Repository reorganization
authorAlpar Juttner <>
Thu, 09 Oct 2008 12:01:40 +0100 (2008-10-09)
changeset 314a9e8f310507f
parent 313 e57e10a8ea1b
child 316 a4d499904482
Repository reorganization

- moved to tools/ and it installs to $(bindir).
- benchmark/ dir has been removed.
     1.1 --- a/	Wed Oct 08 17:05:01 2008 +0100
     1.2 +++ b/	Thu Oct 09 12:01:40 2008 +0100
     1.3 @@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
     1.4  noinst_PROGRAMS =
     1.5  bin_PROGRAMS =
     1.6  check_PROGRAMS =
     1.7 +dist_bin_SCRIPTS =
     1.8  TESTS =
     1.9  XFAIL_TESTS =
    1.11 @@ -31,7 +32,6 @@
    1.12  include test/
    1.13  include doc/
    1.14  include demo/
    1.15 -include benchmark/
    1.16  include tools/
    1.18  MRPROPERFILES = \
     2.1 --- a/README	Wed Oct 08 17:05:01 2008 +0100
     2.2 +++ b/README	Thu Oct 09 12:01:40 2008 +0100
     2.3 @@ -37,10 +37,6 @@
     2.5     Contains programs to check the integrity and correctness of LEMON.
     2.7 -benchmark/
     2.8 -  
     2.9 -   Contains programs for measuring the performance of algorithms.
    2.10 -
    2.11  tools/
    2.13     Various utilities related to LEMON.
     3.1 --- a/benchmark/	Wed Oct 08 17:05:01 2008 +0100
     3.2 +++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
     3.3 @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
     3.4 -if WANT_BENCHMARK
     3.5 -
     3.6 -noinst_HEADERS +=
     3.7 -
     3.8 -noinst_PROGRAMS +=
     3.9 -
    3.10 -endif WANT_BENCHMARK
     4.1 --- a/	Wed Oct 08 17:05:01 2008 +0100
     4.2 +++ b/	Thu Oct 09 12:01:40 2008 +0100
     4.3 @@ -81,19 +81,6 @@
     4.4  fi
     4.5  AM_CONDITIONAL([WANT_TOOLS], [test x"$enable_tools" != x"no"])
     4.7 -dnl Disable/enable building the benchmarks.
     4.8 -AC_ARG_ENABLE([benchmark],
     4.9 -AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-benchmark], [build the benchmarks])
    4.10 -AS_HELP_STRING([--disable-benchmark], [do not build the benchmarks @<:@default@:>@]),
    4.11 -              [], [enable_benchmark=no])
    4.12 -AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to build the benchmarks])
    4.13 -if test x"$enable_benchmark" != x"no"; then
    4.14 -  AC_MSG_RESULT([yes])
    4.15 -else
    4.16 -  AC_MSG_RESULT([no])
    4.17 -fi
    4.18 -AM_CONDITIONAL([WANT_BENCHMARK], [test x"$enable_benchmark" != x"no"])
    4.19 -
    4.20  dnl Checks for header files.
    4.21  AC_CHECK_HEADERS(limits.h sys/time.h sys/times.h unistd.h)
    4.23 @@ -132,7 +119,6 @@
    4.24  #echo CPLEX support................. : $lx_cplex_found
    4.25  #echo SOPLEX support................ : $lx_soplex_found
    4.26  #echo
    4.27 -echo Build benchmarks.............. : $enable_benchmark
    4.28  echo Build demo programs........... : $enable_demo
    4.29  echo Build additional tools........ : $enable_tools
    4.30  echo
     5.1 --- a/scripts/	Wed Oct 08 17:05:01 2008 +0100
     5.2 +++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
     5.3 @@ -1,127 +0,0 @@
     5.4 -#!/bin/bash
     5.5 -
     5.6 -set -e
     5.7 -
     5.8 -if [ $# -eq 0 -o x$1 = "x-h" -o x$1 = "x-help" -o x$1 = "x--help" ]; then
     5.9 -	echo "Usage:"
    5.10 -	echo "  $0 source-file"
    5.11 -	exit
    5.12 -fi
    5.13 -
    5.14 -TMP=`mktemp`
    5.15 -
    5.16 -sed	-e "s/undirected graph/_gr_aph_label_/g"\
    5.17 -	-e "s/undirected edge/_ed_ge_label_/g"\
    5.18 -	-e "s/graph_/_gr_aph_label__/g"\
    5.19 -	-e "s/_graph/__gr_aph_label_/g"\
    5.20 -	-e "s/UGraph/_Gr_aph_label_/g"\
    5.21 -	-e "s/uGraph/_gr_aph_label_/g"\
    5.22 -	-e "s/ugraph/_gr_aph_label_/g"\
    5.23 -	-e "s/Graph/_Digr_aph_label_/g"\
    5.24 -	-e "s/graph/_digr_aph_label_/g"\
    5.25 -	-e "s/UEdge/_Ed_ge_label_/g"\
    5.26 -	-e "s/uEdge/_ed_ge_label_/g"\
    5.27 -	-e "s/uedge/_ed_ge_label_/g"\
    5.28 -	-e "s/IncEdgeIt/_In_cEd_geIt_label_/g"\
    5.29 -	-e "s/Edge/_Ar_c_label_/g"\
    5.30 -	-e "s/edge/_ar_c_label_/g"\
    5.31 -	-e "s/ANode/_Re_d_label_/g"\
    5.32 -	-e "s/BNode/_Blu_e_label_/g"\
    5.33 -	-e "s/A-Node/_Re_d_label_/g"\
    5.34 -	-e "s/B-Node/_Blu_e_label_/g"\
    5.35 -	-e "s/anode/_re_d_label_/g"\
    5.36 -	-e "s/bnode/_blu_e_label_/g"\
    5.37 -	-e "s/aNode/_re_d_label_/g"\
    5.38 -	-e "s/bNode/_blu_e_label_/g"\
    5.39 -	-e "s/_Digr_aph_label_/Digraph/g"\
    5.40 -	-e "s/_digr_aph_label_/digraph/g"\
    5.41 -	-e "s/_Gr_aph_label_/Graph/g"\
    5.42 -	-e "s/_gr_aph_label_/graph/g"\
    5.43 -	-e "s/_Ar_c_label_/Arc/g"\
    5.44 -	-e "s/_ar_c_label_/arc/g"\
    5.45 -	-e "s/_Ed_ge_label_/Edge/g"\
    5.46 -	-e "s/_ed_ge_label_/edge/g"\
    5.47 -	-e "s/_In_cEd_geIt_label_/IncEdgeIt/g"\
    5.48 -	-e "s/_Re_d_label_/Red/g"\
    5.49 -	-e "s/_Blu_e_label_/Blue/g"\
    5.50 -	-e "s/_re_d_label_/red/g"\
    5.51 -	-e "s/_blu_e_label_/blue/g"\
    5.52 -	-e "s/\(\W\)DefPredMap\(\W\)/\1SetPredMap\2/g"\
    5.53 -	-e "s/\(\W\)DefPredMap$/\1SetPredMap/g"\
    5.54 -	-e "s/^DefPredMap\(\W\)/SetPredMap\1/g"\
    5.55 -	-e "s/^DefPredMap$/SetPredMap/g"\
    5.56 -	-e "s/\(\W\)DefDistMap\(\W\)/\1SetDistMap\2/g"\
    5.57 -	-e "s/\(\W\)DefDistMap$/\1SetDistMap/g"\
    5.58 -	-e "s/^DefDistMap\(\W\)/SetDistMap\1/g"\
    5.59 -	-e "s/^DefDistMap$/SetDistMap/g"\
    5.60 -	-e "s/\(\W\)DefReachedMap\(\W\)/\1SetReachedMap\2/g"\
    5.61 -	-e "s/\(\W\)DefReachedMap$/\1SetReachedMap/g"\
    5.62 -	-e "s/^DefReachedMap\(\W\)/SetReachedMap\1/g"\
    5.63 -	-e "s/^DefReachedMap$/SetReachedMap/g"\
    5.64 -	-e "s/\(\W\)DefProcessedMap\(\W\)/\1SetProcessedMap\2/g"\
    5.65 -	-e "s/\(\W\)DefProcessedMap$/\1SetProcessedMap/g"\
    5.66 -	-e "s/^DefProcessedMap\(\W\)/SetProcessedMap\1/g"\
    5.67 -	-e "s/^DefProcessedMap$/SetProcessedMap/g"\
    5.68 -	-e "s/\(\W\)DefHeap\(\W\)/\1SetHeap\2/g"\
    5.69 -	-e "s/\(\W\)DefHeap$/\1SetHeap/g"\
    5.70 -	-e "s/^DefHeap\(\W\)/SetHeap\1/g"\
    5.71 -	-e "s/^DefHeap$/SetHeap/g"\
    5.72 -	-e "s/\(\W\)DefStandardHeap\(\W\)/\1SetStandradHeap\2/g"\
    5.73 -	-e "s/\(\W\)DefStandardHeap$/\1SetStandradHeap/g"\
    5.74 -	-e "s/^DefStandardHeap\(\W\)/SetStandradHeap\1/g"\
    5.75 -	-e "s/^DefStandardHeap$/SetStandradHeap/g"\
    5.76 -	-e "s/\(\W\)DefOperationTraits\(\W\)/\1SetOperationTraits\2/g"\
    5.77 -	-e "s/\(\W\)DefOperationTraits$/\1SetOperationTraits/g"\
    5.78 -	-e "s/^DefOperationTraits\(\W\)/SetOperationTraits\1/g"\
    5.79 -	-e "s/^DefOperationTraits$/SetOperationTraits/g"\
    5.80 -	-e "s/\(\W\)DefProcessedMapToBeDefaultMap\(\W\)/\1SetStandardProcessedMap\2/g"\
    5.81 -	-e "s/\(\W\)DefProcessedMapToBeDefaultMap$/\1SetStandardProcessedMap/g"\
    5.82 -	-e "s/^DefProcessedMapToBeDefaultMap\(\W\)/SetStandardProcessedMap\1/g"\
    5.83 -	-e "s/^DefProcessedMapToBeDefaultMap$/SetStandardProcessedMap/g"\
    5.84 -	-e "s/\(\W\)IntegerMap\(\W\)/\1RangeMap\2/g"\
    5.85 -	-e "s/\(\W\)IntegerMap$/\1RangeMap/g"\
    5.86 -	-e "s/^IntegerMap\(\W\)/RangeMap\1/g"\
    5.87 -	-e "s/^IntegerMap$/RangeMap/g"\
    5.88 -	-e "s/\(\W\)integerMap\(\W\)/\1rangeMap\2/g"\
    5.89 -	-e "s/\(\W\)integerMap$/\1rangeMap/g"\
    5.90 -	-e "s/^integerMap\(\W\)/rangeMap\1/g"\
    5.91 -	-e "s/^integerMap$/rangeMap/g"\
    5.92 -	-e "s/\(\W\)copyGraph\(\W\)/\1graphCopy\2/g"\
    5.93 -	-e "s/\(\W\)copyGraph$/\1graphCopy/g"\
    5.94 -	-e "s/^copyGraph\(\W\)/graphCopy\1/g"\
    5.95 -	-e "s/^copyGraph$/graphCopy/g"\
    5.96 -	-e "s/\(\W\)copyDigraph\(\W\)/\1digraphCopy\2/g"\
    5.97 -	-e "s/\(\W\)copyDigraph$/\1digraphCopy/g"\
    5.98 -	-e "s/^copyDigraph\(\W\)/digraphCopy\1/g"\
    5.99 -	-e "s/^copyDigraph$/digraphCopy/g"\
   5.100 -	-e "s/\(\W\)\([sS]\)tdMap\(\W\)/\1\2parseMap\3/g"\
   5.101 -	-e "s/\(\W\)\([sS]\)tdMap$/\1\2parseMap/g"\
   5.102 -	-e "s/^\([sS]\)tdMap\(\W\)/\1parseMap\2/g"\
   5.103 -	-e "s/^\([sS]\)tdMap$/\1parseMap/g"\
   5.104 -	-e "s/\(\W\)\([Ff]\)unctorMap\(\W\)/\1\2unctorToMap\3/g"\
   5.105 -	-e "s/\(\W\)\([Ff]\)unctorMap$/\1\2unctorToMap/g"\
   5.106 -	-e "s/^\([Ff]\)unctorMap\(\W\)/\1unctorToMap\2/g"\
   5.107 -	-e "s/^\([Ff]\)unctorMap$/\1unctorToMap/g"\
   5.108 -	-e "s/\(\W\)\([Mm]\)apFunctor\(\W\)/\1\2apToFunctor\3/g"\
   5.109 -	-e "s/\(\W\)\([Mm]\)apFunctor$/\1\2apToFunctor/g"\
   5.110 -	-e "s/^\([Mm]\)apFunctor\(\W\)/\1apToFunctor\2/g"\
   5.111 -	-e "s/^\([Mm]\)apFunctor$/\1apToFunctor/g"\
   5.112 -	-e "s/\(\W\)\([Ff]\)orkWriteMap\(\W\)/\1\2orkMap\3/g"\
   5.113 -	-e "s/\(\W\)\([Ff]\)orkWriteMap$/\1\2orkMap/g"\
   5.114 -	-e "s/^\([Ff]\)orkWriteMap\(\W\)/\1orkMap\2/g"\
   5.115 -	-e "s/^\([Ff]\)orkWriteMap$/\1orkMap/g"\
   5.116 -	-e "s/\(\W\)StoreBoolMap\(\W\)/\1LoggerBoolMap\2/g"\
   5.117 -	-e "s/\(\W\)StoreBoolMap$/\1LoggerBoolMap/g"\
   5.118 -	-e "s/^StoreBoolMap\(\W\)/LoggerBoolMap\1/g"\
   5.119 -	-e "s/^StoreBoolMap$/LoggerBoolMap/g"\
   5.120 -	-e "s/\(\W\)storeBoolMap\(\W\)/\1loggerBoolMap\2/g"\
   5.121 -	-e "s/\(\W\)storeBoolMap$/\1loggerBoolMap/g"\
   5.122 -	-e "s/^storeBoolMap\(\W\)/loggerBoolMap\1/g"\
   5.123 -	-e "s/^storeBoolMap$/loggerBoolMap/g"\
   5.124 -	-e "s/\(\W\)BoundingBox\(\W\)/\1Box\2/g"\
   5.125 -	-e "s/\(\W\)BoundingBox$/\1Box/g"\
   5.126 -	-e "s/^BoundingBox\(\W\)/Box\1/g"\
   5.127 -	-e "s/^BoundingBox$/Box/g"\
   5.128 -<$1 > $TMP
   5.129 -
   5.130 -mv $TMP $1
   5.131 \ No newline at end of file
     6.1 --- a/tools/	Wed Oct 08 17:05:01 2008 +0100
     6.2 +++ b/tools/	Thu Oct 09 12:01:40 2008 +0100
     6.3 @@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
     6.4  if WANT_TOOLS
     6.6  bin_PROGRAMS +=
     6.7 +dist_bin_SCRIPTS += tools/
     6.9  endif WANT_TOOLS
     7.1 --- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
     7.2 +++ b/tools/	Thu Oct 09 12:01:40 2008 +0100
     7.3 @@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
     7.4 +#!/bin/bash
     7.5 +
     7.6 +set -e
     7.7 +
     7.8 +if [ $# -eq 0 -o x$1 = "x-h" -o x$1 = "x-help" -o x$1 = "x--help" ]; then
     7.9 +	echo "Usage:"
    7.10 +	echo "  $0 source-file"
    7.11 +	exit
    7.12 +fi
    7.13 +
    7.14 +TMP=`mktemp`
    7.15 +
    7.16 +sed	-e "s/undirected graph/_gr_aph_label_/g"\
    7.17 +	-e "s/undirected edge/_ed_ge_label_/g"\
    7.18 +	-e "s/graph_/_gr_aph_label__/g"\
    7.19 +	-e "s/_graph/__gr_aph_label_/g"\
    7.20 +	-e "s/UGraph/_Gr_aph_label_/g"\
    7.21 +	-e "s/uGraph/_gr_aph_label_/g"\
    7.22 +	-e "s/ugraph/_gr_aph_label_/g"\
    7.23 +	-e "s/Graph/_Digr_aph_label_/g"\
    7.24 +	-e "s/graph/_digr_aph_label_/g"\
    7.25 +	-e "s/UEdge/_Ed_ge_label_/g"\
    7.26 +	-e "s/uEdge/_ed_ge_label_/g"\
    7.27 +	-e "s/uedge/_ed_ge_label_/g"\
    7.28 +	-e "s/IncEdgeIt/_In_cEd_geIt_label_/g"\
    7.29 +	-e "s/Edge/_Ar_c_label_/g"\
    7.30 +	-e "s/edge/_ar_c_label_/g"\
    7.31 +	-e "s/ANode/_Re_d_label_/g"\
    7.32 +	-e "s/BNode/_Blu_e_label_/g"\
    7.33 +	-e "s/A-Node/_Re_d_label_/g"\
    7.34 +	-e "s/B-Node/_Blu_e_label_/g"\
    7.35 +	-e "s/anode/_re_d_label_/g"\
    7.36 +	-e "s/bnode/_blu_e_label_/g"\
    7.37 +	-e "s/aNode/_re_d_label_/g"\
    7.38 +	-e "s/bNode/_blu_e_label_/g"\
    7.39 +	-e "s/_Digr_aph_label_/Digraph/g"\
    7.40 +	-e "s/_digr_aph_label_/digraph/g"\
    7.41 +	-e "s/_Gr_aph_label_/Graph/g"\
    7.42 +	-e "s/_gr_aph_label_/graph/g"\
    7.43 +	-e "s/_Ar_c_label_/Arc/g"\
    7.44 +	-e "s/_ar_c_label_/arc/g"\
    7.45 +	-e "s/_Ed_ge_label_/Edge/g"\
    7.46 +	-e "s/_ed_ge_label_/edge/g"\
    7.47 +	-e "s/_In_cEd_geIt_label_/IncEdgeIt/g"\
    7.48 +	-e "s/_Re_d_label_/Red/g"\
    7.49 +	-e "s/_Blu_e_label_/Blue/g"\
    7.50 +	-e "s/_re_d_label_/red/g"\
    7.51 +	-e "s/_blu_e_label_/blue/g"\
    7.52 +	-e "s/\(\W\)DefPredMap\(\W\)/\1SetPredMap\2/g"\
    7.53 +	-e "s/\(\W\)DefPredMap$/\1SetPredMap/g"\
    7.54 +	-e "s/^DefPredMap\(\W\)/SetPredMap\1/g"\
    7.55 +	-e "s/^DefPredMap$/SetPredMap/g"\
    7.56 +	-e "s/\(\W\)DefDistMap\(\W\)/\1SetDistMap\2/g"\
    7.57 +	-e "s/\(\W\)DefDistMap$/\1SetDistMap/g"\
    7.58 +	-e "s/^DefDistMap\(\W\)/SetDistMap\1/g"\
    7.59 +	-e "s/^DefDistMap$/SetDistMap/g"\
    7.60 +	-e "s/\(\W\)DefReachedMap\(\W\)/\1SetReachedMap\2/g"\
    7.61 +	-e "s/\(\W\)DefReachedMap$/\1SetReachedMap/g"\
    7.62 +	-e "s/^DefReachedMap\(\W\)/SetReachedMap\1/g"\
    7.63 +	-e "s/^DefReachedMap$/SetReachedMap/g"\
    7.64 +	-e "s/\(\W\)DefProcessedMap\(\W\)/\1SetProcessedMap\2/g"\
    7.65 +	-e "s/\(\W\)DefProcessedMap$/\1SetProcessedMap/g"\
    7.66 +	-e "s/^DefProcessedMap\(\W\)/SetProcessedMap\1/g"\
    7.67 +	-e "s/^DefProcessedMap$/SetProcessedMap/g"\
    7.68 +	-e "s/\(\W\)DefHeap\(\W\)/\1SetHeap\2/g"\
    7.69 +	-e "s/\(\W\)DefHeap$/\1SetHeap/g"\
    7.70 +	-e "s/^DefHeap\(\W\)/SetHeap\1/g"\
    7.71 +	-e "s/^DefHeap$/SetHeap/g"\
    7.72 +	-e "s/\(\W\)DefStandardHeap\(\W\)/\1SetStandradHeap\2/g"\
    7.73 +	-e "s/\(\W\)DefStandardHeap$/\1SetStandradHeap/g"\
    7.74 +	-e "s/^DefStandardHeap\(\W\)/SetStandradHeap\1/g"\
    7.75 +	-e "s/^DefStandardHeap$/SetStandradHeap/g"\
    7.76 +	-e "s/\(\W\)DefOperationTraits\(\W\)/\1SetOperationTraits\2/g"\
    7.77 +	-e "s/\(\W\)DefOperationTraits$/\1SetOperationTraits/g"\
    7.78 +	-e "s/^DefOperationTraits\(\W\)/SetOperationTraits\1/g"\
    7.79 +	-e "s/^DefOperationTraits$/SetOperationTraits/g"\
    7.80 +	-e "s/\(\W\)DefProcessedMapToBeDefaultMap\(\W\)/\1SetStandardProcessedMap\2/g"\
    7.81 +	-e "s/\(\W\)DefProcessedMapToBeDefaultMap$/\1SetStandardProcessedMap/g"\
    7.82 +	-e "s/^DefProcessedMapToBeDefaultMap\(\W\)/SetStandardProcessedMap\1/g"\
    7.83 +	-e "s/^DefProcessedMapToBeDefaultMap$/SetStandardProcessedMap/g"\
    7.84 +	-e "s/\(\W\)IntegerMap\(\W\)/\1RangeMap\2/g"\
    7.85 +	-e "s/\(\W\)IntegerMap$/\1RangeMap/g"\
    7.86 +	-e "s/^IntegerMap\(\W\)/RangeMap\1/g"\
    7.87 +	-e "s/^IntegerMap$/RangeMap/g"\
    7.88 +	-e "s/\(\W\)integerMap\(\W\)/\1rangeMap\2/g"\
    7.89 +	-e "s/\(\W\)integerMap$/\1rangeMap/g"\
    7.90 +	-e "s/^integerMap\(\W\)/rangeMap\1/g"\
    7.91 +	-e "s/^integerMap$/rangeMap/g"\
    7.92 +	-e "s/\(\W\)copyGraph\(\W\)/\1graphCopy\2/g"\
    7.93 +	-e "s/\(\W\)copyGraph$/\1graphCopy/g"\
    7.94 +	-e "s/^copyGraph\(\W\)/graphCopy\1/g"\
    7.95 +	-e "s/^copyGraph$/graphCopy/g"\
    7.96 +	-e "s/\(\W\)copyDigraph\(\W\)/\1digraphCopy\2/g"\
    7.97 +	-e "s/\(\W\)copyDigraph$/\1digraphCopy/g"\
    7.98 +	-e "s/^copyDigraph\(\W\)/digraphCopy\1/g"\
    7.99 +	-e "s/^copyDigraph$/digraphCopy/g"\
   7.100 +	-e "s/\(\W\)\([sS]\)tdMap\(\W\)/\1\2parseMap\3/g"\
   7.101 +	-e "s/\(\W\)\([sS]\)tdMap$/\1\2parseMap/g"\
   7.102 +	-e "s/^\([sS]\)tdMap\(\W\)/\1parseMap\2/g"\
   7.103 +	-e "s/^\([sS]\)tdMap$/\1parseMap/g"\
   7.104 +	-e "s/\(\W\)\([Ff]\)unctorMap\(\W\)/\1\2unctorToMap\3/g"\
   7.105 +	-e "s/\(\W\)\([Ff]\)unctorMap$/\1\2unctorToMap/g"\
   7.106 +	-e "s/^\([Ff]\)unctorMap\(\W\)/\1unctorToMap\2/g"\
   7.107 +	-e "s/^\([Ff]\)unctorMap$/\1unctorToMap/g"\
   7.108 +	-e "s/\(\W\)\([Mm]\)apFunctor\(\W\)/\1\2apToFunctor\3/g"\
   7.109 +	-e "s/\(\W\)\([Mm]\)apFunctor$/\1\2apToFunctor/g"\
   7.110 +	-e "s/^\([Mm]\)apFunctor\(\W\)/\1apToFunctor\2/g"\
   7.111 +	-e "s/^\([Mm]\)apFunctor$/\1apToFunctor/g"\
   7.112 +	-e "s/\(\W\)\([Ff]\)orkWriteMap\(\W\)/\1\2orkMap\3/g"\
   7.113 +	-e "s/\(\W\)\([Ff]\)orkWriteMap$/\1\2orkMap/g"\
   7.114 +	-e "s/^\([Ff]\)orkWriteMap\(\W\)/\1orkMap\2/g"\
   7.115 +	-e "s/^\([Ff]\)orkWriteMap$/\1orkMap/g"\
   7.116 +	-e "s/\(\W\)StoreBoolMap\(\W\)/\1LoggerBoolMap\2/g"\
   7.117 +	-e "s/\(\W\)StoreBoolMap$/\1LoggerBoolMap/g"\
   7.118 +	-e "s/^StoreBoolMap\(\W\)/LoggerBoolMap\1/g"\
   7.119 +	-e "s/^StoreBoolMap$/LoggerBoolMap/g"\
   7.120 +	-e "s/\(\W\)storeBoolMap\(\W\)/\1loggerBoolMap\2/g"\
   7.121 +	-e "s/\(\W\)storeBoolMap$/\1loggerBoolMap/g"\
   7.122 +	-e "s/^storeBoolMap\(\W\)/loggerBoolMap\1/g"\
   7.123 +	-e "s/^storeBoolMap$/loggerBoolMap/g"\
   7.124 +	-e "s/\(\W\)BoundingBox\(\W\)/\1Box\2/g"\
   7.125 +	-e "s/\(\W\)BoundingBox$/\1Box/g"\
   7.126 +	-e "s/^BoundingBox\(\W\)/Box\1/g"\
   7.127 +	-e "s/^BoundingBox$/Box/g"\
   7.128 +<$1 > $TMP
   7.129 +
   7.130 +mv $TMP $1
   7.131 \ No newline at end of file