A minimum spanning tree based TSP algorithm is added (-tsp2)
Tue, 05 Jun 2007 10:59:16 +0000 (2007-06-05)
changeset 2446dd20d76eed13
parent 2445 aaf5787f4d5d
child 2447 260ce674cc65
A minimum spanning tree based TSP algorithm is added (-tsp2)
     1.1 --- a/tools/lgf-gen.cc	Tue Jun 05 10:57:26 2007 +0000
     1.2 +++ b/tools/lgf-gen.cc	Tue Jun 05 10:59:16 2007 +0000
     1.3 @@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
     1.4  #include <lemon/graph_to_eps.h>
     1.5  #include <lemon/graph_writer.h>
     1.6  #include <lemon/arg_parser.h>
     1.7 +#include <lemon/euler.h>
     1.8  #include <cmath>
     1.9  #include <algorithm>
    1.10  #include <lemon/unionfind.h>
    1.11 @@ -47,6 +48,14 @@
    1.12  std::vector<Node> nodes;
    1.13  ListUGraph::NodeMap<Point> coords(g);
    1.15 +
    1.16 +double totalLen(){
    1.17 +  double tlen=0;
    1.18 +  for(UEdgeIt e(g);e!=INVALID;++e)
    1.19 +    tlen+=sqrt((coords[g.source(e)]-coords[g.target(e)]).normSquare());
    1.20 +  return tlen;
    1.21 +}
    1.22 +
    1.23  int tsp_impr_num=0;
    1.25  const double EPSILON=1e-8; 
    1.26 @@ -252,7 +261,6 @@
    1.27  	  p.len=(coords[m]-coords[n]).normSquare();
    1.28  	  pedges.push_back(p);
    1.29  	}
    1.30 -      en++;
    1.31        if(progress && en>=pr*double(N)/100) 
    1.32  	{
    1.33  	  std::cout << pr << "%  \r" << std::flush;
    1.34 @@ -270,6 +278,7 @@
    1.35      {
    1.36        if ( uf.join(pi->a,pi->b) ) {
    1.37  	g.addEdge(pi->a,pi->b);
    1.38 +	en++;
    1.39  	if(en>=N-1)
    1.40  	  break;
    1.41        }
    1.42 @@ -277,6 +286,90 @@
    1.43    std::cout << T.realTime() << "s: Done\n";
    1.44  }
    1.46 +Node common(UEdge e, UEdge f)
    1.47 +{
    1.48 +  return (g.source(e)==g.source(f)||g.source(e)==g.target(f))?
    1.49 +	g.source(e):g.target(e);
    1.50 +}
    1.51 +
    1.52 +void tsp2() 
    1.53 +{
    1.54 +  std::cout << "Find a tree..." << std::endl;
    1.55 +
    1.56 +  minTree();
    1.57 +
    1.58 +  std::cout << "Total edge length (tree) : " << totalLen() << std::endl;
    1.59 +
    1.60 +  std::cout << "Make it Euler..." << std::endl;
    1.61 +
    1.62 +  {
    1.63 +    std::vector<Node> leafs;
    1.64 +    for(NodeIt n(g);n!=INVALID;++n)
    1.65 +      if(countIncEdges(g,n)%2==1) leafs.push_back(n);
    1.66 +    for(unsigned int i=0;i<leafs.size();i+=2)
    1.67 +      g.addEdge(leafs[i],leafs[i+1]);
    1.68 +  }
    1.69 +
    1.70 +  for(NodeIt n(g);n!=INVALID;++n)
    1.71 +    if(countIncEdges(g,n)%2)
    1.72 +      std::cout << "GEBASZ!!!" << std::endl;
    1.73 +  
    1.74 +  std::cout << "Number of edges : " << countUEdges(g) << std::endl;
    1.75 +
    1.76 +//   for(NodeIt n(g);n!=INVALID;++n)
    1.77 +//     if(countIncEdges(g,n)>2)
    1.78 +//       std::cout << "+";
    1.79 +//   std::cout << std::endl;
    1.80 +  
    1.81 +  std::cout << "Total edge length (euler) : " << totalLen() << std::endl;
    1.82 +
    1.83 +  ListUGraph::UEdgeMap<UEdge> enext(g);
    1.84 +  {
    1.85 +    UEulerIt<ListUGraph> e(g);
    1.86 +    UEdge eo=e;
    1.87 +    UEdge ef=e;
    1.88 +//     std::cout << "Tour edge: " << g.id(UEdge(e)) << std::endl;      
    1.89 +    for(++e;e!=INVALID;++e)
    1.90 +      {
    1.91 +// 	std::cout << "Tour edge: " << g.id(UEdge(e)) << std::endl;      
    1.92 +	enext[eo]=e;
    1.93 +	eo=e;
    1.94 +      }
    1.95 +    enext[eo]=ef;
    1.96 +  }
    1.97 +  
    1.98 +  std::cout << "Creating a tour from that..." << std::endl;
    1.99 +  
   1.100 +  int nnum = countNodes(g);
   1.101 +  int ednum = countUEdges(g);
   1.102 +  
   1.103 +  for(UEdge p=UEdgeIt(g);ednum>nnum;p=enext[p]) 
   1.104 +    {
   1.105 +//       std::cout << "Checking edge " << g.id(p) << std::endl;      
   1.106 +      UEdge e=enext[p];
   1.107 +      UEdge f=enext[e];
   1.108 +      Node n2=common(e,f);
   1.109 +      Node n1=g.oppositeNode(n2,e);
   1.110 +      Node n3=g.oppositeNode(n2,f);
   1.111 +      if(countIncEdges(g,n2)>2)
   1.112 +	{
   1.113 +// 	  std::cout << "Remove an Edge" << std::endl;
   1.114 +	  UEdge ff=enext[f];
   1.115 +	  g.erase(e);
   1.116 +	  g.erase(f);
   1.117 +	  UEdge ne=g.addEdge(n1,n3);
   1.118 +	  enext[p]=ne;
   1.119 +	  enext[ne]=ff;
   1.120 +	  ednum--;
   1.121 +	}
   1.122 +    }
   1.123 +
   1.124 +  std::cout << "Total edge length (tour) : " << totalLen() << std::endl;
   1.125 +
   1.126 +  tsp_improve();
   1.127 +  
   1.128 +  std::cout << "Total edge length (2-opt tour) : " << totalLen() << std::endl;
   1.129 +}
   1.132  int main(int argc,const char **argv) 
   1.133 @@ -306,12 +399,15 @@
   1.134  //     .mandatoryGroup("dist")
   1.135      .onlyOneGroup("dist")
   1.136      .boolOption("eps", "Also generate .eps output (prefix.eps)")
   1.137 +    .boolOption("dir", "Directed graph is generated (each edges are replaced by two directed ones)")
   1.138      .boolOption("2con", "Create a two connected planar graph")
   1.139      .optionGroup("alg","2con")
   1.140      .boolOption("tree", "Create a min. cost spanning tree")
   1.141      .optionGroup("alg","tree")
   1.142      .boolOption("tsp", "Create a TSP tour")
   1.143      .optionGroup("alg","tsp")
   1.144 +    .boolOption("tsp2", "Create a TSP tour (tree based)")
   1.145 +    .optionGroup("alg","tsp2")
   1.146      .onlyOneGroup("alg")
   1.147      .other("[prefix]","Prefix of the output files. Default is 'lgf-gen-out'")
   1.148      .run();
   1.149 @@ -372,6 +468,10 @@
   1.150      tsp();
   1.151      std::cout << "#2-opt improvements: " << tsp_impr_num << std::endl;
   1.152    }
   1.153 +  if(ap["tsp2"]) {
   1.154 +    tsp2();
   1.155 +    std::cout << "#2-opt improvements: " << tsp_impr_num << std::endl;
   1.156 +  }
   1.157    else if(ap["2con"]) {
   1.158      std::cout << "Make triangles\n";
   1.159      //   triangle();
   1.160 @@ -395,9 +495,14 @@
   1.161        scale(600).nodeScale(.2).edgeWidthScale(.001).preScale(false).
   1.162        coords(coords).run();
   1.164 -  UGraphWriter<ListUGraph>(prefix+".lgf",g).
   1.165 -    writeNodeMap("coordinates_x",scaleMap(xMap(coords),600)).
   1.166 -    writeNodeMap("coordinates_y",scaleMap(yMap(coords),600)).
   1.167 -    run();
   1.168 +  if(ap["dir"])
   1.169 +    GraphWriter<ListUGraph>(prefix+".lgf",g).
   1.170 +      writeNodeMap("coordinates_x",scaleMap(xMap(coords),600)).
   1.171 +      writeNodeMap("coordinates_y",scaleMap(yMap(coords),600)).
   1.172 +      run();
   1.173 +  else UGraphWriter<ListUGraph>(prefix+".lgf",g).
   1.174 +	 writeNodeMap("coordinates_x",scaleMap(xMap(coords),600)).
   1.175 +	 writeNodeMap("coordinates_y",scaleMap(yMap(coords),600)).
   1.176 +	 run();
   1.177  }