author Peter Kovacs <kpeter@inf.elte.hu>
Thu, 12 Nov 2009 23:26:13 +0100 (2009-11-12)
changeset 806 fa6f37d7a25b
parent 787 c2230649a493
parent 786 e20173729589
child 825 75e6020b19b1
permissions -rw-r--r--
Entirely rework CapacityScaling (#180)

- Use the new interface similarly to NetworkSimplex.
- Rework the implementation using an efficient internal structure
for handling the residual network. This improvement made the
code much faster (up to 2-5 times faster on large graphs).
- Handle GEQ supply type (LEQ is not supported).
- Handle negative costs for arcs of finite capacity.
(Note that this algorithm cannot handle arcs of negative cost
and infinite upper bound, thus it returns UNBOUNDED if such
an arc exists.)
- Extend the documentation.
     1 /* -*- mode: C++; indent-tabs-mode: nil; -*-
     2  *
     3  * This file is a part of LEMON, a generic C++ optimization library.
     4  *
     5  * Copyright (C) 2003-2009
     6  * Egervary Jeno Kombinatorikus Optimalizalasi Kutatocsoport
     7  * (Egervary Research Group on Combinatorial Optimization, EGRES).
     8  *
     9  * Permission to use, modify and distribute this software is granted
    10  * provided that this copyright notice appears in all copies. For
    11  * precise terms see the accompanying LICENSE file.
    12  *
    13  * This software is provided "AS IS" with no warranty of any kind,
    14  * express or implied, and with no claim as to its suitability for any
    15  * purpose.
    16  *
    17  */
    19 #ifndef LEMON_DIJKSTRA_H
    20 #define LEMON_DIJKSTRA_H
    22 ///\ingroup shortest_path
    23 ///\file
    24 ///\brief Dijkstra algorithm.
    26 #include <limits>
    27 #include <lemon/list_graph.h>
    28 #include <lemon/bin_heap.h>
    29 #include <lemon/bits/path_dump.h>
    30 #include <lemon/core.h>
    31 #include <lemon/error.h>
    32 #include <lemon/maps.h>
    33 #include <lemon/path.h>
    35 namespace lemon {
    37   /// \brief Default operation traits for the Dijkstra algorithm class.
    38   ///
    39   /// This operation traits class defines all computational operations and
    40   /// constants which are used in the Dijkstra algorithm.
    41   template <typename V>
    42   struct DijkstraDefaultOperationTraits {
    43     /// \e
    44     typedef V Value;
    45     /// \brief Gives back the zero value of the type.
    46     static Value zero() {
    47       return static_cast<Value>(0);
    48     }
    49     /// \brief Gives back the sum of the given two elements.
    50     static Value plus(const Value& left, const Value& right) {
    51       return left + right;
    52     }
    53     /// \brief Gives back true only if the first value is less than the second.
    54     static bool less(const Value& left, const Value& right) {
    55       return left < right;
    56     }
    57   };
    59   ///Default traits class of Dijkstra class.
    61   ///Default traits class of Dijkstra class.
    62   ///\tparam GR The type of the digraph.
    63   ///\tparam LEN The type of the length map.
    64   template<typename GR, typename LEN>
    65   struct DijkstraDefaultTraits
    66   {
    67     ///The type of the digraph the algorithm runs on.
    68     typedef GR Digraph;
    70     ///The type of the map that stores the arc lengths.
    72     ///The type of the map that stores the arc lengths.
    73     ///It must conform to the \ref concepts::ReadMap "ReadMap" concept.
    74     typedef LEN LengthMap;
    75     ///The type of the arc lengths.
    76     typedef typename LEN::Value Value;
    78     /// Operation traits for %Dijkstra algorithm.
    80     /// This class defines the operations that are used in the algorithm.
    81     /// \see DijkstraDefaultOperationTraits
    82     typedef DijkstraDefaultOperationTraits<Value> OperationTraits;
    84     /// The cross reference type used by the heap.
    86     /// The cross reference type used by the heap.
    87     /// Usually it is \c Digraph::NodeMap<int>.
    88     typedef typename Digraph::template NodeMap<int> HeapCrossRef;
    89     ///Instantiates a \c HeapCrossRef.
    91     ///This function instantiates a \ref HeapCrossRef.
    92     /// \param g is the digraph, to which we would like to define the
    93     /// \ref HeapCrossRef.
    94     static HeapCrossRef *createHeapCrossRef(const Digraph &g)
    95     {
    96       return new HeapCrossRef(g);
    97     }
    99     ///The heap type used by the %Dijkstra algorithm.
   101     ///The heap type used by the Dijkstra algorithm.
   102     ///
   103     ///\sa BinHeap
   104     ///\sa Dijkstra
   105     typedef BinHeap<typename LEN::Value, HeapCrossRef, std::less<Value> > Heap;
   106     ///Instantiates a \c Heap.
   108     ///This function instantiates a \ref Heap.
   109     static Heap *createHeap(HeapCrossRef& r)
   110     {
   111       return new Heap(r);
   112     }
   114     ///\brief The type of the map that stores the predecessor
   115     ///arcs of the shortest paths.
   116     ///
   117     ///The type of the map that stores the predecessor
   118     ///arcs of the shortest paths.
   119     ///It must conform to the \ref concepts::WriteMap "WriteMap" concept.
   120     typedef typename Digraph::template NodeMap<typename Digraph::Arc> PredMap;
   121     ///Instantiates a \c PredMap.
   123     ///This function instantiates a \ref PredMap.
   124     ///\param g is the digraph, to which we would like to define the
   125     ///\ref PredMap.
   126     static PredMap *createPredMap(const Digraph &g)
   127     {
   128       return new PredMap(g);
   129     }
   131     ///The type of the map that indicates which nodes are processed.
   133     ///The type of the map that indicates which nodes are processed.
   134     ///It must conform to the \ref concepts::WriteMap "WriteMap" concept.
   135     ///By default, it is a NullMap.
   136     typedef NullMap<typename Digraph::Node,bool> ProcessedMap;
   137     ///Instantiates a \c ProcessedMap.
   139     ///This function instantiates a \ref ProcessedMap.
   140     ///\param g is the digraph, to which
   141     ///we would like to define the \ref ProcessedMap.
   142 #ifdef DOXYGEN
   143     static ProcessedMap *createProcessedMap(const Digraph &g)
   144 #else
   145     static ProcessedMap *createProcessedMap(const Digraph &)
   146 #endif
   147     {
   148       return new ProcessedMap();
   149     }
   151     ///The type of the map that stores the distances of the nodes.
   153     ///The type of the map that stores the distances of the nodes.
   154     ///It must conform to the \ref concepts::WriteMap "WriteMap" concept.
   155     typedef typename Digraph::template NodeMap<typename LEN::Value> DistMap;
   156     ///Instantiates a \c DistMap.
   158     ///This function instantiates a \ref DistMap.
   159     ///\param g is the digraph, to which we would like to define
   160     ///the \ref DistMap.
   161     static DistMap *createDistMap(const Digraph &g)
   162     {
   163       return new DistMap(g);
   164     }
   165   };
   167   ///%Dijkstra algorithm class.
   169   /// \ingroup shortest_path
   170   ///This class provides an efficient implementation of the %Dijkstra algorithm.
   171   ///
   172   ///The %Dijkstra algorithm solves the single-source shortest path problem
   173   ///when all arc lengths are non-negative. If there are negative lengths,
   174   ///the BellmanFord algorithm should be used instead.
   175   ///
   176   ///The arc lengths are passed to the algorithm using a
   177   ///\ref concepts::ReadMap "ReadMap",
   178   ///so it is easy to change it to any kind of length.
   179   ///The type of the length is determined by the
   180   ///\ref concepts::ReadMap::Value "Value" of the length map.
   181   ///It is also possible to change the underlying priority heap.
   182   ///
   183   ///There is also a \ref dijkstra() "function-type interface" for the
   184   ///%Dijkstra algorithm, which is convenient in the simplier cases and
   185   ///it can be used easier.
   186   ///
   187   ///\tparam GR The type of the digraph the algorithm runs on.
   188   ///The default type is \ref ListDigraph.
   189   ///\tparam LEN A \ref concepts::ReadMap "readable" arc map that specifies
   190   ///the lengths of the arcs.
   191   ///It is read once for each arc, so the map may involve in
   192   ///relatively time consuming process to compute the arc lengths if
   193   ///it is necessary. The default map type is \ref
   194   ///concepts::Digraph::ArcMap "GR::ArcMap<int>".
   195 #ifdef DOXYGEN
   196   template <typename GR, typename LEN, typename TR>
   197 #else
   198   template <typename GR=ListDigraph,
   199             typename LEN=typename GR::template ArcMap<int>,
   200             typename TR=DijkstraDefaultTraits<GR,LEN> >
   201 #endif
   202   class Dijkstra {
   203   public:
   205     ///The type of the digraph the algorithm runs on.
   206     typedef typename TR::Digraph Digraph;
   208     ///The type of the arc lengths.
   209     typedef typename TR::Value Value;
   210     ///The type of the map that stores the arc lengths.
   211     typedef typename TR::LengthMap LengthMap;
   212     ///\brief The type of the map that stores the predecessor arcs of the
   213     ///shortest paths.
   214     typedef typename TR::PredMap PredMap;
   215     ///The type of the map that stores the distances of the nodes.
   216     typedef typename TR::DistMap DistMap;
   217     ///The type of the map that indicates which nodes are processed.
   218     typedef typename TR::ProcessedMap ProcessedMap;
   219     ///The type of the paths.
   220     typedef PredMapPath<Digraph, PredMap> Path;
   221     ///The cross reference type used for the current heap.
   222     typedef typename TR::HeapCrossRef HeapCrossRef;
   223     ///The heap type used by the algorithm.
   224     typedef typename TR::Heap Heap;
   225     ///\brief The \ref DijkstraDefaultOperationTraits "operation traits class"
   226     ///of the algorithm.
   227     typedef typename TR::OperationTraits OperationTraits;
   229     ///The \ref DijkstraDefaultTraits "traits class" of the algorithm.
   230     typedef TR Traits;
   232   private:
   234     typedef typename Digraph::Node Node;
   235     typedef typename Digraph::NodeIt NodeIt;
   236     typedef typename Digraph::Arc Arc;
   237     typedef typename Digraph::OutArcIt OutArcIt;
   239     //Pointer to the underlying digraph.
   240     const Digraph *G;
   241     //Pointer to the length map.
   242     const LengthMap *_length;
   243     //Pointer to the map of predecessors arcs.
   244     PredMap *_pred;
   245     //Indicates if _pred is locally allocated (true) or not.
   246     bool local_pred;
   247     //Pointer to the map of distances.
   248     DistMap *_dist;
   249     //Indicates if _dist is locally allocated (true) or not.
   250     bool local_dist;
   251     //Pointer to the map of processed status of the nodes.
   252     ProcessedMap *_processed;
   253     //Indicates if _processed is locally allocated (true) or not.
   254     bool local_processed;
   255     //Pointer to the heap cross references.
   256     HeapCrossRef *_heap_cross_ref;
   257     //Indicates if _heap_cross_ref is locally allocated (true) or not.
   258     bool local_heap_cross_ref;
   259     //Pointer to the heap.
   260     Heap *_heap;
   261     //Indicates if _heap is locally allocated (true) or not.
   262     bool local_heap;
   264     //Creates the maps if necessary.
   265     void create_maps()
   266     {
   267       if(!_pred) {
   268         local_pred = true;
   269         _pred = Traits::createPredMap(*G);
   270       }
   271       if(!_dist) {
   272         local_dist = true;
   273         _dist = Traits::createDistMap(*G);
   274       }
   275       if(!_processed) {
   276         local_processed = true;
   277         _processed = Traits::createProcessedMap(*G);
   278       }
   279       if (!_heap_cross_ref) {
   280         local_heap_cross_ref = true;
   281         _heap_cross_ref = Traits::createHeapCrossRef(*G);
   282       }
   283       if (!_heap) {
   284         local_heap = true;
   285         _heap = Traits::createHeap(*_heap_cross_ref);
   286       }
   287     }
   289   public:
   291     typedef Dijkstra Create;
   293     ///\name Named Template Parameters
   295     ///@{
   297     template <class T>
   298     struct SetPredMapTraits : public Traits {
   299       typedef T PredMap;
   300       static PredMap *createPredMap(const Digraph &)
   301       {
   302         LEMON_ASSERT(false, "PredMap is not initialized");
   303         return 0; // ignore warnings
   304       }
   305     };
   306     ///\brief \ref named-templ-param "Named parameter" for setting
   307     ///\c PredMap type.
   308     ///
   309     ///\ref named-templ-param "Named parameter" for setting
   310     ///\c PredMap type.
   311     ///It must conform to the \ref concepts::WriteMap "WriteMap" concept.
   312     template <class T>
   313     struct SetPredMap
   314       : public Dijkstra< Digraph, LengthMap, SetPredMapTraits<T> > {
   315       typedef Dijkstra< Digraph, LengthMap, SetPredMapTraits<T> > Create;
   316     };
   318     template <class T>
   319     struct SetDistMapTraits : public Traits {
   320       typedef T DistMap;
   321       static DistMap *createDistMap(const Digraph &)
   322       {
   323         LEMON_ASSERT(false, "DistMap is not initialized");
   324         return 0; // ignore warnings
   325       }
   326     };
   327     ///\brief \ref named-templ-param "Named parameter" for setting
   328     ///\c DistMap type.
   329     ///
   330     ///\ref named-templ-param "Named parameter" for setting
   331     ///\c DistMap type.
   332     ///It must conform to the \ref concepts::WriteMap "WriteMap" concept.
   333     template <class T>
   334     struct SetDistMap
   335       : public Dijkstra< Digraph, LengthMap, SetDistMapTraits<T> > {
   336       typedef Dijkstra< Digraph, LengthMap, SetDistMapTraits<T> > Create;
   337     };
   339     template <class T>
   340     struct SetProcessedMapTraits : public Traits {
   341       typedef T ProcessedMap;
   342       static ProcessedMap *createProcessedMap(const Digraph &)
   343       {
   344         LEMON_ASSERT(false, "ProcessedMap is not initialized");
   345         return 0; // ignore warnings
   346       }
   347     };
   348     ///\brief \ref named-templ-param "Named parameter" for setting
   349     ///\c ProcessedMap type.
   350     ///
   351     ///\ref named-templ-param "Named parameter" for setting
   352     ///\c ProcessedMap type.
   353     ///It must conform to the \ref concepts::WriteMap "WriteMap" concept.
   354     template <class T>
   355     struct SetProcessedMap
   356       : public Dijkstra< Digraph, LengthMap, SetProcessedMapTraits<T> > {
   357       typedef Dijkstra< Digraph, LengthMap, SetProcessedMapTraits<T> > Create;
   358     };
   360     struct SetStandardProcessedMapTraits : public Traits {
   361       typedef typename Digraph::template NodeMap<bool> ProcessedMap;
   362       static ProcessedMap *createProcessedMap(const Digraph &g)
   363       {
   364         return new ProcessedMap(g);
   365       }
   366     };
   367     ///\brief \ref named-templ-param "Named parameter" for setting
   368     ///\c ProcessedMap type to be <tt>Digraph::NodeMap<bool></tt>.
   369     ///
   370     ///\ref named-templ-param "Named parameter" for setting
   371     ///\c ProcessedMap type to be <tt>Digraph::NodeMap<bool></tt>.
   372     ///If you don't set it explicitly, it will be automatically allocated.
   373     struct SetStandardProcessedMap
   374       : public Dijkstra< Digraph, LengthMap, SetStandardProcessedMapTraits > {
   375       typedef Dijkstra< Digraph, LengthMap, SetStandardProcessedMapTraits >
   376       Create;
   377     };
   379     template <class H, class CR>
   380     struct SetHeapTraits : public Traits {
   381       typedef CR HeapCrossRef;
   382       typedef H Heap;
   383       static HeapCrossRef *createHeapCrossRef(const Digraph &) {
   384         LEMON_ASSERT(false, "HeapCrossRef is not initialized");
   385         return 0; // ignore warnings
   386       }
   387       static Heap *createHeap(HeapCrossRef &)
   388       {
   389         LEMON_ASSERT(false, "Heap is not initialized");
   390         return 0; // ignore warnings
   391       }
   392     };
   393     ///\brief \ref named-templ-param "Named parameter" for setting
   394     ///heap and cross reference types
   395     ///
   396     ///\ref named-templ-param "Named parameter" for setting heap and cross
   397     ///reference types. If this named parameter is used, then external
   398     ///heap and cross reference objects must be passed to the algorithm
   399     ///using the \ref heap() function before calling \ref run(Node) "run()"
   400     ///or \ref init().
   401     ///\sa SetStandardHeap
   402     template <class H, class CR = typename Digraph::template NodeMap<int> >
   403     struct SetHeap
   404       : public Dijkstra< Digraph, LengthMap, SetHeapTraits<H, CR> > {
   405       typedef Dijkstra< Digraph, LengthMap, SetHeapTraits<H, CR> > Create;
   406     };
   408     template <class H, class CR>
   409     struct SetStandardHeapTraits : public Traits {
   410       typedef CR HeapCrossRef;
   411       typedef H Heap;
   412       static HeapCrossRef *createHeapCrossRef(const Digraph &G) {
   413         return new HeapCrossRef(G);
   414       }
   415       static Heap *createHeap(HeapCrossRef &R)
   416       {
   417         return new Heap(R);
   418       }
   419     };
   420     ///\brief \ref named-templ-param "Named parameter" for setting
   421     ///heap and cross reference types with automatic allocation
   422     ///
   423     ///\ref named-templ-param "Named parameter" for setting heap and cross
   424     ///reference types with automatic allocation.
   425     ///They should have standard constructor interfaces to be able to
   426     ///automatically created by the algorithm (i.e. the digraph should be
   427     ///passed to the constructor of the cross reference and the cross
   428     ///reference should be passed to the constructor of the heap).
   429     ///However, external heap and cross reference objects could also be
   430     ///passed to the algorithm using the \ref heap() function before
   431     ///calling \ref run(Node) "run()" or \ref init().
   432     ///\sa SetHeap
   433     template <class H, class CR = typename Digraph::template NodeMap<int> >
   434     struct SetStandardHeap
   435       : public Dijkstra< Digraph, LengthMap, SetStandardHeapTraits<H, CR> > {
   436       typedef Dijkstra< Digraph, LengthMap, SetStandardHeapTraits<H, CR> >
   437       Create;
   438     };
   440     template <class T>
   441     struct SetOperationTraitsTraits : public Traits {
   442       typedef T OperationTraits;
   443     };
   445     /// \brief \ref named-templ-param "Named parameter" for setting
   446     ///\c OperationTraits type
   447     ///
   448     ///\ref named-templ-param "Named parameter" for setting
   449     ///\c OperationTraits type.
   450     /// For more information, see \ref DijkstraDefaultOperationTraits.
   451     template <class T>
   452     struct SetOperationTraits
   453       : public Dijkstra<Digraph, LengthMap, SetOperationTraitsTraits<T> > {
   454       typedef Dijkstra<Digraph, LengthMap, SetOperationTraitsTraits<T> >
   455       Create;
   456     };
   458     ///@}
   460   protected:
   462     Dijkstra() {}
   464   public:
   466     ///Constructor.
   468     ///Constructor.
   469     ///\param g The digraph the algorithm runs on.
   470     ///\param length The length map used by the algorithm.
   471     Dijkstra(const Digraph& g, const LengthMap& length) :
   472       G(&g), _length(&length),
   473       _pred(NULL), local_pred(false),
   474       _dist(NULL), local_dist(false),
   475       _processed(NULL), local_processed(false),
   476       _heap_cross_ref(NULL), local_heap_cross_ref(false),
   477       _heap(NULL), local_heap(false)
   478     { }
   480     ///Destructor.
   481     ~Dijkstra()
   482     {
   483       if(local_pred) delete _pred;
   484       if(local_dist) delete _dist;
   485       if(local_processed) delete _processed;
   486       if(local_heap_cross_ref) delete _heap_cross_ref;
   487       if(local_heap) delete _heap;
   488     }
   490     ///Sets the length map.
   492     ///Sets the length map.
   493     ///\return <tt> (*this) </tt>
   494     Dijkstra &lengthMap(const LengthMap &m)
   495     {
   496       _length = &m;
   497       return *this;
   498     }
   500     ///Sets the map that stores the predecessor arcs.
   502     ///Sets the map that stores the predecessor arcs.
   503     ///If you don't use this function before calling \ref run(Node) "run()"
   504     ///or \ref init(), an instance will be allocated automatically.
   505     ///The destructor deallocates this automatically allocated map,
   506     ///of course.
   507     ///\return <tt> (*this) </tt>
   508     Dijkstra &predMap(PredMap &m)
   509     {
   510       if(local_pred) {
   511         delete _pred;
   512         local_pred=false;
   513       }
   514       _pred = &m;
   515       return *this;
   516     }
   518     ///Sets the map that indicates which nodes are processed.
   520     ///Sets the map that indicates which nodes are processed.
   521     ///If you don't use this function before calling \ref run(Node) "run()"
   522     ///or \ref init(), an instance will be allocated automatically.
   523     ///The destructor deallocates this automatically allocated map,
   524     ///of course.
   525     ///\return <tt> (*this) </tt>
   526     Dijkstra &processedMap(ProcessedMap &m)
   527     {
   528       if(local_processed) {
   529         delete _processed;
   530         local_processed=false;
   531       }
   532       _processed = &m;
   533       return *this;
   534     }
   536     ///Sets the map that stores the distances of the nodes.
   538     ///Sets the map that stores the distances of the nodes calculated by the
   539     ///algorithm.
   540     ///If you don't use this function before calling \ref run(Node) "run()"
   541     ///or \ref init(), an instance will be allocated automatically.
   542     ///The destructor deallocates this automatically allocated map,
   543     ///of course.
   544     ///\return <tt> (*this) </tt>
   545     Dijkstra &distMap(DistMap &m)
   546     {
   547       if(local_dist) {
   548         delete _dist;
   549         local_dist=false;
   550       }
   551       _dist = &m;
   552       return *this;
   553     }
   555     ///Sets the heap and the cross reference used by algorithm.
   557     ///Sets the heap and the cross reference used by algorithm.
   558     ///If you don't use this function before calling \ref run(Node) "run()"
   559     ///or \ref init(), heap and cross reference instances will be
   560     ///allocated automatically.
   561     ///The destructor deallocates these automatically allocated objects,
   562     ///of course.
   563     ///\return <tt> (*this) </tt>
   564     Dijkstra &heap(Heap& hp, HeapCrossRef &cr)
   565     {
   566       if(local_heap_cross_ref) {
   567         delete _heap_cross_ref;
   568         local_heap_cross_ref=false;
   569       }
   570       _heap_cross_ref = &cr;
   571       if(local_heap) {
   572         delete _heap;
   573         local_heap=false;
   574       }
   575       _heap = &hp;
   576       return *this;
   577     }
   579   private:
   581     void finalizeNodeData(Node v,Value dst)
   582     {
   583       _processed->set(v,true);
   584       _dist->set(v, dst);
   585     }
   587   public:
   589     ///\name Execution Control
   590     ///The simplest way to execute the %Dijkstra algorithm is to use
   591     ///one of the member functions called \ref run(Node) "run()".\n
   592     ///If you need better control on the execution, you have to call
   593     ///\ref init() first, then you can add several source nodes with
   594     ///\ref addSource(). Finally the actual path computation can be
   595     ///performed with one of the \ref start() functions.
   597     ///@{
   599     ///\brief Initializes the internal data structures.
   600     ///
   601     ///Initializes the internal data structures.
   602     void init()
   603     {
   604       create_maps();
   605       _heap->clear();
   606       for ( NodeIt u(*G) ; u!=INVALID ; ++u ) {
   607         _pred->set(u,INVALID);
   608         _processed->set(u,false);
   609         _heap_cross_ref->set(u,Heap::PRE_HEAP);
   610       }
   611     }
   613     ///Adds a new source node.
   615     ///Adds a new source node to the priority heap.
   616     ///The optional second parameter is the initial distance of the node.
   617     ///
   618     ///The function checks if the node has already been added to the heap and
   619     ///it is pushed to the heap only if either it was not in the heap
   620     ///or the shortest path found till then is shorter than \c dst.
   621     void addSource(Node s,Value dst=OperationTraits::zero())
   622     {
   623       if(_heap->state(s) != Heap::IN_HEAP) {
   624         _heap->push(s,dst);
   625       } else if(OperationTraits::less((*_heap)[s], dst)) {
   626         _heap->set(s,dst);
   627         _pred->set(s,INVALID);
   628       }
   629     }
   631     ///Processes the next node in the priority heap
   633     ///Processes the next node in the priority heap.
   634     ///
   635     ///\return The processed node.
   636     ///
   637     ///\warning The priority heap must not be empty.
   638     Node processNextNode()
   639     {
   640       Node v=_heap->top();
   641       Value oldvalue=_heap->prio();
   642       _heap->pop();
   643       finalizeNodeData(v,oldvalue);
   645       for(OutArcIt e(*G,v); e!=INVALID; ++e) {
   646         Node w=G->target(e);
   647         switch(_heap->state(w)) {
   648         case Heap::PRE_HEAP:
   649           _heap->push(w,OperationTraits::plus(oldvalue, (*_length)[e]));
   650           _pred->set(w,e);
   651           break;
   652         case Heap::IN_HEAP:
   653           {
   654             Value newvalue = OperationTraits::plus(oldvalue, (*_length)[e]);
   655             if ( OperationTraits::less(newvalue, (*_heap)[w]) ) {
   656               _heap->decrease(w, newvalue);
   657               _pred->set(w,e);
   658             }
   659           }
   660           break;
   661         case Heap::POST_HEAP:
   662           break;
   663         }
   664       }
   665       return v;
   666     }
   668     ///The next node to be processed.
   670     ///Returns the next node to be processed or \c INVALID if the
   671     ///priority heap is empty.
   672     Node nextNode() const
   673     {
   674       return !_heap->empty()?_heap->top():INVALID;
   675     }
   677     ///Returns \c false if there are nodes to be processed.
   679     ///Returns \c false if there are nodes to be processed
   680     ///in the priority heap.
   681     bool emptyQueue() const { return _heap->empty(); }
   683     ///Returns the number of the nodes to be processed.
   685     ///Returns the number of the nodes to be processed
   686     ///in the priority heap.
   687     int queueSize() const { return _heap->size(); }
   689     ///Executes the algorithm.
   691     ///Executes the algorithm.
   692     ///
   693     ///This method runs the %Dijkstra algorithm from the root node(s)
   694     ///in order to compute the shortest path to each node.
   695     ///
   696     ///The algorithm computes
   697     ///- the shortest path tree (forest),
   698     ///- the distance of each node from the root(s).
   699     ///
   700     ///\pre init() must be called and at least one root node should be
   701     ///added with addSource() before using this function.
   702     ///
   703     ///\note <tt>d.start()</tt> is just a shortcut of the following code.
   704     ///\code
   705     ///  while ( !d.emptyQueue() ) {
   706     ///    d.processNextNode();
   707     ///  }
   708     ///\endcode
   709     void start()
   710     {
   711       while ( !emptyQueue() ) processNextNode();
   712     }
   714     ///Executes the algorithm until the given target node is processed.
   716     ///Executes the algorithm until the given target node is processed.
   717     ///
   718     ///This method runs the %Dijkstra algorithm from the root node(s)
   719     ///in order to compute the shortest path to \c t.
   720     ///
   721     ///The algorithm computes
   722     ///- the shortest path to \c t,
   723     ///- the distance of \c t from the root(s).
   724     ///
   725     ///\pre init() must be called and at least one root node should be
   726     ///added with addSource() before using this function.
   727     void start(Node t)
   728     {
   729       while ( !_heap->empty() && _heap->top()!=t ) processNextNode();
   730       if ( !_heap->empty() ) {
   731         finalizeNodeData(_heap->top(),_heap->prio());
   732         _heap->pop();
   733       }
   734     }
   736     ///Executes the algorithm until a condition is met.
   738     ///Executes the algorithm until a condition is met.
   739     ///
   740     ///This method runs the %Dijkstra algorithm from the root node(s) in
   741     ///order to compute the shortest path to a node \c v with
   742     /// <tt>nm[v]</tt> true, if such a node can be found.
   743     ///
   744     ///\param nm A \c bool (or convertible) node map. The algorithm
   745     ///will stop when it reaches a node \c v with <tt>nm[v]</tt> true.
   746     ///
   747     ///\return The reached node \c v with <tt>nm[v]</tt> true or
   748     ///\c INVALID if no such node was found.
   749     ///
   750     ///\pre init() must be called and at least one root node should be
   751     ///added with addSource() before using this function.
   752     template<class NodeBoolMap>
   753     Node start(const NodeBoolMap &nm)
   754     {
   755       while ( !_heap->empty() && !nm[_heap->top()] ) processNextNode();
   756       if ( _heap->empty() ) return INVALID;
   757       finalizeNodeData(_heap->top(),_heap->prio());
   758       return _heap->top();
   759     }
   761     ///Runs the algorithm from the given source node.
   763     ///This method runs the %Dijkstra algorithm from node \c s
   764     ///in order to compute the shortest path to each node.
   765     ///
   766     ///The algorithm computes
   767     ///- the shortest path tree,
   768     ///- the distance of each node from the root.
   769     ///
   770     ///\note <tt>d.run(s)</tt> is just a shortcut of the following code.
   771     ///\code
   772     ///  d.init();
   773     ///  d.addSource(s);
   774     ///  d.start();
   775     ///\endcode
   776     void run(Node s) {
   777       init();
   778       addSource(s);
   779       start();
   780     }
   782     ///Finds the shortest path between \c s and \c t.
   784     ///This method runs the %Dijkstra algorithm from node \c s
   785     ///in order to compute the shortest path to node \c t
   786     ///(it stops searching when \c t is processed).
   787     ///
   788     ///\return \c true if \c t is reachable form \c s.
   789     ///
   790     ///\note Apart from the return value, <tt>d.run(s,t)</tt> is just a
   791     ///shortcut of the following code.
   792     ///\code
   793     ///  d.init();
   794     ///  d.addSource(s);
   795     ///  d.start(t);
   796     ///\endcode
   797     bool run(Node s,Node t) {
   798       init();
   799       addSource(s);
   800       start(t);
   801       return (*_heap_cross_ref)[t] == Heap::POST_HEAP;
   802     }
   804     ///@}
   806     ///\name Query Functions
   807     ///The results of the %Dijkstra algorithm can be obtained using these
   808     ///functions.\n
   809     ///Either \ref run(Node) "run()" or \ref init() should be called
   810     ///before using them.
   812     ///@{
   814     ///The shortest path to the given node.
   816     ///Returns the shortest path to the given node from the root(s).
   817     ///
   818     ///\warning \c t should be reached from the root(s).
   819     ///
   820     ///\pre Either \ref run(Node) "run()" or \ref init()
   821     ///must be called before using this function.
   822     Path path(Node t) const { return Path(*G, *_pred, t); }
   824     ///The distance of the given node from the root(s).
   826     ///Returns the distance of the given node from the root(s).
   827     ///
   828     ///\warning If node \c v is not reached from the root(s), then
   829     ///the return value of this function is undefined.
   830     ///
   831     ///\pre Either \ref run(Node) "run()" or \ref init()
   832     ///must be called before using this function.
   833     Value dist(Node v) const { return (*_dist)[v]; }
   835     ///\brief Returns the 'previous arc' of the shortest path tree for
   836     ///the given node.
   837     ///
   838     ///This function returns the 'previous arc' of the shortest path
   839     ///tree for the node \c v, i.e. it returns the last arc of a
   840     ///shortest path from a root to \c v. It is \c INVALID if \c v
   841     ///is not reached from the root(s) or if \c v is a root.
   842     ///
   843     ///The shortest path tree used here is equal to the shortest path
   844     ///tree used in \ref predNode() and \ref predMap().
   845     ///
   846     ///\pre Either \ref run(Node) "run()" or \ref init()
   847     ///must be called before using this function.
   848     Arc predArc(Node v) const { return (*_pred)[v]; }
   850     ///\brief Returns the 'previous node' of the shortest path tree for
   851     ///the given node.
   852     ///
   853     ///This function returns the 'previous node' of the shortest path
   854     ///tree for the node \c v, i.e. it returns the last but one node
   855     ///of a shortest path from a root to \c v. It is \c INVALID
   856     ///if \c v is not reached from the root(s) or if \c v is a root.
   857     ///
   858     ///The shortest path tree used here is equal to the shortest path
   859     ///tree used in \ref predArc() and \ref predMap().
   860     ///
   861     ///\pre Either \ref run(Node) "run()" or \ref init()
   862     ///must be called before using this function.
   863     Node predNode(Node v) const { return (*_pred)[v]==INVALID ? INVALID:
   864                                   G->source((*_pred)[v]); }
   866     ///\brief Returns a const reference to the node map that stores the
   867     ///distances of the nodes.
   868     ///
   869     ///Returns a const reference to the node map that stores the distances
   870     ///of the nodes calculated by the algorithm.
   871     ///
   872     ///\pre Either \ref run(Node) "run()" or \ref init()
   873     ///must be called before using this function.
   874     const DistMap &distMap() const { return *_dist;}
   876     ///\brief Returns a const reference to the node map that stores the
   877     ///predecessor arcs.
   878     ///
   879     ///Returns a const reference to the node map that stores the predecessor
   880     ///arcs, which form the shortest path tree (forest).
   881     ///
   882     ///\pre Either \ref run(Node) "run()" or \ref init()
   883     ///must be called before using this function.
   884     const PredMap &predMap() const { return *_pred;}
   886     ///Checks if the given node is reached from the root(s).
   888     ///Returns \c true if \c v is reached from the root(s).
   889     ///
   890     ///\pre Either \ref run(Node) "run()" or \ref init()
   891     ///must be called before using this function.
   892     bool reached(Node v) const { return (*_heap_cross_ref)[v] !=
   893                                         Heap::PRE_HEAP; }
   895     ///Checks if a node is processed.
   897     ///Returns \c true if \c v is processed, i.e. the shortest
   898     ///path to \c v has already found.
   899     ///
   900     ///\pre Either \ref run(Node) "run()" or \ref init()
   901     ///must be called before using this function.
   902     bool processed(Node v) const { return (*_heap_cross_ref)[v] ==
   903                                           Heap::POST_HEAP; }
   905     ///The current distance of the given node from the root(s).
   907     ///Returns the current distance of the given node from the root(s).
   908     ///It may be decreased in the following processes.
   909     ///
   910     ///\pre Either \ref run(Node) "run()" or \ref init()
   911     ///must be called before using this function and
   912     ///node \c v must be reached but not necessarily processed.
   913     Value currentDist(Node v) const {
   914       return processed(v) ? (*_dist)[v] : (*_heap)[v];
   915     }
   917     ///@}
   918   };
   921   ///Default traits class of dijkstra() function.
   923   ///Default traits class of dijkstra() function.
   924   ///\tparam GR The type of the digraph.
   925   ///\tparam LEN The type of the length map.
   926   template<class GR, class LEN>
   927   struct DijkstraWizardDefaultTraits
   928   {
   929     ///The type of the digraph the algorithm runs on.
   930     typedef GR Digraph;
   931     ///The type of the map that stores the arc lengths.
   933     ///The type of the map that stores the arc lengths.
   934     ///It must conform to the \ref concepts::ReadMap "ReadMap" concept.
   935     typedef LEN LengthMap;
   936     ///The type of the arc lengths.
   937     typedef typename LEN::Value Value;
   939     /// Operation traits for Dijkstra algorithm.
   941     /// This class defines the operations that are used in the algorithm.
   942     /// \see DijkstraDefaultOperationTraits
   943     typedef DijkstraDefaultOperationTraits<Value> OperationTraits;
   945     /// The cross reference type used by the heap.
   947     /// The cross reference type used by the heap.
   948     /// Usually it is \c Digraph::NodeMap<int>.
   949     typedef typename Digraph::template NodeMap<int> HeapCrossRef;
   950     ///Instantiates a \ref HeapCrossRef.
   952     ///This function instantiates a \ref HeapCrossRef.
   953     /// \param g is the digraph, to which we would like to define the
   954     /// HeapCrossRef.
   955     static HeapCrossRef *createHeapCrossRef(const Digraph &g)
   956     {
   957       return new HeapCrossRef(g);
   958     }
   960     ///The heap type used by the Dijkstra algorithm.
   962     ///The heap type used by the Dijkstra algorithm.
   963     ///
   964     ///\sa BinHeap
   965     ///\sa Dijkstra
   966     typedef BinHeap<Value, typename Digraph::template NodeMap<int>,
   967                     std::less<Value> > Heap;
   969     ///Instantiates a \ref Heap.
   971     ///This function instantiates a \ref Heap.
   972     /// \param r is the HeapCrossRef which is used.
   973     static Heap *createHeap(HeapCrossRef& r)
   974     {
   975       return new Heap(r);
   976     }
   978     ///\brief The type of the map that stores the predecessor
   979     ///arcs of the shortest paths.
   980     ///
   981     ///The type of the map that stores the predecessor
   982     ///arcs of the shortest paths.
   983     ///It must conform to the \ref concepts::WriteMap "WriteMap" concept.
   984     typedef typename Digraph::template NodeMap<typename Digraph::Arc> PredMap;
   985     ///Instantiates a PredMap.
   987     ///This function instantiates a PredMap.
   988     ///\param g is the digraph, to which we would like to define the
   989     ///PredMap.
   990     static PredMap *createPredMap(const Digraph &g)
   991     {
   992       return new PredMap(g);
   993     }
   995     ///The type of the map that indicates which nodes are processed.
   997     ///The type of the map that indicates which nodes are processed.
   998     ///It must conform to the \ref concepts::WriteMap "WriteMap" concept.
   999     ///By default, it is a NullMap.
  1000     typedef NullMap<typename Digraph::Node,bool> ProcessedMap;
  1001     ///Instantiates a ProcessedMap.
  1003     ///This function instantiates a ProcessedMap.
  1004     ///\param g is the digraph, to which
  1005     ///we would like to define the ProcessedMap.
  1006 #ifdef DOXYGEN
  1007     static ProcessedMap *createProcessedMap(const Digraph &g)
  1008 #else
  1009     static ProcessedMap *createProcessedMap(const Digraph &)
  1010 #endif
  1011     {
  1012       return new ProcessedMap();
  1013     }
  1015     ///The type of the map that stores the distances of the nodes.
  1017     ///The type of the map that stores the distances of the nodes.
  1018     ///It must conform to the \ref concepts::WriteMap "WriteMap" concept.
  1019     typedef typename Digraph::template NodeMap<typename LEN::Value> DistMap;
  1020     ///Instantiates a DistMap.
  1022     ///This function instantiates a DistMap.
  1023     ///\param g is the digraph, to which we would like to define
  1024     ///the DistMap
  1025     static DistMap *createDistMap(const Digraph &g)
  1026     {
  1027       return new DistMap(g);
  1028     }
  1030     ///The type of the shortest paths.
  1032     ///The type of the shortest paths.
  1033     ///It must conform to the \ref concepts::Path "Path" concept.
  1034     typedef lemon::Path<Digraph> Path;
  1035   };
  1037   /// Default traits class used by DijkstraWizard
  1039   /// Default traits class used by DijkstraWizard.
  1040   /// \tparam GR The type of the digraph.
  1041   /// \tparam LEN The type of the length map.
  1042   template<typename GR, typename LEN>
  1043   class DijkstraWizardBase : public DijkstraWizardDefaultTraits<GR,LEN>
  1044   {
  1045     typedef DijkstraWizardDefaultTraits<GR,LEN> Base;
  1046   protected:
  1047     //The type of the nodes in the digraph.
  1048     typedef typename Base::Digraph::Node Node;
  1050     //Pointer to the digraph the algorithm runs on.
  1051     void *_g;
  1052     //Pointer to the length map.
  1053     void *_length;
  1054     //Pointer to the map of processed nodes.
  1055     void *_processed;
  1056     //Pointer to the map of predecessors arcs.
  1057     void *_pred;
  1058     //Pointer to the map of distances.
  1059     void *_dist;
  1060     //Pointer to the shortest path to the target node.
  1061     void *_path;
  1062     //Pointer to the distance of the target node.
  1063     void *_di;
  1065   public:
  1066     /// Constructor.
  1068     /// This constructor does not require parameters, therefore it initiates
  1069     /// all of the attributes to \c 0.
  1070     DijkstraWizardBase() : _g(0), _length(0), _processed(0), _pred(0),
  1071                            _dist(0), _path(0), _di(0) {}
  1073     /// Constructor.
  1075     /// This constructor requires two parameters,
  1076     /// others are initiated to \c 0.
  1077     /// \param g The digraph the algorithm runs on.
  1078     /// \param l The length map.
  1079     DijkstraWizardBase(const GR &g,const LEN &l) :
  1080       _g(reinterpret_cast<void*>(const_cast<GR*>(&g))),
  1081       _length(reinterpret_cast<void*>(const_cast<LEN*>(&l))),
  1082       _processed(0), _pred(0), _dist(0), _path(0), _di(0) {}
  1084   };
  1086   /// Auxiliary class for the function-type interface of Dijkstra algorithm.
  1088   /// This auxiliary class is created to implement the
  1089   /// \ref dijkstra() "function-type interface" of \ref Dijkstra algorithm.
  1090   /// It does not have own \ref run(Node) "run()" method, it uses the
  1091   /// functions and features of the plain \ref Dijkstra.
  1092   ///
  1093   /// This class should only be used through the \ref dijkstra() function,
  1094   /// which makes it easier to use the algorithm.
  1095   template<class TR>
  1096   class DijkstraWizard : public TR
  1097   {
  1098     typedef TR Base;
  1100     typedef typename TR::Digraph Digraph;
  1102     typedef typename Digraph::Node Node;
  1103     typedef typename Digraph::NodeIt NodeIt;
  1104     typedef typename Digraph::Arc Arc;
  1105     typedef typename Digraph::OutArcIt OutArcIt;
  1107     typedef typename TR::LengthMap LengthMap;
  1108     typedef typename LengthMap::Value Value;
  1109     typedef typename TR::PredMap PredMap;
  1110     typedef typename TR::DistMap DistMap;
  1111     typedef typename TR::ProcessedMap ProcessedMap;
  1112     typedef typename TR::Path Path;
  1113     typedef typename TR::Heap Heap;
  1115   public:
  1117     /// Constructor.
  1118     DijkstraWizard() : TR() {}
  1120     /// Constructor that requires parameters.
  1122     /// Constructor that requires parameters.
  1123     /// These parameters will be the default values for the traits class.
  1124     /// \param g The digraph the algorithm runs on.
  1125     /// \param l The length map.
  1126     DijkstraWizard(const Digraph &g, const LengthMap &l) :
  1127       TR(g,l) {}
  1129     ///Copy constructor
  1130     DijkstraWizard(const TR &b) : TR(b) {}
  1132     ~DijkstraWizard() {}
  1134     ///Runs Dijkstra algorithm from the given source node.
  1136     ///This method runs %Dijkstra algorithm from the given source node
  1137     ///in order to compute the shortest path to each node.
  1138     void run(Node s)
  1139     {
  1140       Dijkstra<Digraph,LengthMap,TR>
  1141         dijk(*reinterpret_cast<const Digraph*>(Base::_g),
  1142              *reinterpret_cast<const LengthMap*>(Base::_length));
  1143       if (Base::_pred)
  1144         dijk.predMap(*reinterpret_cast<PredMap*>(Base::_pred));
  1145       if (Base::_dist)
  1146         dijk.distMap(*reinterpret_cast<DistMap*>(Base::_dist));
  1147       if (Base::_processed)
  1148         dijk.processedMap(*reinterpret_cast<ProcessedMap*>(Base::_processed));
  1149       dijk.run(s);
  1150     }
  1152     ///Finds the shortest path between \c s and \c t.
  1154     ///This method runs the %Dijkstra algorithm from node \c s
  1155     ///in order to compute the shortest path to node \c t
  1156     ///(it stops searching when \c t is processed).
  1157     ///
  1158     ///\return \c true if \c t is reachable form \c s.
  1159     bool run(Node s, Node t)
  1160     {
  1161       Dijkstra<Digraph,LengthMap,TR>
  1162         dijk(*reinterpret_cast<const Digraph*>(Base::_g),
  1163              *reinterpret_cast<const LengthMap*>(Base::_length));
  1164       if (Base::_pred)
  1165         dijk.predMap(*reinterpret_cast<PredMap*>(Base::_pred));
  1166       if (Base::_dist)
  1167         dijk.distMap(*reinterpret_cast<DistMap*>(Base::_dist));
  1168       if (Base::_processed)
  1169         dijk.processedMap(*reinterpret_cast<ProcessedMap*>(Base::_processed));
  1170       dijk.run(s,t);
  1171       if (Base::_path)
  1172         *reinterpret_cast<Path*>(Base::_path) = dijk.path(t);
  1173       if (Base::_di)
  1174         *reinterpret_cast<Value*>(Base::_di) = dijk.dist(t);
  1175       return dijk.reached(t);
  1176     }
  1178     template<class T>
  1179     struct SetPredMapBase : public Base {
  1180       typedef T PredMap;
  1181       static PredMap *createPredMap(const Digraph &) { return 0; };
  1182       SetPredMapBase(const TR &b) : TR(b) {}
  1183     };
  1185     ///\brief \ref named-templ-param "Named parameter" for setting
  1186     ///the predecessor map.
  1187     ///
  1188     ///\ref named-templ-param "Named parameter" function for setting
  1189     ///the map that stores the predecessor arcs of the nodes.
  1190     template<class T>
  1191     DijkstraWizard<SetPredMapBase<T> > predMap(const T &t)
  1192     {
  1193       Base::_pred=reinterpret_cast<void*>(const_cast<T*>(&t));
  1194       return DijkstraWizard<SetPredMapBase<T> >(*this);
  1195     }
  1197     template<class T>
  1198     struct SetDistMapBase : public Base {
  1199       typedef T DistMap;
  1200       static DistMap *createDistMap(const Digraph &) { return 0; };
  1201       SetDistMapBase(const TR &b) : TR(b) {}
  1202     };
  1204     ///\brief \ref named-templ-param "Named parameter" for setting
  1205     ///the distance map.
  1206     ///
  1207     ///\ref named-templ-param "Named parameter" function for setting
  1208     ///the map that stores the distances of the nodes calculated
  1209     ///by the algorithm.
  1210     template<class T>
  1211     DijkstraWizard<SetDistMapBase<T> > distMap(const T &t)
  1212     {
  1213       Base::_dist=reinterpret_cast<void*>(const_cast<T*>(&t));
  1214       return DijkstraWizard<SetDistMapBase<T> >(*this);
  1215     }
  1217     template<class T>
  1218     struct SetProcessedMapBase : public Base {
  1219       typedef T ProcessedMap;
  1220       static ProcessedMap *createProcessedMap(const Digraph &) { return 0; };
  1221       SetProcessedMapBase(const TR &b) : TR(b) {}
  1222     };
  1224     ///\brief \ref named-func-param "Named parameter" for setting
  1225     ///the processed map.
  1226     ///
  1227     ///\ref named-templ-param "Named parameter" function for setting
  1228     ///the map that indicates which nodes are processed.
  1229     template<class T>
  1230     DijkstraWizard<SetProcessedMapBase<T> > processedMap(const T &t)
  1231     {
  1232       Base::_processed=reinterpret_cast<void*>(const_cast<T*>(&t));
  1233       return DijkstraWizard<SetProcessedMapBase<T> >(*this);
  1234     }
  1236     template<class T>
  1237     struct SetPathBase : public Base {
  1238       typedef T Path;
  1239       SetPathBase(const TR &b) : TR(b) {}
  1240     };
  1242     ///\brief \ref named-func-param "Named parameter"
  1243     ///for getting the shortest path to the target node.
  1244     ///
  1245     ///\ref named-func-param "Named parameter"
  1246     ///for getting the shortest path to the target node.
  1247     template<class T>
  1248     DijkstraWizard<SetPathBase<T> > path(const T &t)
  1249     {
  1250       Base::_path=reinterpret_cast<void*>(const_cast<T*>(&t));
  1251       return DijkstraWizard<SetPathBase<T> >(*this);
  1252     }
  1254     ///\brief \ref named-func-param "Named parameter"
  1255     ///for getting the distance of the target node.
  1256     ///
  1257     ///\ref named-func-param "Named parameter"
  1258     ///for getting the distance of the target node.
  1259     DijkstraWizard dist(const Value &d)
  1260     {
  1261       Base::_di=reinterpret_cast<void*>(const_cast<Value*>(&d));
  1262       return *this;
  1263     }
  1265   };
  1267   ///Function-type interface for Dijkstra algorithm.
  1269   /// \ingroup shortest_path
  1270   ///Function-type interface for Dijkstra algorithm.
  1271   ///
  1272   ///This function also has several \ref named-func-param "named parameters",
  1273   ///they are declared as the members of class \ref DijkstraWizard.
  1274   ///The following examples show how to use these parameters.
  1275   ///\code
  1276   ///  // Compute shortest path from node s to each node
  1277   ///  dijkstra(g,length).predMap(preds).distMap(dists).run(s);
  1278   ///
  1279   ///  // Compute shortest path from s to t
  1280   ///  bool reached = dijkstra(g,length).path(p).dist(d).run(s,t);
  1281   ///\endcode
  1282   ///\warning Don't forget to put the \ref DijkstraWizard::run(Node) "run()"
  1283   ///to the end of the parameter list.
  1284   ///\sa DijkstraWizard
  1285   ///\sa Dijkstra
  1286   template<typename GR, typename LEN>
  1287   DijkstraWizard<DijkstraWizardBase<GR,LEN> >
  1288   dijkstra(const GR &digraph, const LEN &length)
  1289   {
  1290     return DijkstraWizard<DijkstraWizardBase<GR,LEN> >(digraph,length);
  1291   }
  1295 #endif