deba@57: /* -*- C++ -*-
deba@57:  *
deba@57:  * This file is a part of LEMON, a generic C++ optimization library
deba@57:  *
deba@57:  * Copyright (C) 2003-2007
deba@57:  * Egervary Jeno Kombinatorikus Optimalizalasi Kutatocsoport
deba@57:  * (Egervary Research Group on Combinatorial Optimization, EGRES).
deba@57:  *
deba@57:  * Permission to use, modify and distribute this software is granted
deba@57:  * provided that this copyright notice appears in all copies. For
deba@57:  * precise terms see the accompanying LICENSE file.
deba@57:  *
deba@57:  * This software is provided "AS IS" with no warranty of any kind,
deba@57:  * express or implied, and with no claim as to its suitability for any
deba@57:  * purpose.
deba@57:  *
deba@57:  */
deba@57: ///\ingroup graph_concepts
deba@57: ///\file
deba@57: ///\brief The concept of graph components.
deba@57: #include <lemon/bits/invalid.h>
deba@57: #include <lemon/concepts/maps.h>
deba@57: #include <lemon/bits/alteration_notifier.h>
deba@57: namespace lemon {
deba@57:   namespace concepts {
deba@57:     /// \brief Skeleton class for graph Node and Arc types
deba@57:     ///
deba@57:     /// This class describes the interface of Node and Arc (and Edge
deba@57:     /// in undirected graphs) subtypes of graph types.
deba@57:     ///
deba@57:     /// \note This class is a template class so that we can use it to
deba@57:     /// create graph skeleton classes. The reason for this is than Node
deba@57:     /// and Arc types should \em not derive from the same base class.
deba@57:     /// For Node you should instantiate it with character 'n' and for Arc
deba@57:     /// with 'a'.
deba@57: #ifndef DOXYGEN
deba@57:     template <char _selector = '0'>
deba@57: #endif
deba@57:     class GraphItem {
deba@57:     public:
deba@57:       /// \brief Default constructor.
deba@57:       ///      
deba@57:       /// \warning The default constructor is not required to set
deba@57:       /// the item to some well-defined value. So you should consider it
deba@57:       /// as uninitialized.
deba@57:       GraphItem() {}
deba@57:       /// \brief Copy constructor.
deba@57:       ///
deba@57:       /// Copy constructor.
deba@57:       ///
deba@57:       GraphItem(const GraphItem &) {}
deba@57:       /// \brief Invalid constructor \& conversion.
deba@57:       ///
deba@57:       /// This constructor initializes the item to be invalid.
deba@57:       /// \sa Invalid for more details.
deba@57:       GraphItem(Invalid) {}
deba@57:       /// \brief Assign operator for nodes.
deba@57:       ///
deba@57:       /// The nodes are assignable. 
deba@57:       ///
deba@57:       GraphItem& operator=(GraphItem const&) { return *this; }
deba@57:       /// \brief Equality operator.
deba@57:       ///
deba@57:       /// Two iterators are equal if and only if they represents the
deba@57:       /// same node in the graph or both are invalid.
deba@57:       bool operator==(GraphItem) const { return false; }
deba@57:       /// \brief Inequality operator.
deba@57:       ///
deba@57:       /// \sa operator==(const Node& n)
deba@57:       ///
deba@57:       bool operator!=(GraphItem) const { return false; }
deba@57:       /// \brief Artificial ordering operator.
deba@57:       ///
deba@57:       /// To allow the use of graph descriptors as key type in std::map or
deba@57:       /// similar associative container we require this.
deba@57:       ///
deba@57:       /// \note This operator only have to define some strict ordering of
deba@57:       /// the items; this order has nothing to do with the iteration
deba@57:       /// ordering of the items.
deba@57:       bool operator<(GraphItem) const { return false; }
deba@57:       template<typename _GraphItem>
deba@57:       struct Constraints {
deba@57: 	void constraints() {
deba@57: 	  _GraphItem i1;
deba@57: 	  _GraphItem i2 = i1;
deba@57: 	  _GraphItem i3 = INVALID;
deba@57: 	  i1 = i2 = i3;
deba@57: 	  bool b;
deba@57: 	  //	  b = (ia == ib) && (ia != ib) && (ia < ib);
deba@57: 	  b = (ia == ib) && (ia != ib);
deba@57: 	  b = (ia == INVALID) && (ib != INVALID);
deba@57:           b = (ia < ib);
deba@57: 	}
deba@57: 	const _GraphItem &ia;
deba@57: 	const _GraphItem &ib;
deba@57:       };
deba@57:     };
deba@57:     /// \brief An empty base directed graph class.
deba@57:     ///  
deba@57:     /// This class provides the minimal set of features needed for a
deba@57:     /// directed graph structure. All digraph concepts have to be
deba@57:     /// conform to this base directed graph. It just provides types
deba@57:     /// for nodes and arcs and functions to get the source and the
deba@57:     /// target of the arcs.
deba@57:     class BaseDigraphComponent {
deba@57:     public:
deba@57:       typedef BaseDigraphComponent Digraph;
deba@57:       /// \brief Node class of the digraph.
deba@57:       ///
deba@57:       /// This class represents the Nodes of the digraph. 
deba@57:       ///
deba@57:       typedef GraphItem<'n'> Node;
deba@57:       /// \brief Arc class of the digraph.
deba@57:       ///
deba@57:       /// This class represents the Arcs of the digraph. 
deba@57:       ///
deba@57:       typedef GraphItem<'e'> Arc;
deba@57:       /// \brief Gives back the target node of an arc.
deba@57:       ///
deba@57:       /// Gives back the target node of an arc.
deba@57:       ///
deba@57:       Node target(const Arc&) const { return INVALID;}
deba@57:       /// \brief Gives back the source node of an arc.
deba@57:       ///
deba@57:       /// Gives back the source node of an arc.
deba@57:       ///
deba@57:       Node source(const Arc&) const { return INVALID;}
deba@57:       /// \brief Gives back the opposite node on the given arc.
deba@57:       ///
deba@57:       /// Gives back the opposite node on the given arc.
deba@57:       Node oppositeNode(const Node&, const Arc&) const {
deba@57:         return INVALID;
deba@57:       }
deba@57:       template <typename _Digraph>
deba@57:       struct Constraints {
deba@57: 	typedef typename _Digraph::Node Node;
deba@57: 	typedef typename _Digraph::Arc Arc;
deba@57: 	void constraints() {
deba@57: 	  checkConcept<GraphItem<'n'>, Node>();
deba@57: 	  checkConcept<GraphItem<'a'>, Arc>();
deba@57: 	  {
deba@57: 	    Node n;
deba@57: 	    Arc e(INVALID);
deba@57: 	    n = digraph.source(e);
deba@57: 	    n =;
deba@57:             n = digraph.oppositeNode(n, e);
deba@57: 	  }      
deba@57: 	}
deba@57: 	const _Digraph& digraph;
deba@57:       };
deba@57:     };
deba@57:     /// \brief An empty base undirected graph class.
deba@57:     ///  
deba@57:     /// This class provides the minimal set of features needed for an
deba@57:     /// undirected graph structure. All undirected graph concepts have
deba@57:     /// to be conform to this base graph. It just provides types for
deba@57:     /// nodes, arcs and edges and functions to get the
deba@57:     /// source and the target of the arcs and edges,
deba@57:     /// conversion from arcs to edges and function to get
deba@57:     /// both direction of the edges.
deba@57:     class BaseGraphComponent : public BaseDigraphComponent {
deba@57:     public:
deba@57:       typedef BaseDigraphComponent::Node Node;
deba@57:       typedef BaseDigraphComponent::Arc Arc;
deba@57:       /// \brief Undirected arc class of the graph.
deba@57:       ///
deba@57:       /// This class represents the edges of the graph.
deba@57:       /// The undirected graphs can be used as a directed graph which
deba@57:       /// for each arc contains the opposite arc too so the graph is
deba@57:       /// bidirected. The edge represents two opposite
deba@57:       /// directed arcs.
deba@57:       class Edge : public GraphItem<'u'> {
deba@57:       public:
deba@57:         typedef GraphItem<'u'> Parent;
deba@57:         /// \brief Default constructor.
deba@57:         ///      
deba@57:         /// \warning The default constructor is not required to set
deba@57:         /// the item to some well-defined value. So you should consider it
deba@57:         /// as uninitialized.
deba@57:         Edge() {}
deba@57:         /// \brief Copy constructor.
deba@57:         ///
deba@57:         /// Copy constructor.
deba@57:         ///
deba@57:         Edge(const Edge &) : Parent() {}
deba@57:         /// \brief Invalid constructor \& conversion.
deba@57:         ///
deba@57:         /// This constructor initializes the item to be invalid.
deba@57:         /// \sa Invalid for more details.
deba@57:         Edge(Invalid) {}
deba@57:         /// \brief Converter from arc to edge.
deba@57:         ///
deba@57:         /// Besides the core graph item functionality each arc should
deba@57:         /// be convertible to the represented edge. 
deba@57:         Edge(const Arc&) {}
deba@57:         /// \brief Assign arc to edge.
deba@57:         ///
deba@57:         /// Besides the core graph item functionality each arc should
deba@57:         /// be convertible to the represented edge. 
deba@57:         Edge& operator=(const Arc&) { return *this; }
deba@57:       };
deba@57:       /// \brief Returns the direction of the arc.
deba@57:       ///
deba@57:       /// Returns the direction of the arc. Each arc represents an
deba@57:       /// edge with a direction. It gives back the
deba@57:       /// direction.
deba@57:       bool direction(const Arc&) const { return true; }
deba@57:       /// \brief Returns the directed arc.
deba@57:       ///
deba@57:       /// Returns the directed arc from its direction and the
deba@57:       /// represented edge.
deba@57:       Arc direct(const Edge&, bool) const { return INVALID;} 
deba@57:       /// \brief Returns the directed arc.
deba@57:       ///
deba@57:       /// Returns the directed arc from its source and the
deba@57:       /// represented edge.
deba@57:       Arc direct(const Edge&, const Node&) const { return INVALID;} 
deba@57:       /// \brief Returns the opposite arc.
deba@57:       ///
deba@57:       /// Returns the opposite arc. It is the arc representing the
deba@57:       /// same edge and has opposite direction.
deba@57:       Arc oppositeArc(const Arc&) const { return INVALID;}
deba@57:       /// \brief Gives back one ending of an edge.
deba@57:       ///
deba@57:       /// Gives back one ending of an edge.
deba@57:       Node u(const Edge&) const { return INVALID;}
deba@57:       /// \brief Gives back the other ending of an edge.
deba@57:       ///
deba@57:       /// Gives back the other ending of an edge.
deba@57:       Node v(const Edge&) const { return INVALID;}
deba@57:       template <typename _Graph>
deba@57:       struct Constraints {
deba@57: 	typedef typename _Graph::Node Node;
deba@57: 	typedef typename _Graph::Arc Arc;
deba@57: 	typedef typename _Graph::Edge Edge;
deba@57: 	void constraints() {
deba@57:           checkConcept<BaseDigraphComponent, _Graph>();
deba@57: 	  checkConcept<GraphItem<'u'>, Edge>();
deba@57: 	  {
deba@57: 	    Node n;
deba@57: 	    Edge ue(INVALID);
deba@57:             Arc e;
deba@57: 	    n = graph.u(ue);
deba@57: 	    n = graph.v(ue);
deba@57:             e =, true);
deba@57:             e =, n);
deba@57:             e = graph.oppositeArc(e);
deba@57:             ue = e;
deba@57:             bool d = graph.direction(e);
deba@57:             ignore_unused_variable_warning(d);
deba@57: 	  }      
deba@57: 	}
deba@57: 	const _Graph& graph;
deba@57:       };
deba@57:     };
deba@57:     /// \brief An empty idable base digraph class.
deba@57:     ///  
deba@57:     /// This class provides beside the core digraph features
deba@57:     /// core id functions for the digraph structure.
deba@57:     /// The most of the base digraphs should be conform to this concept.
deba@57:     /// The id's are unique and immutable.
deba@57:     template <typename _Base = BaseDigraphComponent>
deba@57:     class IDableDigraphComponent : public _Base {
deba@57:     public:
deba@57:       typedef _Base Base;
deba@57:       typedef typename Base::Node Node;
deba@57:       typedef typename Base::Arc Arc;
deba@57:       /// \brief Gives back an unique integer id for the Node. 
deba@57:       ///
deba@57:       /// Gives back an unique integer id for the Node. 
deba@57:       ///
deba@57:       int id(const Node&) const { return -1;}
deba@57:       /// \brief Gives back the node by the unique id.
deba@57:       ///
deba@57:       /// Gives back the node by the unique id.
deba@57:       /// If the digraph does not contain node with the given id
deba@57:       /// then the result of the function is undetermined. 
deba@57:       Node nodeFromId(int) const { return INVALID;}
deba@57:       /// \brief Gives back an unique integer id for the Arc. 
deba@57:       ///
deba@57:       /// Gives back an unique integer id for the Arc. 
deba@57:       ///
deba@57:       int id(const Arc&) const { return -1;}
deba@57:       /// \brief Gives back the arc by the unique id.
deba@57:       ///
deba@57:       /// Gives back the arc by the unique id.
deba@57:       /// If the digraph does not contain arc with the given id
deba@57:       /// then the result of the function is undetermined. 
deba@57:       Arc arcFromId(int) const { return INVALID;}
deba@57:       /// \brief Gives back an integer greater or equal to the maximum
deba@57:       /// Node id.
deba@57:       ///
deba@57:       /// Gives back an integer greater or equal to the maximum Node
deba@57:       /// id.
deba@57:       int maxNodeId() const { return -1;}
deba@57:       /// \brief Gives back an integer greater or equal to the maximum
deba@57:       /// Arc id.
deba@57:       ///
deba@57:       /// Gives back an integer greater or equal to the maximum Arc
deba@57:       /// id.
deba@57:       int maxArcId() const { return -1;}
deba@57:       template <typename _Digraph>
deba@57:       struct Constraints {
deba@57: 	void constraints() {
deba@57: 	  checkConcept<Base, _Digraph >();
deba@57: 	  typename _Digraph::Node node;
deba@57: 	  int nid =;
deba@57: 	  nid =;
deba@57: 	  node = digraph.nodeFromId(nid);
deba@57: 	  typename _Digraph::Arc arc;
deba@57: 	  int eid =;
deba@57: 	  eid =;
deba@57: 	  arc = digraph.arcFromId(eid);
deba@57: 	  nid = digraph.maxNodeId();
deba@57: 	  ignore_unused_variable_warning(nid);
deba@57: 	  eid = digraph.maxArcId();
deba@57: 	  ignore_unused_variable_warning(eid);
deba@57: 	}
deba@57: 	const _Digraph& digraph;
deba@57:       };
deba@57:     };
deba@57:     /// \brief An empty idable base undirected graph class.
deba@57:     ///  
deba@57:     /// This class provides beside the core undirected graph features
deba@57:     /// core id functions for the undirected graph structure.  The
deba@57:     /// most of the base undirected graphs should be conform to this
deba@57:     /// concept.  The id's are unique and immutable.
deba@57:     template <typename _Base = BaseGraphComponent>
deba@57:     class IDableGraphComponent : public IDableDigraphComponent<_Base> {
deba@57:     public:
deba@57:       typedef _Base Base;
deba@57:       typedef typename Base::Edge Edge;
deba@57:       using IDableDigraphComponent<_Base>::id;
deba@57:       /// \brief Gives back an unique integer id for the Edge. 
deba@57:       ///
deba@57:       /// Gives back an unique integer id for the Edge. 
deba@57:       ///
deba@57:       int id(const Edge&) const { return -1;}
deba@57:       /// \brief Gives back the edge by the unique id.
deba@57:       ///
deba@57:       /// Gives back the edge by the unique id.  If the
deba@57:       /// graph does not contain arc with the given id then the
deba@57:       /// result of the function is undetermined.
deba@57:       Edge edgeFromId(int) const { return INVALID;}
deba@57:       /// \brief Gives back an integer greater or equal to the maximum
deba@57:       /// Edge id.
deba@57:       ///
deba@57:       /// Gives back an integer greater or equal to the maximum Edge
deba@57:       /// id.
deba@57:       int maxEdgeId() const { return -1;}
deba@57:       template <typename _Graph>
deba@57:       struct Constraints {
deba@57: 	void constraints() {
deba@57: 	  checkConcept<Base, _Graph >();
deba@57: 	  checkConcept<IDableDigraphComponent<Base>, _Graph >();
deba@57: 	  typename _Graph::Edge edge;
deba@57: 	  int ueid =;
deba@57: 	  ueid =;
deba@57: 	  edge = graph.edgeFromId(ueid);
deba@57: 	  ueid = graph.maxEdgeId();
deba@57: 	  ignore_unused_variable_warning(ueid);
deba@57: 	}
deba@57: 	const _Graph& graph;
deba@57:       };
deba@57:     };
deba@57:     /// \brief Skeleton class for graph NodeIt and ArcIt
deba@57:     ///
deba@57:     /// Skeleton class for graph NodeIt and ArcIt.
deba@57:     ///
deba@57:     template <typename _Graph, typename _Item>
deba@57:     class GraphItemIt : public _Item {
deba@57:     public:
deba@57:       /// \brief Default constructor.
deba@57:       ///
deba@57:       /// @warning The default constructor sets the iterator
deba@57:       /// to an undefined value.
deba@57:       GraphItemIt() {}
deba@57:       /// \brief Copy constructor.
deba@57:       ///
deba@57:       /// Copy constructor.
deba@57:       ///
deba@57:       GraphItemIt(const GraphItemIt& ) {}
deba@57:       /// \brief Sets the iterator to the first item.
deba@57:       ///
deba@57:       /// Sets the iterator to the first item of \c the graph.
deba@57:       ///
deba@57:       explicit GraphItemIt(const _Graph&) {}
deba@57:       /// \brief Invalid constructor \& conversion.
deba@57:       ///
deba@57:       /// This constructor initializes the item to be invalid.
deba@57:       /// \sa Invalid for more details.
deba@57:       GraphItemIt(Invalid) {}
deba@57:       /// \brief Assign operator for items.
deba@57:       ///
deba@57:       /// The items are assignable. 
deba@57:       ///
deba@57:       GraphItemIt& operator=(const GraphItemIt&) { return *this; }      
deba@57:       /// \brief Next item.
deba@57:       /// 
deba@57:       /// Assign the iterator to the next item.
deba@57:       ///
deba@57:       GraphItemIt& operator++() { return *this; }
deba@57:       /// \brief Equality operator
deba@57:       /// 
deba@57:       /// Two iterators are equal if and only if they point to the
deba@57:       /// same object or both are invalid.
deba@57:       bool operator==(const GraphItemIt&) const { return true;}
deba@57:       /// \brief Inequality operator
deba@57:       ///	
deba@57:       /// \sa operator==(Node n)
deba@57:       ///
deba@57:       bool operator!=(const GraphItemIt&) const { return true;}
deba@57:       template<typename _GraphItemIt>
deba@57:       struct Constraints {
deba@57: 	void constraints() {
deba@57: 	  _GraphItemIt it1(g);	
deba@57: 	  _GraphItemIt it2;
deba@57: 	  it2 = ++it1;
deba@57: 	  ++it2 = it1;
deba@57: 	  ++(++it1);
deba@57: 	  _Item bi = it1;
deba@57: 	  bi = it2;
deba@57: 	}
deba@57: 	_Graph& g;
deba@57:       };
deba@57:     };
deba@57:     /// \brief Skeleton class for graph InArcIt and OutArcIt
deba@57:     ///
deba@57:     /// \note Because InArcIt and OutArcIt may not inherit from the same
deba@57:     /// base class, the _selector is a additional template parameter. For 
deba@57:     /// InArcIt you should instantiate it with character 'i' and for 
deba@57:     /// OutArcIt with 'o'.
deba@57:     template <typename _Graph,
deba@57: 	      typename _Item = typename _Graph::Arc,
deba@57:               typename _Base = typename _Graph::Node, 
deba@57: 	      char _selector = '0'>
deba@57:     class GraphIncIt : public _Item {
deba@57:     public:
deba@57:       /// \brief Default constructor.
deba@57:       ///
deba@57:       /// @warning The default constructor sets the iterator
deba@57:       /// to an undefined value.
deba@57:       GraphIncIt() {}
deba@57:       /// \brief Copy constructor.
deba@57:       ///
deba@57:       /// Copy constructor.
deba@57:       ///
deba@57:       GraphIncIt(GraphIncIt const& gi) : _Item(gi) {}
deba@57:       /// \brief Sets the iterator to the first arc incoming into or outgoing 
deba@57:       /// from the node.
deba@57:       ///
deba@57:       /// Sets the iterator to the first arc incoming into or outgoing 
deba@57:       /// from the node.
deba@57:       ///
deba@57:       explicit GraphIncIt(const _Graph&, const _Base&) {}
deba@57:       /// \brief Invalid constructor \& conversion.
deba@57:       ///
deba@57:       /// This constructor initializes the item to be invalid.
deba@57:       /// \sa Invalid for more details.
deba@57:       GraphIncIt(Invalid) {}
deba@57:       /// \brief Assign operator for iterators.
deba@57:       ///
deba@57:       /// The iterators are assignable. 
deba@57:       ///
deba@57:       GraphIncIt& operator=(GraphIncIt const&) { return *this; }      
deba@57:       /// \brief Next item.
deba@57:       ///
deba@57:       /// Assign the iterator to the next item.
deba@57:       ///
deba@57:       GraphIncIt& operator++() { return *this; }
deba@57:       /// \brief Equality operator
deba@57:       ///
deba@57:       /// Two iterators are equal if and only if they point to the
deba@57:       /// same object or both are invalid.
deba@57:       bool operator==(const GraphIncIt&) const { return true;}
deba@57:       /// \brief Inequality operator
deba@57:       ///
deba@57:       /// \sa operator==(Node n)
deba@57:       ///
deba@57:       bool operator!=(const GraphIncIt&) const { return true;}
deba@57:       template <typename _GraphIncIt>
deba@57:       struct Constraints {
deba@57: 	void constraints() {
deba@57: 	  checkConcept<GraphItem<_selector>, _GraphIncIt>();
deba@57: 	  _GraphIncIt it1(graph, node);
deba@57: 	  _GraphIncIt it2;
deba@57: 	  it2 = ++it1;
deba@57: 	  ++it2 = it1;
deba@57: 	  ++(++it1);
deba@57: 	  _Item e = it1;
deba@57: 	  e = it2;
deba@57: 	}
deba@57: 	_Item arc;
deba@57: 	_Base node;
deba@57: 	_Graph graph;
deba@57: 	_GraphIncIt it;
deba@57:       };
deba@57:     };
deba@57:     /// \brief An empty iterable digraph class.
deba@57:     ///
deba@57:     /// This class provides beside the core digraph features
deba@57:     /// iterator based iterable interface for the digraph structure.
deba@57:     /// This concept is part of the Digraph concept.
deba@57:     template <typename _Base = BaseDigraphComponent>
deba@57:     class IterableDigraphComponent : public _Base {
deba@57:     public:
deba@57:       typedef _Base Base;
deba@57:       typedef typename Base::Node Node;
deba@57:       typedef typename Base::Arc Arc;
deba@57:       typedef IterableDigraphComponent Digraph;
deba@57:       /// \name Base iteration
deba@57:       /// 
deba@57:       /// This interface provides functions for iteration on digraph items
deba@57:       ///
deba@57:       /// @{  
deba@57:       /// \brief Gives back the first node in the iterating order.
deba@57:       ///      
deba@57:       /// Gives back the first node in the iterating order.
deba@57:       ///     
deba@57:       void first(Node&) const {}
deba@57:       /// \brief Gives back the next node in the iterating order.
deba@57:       ///
deba@57:       /// Gives back the next node in the iterating order.
deba@57:       ///     
deba@57:       void next(Node&) const {}
deba@57:       /// \brief Gives back the first arc in the iterating order.
deba@57:       ///
deba@57:       /// Gives back the first arc in the iterating order.
deba@57:       ///     
deba@57:       void first(Arc&) const {}
deba@57:       /// \brief Gives back the next arc in the iterating order.
deba@57:       ///
deba@57:       /// Gives back the next arc in the iterating order.
deba@57:       ///     
deba@57:       void next(Arc&) const {}
deba@57:       /// \brief Gives back the first of the arcs point to the given
deba@57:       /// node.
deba@57:       ///
deba@57:       /// Gives back the first of the arcs point to the given node.
deba@57:       ///     
deba@57:       void firstIn(Arc&, const Node&) const {}
deba@57:       /// \brief Gives back the next of the arcs points to the given
deba@57:       /// node.
deba@57:       ///
deba@57:       /// Gives back the next of the arcs points to the given node.
deba@57:       ///
deba@57:       void nextIn(Arc&) const {}
deba@57:       /// \brief Gives back the first of the arcs start from the
deba@57:       /// given node.
deba@57:       ///      
deba@57:       /// Gives back the first of the arcs start from the given node.
deba@57:       ///     
deba@57:       void firstOut(Arc&, const Node&) const {}
deba@57:       /// \brief Gives back the next of the arcs start from the given
deba@57:       /// node.
deba@57:       ///
deba@57:       /// Gives back the next of the arcs start from the given node.
deba@57:       ///     
deba@57:       void nextOut(Arc&) const {}
deba@57:       /// @}
deba@57:       /// \name Class based iteration
deba@57:       /// 
deba@57:       /// This interface provides functions for iteration on digraph items
deba@57:       ///
deba@57:       /// @{
deba@57:       /// \brief This iterator goes through each node.
deba@57:       ///
deba@57:       /// This iterator goes through each node.
deba@57:       ///
deba@57:       typedef GraphItemIt<Digraph, Node> NodeIt;
deba@57:       /// \brief This iterator goes through each node.
deba@57:       ///
deba@57:       /// This iterator goes through each node.
deba@57:       ///
deba@57:       typedef GraphItemIt<Digraph, Arc> ArcIt;
deba@57:       /// \brief This iterator goes trough the incoming arcs of a node.
deba@57:       ///
deba@57:       /// This iterator goes trough the \e inccoming arcs of a certain node
deba@57:       /// of a digraph.
deba@57:       typedef GraphIncIt<Digraph, Arc, Node, 'i'> InArcIt;
deba@57:       /// \brief This iterator goes trough the outgoing arcs of a node.
deba@57:       ///
deba@57:       /// This iterator goes trough the \e outgoing arcs of a certain node
deba@57:       /// of a digraph.
deba@57:       typedef GraphIncIt<Digraph, Arc, Node, 'o'> OutArcIt;
deba@57:       /// \brief The base node of the iterator.
deba@57:       ///
deba@57:       /// Gives back the base node of the iterator.
deba@57:       /// It is always the target of the pointed arc.
deba@57:       Node baseNode(const InArcIt&) const { return INVALID; }
deba@57:       /// \brief The running node of the iterator.
deba@57:       ///
deba@57:       /// Gives back the running node of the iterator.
deba@57:       /// It is always the source of the pointed arc.
deba@57:       Node runningNode(const InArcIt&) const { return INVALID; }
deba@57:       /// \brief The base node of the iterator.
deba@57:       ///
deba@57:       /// Gives back the base node of the iterator.
deba@57:       /// It is always the source of the pointed arc.
deba@57:       Node baseNode(const OutArcIt&) const { return INVALID; }
deba@57:       /// \brief The running node of the iterator.
deba@57:       ///
deba@57:       /// Gives back the running node of the iterator.
deba@57:       /// It is always the target of the pointed arc.
deba@57:       Node runningNode(const OutArcIt&) const { return INVALID; }
deba@57:       /// @}
deba@57:       template <typename _Digraph> 
deba@57:       struct Constraints {
deba@57: 	void constraints() {
deba@57: 	  checkConcept<Base, _Digraph>();
deba@57:           {
deba@57:             typename _Digraph::Node node(INVALID);      
deba@57:             typename _Digraph::Arc arc(INVALID);
deba@57:             {
deba@57:               digraph.first(node);
deba@57:     ;
deba@57:             }
deba@57:             {
deba@57:               digraph.first(arc);
deba@57:     ;
deba@57:             }
deba@57:             {
deba@57:               digraph.firstIn(arc, node);
deba@57:               digraph.nextIn(arc);
deba@57:             }
deba@57:             {
deba@57:               digraph.firstOut(arc, node);
deba@57:               digraph.nextOut(arc);
deba@57:             }
deba@57:           }           
deba@57:           {
deba@57:             checkConcept<GraphItemIt<_Digraph, typename _Digraph::Arc>,
deba@57:               typename _Digraph::ArcIt >();
deba@57:             checkConcept<GraphItemIt<_Digraph, typename _Digraph::Node>,
deba@57:               typename _Digraph::NodeIt >();
deba@57:             checkConcept<GraphIncIt<_Digraph, typename _Digraph::Arc, 
deba@57:               typename _Digraph::Node, 'i'>, typename _Digraph::InArcIt>();
deba@57:             checkConcept<GraphIncIt<_Digraph, typename _Digraph::Arc, 
deba@57:               typename _Digraph::Node, 'o'>, typename _Digraph::OutArcIt>();
deba@57:             typename _Digraph::Node n;
deba@57:             typename _Digraph::InArcIt ieit(INVALID);
deba@57:             typename _Digraph::OutArcIt oeit(INVALID);
deba@57:             n = digraph.baseNode(ieit);
deba@57:             n = digraph.runningNode(ieit);
deba@57:             n = digraph.baseNode(oeit);
deba@57:             n = digraph.runningNode(oeit);
deba@57:             ignore_unused_variable_warning(n);
deba@57:           }
deba@57:         }
deba@57: 	const _Digraph& digraph;
deba@57:       };
deba@57:     };
deba@57:     /// \brief An empty iterable undirected graph class.
deba@57:     ///
deba@57:     /// This class provides beside the core graph features iterator
deba@57:     /// based iterable interface for the undirected graph structure.
deba@57:     /// This concept is part of the Graph concept.
deba@57:     template <typename _Base = BaseGraphComponent>
deba@57:     class IterableGraphComponent : public IterableDigraphComponent<_Base> {
deba@57:     public:
deba@57:       typedef _Base Base;
deba@57:       typedef typename Base::Node Node;
deba@57:       typedef typename Base::Arc Arc;
deba@57:       typedef typename Base::Edge Edge;
deba@57:       typedef IterableGraphComponent Graph;
deba@57:       /// \name Base iteration
deba@57:       /// 
deba@57:       /// This interface provides functions for iteration on graph items
deba@57:       /// @{  
deba@57:       using IterableDigraphComponent<_Base>::first;
deba@57:       using IterableDigraphComponent<_Base>::next;
deba@57:       /// \brief Gives back the first edge in the iterating
deba@57:       /// order.
deba@57:       ///
deba@57:       /// Gives back the first edge in the iterating order.
deba@57:       ///     
deba@57:       void first(Edge&) const {}
deba@57:       /// \brief Gives back the next edge in the iterating
deba@57:       /// order.
deba@57:       ///
deba@57:       /// Gives back the next edge in the iterating order.
deba@57:       ///     
deba@57:       void next(Edge&) const {}
deba@57:       /// \brief Gives back the first of the edges from the
deba@57:       /// given node.
deba@57:       ///
deba@57:       /// Gives back the first of the edges from the given
deba@57:       /// node. The bool parameter gives back that direction which
deba@57:       /// gives a good direction of the edge so the source of the
deba@57:       /// directed arc is the given node.
deba@57:       void firstInc(Edge&, bool&, const Node&) const {}
deba@57:       /// \brief Gives back the next of the edges from the
deba@57:       /// given node.
deba@57:       ///
deba@57:       /// Gives back the next of the edges from the given
deba@57:       /// node. The bool parameter should be used as the \c firstInc()
deba@57:       /// use it.
deba@57:       void nextInc(Edge&, bool&) const {}
deba@57:       using IterableDigraphComponent<_Base>::baseNode;
deba@57:       using IterableDigraphComponent<_Base>::runningNode;
deba@57:       /// @}
deba@57:       /// \name Class based iteration
deba@57:       /// 
deba@57:       /// This interface provides functions for iteration on graph items
deba@57:       ///
deba@57:       /// @{
deba@57:       /// \brief This iterator goes through each node.
deba@57:       ///
deba@57:       /// This iterator goes through each node.
deba@57:       typedef GraphItemIt<Graph, Edge> EdgeIt;
deba@57:       /// \brief This iterator goes trough the incident arcs of a
deba@57:       /// node.
deba@57:       ///
deba@57:       /// This iterator goes trough the incident arcs of a certain
deba@57:       /// node of a graph.
deba@57:       typedef GraphIncIt<Graph, Edge, Node, 'u'> IncArcIt;
deba@57:       /// \brief The base node of the iterator.
deba@57:       ///
deba@57:       /// Gives back the base node of the iterator.
deba@57:       Node baseNode(const IncArcIt&) const { return INVALID; }
deba@57:       /// \brief The running node of the iterator.
deba@57:       ///
deba@57:       /// Gives back the running node of the iterator.
deba@57:       Node runningNode(const IncArcIt&) const { return INVALID; }
deba@57:       /// @}
deba@57:       template <typename _Graph> 
deba@57:       struct Constraints {
deba@57: 	void constraints() {
deba@57: 	  checkConcept<IterableDigraphComponent<Base>, _Graph>();
deba@57:           {
deba@57:             typename _Graph::Node node(INVALID);
deba@57:             typename _Graph::Edge edge(INVALID);
deba@57:             bool dir;
deba@57:             {
deba@57:               graph.first(edge);
deba@57:     ;
deba@57:             }
deba@57:             {
deba@57:               graph.firstInc(edge, dir, node);
deba@57:               graph.nextInc(edge, dir);
deba@57:             }
deba@57:           }	
deba@57:           {
deba@57:             checkConcept<GraphItemIt<_Graph, typename _Graph::Edge>,
deba@57:               typename _Graph::EdgeIt >();
deba@57:             checkConcept<GraphIncIt<_Graph, typename _Graph::Edge, 
deba@57:               typename _Graph::Node, 'u'>, typename _Graph::IncArcIt>();
deba@57:             typename _Graph::Node n;
deba@57:             typename _Graph::IncArcIt ueit(INVALID);
deba@57:             n = graph.baseNode(ueit);
deba@57:             n = graph.runningNode(ueit);
deba@57:           }
deba@57:         }
deba@57: 	const _Graph& graph;
deba@57:       };
deba@57:     };
deba@57:     /// \brief An empty alteration notifier digraph class.
deba@57:     ///  
deba@57:     /// This class provides beside the core digraph features alteration
deba@57:     /// notifier interface for the digraph structure.  This implements
deba@57:     /// an observer-notifier pattern for each digraph item. More
deba@57:     /// obsevers can be registered into the notifier and whenever an
deba@57:     /// alteration occured in the digraph all the observers will
deba@57:     /// notified about it.
deba@57:     template <typename _Base = BaseDigraphComponent>
deba@57:     class AlterableDigraphComponent : public _Base {
deba@57:     public:
deba@57:       typedef _Base Base;
deba@57:       typedef typename Base::Node Node;
deba@57:       typedef typename Base::Arc Arc;
deba@57:       /// The node observer registry.
deba@57:       typedef AlterationNotifier<AlterableDigraphComponent, Node> 
deba@57:       NodeNotifier;
deba@57:       /// The arc observer registry.
deba@57:       typedef AlterationNotifier<AlterableDigraphComponent, Arc> 
deba@57:       ArcNotifier;
deba@57:       /// \brief Gives back the node alteration notifier.
deba@57:       ///
deba@57:       /// Gives back the node alteration notifier.
deba@57:       NodeNotifier& notifier(Node) const {
deba@57: 	return NodeNotifier();
deba@57:       }
deba@57:       /// \brief Gives back the arc alteration notifier.
deba@57:       ///
deba@57:       /// Gives back the arc alteration notifier.
deba@57:       ArcNotifier& notifier(Arc) const {
deba@57: 	return ArcNotifier();
deba@57:       }
deba@57:       template <typename _Digraph> 
deba@57:       struct Constraints {
deba@57: 	void constraints() {
deba@57: 	  checkConcept<Base, _Digraph>();
deba@57:           typename _Digraph::NodeNotifier& nn 
deba@57:             = digraph.notifier(typename _Digraph::Node());
deba@57:           typename _Digraph::ArcNotifier& en 
deba@57:             = digraph.notifier(typename _Digraph::Arc());
deba@57:           ignore_unused_variable_warning(nn);
deba@57:           ignore_unused_variable_warning(en);
deba@57: 	}
deba@57: 	const _Digraph& digraph;
deba@57:       };
deba@57:     };
deba@57:     /// \brief An empty alteration notifier undirected graph class.
deba@57:     ///  
deba@57:     /// This class provides beside the core graph features alteration
deba@57:     /// notifier interface for the graph structure.  This implements
deba@57:     /// an observer-notifier pattern for each graph item. More
deba@57:     /// obsevers can be registered into the notifier and whenever an
deba@57:     /// alteration occured in the graph all the observers will
deba@57:     /// notified about it.
deba@57:     template <typename _Base = BaseGraphComponent>
deba@57:     class AlterableGraphComponent : public AlterableDigraphComponent<_Base> {
deba@57:     public:
deba@57:       typedef _Base Base;
deba@57:       typedef typename Base::Edge Edge;
deba@57:       /// The arc observer registry.
deba@57:       typedef AlterationNotifier<AlterableGraphComponent, Edge> 
deba@57:       EdgeNotifier;
deba@57:       /// \brief Gives back the arc alteration notifier.
deba@57:       ///
deba@57:       /// Gives back the arc alteration notifier.
deba@57:       EdgeNotifier& notifier(Edge) const {
deba@57: 	return EdgeNotifier();
deba@57:       }
deba@57:       template <typename _Graph> 
deba@57:       struct Constraints {
deba@57: 	void constraints() {
deba@57: 	  checkConcept<AlterableGraphComponent<Base>, _Graph>();
deba@57:           typename _Graph::EdgeNotifier& uen 
deba@57:             = graph.notifier(typename _Graph::Edge());
deba@57:           ignore_unused_variable_warning(uen);
deba@57: 	}
deba@57: 	const _Graph& graph;
deba@57:       };
deba@57:     };
deba@57:     /// \brief Class describing the concept of graph maps
deba@57:     /// 
deba@57:     /// This class describes the common interface of the graph maps
deba@57:     /// (NodeMap, ArcMap), that is \ref maps-page "maps" which can be used to
deba@57:     /// associate data to graph descriptors (nodes or arcs).
deba@57:     template <typename _Graph, typename _Item, typename _Value>
deba@57:     class GraphMap : public ReadWriteMap<_Item, _Value> {
deba@57:     public:
deba@57:       typedef ReadWriteMap<_Item, _Value> Parent;
deba@57:       /// The graph type of the map.
deba@57:       typedef _Graph Graph;
deba@57:       /// The key type of the map.
deba@57:       typedef _Item Key;
deba@57:       /// The value type of the map.
deba@57:       typedef _Value Value;
deba@57:       /// \brief Construct a new map.
deba@57:       ///
deba@57:       /// Construct a new map for the graph.
deba@57:       explicit GraphMap(const Graph&) {}
deba@57:       /// \brief Construct a new map with default value.
deba@57:       ///
deba@57:       /// Construct a new map for the graph and initalise the values.
deba@57:       GraphMap(const Graph&, const Value&) {}
deba@57:       /// \brief Copy constructor.
deba@57:       ///
deba@57:       /// Copy Constructor.
deba@57:       GraphMap(const GraphMap&) : Parent() {}
deba@57:       /// \brief Assign operator.
deba@57:       ///
deba@57:       /// Assign operator. It does not mofify the underlying graph,
deba@57:       /// it just iterates on the current item set and set the  map
deba@57:       /// with the value returned by the assigned map. 
deba@57:       template <typename CMap>
deba@57:       GraphMap& operator=(const CMap&) { 
deba@57:         checkConcept<ReadMap<Key, Value>, CMap>();
deba@57:         return *this;
deba@57:       }
deba@57:       template<typename _Map>
deba@57:       struct Constraints {
deba@57: 	void constraints() {
deba@57: 	  checkConcept<ReadWriteMap<Key, Value>, _Map >();
deba@57: 	  // Construction with a graph parameter
deba@57: 	  _Map a(g);
deba@57: 	  // Constructor with a graph and a default value parameter
deba@57: 	  _Map a2(g,t);
deba@57: 	  // Copy constructor.
deba@57: 	  _Map b(c);
deba@57:           ReadMap<Key, Value> cmap;
deba@57:           b = cmap;
deba@57: 	  ignore_unused_variable_warning(a2);
deba@57: 	  ignore_unused_variable_warning(b);
deba@57: 	}
deba@57: 	const _Map &c;
deba@57: 	const Graph &g;
deba@57: 	const typename GraphMap::Value &t;
deba@57:       };
deba@57:     };
deba@57:     /// \brief An empty mappable digraph class.
deba@57:     ///
deba@57:     /// This class provides beside the core digraph features
deba@57:     /// map interface for the digraph structure.
deba@57:     /// This concept is part of the Digraph concept.
deba@57:     template <typename _Base = BaseDigraphComponent>
deba@57:     class MappableDigraphComponent : public _Base  {
deba@57:     public:
deba@57:       typedef _Base Base;
deba@57:       typedef typename Base::Node Node;
deba@57:       typedef typename Base::Arc Arc;
deba@57:       typedef MappableDigraphComponent Digraph;
deba@57:       /// \brief ReadWrite map of the nodes.
deba@57:       ///
deba@57:       /// ReadWrite map of the nodes.
deba@57:       ///
deba@57:       template <typename _Value>
deba@57:       class NodeMap : public GraphMap<Digraph, Node, _Value> {
deba@57:       public:
deba@57:         typedef GraphMap<MappableDigraphComponent, Node, _Value> Parent;
deba@57: 	/// \brief Construct a new map.
deba@57: 	///
deba@57: 	/// Construct a new map for the digraph.
deba@57: 	explicit NodeMap(const MappableDigraphComponent& digraph) 
deba@57:           : Parent(digraph) {}
deba@57: 	/// \brief Construct a new map with default value.
deba@57: 	///
deba@57: 	/// Construct a new map for the digraph and initalise the values.
deba@57: 	NodeMap(const MappableDigraphComponent& digraph, const _Value& value)
deba@57:           : Parent(digraph, value) {}
deba@57: 	/// \brief Copy constructor.
deba@57: 	///
deba@57: 	/// Copy Constructor.
deba@57: 	NodeMap(const NodeMap& nm) : Parent(nm) {}
deba@57: 	/// \brief Assign operator.
deba@57: 	///
deba@57: 	/// Assign operator.
deba@57:         template <typename CMap>
deba@57:         NodeMap& operator=(const CMap&) { 
deba@57:           checkConcept<ReadMap<Node, _Value>, CMap>();
deba@57:           return *this;
deba@57:         }
deba@57:       };
deba@57:       /// \brief ReadWrite map of the arcs.
deba@57:       ///
deba@57:       /// ReadWrite map of the arcs.
deba@57:       ///
deba@57:       template <typename _Value>
deba@57:       class ArcMap : public GraphMap<Digraph, Arc, _Value> {
deba@57:       public:
deba@57:         typedef GraphMap<MappableDigraphComponent, Arc, _Value> Parent;
deba@57: 	/// \brief Construct a new map.
deba@57: 	///
deba@57: 	/// Construct a new map for the digraph.
deba@57: 	explicit ArcMap(const MappableDigraphComponent& digraph) 
deba@57:           : Parent(digraph) {}
deba@57: 	/// \brief Construct a new map with default value.
deba@57: 	///
deba@57: 	/// Construct a new map for the digraph and initalise the values.
deba@57: 	ArcMap(const MappableDigraphComponent& digraph, const _Value& value)
deba@57:           : Parent(digraph, value) {}
deba@57: 	/// \brief Copy constructor.
deba@57: 	///
deba@57: 	/// Copy Constructor.
deba@57: 	ArcMap(const ArcMap& nm) : Parent(nm) {}
deba@57: 	/// \brief Assign operator.
deba@57: 	///
deba@57: 	/// Assign operator.
deba@57:         template <typename CMap>
deba@57:         ArcMap& operator=(const CMap&) { 
deba@57:           checkConcept<ReadMap<Arc, _Value>, CMap>();
deba@57:           return *this;
deba@57:         }
deba@57:       };
deba@57:       template <typename _Digraph>
deba@57:       struct Constraints {
deba@57: 	struct Dummy {
deba@57: 	  int value;
deba@57: 	  Dummy() : value(0) {}
deba@57: 	  Dummy(int _v) : value(_v) {}
deba@57: 	};
deba@57: 	void constraints() {
deba@57: 	  checkConcept<Base, _Digraph>();
deba@57: 	  { // int map test
deba@57: 	    typedef typename _Digraph::template NodeMap<int> IntNodeMap;
deba@57: 	    checkConcept<GraphMap<_Digraph, typename _Digraph::Node, int>, 
deba@57: 	      IntNodeMap >();
deba@57: 	  } { // bool map test
deba@57: 	    typedef typename _Digraph::template NodeMap<bool> BoolNodeMap;
deba@57: 	    checkConcept<GraphMap<_Digraph, typename _Digraph::Node, bool>,
deba@57: 	      BoolNodeMap >();
deba@57: 	  } { // Dummy map test
deba@57: 	    typedef typename _Digraph::template NodeMap<Dummy> DummyNodeMap;
deba@57: 	    checkConcept<GraphMap<_Digraph, typename _Digraph::Node, Dummy>,
deba@57: 	      DummyNodeMap >();
deba@57: 	  } 
deba@57: 	  { // int map test
deba@57: 	    typedef typename _Digraph::template ArcMap<int> IntArcMap;
deba@57: 	    checkConcept<GraphMap<_Digraph, typename _Digraph::Arc, int>,
deba@57: 	      IntArcMap >();
deba@57: 	  } { // bool map test
deba@57: 	    typedef typename _Digraph::template ArcMap<bool> BoolArcMap;
deba@57: 	    checkConcept<GraphMap<_Digraph, typename _Digraph::Arc, bool>,
deba@57: 	      BoolArcMap >();
deba@57: 	  } { // Dummy map test
deba@57: 	    typedef typename _Digraph::template ArcMap<Dummy> DummyArcMap;
deba@57: 	    checkConcept<GraphMap<_Digraph, typename _Digraph::Arc, Dummy>, 
deba@57: 	      DummyArcMap >();
deba@57: 	  } 
deba@57: 	}
deba@57: 	_Digraph& digraph;
deba@57:       };
deba@57:     };
deba@57:     /// \brief An empty mappable base bipartite graph class.
deba@57:     ///
deba@57:     /// This class provides beside the core graph features
deba@57:     /// map interface for the graph structure.
deba@57:     /// This concept is part of the Graph concept.
deba@57:     template <typename _Base = BaseGraphComponent>
deba@57:     class MappableGraphComponent : public MappableDigraphComponent<_Base>  {
deba@57:     public:
deba@57:       typedef _Base Base;
deba@57:       typedef typename Base::Edge Edge;
deba@57:       typedef MappableGraphComponent Graph;
deba@57:       /// \brief ReadWrite map of the edges.
deba@57:       ///
deba@57:       /// ReadWrite map of the edges.
deba@57:       ///
deba@57:       template <typename _Value>
deba@57:       class EdgeMap : public GraphMap<Graph, Edge, _Value> {  
deba@57:       public:
deba@57:         typedef GraphMap<MappableGraphComponent, Edge, _Value> Parent;
deba@57: 	/// \brief Construct a new map.
deba@57: 	///
deba@57: 	/// Construct a new map for the graph.
deba@57: 	explicit EdgeMap(const MappableGraphComponent& graph) 
deba@57:           : Parent(graph) {}
deba@57: 	/// \brief Construct a new map with default value.
deba@57: 	///
deba@57: 	/// Construct a new map for the graph and initalise the values.
deba@57: 	EdgeMap(const MappableGraphComponent& graph, const _Value& value)
deba@57:           : Parent(graph, value) {}
deba@57: 	/// \brief Copy constructor.
deba@57: 	///
deba@57: 	/// Copy Constructor.
deba@57: 	EdgeMap(const EdgeMap& nm) : Parent(nm) {}
deba@57: 	/// \brief Assign operator.
deba@57: 	///
deba@57: 	/// Assign operator.
deba@57:         template <typename CMap>
deba@57:         EdgeMap& operator=(const CMap&) { 
deba@57:           checkConcept<ReadMap<Edge, _Value>, CMap>();
deba@57:           return *this;
deba@57:         }
deba@57:       };
deba@57:       template <typename _Graph>
deba@57:       struct Constraints {
deba@57: 	struct Dummy {
deba@57: 	  int value;
deba@57: 	  Dummy() : value(0) {}
deba@57: 	  Dummy(int _v) : value(_v) {}
deba@57: 	};
deba@57: 	void constraints() {
deba@57: 	  checkConcept<MappableGraphComponent<Base>, _Graph>();
deba@57: 	  { // int map test
deba@57: 	    typedef typename _Graph::template EdgeMap<int> IntEdgeMap;
deba@57: 	    checkConcept<GraphMap<_Graph, typename _Graph::Edge, int>,
deba@57: 	      IntEdgeMap >();
deba@57: 	  } { // bool map test
deba@57: 	    typedef typename _Graph::template EdgeMap<bool> BoolEdgeMap;
deba@57: 	    checkConcept<GraphMap<_Graph, typename _Graph::Edge, bool>,
deba@57: 	      BoolEdgeMap >();
deba@57: 	  } { // Dummy map test
deba@57: 	    typedef typename _Graph::template EdgeMap<Dummy> DummyEdgeMap;
deba@57: 	    checkConcept<GraphMap<_Graph, typename _Graph::Edge, Dummy>, 
deba@57: 	      DummyEdgeMap >();
deba@57: 	  } 
deba@57: 	}
deba@57: 	_Graph& graph;
deba@57:       };
deba@57:     };
deba@57:     /// \brief An empty extendable digraph class.
deba@57:     ///
deba@57:     /// This class provides beside the core digraph features digraph
deba@57:     /// extendable interface for the digraph structure.  The main
deba@57:     /// difference between the base and this interface is that the
deba@57:     /// digraph alterations should handled already on this level.
deba@57:     template <typename _Base = BaseDigraphComponent>
deba@57:     class ExtendableDigraphComponent : public _Base {
deba@57:     public:
deba@57:       typedef _Base Base;
deba@57:       typedef typename _Base::Node Node;
deba@57:       typedef typename _Base::Arc Arc;
deba@57:       /// \brief Adds a new node to the digraph.
deba@57:       ///
deba@57:       /// Adds a new node to the digraph.
deba@57:       ///
deba@57:       Node addNode() {
deba@57: 	return INVALID;
deba@57:       }
deba@57:       /// \brief Adds a new arc connects the given two nodes.
deba@57:       ///
deba@57:       /// Adds a new arc connects the the given two nodes.
deba@57:       Arc addArc(const Node&, const Node&) {
deba@57: 	return INVALID;
deba@57:       }
deba@57:       template <typename _Digraph>
deba@57:       struct Constraints {
deba@57: 	void constraints() {
deba@57:           checkConcept<Base, _Digraph>();
deba@57: 	  typename _Digraph::Node node_a, node_b;
deba@57: 	  node_a = digraph.addNode();
deba@57: 	  node_b = digraph.addNode();
deba@57: 	  typename _Digraph::Arc arc;
deba@57: 	  arc = digraph.addArc(node_a, node_b);
deba@57: 	}
deba@57: 	_Digraph& digraph;
deba@57:       };
deba@57:     };
deba@57:     /// \brief An empty extendable base undirected graph class.
deba@57:     ///
deba@57:     /// This class provides beside the core undirected graph features
deba@57:     /// core undircted graph extend interface for the graph structure.
deba@57:     /// The main difference between the base and this interface is
deba@57:     /// that the graph alterations should handled already on this
deba@57:     /// level.
deba@57:     template <typename _Base = BaseGraphComponent>
deba@57:     class ExtendableGraphComponent : public _Base {
deba@57:     public:
deba@57:       typedef _Base Base;
deba@57:       typedef typename _Base::Node Node;
deba@57:       typedef typename _Base::Edge Edge;
deba@57:       /// \brief Adds a new node to the graph.
deba@57:       ///
deba@57:       /// Adds a new node to the graph.
deba@57:       ///
deba@57:       Node addNode() {
deba@57: 	return INVALID;
deba@57:       }
deba@57:       /// \brief Adds a new arc connects the given two nodes.
deba@57:       ///
deba@57:       /// Adds a new arc connects the the given two nodes.
deba@57:       Edge addArc(const Node&, const Node&) {
deba@57: 	return INVALID;
deba@57:       }
deba@57:       template <typename _Graph>
deba@57:       struct Constraints {
deba@57: 	void constraints() {
deba@57: 	  checkConcept<Base, _Graph>();
deba@57: 	  typename _Graph::Node node_a, node_b;
deba@57: 	  node_a = graph.addNode();
deba@57: 	  node_b = graph.addNode();
deba@57: 	  typename _Graph::Edge edge;
deba@57: 	  edge = graph.addEdge(node_a, node_b);
deba@57: 	}
deba@57: 	_Graph& graph;
deba@57:       };
deba@57:     };
deba@57:     /// \brief An empty erasable digraph class.
deba@57:     ///  
deba@57:     /// This class provides beside the core digraph features core erase
deba@57:     /// functions for the digraph structure. The main difference between
deba@57:     /// the base and this interface is that the digraph alterations
deba@57:     /// should handled already on this level.
deba@57:     template <typename _Base = BaseDigraphComponent>
deba@57:     class ErasableDigraphComponent : public _Base {
deba@57:     public:
deba@57:       typedef _Base Base;
deba@57:       typedef typename Base::Node Node;
deba@57:       typedef typename Base::Arc Arc;
deba@57:       /// \brief Erase a node from the digraph.
deba@57:       ///
deba@57:       /// Erase a node from the digraph. This function should 
deba@57:       /// erase all arcs connecting to the node.
deba@57:       void erase(const Node&) {}    
deba@57:       /// \brief Erase an arc from the digraph.
deba@57:       ///
deba@57:       /// Erase an arc from the digraph.
deba@57:       ///
deba@57:       void erase(const Arc&) {}
deba@57:       template <typename _Digraph>
deba@57:       struct Constraints {
deba@57: 	void constraints() {
deba@57:           checkConcept<Base, _Digraph>();
deba@57: 	  typename _Digraph::Node node;
deba@57: 	  digraph.erase(node);
deba@57: 	  typename _Digraph::Arc arc;
deba@57: 	  digraph.erase(arc);
deba@57: 	}
deba@57: 	_Digraph& digraph;
deba@57:       };
deba@57:     };
deba@57:     /// \brief An empty erasable base undirected graph class.
deba@57:     ///  
deba@57:     /// This class provides beside the core undirected graph features
deba@57:     /// core erase functions for the undirceted graph structure. The
deba@57:     /// main difference between the base and this interface is that
deba@57:     /// the graph alterations should handled already on this level.
deba@57:     template <typename _Base = BaseGraphComponent>
deba@57:     class ErasableGraphComponent : public _Base {
deba@57:     public:
deba@57:       typedef _Base Base;
deba@57:       typedef typename Base::Node Node;
deba@57:       typedef typename Base::Edge Edge;
deba@57:       /// \brief Erase a node from the graph.
deba@57:       ///
deba@57:       /// Erase a node from the graph. This function should erase
deba@57:       /// arcs connecting to the node.
deba@57:       void erase(const Node&) {}    
deba@57:       /// \brief Erase an arc from the graph.
deba@57:       ///
deba@57:       /// Erase an arc from the graph.
deba@57:       ///
deba@57:       void erase(const Edge&) {}
deba@57:       template <typename _Graph>
deba@57:       struct Constraints {
deba@57: 	void constraints() {
deba@57:           checkConcept<Base, _Graph>();
deba@57: 	  typename _Graph::Node node;
deba@57: 	  graph.erase(node);
deba@57: 	  typename _Graph::Arc arc;
deba@57: 	  graph.erase(arc);
deba@57: 	}
deba@57: 	_Graph& graph;
deba@57:       };
deba@57:     };
deba@57:     /// \brief An empty clearable base digraph class.
deba@57:     ///
deba@57:     /// This class provides beside the core digraph features core clear
deba@57:     /// functions for the digraph structure. The main difference between
deba@57:     /// the base and this interface is that the digraph alterations
deba@57:     /// should handled already on this level.
deba@57:     template <typename _Base = BaseDigraphComponent>
deba@57:     class ClearableDigraphComponent : public _Base {
deba@57:     public:
deba@57:       typedef _Base Base;
deba@57:       /// \brief Erase all nodes and arcs from the digraph.
deba@57:       ///
deba@57:       /// Erase all nodes and arcs from the digraph.
deba@57:       ///
deba@57:       void clear() {}    
deba@57:       template <typename _Digraph>
deba@57:       struct Constraints {
deba@57: 	void constraints() {
deba@57:           checkConcept<Base, _Digraph>();
deba@57: 	  digraph.clear();
deba@57: 	}
deba@57: 	_Digraph digraph;
deba@57:       };
deba@57:     };
deba@57:     /// \brief An empty clearable base undirected graph class.
deba@57:     ///
deba@57:     /// This class provides beside the core undirected graph features
deba@57:     /// core clear functions for the undirected graph structure. The
deba@57:     /// main difference between the base and this interface is that
deba@57:     /// the graph alterations should handled already on this level.
deba@57:     template <typename _Base = BaseGraphComponent>
deba@57:     class ClearableGraphComponent : public ClearableDigraphComponent<_Base> {
deba@57:     public:
deba@57:       typedef _Base Base;
deba@57:       template <typename _Graph>
deba@57:       struct Constraints {
deba@57: 	void constraints() {
deba@57:           checkConcept<ClearableGraphComponent<Base>, _Graph>();
deba@57: 	}
deba@57: 	_Graph graph;
deba@57:       };
deba@57:     };
deba@57:   }
deba@57: }
deba@57: #endif