author Peter Kovacs <kpeter@inf.elte.hu>
Thu, 12 Nov 2009 23:26:13 +0100 (2009-11-12)
changeset 806 fa6f37d7a25b
parent 769 e746fb14e680
child 825 75e6020b19b1
permissions -rw-r--r--
Entirely rework CapacityScaling (#180)

- Use the new interface similarly to NetworkSimplex.
- Rework the implementation using an efficient internal structure
for handling the residual network. This improvement made the
code much faster (up to 2-5 times faster on large graphs).
- Handle GEQ supply type (LEQ is not supported).
- Handle negative costs for arcs of finite capacity.
(Note that this algorithm cannot handle arcs of negative cost
and infinite upper bound, thus it returns UNBOUNDED if such
an arc exists.)
- Extend the documentation.
     1 /* -*- C++ -*-
     2  *
     3  * This file is a part of LEMON, a generic C++ optimization library
     4  *
     5  * Copyright (C) 2003-2008
     6  * Egervary Jeno Kombinatorikus Optimalizalasi Kutatocsoport
     7  * (Egervary Research Group on Combinatorial Optimization, EGRES).
     8  *
     9  * Permission to use, modify and distribute this software is granted
    10  * provided that this copyright notice appears in all copies. For
    11  * precise terms see the accompanying LICENSE file.
    12  *
    13  * This software is provided "AS IS" with no warranty of any kind,
    14  * express or implied, and with no claim as to its suitability for any
    15  * purpose.
    16  *
    17  */
    19 #ifndef LEMON_HOWARD_H
    20 #define LEMON_HOWARD_H
    22 /// \ingroup min_mean_cycle
    23 ///
    24 /// \file
    25 /// \brief Howard's algorithm for finding a minimum mean cycle.
    27 #include <vector>
    28 #include <limits>
    29 #include <lemon/core.h>
    30 #include <lemon/path.h>
    31 #include <lemon/tolerance.h>
    32 #include <lemon/connectivity.h>
    34 namespace lemon {
    36   /// \brief Default traits class of Howard class.
    37   ///
    38   /// Default traits class of Howard class.
    39   /// \tparam GR The type of the digraph.
    40   /// \tparam LEN The type of the length map.
    41   /// It must conform to the \ref concepts::ReadMap "ReadMap" concept.
    42 #ifdef DOXYGEN
    43   template <typename GR, typename LEN>
    44 #else
    45   template <typename GR, typename LEN,
    46     bool integer = std::numeric_limits<typename LEN::Value>::is_integer>
    47 #endif
    48   struct HowardDefaultTraits
    49   {
    50     /// The type of the digraph
    51     typedef GR Digraph;
    52     /// The type of the length map
    53     typedef LEN LengthMap;
    54     /// The type of the arc lengths
    55     typedef typename LengthMap::Value Value;
    57     /// \brief The large value type used for internal computations
    58     ///
    59     /// The large value type used for internal computations.
    60     /// It is \c long \c long if the \c Value type is integer,
    61     /// otherwise it is \c double.
    62     /// \c Value must be convertible to \c LargeValue.
    63     typedef double LargeValue;
    65     /// The tolerance type used for internal computations
    66     typedef lemon::Tolerance<LargeValue> Tolerance;
    68     /// \brief The path type of the found cycles
    69     ///
    70     /// The path type of the found cycles.
    71     /// It must conform to the \ref lemon::concepts::Path "Path" concept
    72     /// and it must have an \c addBack() function.
    73     typedef lemon::Path<Digraph> Path;
    74   };
    76   // Default traits class for integer value types
    77   template <typename GR, typename LEN>
    78   struct HowardDefaultTraits<GR, LEN, true>
    79   {
    80     typedef GR Digraph;
    81     typedef LEN LengthMap;
    82     typedef typename LengthMap::Value Value;
    83 #ifdef LEMON_HAVE_LONG_LONG
    84     typedef long long LargeValue;
    85 #else
    86     typedef long LargeValue;
    87 #endif
    88     typedef lemon::Tolerance<LargeValue> Tolerance;
    89     typedef lemon::Path<Digraph> Path;
    90   };
    93   /// \addtogroup min_mean_cycle
    94   /// @{
    96   /// \brief Implementation of Howard's algorithm for finding a minimum
    97   /// mean cycle.
    98   ///
    99   /// This class implements Howard's policy iteration algorithm for finding
   100   /// a directed cycle of minimum mean length (cost) in a digraph
   101   /// \ref amo93networkflows, \ref dasdan98minmeancycle.
   102   /// This class provides the most efficient algorithm for the
   103   /// minimum mean cycle problem, though the best known theoretical
   104   /// bound on its running time is exponential.
   105   ///
   106   /// \tparam GR The type of the digraph the algorithm runs on.
   107   /// \tparam LEN The type of the length map. The default
   108   /// map type is \ref concepts::Digraph::ArcMap "GR::ArcMap<int>".
   109 #ifdef DOXYGEN
   110   template <typename GR, typename LEN, typename TR>
   111 #else
   112   template < typename GR,
   113              typename LEN = typename GR::template ArcMap<int>,
   114              typename TR = HowardDefaultTraits<GR, LEN> >
   115 #endif
   116   class Howard
   117   {
   118   public:
   120     /// The type of the digraph
   121     typedef typename TR::Digraph Digraph;
   122     /// The type of the length map
   123     typedef typename TR::LengthMap LengthMap;
   124     /// The type of the arc lengths
   125     typedef typename TR::Value Value;
   127     /// \brief The large value type
   128     ///
   129     /// The large value type used for internal computations.
   130     /// Using the \ref HowardDefaultTraits "default traits class",
   131     /// it is \c long \c long if the \c Value type is integer,
   132     /// otherwise it is \c double.
   133     typedef typename TR::LargeValue LargeValue;
   135     /// The tolerance type
   136     typedef typename TR::Tolerance Tolerance;
   138     /// \brief The path type of the found cycles
   139     ///
   140     /// The path type of the found cycles.
   141     /// Using the \ref HowardDefaultTraits "default traits class",
   142     /// it is \ref lemon::Path "Path<Digraph>".
   143     typedef typename TR::Path Path;
   145     /// The \ref HowardDefaultTraits "traits class" of the algorithm
   146     typedef TR Traits;
   148   private:
   152     // The digraph the algorithm runs on
   153     const Digraph &_gr;
   154     // The length of the arcs
   155     const LengthMap &_length;
   157     // Data for the found cycles
   158     bool _curr_found, _best_found;
   159     LargeValue _curr_length, _best_length;
   160     int _curr_size, _best_size;
   161     Node _curr_node, _best_node;
   163     Path *_cycle_path;
   164     bool _local_path;
   166     // Internal data used by the algorithm
   167     typename Digraph::template NodeMap<Arc> _policy;
   168     typename Digraph::template NodeMap<bool> _reached;
   169     typename Digraph::template NodeMap<int> _level;
   170     typename Digraph::template NodeMap<LargeValue> _dist;
   172     // Data for storing the strongly connected components
   173     int _comp_num;
   174     typename Digraph::template NodeMap<int> _comp;
   175     std::vector<std::vector<Node> > _comp_nodes;
   176     std::vector<Node>* _nodes;
   177     typename Digraph::template NodeMap<std::vector<Arc> > _in_arcs;
   179     // Queue used for BFS search
   180     std::vector<Node> _queue;
   181     int _qfront, _qback;
   183     Tolerance _tolerance;
   185     // Infinite constant
   186     const LargeValue INF;
   188   public:
   190     /// \name Named Template Parameters
   191     /// @{
   193     template <typename T>
   194     struct SetLargeValueTraits : public Traits {
   195       typedef T LargeValue;
   196       typedef lemon::Tolerance<T> Tolerance;
   197     };
   199     /// \brief \ref named-templ-param "Named parameter" for setting
   200     /// \c LargeValue type.
   201     ///
   202     /// \ref named-templ-param "Named parameter" for setting \c LargeValue
   203     /// type. It is used for internal computations in the algorithm.
   204     template <typename T>
   205     struct SetLargeValue
   206       : public Howard<GR, LEN, SetLargeValueTraits<T> > {
   207       typedef Howard<GR, LEN, SetLargeValueTraits<T> > Create;
   208     };
   210     template <typename T>
   211     struct SetPathTraits : public Traits {
   212       typedef T Path;
   213     };
   215     /// \brief \ref named-templ-param "Named parameter" for setting
   216     /// \c %Path type.
   217     ///
   218     /// \ref named-templ-param "Named parameter" for setting the \c %Path
   219     /// type of the found cycles.
   220     /// It must conform to the \ref lemon::concepts::Path "Path" concept
   221     /// and it must have an \c addBack() function.
   222     template <typename T>
   223     struct SetPath
   224       : public Howard<GR, LEN, SetPathTraits<T> > {
   225       typedef Howard<GR, LEN, SetPathTraits<T> > Create;
   226     };
   228     /// @}
   230   public:
   232     /// \brief Constructor.
   233     ///
   234     /// The constructor of the class.
   235     ///
   236     /// \param digraph The digraph the algorithm runs on.
   237     /// \param length The lengths (costs) of the arcs.
   238     Howard( const Digraph &digraph,
   239             const LengthMap &length ) :
   240       _gr(digraph), _length(length), _best_found(false),
   241       _best_length(0), _best_size(1), _cycle_path(NULL), _local_path(false),
   242       _policy(digraph), _reached(digraph), _level(digraph), _dist(digraph),
   243       _comp(digraph), _in_arcs(digraph),
   244       INF(std::numeric_limits<LargeValue>::has_infinity ?
   245           std::numeric_limits<LargeValue>::infinity() :
   246           std::numeric_limits<LargeValue>::max())
   247     {}
   249     /// Destructor.
   250     ~Howard() {
   251       if (_local_path) delete _cycle_path;
   252     }
   254     /// \brief Set the path structure for storing the found cycle.
   255     ///
   256     /// This function sets an external path structure for storing the
   257     /// found cycle.
   258     ///
   259     /// If you don't call this function before calling \ref run() or
   260     /// \ref findMinMean(), it will allocate a local \ref Path "path"
   261     /// structure. The destuctor deallocates this automatically
   262     /// allocated object, of course.
   263     ///
   264     /// \note The algorithm calls only the \ref lemon::Path::addBack()
   265     /// "addBack()" function of the given path structure.
   266     ///
   267     /// \return <tt>(*this)</tt>
   268     Howard& cycle(Path &path) {
   269       if (_local_path) {
   270         delete _cycle_path;
   271         _local_path = false;
   272       }
   273       _cycle_path = &path;
   274       return *this;
   275     }
   277     /// \brief Set the tolerance used by the algorithm.
   278     ///
   279     /// This function sets the tolerance object used by the algorithm.
   280     ///
   281     /// \return <tt>(*this)</tt>
   282     Howard& tolerance(const Tolerance& tolerance) {
   283       _tolerance = tolerance;
   284       return *this;
   285     }
   287     /// \brief Return a const reference to the tolerance.
   288     ///
   289     /// This function returns a const reference to the tolerance object
   290     /// used by the algorithm.
   291     const Tolerance& tolerance() const {
   292       return _tolerance;
   293     }
   295     /// \name Execution control
   296     /// The simplest way to execute the algorithm is to call the \ref run()
   297     /// function.\n
   298     /// If you only need the minimum mean length, you may call
   299     /// \ref findMinMean().
   301     /// @{
   303     /// \brief Run the algorithm.
   304     ///
   305     /// This function runs the algorithm.
   306     /// It can be called more than once (e.g. if the underlying digraph
   307     /// and/or the arc lengths have been modified).
   308     ///
   309     /// \return \c true if a directed cycle exists in the digraph.
   310     ///
   311     /// \note <tt>mmc.run()</tt> is just a shortcut of the following code.
   312     /// \code
   313     ///   return mmc.findMinMean() && mmc.findCycle();
   314     /// \endcode
   315     bool run() {
   316       return findMinMean() && findCycle();
   317     }
   319     /// \brief Find the minimum cycle mean.
   320     ///
   321     /// This function finds the minimum mean length of the directed
   322     /// cycles in the digraph.
   323     ///
   324     /// \return \c true if a directed cycle exists in the digraph.
   325     bool findMinMean() {
   326       // Initialize and find strongly connected components
   327       init();
   328       findComponents();
   330       // Find the minimum cycle mean in the components
   331       for (int comp = 0; comp < _comp_num; ++comp) {
   332         // Find the minimum mean cycle in the current component
   333         if (!buildPolicyGraph(comp)) continue;
   334         while (true) {
   335           findPolicyCycle();
   336           if (!computeNodeDistances()) break;
   337         }
   338         // Update the best cycle (global minimum mean cycle)
   339         if ( _curr_found && (!_best_found ||
   340              _curr_length * _best_size < _best_length * _curr_size) ) {
   341           _best_found = true;
   342           _best_length = _curr_length;
   343           _best_size = _curr_size;
   344           _best_node = _curr_node;
   345         }
   346       }
   347       return _best_found;
   348     }
   350     /// \brief Find a minimum mean directed cycle.
   351     ///
   352     /// This function finds a directed cycle of minimum mean length
   353     /// in the digraph using the data computed by findMinMean().
   354     ///
   355     /// \return \c true if a directed cycle exists in the digraph.
   356     ///
   357     /// \pre \ref findMinMean() must be called before using this function.
   358     bool findCycle() {
   359       if (!_best_found) return false;
   360       _cycle_path->addBack(_policy[_best_node]);
   361       for ( Node v = _best_node;
   362             (v = _gr.target(_policy[v])) != _best_node; ) {
   363         _cycle_path->addBack(_policy[v]);
   364       }
   365       return true;
   366     }
   368     /// @}
   370     /// \name Query Functions
   371     /// The results of the algorithm can be obtained using these
   372     /// functions.\n
   373     /// The algorithm should be executed before using them.
   375     /// @{
   377     /// \brief Return the total length of the found cycle.
   378     ///
   379     /// This function returns the total length of the found cycle.
   380     ///
   381     /// \pre \ref run() or \ref findMinMean() must be called before
   382     /// using this function.
   383     LargeValue cycleLength() const {
   384       return _best_length;
   385     }
   387     /// \brief Return the number of arcs on the found cycle.
   388     ///
   389     /// This function returns the number of arcs on the found cycle.
   390     ///
   391     /// \pre \ref run() or \ref findMinMean() must be called before
   392     /// using this function.
   393     int cycleArcNum() const {
   394       return _best_size;
   395     }
   397     /// \brief Return the mean length of the found cycle.
   398     ///
   399     /// This function returns the mean length of the found cycle.
   400     ///
   401     /// \note <tt>alg.cycleMean()</tt> is just a shortcut of the
   402     /// following code.
   403     /// \code
   404     ///   return static_cast<double>(alg.cycleLength()) / alg.cycleArcNum();
   405     /// \endcode
   406     ///
   407     /// \pre \ref run() or \ref findMinMean() must be called before
   408     /// using this function.
   409     double cycleMean() const {
   410       return static_cast<double>(_best_length) / _best_size;
   411     }
   413     /// \brief Return the found cycle.
   414     ///
   415     /// This function returns a const reference to the path structure
   416     /// storing the found cycle.
   417     ///
   418     /// \pre \ref run() or \ref findCycle() must be called before using
   419     /// this function.
   420     const Path& cycle() const {
   421       return *_cycle_path;
   422     }
   424     ///@}
   426   private:
   428     // Initialize
   429     void init() {
   430       if (!_cycle_path) {
   431         _local_path = true;
   432         _cycle_path = new Path;
   433       }
   434       _queue.resize(countNodes(_gr));
   435       _best_found = false;
   436       _best_length = 0;
   437       _best_size = 1;
   438       _cycle_path->clear();
   439     }
   441     // Find strongly connected components and initialize _comp_nodes
   442     // and _in_arcs
   443     void findComponents() {
   444       _comp_num = stronglyConnectedComponents(_gr, _comp);
   445       _comp_nodes.resize(_comp_num);
   446       if (_comp_num == 1) {
   447         _comp_nodes[0].clear();
   448         for (NodeIt n(_gr); n != INVALID; ++n) {
   449           _comp_nodes[0].push_back(n);
   450           _in_arcs[n].clear();
   451           for (InArcIt a(_gr, n); a != INVALID; ++a) {
   452             _in_arcs[n].push_back(a);
   453           }
   454         }
   455       } else {
   456         for (int i = 0; i < _comp_num; ++i)
   457           _comp_nodes[i].clear();
   458         for (NodeIt n(_gr); n != INVALID; ++n) {
   459           int k = _comp[n];
   460           _comp_nodes[k].push_back(n);
   461           _in_arcs[n].clear();
   462           for (InArcIt a(_gr, n); a != INVALID; ++a) {
   463             if (_comp[_gr.source(a)] == k) _in_arcs[n].push_back(a);
   464           }
   465         }
   466       }
   467     }
   469     // Build the policy graph in the given strongly connected component
   470     // (the out-degree of every node is 1)
   471     bool buildPolicyGraph(int comp) {
   472       _nodes = &(_comp_nodes[comp]);
   473       if (_nodes->size() < 1 ||
   474           (_nodes->size() == 1 && _in_arcs[(*_nodes)[0]].size() == 0)) {
   475         return false;
   476       }
   477       for (int i = 0; i < int(_nodes->size()); ++i) {
   478         _dist[(*_nodes)[i]] = INF;
   479       }
   480       Node u, v;
   481       Arc e;
   482       for (int i = 0; i < int(_nodes->size()); ++i) {
   483         v = (*_nodes)[i];
   484         for (int j = 0; j < int(_in_arcs[v].size()); ++j) {
   485           e = _in_arcs[v][j];
   486           u = _gr.source(e);
   487           if (_length[e] < _dist[u]) {
   488             _dist[u] = _length[e];
   489             _policy[u] = e;
   490           }
   491         }
   492       }
   493       return true;
   494     }
   496     // Find the minimum mean cycle in the policy graph
   497     void findPolicyCycle() {
   498       for (int i = 0; i < int(_nodes->size()); ++i) {
   499         _level[(*_nodes)[i]] = -1;
   500       }
   501       LargeValue clength;
   502       int csize;
   503       Node u, v;
   504       _curr_found = false;
   505       for (int i = 0; i < int(_nodes->size()); ++i) {
   506         u = (*_nodes)[i];
   507         if (_level[u] >= 0) continue;
   508         for (; _level[u] < 0; u = _gr.target(_policy[u])) {
   509           _level[u] = i;
   510         }
   511         if (_level[u] == i) {
   512           // A cycle is found
   513           clength = _length[_policy[u]];
   514           csize = 1;
   515           for (v = u; (v = _gr.target(_policy[v])) != u; ) {
   516             clength += _length[_policy[v]];
   517             ++csize;
   518           }
   519           if ( !_curr_found ||
   520                (clength * _curr_size < _curr_length * csize) ) {
   521             _curr_found = true;
   522             _curr_length = clength;
   523             _curr_size = csize;
   524             _curr_node = u;
   525           }
   526         }
   527       }
   528     }
   530     // Contract the policy graph and compute node distances
   531     bool computeNodeDistances() {
   532       // Find the component of the main cycle and compute node distances
   533       // using reverse BFS
   534       for (int i = 0; i < int(_nodes->size()); ++i) {
   535         _reached[(*_nodes)[i]] = false;
   536       }
   537       _qfront = _qback = 0;
   538       _queue[0] = _curr_node;
   539       _reached[_curr_node] = true;
   540       _dist[_curr_node] = 0;
   541       Node u, v;
   542       Arc e;
   543       while (_qfront <= _qback) {
   544         v = _queue[_qfront++];
   545         for (int j = 0; j < int(_in_arcs[v].size()); ++j) {
   546           e = _in_arcs[v][j];
   547           u = _gr.source(e);
   548           if (_policy[u] == e && !_reached[u]) {
   549             _reached[u] = true;
   550             _dist[u] = _dist[v] + _length[e] * _curr_size - _curr_length;
   551             _queue[++_qback] = u;
   552           }
   553         }
   554       }
   556       // Connect all other nodes to this component and compute node
   557       // distances using reverse BFS
   558       _qfront = 0;
   559       while (_qback < int(_nodes->size())-1) {
   560         v = _queue[_qfront++];
   561         for (int j = 0; j < int(_in_arcs[v].size()); ++j) {
   562           e = _in_arcs[v][j];
   563           u = _gr.source(e);
   564           if (!_reached[u]) {
   565             _reached[u] = true;
   566             _policy[u] = e;
   567             _dist[u] = _dist[v] + _length[e] * _curr_size - _curr_length;
   568             _queue[++_qback] = u;
   569           }
   570         }
   571       }
   573       // Improve node distances
   574       bool improved = false;
   575       for (int i = 0; i < int(_nodes->size()); ++i) {
   576         v = (*_nodes)[i];
   577         for (int j = 0; j < int(_in_arcs[v].size()); ++j) {
   578           e = _in_arcs[v][j];
   579           u = _gr.source(e);
   580           LargeValue delta = _dist[v] + _length[e] * _curr_size - _curr_length;
   581           if (_tolerance.less(delta, _dist[u])) {
   582             _dist[u] = delta;
   583             _policy[u] = e;
   584             improved = true;
   585           }
   586         }
   587       }
   588       return improved;
   589     }
   591   }; //class Howard
   593   ///@}
   595 } //namespace lemon
   597 #endif //LEMON_HOWARD_H