- compile failure fixed
Sun, 17 Apr 2005 18:57:22 +0000 (2005-04-17)
changeset 1364ee5959aa4410
parent 1363 a32f990b73d9
child 1365 c280de819a73
- compile failure fixed
- newLp(), copyLp() added
- more doc.
     1.1 --- a/src/lemon/lp_base.cc	Fri Apr 15 22:12:51 2005 +0000
     1.2 +++ b/src/lemon/lp_base.cc	Sun Apr 17 18:57:22 2005 +0000
     1.3 @@ -25,9 +25,9 @@
     1.4    const LpSolverBase::Value
     1.5    LpSolverBase::NaN = std::numeric_limits<Value>::quiet_NaN();
     1.7 -  const LpSolverBase::Constr::Value
     1.8 -  LpSolverBase::Constr::INF = std::numeric_limits<Value>::infinity();
     1.9 -  const LpSolverBase::Constr::Value
    1.10 -  LpSolverBase::Constr::NaN = std::numeric_limits<Value>::quiet_NaN();
    1.11 +//   const LpSolverBase::Constr::Value
    1.12 +//   LpSolverBase::Constr::INF = std::numeric_limits<Value>::infinity();
    1.13 +//   const LpSolverBase::Constr::Value
    1.14 +//   LpSolverBase::Constr::NaN = std::numeric_limits<Value>::quiet_NaN();
    1.16  } //namespace lemon
     2.1 --- a/src/lemon/lp_base.h	Fri Apr 15 22:12:51 2005 +0000
     2.2 +++ b/src/lemon/lp_base.h	Sun Apr 17 18:57:22 2005 +0000
     2.3 @@ -198,7 +198,7 @@
     2.4      ///There are several ways to access and modify the contents of this
     2.5      ///container.
     2.6      ///- Its it fully compatible with \c std::map<Col,double>, so for expamle
     2.7 -    ///if \c e is an Expr and \c v and \c w are of type \ref Col then you can
     2.8 +    ///if \c e is an Expr and \c v and \c w are of type \ref Col, then you can
     2.9      ///read and modify the coefficients like
    2.10      ///these.
    2.11      ///\code
    2.12 @@ -318,8 +318,29 @@
    2.14      ///Linear constraint
    2.16 -    ///\todo document please
    2.17 -    ///
    2.18 +    ///This data stucture represents a linear constraint in the LP.
    2.19 +    ///Basically it is a linear expression with a lower or an upper bound
    2.20 +    ///(or both). These parts of the constraint can be obtained by the member
    2.21 +    ///functions \ref expr(), \ref lowerBound() and \ref upperBound(),
    2.22 +    ///respectively.
    2.23 +    ///There are two ways to construct a constraint.
    2.24 +    ///- You can set the linear expression and the bounds directly
    2.25 +    ///  by the functions above.
    2.26 +    ///- The operators <tt>\<=</tt>, <tt>==</tt> and  <tt>\>=</tt>
    2.27 +    ///  are defined between expressions, or even between constraints whenever
    2.28 +    ///  it makes sense. Therefore if \c e and \c f are linear expressions and
    2.29 +    ///  \c s and \c t are numbers, then the followings are valid expressions
    2.30 +    ///  and thus they can be used directly e.g. in \ref addRow() whenever
    2.31 +    ///  it makes sense.
    2.32 +    ///  \code
    2.33 +    ///  e<=s
    2.34 +    ///  e<=f
    2.35 +    ///  s<=e<=t
    2.36 +    ///  e>=t
    2.37 +    ///  \endcode
    2.38 +    ///\warning The validity of a constraint is checked only at run time, so
    2.39 +    ///e.g. \ref addRow(<tt>x[1]\<=x[2]<=5</tt>) will compile, but will throw a
    2.40 +    ///\ref LogicError exception.
    2.41      class Constr
    2.42      {
    2.43      public:
    2.44 @@ -327,11 +348,9 @@
    2.45        typedef Expr::Key Key;
    2.46        typedef Expr::Value Value;
    2.48 -      static const Value INF;
    2.49 -      static const Value NaN;
    2.50 -      //     static const Value INF=0;
    2.51 -      //     static const Value NaN=1;
    2.52 -      
    2.53 +//       static const Value INF;
    2.54 +//       static const Value NaN;
    2.55 +
    2.56      protected:
    2.57        Expr _expr;
    2.58        Value _lb,_ub;
    2.59 @@ -356,24 +375,35 @@
    2.60  	_expr.clear();
    2.61  	_lb=_ub=NaN;
    2.62        }
    2.63 -      ///\e
    2.64 +
    2.65 +      ///Reference to the linear expression 
    2.66        Expr &expr() { return _expr; }
    2.67 -      ///\e
    2.68 +      ///Cont reference to the linear expression 
    2.69        const Expr &expr() const { return _expr; }
    2.70 -      ///\e
    2.71 +      ///Reference to the lower bound.
    2.72 +
    2.73 +      ///\return
    2.74 +      ///- -\ref INF: the constraint is lower unbounded.
    2.75 +      ///- -\ref NaN: lower bound has not been set.
    2.76 +      ///- finite number: the lower bound
    2.77        Value &lowerBound() { return _lb; }
    2.78 -      ///\e
    2.79 +      ///The const version of \ref lowerBound()
    2.80        const Value &lowerBound() const { return _lb; }
    2.81 -      ///\e
    2.82 +      ///Reference to the upper bound.
    2.83 +
    2.84 +      ///\return
    2.85 +      ///- -\ref INF: the constraint is upper unbounded.
    2.86 +      ///- -\ref NaN: upper bound has not been set.
    2.87 +      ///- finite number: the upper bound
    2.88        Value &upperBound() { return _ub; }
    2.89 -      ///\e
    2.90 +      ///The const version of \ref upperBound()
    2.91        const Value &upperBound() const { return _ub; }
    2.92 -      ///\e
    2.93 +      ///Is the constraint lower bounded?
    2.94        bool lowerBounded() const { 
    2.95  	using namespace std;
    2.96  	return isfinite(_lb);
    2.97        }
    2.98 -      ///\e
    2.99 +      ///Is the constraint upper bounded?
   2.100        bool upperBounded() const {
   2.101  	using namespace std;
   2.102  	return isfinite(_ub);
   2.103 @@ -386,6 +416,9 @@
   2.104      _FixId cols;
   2.106      //Abstract virtual functions
   2.107 +    virtual LpSolverBase &_newLp() = 0;
   2.108 +    virtual LpSolverBase &_copyLp() = 0;
   2.109 +
   2.110      virtual int _addCol() = 0;
   2.111      virtual int _addRow() = 0;
   2.112      virtual void _setRowCoeffs(int i, 
   2.113 @@ -426,6 +459,11 @@
   2.114      ///\e
   2.115      virtual ~LpSolverBase() {}
   2.117 +    ///Creates a new LP problem
   2.118 +    LpSolverBase &newLp() {return _newLp();}
   2.119 +    ///Make a copy of the LP problem
   2.120 +    LpSolverBase &copyLp() {return _copyLp();}
   2.121 +    
   2.122      ///\name Build up and modify of the LP
   2.124      ///@{
   2.125 @@ -451,7 +489,7 @@
   2.126      ///\ref Col as its \c mapped_type
   2.127      ///like
   2.128      ///\code
   2.129 -    ///std::map<AnyStatus,LpSolverBase::Col>
   2.130 +    ///std::map<AnyType,LpSolverBase::Col>
   2.131      ///\endcode
   2.132      ///- an iterable lemon \ref concept::WriteMap "write map" like 
   2.133      ///\code
   2.134 @@ -459,7 +497,6 @@
   2.135      ///ListGraph::EdgeMap<LpSolverBase::Col>
   2.136      ///\endcode
   2.137      ///\return The number of the created column.
   2.138 -    ///\bug Iterable nodemap hasn't been implemented yet.
   2.139  #ifdef DOXYGEN
   2.140      template<class T>
   2.141      int addColSet(T &t) { return 0;} 
   2.142 @@ -668,7 +705,7 @@
   2.143      ///\return
   2.144      ///- \ref INF or -\ref INF means either infeasibility or unboundedness
   2.145      /// of the primal problem, depending on whether we minimize or maximize.
   2.146 -    ///- \ref NAN if no primal solution is found.
   2.147 +    ///- \ref NaN if no primal solution is found.
   2.148      ///- The (finite) objective value if an optimal solution is found.
   2.149      Value primalValue() { return _getPrimalValue()+obj_const_comp;}
   2.150      ///@}
   2.151 @@ -683,7 +720,7 @@
   2.152  				      const LpSolverBase::Expr &b) 
   2.153    {
   2.154      LpSolverBase::Expr tmp(a);
   2.155 -    tmp+=b; ///\todo Don't STL have some special 'merge' algorithm?
   2.156 +    tmp+=b; ///\todo Doesn't STL have some special 'merge' algorithm?
   2.157      return tmp;
   2.158    }
   2.159    ///\e
   2.160 @@ -694,7 +731,7 @@
   2.161  				      const LpSolverBase::Expr &b) 
   2.162    {
   2.163      LpSolverBase::Expr tmp(a);
   2.164 -    tmp-=b; ///\todo Don't STL have some special 'merge' algorithm?
   2.165 +    tmp-=b; ///\todo Doesn't STL have some special 'merge' algorithm?
   2.166      return tmp;
   2.167    }
   2.168    ///\e
   2.169 @@ -705,7 +742,7 @@
   2.170  				      const LpSolverBase::Value &b) 
   2.171    {
   2.172      LpSolverBase::Expr tmp(a);
   2.173 -    tmp*=b; ///\todo Don't STL have some special 'merge' algorithm?
   2.174 +    tmp*=b; ///\todo Doesn't STL have some special 'merge' algorithm?
   2.175      return tmp;
   2.176    }
   2.178 @@ -717,7 +754,7 @@
   2.179  				      const LpSolverBase::Expr &b) 
   2.180    {
   2.181      LpSolverBase::Expr tmp(b);
   2.182 -    tmp*=a; ///\todo Don't STL have some special 'merge' algorithm?
   2.183 +    tmp*=a; ///\todo Doesn't STL have some special 'merge' algorithm?
   2.184      return tmp;
   2.185    }
   2.186    ///\e
   2.187 @@ -728,7 +765,7 @@
   2.188  				      const LpSolverBase::Value &b) 
   2.189    {
   2.190      LpSolverBase::Expr tmp(a);
   2.191 -    tmp/=b; ///\todo Don't STL have some special 'merge' algorithm?
   2.192 +    tmp/=b; ///\todo Doesn't STL have some special 'merge' algorithm?
   2.193      return tmp;
   2.194    }
     3.1 --- a/src/lemon/lp_glpk.cc	Fri Apr 15 22:12:51 2005 +0000
     3.2 +++ b/src/lemon/lp_glpk.cc	Sun Apr 17 18:57:22 2005 +0000
     3.3 @@ -24,6 +24,24 @@
     3.5  namespace lemon {
     3.7 +  ///\e
     3.8 +
     3.9 +  ///\bug Unimplemented!
    3.10 +  ///
    3.11 +  LpSolverBase &LpGlpk::_newLp()
    3.12 +  {
    3.13 +    return *((LpSolverBase *)0);
    3.14 +  }
    3.15 +  
    3.16 +  ///\e
    3.17 +
    3.18 +  ///\bug Unimplemented!
    3.19 +  ///
    3.20 +  LpSolverBase &LpGlpk::_copyLp()
    3.21 +  {
    3.22 +    return *((LpSolverBase *)0);
    3.23 +  }
    3.24 +
    3.25    LpGlpk::LpGlpk() : Parent(), 
    3.26  		     lp(lpx_create_prob()) {
    3.27      ///\todo constrol function for this:
     4.1 --- a/src/lemon/lp_glpk.h	Fri Apr 15 22:12:51 2005 +0000
     4.2 +++ b/src/lemon/lp_glpk.h	Sun Apr 17 18:57:22 2005 +0000
     4.3 @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
     4.5    /// \brief Wrapper for GLPK solver
     4.6    /// 
     4.7 -  /// This class implements a lemon wrapper for GLPK.
     4.8 +  /// This class implements an interface for GLPK.
     4.9    ///\ingroup gen_opt_group
    4.10    class LpGlpk : public LpSolverBase {
    4.11    protected:
    4.12 @@ -45,6 +45,9 @@
    4.13      ~LpGlpk();
    4.15    protected:
    4.16 +    virtual LpSolverBase &_newLp();
    4.17 +    virtual LpSolverBase &_copyLp();
    4.18 +
    4.19      virtual int _addCol();
    4.20      virtual int _addRow();
    4.21      virtual void _setRowCoeffs(int i, 
     5.1 --- a/src/lemon/lp_skeleton.cc	Fri Apr 15 22:12:51 2005 +0000
     5.2 +++ b/src/lemon/lp_skeleton.cc	Sun Apr 17 18:57:22 2005 +0000
     5.3 @@ -21,6 +21,16 @@
     5.4  ///\brief A skeleton file to implement LP solver interfaces
     5.5  namespace lemon {
     5.7 +  LpSolverBase &LpSkeleton::_newLp()
     5.8 +  {
     5.9 +    return *((LpSolverBase *)0);
    5.10 +  }
    5.11 +  
    5.12 +  LpSolverBase &LpSkeleton::_copyLp()
    5.13 +  {
    5.14 +    return *((LpSolverBase *)0);
    5.15 +  }
    5.16 +
    5.17    int LpSkeleton::_addCol()
    5.18    {
    5.19      return ++col_num;
     6.1 --- a/src/lemon/lp_skeleton.h	Fri Apr 15 22:12:51 2005 +0000
     6.2 +++ b/src/lemon/lp_skeleton.h	Sun Apr 17 18:57:22 2005 +0000
     6.3 @@ -29,6 +29,10 @@
     6.4      int col_num,row_num;
     6.6    protected:
     6.7 +    ///\e
     6.8 +    virtual LpSolverBase &_newLp();
     6.9 +    ///\e
    6.10 +    virtual LpSolverBase &_copyLp();
    6.11      /// \e
    6.12      virtual int _addCol();
    6.13      /// \e