Improve doc
Tue, 12 Jul 2005 16:16:19 +0000 (2005-07-12)
changeset 1547dd57a540ff5f
parent 1546 3fcb8ae9cea1
child 1548 b96c5b7a0e92
Improve doc
     1.1 --- a/lemon/graph_utils.h	Tue Jul 12 16:15:37 2005 +0000
     1.2 +++ b/lemon/graph_utils.h	Tue Jul 12 16:16:19 2005 +0000
     1.3 @@ -193,7 +193,7 @@
     1.5    /// \brief Copy a map.
     1.6    ///
     1.7 -  /// Thsi function copies the \c source map to the \c target map. It uses the
     1.8 +  /// This function copies the \c source map to the \c target map. It uses the
     1.9    /// given iterator to iterate on the data structure and it uses the \c ref
    1.10    /// mapping to convert the source's keys to the target's keys.
    1.11    template <typename Target, typename Source, 
     2.1 --- a/lemon/kruskal.h	Tue Jul 12 16:15:37 2005 +0000
     2.2 +++ b/lemon/kruskal.h	Tue Jul 12 16:16:19 2005 +0000
     2.3 @@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
     2.4    /// Kruskal's algorithm to find a minimum cost tree of a graph.
     2.6    /// This function runs Kruskal's algorithm to find a minimum cost tree.
     2.7 -  /// \param G The graph the algorithm runs on. The algorithm considers the
     2.8 +  /// \param g The graph the algorithm runs on. The algorithm considers the
     2.9    /// graph to be undirected, the direction of the edges are not used.
    2.10    ///
    2.11    /// \param in This object is used to describe the edge costs. It must
    2.12 @@ -76,21 +76,21 @@
    2.14    template <class GR, class IN, class OUT>
    2.15    typename IN::value_type::second_type
    2.16 -  kruskal(GR const& G, IN const& in, 
    2.17 +  kruskal(GR const& g, IN const& in, 
    2.18  		 OUT& out)
    2.19    {
    2.20      typedef typename IN::value_type::second_type EdgeCost;
    2.21      typedef typename GR::template NodeMap<int> NodeIntMap;
    2.22      typedef typename GR::Node Node;
    2.24 -    NodeIntMap comp(G, -1);
    2.25 +    NodeIntMap comp(g, -1);
    2.26      UnionFind<Node,NodeIntMap> uf(comp); 
    2.28      EdgeCost tot_cost = 0;
    2.29      for (typename IN::const_iterator p = in.begin(); 
    2.30  	 p!=in.end(); ++p ) {
    2.31 -      if ( uf.join(*p).first),
    2.32 -		   G.source((*p).first)) ) {
    2.33 +      if ( uf.join(*p).first),
    2.34 +		   g.source((*p).first)) ) {
    2.35  	out.set((*p).first, true);
    2.36  	tot_cost += (*p).second;
    2.37        }
    2.38 @@ -109,7 +109,7 @@
    2.39    /// on-the-fly.
    2.40    ///
    2.41    /// A typical examle is the following call:
    2.42 -  /// <tt>kruskal(G, some_input, makeSequenceOutput(iterator))</tt>.
    2.43 +  /// <tt>kruskal(g, some_input, makeSequenceOutput(iterator))</tt>.
    2.44    /// Here, the third argument is a temporary object (which wraps around an
    2.45    /// iterator with a writable bool map interface), and thus by rules of C++
    2.46    /// is a \c const object. To enable call like this exist this class and
    2.47 @@ -130,10 +130,10 @@
    2.48    template <class GR, class IN, class OUT>
    2.49    inline
    2.50    typename IN::value_type::second_type
    2.51 -  kruskal(GR const& G, IN const& edges, OUT const& out_map)
    2.52 +  kruskal(GR const& g, IN const& edges, OUT const& out_map)
    2.53    {
    2.54      NonConstMapWr<OUT> map_wr(out_map);
    2.55 -    return kruskal(G, edges, map_wr);
    2.56 +    return kruskal(g, edges, map_wr);
    2.57    }  
    2.59    /* ** ** Input-objects ** ** */
    2.60 @@ -175,17 +175,17 @@
    2.62      template<class _GR>
    2.63      typename enable_if<typename _GR::UndirTag,void>::type
    2.64 -    fillWithEdges(const _GR& G, const Map& m,dummy<0> = 0) 
    2.65 +    fillWithEdges(const _GR& g, const Map& m,dummy<0> = 0) 
    2.66      {
    2.67 -      for(typename GR::UndirEdgeIt e(G);e!=INVALID;++e) 
    2.68 +      for(typename GR::UndirEdgeIt e(g);e!=INVALID;++e) 
    2.69  	push_back(value_type(typename GR::Edge(e,true), m[e]));
    2.70      }
    2.72      template<class _GR>
    2.73      typename disable_if<typename _GR::UndirTag,void>::type
    2.74 -    fillWithEdges(const _GR& G, const Map& m,dummy<1> = 1) 
    2.75 +    fillWithEdges(const _GR& g, const Map& m,dummy<1> = 1) 
    2.76      {
    2.77 -      for(typename GR::EdgeIt e(G);e!=INVALID;++e) 
    2.78 +      for(typename GR::EdgeIt e(g);e!=INVALID;++e) 
    2.79  	push_back(value_type(e, m[e]));
    2.80      }
    2.82 @@ -196,8 +196,8 @@
    2.83        std::sort(this->begin(), this->end(), comparePair());
    2.84      }
    2.86 -    KruskalMapInput(GR const& G, Map const& m) {
    2.87 -      fillWithEdges(G,m); 
    2.88 +    KruskalMapInput(GR const& g, Map const& m) {
    2.89 +      fillWithEdges(g,m); 
    2.90        sort();
    2.91      }
    2.92    };
    2.93 @@ -211,7 +211,7 @@
    2.94    /// In most cases you possibly
    2.95    /// want to use the function kruskalEdgeMap() instead.
    2.96    ///
    2.97 -  ///\param G The type of the graph the algorithm runs on.
    2.98 +  ///\param g The type of the graph the algorithm runs on.
    2.99    ///\param m An edge map containing the cost of the edges.
   2.100    ///\par
   2.101    ///The cost type can be any type satisfying the
   2.102 @@ -223,9 +223,9 @@
   2.103    ///
   2.104    template<class GR, class Map>
   2.105    inline
   2.106 -  KruskalMapInput<GR,Map> makeKruskalMapInput(const GR &G,const Map &m)
   2.107 +  KruskalMapInput<GR,Map> makeKruskalMapInput(const GR &g,const Map &m)
   2.108    {
   2.109 -    return KruskalMapInput<GR,Map>(G,m);
   2.110 +    return KruskalMapInput<GR,Map>(g,m);
   2.111    }
   2.114 @@ -291,7 +291,7 @@
   2.115    /// Wrapper function to kruskal().
   2.116    /// Input is from an edge map, output is a plain bool map.
   2.117    ///
   2.118 -  ///\param G The type of the graph the algorithm runs on.
   2.119 +  ///\param g The type of the graph the algorithm runs on.
   2.120    ///\param in An edge map containing the cost of the edges.
   2.121    ///\par
   2.122    ///The cost type can be any type satisfying the
   2.123 @@ -310,11 +310,11 @@
   2.124    template <class GR, class IN, class RET>
   2.125    inline
   2.126    typename IN::Value
   2.127 -  kruskalEdgeMap(GR const& G,
   2.128 +  kruskalEdgeMap(GR const& g,
   2.129  		 IN const& in,
   2.130  		 RET &out) {
   2.131 -    return kruskal(G,
   2.132 -		   KruskalMapInput<GR,IN>(G,in),
   2.133 +    return kruskal(g,
   2.134 +		   KruskalMapInput<GR,IN>(g,in),
   2.135  		   out);
   2.136    }
   2.138 @@ -324,7 +324,7 @@
   2.139    /// Wrapper function to kruskal().
   2.140    /// Input is from an edge map, output is an STL Sequence.
   2.141    ///
   2.142 -  ///\param G The type of the graph the algorithm runs on.
   2.143 +  ///\param g The type of the graph the algorithm runs on.
   2.144    ///\param in An edge map containing the cost of the edges.
   2.145    ///\par
   2.146    ///The cost type can be any type satisfying the
   2.147 @@ -335,17 +335,17 @@
   2.148    /// \retval out This must be an iteraror of an STL Container with
   2.149    /// <tt>GR::Edge</tt> as its <tt>value_type</tt>.
   2.150    /// The algorithm copies the elements of the found tree into this sequence.
   2.151 -  /// For example, if we know that the spanning tree of the graph \c G has
   2.152 +  /// For example, if we know that the spanning tree of the graph \c g has
   2.153    /// say 53 edges then
   2.154    /// we can put its edges into a STL vector \c tree with a code like this.
   2.155    /// \code
   2.156    /// std::vector<Edge> tree(53);
   2.157 -  /// kruskalEdgeMap_IteratorOut(G,cost,tree.begin());
   2.158 +  /// kruskalEdgeMap_IteratorOut(g,cost,tree.begin());
   2.159    /// \endcode
   2.160    /// Or if we don't know in advance the size of the tree, we can write this.
   2.161    /// \code
   2.162    /// std::vector<Edge> tree;
   2.163 -  /// kruskalEdgeMap_IteratorOut(G,cost,std::back_inserter(tree));
   2.164 +  /// kruskalEdgeMap_IteratorOut(g,cost,std::back_inserter(tree));
   2.165    /// \endcode
   2.166    ///
   2.167    /// \return The cost of the found tree.
   2.168 @@ -355,12 +355,12 @@
   2.169    template <class GR, class IN, class RET>
   2.170    inline
   2.171    typename IN::Value
   2.172 -  kruskalEdgeMap_IteratorOut(const GR& G,
   2.173 +  kruskalEdgeMap_IteratorOut(const GR& g,
   2.174  			     const IN& in,
   2.175  			     RET out)
   2.176    {
   2.177      KruskalSequenceOutput<RET> _out(out);
   2.178 -    return kruskal(G, KruskalMapInput<GR,IN>(G, in), _out);
   2.179 +    return kruskal(g, KruskalMapInput<GR,IN>(g, in), _out);
   2.180    }
   2.182    /// @}
     3.1 --- a/lemon/maps.h	Tue Jul 12 16:15:37 2005 +0000
     3.2 +++ b/lemon/maps.h	Tue Jul 12 16:16:19 2005 +0000
     3.3 @@ -221,13 +221,11 @@
     3.4      }
     3.5    };
     3.7 -  ///Convert the \c Value of a maps to another type.
     3.8 +  ///Convert the \c Value of a map to another type.
    3.10    ///This \ref concept::ReadMap "read only map"
    3.11    ///converts the \c Value of a maps to type \c T.
    3.12 -  ///Its \c Value is inherited from \c M.
    3.13 -  ///
    3.14 -  ///\bug wrong documentation
    3.15 +  ///Its \c Key is inherited from \c M.
    3.16    template<class M, class T> 
    3.17    class ConvertMap {
    3.18      typename SmartConstReference<M>::Type m;
    3.19 @@ -304,7 +302,7 @@
    3.20      return AddMap<M1,M2>(m1,m2);
    3.21    }
    3.23 -  ///Shift a maps with a constant.
    3.24 +  ///Shift a map with a constant.
    3.26    ///This \ref concept::ReadMap "read only map" returns the sum of the
    3.27    ///given map and a constant value.
    3.28 @@ -314,7 +312,7 @@
    3.29    ///\code
    3.30    ///  ShiftMap<X> sh(x,v);
    3.31    ///\endcode
    3.32 -  ///it is equivalent with
    3.33 +  ///is equivalent with
    3.34    ///\code
    3.35    ///  ConstMap<X::Key, X::Value> c_tmp(v);
    3.36    ///  AddMap<X, ConstMap<X::Key, X::Value> > sh(x,v);
    3.37 @@ -355,7 +353,7 @@
    3.38    ///Difference of two maps
    3.40    ///This \ref concept::ReadMap "read only map" returns the difference
    3.41 -  ///of the values returned by the two
    3.42 +  ///of the values of the two
    3.43    ///given maps. Its \c Key and \c Value will be inherited from \c M1.
    3.44    ///The \c Key and \c Value of \c M2 must be convertible to those of \c M1.
    3.46 @@ -391,7 +389,7 @@
    3.47    ///Product of two maps
    3.49    ///This \ref concept::ReadMap "read only map" returns the product of the
    3.50 -  ///values returned by the two
    3.51 +  ///values of the two
    3.52    ///given
    3.53    ///maps. Its \c Key and \c Value will be inherited from \c M1.
    3.54    ///The \c Key and \c Value of \c M2 must be convertible to those of \c M1.
    3.55 @@ -424,17 +422,17 @@
    3.56      return MulMap<M1,M2>(m1,m2);
    3.57    }
    3.59 -  ///Scale a maps with a constant.
    3.60 +  ///Scales a maps with a constant.
    3.62    ///This \ref concept::ReadMap "read only map" returns the value of the
    3.63 -  ///given map multipied with a constant value.
    3.64 +  ///given map multiplied with a constant value.
    3.65    ///Its \c Key and \c Value is inherited from \c M.
    3.66    ///
    3.67    ///Actually,
    3.68    ///\code
    3.69    ///  ScaleMap<X> sc(x,v);
    3.70    ///\endcode
    3.71 -  ///it is equivalent with
    3.72 +  ///is equivalent with
    3.73    ///\code
    3.74    ///  ConstMap<X::Key, X::Value> c_tmp(v);
    3.75    ///  MulMap<X, ConstMap<X::Key, X::Value> > sc(x,v);
    3.76 @@ -475,7 +473,7 @@
    3.77    ///Quotient of two maps
    3.79    ///This \ref concept::ReadMap "read only map" returns the quotient of the
    3.80 -  ///values returned by the two
    3.81 +  ///values of the two
    3.82    ///given maps. Its \c Key and \c Value will be inherited from \c M1.
    3.83    ///The \c Key and \c Value of \c M2 must be convertible to those of \c M1.
    3.85 @@ -552,14 +550,14 @@
    3.86      return ComposeMap<M1,M2>(m1,m2);
    3.87    }
    3.89 -  ///Combine of two maps using an STL (binary) functor.
    3.90 +  ///Combines of two maps using an STL (binary) functor.
    3.92 -  ///Combine of two maps using an STL (binary) functor.
    3.93 +  ///Combines of two maps using an STL (binary) functor.
    3.94    ///
    3.95    ///
    3.96 -  ///This \ref concept::ReadMap "read only map" takes to maps and a
    3.97 +  ///This \ref concept::ReadMap "read only map" takes two maps and a
    3.98    ///binary functor and returns the composition of
    3.99 -  ///two
   3.100 +  ///the two
   3.101    ///given maps unsing the functor. 
   3.102    ///That is to say, if \c m1 and \c m2 is of type \c M1 and \c M2
   3.103    ///and \c f is of \c F,
   3.104 @@ -789,7 +787,7 @@
   3.105    }
   3.108 -  ///Apply all map setting operations to two maps
   3.109 +  ///Applies all map setting operations to two maps
   3.111    ///This map has two \ref concept::WriteMap "writable map"
   3.112    ///parameters and each write request will be passed to both of them.