author Peter Kovacs <kpeter@inf.elte.hu>
Thu, 12 Nov 2009 23:26:13 +0100 (2009-11-12)
changeset 806 fa6f37d7a25b
parent 701 d1a9224f1e30
child 855 65a0521e744e
permissions -rw-r--r--
Entirely rework CapacityScaling (#180)

- Use the new interface similarly to NetworkSimplex.
- Rework the implementation using an efficient internal structure
for handling the residual network. This improvement made the
code much faster (up to 2-5 times faster on large graphs).
- Handle GEQ supply type (LEQ is not supported).
- Handle negative costs for arcs of finite capacity.
(Note that this algorithm cannot handle arcs of negative cost
and infinite upper bound, thus it returns UNBOUNDED if such
an arc exists.)
- Extend the documentation.
     1 /* -*- mode: C++; indent-tabs-mode: nil; -*-
     2  *
     3  * This file is a part of LEMON, a generic C++ optimization library.
     4  *
     5  * Copyright (C) 2003-2009
     6  * Egervary Jeno Kombinatorikus Optimalizalasi Kutatocsoport
     7  * (Egervary Research Group on Combinatorial Optimization, EGRES).
     8  *
     9  * Permission to use, modify and distribute this software is granted
    10  * provided that this copyright notice appears in all copies. For
    11  * precise terms see the accompanying LICENSE file.
    12  *
    13  * This software is provided "AS IS" with no warranty of any kind,
    14  * express or implied, and with no claim as to its suitability for any
    15  * purpose.
    16  *
    17  */
    19 #include <iostream>
    20 #include <fstream>
    21 #include <string>
    22 #include <vector>
    24 #include <lemon/concept_check.h>
    25 #include <lemon/concepts/heap.h>
    27 #include <lemon/smart_graph.h>
    28 #include <lemon/lgf_reader.h>
    29 #include <lemon/dijkstra.h>
    30 #include <lemon/maps.h>
    32 #include <lemon/bin_heap.h>
    33 #include <lemon/fourary_heap.h>
    34 #include <lemon/kary_heap.h>
    35 #include <lemon/fib_heap.h>
    36 #include <lemon/pairing_heap.h>
    37 #include <lemon/radix_heap.h>
    38 #include <lemon/binom_heap.h>
    39 #include <lemon/bucket_heap.h>
    41 #include "test_tools.h"
    43 using namespace lemon;
    44 using namespace lemon::concepts;
    46 typedef ListDigraph Digraph;
    47 DIGRAPH_TYPEDEFS(Digraph);
    49 char test_lgf[] =
    50   "@nodes\n"
    51   "label\n"
    52   "0\n"
    53   "1\n"
    54   "2\n"
    55   "3\n"
    56   "4\n"
    57   "5\n"
    58   "6\n"
    59   "7\n"
    60   "8\n"
    61   "9\n"
    62   "@arcs\n"
    63   "                label   capacity\n"
    64   "0       5       0       94\n"
    65   "3       9       1       11\n"
    66   "8       7       2       83\n"
    67   "1       2       3       94\n"
    68   "5       7       4       35\n"
    69   "7       4       5       84\n"
    70   "9       5       6       38\n"
    71   "0       4       7       96\n"
    72   "6       7       8       6\n"
    73   "3       1       9       27\n"
    74   "5       2       10      77\n"
    75   "5       6       11      69\n"
    76   "6       5       12      41\n"
    77   "4       6       13      70\n"
    78   "3       2       14      45\n"
    79   "7       9       15      93\n"
    80   "5       9       16      50\n"
    81   "9       0       17      94\n"
    82   "9       6       18      67\n"
    83   "0       9       19      86\n"
    84   "@attributes\n"
    85   "source 3\n";
    87 int test_seq[] = { 2, 28, 19, 27, 33, 25, 13, 41, 10, 26,  1,  9,  4, 34};
    88 int test_inc[] = {20, 28, 34, 16,  0, 46, 44,  0, 42, 32, 14,  8,  6, 37};
    90 int test_len = sizeof(test_seq) / sizeof(test_seq[0]);
    92 template <typename Heap>
    93 void heapSortTest() {
    94   RangeMap<int> map(test_len, -1);
    95   Heap heap(map);
    97   std::vector<int> v(test_len);
    98   for (int i = 0; i < test_len; ++i) {
    99     v[i] = test_seq[i];
   100     heap.push(i, v[i]);
   101   }
   102   std::sort(v.begin(), v.end());
   103   for (int i = 0; i < test_len; ++i) {
   104     check(v[i] == heap.prio(), "Wrong order in heap sort.");
   105     heap.pop();
   106   }
   107 }
   109 template <typename Heap>
   110 void heapIncreaseTest() {
   111   RangeMap<int> map(test_len, -1);
   113   Heap heap(map);
   115   std::vector<int> v(test_len);
   116   for (int i = 0; i < test_len; ++i) {
   117     v[i] = test_seq[i];
   118     heap.push(i, v[i]);
   119   }
   120   for (int i = 0; i < test_len; ++i) {
   121     v[i] += test_inc[i];
   122     heap.increase(i, v[i]);
   123   }
   124   std::sort(v.begin(), v.end());
   125   for (int i = 0; i < test_len; ++i) {
   126     check(v[i] == heap.prio(), "Wrong order in heap increase test.");
   127     heap.pop();
   128   }
   129 }
   131 template <typename Heap>
   132 void dijkstraHeapTest(const Digraph& digraph, const IntArcMap& length,
   133                       Node source) {
   135   typename Dijkstra<Digraph, IntArcMap>::template SetStandardHeap<Heap>::
   136     Create dijkstra(digraph, length);
   138   dijkstra.run(source);
   140   for(ArcIt a(digraph); a != INVALID; ++a) {
   141     Node s = digraph.source(a);
   142     Node t = digraph.target(a);
   143     if (dijkstra.reached(s)) {
   144       check( dijkstra.dist(t) - dijkstra.dist(s) <= length[a],
   145              "Error in shortest path tree.");
   146     }
   147   }
   149   for(NodeIt n(digraph); n != INVALID; ++n) {
   150     if ( dijkstra.reached(n) && dijkstra.predArc(n) != INVALID ) {
   151       Arc a = dijkstra.predArc(n);
   152       Node s = digraph.source(a);
   153       check( dijkstra.dist(n) - dijkstra.dist(s) == length[a],
   154              "Error in shortest path tree.");
   155     }
   156   }
   158 }
   160 int main() {
   162   typedef int Item;
   163   typedef int Prio;
   164   typedef RangeMap<int> ItemIntMap;
   166   Digraph digraph;
   167   IntArcMap length(digraph);
   168   Node source;
   170   std::istringstream input(test_lgf);
   171   digraphReader(digraph, input).
   172     arcMap("capacity", length).
   173     node("source", source).
   174     run();
   176   // BinHeap
   177   {
   178     typedef BinHeap<Prio, ItemIntMap> IntHeap;
   179     checkConcept<Heap<Prio, ItemIntMap>, IntHeap>();
   180     heapSortTest<IntHeap>();
   181     heapIncreaseTest<IntHeap>();
   183     typedef BinHeap<Prio, IntNodeMap > NodeHeap;
   184     checkConcept<Heap<Prio, IntNodeMap >, NodeHeap>();
   185     dijkstraHeapTest<NodeHeap>(digraph, length, source);
   186   }
   188   // FouraryHeap
   189   {
   190     typedef FouraryHeap<Prio, ItemIntMap> IntHeap;
   191     checkConcept<Heap<Prio, ItemIntMap>, IntHeap>();
   192     heapSortTest<IntHeap>();
   193     heapIncreaseTest<IntHeap>();
   195     typedef FouraryHeap<Prio, IntNodeMap > NodeHeap;
   196     checkConcept<Heap<Prio, IntNodeMap >, NodeHeap>();
   197     dijkstraHeapTest<NodeHeap>(digraph, length, source);
   198   }
   200   // KaryHeap
   201   {
   202     typedef KaryHeap<Prio, ItemIntMap> IntHeap;
   203     checkConcept<Heap<Prio, ItemIntMap>, IntHeap>();
   204     heapSortTest<IntHeap>();
   205     heapIncreaseTest<IntHeap>();
   207     typedef KaryHeap<Prio, IntNodeMap > NodeHeap;
   208     checkConcept<Heap<Prio, IntNodeMap >, NodeHeap>();
   209     dijkstraHeapTest<NodeHeap>(digraph, length, source);
   210   }
   212   // FibHeap
   213   {
   214     typedef FibHeap<Prio, ItemIntMap> IntHeap;
   215     checkConcept<Heap<Prio, ItemIntMap>, IntHeap>();
   216     heapSortTest<IntHeap>();
   217     heapIncreaseTest<IntHeap>();
   219     typedef FibHeap<Prio, IntNodeMap > NodeHeap;
   220     checkConcept<Heap<Prio, IntNodeMap >, NodeHeap>();
   221     dijkstraHeapTest<NodeHeap>(digraph, length, source);
   222   }
   224   // PairingHeap
   225   {
   226     typedef PairingHeap<Prio, ItemIntMap> IntHeap;
   227     checkConcept<Heap<Prio, ItemIntMap>, IntHeap>();
   228     heapSortTest<IntHeap>();
   229     heapIncreaseTest<IntHeap>();
   231     typedef PairingHeap<Prio, IntNodeMap > NodeHeap;
   232     checkConcept<Heap<Prio, IntNodeMap >, NodeHeap>();
   233     dijkstraHeapTest<NodeHeap>(digraph, length, source);
   234   }
   236   // RadixHeap
   237   {
   238     typedef RadixHeap<ItemIntMap> IntHeap;
   239     checkConcept<Heap<Prio, ItemIntMap>, IntHeap>();
   240     heapSortTest<IntHeap>();
   241     heapIncreaseTest<IntHeap>();
   243     typedef RadixHeap<IntNodeMap > NodeHeap;
   244     checkConcept<Heap<Prio, IntNodeMap >, NodeHeap>();
   245     dijkstraHeapTest<NodeHeap>(digraph, length, source);
   246   }
   248   // BinomHeap
   249   {
   250     typedef BinomHeap<Prio, ItemIntMap> IntHeap;
   251     checkConcept<Heap<Prio, ItemIntMap>, IntHeap>();
   252     heapSortTest<IntHeap>();
   253     heapIncreaseTest<IntHeap>();
   255     typedef BinomHeap<Prio, IntNodeMap > NodeHeap;
   256     checkConcept<Heap<Prio, IntNodeMap >, NodeHeap>();
   257     dijkstraHeapTest<NodeHeap>(digraph, length, source);
   258   }
   260   // BucketHeap, SimpleBucketHeap
   261   {
   262     typedef BucketHeap<ItemIntMap> IntHeap;
   263     checkConcept<Heap<Prio, ItemIntMap>, IntHeap>();
   264     heapSortTest<IntHeap>();
   265     heapIncreaseTest<IntHeap>();
   267     typedef BucketHeap<IntNodeMap > NodeHeap;
   268     checkConcept<Heap<Prio, IntNodeMap >, NodeHeap>();
   269     dijkstraHeapTest<NodeHeap>(digraph, length, source);
   271     typedef SimpleBucketHeap<ItemIntMap> SimpleIntHeap;
   272     heapSortTest<SimpleIntHeap>();
   273   }
   275   return 0;
   276 }