diff -r 70b199792735 -r ad40f7d32846 test/fractional_matching_test.cc
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test/fractional_matching_test.cc	Sun Aug 11 15:28:12 2013 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,527 @@
+/* -*- mode: C++; indent-tabs-mode: nil; -*-
+ *
+ * This file is a part of LEMON, a generic C++ optimization library.
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2003-2010
+ * Egervary Jeno Kombinatorikus Optimalizalasi Kutatocsoport
+ * (Egervary Research Group on Combinatorial Optimization, EGRES).
+ *
+ * Permission to use, modify and distribute this software is granted
+ * provided that this copyright notice appears in all copies. For
+ * precise terms see the accompanying LICENSE file.
+ *
+ * This software is provided "AS IS" with no warranty of any kind,
+ * express or implied, and with no claim as to its suitability for any
+ * purpose.
+ *
+ */
+#include <iostream>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <vector>
+#include <queue>
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <lemon/fractional_matching.h>
+#include <lemon/smart_graph.h>
+#include <lemon/concepts/graph.h>
+#include <lemon/concepts/maps.h>
+#include <lemon/lgf_reader.h>
+#include <lemon/math.h>
+#include "test_tools.h"
+using namespace std;
+using namespace lemon;
+const int lgfn = 4;
+const std::string lgf[lgfn] = {
+  "@nodes\n"
+  "label\n"
+  "0\n"
+  "1\n"
+  "2\n"
+  "3\n"
+  "4\n"
+  "5\n"
+  "6\n"
+  "7\n"
+  "@edges\n"
+  "     label  weight\n"
+  "7 4  0      984\n"
+  "0 7  1      73\n"
+  "7 1  2      204\n"
+  "2 3  3      583\n"
+  "2 7  4      565\n"
+  "2 1  5      582\n"
+  "0 4  6      551\n"
+  "2 5  7      385\n"
+  "1 5  8      561\n"
+  "5 3  9      484\n"
+  "7 5  10     904\n"
+  "3 6  11     47\n"
+  "7 6  12     888\n"
+  "3 0  13     747\n"
+  "6 1  14     310\n",
+  "@nodes\n"
+  "label\n"
+  "0\n"
+  "1\n"
+  "2\n"
+  "3\n"
+  "4\n"
+  "5\n"
+  "6\n"
+  "7\n"
+  "@edges\n"
+  "     label  weight\n"
+  "2 5  0      710\n"
+  "0 5  1      241\n"
+  "2 4  2      856\n"
+  "2 6  3      762\n"
+  "4 1  4      747\n"
+  "6 1  5      962\n"
+  "4 7  6      723\n"
+  "1 7  7      661\n"
+  "2 3  8      376\n"
+  "1 0  9      416\n"
+  "6 7  10     391\n",
+  "@nodes\n"
+  "label\n"
+  "0\n"
+  "1\n"
+  "2\n"
+  "3\n"
+  "4\n"
+  "5\n"
+  "6\n"
+  "7\n"
+  "@edges\n"
+  "     label  weight\n"
+  "6 2  0      553\n"
+  "0 7  1      653\n"
+  "6 3  2      22\n"
+  "4 7  3      846\n"
+  "7 2  4      981\n"
+  "7 6  5      250\n"
+  "5 2  6      539\n",
+  "@nodes\n"
+  "label\n"
+  "0\n"
+  "@edges\n"
+  "     label  weight\n"
+  "0 0  0      100\n"
+void checkMaxFractionalMatchingCompile()
+  typedef concepts::Graph Graph;
+  typedef Graph::Node Node;
+  typedef Graph::Edge Edge;
+  Graph g;
+  Node n;
+  Edge e;
+  MaxFractionalMatching<Graph> mat_test(g);
+  const MaxFractionalMatching<Graph>&
+    const_mat_test = mat_test;
+  mat_test.init();
+  mat_test.start();
+  mat_test.start(true);
+  mat_test.startPerfect();
+  mat_test.startPerfect(true);
+  mat_test.run();
+  mat_test.run(true);
+  mat_test.runPerfect();
+  mat_test.runPerfect(true);
+  const_mat_test.matchingSize();
+  const_mat_test.matching(e);
+  const_mat_test.matching(n);
+  const MaxFractionalMatching<Graph>::MatchingMap& mmap =
+    const_mat_test.matchingMap();
+  e = mmap[n];
+  const_mat_test.barrier(n);
+void checkMaxWeightedFractionalMatchingCompile()
+  typedef concepts::Graph Graph;
+  typedef Graph::Node Node;
+  typedef Graph::Edge Edge;
+  typedef Graph::EdgeMap<int> WeightMap;
+  Graph g;
+  Node n;
+  Edge e;
+  WeightMap w(g);
+  MaxWeightedFractionalMatching<Graph> mat_test(g, w);
+  const MaxWeightedFractionalMatching<Graph>&
+    const_mat_test = mat_test;
+  mat_test.init();
+  mat_test.start();
+  mat_test.run();
+  const_mat_test.matchingWeight();
+  const_mat_test.matchingSize();
+  const_mat_test.matching(e);
+  const_mat_test.matching(n);
+  const MaxWeightedFractionalMatching<Graph>::MatchingMap& mmap =
+    const_mat_test.matchingMap();
+  e = mmap[n];
+  const_mat_test.dualValue();
+  const_mat_test.nodeValue(n);
+void checkMaxWeightedPerfectFractionalMatchingCompile()
+  typedef concepts::Graph Graph;
+  typedef Graph::Node Node;
+  typedef Graph::Edge Edge;
+  typedef Graph::EdgeMap<int> WeightMap;
+  Graph g;
+  Node n;
+  Edge e;
+  WeightMap w(g);
+  MaxWeightedPerfectFractionalMatching<Graph> mat_test(g, w);
+  const MaxWeightedPerfectFractionalMatching<Graph>&
+    const_mat_test = mat_test;
+  mat_test.init();
+  mat_test.start();
+  mat_test.run();
+  const_mat_test.matchingWeight();
+  const_mat_test.matching(e);
+  const_mat_test.matching(n);
+  const MaxWeightedPerfectFractionalMatching<Graph>::MatchingMap& mmap =
+    const_mat_test.matchingMap();
+  e = mmap[n];
+  const_mat_test.dualValue();
+  const_mat_test.nodeValue(n);
+void checkFractionalMatching(const SmartGraph& graph,
+                             const MaxFractionalMatching<SmartGraph>& mfm,
+                             bool allow_loops = true) {
+  int pv = 0;
+  for (SmartGraph::NodeIt n(graph); n != INVALID; ++n) {
+    int indeg = 0;
+    for (InArcIt a(graph, n); a != INVALID; ++a) {
+      if (mfm.matching(graph.source(a)) == a) {
+        ++indeg;
+      }
+    }
+    if (mfm.matching(n) != INVALID) {
+      check(indeg == 1, "Invalid matching");
+      ++pv;
+    } else {
+      check(indeg == 0, "Invalid matching");
+    }
+  }
+  check(pv == mfm.matchingSize(), "Wrong matching size");
+  for (SmartGraph::EdgeIt e(graph); e != INVALID; ++e) {
+    check((e == mfm.matching(graph.u(e)) ? 1 : 0) +
+          (e == mfm.matching(graph.v(e)) ? 1 : 0) ==
+          mfm.matching(e), "Invalid matching");
+  }
+  SmartGraph::NodeMap<bool> processed(graph, false);
+  for (SmartGraph::NodeIt n(graph); n != INVALID; ++n) {
+    if (processed[n]) continue;
+    processed[n] = true;
+    if (mfm.matching(n) == INVALID) continue;
+    int num = 1;
+    Node v = graph.target(mfm.matching(n));
+    while (v != n) {
+      processed[v] = true;
+      ++num;
+      v = graph.target(mfm.matching(v));
+    }
+    check(num == 2 || num % 2 == 1, "Wrong cycle size");
+    check(allow_loops || num != 1, "Wrong cycle size");
+  }
+  int anum = 0, bnum = 0;
+  SmartGraph::NodeMap<bool> neighbours(graph, false);
+  for (SmartGraph::NodeIt n(graph); n != INVALID; ++n) {
+    if (!mfm.barrier(n)) continue;
+    ++anum;
+    for (SmartGraph::InArcIt a(graph, n); a != INVALID; ++a) {
+      Node u = graph.source(a);
+      if (!allow_loops && u == n) continue;
+      if (!neighbours[u]) {
+        neighbours[u] = true;
+        ++bnum;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  check(anum - bnum + mfm.matchingSize() == countNodes(graph),
+        "Wrong barrier");
+void checkPerfectFractionalMatching(const SmartGraph& graph,
+                             const MaxFractionalMatching<SmartGraph>& mfm,
+                             bool perfect, bool allow_loops = true) {
+  if (perfect) {
+    for (SmartGraph::NodeIt n(graph); n != INVALID; ++n) {
+      int indeg = 0;
+      for (InArcIt a(graph, n); a != INVALID; ++a) {
+        if (mfm.matching(graph.source(a)) == a) {
+          ++indeg;
+        }
+      }
+      check(mfm.matching(n) != INVALID, "Invalid matching");
+      check(indeg == 1, "Invalid matching");
+    }
+    for (SmartGraph::EdgeIt e(graph); e != INVALID; ++e) {
+      check((e == mfm.matching(graph.u(e)) ? 1 : 0) +
+            (e == mfm.matching(graph.v(e)) ? 1 : 0) ==
+            mfm.matching(e), "Invalid matching");
+    }
+  } else {
+    int anum = 0, bnum = 0;
+    SmartGraph::NodeMap<bool> neighbours(graph, false);
+    for (SmartGraph::NodeIt n(graph); n != INVALID; ++n) {
+      if (!mfm.barrier(n)) continue;
+      ++anum;
+      for (SmartGraph::InArcIt a(graph, n); a != INVALID; ++a) {
+        Node u = graph.source(a);
+        if (!allow_loops && u == n) continue;
+        if (!neighbours[u]) {
+          neighbours[u] = true;
+          ++bnum;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    check(anum - bnum > 0, "Wrong barrier");
+  }
+void checkWeightedFractionalMatching(const SmartGraph& graph,
+                   const SmartGraph::EdgeMap<int>& weight,
+                   const MaxWeightedFractionalMatching<SmartGraph>& mwfm,
+                   bool allow_loops = true) {
+  for (SmartGraph::EdgeIt e(graph); e != INVALID; ++e) {
+    if (graph.u(e) == graph.v(e) && !allow_loops) continue;
+    int rw = mwfm.nodeValue(graph.u(e)) + mwfm.nodeValue(graph.v(e))
+      - weight[e] * mwfm.dualScale;
+    check(rw >= 0, "Negative reduced weight");
+    check(rw == 0 || !mwfm.matching(e),
+          "Non-zero reduced weight on matching edge");
+  }
+  int pv = 0;
+  for (SmartGraph::NodeIt n(graph); n != INVALID; ++n) {
+    int indeg = 0;
+    for (InArcIt a(graph, n); a != INVALID; ++a) {
+      if (mwfm.matching(graph.source(a)) == a) {
+        ++indeg;
+      }
+    }
+    check(indeg <= 1, "Invalid matching");
+    if (mwfm.matching(n) != INVALID) {
+      check(mwfm.nodeValue(n) >= 0, "Invalid node value");
+      check(indeg == 1, "Invalid matching");
+      pv += weight[mwfm.matching(n)];
+      SmartGraph::Node o = graph.target(mwfm.matching(n));
+      ::lemon::ignore_unused_variable_warning(o);
+    } else {
+      check(mwfm.nodeValue(n) == 0, "Invalid matching");
+      check(indeg == 0, "Invalid matching");
+    }
+  }
+  for (SmartGraph::EdgeIt e(graph); e != INVALID; ++e) {
+    check((e == mwfm.matching(graph.u(e)) ? 1 : 0) +
+          (e == mwfm.matching(graph.v(e)) ? 1 : 0) ==
+          mwfm.matching(e), "Invalid matching");
+  }
+  int dv = 0;
+  for (SmartGraph::NodeIt n(graph); n != INVALID; ++n) {
+    dv += mwfm.nodeValue(n);
+  }
+  check(pv * mwfm.dualScale == dv * 2, "Wrong duality");
+  SmartGraph::NodeMap<bool> processed(graph, false);
+  for (SmartGraph::NodeIt n(graph); n != INVALID; ++n) {
+    if (processed[n]) continue;
+    processed[n] = true;
+    if (mwfm.matching(n) == INVALID) continue;
+    int num = 1;
+    Node v = graph.target(mwfm.matching(n));
+    while (v != n) {
+      processed[v] = true;
+      ++num;
+      v = graph.target(mwfm.matching(v));
+    }
+    check(num == 2 || num % 2 == 1, "Wrong cycle size");
+    check(allow_loops || num != 1, "Wrong cycle size");
+  }
+  return;
+void checkWeightedPerfectFractionalMatching(const SmartGraph& graph,
+                const SmartGraph::EdgeMap<int>& weight,
+                const MaxWeightedPerfectFractionalMatching<SmartGraph>& mwpfm,
+                bool allow_loops = true) {
+  for (SmartGraph::EdgeIt e(graph); e != INVALID; ++e) {
+    if (graph.u(e) == graph.v(e) && !allow_loops) continue;
+    int rw = mwpfm.nodeValue(graph.u(e)) + mwpfm.nodeValue(graph.v(e))
+      - weight[e] * mwpfm.dualScale;
+    check(rw >= 0, "Negative reduced weight");
+    check(rw == 0 || !mwpfm.matching(e),
+          "Non-zero reduced weight on matching edge");
+  }
+  int pv = 0;
+  for (SmartGraph::NodeIt n(graph); n != INVALID; ++n) {
+    int indeg = 0;
+    for (InArcIt a(graph, n); a != INVALID; ++a) {
+      if (mwpfm.matching(graph.source(a)) == a) {
+        ++indeg;
+      }
+    }
+    check(mwpfm.matching(n) != INVALID, "Invalid perfect matching");
+    check(indeg == 1, "Invalid perfect matching");
+    pv += weight[mwpfm.matching(n)];
+    SmartGraph::Node o = graph.target(mwpfm.matching(n));
+    ::lemon::ignore_unused_variable_warning(o);
+  }
+  for (SmartGraph::EdgeIt e(graph); e != INVALID; ++e) {
+    check((e == mwpfm.matching(graph.u(e)) ? 1 : 0) +
+          (e == mwpfm.matching(graph.v(e)) ? 1 : 0) ==
+          mwpfm.matching(e), "Invalid matching");
+  }
+  int dv = 0;
+  for (SmartGraph::NodeIt n(graph); n != INVALID; ++n) {
+    dv += mwpfm.nodeValue(n);
+  }
+  check(pv * mwpfm.dualScale == dv * 2, "Wrong duality");
+  SmartGraph::NodeMap<bool> processed(graph, false);
+  for (SmartGraph::NodeIt n(graph); n != INVALID; ++n) {
+    if (processed[n]) continue;
+    processed[n] = true;
+    if (mwpfm.matching(n) == INVALID) continue;
+    int num = 1;
+    Node v = graph.target(mwpfm.matching(n));
+    while (v != n) {
+      processed[v] = true;
+      ++num;
+      v = graph.target(mwpfm.matching(v));
+    }
+    check(num == 2 || num % 2 == 1, "Wrong cycle size");
+    check(allow_loops || num != 1, "Wrong cycle size");
+  }
+  return;
+int main() {
+  for (int i = 0; i < lgfn; ++i) {
+    SmartGraph graph;
+    SmartGraph::EdgeMap<int> weight(graph);
+    istringstream lgfs(lgf[i]);
+    graphReader(graph, lgfs).
+      edgeMap("weight", weight).run();
+    bool perfect_with_loops;
+    {
+      MaxFractionalMatching<SmartGraph> mfm(graph, true);
+      mfm.run();
+      checkFractionalMatching(graph, mfm, true);
+      perfect_with_loops = mfm.matchingSize() == countNodes(graph);
+    }
+    bool perfect_without_loops;
+    {
+      MaxFractionalMatching<SmartGraph> mfm(graph, false);
+      mfm.run();
+      checkFractionalMatching(graph, mfm, false);
+      perfect_without_loops = mfm.matchingSize() == countNodes(graph);
+    }
+    {
+      MaxFractionalMatching<SmartGraph> mfm(graph, true);
+      bool result = mfm.runPerfect();
+      checkPerfectFractionalMatching(graph, mfm, result, true);
+      check(result == perfect_with_loops, "Wrong perfect matching");
+    }
+    {
+      MaxFractionalMatching<SmartGraph> mfm(graph, false);
+      bool result = mfm.runPerfect();
+      checkPerfectFractionalMatching(graph, mfm, result, false);
+      check(result == perfect_without_loops, "Wrong perfect matching");
+    }
+    {
+      MaxWeightedFractionalMatching<SmartGraph> mwfm(graph, weight, true);
+      mwfm.run();
+      checkWeightedFractionalMatching(graph, weight, mwfm, true);
+    }
+    {
+      MaxWeightedFractionalMatching<SmartGraph> mwfm(graph, weight, false);
+      mwfm.run();
+      checkWeightedFractionalMatching(graph, weight, mwfm, false);
+    }
+    {
+      MaxWeightedPerfectFractionalMatching<SmartGraph> mwpfm(graph, weight,
+                                                             true);
+      bool perfect = mwpfm.run();
+      check(perfect == (mwpfm.matchingSize() == countNodes(graph)),
+            "Perfect matching found");
+      check(perfect == perfect_with_loops, "Wrong perfect matching");
+      if (perfect) {
+        checkWeightedPerfectFractionalMatching(graph, weight, mwpfm, true);
+      }
+    }
+    {
+      MaxWeightedPerfectFractionalMatching<SmartGraph> mwpfm(graph, weight,
+                                                             false);
+      bool perfect = mwpfm.run();
+      check(perfect == (mwpfm.matchingSize() == countNodes(graph)),
+            "Perfect matching found");
+      check(perfect == perfect_without_loops, "Wrong perfect matching");
+      if (perfect) {
+        checkWeightedPerfectFractionalMatching(graph, weight, mwpfm, false);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return 0;