Changes in LGF related part of the migration guide
authorBalazs Dezso <>
Wed, 08 Oct 2008 17:02:53 +0200 (2008-10-08)
changeset 312dd4f08b7e203
parent 311 47ec522b838e
child 313 e57e10a8ea1b
Changes in LGF related part of the migration guide
     1.1 --- a/doc/migration.dox	Wed Oct 08 14:21:01 2008 +0100
     1.2 +++ b/doc/migration.dox	Wed Oct 08 17:02:53 2008 +0200
     1.3 @@ -57,7 +57,37 @@
     1.4  the words \c graph, \c digraph, \c edge and \c arc, so it replaces them
     1.5  in strings, comments etc. as well as in all identifiers.</b>
     1.7 -\section migration-lgf LGF tools
     1.8 +\section migration-lgf LGF tools 
     1.9 + - The \ref lgf-format "LGF file format" has changed,
    1.10 +   <tt>\@nodeset</tt> has changed to <tt>\@nodes</tt>,
    1.11 +   <tt>\@edgeset</tt> and <tt>\@uedgeset</tt> to <tt>\@arcs</tt> or
    1.12 +   <tt>\@edges</tt>, which become completely equivalents. The
    1.13 +   <tt>\@nodes</tt>, <tt>\@edges</tt> and <tt>\@uedges</tt> sections are
    1.14 +   removed from the format, the content of them should be
    1.15 +   the part of <tt>\@attributes</tt> section. The data fields in
    1.16 +   the sections must follow a strict format, they must be either character
    1.17 +   sequences without whitespaces or quoted strings.
    1.18 + - The <tt>LemonReader</tt> and <tt>LemonWriter</tt> core interfaces
    1.19 +   are no longer available.
    1.20 + - The implementation of the general section readers and writers has changed
    1.21 +   they are simple functors now. Beside the old
    1.22 +   stream based section handling, currently line oriented section
    1.23 +   reading and writing are also supported. In the
    1.24 +   section readers the lines must be counted manually. The sections
    1.25 +   should be read and written with the SectionWriter and SectionReader
    1.26 +   classes.
    1.27 + - Instead of the item readers and writers, item converters should be
    1.28 +   used. The converters are functors, which map the type to
    1.29 +   std::string or std::string to the type. The converters for standard
    1.30 +   containers hasn't yet been implemented in the new LEMON. The converters
    1.31 +   can return strings in any format, because if it is necessary, the LGF
    1.32 +   writer and reader will quote and unquote the given value.
    1.33 + - The DigraphReader and DigraphWriter can used similarly to the
    1.34 +   0.x series, however the <tt>read</tt> or <tt>write</tt> prefix of
    1.35 +   the member functions are removed.
    1.36 + - The new LEMON supports the function like interface, the \c
    1.37 +   digraphReader and \c digraphWriter functions are more convenient than
    1.38 +   using the classes directly.
    1.40  \section migration-search BFS, DFS and Dijkstra
    1.41  - <b>Using the function interface of BFS, DFS and %Dijkstra both source and