author Peter Kovacs <kpeter@inf.elte.hu>
Thu, 12 Nov 2009 23:26:13 +0100 (2009-11-12)
changeset 806 fa6f37d7a25b
parent 713 4ac30454f1c1
child 877 141f9c0db4a3
permissions -rw-r--r--
Entirely rework CapacityScaling (#180)

- Use the new interface similarly to NetworkSimplex.
- Rework the implementation using an efficient internal structure
for handling the residual network. This improvement made the
code much faster (up to 2-5 times faster on large graphs).
- Handle GEQ supply type (LEQ is not supported).
- Handle negative costs for arcs of finite capacity.
(Note that this algorithm cannot handle arcs of negative cost
and infinite upper bound, thus it returns UNBOUNDED if such
an arc exists.)
- Extend the documentation.
     1 /* -*- C++ -*-
     2  *
     3  * This file is a part of LEMON, a generic C++ optimization library
     4  *
     5  * Copyright (C) 2003-2008
     6  * Egervary Jeno Kombinatorikus Optimalizalasi Kutatocsoport
     7  * (Egervary Research Group on Combinatorial Optimization, EGRES).
     8  *
     9  * Permission to use, modify and distribute this software is granted
    10  * provided that this copyright notice appears in all copies. For
    11  * precise terms see the accompanying LICENSE file.
    12  *
    13  * This software is provided "AS IS" with no warranty of any kind,
    14  * express or implied, and with no claim as to its suitability for any
    15  * purpose.
    16  *
    17  */
    19 #ifndef LEMON_GOMORY_HU_TREE_H
    20 #define LEMON_GOMORY_HU_TREE_H
    22 #include <limits>
    24 #include <lemon/core.h>
    25 #include <lemon/preflow.h>
    26 #include <lemon/concept_check.h>
    27 #include <lemon/concepts/maps.h>
    29 /// \ingroup min_cut
    30 /// \file 
    31 /// \brief Gomory-Hu cut tree in graphs.
    33 namespace lemon {
    35   /// \ingroup min_cut
    36   ///
    37   /// \brief Gomory-Hu cut tree algorithm
    38   ///
    39   /// The Gomory-Hu tree is a tree on the node set of a given graph, but it
    40   /// may contain edges which are not in the original graph. It has the
    41   /// property that the minimum capacity edge of the path between two nodes 
    42   /// in this tree has the same weight as the minimum cut in the graph
    43   /// between these nodes. Moreover the components obtained by removing
    44   /// this edge from the tree determine the corresponding minimum cut.
    45   /// Therefore once this tree is computed, the minimum cut between any pair
    46   /// of nodes can easily be obtained.
    47   /// 
    48   /// The algorithm calculates \e n-1 distinct minimum cuts (currently with
    49   /// the \ref Preflow algorithm), thus it has \f$O(n^3\sqrt{e})\f$ overall
    50   /// time complexity. It calculates a rooted Gomory-Hu tree.
    51   /// The structure of the tree and the edge weights can be
    52   /// obtained using \c predNode(), \c predValue() and \c rootDist().
    53   /// The functions \c minCutMap() and \c minCutValue() calculate
    54   /// the minimum cut and the minimum cut value between any two nodes
    55   /// in the graph. You can also list (iterate on) the nodes and the
    56   /// edges of the cuts using \c MinCutNodeIt and \c MinCutEdgeIt.
    57   ///
    58   /// \tparam GR The type of the undirected graph the algorithm runs on.
    59   /// \tparam CAP The type of the edge map containing the capacities.
    60   /// The default map type is \ref concepts::Graph::EdgeMap "GR::EdgeMap<int>".
    61 #ifdef DOXYGEN
    62   template <typename GR,
    63 	    typename CAP>
    64 #else
    65   template <typename GR,
    66 	    typename CAP = typename GR::template EdgeMap<int> >
    67 #endif
    68   class GomoryHu {
    69   public:
    71     /// The graph type of the algorithm
    72     typedef GR Graph;
    73     /// The capacity map type of the algorithm
    74     typedef CAP Capacity;
    75     /// The value type of capacities
    76     typedef typename Capacity::Value Value;
    78   private:
    82     const Graph& _graph;
    83     const Capacity& _capacity;
    85     Node _root;
    86     typename Graph::template NodeMap<Node>* _pred;
    87     typename Graph::template NodeMap<Value>* _weight;
    88     typename Graph::template NodeMap<int>* _order;
    90     void createStructures() {
    91       if (!_pred) {
    92 	_pred = new typename Graph::template NodeMap<Node>(_graph);
    93       }
    94       if (!_weight) {
    95 	_weight = new typename Graph::template NodeMap<Value>(_graph);
    96       }
    97       if (!_order) {
    98 	_order = new typename Graph::template NodeMap<int>(_graph);
    99       }
   100     }
   102     void destroyStructures() {
   103       if (_pred) {
   104 	delete _pred;
   105       }
   106       if (_weight) {
   107 	delete _weight;
   108       }
   109       if (_order) {
   110 	delete _order;
   111       }
   112     }
   114   public:
   116     /// \brief Constructor
   117     ///
   118     /// Constructor.
   119     /// \param graph The undirected graph the algorithm runs on.
   120     /// \param capacity The edge capacity map.
   121     GomoryHu(const Graph& graph, const Capacity& capacity) 
   122       : _graph(graph), _capacity(capacity),
   123 	_pred(0), _weight(0), _order(0) 
   124     {
   125       checkConcept<concepts::ReadMap<Edge, Value>, Capacity>();
   126     }
   129     /// \brief Destructor
   130     ///
   131     /// Destructor.
   132     ~GomoryHu() {
   133       destroyStructures();
   134     }
   136   private:
   138     // Initialize the internal data structures
   139     void init() {
   140       createStructures();
   142       _root = NodeIt(_graph);
   143       for (NodeIt n(_graph); n != INVALID; ++n) {
   144         (*_pred)[n] = _root;
   145         (*_order)[n] = -1;
   146       }
   147       (*_pred)[_root] = INVALID;
   148       (*_weight)[_root] = std::numeric_limits<Value>::max(); 
   149     }
   152     // Start the algorithm
   153     void start() {
   154       Preflow<Graph, Capacity> fa(_graph, _capacity, _root, INVALID);
   156       for (NodeIt n(_graph); n != INVALID; ++n) {
   157 	if (n == _root) continue;
   159 	Node pn = (*_pred)[n];
   160 	fa.source(n);
   161 	fa.target(pn);
   163 	fa.runMinCut();
   165 	(*_weight)[n] = fa.flowValue();
   167 	for (NodeIt nn(_graph); nn != INVALID; ++nn) {
   168 	  if (nn != n && fa.minCut(nn) && (*_pred)[nn] == pn) {
   169 	    (*_pred)[nn] = n;
   170 	  }
   171 	}
   172 	if ((*_pred)[pn] != INVALID && fa.minCut((*_pred)[pn])) {
   173 	  (*_pred)[n] = (*_pred)[pn];
   174 	  (*_pred)[pn] = n;
   175 	  (*_weight)[n] = (*_weight)[pn];
   176 	  (*_weight)[pn] = fa.flowValue();
   177 	}
   178       }
   180       (*_order)[_root] = 0;
   181       int index = 1;
   183       for (NodeIt n(_graph); n != INVALID; ++n) {
   184 	std::vector<Node> st;
   185 	Node nn = n;
   186 	while ((*_order)[nn] == -1) {
   187 	  st.push_back(nn);
   188 	  nn = (*_pred)[nn];
   189 	}
   190 	while (!st.empty()) {
   191 	  (*_order)[st.back()] = index++;
   192 	  st.pop_back();
   193 	}
   194       }
   195     }
   197   public:
   199     ///\name Execution Control
   201     ///@{
   203     /// \brief Run the Gomory-Hu algorithm.
   204     ///
   205     /// This function runs the Gomory-Hu algorithm.
   206     void run() {
   207       init();
   208       start();
   209     }
   211     /// @}
   213     ///\name Query Functions
   214     ///The results of the algorithm can be obtained using these
   215     ///functions.\n
   216     ///\ref run() should be called before using them.\n
   217     ///See also \ref MinCutNodeIt and \ref MinCutEdgeIt.
   219     ///@{
   221     /// \brief Return the predecessor node in the Gomory-Hu tree.
   222     ///
   223     /// This function returns the predecessor node of the given node
   224     /// in the Gomory-Hu tree.
   225     /// If \c node is the root of the tree, then it returns \c INVALID.
   226     ///
   227     /// \pre \ref run() must be called before using this function.
   228     Node predNode(const Node& node) const {
   229       return (*_pred)[node];
   230     }
   232     /// \brief Return the weight of the predecessor edge in the
   233     /// Gomory-Hu tree.
   234     ///
   235     /// This function returns the weight of the predecessor edge of the 
   236     /// given node in the Gomory-Hu tree.
   237     /// If \c node is the root of the tree, the result is undefined.
   238     ///
   239     /// \pre \ref run() must be called before using this function.
   240     Value predValue(const Node& node) const {
   241       return (*_weight)[node];
   242     }
   244     /// \brief Return the distance from the root node in the Gomory-Hu tree.
   245     ///
   246     /// This function returns the distance of the given node from the root
   247     /// node in the Gomory-Hu tree.
   248     ///
   249     /// \pre \ref run() must be called before using this function.
   250     int rootDist(const Node& node) const {
   251       return (*_order)[node];
   252     }
   254     /// \brief Return the minimum cut value between two nodes
   255     ///
   256     /// This function returns the minimum cut value between the nodes
   257     /// \c s and \c t. 
   258     /// It finds the nearest common ancestor of the given nodes in the
   259     /// Gomory-Hu tree and calculates the minimum weight edge on the
   260     /// paths to the ancestor.
   261     ///
   262     /// \pre \ref run() must be called before using this function.
   263     Value minCutValue(const Node& s, const Node& t) const {
   264       Node sn = s, tn = t;
   265       Value value = std::numeric_limits<Value>::max();
   267       while (sn != tn) {
   268 	if ((*_order)[sn] < (*_order)[tn]) {
   269 	  if ((*_weight)[tn] <= value) value = (*_weight)[tn];
   270 	  tn = (*_pred)[tn];
   271 	} else {
   272 	  if ((*_weight)[sn] <= value) value = (*_weight)[sn];
   273 	  sn = (*_pred)[sn];
   274 	}
   275       }
   276       return value;
   277     }
   279     /// \brief Return the minimum cut between two nodes
   280     ///
   281     /// This function returns the minimum cut between the nodes \c s and \c t
   282     /// in the \c cutMap parameter by setting the nodes in the component of
   283     /// \c s to \c true and the other nodes to \c false.
   284     ///
   285     /// For higher level interfaces see MinCutNodeIt and MinCutEdgeIt.
   286     ///
   287     /// \param s The base node.
   288     /// \param t The node you want to separate from node \c s.
   289     /// \param cutMap The cut will be returned in this map.
   290     /// It must be a \c bool (or convertible) \ref concepts::ReadWriteMap
   291     /// "ReadWriteMap" on the graph nodes.
   292     ///
   293     /// \return The value of the minimum cut between \c s and \c t.
   294     ///
   295     /// \pre \ref run() must be called before using this function.
   296     template <typename CutMap>
   297     Value minCutMap(const Node& s,
   298                     const Node& t,
   299                     CutMap& cutMap
   300                     ) const {
   301       Node sn = s, tn = t;
   302       bool s_root=false;
   303       Node rn = INVALID;
   304       Value value = std::numeric_limits<Value>::max();
   306       while (sn != tn) {
   307 	if ((*_order)[sn] < (*_order)[tn]) {
   308 	  if ((*_weight)[tn] <= value) {
   309 	    rn = tn;
   310             s_root = false;
   311 	    value = (*_weight)[tn];
   312 	  }
   313 	  tn = (*_pred)[tn];
   314 	} else {
   315 	  if ((*_weight)[sn] <= value) {
   316 	    rn = sn;
   317             s_root = true;
   318 	    value = (*_weight)[sn];
   319 	  }
   320 	  sn = (*_pred)[sn];
   321 	}
   322       }
   324       typename Graph::template NodeMap<bool> reached(_graph, false);
   325       reached[_root] = true;
   326       cutMap.set(_root, !s_root);
   327       reached[rn] = true;
   328       cutMap.set(rn, s_root);
   330       std::vector<Node> st;
   331       for (NodeIt n(_graph); n != INVALID; ++n) {
   332 	st.clear();
   333         Node nn = n;
   334 	while (!reached[nn]) {
   335 	  st.push_back(nn);
   336 	  nn = (*_pred)[nn];
   337 	}
   338 	while (!st.empty()) {
   339 	  cutMap.set(st.back(), cutMap[nn]);
   340 	  st.pop_back();
   341 	}
   342       }
   344       return value;
   345     }
   347     ///@}
   349     friend class MinCutNodeIt;
   351     /// Iterate on the nodes of a minimum cut
   353     /// This iterator class lists the nodes of a minimum cut found by
   354     /// GomoryHu. Before using it, you must allocate a GomoryHu class
   355     /// and call its \ref GomoryHu::run() "run()" method.
   356     ///
   357     /// This example counts the nodes in the minimum cut separating \c s from
   358     /// \c t.
   359     /// \code
   360     /// GomoryHu<Graph> gom(g, capacities);
   361     /// gom.run();
   362     /// int cnt=0;
   363     /// for(GomoryHu<Graph>::MinCutNodeIt n(gom,s,t); n!=INVALID; ++n) ++cnt;
   364     /// \endcode
   365     class MinCutNodeIt
   366     {
   367       bool _side;
   368       typename Graph::NodeIt _node_it;
   369       typename Graph::template NodeMap<bool> _cut;
   370     public:
   371       /// Constructor
   373       /// Constructor.
   374       ///
   375       MinCutNodeIt(GomoryHu const &gomory,
   376                    ///< The GomoryHu class. You must call its
   377                    ///  run() method
   378                    ///  before initializing this iterator.
   379                    const Node& s, ///< The base node.
   380                    const Node& t,
   381                    ///< The node you want to separate from node \c s.
   382                    bool side=true
   383                    ///< If it is \c true (default) then the iterator lists
   384                    ///  the nodes of the component containing \c s,
   385                    ///  otherwise it lists the other component.
   386                    /// \note As the minimum cut is not always unique,
   387                    /// \code
   388                    /// MinCutNodeIt(gomory, s, t, true);
   389                    /// \endcode
   390                    /// and
   391                    /// \code
   392                    /// MinCutNodeIt(gomory, t, s, false);
   393                    /// \endcode
   394                    /// does not necessarily give the same set of nodes.
   395                    /// However, it is ensured that
   396                    /// \code
   397                    /// MinCutNodeIt(gomory, s, t, true);
   398                    /// \endcode
   399                    /// and
   400                    /// \code
   401                    /// MinCutNodeIt(gomory, s, t, false);
   402                    /// \endcode
   403                    /// together list each node exactly once.
   404                    )
   405         : _side(side), _cut(gomory._graph)
   406       {
   407         gomory.minCutMap(s,t,_cut);
   408         for(_node_it=typename Graph::NodeIt(gomory._graph);
   409             _node_it!=INVALID && _cut[_node_it]!=_side;
   410             ++_node_it) {}
   411       }
   412       /// Conversion to \c Node
   414       /// Conversion to \c Node.
   415       ///
   416       operator typename Graph::Node() const
   417       {
   418         return _node_it;
   419       }
   420       bool operator==(Invalid) { return _node_it==INVALID; }
   421       bool operator!=(Invalid) { return _node_it!=INVALID; }
   422       /// Next node
   424       /// Next node.
   425       ///
   426       MinCutNodeIt &operator++()
   427       {
   428         for(++_node_it;_node_it!=INVALID&&_cut[_node_it]!=_side;++_node_it) {}
   429         return *this;
   430       }
   431       /// Postfix incrementation
   433       /// Postfix incrementation.
   434       ///
   435       /// \warning This incrementation
   436       /// returns a \c Node, not a \c MinCutNodeIt, as one may
   437       /// expect.
   438       typename Graph::Node operator++(int)
   439       {
   440         typename Graph::Node n=*this;
   441         ++(*this);
   442         return n;
   443       }
   444     };
   446     friend class MinCutEdgeIt;
   448     /// Iterate on the edges of a minimum cut
   450     /// This iterator class lists the edges of a minimum cut found by
   451     /// GomoryHu. Before using it, you must allocate a GomoryHu class
   452     /// and call its \ref GomoryHu::run() "run()" method.
   453     ///
   454     /// This example computes the value of the minimum cut separating \c s from
   455     /// \c t.
   456     /// \code
   457     /// GomoryHu<Graph> gom(g, capacities);
   458     /// gom.run();
   459     /// int value=0;
   460     /// for(GomoryHu<Graph>::MinCutEdgeIt e(gom,s,t); e!=INVALID; ++e)
   461     ///   value+=capacities[e];
   462     /// \endcode
   463     /// The result will be the same as the value returned by
   464     /// \ref GomoryHu::minCutValue() "gom.minCutValue(s,t)".
   465     class MinCutEdgeIt
   466     {
   467       bool _side;
   468       const Graph &_graph;
   469       typename Graph::NodeIt _node_it;
   470       typename Graph::OutArcIt _arc_it;
   471       typename Graph::template NodeMap<bool> _cut;
   472       void step()
   473       {
   474         ++_arc_it;
   475         while(_node_it!=INVALID && _arc_it==INVALID)
   476           {
   477             for(++_node_it;_node_it!=INVALID&&!_cut[_node_it];++_node_it) {}
   478             if(_node_it!=INVALID)
   479               _arc_it=typename Graph::OutArcIt(_graph,_node_it);
   480           }
   481       }
   483     public:
   484       /// Constructor
   486       /// Constructor.
   487       ///
   488       MinCutEdgeIt(GomoryHu const &gomory,
   489                    ///< The GomoryHu class. You must call its
   490                    ///  run() method
   491                    ///  before initializing this iterator.
   492                    const Node& s,  ///< The base node.
   493                    const Node& t,
   494                    ///< The node you want to separate from node \c s.
   495                    bool side=true
   496                    ///< If it is \c true (default) then the listed arcs
   497                    ///  will be oriented from the
   498                    ///  nodes of the component containing \c s,
   499                    ///  otherwise they will be oriented in the opposite
   500                    ///  direction.
   501                    )
   502         : _graph(gomory._graph), _cut(_graph)
   503       {
   504         gomory.minCutMap(s,t,_cut);
   505         if(!side)
   506           for(typename Graph::NodeIt n(_graph);n!=INVALID;++n)
   507             _cut[n]=!_cut[n];
   509         for(_node_it=typename Graph::NodeIt(_graph);
   510             _node_it!=INVALID && !_cut[_node_it];
   511             ++_node_it) {}
   512         _arc_it = _node_it!=INVALID ?
   513           typename Graph::OutArcIt(_graph,_node_it) : INVALID;
   514         while(_node_it!=INVALID && _arc_it == INVALID)
   515           {
   516             for(++_node_it; _node_it!=INVALID&&!_cut[_node_it]; ++_node_it) {}
   517             if(_node_it!=INVALID)
   518               _arc_it= typename Graph::OutArcIt(_graph,_node_it);
   519           }
   520         while(_arc_it!=INVALID && _cut[_graph.target(_arc_it)]) step();
   521       }
   522       /// Conversion to \c Arc
   524       /// Conversion to \c Arc.
   525       ///
   526       operator typename Graph::Arc() const
   527       {
   528         return _arc_it;
   529       }
   530       /// Conversion to \c Edge
   532       /// Conversion to \c Edge.
   533       ///
   534       operator typename Graph::Edge() const
   535       {
   536         return _arc_it;
   537       }
   538       bool operator==(Invalid) { return _node_it==INVALID; }
   539       bool operator!=(Invalid) { return _node_it!=INVALID; }
   540       /// Next edge
   542       /// Next edge.
   543       ///
   544       MinCutEdgeIt &operator++()
   545       {
   546         step();
   547         while(_arc_it!=INVALID && _cut[_graph.target(_arc_it)]) step();
   548         return *this;
   549       }
   550       /// Postfix incrementation
   552       /// Postfix incrementation.
   553       ///
   554       /// \warning This incrementation
   555       /// returns an \c Arc, not a \c MinCutEdgeIt, as one may expect.
   556       typename Graph::Arc operator++(int)
   557       {
   558         typename Graph::Arc e=*this;
   559         ++(*this);
   560         return e;
   561       }
   562     };
   564   };
   566 }
   568 #endif