2009-11-05 Merge #68 (Port static graph implementation)
2009-09-29 Add a new build() function to StaticDigraph (#68)
2009-09-29 Extend the interface of StaticDigraph (#68)
2009-08-25 Small improvements + add tests for StaticDigraph (#68)
2009-09-29 Add a warning for List(Di)Graph::Snapshot (#311)
2009-08-23 Add a resize() function to HypercubeGraph (#311)
2009-08-23 Add reserve functions to ListGraph and SmartGraph (#311)
2008-12-31 Happy New Year again
2008-11-07 Merge
2008-11-07 Extend test cases for graphs and digraphs (#172)
2008-11-06 Rework hypercube graph implementation to be undirected (#57)
2008-11-05 Port hypercube digraph structure from SVN 3503 (#57)
2008-11-01 Improvements related to full graphs (#57)
2008-08-14 Porting full graphs from svn 3498
2008-07-21 Reworking graph testing
2008-07-13 Apply unify-sources.sh to the source tree
2008-06-15 Improve and redesign test programs + unify their output (ticket #25)
2008-03-21 Happy New Year! (Update Copyright dates)
2008-01-20 Port ListDigraph and ListGraph from svn -r 3433