# HG changeset patch
# User Peter Kovacs <kpeter@inf.elte.hu>
# Date 1240568597 -7200
# Node ID 19b6f20e0ea23619587c72c77c5442ee5602f23c
# Parent  b1811c363299b056b9ac0f2ddc3ce9e4c5e50520
Support LEQ and GEQ supply constraints in dimacs-solver (#234, #219)

diff -r b1811c363299 -r 19b6f20e0ea2 tools/dimacs-solver.cc
--- a/tools/dimacs-solver.cc	Fri Apr 24 12:22:06 2009 +0200
+++ b/tools/dimacs-solver.cc	Fri Apr 24 12:23:17 2009 +0200
@@ -93,24 +93,42 @@
 template<class Value>
 void solve_min(ArgParser &ap, std::istream &is, std::ostream &,
-               DimacsDescriptor &desc)
+               Value infty, DimacsDescriptor &desc)
   bool report = !ap.given("q");
   Digraph g;
   Digraph::ArcMap<Value> lower(g), cap(g), cost(g);
   Digraph::NodeMap<Value> sup(g);
   Timer ti;
-  readDimacsMin(is, g, lower, cap, cost, sup, 0, desc);
+  readDimacsMin(is, g, lower, cap, cost, sup, infty, desc);
+  ti.stop();
+  Value sum_sup = 0;
+  for (Digraph::NodeIt n(g); n != INVALID; ++n) {
+    sum_sup += sup[n];
+  }
+  if (report) {
+    std::cerr << "Sum of supply values: " << sum_sup << "\n";
+    if (sum_sup <= 0)
+      std::cerr << "GEQ supply contraints are used for NetworkSimplex\n\n";
+    else
+      std::cerr << "LEQ supply contraints are used for NetworkSimplex\n\n";
+  }
   if (report) std::cerr << "Read the file: " << ti << '\n';
   NetworkSimplex<Digraph, Value> ns(g);
+  if (sum_sup > 0) ns.problemType(ns.LEQ);
   if (report) std::cerr << "Setup NetworkSimplex class: " << ti << '\n';
-  ns.run();
-  if (report) std::cerr << "Run NetworkSimplex: " << ti << '\n';
-  if (report) std::cerr << "\nMin flow cost: " << ns.totalCost() << '\n';
+  bool res = ns.run();
+  if (report) {
+    std::cerr << "Run NetworkSimplex: " << ti << "\n\n";
+    std::cerr << "Feasible flow: " << (res ? "found" : "not found") << '\n';
+    if (res) std::cerr << "Min flow cost: " << ns.totalCost() << '\n';
+  }
 void solve_mat(ArgParser &ap, std::istream &is, std::ostream &,
@@ -151,7 +169,7 @@
     case DimacsDescriptor::MIN:
-      solve_min<Value>(ap,is,os,desc);
+      solve_min<Value>(ap,is,os,infty,desc);
     case DimacsDescriptor::MAX: