2007-12-27 deba Renaming state_enum to State
2007-12-20 deba Bug fix in erase
2007-12-20 deba Casting index to int
2007-12-19 kpeter Bug fix (Circulation interface changed).
2007-12-19 alpar Change the local variables lower case
2007-12-17 deba Bug fix
2007-12-12 deba Bug fix
2007-12-11 deba Avoiding warnings
2007-12-11 deba DynEdgeLookUp implementation based on splay trees
2007-12-10 deba Bug fix in doc
2007-12-10 deba Using operation traits in dijkstra
2007-12-07 kpeter Modified rename script (BpGraph instead of Bigraph).
2007-12-05 kpeter Redesigned CapacityScaling algorithm with almost the same interface.
2007-12-05 kpeter Improved docs.
2007-12-05 kpeter Bug fixes.
2007-12-04 kpeter Bug fixes in the rename script.
2007-12-04 deba rename graphs script
2007-12-04 deba Reimplementation of Hao-Orlin algorithm
2007-11-30 deba Minor changes
2007-11-28 deba Gomory-Hu tree algorithm
2007-11-28 deba bug fix
2007-11-28 deba Redesign Circulation interface according to new flow interface
2007-11-28 deba Using linked elevator
2007-11-28 deba Bug fix resetting activeness of node at initialization
2007-11-27 ladanyi Fix warning when compiling with -Wall.
2007-11-27 deba Performance bug in Preflow
2007-11-25 deba Bugfix: using read-write map instead reference map
2007-11-21 deba Better solution
2007-11-21 deba Changed queue implementation
2007-11-21 deba Bugfix in min cut computation
2007-11-20 kpeter Small changes in the documentation.
2007-11-20 deba Nauty graph6 reader
2007-11-17 deba Changing max flow interface
2007-11-17 deba Redesign the maximum flow algorithms
2007-11-14 deba Query the result value of an expression
2007-11-14 deba Elevator: slight changes in elevator interface
2007-11-14 deba IntegerMap
2007-11-14 deba removing semicolon ftom the end of GRAPH_TYPEDEFS
2007-11-14 kpeter Small changes in the min. cost flow classes.
2007-11-08 deba Planar graph coloring
2007-11-07 kpeter Small bug fix.
2007-10-30 deba Change to new union-find interface
2007-10-30 deba Redesign interface of MaxMatching and UnionFindEnum
2007-10-30 deba Bug fix
2007-10-25 alpar Fix a typo that caused the failure of 'make dist'
2007-10-24 deba BpUGraphReader and Writer
2007-10-20 deba Forgotten images
2007-10-19 deba planar doxygen group
2007-10-19 deba Planar Grid Embedding
2007-10-19 deba Bug fix in undirected graphs (adding loops)
2007-10-19 ladanyi Build fix.
2007-10-17 deba setAll for iterable bool maps
2007-10-13 ladanyi Added the function isFinite(), and replaced the calls to finite() with it.
2007-10-12 ladanyi Makefile fix.
2007-10-09 deba Bad documentation
2007-10-09 deba Adding doc
2007-10-09 deba Documentation for lemon tools
2007-10-09 deba Minor bug fixes in documentation
2007-10-09 deba Bug fix and redesign StdMap
2007-10-09 deba Bug fix in MaxMatching