- Fix in HaoOrlin (#264) 2009-04-18, by Balazs Dezso
- Improvements and fixes for the minimum cut algorithms (#264) 2009-04-15, by Peter Kovacs
- Merge 2009-04-18, by Alpar Juttner
- Rename max_matching.h to matching.h (#265) 2009-04-17, by Peter Kovacs
- Extend and modify the interface of matching algorithms (#265) 2009-04-17, by Peter Kovacs
- Improvements for the Euler tools and the test file (#264) 2009-04-15, by Peter Kovacs
- Bug fix in the Euler iterators (#264) 2009-04-15, by Peter Kovacs
- Imporvements for the matching algorithms (#264) 2009-04-15, by Peter Kovacs
- Merge 2009-04-15, by Alpar Juttner
- Merge 2009-04-15, by Alpar Juttner
- Rotate and enlarge some images (#262) 2009-04-15, by Alpar Juttner
- Add images + fixes in the doc of connectivity tools (#262) 2009-04-15, by Peter Kovacs
- Improve test files for some algorithms (#263) 2009-04-15, by Peter Kovacs
- Small doc improvements (#263) 2009-04-15, by Peter Kovacs
- Merge 2009-04-14, by Alpar Juttner
- Remove notes about reference maps as extra features (#190) 2009-04-14, by Peter Kovacs
- Exploit that the standard maps are reference maps (#190) 2009-04-14, by Peter Kovacs
- Standard graph maps are required to be reference maps (#190) 2009-04-14, by Peter Kovacs
- Various improvements and fixes (mainly in the doc) (#190) 2009-04-14, by Peter Kovacs
- Merge 2009-04-10, by Alpar Juttner
- Merge 2009-04-10, by Alpar Juttner
- Unified message handling for LP and MIP solvers (#9) 2009-04-08, by Balazs Dezso
- Force cplex checking (#260) 2009-04-09, by Balazs Dezso
- Add RangeIdMap, CrossRefMap to the rename script (#160) 2009-04-08, by Peter Kovacs
- Merge 2009-04-07, by Alpar Juttner
- DescriptorMap->RangeIdMap, InvertableMap->CrossRefMap (#160) 2009-04-04, by Alpar Juttner
- Merge 2009-04-07, by Alpar Juttner
- Fix compilation with MSVC (#259) 2009-04-06, by Akos Ladanyi
- Fix compilation with MSVC (#258) 2009-04-06, by Akos Ladanyi
- Single check macro for all COIN-OR dependencies (#204) 2009-04-03, by Akos Ladanyi
- Add CBC support (#204) 2009-04-01, by Balazs Dezso
- Silent glp_adv_basis() (#255) 2009-04-02, by Balazs Dezso
- Fixing presolver and basis handling (#255) 2009-04-01, by Balazs Dezso
- Add 'demo' make target for building the demo programs 2009-04-01, by Akos Ladanyi
- Fix in .hgignore 2009-04-01, by Alpar Juttner
- Merge 2009-03-31, by Alpar Juttner
- Accept negative values as unbounded capacity in dimacs readers (#243) 2009-03-30, by Alpar Juttner
- Merge 2009-03-29, by Alpar Juttner
- Various doc improvements (#248) 2009-03-29, by Peter Kovacs
- Improve timer and counter tests (#253) 2009-03-27, by Peter Kovacs
- Merge 2009-03-28, by Alpar Juttner
- Merge 2009-03-27, by Alpar Juttner
- Fix and extend the migration script (#245) 2009-03-27, by Peter Kovacs
- Bug fix in unify-sources.sh (#245) 2009-03-27, by Peter Kovacs
- Merge 2009-03-27, by Alpar Juttner
- CMake subproject support fixes (#240) 2009-03-19, by Akos Ladanyi
- Fix lp related errors and warnings (#241 and #242) 2009-03-19, by Balazs Dezso
- Switch on warnings when compiling the lib 2009-03-18, by Alpar Juttner
- Make it possible to use LEMON as a CMake subproject (#240) 2009-03-16, by Akos Ladanyi
- Merge 2009-03-05, by Alpar Juttner
- Merge 2009-03-04, by Alpar Juttner
- Doc improvements in GomoryHu (#66) 2009-03-04, by Peter Kovacs
- Remane GomoryHuTree to GomoryHu (#66) 2009-02-25, by Alpar Juttner
- Cut iterators for GomoryHuTree + doc cleanup + bug fixes (#66) 2009-02-25, by Alpar Juttner
- Porting Gomory-Hu algorithm (#66) 2009-02-20, by Janos Tapolcai
- Merge 2009-03-04, by Alpar Juttner
- Remove \bug and \todo comments 2009-03-01, by Alpar Juttner
- Fix newSolver()/cloneSolver() API in LP tools + doc improvements (#230) 2009-02-26, by Alpar Juttner
- Fix Soplex config in autoconf (#230) 2009-02-26, by Alpar Juttner
- Automatic GLPK env deallocation (#213) 2009-02-23, by Balazs Dezso