- Array range check warning workaround in random.h 2008-01-25, by Balazs Dezso
- Digraph and Graph concept should be conform to the IDable... concepts 2008-01-25, by Balazs Dezso
- Reworked documentation generation and installation. 2008-01-23, by Akos Ladanyi
- Merge 2008-01-22, by Alpar Juttner
- Missing header files added to Makefile.am 2008-01-22, by Alpar Juttner
- Port ListDigraph and ListGraph from svn -r 3433 2008-01-20, by Balazs Dezso
- 'update-external-tags' make target added 2008-01-17, by Alpar Juttner
- Capitalized compiler messages (reapply changeset 099a4f1844f1) 2008-01-12, by Alpar Juttner
- Minor bug fix in maps.h. 2008-01-09, by Peter Kovacs
- Removed BOOST_CLASS_REQUIRE macros + added file description. 2008-01-09, by Peter Kovacs
- Change the version number to 0.99 2008-01-08, by Alpar Juttner
- Merge 2008-01-08, by Alpar Juttner
- Improved groups.dox. 2008-01-08, by Peter Kovacs
- Doc improvements is some files. 2008-01-08, by Peter Kovacs
- Minor doc improvements. 2008-01-08, by Peter Kovacs