2013-02-22 Merge bugfix #445 to branch 1.2
2012-07-20 Fix missing initialization in CplexEnv::CplexEnv() (#445)
2012-05-06 Merge bugfix #441 to branch 1.2
2012-05-05 Fix buggy reinitialization in _solver_bits::VarIndex::clear() (#441)
2010-03-06 Unify the sources (#339)
2009-10-03 Faster add row operation (#203)
2009-04-08 Unified message handling for LP and MIP solvers (#9)
2009-03-19 Fix lp related errors and warnings (#241 and #242)
2009-02-26 Fix newSolver()/cloneSolver() API in LP tools + doc improvements (#230)
2009-01-12 Rename Lp*/Mip* to *Lp/*Mip
2009-01-12 Remove lp_ prefix from the solver's header name