2009-03-18 Switch on warnings when compiling the lib
2009-02-25 Remane GomoryHuTree to GomoryHu (#66)
2009-02-20 Porting Gomory-Hu algorithm (#66)
2009-02-23 Merge
2008-11-03 Test for euler.h (#65)
2009-02-23 Port Euler walk tools from SVN -r3512 (#65)
2009-02-16 Merge
2009-08-18 Remove duplicate list_graph.h entry from source list (#308)
2009-04-28 Do not distribute lemon/config.h and fix its bad include by core.h (#280)
2009-04-28 Install lemon/config.h (#274)
2008-12-02 Port MinCostArborescence algorithm from SVN #3509
2009-02-16 Wrap around the usages of windows.h
2009-01-12 Merge
2008-12-08 ArcSet and EdgeSet ports from SVN 3489 (ticket #67)
2009-01-12 Remove lp_ prefix from the solver's header name
2008-12-02 Thorough redesign of the LP/MIP interface (#44)
2008-12-02 Port LP and MIP solvers from SVN -r3509 (#44)
2009-01-08 Merge
2008-10-17 Porting radix sorts from SVN #3509
2008-12-31 Happy New Year again
2008-12-02 Merge
2008-11-30 Reorganication of graph adaptors and doc improvements (#67)
2008-11-30 Port graph adaptors from svn -r3498 (#67)
2008-12-01 Port Hao-Orlin algorithm from SVN -r3509 (#58)
2008-12-01 Merge
2008-11-21 Port Circulation from svn -r3516 (#175)
2008-11-30 Merge
2008-11-21 Port preflow push max flow alg. from svn -r3516 (#176)
2008-11-27 Port DIMACS tools from svn -r3516
2008-11-21 Merge
2008-11-17 Port Elevator from svn -r3516 (#174)
2008-11-06 Merge
2008-11-05 Port hypercube digraph structure from SVN 3503 (#57)
2008-11-05 Revert to the canonical way of customizing CXXFLAGS
2008-11-04 Merge
2008-08-14 Porting full graphs from svn 3498
2008-10-29 Merge
2008-10-17 Porting nauty reader function from SVN #3509
2008-10-28 Port Suurballe algorithm from svn -r3512
2008-10-22 Merge
2008-09-02 Port grid graph structure from SVN 3503 (ticket #57)
2008-10-13 Port maximum matching algorithms from svn 3498 (ticket #48)
2008-09-10 Disable checks for ILP solvers.
2008-07-15 Reorganize header files (Ticket #97)
2008-07-07 Add lgf_writer.h to Makefile.am (ticket #112)
2008-06-04 lemon/concept_check.h was installed into a wrong directory
2008-04-22 Makefile cleanup (see ticket #87)
2008-04-17 Merge with graph_to_eps.h & Co.
2008-04-03 Port graph_to_eps() and Color from svn -r3482.
2008-04-17 Redesigned lgf related tools
2008-03-30 Port time and counter utilities from svn -r3482
2008-03-26 Porting SmartGraph from svn -r 3481
2008-03-25 Reworking assertions and moving to distinict file
2008-03-20 Merge
2008-02-29 Port kruskal() and UnionFind from svn -r3468
2008-03-20 Merge
2008-02-07 Bfs/Dfs/Dijkstra and their deps ported from svn trung -r 3441.
2008-02-07 Merge
2008-01-24 Merge path_utils.h into path.h
2008-01-24 Path related files ported from svn -r3435