2006-02-23 deba Renaming to be convient to the naming of the adaptors
2006-02-22 deba Mergeing extendermerge branch
2006-02-22 alpar vmap.h: Enables one to create maps with a virtual base class.
2006-02-21 alpar RefPtr: a reference counted pointer class
2006-02-21 alpar Fix bug #26: Check if an edge is a loop and do not draw then
2006-02-20 deba Second renaming of min cut
2006-02-20 alpar Public data members of xy became documented
2006-02-20 alpar Spellchecking
2006-02-20 alpar Dewarningification
2006-02-20 alpar - RGB color related stuff is in color.h now
2006-02-20 alpar Doc changes
2006-02-20 alpar One more step towards Undir -> U conversion...
2006-02-14 deba Name modification
2006-02-13 deba New algorithm:
2006-02-07 deba Easier checking in DEBUG mode
2006-02-07 deba Compilation with G++ -ansi
2006-02-06 deba Bug fix
2006-02-06 deba Bug fix
2006-02-06 deba Bug fixes in ListEdgeSet
2006-02-06 deba Bug fix
2006-02-06 alpar - Increased max. number of iteration
2006-02-06 alpar Spellcheck
2006-02-03 alpar - svn lock doesn't work lemon-0.5
2006-02-03 alpar Last struggle against Doxygen.
2006-02-03 alpar Unified copyright notices
2006-02-03 alpar Change the compilation flag at release make distcheck.
2006-02-03 alpar Minor change.
2006-02-03 alpar Polish the doc.
2006-02-03 klao graph_adaptor.h: spacing corrections in doc
2006-02-03 klao graph_adaptor.h: probably a doxygen bug: in tex formulas there should be
2006-02-03 klao lp_cplex.cc: bugfix in _setColName, _getColName implemented
2006-02-03 alpar Fight with Doxygen.
2006-02-03 alpar Hopefully we can release 0.5 today
2006-02-02 alpar minor changes
2006-02-02 alpar - workaround for a Doxygen 1.4.6 bug
2006-02-02 klao NEWS: major changes since 0.4 added
2006-02-02 alpar Use short icpc paths
2006-02-02 ladanyi Fix crash when an arrow is clicked with the delete tool.
2006-02-02 klao kruskal.h: an overloaded function for older, pointer-style iterators
2006-02-02 alpar The version tag of the trunk is svn-head
2006-02-02 alpar - also works off-line
2006-02-02 alpar Towards icc-8.0 compatibility...
2006-02-01 alpar Fix g++-3.4 executable's name
2006-02-01 alpar Some useful scripts:
2006-01-31 alpar Fix icc compilation failures.
2006-01-31 alpar Spellcheck
2006-01-31 deba Bug fix
2006-01-31 deba Revising the bpugraph concept
2006-01-31 deba Bug fix
2006-01-31 deba New iterable map with comparable values
2006-01-30 alpar Solve bug #23: Floating versus Integer Coordinates
2006-01-30 alpar Better doc.
2006-01-30 alpar Use [] instead of set().
2006-01-30 alpar Functions added to set the edges/corners of the bounding box directly.
2006-01-29 ladanyi Do not rely on the autodetection of cplex and glpk.
2006-01-29 ladanyi Updated rpm specfile to include the gui too. Couldn't test it.
2006-01-29 ladanyi ignore radix_sort-bench
2006-01-29 ladanyi distribute simann.h too
2006-01-29 ladanyi Undir -> U transition
2006-01-29 ladanyi test for simann