScale(2).nodeSizes(sizes).
    1.36 -    nodeShapes(shapes).
    1.37      nodeColors(composeMap(colorSet,colors)).
    1.38      edgeColors(composeMap(colorSet,ecolors)).
    1.39      edgeWidthScale(.4).edgeWidths(widths).
    1.40      nodeTexts(id).nodeTextSize(3).
    1.41 -    enableParallel().parEdgeDist(1.5);
    1.42 -
    1.43 -  graphToEps(g,"graph_to_eps_demo_out_par_arr.eps").scale(10).coords(coords).
    1.44 +    enableParallel().parEdgeDist(1.5).
    1.45 +    run();
    1.46 +  
    1.47 +  graphToEps(g,"graph_to_eps_demo_out_par_arr.eps").scale(10).
    1.48      nodeScale(2).nodeSizes(sizes).
    1.49 +    coords(coords).
    1.50      nodeShapes(shapes).
    1.51      nodeColors(composeMap(colorSet,colors)).
    1.52      edgeColors(composeMap(colorSet,ecolors)).
    1.53 @@ -135,5 +141,6 @@
    1.54      nodeTexts(id).nodeTextSize(3).
    1.55      enableParallel().parEdgeDist(1).
    1.56      //    hideNodes().
    1.57 -    drawArrows().arrowWidth(1).arrowLength(1);
    1.58 +    drawArrows().arrowWidth(1).arrowLength(1).
    1.59 +    run();;
    1.60  }
     2.1 --- a/src/lemon/graph_to_eps.h	Thu Jan 20 10:24:38 2005 +0000
     2.2 +++ b/src/lemon/graph_to_eps.h	Thu Jan 20 14:16:40 2005 +0000
     2.3 @@ -421,8 +421,15 @@
     2.4    }
     2.6  public:
     2.7 -  ~GraphToEps() 
     2.8 -  {
     2.9 +  ~GraphToEps() { }
    2.10 +  
    2.11 +  ///Draws the graph.
    2.12 +
    2.13 +  ///Like other functions using
    2.14 +  ///\ref named-templ-func-param "named template parameters",
    2.15 +  ///this function calles the algorithm itself, i.e. in this case
    2.16 +  ///it draws the graph.
    2.17 +  void run() {
    2.18      if(dontPrint) return;
    2.20      os << "%!PS-Adobe-2.0 EPSF-2.0\n";
    2.21 @@ -667,14 +674,17 @@
    2.22  ///\param os is a reference to the output stream.
    2.23  ///By default it is <tt>std::cout</tt>
    2.24  ///
    2.25 -///This function also has a lot of \ref named-templ-param "named parameters",
    2.26 +///This function also has a lot of
    2.27 +///\ref named-templ-func-param "named parameters",
    2.28  ///they are declared as the members of class \ref GraphToEps. The following
    2.29  ///example shows how to use these parameters.
    2.30  ///\code
    2.31  /// graphToEps(g).scale(10).coords(coords)
    2.32  ///              .nodeScale(2).nodeSizes(sizes)
    2.33 -///              .edgeWidthScale(.4);
    2.34 +///              .edgeWidthScale(.4).run();
    2.35  ///\endcode
    2.36 +///\warning Don't forget to put the \ref GraphToEps::run() "run()"
    2.37 +///to the end of the parameter list.
    2.38  ///\sa GraphToEps
    2.39  ///\sa graphToEps(G &g, char *file_name)
    2.40  template<class G>