- Merge #184 2009-11-05, by Alpar Juttner
- Update Doxygen configuration file 2009-10-10, by Peter Kovacs
- Insert citations into the doc (#184) 2009-10-10, by Peter Kovacs
- Handle url fields in bib2dox.py (#184) 2009-10-10, by Peter Kovacs
- Merge bugfix #322 2009-10-12, by Alpar Juttner
- Distribute LEMONConfig.cmake.in (#322) 2009-10-12, by Akos Ladanyi
- Merge bugfix in #250 2009-10-12, by Alpar Juttner
- Merge #317 2009-10-05, by Alpar Juttner
- Remove unnecessary OsiCbc dependency (#317) 2009-09-30, by Balazs Dezso
- Fix (and improve) error message in mip_test.cc (#317) 2009-09-27, by Alpar Juttner
- Add soplex support to scripts/bootstrap.sh plus... 2009-10-05, by Alpar Juttner
- Faster add row operation (#203) 2009-10-04, by Balazs Dezso
- Improve bib2dox.py using \section for entiries (#184) 2009-10-02, by Peter Kovacs
- Integrate bib2dox.py into the build environments (#184) 2009-09-26, by Alpar Juttner