Some updates based on the last meeting lemon-1.0
Tue, 27 Jun 2006 11:33:05 +0000 (2006-06-27)
changeset 2645dc6e84c76f54
parent 2644 b8116d2aff5e
child 2646 73b26ab97690
Some updates based on the last meeting
     1.1 --- a/	Tue Jun 27 11:31:07 2006 +0000
     1.2 +++ b/	Tue Jun 27 11:33:05 2006 +0000
     1.3 @@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
     1.4  The LEMON-STABLE project  -*- mode: org; -*-
     1.6 -#+TYP_TODO: TODO Ákos Alpár Balázs Márk Jácint ALL DONE
     1.7 +#+TYP_TODO: TODO Ákos Alpár Attila Balázs Márk Jácint Péter ALL DONE
     1.9  * TODO Release 0.6 before any major changes in svn-trunk
    1.10  ** Do we really need it?
    1.11 -* Ákos Separate GLEMON from LEMON
    1.12 +* DONE Separate GLEMON from LEMON
    1.13  ** It should go to
    1.14 -** Probably the main lemon trunk should also be renamed to
    1.15 +** TODO Probably the main lemon trunk should also be renamed to
    1.17 -* Ákos Change to single makefile
    1.18 +* DONE Change to single makefile
    1.19  * Ákos Set up a compilation environment in branches/lemon-1.0
    1.20  ** Copy from the trunk
    1.21  ** Comment out the missing files
    1.22 @@ -26,16 +26,19 @@
    1.23  * Revise Basic components
    1.24  ** Graph Structures
    1.25  *** ALL Directed Graphs
    1.26 -**** Do we need concepts other than StaticGraph?
    1.27 +**** Balázs Do we need concepts other than StaticGraph?
    1.28  ***** If don't, rename StaticGraph to Graph
    1.29 -**** Revise doc
    1.30 +**** Attila Revise doc
    1.31  **** Revise check files
    1.32 +**** Alpár Disable copy constr's
    1.33  *** TODO Undirected Graph
    1.34  **** Revise doc
    1.35  **** Revise check files
    1.36  *** TODO Bipartite Graphs
    1.37  **** Revise doc
    1.38  **** Revise check files
    1.39 +** Ákos Exceptions
    1.40 +** TODO Put ListUGraph into a separate header file
    1.41  * TODO Revise Tools
    1.42  ** Graph Adaptors
    1.43  *** Revise doc
    1.44 @@ -54,7 +57,7 @@
    1.45  *** What about xyz.h?
    1.46  * TODO Revise Algorithms
    1.47  * TODO Revise repository maintenance files
    1.48 -** Related files
    1.49 +** TODO Related files
    1.50  *** AUTHORS
    1.51  *** ChangeLog
    1.52  *** COPYING