author Peter Kovacs <kpeter@inf.elte.hu>
Thu, 12 Nov 2009 23:26:13 +0100 (2009-11-12)
changeset 806 fa6f37d7a25b
parent 788 c92296660262
child 825 75e6020b19b1
permissions -rw-r--r--
Entirely rework CapacityScaling (#180)

- Use the new interface similarly to NetworkSimplex.
- Rework the implementation using an efficient internal structure
for handling the residual network. This improvement made the
code much faster (up to 2-5 times faster on large graphs).
- Handle GEQ supply type (LEQ is not supported).
- Handle negative costs for arcs of finite capacity.
(Note that this algorithm cannot handle arcs of negative cost
and infinite upper bound, thus it returns UNBOUNDED if such
an arc exists.)
- Extend the documentation.
     1 /* -*- C++ -*-
     2  *
     3  * This file is a part of LEMON, a generic C++ optimization library
     4  *
     5  * Copyright (C) 2003-2008
     6  * Egervary Jeno Kombinatorikus Optimalizalasi Kutatocsoport
     7  * (Egervary Research Group on Combinatorial Optimization, EGRES).
     8  *
     9  * Permission to use, modify and distribute this software is granted
    10  * provided that this copyright notice appears in all copies. For
    11  * precise terms see the accompanying LICENSE file.
    12  *
    13  * This software is provided "AS IS" with no warranty of any kind,
    14  * express or implied, and with no claim as to its suitability for any
    15  * purpose.
    16  *
    17  */
    19 #ifndef LEMON_BELLMAN_FORD_H
    20 #define LEMON_BELLMAN_FORD_H
    22 /// \ingroup shortest_path
    23 /// \file
    24 /// \brief Bellman-Ford algorithm.
    26 #include <lemon/list_graph.h>
    27 #include <lemon/bits/path_dump.h>
    28 #include <lemon/core.h>
    29 #include <lemon/error.h>
    30 #include <lemon/maps.h>
    31 #include <lemon/path.h>
    33 #include <limits>
    35 namespace lemon {
    37   /// \brief Default OperationTraits for the BellmanFord algorithm class.
    38   ///  
    39   /// This operation traits class defines all computational operations
    40   /// and constants that are used in the Bellman-Ford algorithm.
    41   /// The default implementation is based on the \c numeric_limits class.
    42   /// If the numeric type does not have infinity value, then the maximum
    43   /// value is used as extremal infinity value.
    44   template <
    45     typename V, 
    46     bool has_inf = std::numeric_limits<V>::has_infinity>
    47   struct BellmanFordDefaultOperationTraits {
    48     /// \e
    49     typedef V Value;
    50     /// \brief Gives back the zero value of the type.
    51     static Value zero() {
    52       return static_cast<Value>(0);
    53     }
    54     /// \brief Gives back the positive infinity value of the type.
    55     static Value infinity() {
    56       return std::numeric_limits<Value>::infinity();
    57     }
    58     /// \brief Gives back the sum of the given two elements.
    59     static Value plus(const Value& left, const Value& right) {
    60       return left + right;
    61     }
    62     /// \brief Gives back \c true only if the first value is less than
    63     /// the second.
    64     static bool less(const Value& left, const Value& right) {
    65       return left < right;
    66     }
    67   };
    69   template <typename V>
    70   struct BellmanFordDefaultOperationTraits<V, false> {
    71     typedef V Value;
    72     static Value zero() {
    73       return static_cast<Value>(0);
    74     }
    75     static Value infinity() {
    76       return std::numeric_limits<Value>::max();
    77     }
    78     static Value plus(const Value& left, const Value& right) {
    79       if (left == infinity() || right == infinity()) return infinity();
    80       return left + right;
    81     }
    82     static bool less(const Value& left, const Value& right) {
    83       return left < right;
    84     }
    85   };
    87   /// \brief Default traits class of BellmanFord class.
    88   ///
    89   /// Default traits class of BellmanFord class.
    90   /// \param GR The type of the digraph.
    91   /// \param LEN The type of the length map.
    92   template<typename GR, typename LEN>
    93   struct BellmanFordDefaultTraits {
    94     /// The type of the digraph the algorithm runs on. 
    95     typedef GR Digraph;
    97     /// \brief The type of the map that stores the arc lengths.
    98     ///
    99     /// The type of the map that stores the arc lengths.
   100     /// It must conform to the \ref concepts::ReadMap "ReadMap" concept.
   101     typedef LEN LengthMap;
   103     /// The type of the arc lengths.
   104     typedef typename LEN::Value Value;
   106     /// \brief Operation traits for Bellman-Ford algorithm.
   107     ///
   108     /// It defines the used operations and the infinity value for the
   109     /// given \c Value type.
   110     /// \see BellmanFordDefaultOperationTraits
   111     typedef BellmanFordDefaultOperationTraits<Value> OperationTraits;
   113     /// \brief The type of the map that stores the last arcs of the 
   114     /// shortest paths.
   115     /// 
   116     /// The type of the map that stores the last
   117     /// arcs of the shortest paths.
   118     /// It must conform to the \ref concepts::WriteMap "WriteMap" concept.
   119     typedef typename GR::template NodeMap<typename GR::Arc> PredMap;
   121     /// \brief Instantiates a \c PredMap.
   122     /// 
   123     /// This function instantiates a \ref PredMap. 
   124     /// \param g is the digraph to which we would like to define the
   125     /// \ref PredMap.
   126     static PredMap *createPredMap(const GR& g) {
   127       return new PredMap(g);
   128     }
   130     /// \brief The type of the map that stores the distances of the nodes.
   131     ///
   132     /// The type of the map that stores the distances of the nodes.
   133     /// It must conform to the \ref concepts::WriteMap "WriteMap" concept.
   134     typedef typename GR::template NodeMap<typename LEN::Value> DistMap;
   136     /// \brief Instantiates a \c DistMap.
   137     ///
   138     /// This function instantiates a \ref DistMap. 
   139     /// \param g is the digraph to which we would like to define the 
   140     /// \ref DistMap.
   141     static DistMap *createDistMap(const GR& g) {
   142       return new DistMap(g);
   143     }
   145   };
   147   /// \brief %BellmanFord algorithm class.
   148   ///
   149   /// \ingroup shortest_path
   150   /// This class provides an efficient implementation of the Bellman-Ford 
   151   /// algorithm. The maximum time complexity of the algorithm is
   152   /// <tt>O(ne)</tt>.
   153   ///
   154   /// The Bellman-Ford algorithm solves the single-source shortest path
   155   /// problem when the arcs can have negative lengths, but the digraph
   156   /// should not contain directed cycles with negative total length.
   157   /// If all arc costs are non-negative, consider to use the Dijkstra
   158   /// algorithm instead, since it is more efficient.
   159   ///
   160   /// The arc lengths are passed to the algorithm using a
   161   /// \ref concepts::ReadMap "ReadMap", so it is easy to change it to any 
   162   /// kind of length. The type of the length values is determined by the
   163   /// \ref concepts::ReadMap::Value "Value" type of the length map.
   164   ///
   165   /// There is also a \ref bellmanFord() "function-type interface" for the
   166   /// Bellman-Ford algorithm, which is convenient in the simplier cases and
   167   /// it can be used easier.
   168   ///
   169   /// \tparam GR The type of the digraph the algorithm runs on.
   170   /// The default type is \ref ListDigraph.
   171   /// \tparam LEN A \ref concepts::ReadMap "readable" arc map that specifies
   172   /// the lengths of the arcs. The default map type is
   173   /// \ref concepts::Digraph::ArcMap "GR::ArcMap<int>".
   174 #ifdef DOXYGEN
   175   template <typename GR, typename LEN, typename TR>
   176 #else
   177   template <typename GR=ListDigraph,
   178             typename LEN=typename GR::template ArcMap<int>,
   179             typename TR=BellmanFordDefaultTraits<GR,LEN> >
   180 #endif
   181   class BellmanFord {
   182   public:
   184     ///The type of the underlying digraph.
   185     typedef typename TR::Digraph Digraph;
   187     /// \brief The type of the arc lengths.
   188     typedef typename TR::LengthMap::Value Value;
   189     /// \brief The type of the map that stores the arc lengths.
   190     typedef typename TR::LengthMap LengthMap;
   191     /// \brief The type of the map that stores the last
   192     /// arcs of the shortest paths.
   193     typedef typename TR::PredMap PredMap;
   194     /// \brief The type of the map that stores the distances of the nodes.
   195     typedef typename TR::DistMap DistMap;
   196     /// The type of the paths.
   197     typedef PredMapPath<Digraph, PredMap> Path;
   198     ///\brief The \ref BellmanFordDefaultOperationTraits
   199     /// "operation traits class" of the algorithm.
   200     typedef typename TR::OperationTraits OperationTraits;
   202     ///The \ref BellmanFordDefaultTraits "traits class" of the algorithm.
   203     typedef TR Traits;
   205   private:
   207     typedef typename Digraph::Node Node;
   208     typedef typename Digraph::NodeIt NodeIt;
   209     typedef typename Digraph::Arc Arc;
   210     typedef typename Digraph::OutArcIt OutArcIt;
   212     // Pointer to the underlying digraph.
   213     const Digraph *_gr;
   214     // Pointer to the length map
   215     const LengthMap *_length;
   216     // Pointer to the map of predecessors arcs.
   217     PredMap *_pred;
   218     // Indicates if _pred is locally allocated (true) or not.
   219     bool _local_pred;
   220     // Pointer to the map of distances.
   221     DistMap *_dist;
   222     // Indicates if _dist is locally allocated (true) or not.
   223     bool _local_dist;
   225     typedef typename Digraph::template NodeMap<bool> MaskMap;
   226     MaskMap *_mask;
   228     std::vector<Node> _process;
   230     // Creates the maps if necessary.
   231     void create_maps() {
   232       if(!_pred) {
   233 	_local_pred = true;
   234 	_pred = Traits::createPredMap(*_gr);
   235       }
   236       if(!_dist) {
   237 	_local_dist = true;
   238 	_dist = Traits::createDistMap(*_gr);
   239       }
   240       if(!_mask) {
   241         _mask = new MaskMap(*_gr);
   242       }
   243     }
   245   public :
   247     typedef BellmanFord Create;
   249     /// \name Named Template Parameters
   251     ///@{
   253     template <class T>
   254     struct SetPredMapTraits : public Traits {
   255       typedef T PredMap;
   256       static PredMap *createPredMap(const Digraph&) {
   257         LEMON_ASSERT(false, "PredMap is not initialized");
   258         return 0; // ignore warnings
   259       }
   260     };
   262     /// \brief \ref named-templ-param "Named parameter" for setting
   263     /// \c PredMap type.
   264     ///
   265     /// \ref named-templ-param "Named parameter" for setting
   266     /// \c PredMap type.
   267     /// It must conform to the \ref concepts::WriteMap "WriteMap" concept.
   268     template <class T>
   269     struct SetPredMap 
   270       : public BellmanFord< Digraph, LengthMap, SetPredMapTraits<T> > {
   271       typedef BellmanFord< Digraph, LengthMap, SetPredMapTraits<T> > Create;
   272     };
   274     template <class T>
   275     struct SetDistMapTraits : public Traits {
   276       typedef T DistMap;
   277       static DistMap *createDistMap(const Digraph&) {
   278         LEMON_ASSERT(false, "DistMap is not initialized");
   279         return 0; // ignore warnings
   280       }
   281     };
   283     /// \brief \ref named-templ-param "Named parameter" for setting
   284     /// \c DistMap type.
   285     ///
   286     /// \ref named-templ-param "Named parameter" for setting
   287     /// \c DistMap type.
   288     /// It must conform to the \ref concepts::WriteMap "WriteMap" concept.
   289     template <class T>
   290     struct SetDistMap 
   291       : public BellmanFord< Digraph, LengthMap, SetDistMapTraits<T> > {
   292       typedef BellmanFord< Digraph, LengthMap, SetDistMapTraits<T> > Create;
   293     };
   295     template <class T>
   296     struct SetOperationTraitsTraits : public Traits {
   297       typedef T OperationTraits;
   298     };
   300     /// \brief \ref named-templ-param "Named parameter" for setting 
   301     /// \c OperationTraits type.
   302     ///
   303     /// \ref named-templ-param "Named parameter" for setting
   304     /// \c OperationTraits type.
   305     /// For more information, see \ref BellmanFordDefaultOperationTraits.
   306     template <class T>
   307     struct SetOperationTraits
   308       : public BellmanFord< Digraph, LengthMap, SetOperationTraitsTraits<T> > {
   309       typedef BellmanFord< Digraph, LengthMap, SetOperationTraitsTraits<T> >
   310       Create;
   311     };
   313     ///@}
   315   protected:
   317     BellmanFord() {}
   319   public:      
   321     /// \brief Constructor.
   322     ///
   323     /// Constructor.
   324     /// \param g The digraph the algorithm runs on.
   325     /// \param length The length map used by the algorithm.
   326     BellmanFord(const Digraph& g, const LengthMap& length) :
   327       _gr(&g), _length(&length),
   328       _pred(0), _local_pred(false),
   329       _dist(0), _local_dist(false), _mask(0) {}
   331     ///Destructor.
   332     ~BellmanFord() {
   333       if(_local_pred) delete _pred;
   334       if(_local_dist) delete _dist;
   335       if(_mask) delete _mask;
   336     }
   338     /// \brief Sets the length map.
   339     ///
   340     /// Sets the length map.
   341     /// \return <tt>(*this)</tt>
   342     BellmanFord &lengthMap(const LengthMap &map) {
   343       _length = &map;
   344       return *this;
   345     }
   347     /// \brief Sets the map that stores the predecessor arcs.
   348     ///
   349     /// Sets the map that stores the predecessor arcs.
   350     /// If you don't use this function before calling \ref run()
   351     /// or \ref init(), an instance will be allocated automatically.
   352     /// The destructor deallocates this automatically allocated map,
   353     /// of course.
   354     /// \return <tt>(*this)</tt>
   355     BellmanFord &predMap(PredMap &map) {
   356       if(_local_pred) {
   357 	delete _pred;
   358 	_local_pred=false;
   359       }
   360       _pred = &map;
   361       return *this;
   362     }
   364     /// \brief Sets the map that stores the distances of the nodes.
   365     ///
   366     /// Sets the map that stores the distances of the nodes calculated
   367     /// by the algorithm.
   368     /// If you don't use this function before calling \ref run()
   369     /// or \ref init(), an instance will be allocated automatically.
   370     /// The destructor deallocates this automatically allocated map,
   371     /// of course.
   372     /// \return <tt>(*this)</tt>
   373     BellmanFord &distMap(DistMap &map) {
   374       if(_local_dist) {
   375 	delete _dist;
   376 	_local_dist=false;
   377       }
   378       _dist = &map;
   379       return *this;
   380     }
   382     /// \name Execution Control
   383     /// The simplest way to execute the Bellman-Ford algorithm is to use
   384     /// one of the member functions called \ref run().\n
   385     /// If you need better control on the execution, you have to call
   386     /// \ref init() first, then you can add several source nodes
   387     /// with \ref addSource(). Finally the actual path computation can be
   388     /// performed with \ref start(), \ref checkedStart() or
   389     /// \ref limitedStart().
   391     ///@{
   393     /// \brief Initializes the internal data structures.
   394     /// 
   395     /// Initializes the internal data structures. The optional parameter
   396     /// is the initial distance of each node.
   397     void init(const Value value = OperationTraits::infinity()) {
   398       create_maps();
   399       for (NodeIt it(*_gr); it != INVALID; ++it) {
   400 	_pred->set(it, INVALID);
   401 	_dist->set(it, value);
   402       }
   403       _process.clear();
   404       if (OperationTraits::less(value, OperationTraits::infinity())) {
   405 	for (NodeIt it(*_gr); it != INVALID; ++it) {
   406 	  _process.push_back(it);
   407 	  _mask->set(it, true);
   408 	}
   409       } else {
   410 	for (NodeIt it(*_gr); it != INVALID; ++it) {
   411 	  _mask->set(it, false);
   412 	}
   413       }
   414     }
   416     /// \brief Adds a new source node.
   417     ///
   418     /// This function adds a new source node. The optional second parameter
   419     /// is the initial distance of the node.
   420     void addSource(Node source, Value dst = OperationTraits::zero()) {
   421       _dist->set(source, dst);
   422       if (!(*_mask)[source]) {
   423 	_process.push_back(source);
   424 	_mask->set(source, true);
   425       }
   426     }
   428     /// \brief Executes one round from the Bellman-Ford algorithm.
   429     ///
   430     /// If the algoritm calculated the distances in the previous round
   431     /// exactly for the paths of at most \c k arcs, then this function
   432     /// will calculate the distances exactly for the paths of at most
   433     /// <tt>k+1</tt> arcs. Performing \c k iterations using this function
   434     /// calculates the shortest path distances exactly for the paths
   435     /// consisting of at most \c k arcs.
   436     ///
   437     /// \warning The paths with limited arc number cannot be retrieved
   438     /// easily with \ref path() or \ref predArc() functions. If you also
   439     /// need the shortest paths and not only the distances, you should
   440     /// store the \ref predMap() "predecessor map" after each iteration
   441     /// and build the path manually.
   442     ///
   443     /// \return \c true when the algorithm have not found more shorter
   444     /// paths.
   445     ///
   446     /// \see ActiveIt
   447     bool processNextRound() {
   448       for (int i = 0; i < int(_process.size()); ++i) {
   449 	_mask->set(_process[i], false);
   450       }
   451       std::vector<Node> nextProcess;
   452       std::vector<Value> values(_process.size());
   453       for (int i = 0; i < int(_process.size()); ++i) {
   454 	values[i] = (*_dist)[_process[i]];
   455       }
   456       for (int i = 0; i < int(_process.size()); ++i) {
   457 	for (OutArcIt it(*_gr, _process[i]); it != INVALID; ++it) {
   458 	  Node target = _gr->target(it);
   459 	  Value relaxed = OperationTraits::plus(values[i], (*_length)[it]);
   460 	  if (OperationTraits::less(relaxed, (*_dist)[target])) {
   461 	    _pred->set(target, it);
   462 	    _dist->set(target, relaxed);
   463 	    if (!(*_mask)[target]) {
   464 	      _mask->set(target, true);
   465 	      nextProcess.push_back(target);
   466 	    }
   467 	  }	  
   468 	}
   469       }
   470       _process.swap(nextProcess);
   471       return _process.empty();
   472     }
   474     /// \brief Executes one weak round from the Bellman-Ford algorithm.
   475     ///
   476     /// If the algorithm calculated the distances in the previous round
   477     /// at least for the paths of at most \c k arcs, then this function
   478     /// will calculate the distances at least for the paths of at most
   479     /// <tt>k+1</tt> arcs.
   480     /// This function does not make it possible to calculate the shortest
   481     /// path distances exactly for paths consisting of at most \c k arcs,
   482     /// this is why it is called weak round.
   483     ///
   484     /// \return \c true when the algorithm have not found more shorter
   485     /// paths.
   486     ///
   487     /// \see ActiveIt
   488     bool processNextWeakRound() {
   489       for (int i = 0; i < int(_process.size()); ++i) {
   490 	_mask->set(_process[i], false);
   491       }
   492       std::vector<Node> nextProcess;
   493       for (int i = 0; i < int(_process.size()); ++i) {
   494 	for (OutArcIt it(*_gr, _process[i]); it != INVALID; ++it) {
   495 	  Node target = _gr->target(it);
   496 	  Value relaxed = 
   497 	    OperationTraits::plus((*_dist)[_process[i]], (*_length)[it]);
   498 	  if (OperationTraits::less(relaxed, (*_dist)[target])) {
   499 	    _pred->set(target, it);
   500 	    _dist->set(target, relaxed);
   501 	    if (!(*_mask)[target]) {
   502 	      _mask->set(target, true);
   503 	      nextProcess.push_back(target);
   504 	    }
   505 	  }	  
   506 	}
   507       }
   508       _process.swap(nextProcess);
   509       return _process.empty();
   510     }
   512     /// \brief Executes the algorithm.
   513     ///
   514     /// Executes the algorithm.
   515     ///
   516     /// This method runs the Bellman-Ford algorithm from the root node(s)
   517     /// in order to compute the shortest path to each node.
   518     ///
   519     /// The algorithm computes
   520     /// - the shortest path tree (forest),
   521     /// - the distance of each node from the root(s).
   522     ///
   523     /// \pre init() must be called and at least one root node should be
   524     /// added with addSource() before using this function.
   525     void start() {
   526       int num = countNodes(*_gr) - 1;
   527       for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i) {
   528 	if (processNextWeakRound()) break;
   529       }
   530     }
   532     /// \brief Executes the algorithm and checks the negative cycles.
   533     ///
   534     /// Executes the algorithm and checks the negative cycles.
   535     ///
   536     /// This method runs the Bellman-Ford algorithm from the root node(s)
   537     /// in order to compute the shortest path to each node and also checks
   538     /// if the digraph contains cycles with negative total length.
   539     ///
   540     /// The algorithm computes 
   541     /// - the shortest path tree (forest),
   542     /// - the distance of each node from the root(s).
   543     /// 
   544     /// \return \c false if there is a negative cycle in the digraph.
   545     ///
   546     /// \pre init() must be called and at least one root node should be
   547     /// added with addSource() before using this function. 
   548     bool checkedStart() {
   549       int num = countNodes(*_gr);
   550       for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i) {
   551 	if (processNextWeakRound()) return true;
   552       }
   553       return _process.empty();
   554     }
   556     /// \brief Executes the algorithm with arc number limit.
   557     ///
   558     /// Executes the algorithm with arc number limit.
   559     ///
   560     /// This method runs the Bellman-Ford algorithm from the root node(s)
   561     /// in order to compute the shortest path distance for each node
   562     /// using only the paths consisting of at most \c num arcs.
   563     ///
   564     /// The algorithm computes
   565     /// - the limited distance of each node from the root(s),
   566     /// - the predecessor arc for each node.
   567     ///
   568     /// \warning The paths with limited arc number cannot be retrieved
   569     /// easily with \ref path() or \ref predArc() functions. If you also
   570     /// need the shortest paths and not only the distances, you should
   571     /// store the \ref predMap() "predecessor map" after each iteration
   572     /// and build the path manually.
   573     ///
   574     /// \pre init() must be called and at least one root node should be
   575     /// added with addSource() before using this function. 
   576     void limitedStart(int num) {
   577       for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i) {
   578 	if (processNextRound()) break;
   579       }
   580     }
   582     /// \brief Runs the algorithm from the given root node.
   583     ///    
   584     /// This method runs the Bellman-Ford algorithm from the given root
   585     /// node \c s in order to compute the shortest path to each node.
   586     ///
   587     /// The algorithm computes
   588     /// - the shortest path tree (forest),
   589     /// - the distance of each node from the root(s).
   590     ///
   591     /// \note bf.run(s) is just a shortcut of the following code.
   592     /// \code
   593     ///   bf.init();
   594     ///   bf.addSource(s);
   595     ///   bf.start();
   596     /// \endcode
   597     void run(Node s) {
   598       init();
   599       addSource(s);
   600       start();
   601     }
   603     /// \brief Runs the algorithm from the given root node with arc
   604     /// number limit.
   605     ///    
   606     /// This method runs the Bellman-Ford algorithm from the given root
   607     /// node \c s in order to compute the shortest path distance for each
   608     /// node using only the paths consisting of at most \c num arcs.
   609     ///
   610     /// The algorithm computes
   611     /// - the limited distance of each node from the root(s),
   612     /// - the predecessor arc for each node.
   613     ///
   614     /// \warning The paths with limited arc number cannot be retrieved
   615     /// easily with \ref path() or \ref predArc() functions. If you also
   616     /// need the shortest paths and not only the distances, you should
   617     /// store the \ref predMap() "predecessor map" after each iteration
   618     /// and build the path manually.
   619     ///
   620     /// \note bf.run(s, num) is just a shortcut of the following code.
   621     /// \code
   622     ///   bf.init();
   623     ///   bf.addSource(s);
   624     ///   bf.limitedStart(num);
   625     /// \endcode
   626     void run(Node s, int num) {
   627       init();
   628       addSource(s);
   629       limitedStart(num);
   630     }
   632     ///@}
   634     /// \brief LEMON iterator for getting the active nodes.
   635     ///
   636     /// This class provides a common style LEMON iterator that traverses
   637     /// the active nodes of the Bellman-Ford algorithm after the last
   638     /// phase. These nodes should be checked in the next phase to
   639     /// find augmenting arcs outgoing from them.
   640     class ActiveIt {
   641     public:
   643       /// \brief Constructor.
   644       ///
   645       /// Constructor for getting the active nodes of the given BellmanFord
   646       /// instance. 
   647       ActiveIt(const BellmanFord& algorithm) : _algorithm(&algorithm)
   648       {
   649         _index = _algorithm->_process.size() - 1;
   650       }
   652       /// \brief Invalid constructor.
   653       ///
   654       /// Invalid constructor.
   655       ActiveIt(Invalid) : _algorithm(0), _index(-1) {}
   657       /// \brief Conversion to \c Node.
   658       ///
   659       /// Conversion to \c Node.
   660       operator Node() const { 
   661         return _index >= 0 ? _algorithm->_process[_index] : INVALID;
   662       }
   664       /// \brief Increment operator.
   665       ///
   666       /// Increment operator.
   667       ActiveIt& operator++() {
   668         --_index;
   669         return *this; 
   670       }
   672       bool operator==(const ActiveIt& it) const { 
   673         return static_cast<Node>(*this) == static_cast<Node>(it); 
   674       }
   675       bool operator!=(const ActiveIt& it) const { 
   676         return static_cast<Node>(*this) != static_cast<Node>(it); 
   677       }
   678       bool operator<(const ActiveIt& it) const { 
   679         return static_cast<Node>(*this) < static_cast<Node>(it); 
   680       }
   682     private:
   683       const BellmanFord* _algorithm;
   684       int _index;
   685     };
   687     /// \name Query Functions
   688     /// The result of the Bellman-Ford algorithm can be obtained using these
   689     /// functions.\n
   690     /// Either \ref run() or \ref init() should be called before using them.
   692     ///@{
   694     /// \brief The shortest path to the given node.
   695     ///    
   696     /// Gives back the shortest path to the given node from the root(s).
   697     ///
   698     /// \warning \c t should be reached from the root(s).
   699     ///
   700     /// \pre Either \ref run() or \ref init() must be called before
   701     /// using this function.
   702     Path path(Node t) const
   703     {
   704       return Path(*_gr, *_pred, t);
   705     }
   707     /// \brief The distance of the given node from the root(s).
   708     ///
   709     /// Returns the distance of the given node from the root(s).
   710     ///
   711     /// \warning If node \c v is not reached from the root(s), then
   712     /// the return value of this function is undefined.
   713     ///
   714     /// \pre Either \ref run() or \ref init() must be called before
   715     /// using this function.
   716     Value dist(Node v) const { return (*_dist)[v]; }
   718     /// \brief Returns the 'previous arc' of the shortest path tree for
   719     /// the given node.
   720     ///
   721     /// This function returns the 'previous arc' of the shortest path
   722     /// tree for node \c v, i.e. it returns the last arc of a
   723     /// shortest path from a root to \c v. It is \c INVALID if \c v
   724     /// is not reached from the root(s) or if \c v is a root.
   725     ///
   726     /// The shortest path tree used here is equal to the shortest path
   727     /// tree used in \ref predNode() and \ref predMap().
   728     ///
   729     /// \pre Either \ref run() or \ref init() must be called before
   730     /// using this function.
   731     Arc predArc(Node v) const { return (*_pred)[v]; }
   733     /// \brief Returns the 'previous node' of the shortest path tree for
   734     /// the given node.
   735     ///
   736     /// This function returns the 'previous node' of the shortest path
   737     /// tree for node \c v, i.e. it returns the last but one node of
   738     /// a shortest path from a root to \c v. It is \c INVALID if \c v
   739     /// is not reached from the root(s) or if \c v is a root.
   740     ///
   741     /// The shortest path tree used here is equal to the shortest path
   742     /// tree used in \ref predArc() and \ref predMap().
   743     ///
   744     /// \pre Either \ref run() or \ref init() must be called before
   745     /// using this function.
   746     Node predNode(Node v) const { 
   747       return (*_pred)[v] == INVALID ? INVALID : _gr->source((*_pred)[v]); 
   748     }
   750     /// \brief Returns a const reference to the node map that stores the
   751     /// distances of the nodes.
   752     ///
   753     /// Returns a const reference to the node map that stores the distances
   754     /// of the nodes calculated by the algorithm.
   755     ///
   756     /// \pre Either \ref run() or \ref init() must be called before
   757     /// using this function.
   758     const DistMap &distMap() const { return *_dist;}
   760     /// \brief Returns a const reference to the node map that stores the
   761     /// predecessor arcs.
   762     ///
   763     /// Returns a const reference to the node map that stores the predecessor
   764     /// arcs, which form the shortest path tree (forest).
   765     ///
   766     /// \pre Either \ref run() or \ref init() must be called before
   767     /// using this function.
   768     const PredMap &predMap() const { return *_pred; }
   770     /// \brief Checks if a node is reached from the root(s).
   771     ///
   772     /// Returns \c true if \c v is reached from the root(s).
   773     ///
   774     /// \pre Either \ref run() or \ref init() must be called before
   775     /// using this function.
   776     bool reached(Node v) const {
   777       return (*_dist)[v] != OperationTraits::infinity();
   778     }
   780     /// \brief Gives back a negative cycle.
   781     ///    
   782     /// This function gives back a directed cycle with negative total
   783     /// length if the algorithm has already found one.
   784     /// Otherwise it gives back an empty path.
   785     lemon::Path<Digraph> negativeCycle() const {
   786       typename Digraph::template NodeMap<int> state(*_gr, -1);
   787       lemon::Path<Digraph> cycle;
   788       for (int i = 0; i < int(_process.size()); ++i) {
   789         if (state[_process[i]] != -1) continue;
   790         for (Node v = _process[i]; (*_pred)[v] != INVALID;
   791              v = _gr->source((*_pred)[v])) {
   792           if (state[v] == i) {
   793             cycle.addFront((*_pred)[v]);
   794             for (Node u = _gr->source((*_pred)[v]); u != v;
   795                  u = _gr->source((*_pred)[u])) {
   796               cycle.addFront((*_pred)[u]);
   797             }
   798             return cycle;
   799           }
   800           else if (state[v] >= 0) {
   801             break;
   802           }
   803           state[v] = i;
   804         }
   805       }
   806       return cycle;
   807     }
   809     ///@}
   810   };
   812   /// \brief Default traits class of bellmanFord() function.
   813   ///
   814   /// Default traits class of bellmanFord() function.
   815   /// \tparam GR The type of the digraph.
   816   /// \tparam LEN The type of the length map.
   817   template <typename GR, typename LEN>
   818   struct BellmanFordWizardDefaultTraits {
   819     /// The type of the digraph the algorithm runs on. 
   820     typedef GR Digraph;
   822     /// \brief The type of the map that stores the arc lengths.
   823     ///
   824     /// The type of the map that stores the arc lengths.
   825     /// It must meet the \ref concepts::ReadMap "ReadMap" concept.
   826     typedef LEN LengthMap;
   828     /// The type of the arc lengths.
   829     typedef typename LEN::Value Value;
   831     /// \brief Operation traits for Bellman-Ford algorithm.
   832     ///
   833     /// It defines the used operations and the infinity value for the
   834     /// given \c Value type.
   835     /// \see BellmanFordDefaultOperationTraits
   836     typedef BellmanFordDefaultOperationTraits<Value> OperationTraits;
   838     /// \brief The type of the map that stores the last
   839     /// arcs of the shortest paths.
   840     /// 
   841     /// The type of the map that stores the last arcs of the shortest paths.
   842     /// It must conform to the \ref concepts::WriteMap "WriteMap" concept.
   843     typedef typename GR::template NodeMap<typename GR::Arc> PredMap;
   845     /// \brief Instantiates a \c PredMap.
   846     /// 
   847     /// This function instantiates a \ref PredMap.
   848     /// \param g is the digraph to which we would like to define the
   849     /// \ref PredMap.
   850     static PredMap *createPredMap(const GR &g) {
   851       return new PredMap(g);
   852     }
   854     /// \brief The type of the map that stores the distances of the nodes.
   855     ///
   856     /// The type of the map that stores the distances of the nodes.
   857     /// It must conform to the \ref concepts::WriteMap "WriteMap" concept.
   858     typedef typename GR::template NodeMap<Value> DistMap;
   860     /// \brief Instantiates a \c DistMap.
   861     ///
   862     /// This function instantiates a \ref DistMap. 
   863     /// \param g is the digraph to which we would like to define the
   864     /// \ref DistMap.
   865     static DistMap *createDistMap(const GR &g) {
   866       return new DistMap(g);
   867     }
   869     ///The type of the shortest paths.
   871     ///The type of the shortest paths.
   872     ///It must meet the \ref concepts::Path "Path" concept.
   873     typedef lemon::Path<Digraph> Path;
   874   };
   876   /// \brief Default traits class used by BellmanFordWizard.
   877   ///
   878   /// Default traits class used by BellmanFordWizard.
   879   /// \tparam GR The type of the digraph.
   880   /// \tparam LEN The type of the length map.
   881   template <typename GR, typename LEN>
   882   class BellmanFordWizardBase 
   883     : public BellmanFordWizardDefaultTraits<GR, LEN> {
   885     typedef BellmanFordWizardDefaultTraits<GR, LEN> Base;
   886   protected:
   887     // Type of the nodes in the digraph.
   888     typedef typename Base::Digraph::Node Node;
   890     // Pointer to the underlying digraph.
   891     void *_graph;
   892     // Pointer to the length map
   893     void *_length;
   894     // Pointer to the map of predecessors arcs.
   895     void *_pred;
   896     // Pointer to the map of distances.
   897     void *_dist;
   898     //Pointer to the shortest path to the target node.
   899     void *_path;
   900     //Pointer to the distance of the target node.
   901     void *_di;
   903     public:
   904     /// Constructor.
   906     /// This constructor does not require parameters, it initiates
   907     /// all of the attributes to default values \c 0.
   908     BellmanFordWizardBase() :
   909       _graph(0), _length(0), _pred(0), _dist(0), _path(0), _di(0) {}
   911     /// Constructor.
   913     /// This constructor requires two parameters,
   914     /// others are initiated to \c 0.
   915     /// \param gr The digraph the algorithm runs on.
   916     /// \param len The length map.
   917     BellmanFordWizardBase(const GR& gr, 
   918 			  const LEN& len) :
   919       _graph(reinterpret_cast<void*>(const_cast<GR*>(&gr))), 
   920       _length(reinterpret_cast<void*>(const_cast<LEN*>(&len))), 
   921       _pred(0), _dist(0), _path(0), _di(0) {}
   923   };
   925   /// \brief Auxiliary class for the function-type interface of the
   926   /// \ref BellmanFord "Bellman-Ford" algorithm.
   927   ///
   928   /// This auxiliary class is created to implement the
   929   /// \ref bellmanFord() "function-type interface" of the
   930   /// \ref BellmanFord "Bellman-Ford" algorithm.
   931   /// It does not have own \ref run() method, it uses the
   932   /// functions and features of the plain \ref BellmanFord.
   933   ///
   934   /// This class should only be used through the \ref bellmanFord()
   935   /// function, which makes it easier to use the algorithm.
   936   template<class TR>
   937   class BellmanFordWizard : public TR {
   938     typedef TR Base;
   940     typedef typename TR::Digraph Digraph;
   942     typedef typename Digraph::Node Node;
   943     typedef typename Digraph::NodeIt NodeIt;
   944     typedef typename Digraph::Arc Arc;
   945     typedef typename Digraph::OutArcIt ArcIt;
   947     typedef typename TR::LengthMap LengthMap;
   948     typedef typename LengthMap::Value Value;
   949     typedef typename TR::PredMap PredMap;
   950     typedef typename TR::DistMap DistMap;
   951     typedef typename TR::Path Path;
   953   public:
   954     /// Constructor.
   955     BellmanFordWizard() : TR() {}
   957     /// \brief Constructor that requires parameters.
   958     ///
   959     /// Constructor that requires parameters.
   960     /// These parameters will be the default values for the traits class.
   961     /// \param gr The digraph the algorithm runs on.
   962     /// \param len The length map.
   963     BellmanFordWizard(const Digraph& gr, const LengthMap& len) 
   964       : TR(gr, len) {}
   966     /// \brief Copy constructor
   967     BellmanFordWizard(const TR &b) : TR(b) {}
   969     ~BellmanFordWizard() {}
   971     /// \brief Runs the Bellman-Ford algorithm from the given source node.
   972     ///    
   973     /// This method runs the Bellman-Ford algorithm from the given source
   974     /// node in order to compute the shortest path to each node.
   975     void run(Node s) {
   976       BellmanFord<Digraph,LengthMap,TR> 
   977 	bf(*reinterpret_cast<const Digraph*>(Base::_graph), 
   978            *reinterpret_cast<const LengthMap*>(Base::_length));
   979       if (Base::_pred) bf.predMap(*reinterpret_cast<PredMap*>(Base::_pred));
   980       if (Base::_dist) bf.distMap(*reinterpret_cast<DistMap*>(Base::_dist));
   981       bf.run(s);
   982     }
   984     /// \brief Runs the Bellman-Ford algorithm to find the shortest path
   985     /// between \c s and \c t.
   986     ///
   987     /// This method runs the Bellman-Ford algorithm from node \c s
   988     /// in order to compute the shortest path to node \c t.
   989     /// Actually, it computes the shortest path to each node, but using
   990     /// this function you can retrieve the distance and the shortest path
   991     /// for a single target node easier.
   992     ///
   993     /// \return \c true if \c t is reachable form \c s.
   994     bool run(Node s, Node t) {
   995       BellmanFord<Digraph,LengthMap,TR>
   996         bf(*reinterpret_cast<const Digraph*>(Base::_graph),
   997            *reinterpret_cast<const LengthMap*>(Base::_length));
   998       if (Base::_pred) bf.predMap(*reinterpret_cast<PredMap*>(Base::_pred));
   999       if (Base::_dist) bf.distMap(*reinterpret_cast<DistMap*>(Base::_dist));
  1000       bf.run(s);
  1001       if (Base::_path) *reinterpret_cast<Path*>(Base::_path) = bf.path(t);
  1002       if (Base::_di) *reinterpret_cast<Value*>(Base::_di) = bf.dist(t);
  1003       return bf.reached(t);
  1004     }
  1006     template<class T>
  1007     struct SetPredMapBase : public Base {
  1008       typedef T PredMap;
  1009       static PredMap *createPredMap(const Digraph &) { return 0; };
  1010       SetPredMapBase(const TR &b) : TR(b) {}
  1011     };
  1013     /// \brief \ref named-templ-param "Named parameter" for setting
  1014     /// the predecessor map.
  1015     ///
  1016     /// \ref named-templ-param "Named parameter" for setting
  1017     /// the map that stores the predecessor arcs of the nodes.
  1018     template<class T>
  1019     BellmanFordWizard<SetPredMapBase<T> > predMap(const T &t) {
  1020       Base::_pred=reinterpret_cast<void*>(const_cast<T*>(&t));
  1021       return BellmanFordWizard<SetPredMapBase<T> >(*this);
  1022     }
  1024     template<class T>
  1025     struct SetDistMapBase : public Base {
  1026       typedef T DistMap;
  1027       static DistMap *createDistMap(const Digraph &) { return 0; };
  1028       SetDistMapBase(const TR &b) : TR(b) {}
  1029     };
  1031     /// \brief \ref named-templ-param "Named parameter" for setting
  1032     /// the distance map.
  1033     ///
  1034     /// \ref named-templ-param "Named parameter" for setting
  1035     /// the map that stores the distances of the nodes calculated
  1036     /// by the algorithm.
  1037     template<class T>
  1038     BellmanFordWizard<SetDistMapBase<T> > distMap(const T &t) {
  1039       Base::_dist=reinterpret_cast<void*>(const_cast<T*>(&t));
  1040       return BellmanFordWizard<SetDistMapBase<T> >(*this);
  1041     }
  1043     template<class T>
  1044     struct SetPathBase : public Base {
  1045       typedef T Path;
  1046       SetPathBase(const TR &b) : TR(b) {}
  1047     };
  1049     /// \brief \ref named-func-param "Named parameter" for getting
  1050     /// the shortest path to the target node.
  1051     ///
  1052     /// \ref named-func-param "Named parameter" for getting
  1053     /// the shortest path to the target node.
  1054     template<class T>
  1055     BellmanFordWizard<SetPathBase<T> > path(const T &t)
  1056     {
  1057       Base::_path=reinterpret_cast<void*>(const_cast<T*>(&t));
  1058       return BellmanFordWizard<SetPathBase<T> >(*this);
  1059     }
  1061     /// \brief \ref named-func-param "Named parameter" for getting
  1062     /// the distance of the target node.
  1063     ///
  1064     /// \ref named-func-param "Named parameter" for getting
  1065     /// the distance of the target node.
  1066     BellmanFordWizard dist(const Value &d)
  1067     {
  1068       Base::_di=reinterpret_cast<void*>(const_cast<Value*>(&d));
  1069       return *this;
  1070     }
  1072   };
  1074   /// \brief Function type interface for the \ref BellmanFord "Bellman-Ford"
  1075   /// algorithm.
  1076   ///
  1077   /// \ingroup shortest_path
  1078   /// Function type interface for the \ref BellmanFord "Bellman-Ford"
  1079   /// algorithm.
  1080   ///
  1081   /// This function also has several \ref named-templ-func-param 
  1082   /// "named parameters", they are declared as the members of class 
  1083   /// \ref BellmanFordWizard.
  1084   /// The following examples show how to use these parameters.
  1085   /// \code
  1086   ///   // Compute shortest path from node s to each node
  1087   ///   bellmanFord(g,length).predMap(preds).distMap(dists).run(s);
  1088   ///
  1089   ///   // Compute shortest path from s to t
  1090   ///   bool reached = bellmanFord(g,length).path(p).dist(d).run(s,t);
  1091   /// \endcode
  1092   /// \warning Don't forget to put the \ref BellmanFordWizard::run() "run()"
  1093   /// to the end of the parameter list.
  1094   /// \sa BellmanFordWizard
  1095   /// \sa BellmanFord
  1096   template<typename GR, typename LEN>
  1097   BellmanFordWizard<BellmanFordWizardBase<GR,LEN> >
  1098   bellmanFord(const GR& digraph,
  1099 	      const LEN& length)
  1100   {
  1101     return BellmanFordWizard<BellmanFordWizardBase<GR,LEN> >(digraph, length);
  1102   }
  1106 #endif