2005-06-09 athos I could not check, because: aclocal-1.7: command not found
2005-06-09 alpar - InDegMap fixed
2005-06-09 athos Not ready, but I commit it for simplicity.
2005-06-09 alpar Serious bugfix in ListGraph::SnapShot and SmartGraph::SnapShot
2005-06-09 alpar Trivial doc fixes
2005-06-09 alpar Change the compilation order of subdirs
2005-06-08 klao Bugfixes to compile w. gcc 4.0.0
2005-06-08 alpar InDegMap added
2005-06-08 klao Make target "docs" renamed to "doc"
2005-06-08 klao Bugfix: make doc didn't work in external builddir.
2005-06-08 klao * Doc generation restructuring: don't remove the whole html/
2005-06-07 alpar Modify kruskal to work correctly with UndirGraphs.
2005-06-07 alpar UndirTag added to the graphs
2005-06-07 alpar some thing to do
2005-06-06 hegyi Maps are now selectable through ComboBoxes, and Escape makes MapWin disappeared.
2005-06-04 alpar DualExpr added.
2005-06-03 ladanyi zooming should really work now
2005-06-02 athos Documentation review.
2005-06-01 ladanyi dos2unix
2005-06-01 ladanyi - added toolbar
2005-05-27 hegyi Small documentation is added to GUI
2005-05-26 alpar Revome duplicated typedefs
2005-05-26 athos Some documentation got revised.
2005-05-26 ladanyi - test both lp implementations
2005-05-26 athos _copyLp(), _newLp() implemented.
2005-05-23 ladanyi trunk/src/* move to trunk/
2005-05-21 ladanyi bugfix
2005-05-20 ladanyi added a configuration header to the lemon directory
2005-05-20 athos Functions _eraseRow(), _eraseCol(). Not yet implemented for cplex.
2005-05-20 athos Added function _setCoeff().
2005-05-19 deba Documentation
2005-05-19 deba Able to read edge from undirected edgeset
2005-05-19 alpar A very simple xml parser
2005-05-18 deba Two minor changes.
2005-05-18 ladanyi - minor corrections in the docs
2005-05-16 marci minor modifications
2005-05-14 deba Bug fix.
2005-05-14 deba ContentReader
2005-05-14 deba Six-coloring in plan graphs.
2005-05-14 deba IO with undirected edgesets and undirected graphs.
2005-05-14 deba Smart reference handling in map adaptors
2005-05-14 deba Added backward and forward map.
2005-05-14 deba Handling smarter the references
2005-05-14 deba std:: prefix bug corrected
2005-05-14 deba Descrption for bits
2005-05-14 deba Moved to subgroup
2005-05-14 deba Handling simultan edge adding.
2005-05-11 deba Fixing invertable maps:
2005-05-11 ladanyi moved the gui
2005-05-11 deba Bug fix.
2005-05-11 deba Bug fixes.
2005-05-11 deba LemonWriter and GraphWriter.
2005-05-09 deba New graph reader interface.
2005-05-06 athos Cplex works.
2005-05-05 ladanyi fix 'make mrproper'
2005-05-05 athos Deleted _setRowLowerBound() and _setRowUpperBound() functions. Cplex worked (now it does not because of _getPrimalStatus()).
2005-05-05 ladanyi added directory and check for the GUI
2005-05-05 alpar An unnecessary header removed
2005-05-05 alpar Special maps' placement in the headers and in the doxigen modules
2005-05-04 alpar wrapper -> adaptor