2004-03-12 marci .
2004-03-12 marci const
2004-03-12 marci Node <-> NodeIt correction in next
2004-03-12 alpar Marci's changes accepted.
2004-03-12 marci .
2004-03-12 marci correcting implicit typenames
2004-03-12 marci towards on ListGraph, SmartGraph compatibility
2004-03-11 jacint *** empty log message ***
2004-03-11 klao Uj kupac nevezektan
2004-03-11 klao hurokeles bug
2004-03-11 jacint *** empty log message ***
2004-03-11 klao egy kicsit szebb INVALID
2004-03-11 marci graph wrapper improvements, blocking flow on fly
2004-03-11 jacint *** empty log message ***
2004-03-11 jacint *** empty log message ***
2004-03-10 alpar Some mod in the doc
2004-03-10 alpar New graph interface
2004-03-10 alpar Emtygraph with the new interface
2004-03-10 alpar Declarations and definitions of Invalid and INVALID
2004-03-09 jacint *** empty log message ***
2004-03-09 jacint *** empty log message ***
2004-03-09 jacint *** empty log message ***
2004-03-08 marci a lot of interesting and very useful wrapper graphs
2004-03-07 alpar One more step toward the standars interface.
2004-03-04 marci .
2004-03-04 marci graph wrappers
2004-03-04 marci *** empty log message ***
2004-03-04 beckerjc .
2004-03-04 beckerjc .
2004-03-04 marci .
2004-03-03 beckerjc Uni?-HolVan strukt?ra,
2004-03-03 beckerjc Apr?bb jav?t?sok.
2004-03-03 marci G.next(...), G.valid(...), ...
2004-03-02 alpar Step toward to a standardised graph interface.
2004-03-02 marci .
2004-03-02 alpar next() -> getNext()
2004-03-02 marci BfsIterator4, DfsIterator4 extension
2004-03-01 jacint nagytakaritas
2004-03-01 jacint nagytakaritas
2004-03-01 marci .
2004-03-01 jacint *** empty log message ***
2004-03-01 marci next, getNext
2004-03-01 marci .
2004-03-01 marci ResGraph3::EdgeMap<T>
2004-02-27 alpar Zoli listaja
2004-02-27 marci blocking flow improvement
2004-02-27 marci nem hekkelunk.
2004-02-27 marci Dinits blocking flow added to edmonds_karp_demo.hh.
2004-02-26 klao makefile: tobb include konyvtar, jobb depend keszites
2004-02-26 jacint Alpar SmartGraph-janak atirasa
2004-02-25 alpar .
2004-02-25 alpar setInvalid() functions added.
2004-02-25 alpar .
2004-02-24 klao private typedef problemak
2004-02-24 beckerjc Makefile a html-hez. A verbatim m?dok elk?sz?t?se.
2004-02-23 klao 4.4.1-es ledahoz a demo atalakitva
2004-02-23 alpar .
2004-02-23 beckerjc Sajat dtd es dsl kezdetleges valtozatai.
2004-02-23 beckerjc generalt fajlok torlese
2004-02-23 jacint include unistd