- Fix missing semicolon in GRAPH_TYPEDEFS (ticket #89) 2008-04-23, by Balazs Dezso
- Makefile cleanup (see ticket #87) 2008-04-22, by Akos Ladanyi
- Merge 2008-04-22, by Alpar Juttner
- MSVC 2005 compatible path structure (ticket #87) 2008-04-22, by Balazs Dezso
- Resolve several MSVC related compilation problems 2008-04-22, by Alpar Juttner
- Improved LEMON_FUNCTION_NAME macro. 2008-04-13, by Akos Ladanyi
- CMake based build system 2008-04-13, by Akos Ladanyi
- New implementation of GRAPH_TYPEDEFS 2008-04-22, by Balazs Dezso
- Renamings in the graph_utils.h + graph_utils_test added 2008-04-22, by Balazs Dezso
- SmartGraph addEdge bug fix (ticket #88) 2008-04-21, by Balazs Dezso
- Backout some rubbish from chageset 7cd965d2257f 2008-04-18, by Alpar Juttner
- Icc compatibility fixes (ticket #84) 2008-04-17, by Balazs Dezso
- Merge with graph_to_eps.h & Co. 2008-04-17, by Alpar Juttner
- MinGW compatibility for graph_to_eps.h 2008-04-14, by Balazs Dezso
- Several doc improvements + new default parameter values 2008-04-13, by Alpar Juttner