authorAlpar Juttner <>
Sun, 13 Jul 2008 16:35:05 +0100 (2008-07-13)
changeset 207574b963d0275
parent 205 436fe75092b7
parent 206 4e22275a2b52
child 208 4317d277ba21
     1.1 --- a/demo/	Sat Jul 12 09:45:11 2008 +0100
     1.2 +++ b/demo/	Sun Jul 13 16:35:05 2008 +0100
     1.3 @@ -18,23 +18,22 @@
     1.5  /// \ingroup demos
     1.6  /// \file
     1.7 -/// \brief Demo of the graph grawing function \ref graphToEps()
     1.8 +/// \brief Demo of the graph drawing function \ref graphToEps()
     1.9  ///
    1.10  /// This demo program shows examples how to  use the function \ref
    1.11  /// graphToEps(). It takes no input but simply creates  six
    1.12  /// <tt>.eps</tt> files demonstrating the capability of \ref
    1.13 -/// graphToEps(), and showing how to draw directed/graphs,
    1.14 +/// graphToEps(), and showing how to draw directed graphs,
    1.15  /// how to handle parallel egdes, how to change the properties (like
    1.16  /// color, shape, size, title etc.) of nodes and arcs individually
    1.17  /// using appropriate \ref maps-page "graph maps".
    1.18  ///
    1.19  /// \include
    1.21 -#include <lemon/math.h>
    1.22 -
    1.23 -#include<lemon/graph_to_eps.h>
    1.24  #include<lemon/list_graph.h>
    1.25  #include<lemon/graph_utils.h>
    1.26 +#include<lemon/graph_to_eps.h>
    1.27 +#include<lemon/math.h>
    1.29  using namespace std;
    1.30  using namespace lemon;
    1.31 @@ -44,6 +43,7 @@
    1.32    Palette palette;
    1.33    Palette paletteW(true);
    1.35 +  // Create a small digraph
    1.36    ListDigraph g;
    1.37    typedef ListDigraph::Node Node;
    1.38    typedef ListDigraph::NodeIt NodeIt;
    1.39 @@ -60,7 +60,7 @@
    1.40    ListDigraph::NodeMap<double> sizes(g);
    1.41    ListDigraph::NodeMap<int> colors(g);
    1.42    ListDigraph::NodeMap<int> shapes(g);
    1.43 -  ListDigraph::ArcMap<int> ecolors(g);
    1.44 +  ListDigraph::ArcMap<int> acolors(g);
    1.45    ListDigraph::ArcMap<int> widths(g);
    1.47    coords[n1]=Point(50,50);  sizes[n1]=1; colors[n1]=1; shapes[n1]=0;
    1.48 @@ -69,118 +69,116 @@
    1.49    coords[n4]=Point(70,50);  sizes[n4]=2; colors[n4]=4; shapes[n4]=1;
    1.50    coords[n5]=Point(85,60);  sizes[n5]=3; colors[n5]=5; shapes[n5]=2;
    1.52 -  Arc e;
    1.53 +  Arc a;
    1.55 -  e=g.addArc(n1,n2); ecolors[e]=0; widths[e]=1;
    1.56 -  e=g.addArc(n2,n3); ecolors[e]=0; widths[e]=1;
    1.57 -  e=g.addArc(n3,n5); ecolors[e]=0; widths[e]=3;
    1.58 -  e=g.addArc(n5,n4); ecolors[e]=0; widths[e]=1;
    1.59 -  e=g.addArc(n4,n1); ecolors[e]=0; widths[e]=1;
    1.60 -  e=g.addArc(n2,n4); ecolors[e]=1; widths[e]=2;
    1.61 -  e=g.addArc(n3,n4); ecolors[e]=2; widths[e]=1;
    1.62 +  a=g.addArc(n1,n2); acolors[a]=0; widths[a]=1;
    1.63 +  a=g.addArc(n2,n3); acolors[a]=0; widths[a]=1;
    1.64 +  a=g.addArc(n3,n5); acolors[a]=0; widths[a]=3;
    1.65 +  a=g.addArc(n5,n4); acolors[a]=0; widths[a]=1;
    1.66 +  a=g.addArc(n4,n1); acolors[a]=0; widths[a]=1;
    1.67 +  a=g.addArc(n2,n4); acolors[a]=1; widths[a]=2;
    1.68 +  a=g.addArc(n3,n4); acolors[a]=2; widths[a]=1;
    1.70    IdMap<ListDigraph,Node> id(g);
    1.72 -  cout << "Create 'graph_to_eps_demo_out_pure.eps'" << endl;
    1.73 -  graphToEps(g,"graph_to_eps_demo_out_pure.eps").
    1.74 -    //scale(10).
    1.75 +  // Create five .eps files showing the digraph with different options
    1.76 +  cout << "Create 'graph_to_eps_demo_out_1_pure.eps'" << endl;
    1.77 +  graphToEps(g,"graph_to_eps_demo_out_1_pure.eps").
    1.78      coords(coords).
    1.79      title("Sample .eps figure").
    1.80 -    copyright("(C) 2003-2007 LEMON Project").
    1.81 +    copyright("(C) 2003-2008 LEMON Project").
    1.82      run();
    1.84 -  cout << "Create 'graph_to_eps_demo_out.eps'" << endl;
    1.85 -  graphToEps(g,"graph_to_eps_demo_out.eps").
    1.86 -    //scale(10).
    1.87 +  cout << "Create 'graph_to_eps_demo_out_2.eps'" << endl;
    1.88 +  graphToEps(g,"graph_to_eps_demo_out_2.eps").
    1.89      coords(coords).
    1.90      title("Sample .eps figure").
    1.91 -    copyright("(C) 2003-2007 LEMON Project").
    1.92 +    copyright("(C) 2003-2008 LEMON Project").
    1.93      absoluteNodeSizes().absoluteArcWidths().
    1.94      nodeScale(2).nodeSizes(sizes).
    1.95      nodeShapes(shapes).
    1.96      nodeColors(composeMap(palette,colors)).
    1.97 -    arcColors(composeMap(palette,ecolors)).
    1.98 +    arcColors(composeMap(palette,acolors)).
    1.99      arcWidthScale(.4).arcWidths(widths).
   1.100      nodeTexts(id).nodeTextSize(3).
   1.101      run();
   1.103 -
   1.104 -  cout << "Create 'graph_to_eps_demo_out_arr.eps'" << endl;
   1.105 -  graphToEps(g,"graph_to_eps_demo_out_arr.eps").
   1.106 -    //scale(10).
   1.107 +  cout << "Create 'graph_to_eps_demo_out_3_arr.eps'" << endl;
   1.108 +  graphToEps(g,"graph_to_eps_demo_out_3_arr.eps").
   1.109      title("Sample .eps figure (with arrowheads)").
   1.110 -    copyright("(C) 2003-2007 LEMON Project").
   1.111 +    copyright("(C) 2003-2008 LEMON Project").
   1.112      absoluteNodeSizes().absoluteArcWidths().
   1.113      nodeColors(composeMap(palette,colors)).
   1.114      coords(coords).
   1.115      nodeScale(2).nodeSizes(sizes).
   1.116      nodeShapes(shapes).
   1.117 -    arcColors(composeMap(palette,ecolors)).
   1.118 +    arcColors(composeMap(palette,acolors)).
   1.119      arcWidthScale(.4).arcWidths(widths).
   1.120      nodeTexts(id).nodeTextSize(3).
   1.121 -    drawArrows().arrowWidth(1).arrowLength(1).
   1.122 +    drawArrows().arrowWidth(2).arrowLength(2).
   1.123      run();
   1.125 -  e=g.addArc(n1,n4); ecolors[e]=2; widths[e]=1;
   1.126 -  e=g.addArc(n4,n1); ecolors[e]=1; widths[e]=2;
   1.127 +  a=g.addArc(n1,n4); acolors[a]=2; widths[a]=1;
   1.128 +  a=g.addArc(n4,n1); acolors[a]=1; widths[a]=2;
   1.130 -  e=g.addArc(n1,n2); ecolors[e]=1; widths[e]=1;
   1.131 -  e=g.addArc(n1,n2); ecolors[e]=2; widths[e]=1;
   1.132 -  e=g.addArc(n1,n2); ecolors[e]=3; widths[e]=1;
   1.133 -  e=g.addArc(n1,n2); ecolors[e]=4; widths[e]=1;
   1.134 -  e=g.addArc(n1,n2); ecolors[e]=5; widths[e]=1;
   1.135 -  e=g.addArc(n1,n2); ecolors[e]=6; widths[e]=1;
   1.136 -  e=g.addArc(n1,n2); ecolors[e]=7; widths[e]=1;
   1.137 +  a=g.addArc(n1,n2); acolors[a]=1; widths[a]=1;
   1.138 +  a=g.addArc(n1,n2); acolors[a]=2; widths[a]=1;
   1.139 +  a=g.addArc(n1,n2); acolors[a]=3; widths[a]=1;
   1.140 +  a=g.addArc(n1,n2); acolors[a]=4; widths[a]=1;
   1.141 +  a=g.addArc(n1,n2); acolors[a]=5; widths[a]=1;
   1.142 +  a=g.addArc(n1,n2); acolors[a]=6; widths[a]=1;
   1.143 +  a=g.addArc(n1,n2); acolors[a]=7; widths[a]=1;
   1.145    cout << "Create 'graph_to_eps_demo_out_par.eps'" << endl;
   1.146    graphToEps(g,"graph_to_eps_demo_out_par.eps").
   1.147      //scale(10).
   1.148      title("Sample .eps figure (parallel arcs)").
   1.149 -    copyright("(C) 2003-2007 LEMON Project").
   1.150 +    copyright("(C) 2003-2008 LEMON Project").
   1.151      absoluteNodeSizes().absoluteArcWidths().
   1.152      nodeShapes(shapes).
   1.153      coords(coords).
   1.154      nodeScale(2).nodeSizes(sizes).
   1.155      nodeColors(composeMap(palette,colors)).
   1.156 -    arcColors(composeMap(palette,ecolors)).
   1.157 +    arcColors(composeMap(palette,acolors)).
   1.158      arcWidthScale(.4).arcWidths(widths).
   1.159      nodeTexts(id).nodeTextSize(3).
   1.160      enableParallel().parArcDist(1.5).
   1.161      run();
   1.162 -  
   1.163 -  cout << "Create 'graph_to_eps_demo_out_par_arr.eps'" << endl;
   1.164 -  graphToEps(g,"graph_to_eps_demo_out_par_arr.eps").
   1.165 -    //scale(10).
   1.166 +
   1.167 +  cout << "Create 'graph_to_eps_demo_out_4_par_arr.eps'" << endl;
   1.168 +  graphToEps(g,"graph_to_eps_demo_out_4_par_arr.eps").
   1.169      title("Sample .eps figure (parallel arcs and arrowheads)").
   1.170 -    copyright("(C) 2003-2007 LEMON Project").
   1.171 +    copyright("(C) 2003-2008 LEMON Project").
   1.172      absoluteNodeSizes().absoluteArcWidths().
   1.173      nodeScale(2).nodeSizes(sizes).
   1.174      coords(coords).
   1.175      nodeShapes(shapes).
   1.176      nodeColors(composeMap(palette,colors)).
   1.177 -    arcColors(composeMap(palette,ecolors)).
   1.178 +    arcColors(composeMap(palette,acolors)).
   1.179      arcWidthScale(.3).arcWidths(widths).
   1.180      nodeTexts(id).nodeTextSize(3).
   1.181      enableParallel().parArcDist(1).
   1.182      drawArrows().arrowWidth(1).arrowLength(1).
   1.183      run();
   1.185 -  cout << "Create 'graph_to_eps_demo_out_a4.eps'" << endl;
   1.186 -  graphToEps(g,"graph_to_eps_demo_out_a4.eps").scaleToA4().
   1.187 +  cout << "Create 'graph_to_eps_demo_out_5_par_arr_a4.eps'" << endl;
   1.188 +  graphToEps(g,"graph_to_eps_demo_out_5_par_arr_a4.eps").
   1.189      title("Sample .eps figure (fits to A4)").
   1.190 -    copyright("(C) 2003-2007 LEMON Project").
   1.191 +    copyright("(C) 2003-2008 LEMON Project").
   1.192 +    scaleToA4().
   1.193      absoluteNodeSizes().absoluteArcWidths().
   1.194      nodeScale(2).nodeSizes(sizes).
   1.195      coords(coords).
   1.196      nodeShapes(shapes).
   1.197      nodeColors(composeMap(palette,colors)).
   1.198 -    arcColors(composeMap(palette,ecolors)).
   1.199 +    arcColors(composeMap(palette,acolors)).
   1.200      arcWidthScale(.3).arcWidths(widths).
   1.201      nodeTexts(id).nodeTextSize(3).
   1.202      enableParallel().parArcDist(1).
   1.203      drawArrows().arrowWidth(1).arrowLength(1).
   1.204      run();
   1.206 +  // Create an .eps file showing the colors of a default Palette
   1.207    ListDigraph h;
   1.208    ListDigraph::NodeMap<int> hcolors(h);
   1.209    ListDigraph::NodeMap<Point> hcoords(h);
   1.210 @@ -188,21 +186,22 @@
   1.211    int cols=int(sqrt(double(palette.size())));
   1.212    for(int i=0;i<int(paletteW.size());i++) {
   1.213      Node n=h.addNode();
   1.214 -    hcoords[n]=Point(i%cols,i/cols);
   1.215 +    hcoords[n]=Point(1+i%cols,1+i/cols);
   1.216      hcolors[n]=i;
   1.217    }
   1.219 -  cout << "Create 'graph_to_eps_demo_out_colors.eps'" << endl;
   1.220 -  graphToEps(h,"graph_to_eps_demo_out_colors.eps").
   1.221 -    //scale(60).
   1.222 +  cout << "Create 'graph_to_eps_demo_out_6_colors.eps'" << endl;
   1.223 +  graphToEps(h,"graph_to_eps_demo_out_6_colors.eps").
   1.224 +    scale(60).
   1.225      title("Sample .eps figure (Palette demo)").
   1.226 -    copyright("(C) 2003-2007 LEMON Project").
   1.227 +    copyright("(C) 2003-2008 LEMON Project").
   1.228      coords(hcoords).
   1.229      absoluteNodeSizes().absoluteArcWidths().
   1.230      nodeScale(.45).
   1.231      distantColorNodeTexts().
   1.232 -    //    distantBWNodeTexts().
   1.233      nodeTexts(hcolors).nodeTextSize(.6).
   1.234      nodeColors(composeMap(paletteW,hcolors)).
   1.235      run();
   1.236 +    
   1.237 +  return 0;
   1.238  }
     2.1 --- a/lemon/color.h	Sat Jul 12 09:45:11 2008 +0100
     2.2 +++ b/lemon/color.h	Sun Jul 13 16:35:05 2008 +0100
     2.3 @@ -108,11 +108,11 @@
     2.4    public:
     2.5      ///Constructor
     2.7 -    ///Constructor 
     2.8 -    ///\param have_white indicates whether white is amongst the
     2.9 +    ///Constructor.
    2.10 +    ///\param have_white Indicates whether white is among the
    2.11      ///provided initial colors (\c true) or not (\c false). If it is true,
    2.12      ///white will be assigned to \c 0.
    2.13 -    ///\param num the number of the allocated colors. If it is \c -1,
    2.14 +    ///\param num The number of the allocated colors. If it is \c -1,
    2.15      ///the default color configuration is set up (26 color plus optionaly the
    2.16      ///white).  If \c num is less then 26/27 then the default color
    2.17      ///list is cut. Otherwise the color list is filled repeatedly with
    2.18 @@ -153,7 +153,6 @@
    2.19          colors.push_back(Color(0,.5,1));
    2.20          colors.push_back(Color(.5,0,1));
    2.21        } while(int(colors.size())<num);
    2.22 -      //    colors.push_back(Color(1,1,1));
    2.23        if(num>=0) colors.resize(num);
    2.24      }
    2.25      ///\e
    2.26 @@ -171,13 +170,13 @@
    2.27      {
    2.28        colors[i%colors.size()]=c;
    2.29      }
    2.30 -    ///Add a new color to the end of the color list.
    2.31 +    ///Adds a new color to the end of the color list.
    2.32      void add(const Color &c) 
    2.33      {
    2.34        colors.push_back(c);
    2.35      }
    2.37 -    ///Sets the number of the exiting colors.
    2.38 +    ///Sets the number of the existing colors.
    2.39      void resize(int s) { colors.resize(s);}
    2.40      ///Returns the number of the existing colors.
    2.41      int size() const { return int(colors.size());}
     3.1 --- a/lemon/graph_to_eps.h	Sat Jul 12 09:45:11 2008 +0100
     3.2 +++ b/lemon/graph_to_eps.h	Sun Jul 13 16:35:05 2008 +0100
     3.3 @@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
     3.5  ///Default traits class of \ref GraphToEps
     3.7 -///Default traits class of \ref GraphToEps
     3.8 +///Default traits class of \ref GraphToEps.
     3.9  ///
    3.10  ///\c G is the type of the underlying graph.
    3.11  template<class G>
    3.12 @@ -140,12 +140,11 @@
    3.13    ///Constructor
    3.15    ///Constructor
    3.16 -  ///\param _g is a reference to the graph to be printed
    3.17 -  ///\param _os is a reference to the output stream.
    3.18 -  ///\param _os is a reference to the output stream.
    3.19 +  ///\param _g  Reference to the graph to be printed.
    3.20 +  ///\param _os Reference to the output stream.
    3.21 +  ///\param _os Reference to the output stream. By default it is <tt>std::cout</tt>.
    3.22    ///\param _pros If it is \c true, then the \c ostream referenced by \c _os
    3.23    ///will be explicitly deallocated by the destructor.
    3.24 -  ///By default it is <tt>std::cout</tt>
    3.25    DefaultGraphToEpsTraits(const G &_g,std::ostream& _os=std::cout,
    3.26  			  bool _pros=false) :
    3.27      g(_g), os(_os),
    3.28 @@ -173,7 +172,9 @@
    3.30  ///Auxiliary class to implement the named parameters of \ref graphToEps()
    3.32 -///Auxiliary class to implement the named parameters of \ref graphToEps()
    3.33 +///Auxiliary class to implement the named parameters of \ref graphToEps().
    3.34 +///
    3.35 +///For detailed examples see the \ref demo file.
    3.36  template<class T> class GraphToEps : public T 
    3.37  {
    3.38    // Can't believe it is required by the C++ standard
    3.39 @@ -258,7 +259,7 @@
    3.40  public:
    3.41    ///Node shapes
    3.43 -  ///Node shapes
    3.44 +  ///Node shapes.
    3.45    ///
    3.46    enum NodeShapes { 
    3.47      /// = 0
    3.48 @@ -335,7 +336,7 @@
    3.49    ///Sets the map of the node coordinates
    3.51    ///Sets the map of the node coordinates.
    3.52 -  ///\param x must be a node map with dim2::Point<double> or
    3.53 +  ///\param x must be a node map with \ref dim2::Point "dim2::Point<double>" or
    3.54    ///\ref dim2::Point "dim2::Point<int>" values. 
    3.55    template<class X> GraphToEps<CoordsTraits<X> > coords(const X &x) {
    3.56      dontPrint=true;
    3.57 @@ -347,7 +348,7 @@
    3.58    };
    3.59    ///Sets the map of the node sizes
    3.61 -  ///Sets the map of the node sizes
    3.62 +  ///Sets the map of the node sizes.
    3.63    ///\param x must be a node map with \c double (or convertible) values. 
    3.64    template<class X> GraphToEps<NodeSizesTraits<X> > nodeSizes(const X &x)
    3.65    {
    3.66 @@ -376,9 +377,9 @@
    3.67    };
    3.68    ///Sets the text printed on the nodes
    3.70 -  ///Sets the text printed on the nodes
    3.71 +  ///Sets the text printed on the nodes.
    3.72    ///\param x must be a node map with type that can be pushed to a standard
    3.73 -  ///ostream. 
    3.74 +  ///\c ostream. 
    3.75    template<class X> GraphToEps<NodeTextsTraits<X> > nodeTexts(const X &x)
    3.76    {
    3.77      dontPrint=true;
    3.78 @@ -393,14 +394,14 @@
    3.80    ///With this command it is possible to insert a verbatim PostScript
    3.81    ///block to the nodes.
    3.82 -  ///The PS current point will be moved to the centre of the node before
    3.83 +  ///The PS current point will be moved to the center of the node before
    3.84    ///the PostScript block inserted.
    3.85    ///
    3.86    ///Before and after the block a newline character is inserted so you
    3.87    ///don't have to bother with the separators.
    3.88    ///
    3.89    ///\param x must be a node map with type that can be pushed to a standard
    3.90 -  ///ostream.
    3.91 +  ///\c ostream.
    3.92    ///
    3.93    ///\sa nodePsTextsPreamble()
    3.94    template<class X> GraphToEps<NodePsTextsTraits<X> > nodePsTexts(const X &x)
    3.95 @@ -415,7 +416,7 @@
    3.96    };
    3.97    ///Sets the map of the arc widths
    3.99 -  ///Sets the map of the arc widths
   3.100 +  ///Sets the map of the arc widths.
   3.101    ///\param x must be an arc map with \c double (or convertible) values. 
   3.102    template<class X> GraphToEps<ArcWidthsTraits<X> > arcWidths(const X &x)
   3.103    {
   3.104 @@ -429,7 +430,7 @@
   3.105    };
   3.106    ///Sets the map of the node colors
   3.108 -  ///Sets the map of the node colors
   3.109 +  ///Sets the map of the node colors.
   3.110    ///\param x must be a node map with \ref Color values.
   3.111    ///
   3.112    ///\sa Palette
   3.113 @@ -445,7 +446,7 @@
   3.114    };
   3.115    ///Sets the map of the node text colors
   3.117 -  ///Sets the map of the node text colors
   3.118 +  ///Sets the map of the node text colors.
   3.119    ///\param x must be a node map with \ref Color values. 
   3.120    ///
   3.121    ///\sa Palette
   3.122 @@ -463,7 +464,7 @@
   3.123    };
   3.124    ///Sets the map of the arc colors
   3.126 -  ///Sets the map of the arc colors
   3.127 +  ///Sets the map of the arc colors.
   3.128    ///\param x must be an arc map with \ref Color values. 
   3.129    ///
   3.130    ///\sa Palette
   3.131 @@ -487,9 +488,9 @@
   3.132    /// \sa nodeSizes()
   3.133    /// \sa autoNodeScale()
   3.134    GraphToEps<T> &nodeScale(double d=.01) {_nodeScale=d;return *this;}
   3.135 -  ///Turns on/off the automatic node width scaling.
   3.136 +  ///Turns on/off the automatic node size scaling.
   3.138 -  ///Turns on/off the automatic node width scaling.
   3.139 +  ///Turns on/off the automatic node size scaling.
   3.140    ///
   3.141    ///\sa nodeScale()
   3.142    ///
   3.143 @@ -497,9 +498,9 @@
   3.144      _autoNodeScale=b;return *this;
   3.145    }
   3.147 -  ///Turns on/off the absolutematic node width scaling.
   3.148 +  ///Turns on/off the absolutematic node size scaling.
   3.150 -  ///Turns on/off the absolutematic node width scaling.
   3.151 +  ///Turns on/off the absolutematic node size scaling.
   3.152    ///
   3.153    ///\sa nodeScale()
   3.154    ///
   3.155 @@ -508,9 +509,6 @@
   3.156    }
   3.158    ///Negates the Y coordinates.
   3.159 -
   3.160 -  ///Negates the Y coordinates.
   3.161 -  ///
   3.162    GraphToEps<T> &negateY(bool b=true) {
   3.163      _negY=b;return *this;
   3.164    }
   3.165 @@ -557,86 +555,47 @@
   3.166      _absoluteArcWidths=b;return *this;
   3.167    }
   3.168    ///Sets a global scale factor for the whole picture
   3.169 -
   3.170 -  ///Sets a global scale factor for the whole picture
   3.171 -  ///
   3.172 -
   3.173    GraphToEps<T> &scale(double d) {_scale=d;return *this;}
   3.174    ///Sets the width of the border around the picture
   3.175 -
   3.176 -  ///Sets the width of the border around the picture
   3.177 -  ///
   3.178    GraphToEps<T> &border(double b=10) {_xBorder=_yBorder=b;return *this;}
   3.179    ///Sets the width of the border around the picture
   3.180 -
   3.181 -  ///Sets the width of the border around the picture
   3.182 -  ///
   3.183    GraphToEps<T> &border(double x, double y) {
   3.184      _xBorder=x;_yBorder=y;return *this;
   3.185    }
   3.186    ///Sets whether to draw arrows
   3.187 -
   3.188 -  ///Sets whether to draw arrows
   3.189 -  ///
   3.190    GraphToEps<T> &drawArrows(bool b=true) {_drawArrows=b;return *this;}
   3.191    ///Sets the length of the arrowheads
   3.192 -
   3.193 -  ///Sets the length of the arrowheads
   3.194 -  ///
   3.195    GraphToEps<T> &arrowLength(double d=1.0) {_arrowLength*=d;return *this;}
   3.196    ///Sets the width of the arrowheads
   3.197 -
   3.198 -  ///Sets the width of the arrowheads
   3.199 -  ///
   3.200    GraphToEps<T> &arrowWidth(double d=.3) {_arrowWidth*=d;return *this;}
   3.202    ///Scales the drawing to fit to A4 page
   3.203 -
   3.204 -  ///Scales the drawing to fit to A4 page
   3.205 -  ///
   3.206    GraphToEps<T> &scaleToA4() {_scaleToA4=true;return *this;}
   3.208    ///Enables parallel arcs
   3.209 -
   3.210 -  ///Enables parallel arcs
   3.211    GraphToEps<T> &enableParallel(bool b=true) {_enableParallel=b;return *this;}
   3.213 -  ///Sets the distance 
   3.214 -  
   3.215 -  ///Sets the distance 
   3.216 -  ///
   3.217 +  ///Sets the distance between parallel arcs
   3.218    GraphToEps<T> &parArcDist(double d) {_parArcDist*=d;return *this;}
   3.220    ///Hides the arcs
   3.221 -  
   3.222 -  ///Hides the arcs
   3.223 -  ///
   3.224    GraphToEps<T> &hideArcs(bool b=true) {_showArcs=!b;return *this;}
   3.225    ///Hides the nodes
   3.226 -  
   3.227 -  ///Hides the nodes
   3.228 -  ///
   3.229    GraphToEps<T> &hideNodes(bool b=true) {_showNodes=!b;return *this;}
   3.231    ///Sets the size of the node texts
   3.232 -  
   3.233 -  ///Sets the size of the node texts
   3.234 -  ///
   3.235    GraphToEps<T> &nodeTextSize(double d) {_nodeTextSize=d;return *this;}
   3.237    ///Sets the color of the node texts to be different from the node color
   3.239    ///Sets the color of the node texts to be as different from the node color
   3.240 -  ///as it is possible
   3.241 -  ///
   3.242 +  ///as it is possible.
   3.243    GraphToEps<T> &distantColorNodeTexts()
   3.244    {_nodeTextColorType=DIST_COL;return *this;}
   3.245    ///Sets the color of the node texts to be black or white and always visible.
   3.247    ///Sets the color of the node texts to be black or white according to
   3.248 -  ///which is more 
   3.249 -  ///different from the node color
   3.250 -  ///
   3.251 +  ///which is more different from the node color.
   3.252    GraphToEps<T> &distantBWNodeTexts()
   3.253    {_nodeTextColorType=DIST_BW;return *this;}
   3.255 @@ -648,18 +607,18 @@
   3.256    GraphToEps<T> & nodePsTextsPreamble(const char *str) {
   3.257      _nodePsTextsPreamble=str ;return *this;
   3.258    }
   3.259 -  ///Sets whether the the graph is undirected
   3.260 +  ///Sets whether the graph is undirected
   3.262 -  ///Sets whether the the graph is undirected.
   3.263 +  ///Sets whether the graph is undirected.
   3.264    ///
   3.265    ///This setting is the default for undirected graphs.
   3.266    ///
   3.267    ///\sa directed()
   3.268     GraphToEps<T> &undirected(bool b=true) {_undirected=b;return *this;}
   3.270 -  ///Sets whether the the graph is directed
   3.271 +  ///Sets whether the graph is directed
   3.273 -  ///Sets whether the the graph is directed.
   3.274 +  ///Sets whether the graph is directed.
   3.275    ///Use it to show the edges as a pair of directed ones.
   3.276    ///
   3.277    ///This setting is the default for digraphs.
   3.278 @@ -716,7 +675,6 @@
   3.279      os << "%!PS-Adobe-2.0 EPSF-2.0\n";
   3.280      if(_title.size()>0) os << "%%Title: " << _title << '\n';
   3.281       if(_copyright.size()>0) os << "%%Copyright: " << _copyright << '\n';
   3.282 -//        << "%%Copyright: XXXX\n"
   3.283      os << "%%Creator: LEMON, graphToEps()\n";
   3.285      {    
   3.286 @@ -748,7 +706,7 @@
   3.287        double max_w=0;
   3.288        for(ArcIt e(g);e!=INVALID;++e)
   3.289  	max_w=std::max(double(_arcWidths[e]),max_w);
   3.290 -      ///\todo better 'epsilon' would be nice here.
   3.291 +      //\todo better 'epsilon' would be nice here.
   3.292        if(max_w>EPSILON) {
   3.293  	_arcWidthScale/=max_w;
   3.294        }
   3.295 @@ -758,7 +716,7 @@
   3.296        double max_s=0;
   3.297        for(NodeIt n(g);n!=INVALID;++n)
   3.298  	max_s=std::max(double(_nodeSizes[n]),max_s);
   3.299 -      ///\todo better 'epsilon' would be nice here.
   3.300 +      //\todo better 'epsilon' would be nice here.
   3.301        if(max_s>EPSILON) {
   3.302  	_nodeScale/=max_s;
   3.303        }
   3.304 @@ -1114,18 +1072,12 @@
   3.305    ///@{
   3.307    ///An alias for arcWidths()
   3.308 -
   3.309 -  ///An alias for arcWidths()
   3.310 -  ///
   3.311    template<class X> GraphToEps<ArcWidthsTraits<X> > edgeWidths(const X &x)
   3.312    {
   3.313      return arcWidths(x);
   3.314    }
   3.316    ///An alias for arcColors()
   3.317 -
   3.318 -  ///An alias for arcColors()
   3.319 -  ///
   3.320    template<class X> GraphToEps<ArcColorsTraits<X> >
   3.321    edgeColors(const X &x)
   3.322    {
   3.323 @@ -1133,39 +1085,24 @@
   3.324    }
   3.326    ///An alias for arcWidthScale()
   3.327 -
   3.328 -  ///An alias for arcWidthScale()
   3.329 -  ///
   3.330    GraphToEps<T> &edgeWidthScale(double d) {return arcWidthScale(d);}
   3.332    ///An alias for autoArcWidthScale()
   3.333 -
   3.334 -  ///An alias for autoArcWidthScale()
   3.335 -  ///
   3.336    GraphToEps<T> &autoEdgeWidthScale(bool b=true)
   3.337    {
   3.338      return autoArcWidthScale(b);
   3.339    }
   3.341    ///An alias for absoluteArcWidths()
   3.342 -
   3.343 -  ///An alias for absoluteArcWidths()
   3.344 -  ///
   3.345    GraphToEps<T> &absoluteEdgeWidths(bool b=true)
   3.346    {
   3.347      return absoluteArcWidths(b);
   3.348    }
   3.350    ///An alias for parArcDist()
   3.351 -
   3.352 -  ///An alias for parArcDist()
   3.353 -  ///
   3.354    GraphToEps<T> &parEdgeDist(double d) {return parArcDist(d);}
   3.356    ///An alias for hideArcs()
   3.357 -  
   3.358 -  ///An alias for hideArcs()
   3.359 -  ///
   3.360    GraphToEps<T> &hideEdges(bool b=true) {return hideArcs(b);}
   3.362    ///@}
   3.363 @@ -1185,9 +1122,9 @@
   3.365  ///\ingroup eps_io
   3.366  ///Generates an EPS file from a graph.
   3.367 -///\param g is a reference to the graph to be printed
   3.368 -///\param os is a reference to the output stream.
   3.369 -///By default it is <tt>std::cout</tt>
   3.370 +///\param g Reference to the graph to be printed.
   3.371 +///\param os Reference to the output stream.
   3.372 +///By default it is <tt>std::cout</tt>.
   3.373  ///
   3.374  ///This function also has a lot of
   3.375  ///\ref named-templ-func-param "named parameters",
   3.376 @@ -1198,6 +1135,9 @@
   3.377  ///              .nodeScale(2).nodeSizes(sizes)
   3.378  ///              .arcWidthScale(.4).run();
   3.379  ///\endcode
   3.380 +///
   3.381 +///For more detailed examples see the \ref demo file.
   3.382 +///
   3.383  ///\warning Don't forget to put the \ref GraphToEps::run() "run()"
   3.384  ///to the end of the parameter list.
   3.385  ///\sa GraphToEps