2008-12-01 Merge
2008-12-01 Transform circulation demo to test
2008-11-21 Port preflow push max flow alg. from svn -r3516 (#176)
2008-10-28 Port Suurballe algorithm from svn -r3512
2008-10-13 Several improvements in maximum matching algorithms
2008-10-13 Port maximum matching algorithms from svn 3498 (ticket #48)
2008-07-21 Reworking graph testing
2008-07-11 Cleaning of heap test and bug fix in heap concept check (ticket #100)
2008-07-10 Porting graph_copy_test.cc from SVN 3498
2008-06-15 Improve and redesign test programs + unify their output (ticket #25)
2008-06-15 Port dijkstra_test.cc from SVN -r3499
2008-04-22 Makefile cleanup (see ticket #87)
2008-04-22 Renamings in the graph_utils.h + graph_utils_test added
2008-03-30 Port time and counter utilities from svn -r3482
2008-03-25 Reworking assertions and moving to distinict file
2008-03-20 Merge
2008-02-29 Port kruskal() and UnionFind from svn -r3468
2008-02-07 Bfs/Dfs/Dijkstra and their deps ported from svn trung -r 3441.
2008-02-07 Merge
2008-01-24 Path related files ported from svn -r3435
2008-02-07 Merge
2008-02-07 Port error.h from svn -r3438 + minor changes (error_test does not pass!)
2008-02-06 Merge (redo buggy merge ad7f593399b0)
2008-01-22 Missing header files added to Makefile.am
2008-01-20 Port ListDigraph and ListGraph from svn -r 3433
2008-01-04 Merge
2007-12-22 Port general map related stuff from svn -r3424 + minor changes
2007-12-21 Port random.h & Co. from svn -r3422 + some cleanups
2007-12-20 Port dim2.h from svn -r3422
2007-12-19 Add test_tool_fail and test_tool_pass
2007-12-18 Autotools based build system.