2004-02-18 marci numerical results
2004-02-18 marci .
2004-02-17 alpar .
2004-02-17 alpar It is working...
2004-02-17 alpar .
2004-02-17 alpar .
2004-02-17 marci for alpar's sake...
2004-02-17 marci mostmar jonak tunik jacint mind2 flow-ja
2004-02-17 jacint fast version
2004-02-17 marci mostmar pontosabb erteket ad
2004-02-17 marci next, goNext
2004-02-17 jacint *** empty log message ***
2004-02-17 jacint after debugging
2004-02-17 jacint debuggolt valtozatok
2004-02-16 marci Can you test more preflow algs?
2004-02-16 alpar #include<vector> added
2004-02-16 alpar Several bugfixes
2004-02-16 jacint delete
2004-02-16 jacint modern valtozat
2004-02-16 athos Kijavitottam a preflow_push algoritmust az uj koncept szerint.
2004-02-16 marci .
2004-02-16 marci .
2004-02-16 alpar .
2004-02-13 marci .
2004-02-13 jacint modern valtozat
2004-02-12 marci read_dimacs_demo: measures elapsed time
2004-02-10 alpar .
2004-02-09 marci .
2004-02-06 beckerjc Bookmark-okkal, b?r el?g bugosan.
2004-02-06 marci .
2004-02-05 beckerjc docbook dokumentacio illusztracio
2004-02-05 alpar Some Graph wrapper classes
2004-02-05 marci .
2004-02-04 ladanyi added the loader for the DIMACS file format
2004-02-04 alpar {}'s has been inserted after the function declarations. (For Misi's sake.)
2004-02-04 alpar ValueType/KeyType is NodeMap/EdgeMap
2004-02-04 marci .
2004-02-04 marci .
2004-02-04 marci BfsIterator2
2004-02-04 alpar To make clear, clean() became clear().
2004-02-04 alpar Some correction proposed by Marci.
2004-02-03 alpar aNode(), bNode(), head() and tail() added
2004-02-03 alpar .
2004-02-03 alpar .
2004-02-03 alpar An empty Graph class.
2004-01-30 marci atrendezes
2004-01-30 jacint *** empty log message ***
2004-01-30 marci marci_graph_demo in new concept
2004-01-30 marci marci_graph_demo, iterator_bfs_dfs_demo
2004-01-30 jacint Moved to /jacint
2004-01-30 marci marci_list_graph.hh in the new upper-cased concept
2004-01-30 marci iterator style bfs, dfs
2004-01-30 marci some informations on the upper-cased new graph concept
2004-01-30 marci marci_max_flow.hh in the new concept
2004-01-30 marci marci_bfs.hh in the new, upper-case concept, and som further improvements
2004-01-29 klao bin_heap.hh:
2004-01-27 klao Jacint conflict-janak kijavitasa
2004-01-27 klao Alap leiras a BinHeap -rol
2004-01-27 klao -MM sajnos mashogy mukodik meg a 3.0 alatt
2004-01-27 klao Generikus binaris kupac implementacio.